HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/28/2008 (3) J-- 1...LJ 1...LJ I~ I co U)t Q: :J U I ~- l..LJ :~ (:x:: L1 -=:( :~ T.L. T.L. ~0 -'\ -' ~'-) GRAPHIC SCALE 1~ e I 10 I 20 I 40 I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch . 10 It. 6800 6700 T.L. 6900 12' PUE _____________ I J' ~.,r:,' ~ - - _ _ _ _L _ ~~________ ~~- L1 <1 ~~ :'\. tx'-) '?' Ll \ ~ "'>- laa --.--._--_......._~------- ",10 "sJ2: S 89041'03" E ) 136.51' .-.-..-~----~~~ 6' (J~ ~'b .,,~ . " <J o.l'- ~.r q, ~ .......- ",,- (', \ ~<o :'\" \x<J ~ f } ~ ~ 40 <J <7<:;- '-',,0 ,j '0'0 v-,'b k AI L.l \ ( 1 \ I v-, I q,?5- 0 j I ,.;-')~ 0 C'.I I <.0 I '\ . I 51,9' WIDe ~ AREA FOR ,1 l.LJ PARKING LOT '" /l ... <1 Dlnd "'\ ' ~Y)~ 6 ). () t '-)~ <;:'P ~ v-, "\ t>:- t::J lJ.J ~ C) ( .J I / L1 T.L. p,' WOODEN [XISTING ASPHAL T P ARt<lNG LOT IMPERVIOUS AREA 3, SQ FT (lOT AND SIDEWALKS) <1 00 lr) "';j- L.l I ( !O q,~ vt.'0 t01 ..q- ,,<)x . tx~'b '. C'.I ..q- u -{} N 89041'03" W "t- ~+ ~ O~ 0"- ~ (.~ a~ ~ ~ ~" ~ :3: 8100 l \ Y,,'0 \ ~~<'0' \ ... '" o o ... " \ ) <J ./ r " \ '\ T.L. 8200 Q) ..q- o co \ \ I ( / 1&:1' I / <J L.l ! I <J I I / / 24.4' I I I I I I 0:) . . lO "';j- { \ x } "t- v-, '0 t, I I I I ( I 1<'0 I r., <0 k \ <J \ I Ll <J ~ ~ ~l;x :'\. , ~) L1 J L1 4 er:,t-. y ,<,"\<0' h l\ (. '1(\ 24.7' L1 Ll .-..-..-..-....-.. <J Ll 'Ll -~-- 8~o41 <J ~ cnNCRET[ SIOEWALI< <J <J L.l L1 4 . f'\ '. ~# - \ \ ---- - ------"'" ~ "'--- ..... ! 18' _=J PEO RAMPS 1P8 or- SURVEYOR'S NOTI~S OJ VICINITY MAP TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR CORKEY GOURLEY SW 1/4, SW 1/4, SECTION 25, T 17 $, R 3 W, W. M. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON APRIL 13, 2007 WELLHEAD lONE: 2 TO 5 YEAR TIME OF TRAVEL ZONE ZONED: HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL SOIL TYPE: COBURG, URBAN LAND COMPLEX (32) ~ ASSESSOR'S MAP NO. 17-03-25-33 TAX LOTS 8200 & 8300 TOLBERT ASSOC/A TES, LLC LAND SURVEYING & LAND USE PLANNING P.O. BOX 70224 (83 CENTENNIAL LOOP, SUITE 1) EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (541) 359-8426 FAX (541) 747-0177 LLOYDOTOLBERT ASSOCIA TES. COM CADD F/LE-1160TOP02.DWG OWN BY: TMY CHK BY: LL T 1_ CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD ELEVA nONS ARE BASED ON CIT! OF' SPRINGFIELD DATUM, BENCHMARK NO. 230, SQUARE CHISELED IN THE TOP OF CURB AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF PARKER STREET A T THE .A.JNCnON WITH MARKT STREET. ElEV A nON: 459.20', p -- o(JeQ'1 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN- 2 8 2008 REVISIONS BY (J) I- Z WI- ~W WW).... >0:::l.aJ ~~~ Cl.1-:::5 ~W~ -~'-.J 1-0:::).... O<(~ -1~~ <..?O~ Z~'-.J -to ~~ 0::: <( Cl. c o - CL en c o .- -+-' .- \J C o () CJ1 C .- -+-' en .- x W ~ lE U:I. ZI CJ >!I ZI w ::j I~I ~ {Q ~; I ~ ~,,~ ~ DATE JULY 2007 SCALE AS NOTED DRAWN JEE JOB SVA06-125 SHEET 1 OF 4 SHEETS T.L. 6700 -------------.- ~-"-~~-....,,--.,'~..-.,~~.-..'~ State Farm Insurance Parking Lot Expansion Owner: Corkey Gourley Site Address: 131 0 Market Street EXISTING LOT AREA: 14,377 SQ. FT. EXISTING BUILDING AREA: 2,870 SQ. FT. EXISTING PARKING LOT AREA: 3,000 SQ. FT. EXISTING ALLEYWA Y: 785 SQ. FT. NEW PARKING LOT AREA: 2,485 SQ. FT. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: 9,140 SQ. FT. IMPERVIOUS AREA COVERAGE 63.6% LANDSCAPE AREA; 5,237 SQ. FT. LANDSCAPE COVERAGE 36.4% EXISTING 6' WOODEN FENCE T.L. 8100 SURFACE INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . INDICATES EXISTING AC AREA TO REMAIN . . . . . . . . . . . INDICATES AREA OF NEW AC PAVING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . .. 'j INDICATES EXISTING GRA VEL ALLEY INDICA TES EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALKS j <7.j INDICATES NEW WATER QUALITY SWALE AREA INDICATES NEW LANDSCAPE AREA EXISTING 6' WOODEN FENCE T. L. 6800 T.L. 690C) --------------------------------.-------- t S N LLE S 89.41'03" E 136.51' VEGETA TED STORM WA TER TREA TMENT 1 Q.1' SWALE 272 Sq,Ft,_ _____ - - -----..........-----~' ----.