HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 1/28/2008 ;Oty of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review PRE.SUBMITTAL RECID JAN 2 8 2008 , .. '- . A licant Name: Stuart E Gourle Phone: 541-747-4246 Com an : Corky Gourley Insurance Aoency, Inc Fax: 541-747-4248 Address: ] 3] 0 Market Street, Sprlnot1eld OR 97477 A hcant's Re Phone: 360-696-3664 Com an : Address: Slsul Engmeerlng Fax: 360-823-0977 43] 7 NE THurston Way, SUIte 230, Vancouver, W A 98662 Owner: Stuart E Gourley Phone: 541-747-4246 Com an Address: Corkey Gourley Insurance Aoency, Inc Fax: 541-747-4248 ] 3] 0 Market Street, Sprlnofield, OR 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-25-33 TAX LOT NO S 8300 13] 0 Market Street, Sprlnot1eld ]4,377 Acres D S uare Feet [8J Pro osed Name of Pro"ect: Gourley Parkmo Lot 1m fOvements Descrrption of Pro osal: EXlstin Use: If you are fIlling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application To construct additIOnal paved ott 'itreet Parkmo for the eXlstmo Insurance office bmldlOO Insurance Otfice BUlhdng 9,330 sf rlate box on the next :toN ZOo').. - 0 J.OLf I 1) f.-6dODd- - ~}<1 J u(3';;fJIX{ _ Associated A licatrons: Cf5'NWC<O -CXJO~d-15 0 Pre-Sub Case No.: ft'<.f-Z1XJ0-oooo"l Date: lb RevIewed b ,v'Y) Case No,: Date: Reviewed b A hcation Fee: 3(P TOTAL FEES: 3?l[P Technrcal Fee: 0 Posta o PROJECT NUMBER: Rev,sed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 Owner Signatures PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 2 8 2008 This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the applicatIOn process An applicatIon without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The underSigned acknowledges that the information In thiS application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: a ~ ~L. '" Date: Signature ~E Print ~-4'# ( SubmIttal I represent thiS application to be complete for submittal to the City ConSistent With the completeness check performed on thiS application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS proVided herein or the information will not be proVIded If not otherWise contained Within the submittal, and the CIty may begin processing the application With the information as submitted ThiS statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of QRS 227 178 pertaining to a complete applicatIon Owner: Date: SIgnature Print Rev,sed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 t'RE.SUBMI1TAL REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 PrOlect Narrative The purpose of thIs project IS to construct a paved employee parkmg lot for the eXlstmg msurance office that occupies thIS lot The proposed parkmg lot IS to allow the employees a place to park on SIte, rather than on the streets The proposal does not change the bUlldmg, the usage of the property or create any changes to the eXlstmg lot The only sIte change would be the addItIon of new ImpervIOus parkmg area for the employees of the msurance agency The mam reason for wantmg to construct the new parkmg area IS to provIde a safer place for the employees to park There have been safety Issues wIth the current employees parkmg on the street The busmess currently has 6 employees, and has no plans for more There are no current plans for future expansIOn of the eXlstmg bUlldmg or parkmg lot WIth no changes to the structure or plans of expansIOn no new traffic IS expected to be generated by thIS proposal The eXlstmg bUlldmg has hghts that currently hght up the eXlstmg parkmg and the area where the new parkmg lot IS proposed No new hghts are proposed with thIS project The lot area IS 14,377 square feet The eXlstmg office bUlldmg (2,670 Sq Ft), eXIstIng parkmg lot (3,000 Sq Ft) and an eXIstIng alleyway (785 Sq Ft) cover 6,455 square feet of ) ~ l~bL< the lot currently ThiS gIves a current lot ImpervIOus coverage of 449% of the total lot IT-fOGo!;' The new sIte coverage after the addItIon of the parkmg lot would be 6,455 square feet to s~ 7 ThIs would gIve a new lot ImpervIOus coverage of 63 5% of the total lot The sIze of the ~ ~ current bUlldmg gives us 9 reqUIred parkmg stall at I stall per 300 square feet A/shown on the eXlstmg condItIon plans there are currently 4 pamted stal~and room for at least 2 more at the north end of the bUlldmg The new parkmg lot will not change the eXlstmg pamted parkmg stalls used for chents, but w1l1 ~dd parkmg m the rear for the office staff The area proposed parkmg lot area IS borderS-by a 6-foot wooden fence between the proposed parkmg lot and the nelghbonng parcels, and the eXlstmg alleyway The new parkmg lot WIll use the eXlstmg parkmg lot entrance on to Market Street, no new entrances are proposed The new parkmg lot WIll be graded m such a way as to sheet flow to the north, where the flows WIll enter a treat~ale ThIs swale w1l1 be connected to the eXlstmg parkmg lot stonn hne currently servlCmg the sIte The swale has been SIZe/. to meet or exceed the desIgn reqUIrements set m the current CIty of Portland Stonnwater Management Manual There are no other new utlhtIes bemg mstalled other than the reqUIred stonnwater Improvements for the parkmg lot expansIOn CR.U'HlCSCALE j., Li.....J (.'..>'! .-... .. .. , .I .,' , I' '1 ,.' , .' 18'~ , I , , j , , J " T.L 6700 ________:~~~~~~o~~---------- _____________~~~_:g::_____~~_~~~~_~/ --------------~~------ ..' 589'4I'J"[ """<L(loh\(." t.."""""...,.......::!- __..l~~"',j'"',''' " ~, ! i" '8 " " .. t 8 ' ~ . .' ;:::= .' , t* ", ...... N 119'41 OJ" W 82911 \1 /' .:# ~ Q-?- h" ~ <..~ ~O~ ~ ~ /' n. 8100 r...,,) , .. .' , , , ---J T.L 8200 I , \ , , , -. """'-1:\'''''''''''' .."'~:='< .v vO" " :J.. \;,1 " .' " " , '- ,. .~ 136,51' " ./ , ~., , , I I ,/ ~~ ( " ..' .." , , , .. 0 . .~ ~ , 8 , 'U " ; .i 1.....0"""" .,.- ....,,~ """"""'....'t lOC''''''' .. . .....-.."'1 \ , ,.' ) ,. " --r:=:------~ -'. . ~ ..:I" l,'t.,.- ,~ ">;. . . . /// " T.l. BJOO """"0'.....'.."..... .T........ ......."""'.....- 'JOO ~"<(' '"'1"[' {"';"i';:'",;"'"' "," 0' v / ,.,_........' ..:.':*..::;.'~. H""'''' " tLO',,,,,,,,n..\) ;.; .. , ,~';' 14.r ._~...~:w~ IJ4b .' -----.------......- BOULEVARD " " .< , 'I ,~ I. '." ..:I"'~ I' . f , , . , I " , ..:1':) '1 , , , " : .-.-----....) !;;r," ~ _....:I" .:. , "~~~;.I~!~til;i.;~:ti~)! ~~!"&i 81 go, V>+ r;;1 if, ~I TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY FOR CORKEY GOURLEY $W 1/4. S~ '/4. S(cnQN 25. T 17 5, R J w, W. I,l sPRINGFIElD. lANE CDUNTY. OREGON APRil U. 2007 l\t(UHEAD lCW!: 2 TO 5 YEAR nilE Of" TRA'o'ElIONE 10N(D: HIGH OENSlTY RESlO(HnAl. SOl. Tl'?[: CClfJOflC. UI1fIAH lAND COoIPU"X (32) ~_""".......1:I-:u,...u"'.,.,..u,. $UR'o'El'OR's HQl(S 1 aLw.__.........u'"'''".(I'~''''........."...''''..- _oamlII..""'....'(I'.......""'IOJ......(I'.__...... . _ _ ~~::_.~."'-:'_QL"_"'W fOC8ERT ASSOCIATES. LLC ,_....\1(.........-........._ .0.10<""" (...aN."""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,) fLJO(Ift"__ .._ ~"r.uf.~~,~~~'-" c"""fU-""'''''''''.1lC 0..""....0<<...... PRE.SUBMITTAl RECIO JAN' 2 8 2008 "'_. .- (f) f- Z Wf- ::EW wW" >0:0,,-, ~tn~ CLf-:::l ~w~ -'" f-O:O" O<l::\;! -'::EQ:' <=>08 z~ -I') ~~ <l:: CL c o 0:: III C o :;:; " C o U 0> C :;:; III 'x W Iii ~ 11'1.l En' i OA _._, ,~~ 1>1_.'" ~, 1 0.-. '5t<l]:TlO Stole Form Insurance Parking lot Expansion Owner: Corkey Courley Site Address: 1.310 Market Street [XlSTlNGtOTARCA: 14,J71so.n [lI'lSnooGSlJIl.llIHCARCA:2.870son. [lClSfWC PARKING tOT NI1(A: J,OOO SOFT. [XlSTlNG AU.EI'1II'Al': 1M SO, FT. N(W PARKWG tOT NI1(A: 2,4lI5 so.n TOTAl.Il/PER'otQtJSNI1(A:',140SO.FT. I,lPfJf'otOOS NI1(A CO'V[RAG( 6J.6X l.AHOSCAPE AREA; 5,2J7 son. l.N()SCAP( aM:RAGE J64l11: SURFAce INDEX r OOCA'U us....oc L-----.J~:..:O [j'~" .~~ ....'OC,........ g;w -..... ~:::::.~.. ~ L ,-'..~, 10.-01(.><: ,..-e --' l~.. . " (>lIS... L--.- J ~~s """"''''.... ~ ~, T.L 6700 9 ------- ~-:!_-- T.l. 6800 ; I T.L 8100 ........,.,...'''''..,.,.....,.-......,........;... ,"11',;". ...- }:.o::; -- --- , , , , -~ , . , " T.l. 5900 , I I _J j.. "," o~ v .'.-- ,.". ~.~-r.~~ ,,' -------------- ,..-. -- '. CRAPHICSCA(X .u ,':'::":'.. I , =:=:J , I , I , I Ii ~I go, 5. "'t , ~I ct:' :il , 'll" CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD _ ___________ _________~----- ______ ~ ___-L__ I ,\.~,~~~ ... , " ~- -., 1 - ;' , , -'_J , , I , , I , , \ , , " ~ SiNGt.['iTO'l'''Oli'iE ,"o,oCE"Il:""'''' 9C'<A.E~ARO T.l. 8200 ", n. . , l"_'" S'<Pr___ --~ / \ '/ '\ '- - ," [JQ51t.~C ASP,",iU.l" ~ARo<'~G .: lor' , . , ~ , I w , j ". 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[llISTliCLOTARfA:. 