HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 7/10/2007 PAULY Linda To Cc Subject STOUDER Matt FERSCHWEILER Greg, RISLEY MIke, Dave, CURTISS W,IIlam Dove Estates Tree Meeting Follow-up Matt, We met at the site this morning and revIewed the trees to be saved adjacent to the eXisting and public proposed nght of way All the trees to be saved have been flagged with survey tape ~ Dave Collier IS prepanng a revised tree felling plan which shows an accurate representation of the tree locations This plan will be submitted to me for the the Tree Felling application record and he WIll Include thiS Information on the LDAP The LDAP will be submItted soon Tentative Plan approval for the subdivIsion has been granted The trees to be preserved will also be shown In the next PIP submittal to you Protective measures wIll be required prior to site dIsturbance, grading, and construction for both the LDAP andf the PIP work Many of these trees are highly significant specimen quality heritage trees The Oregon white oaks may be the largest In Springfield, with some probably 400-500 years old The trees at thiS corner form the backdrop to the Welcome to Spnngfield sign, an Important gateway Into the City from the west Other site trees (magnificent deodar and atlas cedars, etc ) were planted by the Chase family City Planning and Maintenance staff agree that preserving these tree? IS a Win-win proposition and the owner Vern Benson wants to save the trees to enhance the development In order to save trees In accordance with EDSPM 6 02 1, the City will need to allow some deSign flexIbility In at least one area of the PIP Just south of the eXisting curb Inlet (at the northern pOint of the PIP work) the geometry of street, curb/gutter and sidewalk Improvements eare gOing to need some tweaking to preserve a BIG cluster of multl-trunked oak and maple trees We discussed several options on site The best one seems to be creating a bulb-out Into the street to route a curbside sidewalk west of the big trees The bulb out would be well away from the intersection and vIsion clearance tnangle There appears to be plenty of nght-of-way to accomplish thiS (25' to center line) and we wouldn't want on-street parking In thiS location anyway The bulb out will also serve as a traffic calming deVice Another option would bulb out curb and gutter west of the tree and place the sidewalk on the east side of the tree, creating a wide planter for the tree ThiS second option would harm the trees more because root disturbance would encircle the cntlcal root zone For that reason, routing all Improvements west of the tree makes the most sense Dave Collier will communicate with Doug to propose the bulb out deSign In the next PIP submittal Please save thiS emall to share with transportation engineers as they review the "Irregularities" of the PIP deSign We reviewed the most feasible dnveway location for Lot 11 and agreed that the dnveway shall be placed (approximately) centered between the two big saved trees and will be more than 30' from the intersection, as required by the subdivISion decIsion We also discussed relocating a PUE to between Lot 11 and 12 Apparently SUB IS OK with thiS Dave will show thiS In the Plat SUB will need to bore (not trench) from the right of way to get past the trees cntlcal root zone, as per the Tree Felling deCISion Please let me know If you have questions or concerns about any of thrs LINDA PAULY Planner J City of Springfield Development Serv,ces phone 126 4608 ., 1 Date Received. Planner AL 71/o/~7 I I