---.;;;;;;- .....;;;.-;;;;;;;;;;;;-~-.::.-.:=:.... - - - - - 1 5 2' EXISTING 6' . . WOODEN FENCE 6" STORM L= 99.0' 5-0.0100 ---------ars'1filGr- WOODEN FENCE --c!fYBf;;R~rrJP__~ LANDSCAPE AREA : :~.~~.:: ....:::::::..::.:.::.:...: 5~: 0" : . : . . . . . : : : : : : : . : : : . : . . : : . . : : : : : . : . . . . . . . . . . ..................................... . . . i .. .' .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : . : :::: .:.....:...:::...::.::::.::.::::.:.....:::::.:.::::::::::.::::::. . 15.4' . . . . .:.:.:.:.:'....,...,.",.,...,.....,'... NEW. A.SPHALT' , . .1 . : . : . 19.8 I . . . . . '. :.:.:.:.:':.:.:.:. 2.~ 16.': ' : . : . : . : ' . , . ',: . . . " ,..'. ' .'.:.:.:. ~ : ' : . : I . . .. ..,....,...,... . ,,!f..~6 ,WIPE, . EMPLOYEES. . . ' . '. . . I~: ~::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~~J~~ : ~~T:pARK:/NG: L:O:r: : : : : : : : : : : < -: -: -: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::: 5: : : : : :F: : : : : : : : : : : : : : ....... :........'.............'.'...'.....'..,:. ~,:4~ . .~q:.. :t: . : . : . : . : . : . . . . . 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STALLS'. , . . , , . .. . . , . . . . . ..~..~..:.:.:.:.: . . :. :::::::::::::::: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: : : : : ,. ... .. ... . . . . . . . . ..~-,"" . . . . . . .. .... . . . ,,:,:,: . : . : , : . : . :. ::::.' 1 ~ :VEHICLE: :::::::::::::::: , . . . . . . .'..,., . . . . . , . , . .' .:': : 0 RHANG : ...:.:.:':..,.,' :.:.:.:. . . . . 5,40' .' , . , . . . , . . : . . . ' .: :.:. .:.,.,.:..' ..'..,.,'.. " ,.', : : : : : : : ~: : 5.0': : : : . : 7: :0: : : . : t : ~L:;A:'~S' c: ,~~~ :AR: ',;: : : :': : : : : . . . . 5.0': : : -:~. : :-: : : : : 0~: : : : : : : ... o. ... . .. . .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. . ,. .. .... 'V'IU "rl;,.. ~,...... -or '" .. . ,. .. .. . . .. .. . ..- .. ., .. .. ... . ,. ... . ... . ... .. "" . ... . " '" . ... . .. w. ... ,. ... .. . '" .. . .. .. . .. ... .. ... . . . " . ... ... II' ... .. .. .. ----D------;:/J89.41'{J3" - W{]62. 98~~---O---- .--[}--{]-..--D----- --[]-- NO NEW LIGHTING PROPOSED "'" ~. T.L. 8300 AREA: 14377 SQ FT 0') ~ c:5 ex> l4J It ~ ~ }:) C) C) :<: T ~<o 0'" v 16.0' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .j ...-- EXISTING 6' WOODEN FENCE ...-- ...-- ...- <J 6- STORM L- 93.0' S-O, 0100 ._.._..~.._':' --.._..~.._.._..~.. . --.. -.. -....--.... -.. -..-- <I <J 5.0' ~ ~ .j <} <J <J .:\ EXISTING BUS STOP /" " ...-- ~:NMg-S 40' CUT 19' CENTENNIAL BOULE'v'ARD --.- -- --------- - --.,..4---..-- GRAPHIC SCALE REVISIONS BY I I _J I~ 5 I LANDSCAPE AREA ~+- ~'?- '" ~ 24.7' ~O ~S ~O ~~ ~ 16: - · · - . . - . . _ . . -.J 0') ~ N ~ ... S: t C) s::> ... l- S tI) 23,8' 1 ~'~ l' .j I I "J I I I . . I I I I 24.4' . 4 i ""<t;J I I I I \ \ ..::: EXISTING CA TCH BASIN RIM 457.61 8" IE OUT (5) 454.85 ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATUM, BENCHMARK NO. 230. SQUARE CHISELED IN THE TOP OF CURB AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF PARKER STREET AT THE JUNCTION WITH MARKET STREET. ELEVATION: 459.20', 10 20 I I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch - 10 It. ....... -. Z3 ~ W W Ct: ~ I UlI r ~ W ~ Ct: <:( :2 40 I PRe M'l1Al REC'O JAN' 2 8 2008 (f) I- Z WI- ~W WW)..., >~l.t.J ~~.~ a..1-::::5 ~W~ -~'-I I-~)..., o<(~ --.J~~ 008 z,- -I") ~,- ~ <( a.. -0 C C o 0 - OlD- C e- Q) -+--'Cl.. ..co 0l(J .- --.Jen -0 ~ C Q) 0 ~--.J U1 ~ Z ii: WI zi o~1 ZJ w 51-I {Q!I~ ~ 8>>1 DATE JULY 2007 SCALE AS NOTED DRAWN JEE JOB SVA06-125 SHEET 2 OF 4 SHEETS I d 1 10 I 0), 5 ~ , -;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - J -----///'/ ..' // ~\\ /, . -------------.-----------------:------ -----:--r/-/ ;! II \ N G A VEL lLE Y S 89-41'03" E 136.51' , 12' PUE / I \~,_.. I i I / ,6- IE OUT 458.10 15 2' I /"7j EXISTING 6' ~ EXlsnNG 6 '~'" . / .____~ .., . ,-, ,./ ~ODEN~,FENC~~ ,', ,-, ,_, ~_n._.-'u~~_/~~O~EN,~NC \__ _,. ,_,,__,~ I - ''', 'It ~ r 1 1 1 J 1 J 1 1 1 1 1 1 ] J, r 1 '1 1 1 .J, ). ). ). 