14,Jl1so.n EXlST1NGlltIIl.OlHC.4R(0I.:2.870SO.fr. [XlSlIHG PARKING lOTAR(A.: J.oooso.f"T. [XlSTlHGAU.[1'W"'f:78550.ff. H(wPARK..G Lor <<.01.: 2.485 son. rOrA.tIWP(Rw:xJS~A:. 9,140SO.ff. ll.IP(R"'OUS~ACOIJER"GE6J.U: l>>lOSCAl'( AREA; $.2J7 SOH. IN(lSCm COVER"GE 036.4% .- ~ (f1 .... z W.... ::;:w Ww,- >"'t...J ~~~ a.l-g ::;:w,. -"'~ ...."''- O<(~ -'::Eil: "08 z- -I') "'- '" <( a. E ~ o ~ (f1c "<l-" (L ~ o c ....J.o "'~ cO :;;: ~ o (L IiI jliU n. ......_. ~~o '-n ...._-.~ -, 3 . , .~. -~:-- ~ ~ --- ~---=- ---r~~m:"'-ro.a~s.:;u =~=.~Q;~~~;;.~CTl'"5 :'~--""'::-Sn)~:~OF1HClISl[1I =..rr ITHCU. ~-- --: \ '-,," - - :$--- - , - -- , . : . ........;;....- "= ,,) . '- ~ Si!<:_ =...:;::=-:;;I:.....--::-~ --- --;- :Q111 ,;3 !l~ (I.. i .~ ~/!l .... II - ~ I I' :~, !l' \,e f!l'1 I' I~ ~. ~i l'g --- ~I Ck' ~I I I \ I I I I OAnNNOrr "'''TY'''~':'::~'';:>S:,:, ::'~::~t~=":U.._ ,,.10 U_~~-: U.6700 T.L 6800 T.L 6900 ----.....- ------ .- .......... ,...' Ii J -===:] -. , I I I ...-. -- ~ , '.~ ---' ~~~ ,-. co' , , ==' j? .J:,..~ ':.~~~... I ~ T.l. BJOO -~ ,.",""" ..~~, T.l. 8100 , " tv, i r" I , , '-.J "Arrr"R'" ~~~~p~~~;[~l!ISC~~l 1////" //777'77771 ..'<cu s15:';'~~~,S( "~~n"'D 'l." ci' v ....-......."" r--- GRAD/NG INOEX ll.I~._ t...-=-.::'l'ft.a-' ----!ii!J;' A'l.,. ',fLv,- ---5it. ~n~.::~c.o., QLV._ .-- ~ ~t:.":.:.:-=~..- -Gifl ~_".._o = a =~'::o~'t_ _ => ~~_ -=:P;=I5':~ 1<1~ D-~ D'~- ",:",:~,w_ ",.,,::::::.-.. ~...~ :tc,;.: :::Cr;::::~ -us ,. _U""IO-:-::.::s":ffu ""1f"~""""UIIIJ""<OCAIf:::;DE1'1HSH"IJ.1JC ::','",-.-. =,J%.s-"",,_~ = -'. Il<f" ,.<IS"":: ",."nn _ -,- I- I ~ T.l. 8200 ~ .;-/ ~< '" ---sf.~;.~p ~ <,,~ ~ '''SnNCOOO'' <:JQ ~~"SItOlT""~~\>' ~l>1l"sr>er:'~"OIUNOr.- IDS...,;It_Dlt_Srs Al~II(D. " -_." -- ,.- ~ ,i, I' ~ .or. ~....~ " . , . " . ~~-- '/ ", /- \, ~..",~ ------.-.-- ~~ CENTENNIAL BOULEV A:O J 1 --~- ~U'_'''''' :~:~:~.~~- ~____~......,.. rota tn_1W IAlt~ ~~"rn ~IGro 10CU"l>5 EXCAVUIOH cu ~n;,~ JOCUl'OSr'U. ~l{oo::.:lEO-~~"" , ~I Ck >-, !, Vlt ---':::::-."_-""=--.=;0..,,:--= . ::-_-z.~=..:..-::..:::=:-"':.... -.._- ::.-...:.:::.::.::.:-- --=..- '..~~::...-:' --:: ?-..l:-=.~ _-:':::.r:"'__.._~ ~~~~~~. "::'=-:"'--..:=.~..:::"~--- .~~:-~~~::: . "~..:2E:=r:..~~:.-= :=.....:.::.:-~.:::-...c;-::......._ .=:-...:;:. -:;;==..:::= -:""7:: ':':~L- .:-....:=:-.::::.=-___ . =-=- -=:'''-''"':",;E:",,,::.J~..__ E=.:::.:- _ ~ =.;~~:=::- .::;'::.--=.~~;=::===- ..----... . ~ -_..~:..-....::.=:- . :'::-:::f.-...:..-::.==.e:.~.=.. .==-..- ..---:..... . c=.... .::.;: J .c'"':.t:::;;~-:.= 'i:?''='''-'':'_'''-.::..~..-::=t.:::':: . :E'-:-_-:-.:=:_ -_.....,~::...... =::;o;..":~:':t'=~I~DOI: ::,_ ~.."t"cai.~~ _:: (.:..~~'i)';';';-~I:r ~'",~......<-t... PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 .. en .... z.... Ww :Ew>. ~~.., O(f)~ g:t-~ :Ew", -'" ....0:0>' o..:\:i -':Ell: '-'08 z~ -I') "'- 0:0 ..: a. c: o '0; o c: L 0 We:: "- c: 0 o L ~ "'C: c: 0 :.o,U o L '-' h ~!I'II! u.ai . .. ......-, ..~~ '-a ",__':ro ~'4 ~. ...u.. 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~,. Y of Sprmgfield OfficIal Receipt ucvclopment ServIces Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT # 3200800000000000062 Date 01/28/2008 220 17PM Paid By CORKEY GOURLEY Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn.... Received By Batch Number Number How ReceIved mem 11707 In Person Payment Total Amount Due 336 00 $336 00 Job/Journal Number PRE2008-00009 DescnptlOn CTY Site Plan Rvw TentatIve Payments Type of Payment Check Amount Paid $33600 $336 00 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN I 8 2008 '- cRecemtJ Page I of 1 1/28/2008 "SISUL ENGINEERING PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 2 8 2008 A DIvIsIOn olSlsul Enterprzses, Inc 4317 NE THURSTON WAY, SUITE 230, VANCOUVER, WA 98662 (360) 696-3664 FAX (360) 823-0977 TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FOR Parkmg Lot Improvements at 1310 Market Street Tnp GeneratIOn AnalysIs ThIs document IS to dIscuss the tnp generatIOn spreadsheet that IS attached and dIscuss the ImplIcatIOns of the generatJon data The tnp generatJon data mformatJon used IS from the ITE Tnp GeneratJon-Volume Two (6th edItIOn) The gIVen numbers are based on the floor area aVaIlable for use before and after the Improvements Smce no bUlldmg Improvements are a part of tills project the tnps are the satne before and after the Improvements are completed ThIs would hold true even If we where to use the numbers based on employees, as the numbers are to remam at the same level and agam would cancel each other out Even a dIfferent use for the bUlldmg would equate to a no net gam oftnps from these Improvements The project IS proposed IS m an attempt to move the current employee parkmg from on street to a safer on sIte parkmg lot locatIOn There wIll be no effect on the surroundmg streets, except for the reductJon of on street parkmg that IS now bemg used by the employees of the office If any addltJonalmformatJon should be reqUIred to process thIs request, please call me at (360) 696-3664 or emaIl to Joeegner@slsulengmenng com Smcerely, ~y Joseph E Egner, P E " TRIP GENERA nON CALCULA TIONS PROJECT Parkmg Lot Improvements, 1310 Maret Street (Spflngf,eld, Oregon) LAND USE ITE TRIP UNITS AM AM AREA # CODE RATE ADT PEAK PEAK PROPOSED 2870 Sq Ft 715 11 57/1,000-ADT 287 33 Office Space 715 1 78/1,000-AM Pk 287 5 (Single Tenant OffIce) 715 1 72/1,000-PM Pk 287 5 EXISTING 2870 Sq Ft 715 11 57/1,000-ADT 287 -33 Office Space 715 1 78/1,000-AM Pk 287 -5 (Single Tenant Office) 715 1 72/1,000-PM Pk 287 -5 TRIPS 0 U U Note Single Tenant Office BUilding code was used PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 2 8 2008 Single Tenant Office Building (715) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area On a. Weekday Number of Studies Average 1000 Sq Feet GFA Dlrect,onal Dlstnbullon 14 108 50% entenng, 50% eXiting PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 2 8 2008 Trip Generation per 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate Range of Rates Standard Deviation 1157 533 - 3568 830 Data Plot and Equation 6000 5,000 .. " c: UJ Q. ;:: " "0 .E " > " 0> '" ;;; > <l: " I- / / / --------.-------------- x //////'X 4000 3000 x 2,000 x x 1000 ..,"_ x. .."...."'../ x x ........x >$.......... o o 100 300 200 x = 1000 Sq Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data Points --- Fitted Curve -----. AverageRate R2 = 0 52 Fitted Curve Equation Ln(T) = 0 601 Ln(X) + 4 321 TrIp GeneratIOn, 6th Edition 1070 Institute of Transportation Engineers x 400 500 Single Tenant Office Building (715) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: Ona. 1000 Sq. Feet Gross Floor Area Weekday, A M. Peak Hour PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 Number of Studies Average 1000 Sq Feet GFA Dlreclional Dlstnbutlon 41 160 89"10 entering, 11"10 eXiting Trip Generation per 1000 Sq Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate 178 Range of Rates 075 457 Standard Deviation t 51 Data Plot and Equation 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 "' "C 1000 ~ W Co {3. 900 " "0 800 i: " > 700 " '" ., ~ 600 ~ " 500 I- 400 300 200 100 0 0 x x <' "'........"......" .......--"'...--" ....-".. "."........... --///: )( x - - , x x x- x x x x x x if X xx. %x x ......x x x 100 200 300 400 500 500 x = 1000 Sq Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data POints - Fitted Curve ------ Average Rate F,tted Curve Equallon T = 1 630(X) + 24 623 R2=076 Tnp GeneratIon, 6th Edition 1071 Institute of Transportation EngIneers Single Tenant Office Building (715) Average Vehicle Trip Ends vs: On a 1000 Sq Feet Gross Floor Area Weekday, p M. Peak Hour Number of Studies Average 1000 Sq Feet GFA Directional Dlstnbutlon 41 160 15% entering, 85% eXiting PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN I 8 2008 Trip Generation per 1000 Sq Feet Gross Floor Area Average Rate 172 Range of Rates Standard DeviatIon 079 514 149 Data Plot and Equation 1,200 x 1100 1000 x 900 '" "0 800 c: w c. {:. 700 " <3 E ~ 600 " C> ., 500 :;; ~ II 400 f- 300 200 100 0 0 x x ......................x .......-........"...... = /~/ x x x x x X xli:( X ->f< x >< x X " ~ /~< x x x x x "x ~/x 100 200 300 400 500 600 x = 1000 Sq Feet Gross Floor Area X Actual Data POInts - Fitted Curve ------ Average Rate Fitted Curve Equal,on T = 1 497(X) + 36 174 R2 = 0 77 Tflp GefleratlOfI, 6th Edition 1072 Instrtute of Transportation Engineers PRE.SUBMITTAl REeD SPR'~''''ELD ~ JAN .2 8 2008 ~~- PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engmeenng DIVISIon Phone (541) 726-3753 Fax (541) 736-1021 STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK _n__ (Area below thIS Itne filkd out by Appluanl) moo (Pleme return to Matt Stouder @ ClIy of Spnngfield Publu: Works Engmeenng, FaJ: # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1035) PrOject Name State Farm Insurance Parklng Lot Apphcant: Stuart E Gourley Assessors Parcel #. T L 8300 Date. 8/31107 Land Use(s)' ParkIng Lot for Insurance Agency Phone #. 