HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/30/2007 CIty of Spnngfield Development SeMceS Deparbnent 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 _ .-YC<JG. GS7;'J1€'s SPRlaFIELD Tree Felling Application Type II ApphcantName ':p(.Jv~ Co LuE IZ.. Phone 7(..7.0790 Address 7SSe,r., gL.I/tE /117 SC.WtJoL t:.b COTT//(.c: Cr.eOtlE 'I 7 4-z4. Property Owner Name VrzrzN 15.(= /1/.50/\1 Address '14-0 1-1 W Y 9 'i AI E. (.,j ('., E AlE 9 7 4-0 Z Phone L; 88,88'17 Property Address /057 A/1ID1=-/c"<:'O/V L/1/11(= Assessor's Map No /7,03, 33 -II Tax Lot No /0/ (DC'k~) SpecIfic Descnplton of Proposal /4- L. 0 T .$Ll]; D/V 1.5,/0.111 Yhor IL -thtL{) J- 0 -tV P t ~ ,). a.C( ts. The undcmgned acknowledges that the mformatlon m dus apphcatIon m correct and accurate Apphcant SIgnature ~ ~~ Date 4- -;z. 7 -" 7 If the apphcant IS other than the owner, the owner hereby grants penmsslOn for the apphcant to act m lusIher behalf Owner SIgnature c..J,? Date -.-A -:/. 7 - 2 00 7 For Office Use Only: Journal N:j)rt {./')(Jjt - {Jf'jZJ ReceIved By Map No /7-03-33-11 Tax Lot No ~'-vvt~ 101 Date Accepted as Complete Date Received Planner AL '1/30120/77 , / ~ THE APPLICATION PACKET '-. A COMPLETE APPLICATION CONSISTS OF: I A complete applIcatIon page (aU of the seCtIons on the front of tlus applIcatIon must be fIlled out) 2 Three (3) copies of a plot plan' drawn to scale to mclude a) The name, address and telephone number of the applIcant, b) The species or common name of the trees, c) The locatIon of trees to be removed and therr SIZes, d) The method of tree removal and the haulmg route to be used, and e) A descnptIon of any plan (vegetatIon and revegetatIon report) to replace, landscape, or otherwise reduce the effect of the felling that addressed the applIcable standards m SectIon 38 040 of the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) 3 One additIonal copy of the plot plan winch has been reduced to 81/2X II" to be mll1led as part of the requrred nelghbonng property notificatIon packet 4 Wntten responses to the Tree Fellmg Standards of SDC 38 040 These standards are attached, below 5 The applIcatIon fee Refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropnate fee A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development SefVlces Department .. '1Z+- of J"OO~ .... $'~ ... 1 S;e>'!.." 6 A copy of the deed to show ownership ZJ70~ *The Development ServIces Drrector or the PublIc Works Director may reqUIre the applIcant to prOVIde the sen'lces of a profeSSIOnal forester, hydrolOgISt or landscape arclutect m order to address the standards m SectIOn 38 040 of the Spnngfield Development Code for undeveloped property greater than 10 acres m sIZe or 15 percent slope ReVIsed 7100 Date f/ecelved Planner AL 1AokD07 I / ... . . I Tree Felling Standards (See 38.040) A/""-_", -rrJ/;:, //1/ .4 ,.Doc. e. "f'KO'S"G'C.-r5.\c.;.SN5."'N,\ So 7'!,? S-/:"- .,...cf~ ~/..i-IN(;. JAerrTt:N sr.47li",JI:.Nr I Whether the cOlllhtIons of the trees With respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conchtIons, danger of fallmg, proXunlty to eXlStmg structures or proposed constructIon, or mterference With utIlIty semces or pedestnan or vehicular traffic safety, warrants the proposed fellmg 2 Whether the proposed fellmg IS consistent With State standards, Metro Plan polICies and City ordmanees and proVlSlons affectmg the envlfonmenta! quality of the area, mcludmg but not IInnted to, the