HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 5/18/2007 < I r ' May] 7,2007 Lmdd Pauly, Urban Planmng DIVISIOn CIty of Spnngfield 225 FIfth St Spnngfield, OR 97477 Re Case # DRC2007-0003] Ms Pauly, We submit the followmg comments with regard to the above referenced tree fellmg apphcatlOn ]) Some of the trees sidted for felhng are located close to property lInes and could possIbly be saved dependIng on house footpnnt and placement Examples . 36" oak located near the mIddle of the east property Ime on Lot] 2 . Two 12" maples located In the southeast comer on Lot] I . 10" maple very near east property lIne between Lots I 0 and II . 36" oak located m northeast sectIOn of Lot 6 In our subdIvIsIOn, Oak Tree (located Just to the east of the subject property at Centenmal and Aspen) trees were left standmg on our sIte untIl a house deSIgn was chosen and placement arranged to reduce tree loss Rather than outnght removal, please consIder leavmg trees that are near property Imes, and lettmg the home sIte buyer deCIde on removal Many of these trees are of slgmficant sIze and offer carbon dIOXIde scrubbmg (of partIcular relevance due to ]-5 proxImIty), sound absorptIonlbarner (agam, relevance to ]-5 proximity), sOIl stabilizatIOn, and wlldhfe habitat, not to mentIOn that mature trees ADD value to a SIte, Ie, higher property value = mcreased tax revenue MItIgatIon oflarge tree removal by replacement wIth small nursery stock IS unbalanced 2) We do not see an mdlcatlOn of date when tree fellmg IS to begm It IS our fervent hope that WIld bird habItat be taken mto consIderatIOn, and that no work begm untIl nestmg and t1edgmg are completed for the season Through personal observatIOn, thJS tree stand provIdes homes for many, many bIrds (and other wlldhfe) dunng the year The stand of trees on thiS pIece ofland (subject) IS meplaceable, and IS one of the many reasons we chose to bUIld here We ask that you very carefully consIder the Impact from removal of each and everyone of the trees based on the above cntena Respectfully submitted, ~~~~~~:~~~ ~ ~ 1444 Wlmbledon PI 0 ~ Spnngfield, OR 97477 Date Recelved.Sj#~o7 ___ Planner AL Zerbey 1444 Wlmbledon PI Springfield, OR 97477 __ .___ M__ :.- '-" '--~-:. -; " ...... \ ........ JGENE O~ 974 iLl il'~AY 2007 PM 2 1.. Linda Pauly, Urban Planning DIvIsion City of Springfield 225 Fifth St Springfield, OR 97477 Date ReceIVed Planner AL ~/ I x /7floJ- I / 11,1"1",1,1"11",11",1,1,,1,11,,1,,,1,1,1,1,',,',1,,,11,,1