541-747-4246 Project SIZC (Acres). 033 Acres Total Site Fax#: 451-747-4248 Approx. impervIOus Area: 5800 Ex, 2,800 New (SqFt) Ema,l: Corkey gourIey gyzt@statefarm com Project DescnptlOn (Include a copy of Assessor's map) Tax Lot 8300, SWI/4 SW1I4 Secl10n 25, TownsIup 17 South, Range 3 West At the property address 13 IO Market Street, SpnngfieId, OR Drainage Proposal (Publ1c conneCl1on(s), drscharge loeal1on(s), etc Attach addrl10nal sheet(s) Jf nccessary' To collect the runoff from the new ImpervlOus surface In an treatment swale SIzed per CIty of Portland BES manual and drrect the runoff Into the eJUsl1ng storm system that l1es Into the publIc system In the street Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices' Flow through planter SIzed to meet the City of Portland's BES Stormwater Manual oom (Area beww thIS hne filkd out b. the ClIv and Returned to the Avoluant) _____ (AI a mlrumum, all boxes checked by Ihe CIty on IheJronl and bad of/hIS sheel shall be submItted for an applLcanon to be complete for submmal, although other reqUIrements may be necessary ) Drainal(e Study Tvpe (EDSPM Secbon 4 03.2): (Note. UH may be substituted for Rabonal Method) 1Il Small Site Study - (use RauonaI Method for caIculauons) 0 Mid-level Development Study -- (use Urnl Hydrograph Method for caIcuIauons) 0 Full Dr31nage Development Study - (u,", UnIt Hydrograph Method for caIcuIauons) EnVIronmental Considerations. II Wellhead Zone "2.-5 ~~('"I'.", .n""->..J~\LM'-~ HillSIde Development ,.j lit DllJ WetIandIRJpanan N w& FloodwaylFloodplam I "d"f ~ SOlI Type (Dbv r"l Vr~ ~ ("'M~It!<" ~ Other JUnSdIctIons NIA- Downstream Analvsls: I (3.'2-) ~ N/A 0 Flow hne for startmg water surface elevatIOn I 0 DeSign HGL to use for StartlOg water surface e1eval1on 0 Manhole/JunctIOn to take analYSIS to Return to Matt Stouder @ CIty of Sprml'field, em31l mstouder@cl sprmmeld.or.us FAX: (541) 736-1021 Updated 121812006 Brenda lanes COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN I 8 2008 For OffiCial Use Only ~G I * Based upon the mformatzon provided on the front of thIS sheet, the followmg represents a mlmmum of what IS needed for an appbcaflon fo be complete for submlttal wIth respect to dramage, however, thIS ilsl should not be used En lleu of the SpnngfieId Development Code (SDC) or the CIty s Engmcenng DeSIgn Manual Complzance wuh these requIrements does nol conslltU/e sUe approval, Addwonal site specific mformatwn may be reqUIred Nole Upon scopmg sheet submittal, ensure completed farm has been sIgned In the space provIded below lntenm DesIgn StandardslWater QUality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd NIA I] 0 AD non-bulldtng rooftop (NBR) lll1pervlOus surfaces shaD be pre-treated (e g muIu-chambered catchbasm wloll filtrauon medIa) for stormwater quahty AddIUonaDy, a rmmmum of 50% of the NBR ImpervIOus surface shaD be treated by vegetated methods ImJ 0 Where reqUIred, vegetaUve stormwater deSign shaD be consistent WIth mtenm deSign standards (EDSPM Secuon 3 02), set forth by the Bureau of Envlfonmental ServIces (BES) or Clean Water ServIces (CWS) III 0 For new NBR ImpCmOU'i area less than 15,000 square feet, a slmplrlied deSign approach may be followed as specIfied by the BES for vegetatIve treatment ~ 0 U a stonnwater treatment swale IS proposed, subnut calculatIOns/specIficatIons for sIzmg, velOCIty, flow, SIde slopes. bottom slope, and seed I111A consistent WIth eIther BES or CWS requlIcments ~ 0 Water Quahty calcuIauons as reqUlfed m SecUon 3 03 I of the EDSPM /Ij 0 All bulldmg rooftop mounted equipment, or other flUId contammg eqwpment located outside of the bmIdtng, sbaD be prOVided WIth secondary contamment or weather reslstant enclosure (ri,neral Study Reqwremenl' (EDSPM SeclIon 4 03) II 0 Dr81nage study prepared by a ProfeSSIOnal CIvil Engmeer lIcensed 10 the state of Oregon o I8!lJ A complete draInage study, as required m EDSPM Secuon 4 03 I, mcludmg a hydrolOgical study map 1m 0 Calculal10ns showmg system capacity for a 2-year storm event and overflow effects of a 25-year stonn event. o III The brne of concentral1on (Tc) shall be detenruned usmg a 10 mmule start tJrne for developed basms ReVIew of Downstream System (EDSPM SeclIon 4 03 4 C) o 1m A downstream draInage analySIs as descnbed m EDSPM SectIon 4 03 4 COn-site dramage shaD be governed by the Oregon PIumbmg SpecIally Code (OPSC) o [II ElevatIOns of the HGL and flow Imes for bath City and pnvate systems where applIcable Design of Stonn Systems (EDSPM Secllon 4 04) m 0 Flow lmes, slopes, f1m elevaUons, pipe type and SIzes clearly mdteated on the plan set D 11m MImmum pipe cover shall be 18 mches for remforced pipe and 36 Inches for plam concrete and plastIC pIpe matenals, or proper engmccnng calcuJal.lOns shall be provJded when Jess The cover shall be suffiCIent to support an 80,000 lb load Without fallure of the pIpe structure o ~ Mannmg's "n" values for pIpes shall be conSIstent With Table 4-1 of the EDS? All stann pipes shall be deSigned to aclueve a nurumum velOCIty of three (3) feet per second at 0 5 pipe full based on Table 4-1 as weD OtherlMlSe ~ 0 EXlstmg and proposed contours, located at one foot mterval Include spot elevatIons and SIte grades shOWIng how site dram'ii [MI D Pnvate stormwater easements shall be clearly depIcted on plans when pnvate stormwater flows from one property to another D ~ Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface wlo bemg treated by one or more BMPs, WIth the exceptlon of reSIdentIal bulldtng roofs (EDSP SecUOD 3 03 4 A) AddIuonal provlSlons apply to tIus as reqUired by the DEQ Refer to the websIte www cleo state or uslwallrroundwa/Ulchome hcm for more mformatIon o i!lI'I DetenUon ponds shaD be deSIgned to IInut runoff to pre-deveIopment rates for the 2 through 25-year storm events *ThIS form shall be rneluded as an attachmen~ m"de tire front cover, of tire stormwater study * IMPORTANT ENGINEER PLEASE READ BEWW AND SIGN' As the engineer of record, I hereby certJfy the above required Items are complete and mcluded WIth the subnutted stonnwater study and plan set Signature Date Updated 12/812006 Brenda Jones PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN I 8 2008 Parking Lot Improvements 1310 Market Street Sprzngfield, OR J 0 SVA06-I25 October 12, 2007 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT STUDY SISUL ENGINEERING A D,viSIon of Slsul Enterprises, Inc 4317 NE Thurston Way, SUite 230 Vancouver, WA 98662 phone (360) 696-3664 fax (360) 696-0977 Xi PRE.SUBMITTAl REC~D Parking Lot Improvements, 1310 Market St. (SVA06-I25) JAN 282008 SITE INFORMATION: The eXIsting sIte IS an Insurance office budding and parking lot lor the business The sites lot area has I ecently been enlarged by a lot line adjustment so the new lot area IS 14,377 Sq Ft The e;ustlng budding IS 2,870 Sq Ft and has a parking 10, gravel alleyt and eXisting sIdewalk areas 013,800 Sq Ft assoczated wIth It at this tIme and the rest 01 the lot Will be considered landscape area at thIs tIme A new parking lot area 012,675 Sq Ft IS being added on to the back 01 the eXisting parlang lot In the newly added lot area The new parlang lot and surrounding landscape area IS hydrau!Zcally separated Irom the eXIsting parlang lot be the way the eXIsting lot IS graded so we Will be treat this area stand alone Item lor the purpose 01 these calculatIOns The existing parlang lot and budding drainage Will not be changed by this new development and has not been dealt with as a part 01 these calculatIOns The total area 01 the new basin we Will look at lor these calculatIOns IS 3,570 Sq Ft 2,675 Sq Ft olthls WIll be new A C parlang lot 305 Sq Ft Will be new water treatment swale and the rest olthe area, 590 Sq Ft, Will be grass or other landscaping DEVELOPED CONDITIONS: Again the site we are loolang at lor the purposes 01 these calculatIOns IS the area to be altered lor the newparlang lot We are not disturbing the eXIsting parlang lot or bUilding drainage In any way Ncw Sltc Impcrvious Area 2,675 sq ft = 0 061 Ac (Total Dlst Area ImpervIOus) Water Quahty Treatment Swale Area' 305 sq ft (Treatment Area aVaIlable) STORMW ATER TREATMENT. Per the CIty of Portland we have looked at thIS sIte with USIng Form SIM and