HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 4/23/2008 1~1' ~ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE '[D)~ @ ~ 0 \Yl ~~ tfll APR,2 3 2008 ~I By JJ1it. STATE OF OREGON) ) ss County of Lane ) I, Karen laFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning DIvIsion of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon 2 I state that In my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be ~/._",-bJ.. mailed copies of DRC.ZOOg- . - l.Vf - ~ ,;::::;;,,-:-;;--:r (See attachment nAn) on 2008 addressed to (see c5~ Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box with postage fully prepaid thereon ~~~~ " STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ;? 2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Prd ram Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me . OFFICIAL SEAL SANDRA MARX NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON . COMMISSION NO 385725 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV 12,2008 ~'ol7M1 11//ZJ200t I I My Commission Expires ,-. Nohce of DeCISIon -Drmkmg Water Protechon Overlay Project Name: Thurston Elementary School Project Proposal: Replace eXlSbng publIc elementary school Case Number DRC2008-00021 Project Locahon" 7345 Thurston Road, 17-02-35 TL 2100 &2600 Property size 11 acres Base Zone PublIc Land and Open Space (PLO) Overlay DIStnct(S) Drmkmg Water Protechon Overlay ApplIcahon SubmItted Date March 20, 2008 DeCISIOn Issued Date ApnI 23, 2008 CIty Staff Steve Hopkms, Planrung Owner, Steve Barrett, Spnngfteld PublIc Schools, 525 Mill Street, Sprmgfteld OR 97477 Representahve Dave Guadagru, Robertson/Sherwood Arclutects, 132 E Broadway, SIDte 540, Eugene OR 97401 SIte ~ Q ~L r L l~ ~ ~) ~ '" 'l, o "' '" J " " Q Streets shp DSlte . TOTZ, .~. H,o . 02 -~ ~~~ 500 o 500 Thurston Case No DRGOOlU)0021 _\ Summary of proposal Demohsh eXISting elem'Tntary school and replace on eXISting sIte The property hes Wlthm the 20-yearjzone-of-contnbubon combmed to the Thurston Mtddle School, I Platt 1, Platt 2, and Thurston wells The sIte IS governed by the 10-20 year TOTZ Standards m Sprmgneld Development Code (SDC) 3 3-235 ReVIew Process: TIns apphcabon IS reVIewed under Type I procedures hsted m SDC 51-125, I and the Dnnkmg Water Protecbon Overlay regUlabons m SDC 3 3-200 SDC 3 3-235 (D)- 10 - 20 YEAR TOTZ STANDARDS FOR APPROV At I The storage, handlmg, treatment, use, applIcabon, or production or otherwtse keepmg on I premIses of more than 20 gallons of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater In aggregate quanbties IS allowed only upcln complIance with contamment and safety standards set by the most recent Fire Code ~dopted by the CIty FIndIngs I . The I-WMP subnutted WIth the applIcabon addresses product and contamer secondary I contamment, labelmg, proVISIOn of spill kIts, spill prevenbon and spill clean-up procedures I . Secbon 70 of the I-WMP hsts potenbal employee trammg tOpICS but does not specIfy wluch tOpICS wIll actually be covered I . The I-WMP should mclude a procedure that the catch basm at the generator will I covered WIth a mat every bIDe the generator tank IS re-fueled CONDITIONS 1) Wellhead protecbon slgnage that uses the SIgn standard proVIded by SUB shall be placed m COnspICUOUS locabons (parkIng lot, trash enclosure area, generator area) to alert staff and VISItors to nobfy 911 m the event of an unauthonzed release of hazardous matenals (please contact Amy Chnutz at 744-3745 to purchase!slgns dIrectly from SUB) 2) Pnor to occupancy, submIt a fInal I-WMP It must address the followmg Items I a Secbon 7 0 of the I-WMP hsts potenbaI employee trammg tOpICS but does not speafy wluch tOpICS will actually be covered I The I-WMP should speafy the actual tOpICS to I be covered All facility personnel should receIve trammg regardmg the senslbve area the clrmc occupIes \ b The I-WMP should mclude a procedure that the catch basm at the generator will I covered WIth a mat every bIDe the generator tank IS re-fueled I 3) All stormwater catch basms m the VIcrmty of the dIesel generator should be outfItted WIth oIl-water separators 4) An mspecbon to verIfy phYSIcal aspects and processes of the sIte IS requIred Please contact I Amy Chnutz at 744-3745 to schedule a sIte VISIt Thurston Case Na DRCl008CO0011 2 1- AddttIonal Informahon: The apphcabon, all documents, and eVIdence rehed upon by the apphcant, and the apphcable cntena of approval are avarIable for free mspectIon and coples are avarIable for a fee at the Development Servlces Department, 225 Filth Street, Sprmgfleld, Oregon QuestIons. Please call Steve Hopkms m the Plaruung DlvlSlon of the Development Servlces Department at (541) 726-3649 il you have any questIons regardmg tins process Prepared by. 7C/b? Steve Hopkms, AICP Planner IT Development Servlces - Urban Plaruung DlVlSlOn Thurston Case No DRC200B-0002/ 3 . '-. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Dave Guadagnl Robertson/Sherwood Architects 132 E Broadway, SUlte 540 Eugene, OR 97401 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PLANNING DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Ste"'lJp Barrett Sprlngfleld PubllC Schools 525 Mill Street Springfleld, OR 97477 Lt2 ,( (( D