1 1 J. J.)._ J ") . : . : ~~ -w -c.r ~ , ~ ( ,U ~ -"-'\, i I . . .. . 'I' II) I I I ~ i i I I ,/~ I I I I I I" I I T), ~ ~ J. ), ), ), )., "~). ). I, .. ... · .' I 'I 40 . . . . ,....."',,'I'~"T/'Y/'1'.-....(";/1 ,/"'("''1/''(Y 'r"'-"'Y"'r"'-"'y"'y/"y/-'~Y"'Y"'-"'y"( 'r '( I' I' I' ''(' Y " i T I J . . . / I " <1 ~: : : : : : : : "<:y~'l~Y,>'~'1:"~'( ,~~/~"i~>:;T~'(~.~(~("I::r~~(~(~'(~y~~.r~~'I/~r/~( '~' '~'(, :.:. .:.:.:., . / ..j "I . . .,. :.:':':': : : : : : : : : 54~O":: ::::::::::: ' : ' : ' : . : \ . .5.89. . . \ ~~-. : . : . : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (l~: : : : \ . ' ' , . , . , ' , ' . . , ' , ' , - , ' , ' , ' " ',., \ . , : ' : ' : ' : ' : ' : ' : ' : ',,: . : ' : ' : ': :':' t" 5 4' . . . . . . . . . ~ . . .. .. . ii_ :.: -24.76:- _ : - - : . NEW: ASPHAL f : 1: 19.8' I , . , ,41-.76' 'WIDE' 'LMPLOYEES" ] . . , ' , , , , 'C' '.", J LANDSCAPE AREA ~ : . : . : . : . ' PARKING' L.Or: " " " ,', , , f "r.-;... . .' . . : P:ARKING: :LO:T : : : ~ . . . . :4~1B:5 : $q.:F~.: ' g I>: : ~ 1<.: -: < :. ... VEGETA TED STORM.~ 6- IE 458. 10', WA TER TREA TMENT . SWALE 272 Sq. Ft. - ~- ~=<: ,@ ~ ~;-~ :::.. e ... t;{j; m ::." ... ::-:-:.: 6)."- :\. ~a~ ).::::.~:,6!h:::::::::5i?m ~:-:,a :P":-:::::::::6)'1/::::- }4~ :::~ ::':~ffi f>>::.:.:. fl~::::::::::. -r N.'gc. H K H '.. " ." '..,"'; ", ..... .... :'4" ..~.: ....."..:...; .' .': '.~ '. 4.... . ..... . .;: ..." . ~.. . "'-'" .4 . ...... .. . ~ ~ )- .. . . ... '. ..... ..' . .'.... 4" N'r:- W PA RKI ~ 'r:" "'L O. T . . ".. . ..;. .... ..' ." .. ... .' 1 .'.d' '" >->-<H'r--\}-_ 4": :.." :., ~:.'.-:. '.~ '" '~". '.; .. '. . 1:...4 1':4 '.Iv.~' :' ~.~. ~".' '..: ., ;..: . ~ '. ~ 4...:'. .... 4 ~ '.::':. .... .~. ....1 ~. :- '. F' . 's '4' .. 'H' HH)---\' ~ ... . . 4 . -' .., : . '. .' . 4r. ........ .. . ..... . '.. ,.... 4, . . : . I" " . 1 .. "'... ......,. .... '.' ~A'" .... . : '. ' . -C ". . . ...,. " . .. '. ,: \ r-\ )- . ~ '. . . . . . .... . : . . - "... .' . . . ". . ~ , \......' H >--< '. ~ :. . A', ... :4 ." : '. '.,' . . .. .... . . ...... ...t. .."4 . .' . . .. ....... . 4" ~ .... .: ....,. .... . . ': . I H )---<,., . .; . . . . '. I ..,. '. '. ..4 ." . .... \--( H}o- .' .... . ...... . ~ -1.50' -2.00'--1.50'- ~ NEW PARKING LOT ~ GRADED TO SHEET ~ FLOW TO SWALE Q /' / / // /",/ - ,'./ /, / 1~4:1' MA"t. FLA T BOTTOM ~I.I /' 4 /J' " ", 'II I I === I' I I II t '/ /Sf/> ) :;//:':~~=I 1111 i i ! II~=:, 2.5" OF CLASS 'B' A.C. OVER',!" ~ I i I I ~ 8" OF 3/4--0" CRUSHED ROCK OVER~ l>.....:" I i i,;_"~"M"! '" I ./ COMPACTED SUBGRADE>,;>/ ", -/"-, "" / I' 18" OF GROWING MEDIUM OVER~', ' '-"- 12" OF NATIVE AND CLAY SOIL MIXTURE OVER~/', ',/ "., / ", EXISTING NATIVE GROUND--' ' " / :', T.L. 6700 TYPICAL SWALE SECT/ON NTS Vegetated Swale Notes: 1. Topsoil or planting medium will be clean topsoil and amended as required to help establish growing the required plants for the swale. Soil compaction of the growing medium shall not exceed 70%. 2. Swale shall be planted with native grass and low-profile shrubs to completely cover surface. 3. Area under the swale shall be tilled up and non-pourous soil shall be added as required to keep surface waters from infiltrating into the ground. EXISnNG 6' WOODEN FENCE SURFACE INDEX INDICA TES EXISTING AC AREA TO REMAIN INDICATES AREA OF NEW AC PAVING T.L. 8100 INDICATES EXISTING GRA VEL ALLEY INDICATES EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALKS EXISnNG 6' WOODEN FENCE INDICATES NEW WATER QUALITY ~ SWALE AREA INDICATES NEW LANDSCAPE AREA Private Storm Drain Notes: 1. Storm drain pipe shall conform to either ASTM 3034 PVC pipe, concrete pipe conforming to ASTM C14, Closs 3, or be HOPE pipe with a smooth wall such as "N-12" pipe as manufactured by Advanced Drainage Systems. Within 5 feet of a building, drain pipe sholl be ABS piping or other type of piping conforming to the Uniform Plumbing Code. 2. Backfill for the drainage pipe in paved areas sholl be granular