the SImplIfied Approach for Stormwater Management Per the form SIM, whIch IS attached with thiS report, we are reqUIred to proVIde 241Sq Ft of vegetated swale to treat the 2,675 Sq Ft A C parkIng lot We are proVidIng 305 Sq Ft of treatment swale along the north edge of the parkIng lot Per the CIty of Portland BES book we have met the treatment reqUIrements for thIS sIte An storm draIn pIpe WIll be proVIded to pIck up the flows at the bottom of the swale and connect to the swale to the eXIstIng parkIng lot storm pIpe -9.: PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O II .IAN " R '""8 RAINFALL From the ODOT HydrualIcs Manual this are IS close to the lIne between zone 7 and zone 8 Zone 8 gIves hIgher storm IntensItIes so thIs wIll be nsed for check the storm water conveyance The developed sIte wIll have a short tIme of concentratIon, SInce we are baSIcally dealIng wIth a small paved parkIng lot We wIll use the 5 mInute mInImum tIme of concentratIon and the 100 year event to look at the pIpe conveyance DEVELOPED CONDITIONS' SIte Area' AI = 0 061 C Ap = 0 021 C AlOO = 3 40 090 (ImpervIOus - pavement and roofs) 025 (pervIOus - all landscape areas) Flow = Q = CIA = 0 90*340*0061+025*340*0021 = 037 cfs CONVEYANCE: As shown on Flowmaster sheet a 6" pIpe at 0 0100 slope can easIly handle the flows from the new parkIng lot area ThIS IndIcates that the proposed facIlItIes are capable of handlIng the 100 year event by passmg It on to the eXIstIng publIc stom factlltIes In the street Another look at thIS capacIty Issue IS by USIng the plumbIng code to check the sIze of pIpe reqUIred for a gIven ImpervIOus surface area The plumbIng code IndIcates that a 6" pIpe IS capable of handlIng the flows from an ImpervIOUS surface area of over 10,000 Sq Ft at a 2 Inches/hour rate SUMMARY The proposed area of work IS hydraulIcally separated form the rest of the sIte by the way the sIte IS graded The parkIng lot Improvements WIll be treated a a new and separate faCIlIty, separate from the rest of the eXlstmg sIte The proposed vegetated treatment factlltIes has more than enough surface area to meet the treatment reqUIrements of the CIty of Portland BES Stormwater book Per The reqUIred form SIM the 2,675 Sq Ft of ImpervIOus surface reqUIre a vegetated swale surface area of 241 Sq Ft The deSIgned Vegetated swalc has a surface area of over 300 Sq Ft gtVIng provldmg more than the reqUIred treatment area Per the BES book usmg the SImplIfied method ImplIes that the deSIgned faCIlItIes are presumed to comply WIth the CIty's pollutIOn and flow control rcqUlrements ThIS faCIlIty IS eqUIpped WIth a release structure and pIpe system to dIrect larger flows dIrectly to the approved publIc storm faCIlIty m the publIc nght-of-way It has also been shown tnat the pIpe system as deSIgned IS capable of handlIng the flows J from thIS sIte We feel that we have met the reqUIrements set In the stormwater management system scope of work proVIded for thIS sIte SUPPORTING DATA :J{/ PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 BOOl 8 Z N\;I C11:>3~ lVill~8 II;, , If;i ,20 I~ +1' ,m I~ i~ , I , I , I ----1 , I f------------- I , I , I , I , I I , I , I , I a~ ,,! I" ,,' ,,~~ Is '0 ;;:~=I ',' ',I ~~Ii "1 I" -'I i~~ 'I 'I 1. 3~ j ~ti " " " 'I , , r~ . , , , r.J , 'I ;,l'll ii~~ "' " " II Q ~ ! ~ !; : S ISUL ENGINEERING ,,(\) i ~ i = =-~-=IUfl!Dl ~ ~ 8 ~ ~)=--':" I I I I I I I I I I < I L . '" d~ t8~ ':~~ ~~~ ~jI;~ I' , " , -, - , I, I' i I I I I i~i "0 , ~'Y , 'i'0 <<;>,,"'1/rA ........_ (')/);vl"t- /O~ _1_ ;: <0, "0' , , "I Pl::i , " , E~a~ ~o~~ '" ;; ~o"UV) ~~~o rt><tJ~~ '" __ :! ClI " ~"' -b'S-Q ~;._3 o~ ';1::;- ~ C)"O ~ Q g g a ~>"6 ~ 000 ~'-<: o ~ '" 'ii ~ " ~ " , .....z ~~ ....~~r; ~~ ,......"'..." "::: Hi~;;:~ .,,0 ~~~~~ h? ..,... '" ~;2 ;::~~~~ c~ ~~8~~ :~ ~",~~,......~>;;:: ~t::~",,,,~" '"" ls:~~.;;;:g2 '" :i~E:~~..,Ci 0 .....(hOO...l/I >>:::::: 3 ""fflj; E~~S ~;:\"'" <,. h~ <'. ," ! ~ r ;: m o o !i eo ~~ g , !i .' ,- " , , , , , , , , " '-----" ;: ( l~ I ~ ~ , ill;; '" " . 'I" 1 ,I I I I , /, ,! "'~.., ...",,<:: G:~5 ;~~ , ~~ g~ ~'il ~~ '. ;~~ i~ ~~~ ~~, f~MI . ' m 00 o o , , ,," \ , , , 1 \ , "'I t" "--"to; PE_ ,I, ~~ . , , I; h" \ i!~ ~;:' e "- , ,I ~~~ '00 , ,~ " '0 <, ,0 , ~~ ~ .' , , , ~ r " ~ I ! , m ~ o o ," .^. ~~1~ O~O i"i :;; ~: ~ 'Y MARKET ru STREET Ll_..:. _ ~j -------+----------- :. I Z I ~ Site, Llghtrng and Landscape Plan PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS 1310 MARKET STREET CORKEY GOURLEY 5/(1 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 -~"~~fcGornltSIM"Slffi~llfiea;~~roacllYb1'\Stofiiwiatet' Mana ementr~~',,~~+-'& ~~:ii2~.::.J;br.syWiW^:~; S~-0if..%XB",,~ 1t~~-k~""4W~~~":_~PAr~K~~~^"*,.v,,.,,, :: ~t~l1?~ .,i~~3>di!~~:tl~ lhe city has PrOOuced this form to assist 'Mth a qUIck and simple approach to manage stormwater on~Slte Faalittcs Sized V\o1th this form are presumed to comply 'Mth pollution reduction and flow control requirements Stormooter disposal requirements per Section 1 4 must stili be met New or Redeveloped Impervious Site Area L:lif75 IBox 1 (do not Include roof areas that will be Infiltrated on,slte with drywells or soakage trenches) Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 INSTRUCTIONS 1 Enter square footage of new or redeveloped ImperviOUS sIte area In Box 1 at the top of U1IS form 2 Select Impervious area reductlon tectlnlques from rows 1-3 to reduce the site's resulting stonmvater management reqUirement Tree creelJ! can be calculated using the tree credit worksheet on the next page 3 Select deSired stormwater management facllitres from ~ 4-10 In Column 1 enter the square footage of Impel'Vlous area that 'Mil flow Into each faailly type 4 Multiply each ImpelVlous area from Column 1 by the corresponding SIZIng factor In Column 2 and enter the result In Column 3 This IS the faahty surface area needed to manage runoff from the ImperviOUS area 5 Total Column 1 (R<JV.t3 1-10) and enter the resultlng "ImperviOUS Area Mahaged' In Box 2 6 Subtract Box 2 from Box 1 and enter the result In Box 3 When thIS number reaches 0, stormwater pollution reduction and flow contrd requIrements have been met Submit thiS form 'Mth the application for permit 7 If Box 3 IS greater than 0 square feet add square footage or faalitles to Column 1 and recalculate, or use additional faalitles from Chapter 2 0 of the Stcxmwater rvtanagement f\.1anuallo manage stonnwater from these remaining Impcrvlous surfaces sf 2) Contained Planter sf 3) Tree Credit (See Next Page) sf Note Pervious Pavement areas do not need to be mcluded In Box 1 5) Flow-Through Planter sf X 006 = I sf 6) Vegetated Swale 2,C.?i sf X 009 = I ;J..Y/ sf . 7) Grassy Swale sf X 012 = I sf 8) Vegetated Filter Strip sf X 02 = I sf 9) Vcgetaled Infil BaSin sf x 009 = I sf 10) Sand Filler sf X 007 =1 sf For dryvvell and soakage trench slzmg and deSign requirements, see Section 2 9 T otallmpervlous Area 2., r.. 7 )' IBox2 Managed (j , !BOX 3 Box 1 - Box 2 / Stol111water Management Manual Adopted July 1, 1999, revIsed Septcmbcl 1,2004 Paae 2-5 b tj,/ BandO'l PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 2 8 2008 " cr . o o o " Newport o N Waldport \.I YachalS s. K 8rOOk,ngs n- 2.0 L ::J 0 1: , U) Q) 1: () 10 .r:;; 09 ~ 08 ():) >-- Vl 07 Z 1.LJ 0.6 >-- Z 0.5 ...J ...J "<l: 0.4 u.. Z "<l: n:: 0.3 5.0 RAINF ALL INTENSITY - DURA nON - FREQUENCY CURVES 40 30 0.2 0.1 4 6 7 8 9 10 50 60 70 80 100 5 15 20 25 30 40 RAINF ALL DURATION. Minutes Zone 8 100 Yr. 50 Yr. 25 Yr 10 Yr. 5 Yr)8 rn 2 Yrl" '-c:: J>CU Zs:: NI - ~~ g,g CO rn q :> ':J C"" 150 200 300 400 ~I PRE.SUBMIlTAL REC'O RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR THE RATIONAL METHOD JAN 182008 Table 2.1 ROLLI NG HILLY FLAT 2% - 10% OVER 10% Pavement & Roofs o 90 o 90 o 90 earth Shoulders o 50 o 50 o 50 Dn ves & Walks o 75 o 80 o 85 Gravel Pavement o 50 o 55 o 60 C1ty Bus1ness Areas o 80 o 85 o 85 Apartment Dwell1ng Areas o 50 o 60 o 70 L1ght Res1dent1al I to 3 Un1tSjaC o 35 0.40 o 45- Norma 1 Res 1 dent Ja 1 3 to 6 UDl tsjac o 50 o 55 o 60 Dense Res1dentlal 6 to 15 un1tsjac o 70 o 75 o 80 Lawns o 17 o 22 o 35 Grass Shoulders o 25 o 25 o 25 Slde Slopes, Earth o 60 o 60 o 60 Slde Slopes, Turf o 30 o 30 o 30 Med1an Areas. Turf o 25 o 30 o 30 Cult1vated Land, Clay & Loam o 50 o 55 o 60 Cult1vated Land, Sand & Gravel o 25 0.30 o 35 IndustrJal Areas, Llght 0.50 o 70 o 80 Industr1al Areas, Heavy o 60 o 80 o 90 Parks & Cemeter1es o 10 o 15 o 25 Playgrounds o 20 o 25 o 30 Woodland & Forests o 10 o 15 o 20 Meadows & Pasture Land o 25 o 30 o 35 Unlmproved Areas o 10 o 20 o 30 r 2 4 7 2 RaInfall Intensity "I" The ra1nfall 1ntens1ty "1" 1nd1cates the seventy of the ra1nfall Ralnfall 1ntens1ty lS related to the ra1nfall durat10n and the stat1stlcal recurrence 1nterval of the des1gn storm In the rat10nal method the ra1nfall 1ntenS1ty correspond1ng to a durat10n equal to the t1me of concentratlon (Sec 2 4 7 3) lS used to calculate the peak flow The ralnfall 1ntenslty can be selected from the appropnate 1ntens1ty-duratlon-frequency (I-D-F) curve found 1n Append1X 2 A. / , 11 ~I C~rcular Cnannel Analys~s & Des~gn Solved w~th Mann~ng's Equatlon Open Channel - Unlform flow PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN I 8 2008 Worksheet Name Park~ng Lot Comment Full Flow Capac~ty Solve For Full Flow Capac~ty G~ven Input Data Dlameter Slope Mann~ng's n D~scharge o 50 ft o 0100 ft/ft o 013 o 56 cfs Computed Results Full Flow Capaclty Full Flow Depth Veloc~ty Flow Area Crltlcal Depth Crltlcal Slope Percent Full Full Capac~ty QMAX @ 94D Froude Number o 56 cfs o 50 ft 2 86 fps o 20 sf o 38 ft o 0116 ft/ft 100 00 % o 56 cfs o 60 cfs FULL ,I /0 ( " @. /0 >' JI '" Open Channel Flow Module, Verslon 3 12 (c) 1990 Haestad Methods, Inc * 37 Brookslde Rd * Waterbury, Ct 06708 1% I' STORM DRAINAGE Table 11-2 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O TABLE 11.2 S,zln9 of Honzontal Rainwater PIPln9 JAN 2 8 2008 Size of Flow at Max,mum Allowable Honzontal ProJected Roof Areas Pipe, 1/8 mJft Slope, Square Feet at Vanous Ramfall Rates Inches 9pm 11nlh 2ln/h 31n.lh 41n.lh 51nJh 6m.lh 3 34 3288 1644 1096 822 657 548 4 78 7520 3760 2506 1880 1504 1253 5 139 13,360 6680 4453 3340 2672 2227 6 222 21,400 10700 7133 5350 4280 3566 8 478 46,000 23,000 15,330 11,500 9200 7670 10 860 82,800 41,400 27,600 20,700 16,580 13,800 12 1384 133,200 66,600 44,400 33,300 26,650 22,200 15 2473 238,000 119,000 79,333 59,500 47,600 39,650 Size of Flow at Max,mum Allowable Honzontal Projected Roof Areas Pipe, 1/4 inJft Slope, Square Feet at VarIOus Rainfall Rates Inches gpm 1lnlh 21n./h 3 InJh 41n./h 5 In.lh 61n./h 3 48 4640 2320 1546 1160 928 773 4 110 10,600 5300 3533 2650 2120 1766 5 196 18,880 9440 6293 4720 3776 3146 6 314 30,200 15,100 10,066 7550 6040 5033 8 677 65,200 32,600 21,733 16,300 13,040 10,866 10 1214 116,800 58,400 38,950 29,200 23,350 19,450 12 1953 188,000 94,000 62,600 47,000 37,600 31,350 15 3491 336,000 168,000 112,000 84,000 67,250 56,000 S,zeof Flow at Maximum Allowable Honzontal Projected Roof Areas Pipe, 1/2 mJft Slope, Square Feet at Vaflous Rainfall Rates Inches 9pm 1 m.lh 2.nJh 3m./h 4m.lh 5m./h 6lnlh 3 68 6576 3288 2192 1644 1310 1096 4 156 15,040 7520 5010 3760 3010 2500 5 278 26,720 13,360 8900 6680 5320 4450 6 445 42,800 21,400 14,267 10,700 8580 7140 8 956 92,000 46,000 30,650 23,000 18,400 15,320 10 1721 165,600 82,800 55,200 41,400 33,150 27,600 12 2768 266,400 133,200 88,800 66,600 53,200 44,400 15 4946 476,000 238,000 158,700 119,000 95,200 79,300 Noles , 1 The sIzing data for honzontal piping are based on the pipes flowing full 2 For ramfall rates other than those listed, determine the allowable roof area by dividing the area given tn the 1 Inchlhour (25 mmlhour) column by the deslfed rainfall rate 137 I;;; II SIZING STORM WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Appendix D TABLE 0-1 Continued PRE-StIBMIfTAL REC'O Storm Drainage JAN 2 8-2008 States and C,t'es 60-Mlnute Duration, 100-Year Return Inches/Hour GPM/Square Foot NEW HAMPSHIRE BC'llm 22 0023 Manchester 25 0026 NEW JERSEY Atlantic CIty 34 0035 Pater::.on 30 0031 Trenton 32 0033 NEW MEXICO Albuquerque 20 0021 Carhbad 26 0027 Gallup 21 0022 NEW YORK Bmghamton 24 0025 Buffalo 23 0024 New York CIty 31 0032 Schenectady 25 0026 Syracuse 24 0025 NORTH CAROLINA AshevIlle 32 0033 Charlotte 34 0035 RaleIgh 40 0042 Wllmmgton 44 0046 NORTH DAKOTA Bl<;marck 27 0028 Fargo 29 0030 Mmot 26 0027 OHIO Cmcmnah 28 0029 Cleveland 24 0025 Columbu,> 27 0028 Toledo 26 0027 Youngstown 24 0025 OKLAHOMA BOIse CI ty 34 0035 Muskogcc 40 0042 Oklahoma CIty 41 0043 OREGON Medford ~ 0014 Ontano 10 0010 Portland 13 0014 263 ~ ver reen Land Title Company PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN I 8 2008 PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT TO: CORKEY GOURLEY EMAIL: corkey gourley gyzt@statefarm com RE GOURLEY Order reports and listing kits online at (WlNwevergreenlandtltle com) JamuvuJ 22,2008 ELT-531I8 " Main Office: 1651 Centenmal Blvd Sprmgfield, OR 97477 Phone # (541) 741-198] Fax # (54]) 74]-0619 Branch Office: 875 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phone # (54:1) 687-9794 Fax # (54:1) 687-0924 i. I' I 'ELT - 53118 Page 2 PRE-5UBMITTAL RECIO JAN I 8 2008 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I Taxes or assessments whtch are not shown as eXlstmg hens by the records of any taxmg authonty that levIes taxes or assessments on real property or by the publIc records, proceedmgs by a publIc agency whtch may result m taxes or assessments, or notIces of such proceedmgs, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the pubhc records 2 Facts, nghts, mterests or clarms whtch are not shown by the public records but whtch could be ascertamed by an mspectlOn of the land or by makmg mqUlry of persons m possessIOn thereof 3 Easements, or chums of easement, not shown by the pubhc records, reservatIOns or exceptIOns m patents or m Acts authonzmg the Issuance thereof, water nghts, claims or tItle to water 4 DIscrepancIes, conflIcts m boundary hnes, shortage m area, encroachments or other facts whtch a correct survey would dIsclose 5 Any hen, or nght to a lIen, for servIces, labor, matenal, eqUIpment rental or workers compensatIOn heretofore or hereafter furmshed, Imposed by law and not shown by the pubhc records CURRENT EXCEPTiONS 6 Taxes, Map No 17-03-25-33-08200, Code 19-00, Account No 0210698,2007-2008, a hen m the ongmal atnount of$970 68, of whIch $431, IS unpaId 7 Pubhc UtIhty Easements as shown on the recorded plat t 8 CondItIOns and RestrIctIons, but omlttJng restrIctIOns, If any, based on race, color, relIgIOn or natIOnal ongm, Imposed by mstrument, mcludmg the terms and proVISIons thereof, Recorded October 7, 1949, Book 403, Page 93, ReceptIOn No 3497, Lane County Oregon Records 9 ReservatIOn of Coal and Mmeral RIghts m Deed from State of Oregon to Manmng Recorded August 30,1943, Book 252, Page 617, Lane County Oregon Records 10 ReservatIOn, granted to the State of Oregon, mcludmg the terms and provISIons thereof, by Deed Recorded Apnl 4, 1950, ReceptIOn No 16084, Lane County Oregon Records CONTINUED ELT - 53118 Page 3 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 11 Deed of Trust, mcludmg the terms and provISIons thereof, executed by Stuart E Gourley and Jame D Gourley, husband and WIfe, as Grantor(s), to Evergreen Land TItle Company, as Trustee, for the benefit of George L Moms and Karen M LeslIe, as BeneficIary, Dated October 13, 1995, Recorded January 2, 1996, ReceptIOn No 96-00035, OffiCial Records of Lane County, Oregon, gIven to secure payment of a Note for $95,000 00 12 Deed of Trust, mcludmg the terms and provIsIOns thereof, executed by Stuart E Gourley and JanIe D Gourley, as Grantor(s), to AMVESCO Inc dba Western PIOneer TItle Co of Lane County, as Trustee, for the benefit of George L Moms & Conrue N Moms, or the survIvor thereof, as BeneficIary, Dated August 6, 2002, Recorded September II, 2002, ReceptIOn No 2002-070478, OffiCIal Records of Lane County, Oregon, gIven to secure payment ofa Note for $100,00000 13 Mortgage, mcludmg the terms and provISIons thereof, executed by Stuart E Gourley and Jame D Gourley, as Mortgagor, to State Farm Bank, F S B , as Mortgagee, Dated September 26,2006, Recorded September 26, 2006, Recephon No 2006-070041, OffiCIal Records of Lane County, Oregon, gIven to secure payment ofa Note for $157,600 00 14 Easement for Parkmg as reserved m Bargam and Sale Deed Recorded November 2, 2006, i ReceptIOn No 2006-079454, Lane County Oregon Records 15 DeclaratIOn of E vate hlIt ement, mcludmg the terms and proVISIOns thereof, by .J."