protectIon of nearby trees and wmdbreaks, wIldhfe, erOSIOn, soil retentIon and StabilIty, volume of surface runoff and water quahty of streams, seemc quahty, and are geological SiteS 3 Whether It IS necessary to remove trees m order to construct proposed unprovements m accordance With an approved development plan 4 In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, fellmg of trees shall be penmtted on a hnuted baSIS consistent With the preservatIon of the site's future development potenl1al as prescnbed m the Metro Plan and ClIy Development regulal1ons, and consistent With the followmg cntena a) wooded areas associated With natural dramageways and water areas shall be retamed to preserve npanan habitat and to mmlmlZe erOSion, b) wooded areas that wIll lIkely proVide attracl1ve on-site Views to occupants of future developments shall be retamed, c) wooded areas along ndgelmes and lulltops shall be retamed for thelf seemc and wIldhfe value, d) wooded areas along property Imes shall be retallled to serve as buffers from adjacent properties, e) trees shall be retamed m suffiCiently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure agamst wmdthrow, f) large,scale clear-cuts of developable areas sha11 be aVOided to retalll the wooded character of future bwldmg Sites, and so preserve honsmg and deSign optIOns for future City reSidents 5 Whether the apphcant's proposed replantmg of new trees or vegetatIon IS an adequate substItute for the trees 10 be felled 6 Whether slash left on the property poses SignIficant fife hazard or hablhtv to the City 7 Whether the felhng IS conSistent With the gmdelllles set forth m the Field Gwde to Oregon Forestry PractIces Rules publIShed by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon regIOn 8 Whether transportatIOn of eqUIpment to and equipment and trees from the Site can be accomphshed Without a major chsturbanee to nearby reSidents ReVIsed 7/00 Date Roceived" Planner AL Ifho/2c07 / / ' 75 R 3WWM n 1- 1 '1, .Ii ~ ~\"~ 'Jr(lftiY I.~~ ~~. o\A-I \ fA. V; .;, v-v \'V\ >0 v.0 t1'~ ~\ "'~ \~~'~ cf'V"':n~ J 01-' 0 _\v.v. ('~fl\O .\~r.u-+ jrf ,0." ~\' N85~o8 W' zzz a . , 800 JO-*,\\;')..?W \\.;;\I\Gt lq~~fr ~__ 2220 ~ -58S708~- , \;).0", :\~C)() J ~.,A ~...",.' ,I 903 ~I ',' 1" ~ t) ~\ ~i~ I~D ,~ I:l "i ~ ~ '<II \[' ? 4';~ 2 I 3903 l.2a 85 , o ;:::1 , " , , , rtlnlZ ,.1' 250.3 10 JP2"'JO Yt 17 IV J.1' C"~.Pl.rr" R L C.:>_"J.,z:/1 ..-fie #0' 55' 03 33 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD -,,'Me< ',' Jtlh~1303:i.11 TL 101 f IlIJI~C,;;r~7.c__ 1<""0 r ca_p;'<!'/.1 lJ.LC Ala $9 I'it3T~.z"Jo .. 1,,;~:1 -- /0\ '" , 4-€'5 ,-h5 J~ -'<-~ .J",t:: 7 5 ep~05 E St;J"",oo&- J~'" -0 I I I 1't..:.A- , JP _ 0 17oJ~- -\ '~~'" Jo / ~~ f Il~ .p ~1. >.. , " 101 Zt507 Saud., Nhl L",,rrtc-- R",p f E Ldn7jJ/Jql/ DLC;va 59 --;-8 7" ~~-:;r-- ~7Q 330 -f8 1V89"OSw 100 2 55 AC , . " '" , $E>'l.OSeo/3 150 .,,,,, 102 025 AC ~ ~ ~ , . . , , " 1$000 N s.,"'",S ao W PtU",.f I:S .sDo5~ w- 1587-4-'" ;"""".- ...-1-" N W (''''~ $"... '" tr4-3 , ~ " -.... 0, '."- ~!II.: 301 I; ",b9'Od W -- ....,.. u, ".-"y et'~ra) t SITE I [ ~J 819 fal So,dh of Norl1, lint ;< ('<1/'1"1pb~l/ p/.C N" Sf .... ~ ~ 28 27 33 34 CANCELLED ~ 947 , ~ . , . . , i 1 , l , , , , , , - OJ OJ G.1l' I I , 4~>>< "- .J..o'o-'", , <t '" '" o t- 200 ~ urt '~ I; 0,9,(\0 '" , r: Jv:It- ~ O~1 ;, I~ j~~~,~ . . e..w-c;i~<) \q\i a. " ~ '" '" (f) ":(<, e" ROAD ~ ROAD ?77rr~'((' Nln ~ '//777- 2s'E K 3 . ~J'2U' 07 >'/4.3 _."