backfill compacted to 95% maximum dry density per AASHTO T-99 test method, and in unpaved areas native material shall be compacted to 85% of in place dry density of surrounding soil. 3. Area drain in landscape swale sholl be prefabricated area drain such and may be plastic or steel. Area drain shall have a minimum surface area size of 12"x12". PLANllNG UST: TOTAL AREA 272 SQ. FT. - GRASSES AND GROUND COVERS ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 50% OF SWALE 10" D.C. - TREES: (1 1 /2" AT 6" ABOVE BASE) ~ 3-BETULA JACQUEMONTII r:u..; -JACQUEMONTII BIRCH -SMALL TREES: (3-GALLON CONTAINERS OR EQUIVALENT) e 11-ACER CIRCINTUM - VINE MAPLE -SHRUBS/LARGE GRASS-LIKE PLANTS: (1-GALLON CONTAINERS OR EQUIVALENT) W 8-ROSA PISOCARPA - SWAMP ROSE " 5-MAHONIA NERVOSA - DULL OREGON GRAPE e 4-PHYSOCARPUS CAPITATUS - PACIFIC NINEBARK Paving Notes: 1. The interior parking and walk areas are to be stripped of the organic layer prior to placing base rock. The structural section of the parking lot shall be as noted on the plan. Proof roll subgrade prior to placing rock with loaded 10 yard rock truck. If soft areas are observed, excavate areas and re-compact with either clean native material or crushed rock. If large sections are soft, contact the Engineer for possibly increasing the base rock or asphalt thickness. 2. Immediately following fine grading operations proof roll subgrade areas to achieve 90% of maximum density for a 6" depth per AASHTO T-180 test method. Embankments or fills ore to be constructed in 6" maximum lifts, with each lift being compacted to 95% maximum dry density prior to proceeding with the next lift. Structural fills shall meet the Special Inspections Requirements of the City of Portland. - - - <J <J EXISTING BUS STOP SW ALE PLANTING PLAN NTS T. L. 6800 T.L. 69()0 I i \ ) f /-1 I ,J .; / I f ) -""" ~ _I i~1 " I I I <J / 4-~ . 'I ~-- --- --.. - ---- Il ] . ~ l' . . . II \. . . . . . . . co .... S:i I........ ~ ~.:.>> <:;:) t....... , , , <: ;J. . . . 7' New' r. . . . ' . . . : PARKiNG: : 1B.0': I' . ' . . . . . : ' STALLS, r cr : : : : : : ' . : ' , ~: :~MIC~E: .>/ .. : 5:40< :j : r~ IERHANG , : I : 1/ . L/ , ::::::: :-~: :- 5.0': : . : . : . : . : : :0: :~~] L;;;o's(;~~ ';;i~ : : : : -:0 : : : : : ~.ri': : : :~: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : r'/ I" ... ................................... '1' .. .. .. .' 'It .. .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ,. . .... t,.// f . ~{}---"t-' -{}---N-G89~4T,Ri;;-w-06z.98,-O---"""-::B;T[---[)----o-t--D----D--D- u.-D....:.._(~, 5. 7' ,j I b~_"~,_ .J <.' .J "i~'\ // ,/, /' " ,- 5.0' r .~ ~ : --:- :~:9~: nf '., //.. // // / ,../ ,/ ,/ /" ,.. / . ... . < ,,/, " .,. /' /./' ,. ,.// . .. ,/ . ..... / . . . ~ . 7 - LANDSCAPE AREA '\(1" T / / .,,- - - Lt- I '1 ./ ( \ d 0) ~ ~ ~ - ,/ \ // \ ./ 'I \ \ \ \ ~ IIV [ ;> ~;: ~ ". 23.8' . <:;:) S:i - t'- g V) ./ //., ,//c/''- .'// / )\ :~ . . (/~' "'\ .~ I < / .... \ <1} , '~:'. ,-- .... --~--' . j \ '.---..'''---.- \ \ ..' <-> \ \ -' T. L. 8300 AREA: 14377 SQ FT ,/ [ >/ // ~J /-.~ " \ ,/ / .j ~-::-~'''T---:M_~_- ,/ , 1 ,~:1 ' ...." '------f~----..::! /}oJ . I . , I I .:1 /- . ,j l,J f-- h,d II\J R CE UI 'I '10 tv1 ARI<E ET 1/ I r\J t------- ~ ~ c::; co ~~/ 9 --'-:-J ~ -f<//, //// ~(// , 1>/ ~~ E S >/ '14 /' B 'j '// // .,/> /,' ,/ .' ,,/' . I I ( I I \ \ \ \ '>/,'..,/,.,.//,//.,//..~,/'~ ///'.,/<///~,//~//././///~'/ :( /j >.< ///: ... /< T. L. 8200;;~ ~ '- , '" / ~//.. / / .' ~ '~/.. ///>/~/....,~ ~ .(\ "'. - -- -- EXISnNG 6' -- --- WOODEN FENCE --- AlvlA TE ./.. '// l4J 1/ ~/ (; r:/ " .,/ [// /" ~ 0) ~ 0) $:> 8 '( H N f\j I o l\~ C)"Cb .A' 0' V " :c: // ./ I~j 16.0' ;; ././. / . . ,/ /. ,. ,. . /,/ '\ .. 0;; 5.4' , ',//. // / /' 24.4' / \ \ \ \ // ,....,,,-, \ ....) ~'-- .:.1 -~---' r\J ROOF DRAIN S ~*- ~ "?- 0^' ~ ~O ~ ~O <:: ~ "- ~ ( I \ \ I \ c'\ I - :~~/:~ "-'J <J ) I I I I I ..:. --- -- -- - -- .d 24.7' <7 lJ.,J 1-_ ~ U <: () u 6" STORM L- 9.3.0' S-o, 0100 <J - - .