... mstrument Record a June 12,200 , ReceptIOn No 2007-039924, Lane County Oregon 'lJ Records \ ? '<11 NOTE Taxes, Map No 17-03-25-33-08300, Code 19-00, Account No 0210706,2007-2008, $1,349.45, prod m full NOTE The address of the property to be msured herem IS 1310 MARKET STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477, and 1312 MARKET STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477, and 1344 MARKET STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477, and 1364 MARKET STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477, and 1450 CENTENNIAL BOULEVARD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 NOTE A JUDGEMENTILIENIBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the natne(s) STUART E GOURLEY AND JANIE D GOURLEY, and as of January 15,2008, none were found NOTE As of January 15, 2008, there are no lIens for the CIty of Eugene CONTINUED ELT - 53118 Page 4 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 2 8 2008 NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT AND SHOW NEW LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By JfluJ~ Jeffrey K Walker AdvIsory TItle Officer CC Tolbert ASSOCIates LLC Attn Lloyd Tolbert (ematl Iloyd@tolbertassoclates com) CC Corkey Gourley (emaIl) NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200 00 WILL BE CHARGED ELT - 53118 Page 1 ofl Legal DescnptlOn PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN I 8 2008 EXHIBIT A PARCEL 1: Lot 27, Block 3, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded III Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, III Lane County, Oregon LESS the North sIxty-two (62) feet of Lot 27, Block 3, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded III Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, III Lane County, Oregon PARCEL 2: Lot 28, Block 3, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded III Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, III Lane County, Oregon ALSO the North sIXty-two (62) feet of Lot 27, Block 3, MOHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded III Book 15, Page 23, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, III Lane County, Oregon " 2007.031535 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $36,00 0090669020070031535003003805/10/2007 01 :45:32 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stn=15 cRAESHAM..oRTIAL RECIO $15 00 $11 00 $10 00 P ':lUI)IVlI DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT JAN 2 82008 /" , D,v,s,on of l~4!f Deputy Clerk Lane Counly Deeds and Records Stuart E Gourley and Jame D Gourley are the owners of two contiguous tracts of real property located In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mend,an and referred to herein as Tract 1 and Tract 2 OWNERS are setting forth thiS declarallon to set an adjusted boundary hne between said Tract 1 and Tract 2 to comply with Lane County Land Use Regulations and the provIsions of ORS 92 190(4) The Tract 1 property IS shown on Assessor's Map No 17-03-25-33 as Tax Lot 8200 The legal descflptlon for the Tract 1 property pnor to thiS adjustment IS Lot 27, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records ,n Lane County, Oregon The Tract 2 property 's shown on Assessor's Map No 17-03-25-33 as Tax Lot 8300 The legal descnptlon for the Tract 1 property pnor to th,s adjustment IS Lot 28, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION. as platted and recorded ,n Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records In Lane County, Oregon By and through thiS Instrument OWNERS do hereby set forth and declare their Intent to establish an adJI -'--' -----~ ,-- c_, --- ... ,- -- ,ert,es as descnbed above The legal descnpt,on ,cnbed on attached Exhibit "A" FOllOWIng thiS pi attached Exhibit property IS descr ~cI ~~ -ract 1 property 's descnbed on , the descnpllon of the Tract 2 The true and actl L~ I I and valuable consideration I , , THIS INSTRUME~ IN VIOLATION 0 ACCEPTING THI' SHOULD CHECK VERIFY USES ESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT ~TIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR EE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY r PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO I USTMENT DECLARANTS :>lUan I: ana Jame u uaurley After recordIng return to Stuart E and Jame D Gourley 39051 MckenZie Highway Springfield, Oregon 97478 Unbl a change IS nequested, mall all tax statements to SAME AS ABOVE Page 1 of 3 ''1 "'I PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 #/ ~ ~L-- Stuart E Gourley ~./U1U' /J .JJ,.,J<'/1 Jan Gourley STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) On -m~ 14 , 2007, before me, personally appeared Stuart E Gourley and JaDle D curley, known to me (or proved to me on the basIs of satisfactory eVidence) to be the persons whose names are subscnbed to the wlth,n Instrument and acknowledged to me that by their signatures they have executed the Instrument as their voluntary act and deed Witness my hand and offiCIal seal . OFFICIAL SCAt. BONNIE L IIOSKIIISOIAVIE NOTARY PUB\JC. OREGON COMMISSION NO 396845 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SfPT 7,2009 ~ ~ '1l'h;{? :"'""~ vA Notary Public for Oregon My Commlss'on Exp'res .5~ 'Z ~""I Page 2 of 3 'il PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 2 8 2008 EXHIBIT "A" A hne Iy,ng s,xty-two (62) feet southerly of and parallel wrth the north hne of lot 27, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records In Lane County, Oregon EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR RE~SEDTRACT1PROPERTY Lot 27, Block 3. MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records In Lane County, Oregon LESS The North SIXty-two (62) feet of Lot 27, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records In Lane County, Oregon EXHIBIT "C" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED TRACT 2 PROPERTY Lot 28, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23 of the lane County Plat Records In Lane County, Oregon ALSO The North Sixty-two (62) feet of Lot 27, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15. Page 23 of the lane County Plat Records In Lane County, Oregon Page 3 of 3 Vff 'r (, f/ 'f " f' 'r ,. "' , , -, ~ <~ "'~ .! J ~, q :.~i~~ ,~l ~ J , " \ ,~.- ,~~:;< 1~ '-1" \~ .". .c~~ , , .'" ;. "1 I ~ '," , , , ~J , ;7 .F"~ ~ \~",~i~^ , ~....,Y'< ~ ,~ ~ jJ.,,' "~ p.'-, - \ l'/SfJ",,""~ .} :J(r;-:f.... ~;;.,;t,,-:~lr~-\.. ,\ ''G.><.r: v ~< '\.... "ts.~ (,~ J .!: ~ l-:f.. 'f}' 'f:..;:/........ l ~ 1',;1.. ~ -..".-.... ~ I ;l" ' , , " , " '" " ~~,;:~5~. " ..!$- "" ,; ',",; ~ {.>'~ ",;; ;' , , , L .......~i :,,1 l..l -' " -, " '0 " ,-, L \- a-~- ~I ~.., ~vl~lq%-I 9600034 TAX ACCT NO ft' ~, tilr' 210706 ~t PRE.SUBMITTAt RE JAN 2 8 2008 ~'/ \" , t SP95.E6ltSl tWlRAHTY PRim ~ _ S'tATO'rClRY ro1UI InmIVIDtmL or C01U'ORA'l'IONl QZORGB L MOlUl%S. Granto:l:', convoys and warrants to sTUMlT B GOURLEY and 07&nB D GOURLBr. huaboDd and wife. Grant.., 8 ~ ~ , !a iii ~ tho following described real property free of encwnbrances except as spacifically set. forth herein; BLOCK 3. MOH1\WK FIRST ItDOIT'lON. AS PLATTED AND RECOaDBD IN PlIGB 23. LANE COwrY ORBGON PLA'l' RECORDS, ~ ~~ 5 00 !!WAN 02'96fl02Pf\Rl) 10.00 illZJAN.02'96Ull2A&T FIJM) 21),00 'this iDDb2;uIQtlnt will aot IllloW uoe of the pJ:Opsrty doacribed i.D. th1s 1DG~t. 112 riolAtion of: a.pp1:l.cQ])1. lend uao lawlII and ragulat:l.ou. ae!o:a eign!ng or aoClGptWlg thb incIt:umOat:, tIlG padOll ,!IcqW.:ing eM titlo to the proporty abguld cbock rith the -.ppropriata city or county pla.n.tt1ug depRtment to verify apFOV04 usae end to 4atondDQ lUW limits on lawsu1t:a agabmt: toz-miag or foroat practicaD IUJ d8f:Lned. :I.D ORB-30 930 LOT 2B, eOOR 15 OREGON EncUmbrances I oovenanto, conditions, roatrictiona and easements of record The true cODalderation for tbh conveyance ia tho requirements of ORB 93 030*) $95,000 00 (Hare comply with Dated thia i:J'tP day ot it haa cauaed ita name to be . 19...!l1C-. 1! a cOJ:pDra~ grantor, rder ot it;s board of direotors , IS S'l'ATS OF OREGON. C-ountyof dff.., Is. nJ../.:t ]. 91:L...-. 'l'his 1nstrumont WIUl acla1owlodged before tae on by OEORGE L MORRIS g'M) 9Jj ~7;,.? Notary ic f~egon My COlIII'lil!lflion exp eo ;; . . ,. JEll8lt!tl~,~.. HOt\IiVI'"JDU:: OIt'3o.~ COMUl...'"S!OHfIOcF..a:5J cow.t138 EJCPlRIiB.Ilx,...o IIIlII GEORGB L MORRIS "5252 GOC)DPM'l'ORB ROAD VIDA. OR 9'14BS GRANTOR I S NNm 1ISD MJDRBSS until a ohange 18 requeated all tax statements shall be Bent. to the following addrellS ... SJlMB AS GlUW'lEB ..... STUART B GOURLB'l 1.310 MARDT S'1'R2E'l' SPRINOFIELO. OR 9747' GRAln'BE I S N1IMB AND ADDRESS After rocortliDg return to BVERGRBBN LAND 'l'ITLB COMPANY OF ORBGQN 1510 MJRAWX BL\ItI SPRINCJFIELD. OIl 97.f.7'7 State of Oregon County of Lane - u J.IheCounlyOetkIn.-ndIorIheI/lld Ccunw,dohercb'Jl:Crl\lythalthawllhln \n$lnlmenlWU rauMd Iclf rlOClf"d at '2 Jm qo 11: 0"5 .... 2127R l:n,QlurltyOFFlClAl..Rtcordt I...me:CoI.wIlyOark "" a.p .4~..w- """""'" , I I \ \ t , , I ~ ! I , I I " ,- .' " , ,~ ':..~: c,' ~:~ ~ -' '1~ ~l- "', ~~ , .' -' ",,-''1 :f~~:- ~-:I';"'~ ~ ' ':;:-;';,.)" , ......).