//~ ~ 414 , , , " '" r:-I' , ' , j. , . Date Received, 'I/104co7 I I Planner AL . ~004/005 10/10/2005 12 24 FAX 5416832877 REcoRDING R~QUESTED BY flDEUfY NATlOIIlAl TmE CoNPANV OF ORsON J DivA.lan ., aaa., DatuL,. CJ.-k L.noo_vDoodo....._ , GRANTOR'S NAME Riehud A Kedlner and Olga lCeRner ..14 "1~lmnIUllllilm $31.00 I 0l12&l2OD5 DZ'ZI.02 PI! _ ental S\n='!I _ 04 ClD.DO '11.00 $10 DO GRANTEE'S NAME Ve,n Benson SeNo TAX STATEMD1T5 To VetA Benson 1057 Andell:on l.M1e SpringfiBId, OR 97477 APrEA IlICOAOlN.a ArnIRN TO V.... eon- 1057 Anderson laiD S_old OR !T1477 STATI1TORY WARRANTY DEED RJchatd A. KoIIne.. and Olea KePReI as ten2l'lts by the emircI:y, Gre:ntor. ~onvOyS and Witrrant& W . S~Ii.~. Per..... Vl!!m Benson Gr the fOllOWIng dllScrib4d real property, free and cl88l' of encumbtances except as sP8Clfi~ set forth below sllUated in the County of Lane State of Olllgon. SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATTACHE!> HfREl'O AND MADE A PART HEREOF SUb/..."'..... _... Covenants Conditions, ReslncbOns and Easements of Record THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT AUOW USE OFTHE PROPERTY DESClIIB.eD IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGUlATIONS 8.eFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACOUIIUNG fEE mLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPIUATE CITY OR COUNTY PlANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROV.ED USES AND TO OETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDEIlA TlON f{)ll THIS CONVEYANCE IS .500.000 00 (Sse OAS 93 0301 IlE(lOlII>>III RI!IIlRNlO AFISI Nl'11Qt6foL mLE III11URANCE All8J1Y COUAUl'iaFOR(IlON pOBOl< .0827 eJQEIIE.ORlI1MO ~7ff2~ ~), ~,,/~~ Olgo et DATED- JlU'luarv 5 2005 :~:::=:~_wl!!t=~J -Ot. NOTARY Ie fOA MY stoAI exPIRES rOnD 3'3 (Fl/W 2/'SD) STATllTOIWWARIiAloT'f1ol'31'9 II::? 6~ Date ReceIVed Planner AL '1hohctJ7 / / IJU/,tU05 lL L5 ..~X 5416832877 . II'. _.... .21.75........ ThbOnllrHo OOtO~9 EXHIIUT 0;--':5 Seg-l"'1"t".g 3.': Dc::- be-"lg Sc*Jtt' O. 55 Ylr;sr. 2834 "2 feet and Soutt' Ugo 05 EsT. 102 32 fat focm the ""0.'1';""''''51 cornAl of the R E.. CempbeU Oonat!on Land Cloun No 159 ,n Township 17 So44h, ~go 3 West 0""" w;nam.m Mendl'" s;:;d pcmt be1ng on the $c.;uthGrry fine of Ccntvnmal BouitwiWd thance, along said Sov1herfy tma South 891)- 05' fast 258 89feec;thencv Ie;Mng siUd Southerlvline, Sooth 1004 West 280 001=1. the<1ce North 89Q. 05 West 330 48 fast to ii po;rt on Cba Easbt.~ t.oe of And...""So;.. lane, thv.-.ce ak;r.y iJiJd ECi5i6r1y JiM r~ 0" 55" Ei:it 207 68 teee. thence, dong 1he IfC of . 72 32 foot rad"ws curve right (the chord of which bears North 450 55' East 10228 fillet) IS dz:tcneo of 11360 feet to tho Po.nt of B:g"l"'lng m!.ar-.; County, Oregun Date Received Planner AL ~ 005/005 'Ylj/2007 225 F,fth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~~ C' )f Sprmgfield Offic,al ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number DRC2007,0003 I DRC2007,00031 DRC2007,00031 Payments Type of Payment Check cRecemtl RECEIPT # Date. 04j2172007 30 3200700000000000239 DescriptIOn CTY > I 0 Trees Base + Per ACRE Postage Fee Type II ' $150 + 5% Technology Fee Paid By BSC COMPUTE INC Item Totar Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received 5636 In Person Payment Total emm Date ReceIved Planner AL Page I of I 2 54 32PM Amount Due 1,924 00 15000 9620 $2,17020 Amount Paid $2,17020 $2,17020 '1/so /Ja;7 j / 4/27/2007