~- . . - . . ~. - - - ~ - <"J .:J ----~--- '1- -___ <,J N - - - - jW....E.16: _ _ _ _ ~ <J 5.0' J .:.1 '-1 .j <J SIOEW:J,4~\ .j <J ~ .d <J .{J .--1 .:.1 .....!;, /~ / !~l~~:~ j~::; ./ ., <J [,--...~--I;--------- Ll / .d < t /- ./ ~_.-' k1 /' '- <:1 /1 d ~ \\ ~ CUT '- ", - - - - -------" - -- .- --' - ---."" "'------ , ....- --- rEYOR" NOTES ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATUM, BENCHMARK NO. 230, SQUARE CHISELED IN THE TOP OF CURB AT THE SOUTH SIDE OF PARKER STREET A T THE JUNCTION WITH MARKET STREET. ELEVA TION: 459.20'. I I EXISTING CA TCH BASIN RIM 457.61 8" IE OUT (S) 454.85 40' 19' CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD ---- - ----.----- -- -.---- - ----- ----_.~"- 1 A TTEN1l0N: Oregon low requires you to follow the rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR-952-001-0010 through OAR-952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by colling the center_ (Note: the number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is (503) 232-1987). NOTE: THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE FROM UTILITY LOCA TE PAINT MARKS AND AS BUlL T PLANS. ACTUAL LOCA TlON AND DEPTH SHALL BE FILED VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING UTILITIES. ! GRAPHIC SpALE 10 20 I : I ( IN FEET ) 1 inch .. 10 I fl I I 40 I PRE-SU6MITTAt QEC'D JAN- 2 8 200S \J- 18' I I . I I i I * i f- lU lU ~I (f)1 r ~ f- lU ~ 0::::1 <:( ~ EXISTING LOT AREA: 14,377 SQ. FT. EXISTING BUILDING AREA: 2,870 SQ. FT. EXISTING PARKING LOT AREA: 3,000 SQ. FT. EXISTING ALLEYWA Y: 785 SQ. FT. NEW PARKING LOT AREA: 2,485 SQ. FT. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA: 9,140 SQ. FT. IMPERVIOUS AREA COVERAGE 63.6% LANDSCAPE AREA; 5,237 SQ. FT. LANDSCAPE COVERAGE 36.4% PED RAMPS - ~<V~\.\) .!!!.OF ES'~ ~ )\G IN!, ~ ~ .~. ~".2.. 2. ~~ ..~ I< { ,// r- ~~'O~€&oo~(r~-- -- '" (.b<O </0 <,., 21. \ 'l) {yQ:: 0'CPHE. tG~ REVISIONS BY (f) I- Z WI- ~W WW)..... >O:::L...J ~tn~ 0..1-::::5 ~WC) -~<:J I-~)..... O<(~ --.J~Q2 008 z~ -~ ~~ ~ <( 0.. E L o ........ (f)c ~..2 0.... ........ o C ...J · 0 O'lL cO .- .:::L L o 0.... o Z a: WI Z~ c; );1 ZI w 51-I CO !II! I~ d 8>>1. DATE JULY 2007 SCALE AS NOTED DRAWN JEE JOB SVA06-125 SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS A Y BE USED SHORT TERM wi UTILITY WORK AND wi PHASING OF DEVELOPMENT CATCH BASIN NTS AREA DRAIN NTS MAXIMUM .3 MONTH USE FLOW ......-. J!I.Atj SE:C11ON A-A DITCH INLn NTS EROSION CONTROL MANUAL 8O-FILTER fMGS FOR 1'EMPORARY INLET PROI~rtON Detail Drawin 4.2C nu: IIRM'TtlMSKCTIJt$ CiW'lCCS IlIlAYlNCi fll.DT 101 SEDIMENT FENCE APPROVED EQUAL: APPROVED EQUALS TO SEDIMENT FENCE MAY BE SUCH ITEMS AS EXISIGN VEGETA TED BUFFERS, COVERING AREAS OF DISTURBANCE WITH MULCH AND STRA W WA TTLES. ANY AL TERNA TIVES SHALL BE AUTHORIZED BY THE CTY'S INSPECTOR PRIOR TO USE IN PLACE OF THE LISTED SEDIMENT FENCES. ATCH BASIN GRATE INsmT SACK FRONT VIEW STORM PIPE CATCH BASIN "x2"x.3/4 .. RUBBER BLOCKS XPANSION RESTRAINT LTER SACK INsmT SACK SIDE VIEW NOTE: INSTALL SILT SACKS AFTER FIRST LIFT OF ASPHALT HAS BEEN PLACED. NOTE: RECESSED CURB INLET MUST BE BLOCKED WHEN USING FILTER FABRIC INLET SACKS. SIZE OF FILTER FABRIC INLET SACK TO BE DETERMINED BY MANUFACTURER. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE EROSION CONTROL MANUAL fILlER FAMe INLET PROIECnON Detail Drawin 4,2H nu: IlRAFftJNSnCTllltS GlW'H1CS IlIlAIt'lHQ I'LOf W ~ a:::w Oz a::::J w~ Zffi ~o. 00 !<8: ;2 wZ ~ mo~ gSv;~ -' Z ~;t~~ Vll-'J: o(/)o.lJ.. o.a;::>O ~ ~~ ~~ o ~Ia ~~ w Ct:2 ~8 G:Vl "'- ~6 (/)CIl ow za::: w::> (/) ~~ ~ g ~ ~ ;2 DRAWING NOT TO SCAlE EROSION CONTROL MANUAL 1'EMPORARY tEl)IENT FENCE Detail Drawin 4.2A nu: llIW'TolN$PCC1'llRS GRAPM1CS IlIlAVING I'I.Q1' 14 T.L. 6700 T.L. 6800 T.L. 6900 ------:-........---------------------------------------- GRAPHIC SCALE 10 20 I I ~ (INFEET) I 1 inch = 10 ft.1 ----------------------------------- _.J "j i ! I II 10 I 0 Ii 0 ~ j I l . .; r , I I! ~; I ! ! I S 89.41'03" E 136.51' 12' PUE l BIOFIL TER BAG . , INLET PROTECTION 6' , \ . ._...:..:;:--.:.:.:.;-..:;:;;-:;;;;;;.