< ,- " , \, ," ~ ,- -'" \ ,- w ~1:~';!1 i ~f~", ~ 'J -~, r'" ,-- ,''- -. ~~~~ <.~~.... 1,,..A( '* ~ ..!;:i l~,-,r.<.r;:, ,~' '- ..~-:.,,-,.. '-I ',.. \ ";.,' ~"/~... 1'''-,(:" ." .....t ,:-1' ~ ( , .. ,~.,:'~~,";, '! ~ \t"',,~ ; '- ~...t ;.;,r~ J ~ "if, "l...~ , ~ ~. ~-tJi'l.~~'.; '':. 'J ~\J~f~'g;-r ~ " :-- }t$~:~\: "",~i~'f(.:- ~:":'t ..) ~\. -t;.r~l.'( , 1,~~t:.~ t"1,,~.. :;;;15.. < 1.:J.',t~,!:-q-t::"".t ~ ~ ~~ '~~~~;- ~"'-, ....~-","'d- .. ,.. ,00~\fffi~ " "'t.:....:....:.:;F-' ~ ,;, t-, --r( ~< ~ ., ~~r'(>>.{;'.< , ,- ~ -:. I~l ,Ph';: ~\'~~~ \ ';-:..r~~~~,../: '<~-:,\~ ~~<' ~,I ...~...'":,"~.. ,.. ,...,,~ i ~~~j;-'" , ' ~ :/'1 > '" \ ' " -, " I 1-, r I " \ t .I, ..fj > . 10"'- \0/" \,- ,. After Reconbng Return To First Amencan Title PO Box 10146 Eugene OR 97440 .."'" ~'" II '" ~ THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE After rec:ord,ng retum to Stuart E Gourley and Janie D. Gourley 39091 McKenZIe Hwy Springfield, OR 97478 PRE.SUBMITTAL RI C'D JAN 2 8 20m Unbl a change Is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address Stuart E Gourley and Janie D. Gourley 39091 McKenZIe Hwy Springfield, OR 97478 r Division 0' Chle' Deputy Clerk Lane County Deeds and Records " 200D-O~2~3 1/111111101111111111 "'111 111'" I IIIJ1111ll" III $31,00 00816026200600422230020028 06/16/2006 02:40:54 P" RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=4 CASHIER D2 $10 00 $11 00 $10.00 File No.. 7194-840228 (SMJ) Date June 15, 2006 '- STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Donetta Childs and James H. Childs, wife and husband as jOint tenants, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Stuart E. Gour1ey and Janie D. Gour1ey, husband and wife, Grantee, the follOWing described real property free of liens and encumbrances, except as specifically set forth herein. LOT 27, BLOCK 3 MOHAWK FIRST ADDmON, AS PLAneD AND RECORDED IN BOOK 15, PAGE 23, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. This property IS free from liens and encumbrances, EXCEPT: 1 Covenants, condtllons, restncbons and/or easements, ,f any, affectmg tItle, which may appear In the public rerord, includIng those shown on any recorded plat or survey. The true cons,deratIon for this conveyance IS $114,475.00 (Here comply with requirements of ORS 93 030) BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352 THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE lTTLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINsr FARMING OR FOREsr PRACTICES AS DEANED IN ORS 30 930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGIfTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352 Page I of Z .' . -. APN 0210698 Statutmy WalTallty Deed . conbnued Dated thiS ~ day of J U 1" 0 :Dmf%;.rm Donella Childs Sf ATE OF Oregon County of Lane .20ak PRE.SUBMITTAL RECIO JAN 2 8 2008 Rio No 7194-840228 (SMJ) Dale 06/15/2006 ~AMkb-~ - fJJrb Ja es H Childs ) )ss ) This Instrument was acknowledged befor by Donetta Childs and James H. Child . 0FFICf.6LSEAI. 80NDRA M. JOHNSON NOTAftYPU8lJC.ORfGON ~ _ COMMISSION NO. 871288 II'fCllllMlSSlONEIO'IJIfSAll8UST29,'IJ1J1 Page 2 of 2 20.Qb <6hq 101- :J: I- rf) 'or." . ~ "'''~" .J". "S'W'tor F CENTENN IAL ~ M POWER o L C No 69 fill ws 8 9 10 II 12 10300 10400 10500 10600 10700 ~I II ; . ~ f JI I l/-03-d-S--63 4200 5500 '. ~ " '0 o " '" 11:~ '16.... .-. NB'i'''4IW ~'~~': \1 ~ I, I'V#' .,,,....,zu~, 3"0_ 4500 4600 4700 4800 4000 5000 5100 5200 5300 5400 '0004 15 ~ . . , 16 17 18 19 20 2 24 25 26 27 28 STREET . ., oor:; ~ ..s;.,."'" 10200 5 8 9 '0 II 12 13 14 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 0 ~ I 9 0 fl" Ie. . 10100 7700 7800 , 7900 8000 8100 8200 8300 ~ O' o. >' L i>,\) I 2 3 4 5 J6 7 5600 5700 5800 5900 6000 6100 6200 , ~ 7000 7100 7200 7300 7400 7500 7600 " . ~ 7248 15 <0 16 " '7 . 18 19 20 ~o 21 ..."..""",,, .........",. ",,,,.,,,, "....." 10 43 22 .23 .24 .25 26 ... 27 7.4.52 28 .. '<>&<;3Z !t.., . 'oU"'" II........ '40Z ..,. ............,. ....,u."" ~ "........ ....,....... ~ ..,"".."~.."..,, BLVD """"'" """"" ('..v6\;l.rG1 w,' ",......... "",,,,,,< -"""," " 13~4 10800 '0900 "5 16 11100 11200 6<f,s 21 40 11600 .......t I ~'I 19 11400 11000 11300 11500 16200 I I 11700 I- w ~ , . 0:::' . 16500 t P," <i, ",=,' ...:; ~ '690< 11800 1/900 12000 I:; ~2;00 ;~~ ~:4030 :;:) 31 ~T'65 a; THE CQ~~ :o..SSUMES NO LIABILITY fOR INACC JRACIES. N COUR1ESY ~ F W T E EV1!RG,e,N LA'D TITLE CO 5 7411981 12500 12600 12700 12800 12900 13000 ~ 9 18 42.;:; 40. \':: 29 "5T 38 39 ,,>\(') 41 ~ PARKER STREET ..... = = QI) Privacy Policy Notice PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAN 2 8 zooa Stewart TItle Guaranty Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company, Stewart Title Insurance Company of Oregon, NatIOnal Land TItle Insurance Company, Arkansas Title Insurance Company, Chatter Land Title Insurance Company, LandAmenca CompanIes Commonwealth Land TItle Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land TItle Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industnal Valley TItle Insurance Company, Land TItle Insurance Company, Lawyers TItle Insurance CorporatIon, Title Insurance Company of Amenca, TransnatlOn Title Insurance Company, TransnatlOn Title Insurance Company of New York PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE TItle V of the Gramm-Leach-Bhley Act (GLBA) generally prohtblts any financlallllstJtutlOn, dIrectly or through Its affilIates, from sharmg nonpubhc personal mformatlOn about you WIth a nonaffilIated thIrd party unless the mstltutlOn provIdes you wIth a notIce of Its pnvacy pohcles and practIces, such as the type of IllfonnatlOn that It collects about you and the categones of persons or entItJes to whom It may be dIsclosed In comphance WIth the GLBA, we are provldlllg you WIth tills document, which notIfies you of the pnvacy polICIes and practIces of Stewart TItle Guaranty Company, Stewart TItle Insurance Company, Stewart TItle Insurance Company of Oregon, NatIonal Land TItle Insurance Company, Arkansas TItle Insurance Company, Charter Land TItle Insurance Company, LandAmenca Comparues Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company, Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company of New Jersey, Industnal Valley Title Insurance Company, Land TItle Insurance Company, Lawyers Title Insurance CorporatIOn, Title Insurance Company of Amenca, TransnatlOn TItle Insurance Company, TransnatlOn Title Insurance Company of New York We may coIlect nonpublIc personal mformatlOn about you from the foIlowmg sources · informatIon we receIve from you, such as on applIcatIOns or other forms · informatIOn about your transactIOns we secure from our files, or from our affilIates or others · InfOJlnatlon we receIve from a consumer reportmg agency · information that we receive from others mvolved m your transactIon, such as the real estate agent or lender Unless It IS specIficaIly stated otherwIse m an amended Pnvacy PolIcy Notice, no addItIOnal nonpubhc personal InformatIOn will be coIlected about you l' }We may disclose any of the above mformatlOn that we coIlect about OUr customers or fonner customers to our afnltates or to nonaffilIated tlurd parties as pemutted by law We also may dIsclose thIS mfonnatIon about our customers or former customers to the fOllowmg types of nonaffilIated companIes that perform marketmg servIces on our behalf or WIth whom we have Jomt marketmg agreements · Fmanclal servIce proViders such as companIes engaged m banktng, consumer fmance, securltJes and msurance · Non-financial companies such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment servICe proVIders WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMA nON ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE mAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LA W We restrict access to nonpubhc personal mfonnatlOn about you to those employees who need to know that mfonnatIon in order to proVIde products or services to you We mamtam phYSIcal, electromc and procedural safeguards that comply WIth federal regulatIOns to guard your nonpublIc personalmfoI1l1atJon Privacy Policy Notice As adopted July 1,2001 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 Evergreen Land TItle Company Pnvate Policy NotIce PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE TItle V of the Gramm-Leach-BlIley Act (GLBA) generally prohIbIts any financial mstItutIon, dIrectly or through Its affilIates, from sharing nonpublIc personal mformatlOn about you with a nonaffilIated thIrd party unless the mstltutlOn provIdes you wIth a notice of Its pnvacy polIcIes and practices, such as the type of mforrnatIon that It collects about you and the categones of persons or entItIes to whom It may be dIsclosed In complIance wIth the GLBA, we are provldmg you wIth thIs document, which notIfies you of the pnvacy policIes and practJces of Evergreen Land TItle Company We may collect nonpubhc personal mfonnatlOn about you from the followmg sources · InfonnatlOn we receive from you, such as on apphcatlOns or other fonns · InformatIOn about your transactIons we secure from our files, or from our affihates Or others · Information We receIve from a conswner reportJng agency · InfonnatlOn that we receive from others mvolved m your transactIOn, such as the real estate agent or lender Unless It IS specifically stated othelWlse m an amended PrIvacy Pohcy NotIce, no addItIOnal nonpubhc personal mfonnatlOn will be collected about you We may disclose any of the above mfonnatlOn that we collect about our customers or fonner customers to our affiliates or to nonaffihated third partIes as pennltted by law We also may dIsclose thIS mformatlOn about our customers or fonner customers to the folloWIng types of nonaffihated companIes that perfonn marketmg services on our behalf or With whom we have JOInt marketIng agreements · Fmanclal servIce providers such as companIes engaged m banktng, conswner fmance, securlues and 1I1Surance · Non-financIal companIes such as envelope stuffers and other fulfillment servIce proVIders WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMA nON ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LA W We restrIct access to nonpubhc personal mfonnatzon about you to those employees who need to know that mfonnatlOn m order to proVide products or servIces to you We mamtam phYSical, electromc and procedural safeguards that comply With federal regulatIOns to guard your nonpublIc personal mfonnatlOn 1651 CENTENNIAL 8LVD . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PO 80X 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE 541 741 1981 FAX 541 741 0619 675 COUNTRY CLUB RD . EUGENE, OR 97401 PO 80X 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE 541 667 9794 FAX 541 6670924 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JAM 2 II Z008 ~x~rg{~~~ TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES . ESCROW CLOSINGS January 22, 2008 OurOrderNo ELT-53118 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Tolbert Associates LLC POBox 70224 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Attn Bonrne Estimated PremIUm for PARTIAL BILLING $200 00 TOTAL $200 00 Dear Bonrne We are prepared to Issue on request and on recordmg of the appropnate documents, a polIcy or polIcIes as applIed for, WIth coverages as mdlcated, based on thIS prehmmary report LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE A IT ACHED EXHIBIT A Showmg fee sImple title as of January 15, 2008, at 8 00 am, vested m STUART E GOURLEY AND JANIE D GOURLEY, husband and wIfe Subject only to the exceptions shown herem and to the terms, condItIOns and exceptIOns contamed m the polIcy form No hablhty IS assumed until a full premIum has been paId CONTINUED "IN OUR 8USINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" www evergreenlandhtle com , '" 2007.0315]5 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $36 ,00 0090669020070031535003003805/1012007 01 :45:32 PM RPR-DEED Cnt=1 Stn=15 CASHIER 06 $15 00 $11 00 $10 00 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT JAN 282008 /' " Dlvlslon of C~~f Deputy Cle~k Lane Counly Deeds and Records Stuart E Gourley and Jame D Gourley are the owners of two contiguous tracts of real property located In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllarnette Mefldlan and referred to herein as Tract 1 and Tract 2 OWNERS are sett,ng forth this declaration to set an adjusted boundary hne between said Tract 1 and Tract 2 to comply w,th Lane County Land Use Regulat,ons and the prOVIsIons of ORS 92 190(4) The Tract 1 property 's shown on Assessor's Map No 17-03-25-33 as Tax Lot 8200 The legal descnptlon for the Tract 1 property pnor to this adjustment 's Lot 27, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records ,n Lane County, Oregon The Tract 2 property IS shown on Assessor's Map No 17-03-25-33 as Tax Lot 8300 The legal descnptlon for the Tract 1 property pnor to thIs adjustment IS Lot 28, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded ,n Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records ,n Lane County, Oregon By and through this Instrument OWNERS do hereby set forth and declare the,r ,ntent to estabhsh an adjusted property hne between the foregOing propert'es as descnbed above The legal descnpt,on, wh,ch depicts the adjusted property line, IS descflbed on attached Exhibit 'A" Following this property line adjustment, the descnpllon of the Tract 1 property IS descnbed on attached Exh,b,t "B" Following this property hne adjustment, the descnptlon of the Tract 2 property IS descnbed on attached Exhibit "C' The true and actual consideration for this conveyance 's for good and valuable conSideration THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY USES DECLARATION OF PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT DECLARANTS Stuart E and Jame 0 Gourley Stuart E and Jame D Gourley 39051 Mckenz,e Highway Springfield, Oregon 97478 After recordlDg return to Until a change IS requested, mall all tax statements to SAME AS ABOVE Page 1 of 3 " ,\~\' PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 ~J1U' f) .J:)"j_d'j Jan Gourley Stuart E Gourley STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss ) County of Lane On ~~ / ~ , 2007, before me, personally appeared Stuart E Gourley and Jame Dourley, known to me (or proved to me on the bas,s of satisfactory ev,dence) to be the persons whose names are subscnbed to the wlth,n Instrument and acknowledged to me that by their s'gnalures they have executed the ,nstrument as their vOluntary act and deed Witness my hand and official seal . OFFICIAlSEAl IIONIlIE L IIO&IlINSOIf.WI NOTARY PUBLIC. MEGON COMMISSION NO 396845 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT 1, m ~ QI ~~~;"'w.,~ t./Mk Notary Public for Oregon My Comm,ss,on Exp,res ..5~~t.. 'l c;J.dO'f Page 2 of 3 . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 EXHIBIT "A" A line lYing s,xty-two (62) feet southerly of and parallel with the north line of Lot 27, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records In Lane County, Oregon EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED TRACT 1 PROPERTY Lot 27, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded 'n Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records In Lane County, Oregon LESS The North s,xty-two (62) feet of Lot 27, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records In Lane County, Oregon EXHIBIT "e" LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR REVISED TRACT 2 PROPERTY Lot 28. Block 3, MOWHAWK FJRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded In Book 15, Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records In Lane County, Oregon ALSO The North s,xty-two (62) feet of Lot 27, Block 3, MOWHAWK FIRST ADDITION, as platted and recorded ,n Book 15. Page 23 of the Lane County Plat Records ,n Lane County, Oregon Page 3 of 3 CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JAN 2 8 2008 Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number AssIgned: PRE2008-00009 Date SubmItted. 1/28/2008 PrOJect Name PrOject DescnptIon: Construct addItIonal paved off-street parkmg for eXlstmg msurance office bUlldmg ApplIcatIOn Type. SIte Plan ReVIew Job Address 1310 MARKET ST Assessor's & Tax Lot #. 1703253308300 Meeting DatelTtme Meetll1g Room Planner Tuesday, February 5, 2008 Q I Od-VV\ ~ [I ~ 00 B. t'V\. 615/616. < 'Tn~ 7r;~ DISCLAIMER ApplIcatIOns wIll not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tIme at the Pre-Submittal Meeting and Subm1ltal of the ApplIcation for Development ReVIew Please contact our office at 541.726-3753 with any questIOns or concerns A Planner Will be aSSIgned the followmg busmess day and w,lI contact you to eon firm the meetmg date and t,me PlanJobPTlnt rpt 1/28/2008 21509PM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP PRE2008-00009 1310 Market Street PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JAN 2 8 2008 -, , ~ _ . t'J ~::, ::'t Co{.: " ~ f- , ~... ""..."", ill ~:j:~ ~ 0" ~< -:....; :: 0" ~-' ... .,. ~ ! ,.~""~ , , ~~;,"' < -, t Si '~' : >, , <,-t> F .\ f- ~~\ ,,f......-,.~... 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