-.:.:.:.:-...;;..-.;;..;;;;;-:;;;--;;;;...-...;;;;;;.;:_... =-.;;;;.;..--=-=-=.-=-=-=--.........-.........-.......,---..--.--.-.--.-------------------..-........- :........---...-........... .........-........-........ __. '.....,;' J..__. ';"';";'__.. """'" ;:;8.j~C ~7.~g EJB.~~C .. 'G..~ ~,,",/~~w!!f:r;~~~E .. ...... .,~~DI~€~~O~~c~~ iJ I _ -~ _ _ _ _ -., _ _ _ _ _ -.. _ _ __ _ _ _ .:v,;';.~ _ _ _ _ -l"' ~ _ _ _ _ _ _., -A I ! . 45&85 ._+.um. : \ . I I \,. I I : .} I If I: I I I . I 17 I I: I, BIOFILTER BAG--- INLET PROTECTION I i i 'I I j I I i ~,~-C.J I ~*- ---------;:;------- ---~.~::._------ ~ ~ ,/ - - - -....("">..~ <'1.0 ,(),~ j\J (; ... ~ V ...."<...-- "(.,, ROOp1\JDRAIf.JEN;~: ~' ~"C\" "- Tf1~,~~R/~tiNt;TrsUILDING'S ROOF DRAINS ARE ~v [jRA1NEDr~TO THE STREET GUTTER LINE THROUGH "?' EXISTING RAIN DRAIN SYSTEMS THA T WILL NOT BE AL TERED. LLE T.L. -.J .. EXISTING 6' WOODEN FENCE "T' SEDIMENT FENCE OR APPROVED EQUAL 19.8' ; J I \ \ I I I i r----~---'--~'---'~---~"--~-- --~~-"~~----~.~~.~--,,---~~^- / EXISnNG 6' WOODEN FENCE EXISnNG 6' WOODEN FENCE 8100 '~., -.'-f--' / / ^ I , / ! '" I I' I ' ..' Iii A \ I J \! 1 ,I t-~-- I ...:;:;'-.--"-----~..] I I I I T. L. 8300 AREA: 14377 SQ FT ~-_:::-~r--'--rl " I , I , j I I /j 1 I . . j r/~--c-.~ ~. .1 I 0) ~ c:> CO I.u II\J 1 ,31 t 0) $'l 0) $:) g <= r-v Cb 0'\ V T.L. 8200 -a-Ji // I r------'-- ~, / ' .// // //' ,/"' ,// /// '>.'^',~ " EXISTING 6' WOODEN FENCE -"____e._.. '00" W 73.46', .J -----.. .'-" _..~.. -"-" _.e_ '-"-" -.._ee <] N .J <1 --- -- ---- --- "- -- -- -- 40' CENTENNIAL 19' BOULEVARD J · - - - - . SEDIMENT FENCE GRADING INDEX - -458,5- - PROPOSED 0.5' CONTOURS - -458- - PROPOSED l' CONTOURS l' EXISTING GROUND CONTOURS ~ EG-FNC EXISTING GRADE POINT ELEVATION 485. 75 AT EXISTING FENCE ~ EG-GA TE EXISTING GRADE POINT ELEVATION 485.65 AT EXISTING FENCE GATE ~ FG-SW FINISHED GRADE POINT ELEVATION 459.20 AT TOP OF A.C. SURFACE .. FG-BS FINISHED GRADE POINT ELEVATION 184.15 AT BOTTOM OF W.Q. SWALE (ESTlMA TED EARTHWORK QUANTITIES FROM EG'1QFINISHED GRADE EXCAVATION 10 CU YDS SITE Fill 40 CU YDS NET FILL 30 CU YDS FILL IJ ~> EXISTING ===:==:;" DRAINAGE ARROW BIOFIL TER BAG INLET PROTECTION PROPOSED DRAINAGE ARROW INDICATES INDICATES INDICA TES AREA OF AREA OF EXISTING NEW WATER A.C. TO NEW A.C. REMAIN QUALITY SWALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INDICATES . . . . . . . . . . . . .' NEW . . . . . . . . . . . . , . GENERAL ., e . .. .. . '" . . ' . . , . . . . . . . . LANDSCAPE > > :- :. :- : -: . AREAS NOTE: MOST OF THE FILL INDICATED WILL BE IMPROTED ROCK OR A.C. 1.'~ ~ ~w. -, ;j 1 ! (! il I \ f^' I I I I i I I I ! 1 ! 'II I! '( . i 40' i i i I , I 18' i I 11 I' i l i i ._ll I ~ ~ j I! II Ii i: I! i I II j i i: ! i 0) . ~ ~ ~ - '1 r j ~ i I i I I. I : I Ii II ':1' i ' "1 1,1 I, II I! ! r I I 1_1\ i I r\ II -"'.---"---'1 i JI II II ! I II II .j I '.11 I I: i II II II II II Ii ri -Ii II ~li: I ! i i Ii Ii i' I, II ~ , It C> .C> - r-- C> C> tI) -I Ii 11 , I ! ! i I -J , .' I ~ _J NOTE: THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE FROM UTILITY LOCA TE PAINT MARKS AND AS BUlL T PLANS. ACTUAL LOCA TlON AND DEPTH SHALL BE FILED VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND CONNECTION TO THE EXISTING UTILITIES. I I I I I 40 I E.SUBMJITAL RECJD JAN' 2 8 2008 I I ~I I-- It.J It.J ~ {f)l c.:r I I-- W ~ a::: <:( ~ Eroa1on and Sediment Control Requirement.: 1. The intent of the requirement is to prevent siltation from reaching storm drain systems and drainage ways. The erosion and sediment control (ESC) facilities shown on this plan ore the minimum requirements for anticipated site conditions. During the construction period. these ESC facilities sholl be upgraded as needed for unexpected storm events and to ensure that sediment laden water does not leave the site. 2. The following controls and practices are required: 0) Each site sholl hove groveled or paved entrances, exits and parking areas, prior to beginning any other work, to reduce the tracking of sediment onto public or private roods. b) All unpaved roods located on-site shall be groveled. Other effective erosion and sediment control measures either on the rood or down gradient may be used in ploce of groveling. c) \\hen trucking saturated solis from the site, either water-tight trucks sholl be used or loads sholl be drained on-site until dripping has been reduced to minimize spillage on roads. d) Concrete trucks being washed out onslte sholl be parked in 0 location that will prevent 011 wash water from entering the storm drain system without proper flltration. Concrete remnants and residue sholl be properly disposed of. 3. Additional controls and proctlces sholl be developed that ore appropriate for the site. At 0 minimum the following sholl be considered: 0) Whenever practicable, clearing and grading sholl be done in a phased manner to prevent exposed inactive areas from becoming 0 source of erosion. b) In developing vegetative erosion control practices, at 0 minimum the following sholl be considered: temporary seeding, permanent seeding, mulching, sod stabilization, vegetative buffer strips, and protection of trees with protective construction fences. c) The following shall be considered for the protection of exposed areas and the prevention of soli from being eroded by storm water; mulching with strow or other vegetation, use of erosion controi blankets, and application of soli tacklflers. d) The following sholl be considered for the diversion of flows from exposed soli, store flows to allow for sedimentation, filter flows, or otherwise reduce soil laden runoff: use of silt fences, earth dikes, brush barriers. drainage swales, check dams, subsurface drains, pipe slope drains, rock outlet protection. sediment traps, and temporary or permanent sedimentation basins. All temporary sediment control practices sholl not be removed until permanent vegetation or other cover of exposed areas Is established. e) The following sholl be considered to prevent the stockpiles from becoming o source of erosion: diversion of uncontaminated flows around stockpiles. use of cover over stockpiles, and Installation of silt fences around stockpiles. 4. The following mointenance activities sholl be implemented: 0) Significant amounts of sediment that leave the site sholl be cleaned up within 24 hours and placed bock on the site or properly disposed. Any In- stream clean up of sediment sholl be performed according to Oregon Division of State Lands' required tlmeframe. b) Under no conditions sholl sediment Intentionally be washed into storm sewer or drainage way. c) For 0 filter fence, the trapped sediment sholl be removed when It reaches one third of the above ground fence height. d) For catch basin protection, cleaning must occur when design capacity has been reduced by fifty percent. e) For 0 sediment basin, removal of trapped sediments sholl occur when design capacity has been reduced by fifty percent. f) All erosion and sediment controls not in the direct path of work sholl be Installed before any land disturbance. g) If fertilizers are used to establish vegetation, the application rates sholl follow manufacturer's guidelines and the application sholl be done In such o way to minimize nutrient-laden runoff to receiving waters. h) If construction activities cease for thirty (30) days or more, the entire site must be stabilized, using vegetation of a heavy mulch loyer, temporary seeding, or another method that does not require germination to control erosion. I) Any use of toxic or other hazardous materials sholl Include proper storage, application, and disposal. j) The permittee sholl manage abandoned hazardous wastes, used oils, contaminated soils or other toxic substances discovered during construction octivities in 0 manner approved by the Deportment of Environmental Quality. Sedlm.,t Fence: 1. The fliter fabric shall be purchased in 0 continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to ovoid use of joints. When joints are necessary, filter cloth sholl be spl1ced together only at 0 support post, with a minimum 8 Inch overlap, and both ends securely fastened to the post. 2. The filter fabric fence sholl be Installed to follow the contours, where feasible. Then fence posts shall be spaced a maximum of six feet aport and driven securely into the ground a minimum of 18 Inches. 3. A trench sholl be excavated, roughly 6 Inches wide by 6 Inches deep, upslope and adjacent to the wood post to ollow the filter fabric to be burled. Bury the bottom of the fabric 6. vertically below finished grade. AU areas of filter fabric trench shall be compacted, 4. The filter fabric sholl be installed with stitched loops over fence posts. The fence post shall be constructed of 2" x 2" fir. pine, or steel. The fence post must be a minimum of 48" long. The filter fabric shall not be stapled or attached to existing trees. 5. Sediment fences sholl be removed when they have served their useful purpose. but not before the upslope area has been permanently stabilized. 6. Sediment fences shall be inspected by applicant/contractor Immediately after each rainfall, and at ieast dally during prolonged rainfall. Any required repairs sholl be made Immediately. EroeIon and Sedlm.,t Control Inepectlon Requlrwnente: 1. All sites 1 acre and greater sholl have 0 person with knowledge and experience in construction storm water controls and management practices conduct all inspections. The Inspector sholl keep a written record of each Inspection. 2. Active Sites: Frequency of Inspections shall be dolly during storm water runoff or snowmelt runoff and at least once every seven (7) calendar days and within 24 hours after any storm event of greater than 0.5 inches of rain per 24-hour period. 3. Inactive Sites: During Inactive periods of greater than seven (7) consecutive calendar days. Inspections sholl only be required once every two (2) weeks. Prior to discontinuing activities at the site, any exposed area shall be stabilized to prevent erosion. Stabilization may occur by applying appropriate cover (mulch, erosion control blanket, soil tackifier, etc.) or establishing adequate vegetative cover. SMdlng!Wulchfng: 1. All areas disturbed during construction to be graded to drain and compacted to a minimum of 90~ of AASHTO T -99 immediately after installation of utilities or grading. 2. Recommended Seed Mixture: 80% PR 8820 Dwarf Perennial Ryegrass and 20~ Creeping Red Fescue, by weight. Application Rote shall be 100 pounds minimum per acre. 3. Fertilizer shall be 12-16-8 with SO% of the nitrogen derived from UREA FORMAlDEHYDE. and applied at a rate of 400 pounds per acre. 4. Seed and mulch at a rote of 2000 Ibs/ Ac with heavy bonding agent or netting and anchors. Mulch sholl be a wood cellulose fiber or other material suitable for hydromulchlng. 5. Temporary or Permanent Hydroseedlng or acceptable seeding and mulching must be provided whenever perennial cover cannot be established on sites which will be exposed for 60 days or more. DA TUM NOTE: ELEVA TIONS ARE BASED ON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATUM, BENCHMARK NO. 230, SQUARE CHISELED IN THE TOP OF CURB A T THE SOUTH SIDE OF PARKER STREET A T THE JUNCTION WJTH MARKET STREET. ELEVA T/ON: 459.20'. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow the rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR-952-001-0010 through OAR-952-001-0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center. (Note: the number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center is (503) 232-1987). REVISIONS BY (f) ~ Z W~ ~W WW>... >O:::lJJ ~~~ l1-~::j ~WC) - ~~ 1-0:::>'" O<(~ --J~~ 008 z~ -r-r) ~~ 0::: <( l1- c 0 .- (f) 0 C L 0 W - l1- -0 C - 0 0 L -+-' CJ)C C 0 .- 0 -0 0 L 0 " Z - a:: WI ~~ " ~I ZI w 51'1 CD _1_ d 8=--J DA TE JULY 2007 SCALE AS NOTED DRAWN JEE JOB SVA06-125 SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS