HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/20/2008 (2) - .' -=-1, v /:> Jor.. City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELD ~~ Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Development . -. -. . . . . . - A IIcant Name: Steve Barrett Phone: 726,3218 Com an : S fin field PublIc Schools Fax: 726,9555 Address: 525 MIll Street, S fin field OR 97477 j:%~MZ'U"lLi.7.G.~iC!.'1lS-"W~r ~~"'.112i:~?~~m~;;::*"Kij:,T"Rf"?"'''4fJ=''fj}~f18;.''' -1';~~:?4r ~;,ifr~~"",,~~it:fE{Y~~'0~~2D .r4'W&~'X1h7~~J!!C'" ~?'~"tm-R A IIcant's Re .: Dave Guada ill Phone: 342,8077 Com an : Robertson/Sherwood! ArchItects Fax: 345,4302 Address: 132 East Broadwa , SUIte 540, Eu ene, OR 97401 tcr;;S;~"Jl1jt::*:;;~;gr~l;;,*,,~:;WJ:lJ!C)~ v" p:I.k~4L^"'~\.y-t%t'v"'~'V""j",llR?1yV_~ m i1v-9..-~n~}3["'f'.j\,~~~"i: ,",:::1r"!:1f~'o~~~*,~::;:; ~~'R!4fl& 41::1 '6"4 ;::~np'Ykl."'V"~''.;!~i?'\i!t,:'t/~ Owner: S rIll field PublIc Schools Phone: 726,3218 Com an S fin field PublIc Schools Fax: 726,9555 Address: 525 MIll Street, S fln"field OR 97477 ,{'Ts,'%M"hf\ili""s,;~"Hv?..,twt21Yt~\;"',,'T..J1w~ti0,.;s;w;m;:t~1@'s~~~~~-~~~~'lh,:!i\'f~g ,"*,>l;:ffi~tg%,\~ii@i.""'K30~~--",'Rt1;'h~~~.:! -1l!i/If ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17,02,35,00 TAX LOT NO S : 02100 and 02600 7345 Thurston Road, S fin field OR 11 40 Acres Acres ~ S uare Feet 0 \<(~!1Q~,,~eif:mw:,,"',*"4@,~..2mmt~y~P-~1t.~'Y4>4iPi_ih::,,'m'm~~""JrL\""~,;';_?1',f,;WJM~1.4)<;'7c;&WL'Y./2nQWL1i.C'!3'i:w~!~"",;1it~""ittd{t:r.;t'0*,n-~'b.,~ Zonin : Public Land 0 Existin Use: DeSCription of Pro osal: Elementar School If you are fIlling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal deSCription to thiS application New re lacement elementar school on extstm school slte Associated Cases: Case No::l) (l{, Date: 3-20 -D3 ReVIewed b : LIZ-- A licatlon Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ -40 5 Posta e Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ 0.50,50 PROJECT NUMBER: Pf"S20(YZ-OOOZ3 .~1Ip~~~~&1i:&1~~~~~~bxe~;,8x"0$~~~1.ttWJiY2ttrJ0-~?A~~~;; ~ ,~ .. Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 5 ~ , .. Signatures The undersigned acknowledges that the Information In this application IS correct and accurate Applicant: &L~ (r\~, &u& Signatur t:>Q('-(,-~* Date: 3/18/2008 Print ;)tepke.<"- (f\'\ Steve Barrett If the applicant IS not the owner, the owner hereby grants permISSIon for the applIcant to act 10 his/her behalf Owner: Si9~~~ nil 8~ Date: 3/18/2008 Steve Barrett :Skp~ It\~ t-)CUI"'cdt- Print Date Received: MAR 2 0 20\)8 -, , . cl onglnal submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 5 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Wilii C" ,f Spnngfield Official Receipt Dto _fopment Services Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT #, 3200800000000000176 Date' 03/20/2008 2 23 20PM Job/Journal Number DRC2008,00021 DRC2008,00021 DRC2008,00022 DRC2008,00022 DescriptIOn CTY Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn + 5% Technology Fee CTY Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn + 5% Technology Fee Payments Type of Payment Check PaId By Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 990 00 4950 990 00 4950 $2,079 00 Amount Paid SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL D1ST emm 63134 In Person Payment Total $2,079 00 $2,079 00 , Date ReceIved MAR 2 0 2008 OnglOal submittal cRecelOll Page 1 of 1 3/20/2008 " Type I DWP Overlay District Narrative For Thurston Elementary School Sprmgfleld Public Schools 7345 Thurston Road Sprmgfleld, Oregon 18 March 2008 r I Date ReceIved: MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnel submittal PrOject Description The proposed development of a replacement Maple Elementary School has been through preliminary review by the City of Spnngfleld Development Services Department's Site Review process (case number DRC2007 ,00077) Condition of Approval #5 of the Planning Department's Notice of DeCISion requires the submittal of the attached DWP This appllcallon Includes all reqUired Information listed on the on the DWP Overlay Dlstnct Development Submittal ReqUirements Checklist In general these requirements are governed by the Spnngfleld Development Code 3 3 225 Paragraph, D, Items Dl through D7 PrOject Location Project site IS located at 7345 Thurston Road The property IS Tax Map No 17,02-35,00, Tax Lot 02100 and 02600 Time of Travel Determination ThiS site lies within the Dnnklng Water Protection Area's 10 to 20 year Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ) Springfield Development Code 3 3 225 Paragraph 0 01 A hazardous matenals Inventory has been prepared by the School Dlstnct and IS Included In thiS packet Per dlrecllons by Amy Chlnltz of Spnngfleld Utility Board (SUB) who Initially requested the DWP we have not Included MSDS sheets for all the products listed In the Inventory Rather we have been directed to proVide the follOWing web site htta //www coastwldelabs com/ that Includes product Information on most of the listed matenals Amy has Indicated that she Will request and the Dlstnct Will prOVide speCifiC MSDS sheets If she deems necessary after her review 02 Not applicable Groundwater sampling Will not be required 03 Not applicable Less than 500 gallons of hazardous matenals Will be on site 04 All hazardous matenals Will be stored In double containment systems Custodial supplies Will be stored In bins haVing a minimum capacity of 110% of the largest container stored In that bin The emergency generator Will have a 150 gallon double wall fuel tank (refer to generator Informallon attached to thiS report) ThiS generator IS located In the service court behind screening walls at the south end of the new school None of the containment systems Will drain to the storm or sanitary sewer system 05 A Hazardous Matenal Management Plan has been developed by the School Dlstnct and IS Included With thiS report 06 A descnpllon of the procedures for Inspection and maintenance of containment deVises IS outlined In the Management Plan noted In Item above 07 Not applicable Hazardous matenals Will not be generated on SIte DWP Overlay District Development Submittal ReqUirements Checklist In accordance With Dnnklng Water Protection (DWP) Overlay application submittal requirements, all required Informallon has been proVided as follows Thurston Elementary School Type I DWP Overlay Dlstnct Application Narrative Page 1 Robertson/Sherwood/ Architects pc Mahlum Architects This DW P IS Included with the Final Site Plan Review Application 2 An applicatIOn fee $1,039 50 IS Included 3 A DW P Overlay Dlstnct Development Application Form IS Included Date Rece:'f3d 4 A copy of the Deed IS attached MAR 2 0 ~::J 5 A copy of the Title Report IS attached 6 This summary IS part of the Narrative Onglnal Submittal 7 Three caples of the Plot Plan are attached 8 Use of Hazardous Matenals that pose a nsk to ground water that eXisted on the site pnor to May 15, 2000 The site has been an elementary school site for generations As such, common cleaning products and landscape matenals tYPical for use In schools have been on site for decades None the less we are not aware of any prevIous use that poses a current nsk to groundwater At the north west corner of the site IS a decommissioned buned heating 011 tank Attached IS a letter from the Oregon DEQ dated July 18, 2000 that states their satisfactIOn with the decommissIoning of thiS tank The eXisting school will be professionally abated before being demolished as part of thiS project 9 Three copies of a hazardous matenals Inventory have been prepared by the School Dlstnct and are Included In thiS packet 10 Ground water mOnltonng IS not required 11 Less than 500 gallons of hazardous matenals will be on site 12 All hazardous matenals will be stored In double containment systems Custodial supplies will be stored In bins having a minimum capacity of 110% of the largest container stored In that bin The emergency generator will have a 150 gallon double wall fuel tank (refer to generator informatIOn attached to thiS report) None of the containment systems will drain to the storm or sanitary sewer system 13 Three copies of a Hazardous Matenal Management Plan have been developed by the School Dlstnct and are Included with thiS report 14 A descnptlon of the procedures for Inspection and maintenance of containment devises IS outlined In the Management Plan noted In Item above 15 Hazardous matenals will not be generated on site General Construcllon The applicant recognizes the Importance of spill preventIOn and safety/secunty measures necessary to minimiZe negative Impacts to the dnnklng/ground water supply Construction documents will address approved and unapproved construction activities to aVOid negatively Impacting dnnklng water wells Also to be addressed on construction documents Will be the reqUirement that all chemicals are to be placed In adequate secondary containment and that Dense Non,Aqueous Phase liquids (DNAPL's) are not to enter the site either via construction matenals, heavy equipment or construction vehicles 2 The contractor and subcontractors Will be reqUIred to provide MSDS sheets for all chemicals proposed for use on site pnor to their delivery to site These sheets Will be reviewed to determine If chemical IS approved for use on site 3 Contractors Will be responSible for the safe handling and storage of chemicals, petroleum product and fertilizers and the prevention of groundwater and storm water run off contaminatIOn Thurston Elementary School Type I DWP Overlay Dlstnct Application Narrative Page 2 Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Mahlum Architects 4 Contractor will not be allowed to maintain or fuel vehicles on site 5 No fill materials containing hazardous materials will be allowed on site Operations Secondary containment of hazardous materials will be provided as noted above 2 An emergency generator will be located In the service court at the south end of the new bUilding Its fuel tank will be double walled Since the generator will be part of a publicly bid project the design team cannot select the final product due to public open bid reqUirements Attached to this document are specifications for a particular generator which was used as the design basIs for this project ills possible that a different manufacturer's generator Will be provided by the selected contractor The selected generator's basIc capabilities, Size, and design should be similar to the product information provided 3 The trash compactor and dumpster are located In the south service court behind screened fencing and are covered by a roof that Will drain to the storm water system Under the roof and In the area of the dumpster IS a drain connected to the sanitary storm system 4 There Will not be any vehicle storage areas on site Runoff from parking lots, drop off areas and drives Will be directed to either water quality catch basins or blo,swales per the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures manuals 5 Wellhead protection signs, meeting Springfield Utility Board (SUB) standards, Will be posted as recommended by SUB's wellhead protection staff MAR 2 0 2008 , \ ,I J Date Received: Onglnal Submittal Thurston Elementary School Type I DWP Overlay District Application Narrative Page 3 Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Mahlum Architects , ., l ... ., 1 - I ,I ., , , ! \ I i ~t. "I Ii '1 !l " , 1; _----ftr~ --------p-- ~ --- --------- ,_. ------- -.-~---_:--- ~--'" ~ ~:.:~."iwr-~-'.. .... .. ",,' 1'--'---- I , ~. ----' ~-~~ r . 4- ,1.,--1 . ,; l/. .......___-----1 - t* I -, ~",I' I ,~' .If: ". t. \ - ~ I I _/ I Ill.'" " /.': I ~// , , ~ / /~ I \ I , :-'-.' MATC"HlINE - ~I SEE UPPER RIGHT - \ , Dah-- Received: Mi~;': 1 0 2008 Onglnal ~~ubmlttaL ~~ ... I I '-I , " -I- I I \ 1 I I I I / / I \ I i I I J I I I \ \ \ , I I J I I I I I I I I I 1 1 . \ \\ MA TCHUNE SEE~W~lEFT on '~=""_'" ...~....",,-;:<:--.y...::::\"""'''.'''''' ~:::~,.",..c-:;c-...,- :..~::c.,:~~!r~~'';.= ~ ::':::CT~>"-~ ...a:.... ~ ~_.......:::~~{~- =Z:';'::":"''''-''' ~_....",,';;:""Y'."''''",:''''' ...........:?__ICI__':-k."f,,%',J'1f' ~ir.:;'~,.,.n~:: .11:.""......... _.~...K..~:~:~~~~~ ~- , I ,I I I I I ,I I I' - \~ t .7.\ - /~ : . I ; .-1- .;1 . t.-.1 . ~ . . -1 I I I I I I \ "i \ I \ I \ I \ I \1 'I II ~ , --- '- NOIlTH 00 .. SCALE ~~----!f ''''''' ..m, ". " ~ .- -- --..... .-- _0 ~-- _.- .""....., ,::::...: ,- ~-- U1'''_ -- E......._..~.. 11I'!I1J.~!..uIlIt>g€rog"'ftN$ ..._-."::r"::;'- ~ ~ ,___~ ow ~:""'""""-' _...,"n :::"'..::.~'=.""'- _1OUI0Il"'''' ~CT'DllCONITRUCTlll!< .: ::"'" ...:: ::,:~ru:mo~:: ".,..,"~ "\If __JlH SITEASSESSMEN-:;;::;:": C-101.T ~F~ '-~..D ; ~~~?J~\o ~ L~f~J regon July 18,2000 Department of EnvlTonmental Quality Northwest ReglOn 2020 SW Fourth Avenue SUlle 400 Porllend, OR 97201-4987 (503) 229,5263 VOlee TIY (503) 229,5471 John A K,t'zlnl'cr M D Gt)'V('rnor CRAJG LUCAS SPRINGFILED SCHOOL DlST 1890 N 42ND ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 Re THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HOT F,le No 20-93-4120 Dear CRAIG LUCAS The Department of Environmental Qualtty has received a report and Bergeson,Boese & Assoc,ates Inc certlficatlon concernmg the heatmg ad underground storage tank (UST) assessment and/or cleanup condllcted at 7345 THURSTON RD, 10 SPRINGFIELD, Oregon Bergeson,Boesc & Assoclates lnc was Itcensed to provide heatmg 011 tank services and has celtlfied that the cleanup has met the Department's reqUirements The Department has regIStered thIS report and certIficatIOn and closed Its file on the project The deCISIon to reg'ster tJ'e report a"d certrficatlon and to close the Department's file ""'Ill no longer apply If new or undISclosed facts show that the project does not comply Wid, the rules governmg heatmg 011 tanl cleanups The Department leserves the right to audlt the cleanup Audlts typically take place WIthin two years of completlOn of the proJcct and Involve a detailed reVlew of the cleanup project ExceptIOns to the twa- year time frame could occur when major problems are noted With a contractor's work When a cleanup has been Improperly certified, the DEQ Will reqUire the contractor and thelr chent to resolve the outstanolllg ISsues and to re-certd'y the cleanup Please note Ulat pur<uant to OAR. 340-12Z-036!l(2), a copy of your repon must be retamed unt,l ten (10) years aFter the fil51 transfer oflhe property We recommend that a copy of thIS mformatlOn be kept With the permanent property record~ Your efforts to comply With Oregon's environmental rules and regulatIOns to ensure thdt your heating at! tank has been adequately addressed have been apprecIated Proper decommIssIoning and cleanup helps ensure protecllon of the environment from future heatmg 011 tank leaks and ensures that tlte heatmg 011 does not adversely Impact human health or the environment [fyou have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (503) 229-5474 Date Received: cc Contractor MAR 2 0 2008 @ Onganal Submittal DFQt A ~ ~ ~ ~ :?~~ f\ gx~rg{~~,Q TITlE INSURANCE SERVICES' ESCROW CLOSINGS 875 COUNTRY CLUB RD ' EUGENE, OR 97401 POBOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE 541 6879794 FAX 541 6870924 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVO . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 POBOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE 5417411981 FAX 541 7410619 October 29, 2007 OurOrderNo ELT-53429 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Spnngfield School DIstnct #19 1890 North 42nd Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97478 Attn John Saraceno Esl1mated PremlUffi for PARTIAL BILLING $200 00 TOTAL $200 00 Dear John We are prepared to Issue on request and on recordmg of the appropnate documents, a polIcy or polICIes as applIed for, WIth coverages as mdlcated, based on thIS p~elImmary report LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE ATT A.CHED EXHIBIT A ShOWIng fee SImple tItle as of October 23, 2007, at 8 00 am, vested m SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 19, Lane County, Oregon Subject only to the exceptIOns shown herem and to the terms, condItIOns and exceptIOns contamed m the polIcy form No lIabIlIty IS assumed untIl a full premlum has been paId Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal submIttal CONTINUED ~--------- -----~----~ "IN OUR BUSINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" __ _____,__________n__ n,_ ~..ww evergJ eenlandtltle com MAR 2 0 2008 1 , 1 I ELT,53429 Page 2 L I Date Received: SCHEDULE B Onglnal Submittal GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 Taxes or assessments wmch are not shown as eXlstmg hens by the records of any taxmg authonty that levIes taxes or assessments on real property or by the pubhc records, proceedmgs by a pubhc agency wmch may result m taxes or assessments, or nol1ces of such proceedmgs, whether or not sho\\TI by the records of such agency or by the pubhc records 2 Facts, nghts, mterests or claIms wmch are not shown by the pubhc records but whIch could be ascertamed by an mspectlOn of the land or by makmg mqUlry of persons m possesslOn thereo f 3 Easements, or clalms of easement, not shown by the pubhc records, reservatlOns or eAceptlOns m patents or m Acts authonzmg the Issuance thereof, water nghts, claIms or tItle to water 4 DIscrepancIes, conflIcts m boundary Imes, shortage m area, encroachments or other facts wmch a correct survey would dIsclose 5 Any hen, or nght to a hen, for servIces, labor, matenal, eqUIpment rental or workers compensatJon heretofore or hereafter furnIshed, Imposed by law and not shown by the pubhc records CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6 The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007-2008 are exempted by vIrtue of school ownersrup The company assumes no hablhty should the exempt status be hfted and taxes leVIed (Map No 17,02-35,00,02600, Code 19,00, Account No 0142560) Parcel I The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2007,2008 are exempted by vIrtue of school ownershIp The company assumes no hablhty should the exempt status be hfted and taxes leVIed (Map No 17-02,35,00-02100, Code 19,00, Account No 0142503) Parcel II 7 Easement, granted to Eugene,Spnngfield Land & Water Company, mcludmg the terms and provlslOns thereof, by msmunent Recorded Apnl13, 1936, Book 187, Pages 118 and 119, Lane County Oregon Records NOTE The address of the property to be msured herem IS 7345 THURSTON ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 NOTE A JUDGEMENT/LIEN/BANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 19, and as of October 23, 2007, none were found NOTE As of October 23, 2007, there are no hens for the CIty of Spnngfield CONTINUED ELT, 53429 Page 3 NOTE SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 \ , , Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE Original submittal By // ~ ~ ~~~c- Joseph M SIlence TItle Officer CC Branch Engmeenng (Fax No 746,0389) NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $20000 WILL BE CHARGED 1 ~ " ELT,53429 Page I of 1 Legal DescnptlOn EXHIBIT A. PARCEL I Begmmng at a pomt on the Southerly nght ofv,ay lme of the Old McKenzIe HIghway 663 4 feet South 00 12' East and North 890 48 East 536 6 feet from the Northwest comer of the James CLooney DonatlOn Land ClaIm No 54, Not1ficatlOn No 7310, TownshIp 17 Sourh, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan, ruruung thence South 0012' East 719 0 feet, thence North 890 48" East 313 9 feet, thence North 0001 1/2" West 769 0 feet to the Southerly nght of way lme of the Old McKenzIe HIghway, thence along saJd nght of way Ime m a Southwesterly dlrectlOn 316 2 feet, more or less, to the Place of Begmmng m Lane County, Oregon PARCEL II Begmrung at a pomt on the Southerly nght of way lme of the Old McKenZIe HIghway 663 4 feet South 00 12' East and Nonh 890 48', East 536 6 feet from tbe Northwest comer of the James CLooney DonatlOll Land ClaJm No 54, NotlficatlOn No 7310, TownshIp 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan, runmng thence South 00 12' East 719 0 feet, thence South 890 48' West 50 feet, thence North 00 12' West 715 feet more or less to the South nght of way lme of the Old McKenzie HIghway, thence along saId nght of way lme m Northeasterly dlrectlOn 52 feet, more or less, to the Place of Begmnmg, m Lane County, Oregon ALSO Begmrung at a pomt on the West Lme of the James C Looney DonatIon Land ClaIm No 54, SectIOn 35, Tovmslup 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan, South 000 12' East 138240 feet from the Northwest comer ofsaJd claun, thence North 89048' East 48660 feet to the True Pomt of Begnuung, thence South 000 12' East 720 00 feet to the center of a dItch, thence along the center lme of dItch North 670 46' East 29 53 feet, thence along center Ime of dItch North 61039' East 239 00 feet, thence along the center lme of dItch North 52030' East 156 26 feet, thence along an old lme fence North 000 I 1\2' West 50150 feet, thence South 890 48' West 363 90 feet to the True Pomt ofBegmmng, m Lane County, Oregon Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal THIS MAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATING PROPER fY THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES N COURTesy OF W " E FVERGR.CENlJ\ND f1llECO ""1 7<111981 I ML1P fVt AI' ) 7-, c' 2'_ -'35:"0(,; v, 0'. 1."", --:t."p.1I ,~,,.,,\oi v.\~"l). ~, ." " f,. ....J,.\ .,1,>0'1' N f'-. " 71.'", (:~ ~... ~I s , --' a: 2: w E T 2: '" f- <r C/) --' . .c "- SEE MAP - on /'-- 17 02 35 2 3 . ~ ~,..Jot\.l' ~n ..,'" \ '4. lot 10& I~ -, . ~wly 1\" U> 2700 2800 2900 OF 0)- N~ .' . 2600 I- w w a: It; SEE MAP 17 0 : o~"~ : F )'J(' , " , , o ~ < " " x . " " . 0 ;:~ I - - o " 1,,\, < o < 10" I......~ 10.... "l'll 524 .' ~"~,,.. -' ' 3603 ~.. '!> I ~ '10 ..... ~., ...,,"" 11.11 E '0 " N /'-- 2100 - ~ *~ " ~ ~ o . ~ I- w W 0:: I- If) J: f- a: o z ,"" SEE MAP I 170235 3~ I l~ Date ReceIVed: MAR 2 0 2008 '0 ~ I \ 17023542 , Onglnal submittal -- ~ ---- -- - -~---- -- - ----- --- -- ~------- -- --- - -- - - - ---- ~0 ____ ~..'\o o '>' l- ...--- 1'.'-' -- r--<:-< MT;Q\ 3200 'i"~ nt, x O. ~ m .J ~ (\J ::; ;t ~ o < ~ " '" Wl\, 'l-1oJ. ~p ~ ~ SI , \ M ~ WSW DLe INT ELL COR D L e 54 ':':Ie:... ." IE N E I D L e 11,,"' ~~5\ ~ I 3601 I SEE / MAP . /; I o J 7 02!< 351 41 I ," _ I~\ ~ 0, No ! \'V~~ . t~lj{'l .....-- " "'" 1100 "~, -"'. C'~ i! ~(d' Warraitity Deed THIb INDENTURE WITNESSETH That husbdnd and 1.JJ fe, KARL Ie. STONE and GF.NEVIEVE R. STONE, the GrantOl S ,for and In c..onsldel atlOn of the sum of Ten and Other--------------------____ DOLLARS to them paId, do heleby, balgam, sell and convey unto School Jl1.str~c t No, 19, L,)l18 County, Ol e€~v(),y the glantee the followIng described pI enllse::, to-WIt PAllcn l' Beg'lnn~ng at a 1'o~nt on the Southerly rJght of \Jay l~ne of the Old McKenz~e lIiBh\JJ.Y 663.1, fcet 3o11th 0" 12' East ann North 89048' East 536,6 feet from the ;-Jorth\Jest corner of the Jamo& C. Loonl'Y Donat~on Land Claim No. 54, Not~f~cat~on No. 7310, Townslnp 17 South, Range 2 West of the W~llamette Mcridlan, running thence South 00 12' East; 719,0 feet, the11Ge South 890 48' \"er,t 50 feet, thence Nor th 0" 12 I .Test 715 feet more or less to tho South r~ght of \JdY 1ln8 of the Old McKenz,le ll~gh\Juy, thence ulong 3a~d r 19ht of \Jay 1lne J.n Northeasterly dlrectlon 52 feet morE' or less to Lhe 1'lacl' of begLnrnnG, ~ ,.. n ........ "'o! .~ .In L<lne County, Oregoll. . , PAIlCEL 2 Beglnn'lng dt a 1'Olnt on the l1est l~ne of the James C. Looncy Don"t~on Land ClaJ.In No. 5,<, Sectlon 35, Townslnp 17 South Range 2 West of the ,I~llaml'tte Mer J.dlan, South 00" 12' Ea3t 1382,40 feet from the Northwest Gorner of sald claim, thence North 890 48' Edst 486,60 feet to the true 1'Olnt of beg~nn~ng, thence South 000 n' Edst 720.00 feet to the center of a ditch, thence along the cel~ter hne of ditch North 670 46' E.ast 29.53 feet, thence along center hne of d~tch North 610 39' East 239.00 feet, thence along the center l~nc of ditch North 52030' ta&t 156.26 feet, thence along an old l~ne fence North 000 It' West 501.)0 feet, thenc" South 890 48' .Iest 363.90 feet to the true pOlnt of beg~nmng, In Lane County, Oregon. (5.15 ncres more or less) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the smd plcllllses, wIth theIr appUltenances, unto the saId Glantee , 11.,5 hell s and asslgn~ forever And the -.'cud Gldntolu do heleby covenant to and wIth the "iald Grantee I 1- ts helTs and aS~lgns Lhat. Lhe yare the QWnCl C; In fee sImple Of saId pren1Jscs, and that they ale f1f'e frOlll aU encumbrances and that they WIll wall ant and defend the same from all IN W1TNESS WHEREOF, 'l'hey ha ve heleunto set /..;/;)i day of November, (SEAL) other tbelr hand', 71953. af::/ /kadJMdf~J_ __(SEAL) ~ ' ({))- '''=.~0w, ~i--<.-'--;'-<.-c' - V::_A:Lt:-"'~ (SEAL) lawful claIms whatsoevel <lnd seals ihIs _ ,(SEAL) STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF LANI~. ss Be Ii. 1 erncmbcred that on LIus /1/ >"..1 day of me, a Notary PublIc 10 and for saId cou'1ly, the wILlull named November ,19 53 pelsonally came before ,KAroll'lll'l STONle and GENIEVIEVE H. STONE, husband and "He, \,> t.1 II; " f\ . "'l ,;;,.~~ ',/ to"-l~....~prlB;,:;~.H~ g!~wn to be the IdentIcal pel sons deSCllbed In and who exe<...uted the wIthm Instrument, and ~~hffio",::"l~g~E&,tDt..('} in~~\1i!34t Lhey c'Xeculcd the same :fleely and volt ntauly fOl the use5 dnJ pUlposes lhereIn ,;;- tIn,~ ....,}IJ 1"'" '-~ ........l~_ nal'ne~ ''t'<,,'' ~ u:: ..- ~y~i,.,~(~<~~t'hana~41~sedl tlus day and yeal last above wllLten / (l /1 ~rt;\ ~t" 'i\h';Jj~\,(> 1.C~ tJ~ ...~,'1 '-.,1 / .....j t...,.A;"t' ~1 I . <~R'/I'! /i~ :1::) 2r.... r NOTA[{'(' PUHUc f 01:l.. or.u- ~(l ~~/.J'" !.Ilt .!llc. ~~~f~~~~~,~~I?~.}}~;' Ivh~ COlnmnslon rKpltc, lu!)'ll^:{J~"'1 -- V/~(:.I ~- NT}. r. (,,t- y", ~(~_ :Jo,>"(CJ;!~f.,....h !\ !'4"I'~.;f:'\ ...... -."~ , ~~ oialY Pubhc for Glcgon ~~.\l I ,. ...Vi'\~'" H,&: ~:\ Y-} ....\.' ~S<l~>'r)1 ~r"I,'1{})!?~,~\,.,.."'~,\ I '~ ...t '-'.( "; I '~';'~ ("" I.... ':w.:...~~~')~~""'<"~ ~!',.... LANE COUNTY A8STPACT COMPANY EUGENE OREGON . , ., " " , '" \ "\ " Date Received. MAR 2 0 2008 On91Oa\ submittal \ . ' O,del No " " 08852 ,< \~7.'I'-I'111))tj "I' 1'" (t~;~i!l~ i,' ' ~;.' -(I,\" / 1" .. ~I\ ....\A\ ~~r '\--<'f~'Y~ \ 4. k' ;)1..., ""--L_ "1 "\ 1\ ), ~ , I ..-, '/.:r:.r ( "II ~ ' ~...,..- I r ," { ~(A..~~,/\J.....A.I If) <I.), ~/-" If ~~'\J ' ,,' :'..r.).-Y~ ItIlr1 l;.~I/\.rr-\}'f ," , ' r I'~ I~ l'."" , \ I' :<'r ! " " I :,(J -II I '" 1i, ,I' ,i,,' /1' " " \ I 'j( i _I W a~ranty, Deed ", Rr{'I(, " '{lP < ~'~O..,~ , , 'r'( , '})I"""~'~ 11" 1< r 11,. ~/'~i" ~ Jj~l /~G, TIIIS 1NDENTURE WITNESSJ1TH That Kn1'l R. Stone" anl1 aenGVl~V<;' i R. 'S;t.~nG" husbnnd ,Inel wl.f e Lh(' Gl.:mtoJ.S to them , for and In COll<>ldelcltlOi1 paId, do of the toUln ot t en hereby, bargaIn, ~ell and convey unto DOLLARS S~lool D~ntrlot Nu, 106, Lane County, Oregon ihe lollov.nng dc'"cn bed pI emlse~J LO-VVlt the grantee " , I I I I I I I " '; T3ePJllllnf" "L [1 pOint 1"\,0,; oheuns east Clnd 899,36 feet south of' tn0' nart'l\<[O',t ourl1e,(' oj' tho 'JQ,TIOi, O. 'Looney D0l1clL10n Land 01,"lP1 No. .:,11 tlntJ.flcatJ on No. '/310 ,n townGl,io 17,So,lth HanC;G 2 IVGf1L of 1;:,0 Wll]r'motto Jv1crLdwn, runnln0 the;lC"o f\O'nth 21;1.,6 feot, tl~enco we f<t 308.3 f('l,t, thonce nopth 21J, D .foet, and thence ed,s~ JOG. 8, ' , fOc,t to tho p] aoo of ]X'glnrnng, In Lf1.ne, Connty, Oregon'. " ' ,,, " '>, , , , , d \ I , , , , " " I , :' , , , " , I ~ I " 11 I " i" (\ ,~ , I"" (1 '1 ../ " , I, C ~ i ! . , :~ ~\r ,J I, l-' \' '~ "',1,)/" ,I :" F / '\" I J" ,\~ i ,d , ," ,'/ \ ~' ( , ' '. ,', " , -/," \ \ , ' , " " , , ,") ", ~ , / <)', "',', r \'1 , I, 1, -/ \ ~ " I <' -0\ " j '~ \ ,,," (" }II, '-i' t ,.( r "" >, ,', , l,l , ) ~,f j, \ r "'1,) '\ ')i, , , , ,,' -! } " , '-, " J ~ / J \' L , ' (/' i I " , ~ I ' " , " , " , ~,J " , , " , , ; , , , , '1f" (,' , J'" ~, t, ~! ',. ! f " ~ , , 'I{' \ 'ill: r ~ "; \ ! '( 1'_\' " " 7 ,',' ~I' I " , , , , ( If \ , ~ , TO HAVE: AND TO HOLlJ llw ,dId plem;,eS" WIth', theu appm tenances, "unto the Sdld' ,Glantee , ' rv",r..' \ I l, I" ^)" \ J.ts sUcceosoro :K= and assIgns fOle,:,er '" , "sUc,cebqor,s " And the'&md Glaniors do hereby covenant to and with the Sdld Glvanlee ")1 ''ftBY I ~Ka~~ assIgns lhdt t h'e,y n.re the owner b m fee srmple'of s~ld plem'ses, "and that they are fl;s,(,oll1,aWmcun,lbranles " , , , 'i dud th,lt the Y WIll Wdn,lllt dncl defeud the' 'ame' flom all 1 ,,' la:v~ul, cla;)"s' whatso~ve;': IN WITNESS WHERE:Ol", they ha,ve heleunto "et' the'ir ,hands" ',dnd "eal s tl1lS jrd' ddY of ' 'July ,A D, 19 4'7 " , : ", ,,' , " , (SEAL) d'/41/U~:,j,~'{ JZ, , '~"" (SEAL) :'l~~~"_V,C't,~~_~ di~~), ' , , ) I, , STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF LANE os ' Be II remembered that on:tlu's 3rd, day of July me, a Notdl)' PublIc III and [or "ud county, the WIII1l1l named Karl St,.)DO, husb0nd nnd Hlfe ,"., "t i 'f) " ,19if? 'P~ls~~ally,came ber~r~',:, R. ,Stone and GeneV'J.8,ve' R: ',,', \)' l-\ f ,- I' ( , \ I ~ ,. ~ " " \ i, I \ (0 me personalty known to be 'the Idellll~al pelson's descllbed In and who executed th~' vhti1l~'< Illl~tr~;P~h!,J 'liB', ' ackIlOw1edged (0 me thdt thoy executed the same heely' and voluntanly for th~ 'ises, and: l1o/tcjai\~!' '), ~:7',/::;" named '" "1"~ "':\I~:!::."';~~ \!i~ "I -', / ' (11 ..", '.'l<'" '" )" W,tness my, h,md dnd so,l th,o ddY and'year last above wlllten ' , ,'j "",.1,-,,' ,j',., I,~\, ' , ----,~ '" " . "":!Ii /11"'" 2 ,./ '" ""'.', ) \Ii J!J''''"' o^-,'r M COlnmlsolol1 v ~ J I ,I ~; <, /? i1 (I, ,", , rt.K">>\{~i;\,j H,!') y . ",Xplle'di)t"('<l'1.1i111Q'rOtOl\LUOl! ""J.. ~'(f'!,(" v, ,'<< ~\~I~-':(h~()~- Hy ~./"JJ.m~ ~lUit.\ ,1,{."I"f~J )1\(d ""rll,~% {" lI}1otmy JPUbhcLdor'AOregod}~~t )1 ~\~~~'/~",\ } 1." I ~ l 'I ' ~*~ 'i.'t,. 'Ii l "~,...l...... I.; ! J,! ! 1 " ,\ I (' ~~ '>"1 '{r'~I'\~~.t')#';.I).1'}h~ (' ~("'\~I ,'I I( , , ''I' , t ~~'-'t ""]>-1 !1'1<(\11\'r'::'<<lUt<,p,' 11fl '~'I \ "ANE COUN~Y 8"'" \ 1 j t"\, <>",g'r,' ,f ~ !, ,"Ii A S,_.~RACT( COMPANY EUGENE ORCGdN \P. \ ,( I. 'rr ~\I I ; \ ( ,. \ I , \ 1 I ~ I '~~ 1 i ' , .., "','" Ii' ,) "\ I') \ <', /) ", j , I l ,Ie t, '\ pi" (~ ,~ '", - ...!~...^:"~.",-,,~~_ JJ. Jl , , , , , Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnsl Submittal, " ) . (>,,~ V~'" ~ '~I~~'(;,~ Yi' n "'':l j """';l~rfrr "i':".:\"''''__ ;{-'i'jv"tliY""'~'1,~"'~"'f;\-'nlr-?,' ~J,"t'J~tff{'" .,- ~l_ll r; ';1' "P:~ "'" ~/;y ~1;-Vy ",;:~J')),) 5Y;-:"~~'1...,~' :~;-:;',tif~'7'>;~ .t?t TT:~~\,~'~ ~'~-l'>~~..rjk? J\\", <<~"\; t} )'1 ~\t>,t 1~/,J;J"J!.';i~~r\ ~ ;<-\ '~, >.l.;<~~; \H , ' ~ l' '::'~ ~;f~:i: l~~, j'~\JvJ~" ~~~J~~,j :~J_ ~_)~., 1 \'<\ ~" ",:,,;\'.,,~ ,0",,, ~ "/,1"'11,"\ i ',1 ) ;" 'el' "~I"~,}"~ 'leW ,~:",\j:{, 'i't\I"'~ "<t,; '>:;,\\,'1,',;1;;' , I"'" /,..' , ";-;'Z'l5"6h~)'4,', ,i""/I;'" I,',,' ";;"k",>2"'fj ,'V:""';,' ",Ii ":'1\),'>,, ;;ft,}, ,y,';"L' 1:"~,,~,"'f;r'~,;;1I1~,r,;,,!,;LYNI"'.M,,!ORE:t:Z' l';,:t,::"",>;o'U!:r "',,,r'~~I~':""'-;, ';;1': j,,,l;':~~~",)I,' ~i~~) { }/}:f~,~-'\~! ~b': t;J/, ~ ~'f' ~ j;"; t r'~/ ~f ,^(;,1j\.'~'Ph~~' I ~i)~)4-~ / 'd~~E;R 01:11""rrr:. ","4<1 ,\4 ~"f"'if tt(j'!'t,yr\'\L {~,,,-'~ ~~~1-';) ~ rJ'".., 'I., '~J)tf~-l~f>>,~ \ ~~1 !i/~)j.' ~ W t,." ~ >\, I 1'1", ~ ~'~ ,!-.('<I ~'4'1',,! it j ~ ! ~'O! ,j( ~J:-i ,'-}" () ~ ~II (~1:~ i j'f{<;.~~r f~~V... 1, I '\, 9!;.i~"i\!. , 'i I I VI j~j, \''''~lF'''';' 11iP 0.'11.11\ ~ 'J ~}:\ . >,"'''' 11{!/I" hi' '--i'~~11 4'\.;r~~k",,~ )v ~!~~'i~ ,::;';':; t;:""i;:~1"1:~1,. ~t! ,'A ~";*Cjt~~~'i;(,;i<~ 'l~ t~ ?\~I,h,~}~~1~,?:1l!,;;~> ~~D,~~:~r:f:S,1iR~E;~J:;:lf"{ t~~ )\'<~{!jJ > ;~~ i;;,~iLj; ~ /\\~ ;;l;~f\f,~j~( 'l~F 1;~11,,,,{~,,~l0 ~ ,~>S, h\ ""~\~t '\ ~. ,,1. "" ~f~r" >j, ; ,-~~-=--? \""- -. ~~) ~ _J .~~ , " , r~ t" .(. lSPRINGEJELD', OREGoN' {(ni' ~ J"....1:" ~ \~i'''''\).. f J ~I )"(~'I.,-~'\.i ~ ,~; 1, jW",~'",,~ ~)l r' q,,'}I' ;:~,>l-?fj~;'~ )~:'~0~M~,;f: /ft:~: ~.?;: 'il;,'l1;K'\!sr,l7~~ I;:~;'l ",~iZ; '<ic, : ,:';,~ ;;>.;;,;f'i:;::'~:"',:'; \ ~;,:,~~:;.; 'F':,! ';I\,~" '!Y",!, l"0 ,~.!,',' ;, ;:'ft;:; ~;\'Y~f/ .}.;1'S-,'t,~>t' ,:t, <yd ~~ ~\ ~.;, f1 'if 1,. "7 \ ~ > !}r~\.- ,\ ~', '-~ if''l I,>"'~>>'r',..,~"~:,, t;;'(-i' \.F\'>' _')1,( ~ L ~<: </,,~ ;<,~p/";.(;~.Z;t~~l&~""~': -'>f ~~k:',i5!;"tl tJ:C ! it~t-:: . fl jlJ::l.i' \~~ '1"", ~, ; "'~ '~/ ::jt it"/r <' \ ~fJt, 7~P'~ ~~" ~1 1'1~){th :::;:< ~1!~JJ' '>l~'~ I, ~ v'jJ # ,<" >';,11 \ 'l- ;,(;'~ /',1'"),; r~(J~ ; ",';t,x1 1,;-:.:'~ ~~~, 1 }h:,f:? ~~, >~ 1;1';< :{!!.'G"l" rr""J1 <,;"1. " .l;e. ~, '-'1:1 '\ ,4' 1'1:11 ',,:',,~ prlJ!rJl '1 C"1, 1, OW l t . i ~[N r {:~'J;, I3Elr,lnrnllg at a p01n1; In thEl South Ilne of Lbe McKl.n,,}O IlLgh- :1 ~',;~ way ],j.OC ('l1runs 001clt and 8'.<J0 ('hU) ns South of tho Nol'thwo'lt cOl'noJ' or tho I) :~\'l ,JameD C. Loonoy Donatlon Land C] nl.m No, 5.4 Notlf. No. 7310 l11 'l'ownsltJp ,':1;,' L7 South, l1unl\o :2 Woilt of Ll1e Wi1lumotto ::lol'lo} fin, J'unni11r; tbence South ~ '~hJ 308 fAct; t.l1o~C<J Wo~,t 300.8 foot.; thonc,) North 25tJ feot to tho Soutll ~ <': 1 H10 of' t;ho McJ\on," 10 11 i r,hwa y; thonco North ROO 4'7' Eas t alor,!\ 1,hA ; ";,c,{4 South 11.no 0[' Lho 1,1CKollzle Ihl\hHny 31?3 foot to bho pldce of bog1.nninr;. II ! fr' I "',,,,! cont.<3.' 11'11r; 2.00 acres, J11 Luno County, OrE'[;on. I'i :',~;' Degi mnng a 1, 11 pOl.nt 13.06 chalns East and G00.:'\6 fee b South t '" I~! ~X'f OJ Lho Nort.!wlljflt Go~ner of' tbe ,James C. Looney DonatJon Land Claim No. 54, . );~1:1 NoLlf'. No. 7310 i.n 'l'O\'rn~l1lp 17 Sonth, Rant,s 2 We,d, of t.ho Wi llall18ttd Ii ~1t\:: Morldi an, )'UDllLrlf" thonco South 211.G fOAl,; thenco \Vest ::\08.8 fent: Lhonco , " ~ O\T ,/ \;,,1 horLh 2] J.G for' 10 and thence E~st .108.8 foot; to tho placo of bO{\1nnl.l1g, r 1~JJ In La~eCoDntv, Ore~on. p < ~ J ~ ~ ~ #~ H y ir",,~1 fl10 nl\"\~ ANY) rl'O lJOLD the s8-Ld prem-LGEls, w:l tllthe1.r QnpurtonUllC'es 9 ' t}" I~ " ~~4 u11bo t be SUJd Gl',lY1toes, LbeJr hOll's and asslp;ns forOV(H'. ~ i(~, ~ ",~";; I J ;,"" And Lhe GrE'lltor clops herebY"~ covenant j,o and wi Lh 1,ho flnld ,I. 'I t", ~ ~ ~ 1 1~ ',4:-.-,,": GranteD:':: J Lhoj rho) 1'S and R.Ss-tgnD that. It .is tho ownur In ('eo S Imp If' of" I;; ~ r4 ~ ~ I~>!l sald prAT1ls6S nrd thclt Lhoy aro fren from 811 lpeumbcanco", Jnd tlw(, It, ;1 :~ 1'1 .;", i c~'11' WJ 11 wal'rdnt I'm,l c1",f'oncl tho "mno from all lawful clRim'l whatsoEJvol'. Ul ~1 h l".E11 I~j '1; IN WI'l'Nh8::; WilE J\I; 01" , School D'lstl'lct, Uo. 19, a TrJUlnClpn1 % ~:,:1 I ' ~; ,;,~ corporation, hllR callsed t;boso presents to 11(1 dul;,< signod by 1.t:; ~l .' I ':;;] R\)dld of JhroC'Lor& thUl 22nd dRY of SeptomlJop, lQ49. rJ eel ~ ; "I ~I :,~'i '7", JJ /J. , I,;;,,:J /! /J ';' I " ' I') : .v~ U *,'10 Cd, c~ ,1.,-..'1'7 - j,. Y~1 ;7:,'::~( r'~ i' \ fly I~~' (Soal) Ry---./..L./ /1' /:4'1,<'"1.::,,, '(y::0!,L Soal r~j ',':1 Dlrec tor " ' 'j Dire etor (/1 I'" ~ ~~ ',(,,{/ / 'V 'J';~ J....1J/J ~ /l-~/ '}f ()(~A .II / f\, "I By_~', _' ___\Soal) Bv I ,I )\,/"Ii"!>I/~.(/<~/"_...-" (8,,01) 1\1' i~"~ Diroctor ( l)lreCI:Cl:P;; ~ I (,.1 .4 fl ,,/ ~rJ t~ By ~.d-~J (Soal) ny',..' ,_,,~___('ooal) Ii! '1 77~~ Dl.rector D}l'ocLor, ~ ~I' [<< r: ~ ~3 IV {10 ~ ~ ~~ ",'~~II 1M! ~I ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ I~l "",1 t\:'" i~l , ~~ :: :~ I' -~i/-1"'i;;<I~"i ",r,,..-{ \""'(",,~'\rl""~l''Q',~.r.'" ""I; (l,.(; "Z-}""I'I''''"'''''' r'""' -~- i"1"~I~r.--J-t." j -.,~~ """T"~~ -,..,. '" .".,~--~ ~ _ l"'''''''~ki ~'\;J ,,' 1:'> 'r'i-, f;:'i"'~ i 'Jlf,f" ,:'\( I':e;,;, ';;;,,"::<:)1';1':'1' ~ f~ ~"11t ::' if,;n;:l,l, \ .~ctfo,l, :;!tt~~"'i'~,,,.;~;' 11" t, ,q ,,'~f; "\"'~ E: ,'??,jl;;:.p;~,;;\ ?: f,l '\" "i;;I,:';- , ;:t~"?~Y\ll'..r' 7S""W' ;;,,1: (, , ,r" (, 'r <~~ i ;';\},:'~/, i;\" ,'f~',/ f, +,,/,':; ; ',' ,~;,:i. ,;",',:';:- iiti ~~: ;:";:,"~,i,', i ':,;'Y ,':;;/:';': ~pj:;';;; (~\~,l,,, ;;";:'?':r('l',' ~r~;} '11(::\;\";';;,::,';t:1';:'~; &(' ,i'~[;, z: i'J',:~I~':'j:;r;" ' jf; ,+-j ~/~' \~&r;"I~~\):i?f '~f~"'~,,~J:./ r ~> ",> f,'"idl~X~ ~11t,!'~,'.J, ;':.-~, ~'; ~'I:-{); jtf~ :"--;{<'/"F.!t" ~>:_ ~:J;;I)"~ ,,;1!:~t'jIJt:~),X~/1"li~: f( 1'\ F~~,4:'~i;li~t'r:-'lt;-~~\..)~sj;,.J; ,,:,1"1>1Kk~,~ ,~;r/ffT,~:, ~~~c!\~:' ~At.:";:~ ;. ~~'-~ii";r<1 ~"'~',""'-o>J~, ~J '~"'~'''''<~(,-~~Jf'\!'\~~'~''''''~'''F'fo!'J'i,'0-Jl :\::~ h...~ - " C"'f"",<_";)lil_...,,...~~,,^~,'i ~ \'ll~oy<tf/~ '''-JY ;:. 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LDne CCJunt.;;, Or'egon, o mllrncipa 1 corporati.on, L 110 r,ranl.or, ror and ill t ~ l f ! , , ~ ~ 'I ~ I' I' i I Date Received " l 1 MAR 2 0 2008 " f Onglnal Submlttai , ~} I , WAI1I1ANTY DEJ\D rrnl~_J 1 NDl';N'ClII1E W 1 TNE~jGFTH: 'rhat School DiRLp1Ct No. 19, canD lc1orHtlon at t,he sum ofTen (:1~1O.(]0) DOLLA TiS to It paid (lacs hl9roh bargaiu, solI ar'c1 convey unto Karl R. S t ono nnei GBno- If 1. (~Ve l~ . S cond" hUflbHlld anr wife, the 81'Hnh:..t3s, bh(> [0110wJn,; d(JSCPLbod Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal Vrder l~o -} j G J/( q,lflll 441'1' '" \ 1 I,-I~J(~ .1l\Gr0f~~~ Warranty Deed THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH That J\l1rJ. R. Si.ono and GonovJoVG E, S-Lono, hUDbancl and ~jfe, the Grantor to them . for and In con51deratlOn of the sum of 'ren - - - ( ~!, ] 0.00 ) paId, do hereby, bargam, sell and convey unto DOLLARS School Dlsl,rict No. 19, Lm 0 Count:r, Oro[';on, the followmg dcscllbed plemIses, to-WIt the grantee 13o[l,i.nnll1[\ [II. 11 nOJl1t, en tho Soutl1or1y rl[\ht of WdY 11]\0 0:[ tlHl Old MC'Romne Highway 663.4 foot South OL) 1:;' Eus t [lnd NOrl,h (31)0 'J.C' E'l:Jt 036.6 loot; from tho Northwest C'ornor 01' tho JaJ:JoL. C. Loono" Tlon,\Glon Land Clulm No. 5'1, JIIoLlflcatlon No. 7::;10, 'l'OWI1S)llp L? South, Rn~'j(' :; \'.'(')'11, f 0 ' o tho Wlllamette Morlcll.an, runnl.l1E\ I.honcfJ Soul;h 0 1:;' E,uJt, 71'1.0 fh,t, Lhol1e 9 ~;ol'th 8'10 48' EflS r 313.9 feat; thoneo North 00 01'},' \,lfJS I; 76'1. (J 1'e"'1. to tho Southerly rlght of way Ilno of the Old MeKonZLf' TlJ ,;,;hway, l;honce ill onr: sn.Ld rl.~ht of WGy Iln8 111 a Sou-Lhvi[os t:;('rly dil'ocL Jon 31().. 2 l'e"t, more or less, Lo the plae8 of b8r;innlnf';, en LanoCn1lnt\T, 01'8.jOn. 1,j.. l " I TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the saId prelnIses, With theIr a~urtenances, unto the SaId Glantee I 1tS heIr~R8<'a~lfgbg.l.f81ever S1JLC'3,330...S And the saId Grantors do hereby covenant to and WIth the saId Glantee, l j, ,I hcmj/;'nd aSSIgns that the y a 1'0 the ownerS In fee sImple of saId plemlses, and that they ale flee flOm all InCUmb,ances ana that they WIll wau<1nL dud defend the same frorn. all IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We ha va hereunto set 22ncl day of Sept omb or C'ur handS lawIul clJ.uTIS whatsocvc~ dnd sealS thIS (SML) AD,19'l') , A'/' ,,/)// //V_ ~7 'l./ /;1- ,r / f/()l/?( I/V'lyqt:)7~'Z:.t_~1 (SEAL) f., , -7 /-1- ~;j{.--J~__A'-1'....f~c---/_&r ~.-0 ~?-"n_~f.-.~/_(SEAL) , _ (SEAL) STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF Lty,,'o t1 ss Be It lenlembered that on thIS 22nd day of Sepl::;emb0r J 19 4t) pelsonally carne before me, a NotalY Pubhc m.andfol.. smd county:, the wlthm named Karl H" ~)L()ntl and GOn,vlovo H. .(nl;,'1 fit ~} t.one, h 1 S Viol fo, \\~ ,:~{~\J' ~ '~t ~'-~(~V~,I,. 1-1' :: :~J-.) "... ... 'I;~., \ ~'/\'I"I. ~'l'{" ,.. to n1e pelsonalIy known to be th€d:tJenilral'.pe,rsort:S ~:,.deSCllbed In dnd who executed the WIthIn InstrUlnent, and ''"' ( 1 '~... v.. "J.!~..~)~~.. acknowledged to me that LqeU! eX~~9uted the sA~e:freely and voluntarIly for the u~es and pUlposes theleln '<~~. h" t !-f~ \1~",. nan1ed ~~~i"l\; ;', /~\l 'If ~"'! ~'h{.-.r2l ~ WItness my hand and seal "!h~~c,1:~~~f,\~1~;-.~,e?r:"'f~t;bbove WrItten ... "') (/') ~ ~'\:'f1'~>i\!'~~(~,~)11, ,;() \'< /~) .;:J ......A.. I~ 1/ My COlmmsslOn Expn es "-, ~?":l\ '7"~': ;i'~'; ",,> \, ". ,..~ d7, (; /Ie _~, G ~::v.u".. '" ,. (,)." j /' '1 ...<;\, ~ \ 'l-t h11H\ ,y,'" Notary PublIc fO! regon '/-.......'..1 -;1 l( / I S 3 'i , h(, If'r\~lt~\' I"'l)'i. tlI~ 'r! J;'U.1UC }Of..... 01U_COt .-; ,,- '-- r:1 LANE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY' 'EUGENE OREGON ~ ~ 1 ~ ~, . ~~ c~, ;......1 )~v'~-: ~ ". - "'~-I- 'I .-, '- Warranty / L Deed 7 ,-/ I~ //t/ I-.[J C-'- I I I I --_I <i: ,c. --- v ~ 0') I "'- , f !)- ,) " j (7 /' 0') U p" ! co 00 :-, :> ~tate of Oregon, Couru~' of Lane-.':.s 1, Hmry L Chd<;e Countj Glell;: and c,"-.ofhcLO Recoldcl of Corn eyance, In and for sal.d Count), do het eby eel tUJ- that the wltllln lllstrument '\, as recen e-i tOt lcco...d at C:J rl , '--' = ~9,S[J~1 /.! ''I :J !l , " 0, " dl'd Recorded In Book on Page 22-: 4,C3 La nc Con:!' ty O HARRY I, ,) ReCOI ds Clel1\:: eputy B~' When RecQrded RetUln to ~~.../ ~-""'" ~ I'>C;:' ~/ ~;~~~.... //~~ t.'" 7~-"""'" r'~ ;; ,1? -- ,-<-4 ... ______~~.P""(...-<!' ~/ r {/ tr~ I D"~ "Under All the.,'Land ' , The TItle" ".. 'i' ,Y " -~-~; ~+ r:t ~ -~" /-;z/t/~U(>-<!.- -"~ ~-?-r,::.4.-'-;.-4 , f/ Lade County Abstr<,!ct Compa~f ';.~ Eugene, Oregon f 1"'<" ,Mery,ber of Amenca_n TItle ASSOCIation _.r .', Dependable TItle Servl~e Sm,ce 1888: "It ,. "_Tale InsUlance Abstracts Escrows 1- ~ , J , " COj'IIPLE;I'E, TITLE SERVICE 0 ... <C ::; 0 !!!. III en 3:: ...... r: > (I) 0- :::0 ~ 3 NO ;::;. ~ <=> (') !!!. I (I) <: ~ .. -' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00021 7345 Thurston Road s:r Date Recc:'"i1I'l' MAR 2 0 lUud OrIginal Submittal SITE Map 17-02-35-00 Tax Lot 2100, 2600 North + . , \ HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM Spnngfleld School Dlstnct #19 Sprmgfleld, Oregon Date Received: GENERAL INFORMATION MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal In compliance wrth Oregon Occupational Health and Safety Code, OAR Chapter 437, DIvIsion 155, Hazard Communication, the followmg Hazard CommunlcalJon Program has been Implemented for the Sprmgfleld School District #19 All divIsions, sections and departments of the District are mcludea In the program Copies Of thiS written outline are made available for review by any mterested employee, and may be obtained from the Dlstrrct Risk Management Department or the MamterrancelT ransportatlon Center PROGRAM 1 CONTAINER LABELING, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS, EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND INFORMATION CONTAINER LABELING Labels on all containers receIved will be verltled by the DIstrict warehouse personnel as well as department supeNlsors Labels will be screened for a) content IdentificatIon, b) appropriate hazard warning, and c) Identification of the manufacturer's name and address NOTE ContaIners will not be released for use until the label data IS verified Secondary contaIners wIll be labeled It IS the responsibility of each department supervIsor to ensure that all secondary contamers are labeled DIfferent styles 01 secondary labels may be used When coded (color or numerical) or NatIonal Fire Ratmg labels are used, the supeNlsor wfil post reference charts m the work area which describe the label coding systems 2 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) Caples of the MSDS for all known hazardous materials to which employees of the springfield School District may be exposed WIll be maintained In the school department, MalntenancelTransportatlon Center, RIsk Management Department, and In the District's warehouse at the Administration Burldlng MSDS' are available to all employees for review If MSDS' are not avaIlable for new chemicals scheduled for use, the DIstrict wfil suspend use 01 said chemical until the MSDS IS received or a generic MSDS has been provIded by the product manufacturer or vendor MSDS' for chemicals no longer sanctioned for use In the District will be maintained In the RIsk Management Department for reference '- 3 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND INFORMATION Prior to starting work, each new employee 01 the DIstrict will attend a safety class and will be reqUIred to sign a form venfy,ng participation m the training program Training will Include th~ following a) ReView of chemicals present In the employee's work place and an explanalJon of the phYSical and health hazards associated wrth each chemical b) Methods and techniques used to delermlne the presence of release of hazardous chemicals In the work area (such as monitoring conductea by the employer, conlinuous monitoring deVices, visual appearance or odor of hazardous chemicals when being released, etc ) THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN NOTE: IF YOU HAVE A HAZARDOUS SPILL- PLEASE GO TO SECTION 6 AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AS LISTED IN THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - Faclhty DescrIptIOn Date Received. SECTION 2 - Hazardous MaterIals Inventory Statement MAR 2 0 2008 , , \ SECTION 3 - SeparatIOn, Contamment and MomtorIng Ongmal submittal SECTION 4 - Waste DIsposal SECTION 5 - Record Keepmg SECTION 6 - Emergency Response Plan SECTION 7 - Emergency Response TtamIng Plan \, THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 1 Faclhty Descnphon Part A - General InformatIOn Date Received Busliless Name Address Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road SprIngfield, OR 97478 MAR 2 0 2008 2 ResponsIble School DIstrIct Representallves Onglnal Submittal Name Mlcheal Screen Jeff DeFranco John Saraceno TItle RIsk Manager DIrector of FacilIties Maliltenance SupervIsor Phone 541-726-3471 541-747-3331 541-744-6375 3 Emergency Contacts Name TItle Phone Numbers Mlcheal Screen Risk Manager 541-726-3471 541-521-4223 (cell) John Saraceno Maliltenance SupervIsor 541-744-6375 541-335-1278 (cell) Jeff DeFranco DIrector of FacI]ItIes 541-726-3204 541-520-7393 (cell) SharI Furtwangler School PrInCIpal 54]-744-6411 SIte UtlhtIes SprIngfield UtIhty Board - ElectrIcal/Water 541-726-2395 Qwest - Telephone Service 1-800-954-1211 Northwest Natural Gas - Natural Gas provIder 1-800-882-3377 4 Person ResponsIble for the ApplicatIOn IPnnclpal Contact (HMMP) Name Mlcheal Screen TItle RIsk Manager Phone Numbers 541-726-3471 54]-52]-4223 (cell) \ ~ 5 Property Owner SprIngfield Pubhc School DIstrIct 19 525 Mill Street SprIngfield, OR 97477 Phone - 541-747-3331 6 PrIncipal BusIness ActIVIty Pubhc Elcmcntary School Date ReceIved: MAR 2 0 2008 7 Number of Staff/Students on site 500 approx 8 Hours of OperatIOn 630 a m to 400 P m (Staff on sIte) 7 00 a m to 6 00 p m (Students .and staff on site) Ongtnal submittal 9 DeclaratIOn I certIfy that the InformatIOn above on the folloWIng parts IS true and correct to the best of my knowledge Slgnatur~ ~ Date /3 Au11Zctf 2tIJf Name MIchael Screen TItle RIsk Manager Part B - General FacIlIty DcscnptlOn/Slte Plan Plans attach cd. Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal SubmIttal , I I ., I , , !I ; , ! I " , I- i " , ., ,! ., , " ",.otY"""'''~'''':\.~'''';" GENERAl_N~l~ ": :::""'~~':l~~~"rr: "" "'" C< ",.,. ""'':''"'''',,,,.,..~".._.~ ~-"~"='\:\ :rt:":;.~ '" "~'.^1t~"'" """'to.'i"":""''''S'T~~:~~'='!'':,w''ar< Of '-"""""",;>,~.:.~~:.::::.",~,,"- -"~"':,:,,,~~ =_. _.....~~"'.:.f.,.~"".'r.." """",-Y""'>JJ.,,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,,..,,,,,,,.. . ~":'~'=~~"'$'.::;",:o:'". ~~-.:1-':"-'1"_".:;:' '''''""In' '" ~ '-:'-- -.. ""'''"''-~'''~-ll'''~;:;:'" ''''';'~'''~''''''.=~"~.,,,~"=~,-" - ::.i:".:1i:'"...TI',g..=~f':AOC"'" ........":...,""'< ~ ~..,... "'" "-.-;:. "'. - '"~" ,- ~ ~,.~" ",""",. . ~.,'" "'" ~':o"..,..:"~o:;::.o::;~o::::. """""'"' ~'"~... ""."",,,,,,,,, ."""''''-l.~''''''''~M,",' . Cl~~or.u~~':.:J~~,::.;r,Zi"~~f~T",.u~,.. """,'" ~:%"':"=*.",,~~~_.~, .,-~""',~"'. ,~I.I:"' --'''-..1 ~,,":'"''''.~.. _ _~"" ~=,~"'~~.. 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OREGOANTlON PERMIT AGE ALTER LAND AND DRAIN CONTROL PLANS EROSION 2008 JANUARY . -.. ~~ &o,~ ,~ "''' i= ~ .,. r" r _~=IAT~._:.._ N' :::.,......m.y _ ~J,.;:""...'" :;:;:~:::.:'''''' ~l,~ [ i~, c.. =i-'" r"T ~".' t",,-,' :i:i~..,..., ," E:a'~ .... ~~~ r -. 0- W...:-'" ;." ~~- -. ~'c"..., I ~~ "g~ ~""""-_T :'1':""""10:>.<, ~~~f"...':'. =v"""''^'''''' , .- .~, ::-., ~<<lJO'.""'" ~~v"',.,.""_ =''';Y,,,,,,,_ ;;:~, ~;;-oonmo_ =!",,"k :~"""" LEGEND == I ~I'I I,<o"c '~ ~'JJ '\ -~ t ~~~-i-== ~..-1l~ i i EiY I .J 1-- """'" rn.. W'"'if.......' ::~~.-"'I ::'::"';:i ,"","".T,.,. =.;-= ::: .....1..."".. _>0----- """'.."" - .- --- -- -- "" -- ~~ 0"'"""'..... ,- _mo..... ,""',.. l" .~.....,.::""e<>oo<~ -"""'...., -" :::'-"':::,<><<......... ~ .. ""><'''''''"'''' -." --~ ~ ~ n.E<""','....., CD"""-' ,mrrT_ -- <<><0,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~r""o"" OL MEASURES EROSION CONTR ""'''''. 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"~~=~"'-:-:..:'~~1O"_ -- .. -~" ~,- .....'..01<<_ .~ -,- -,- . c=J VICINI;': MAr Date Received: " o @ MAR 2 0 2008 . . ~ Ortglnal Submittal ~==oe:-",^,.." j "" . """'" ",0- ""...., <"" "'::....... -" . ,J..._ ':'.....0 "" ,,,,~, I ""'~ ~ "'''J.,' ". ,.., ~ 1-- ...,- ==~... C""sv/tIi>gE~~ f3!IIJo,.,.-.-.r.._ ~ ~> Q. .....fl ~ ~ . , _HIl'!U.C""""'SC"~ =~~"Tl """"""....,..lYlIO>OOl ~"":o"7..~, co _0:--::.:"," oM. ""~ 'ITE PRE. ~:J~~ ~""""--- A~E: ::::~ -::;;._J::2 COVER SHEET ---1 EC1 0- T ,---- ! , , ; , 1 , , l' 11 i! '~ ~~ , ,> I , 1-7:___~~.~_ ";,:' ~.._-"~~=.. ""-"..,,,. "'''<'T .~,... ""'-""","", .\;;.J ~T",^.... """"n,,"",,,,,= ...., .."""""""""'"""'~"'.""" """"'-.......,........"""'" ~"'=>H.."""'" ,<n,T'O....~_ "'......""M..''''.'''<''''~...,,'"' ..,';~'fu~f'->'<<:' ........,,,.,.,.. . ",""",,,,,,,,,,,,'"'-'<'1'" """""<_"'.. "'m . ~'ir~~W=.~'I;~~,:;: .. ""......_.....""__...<0_ "'''''0 ""'"""" toIIHI>... 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","-0'"'' --~ ,~ ~-,--~ ""....--.. ......<n,oo".., l1f'I!IrTlCcn.uIIt"'} Eng,M""., w~r':::.~"..;.:.:':;-- ~ &..''" ~.., ~ " ,-,;"o.~""",-"sc""",,, ....ru...""'.... "_O,,,"or'l ""-"'''''''''-''''',,"YII(;HOt\. nu,><JOtSfON..,., ........,E\jl"'..'..., NOUH EJ& SCALE 1"" 'CAN EC2 0- T Part C - Faclhty Plan BUlldmg layout drawmgs attached. Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal submIttal '- ~ , I' I I I <$: : I' I I I I I I I I I I '....___1_..... 1 : I I Ju--Ij I I , . --T'- , "'---./' i--;T-"1--::-- )/ ~ 1"'---. 'I I - -,-- - cb 8 I I I 1__0 I -r--~i--0~ I I )__0 r---,~-hr I 1 IJ2c I V 1--- ----___"\ ~ -I-I I - -----r- - I I I ~- I I .D R MAR 2 0 2008 . . bmlttal ""'....,....." 1E! m m I: I ' , <:t-u--r~u-r-' l' J II I I I I I ,--- ~I-- _u__ ,,1i-+-_h~_~u+, I i I I ,,"" : ~I I I I I I I I ~ HI.".. , "'rn" 1-"':" 1<J5J D 'I""j I , I , I : I L_____ 'O":i :1 :, m DiD --- j- -'n -'I'm - ----~_t----- -@- OVERALL SECOND FLOOR PLAN -CD ( 1 I I I A: ~I I I I' , I I I I I I I ..-:::.:, r.-. I .~~) I I I I I I .~. -:1 ~ V ,,---- I ----I---- - - , , ~---~,-- ".... " _. : I.., : I": I I ~I , I, : I ~ n : I : )~ : I , I :l-..:-..:_'-l-..:-__-..:.._ -1-_1 :i l-@t I II II I J2c :1 y :>- $ = 1~ !lIlS I I I I I I I I I I I I ILl ....----....1 I I' ,: I' I: I: I' r' E'J IHHI sft Il!l iSl +f" Uffij ffi ffi-ffi j r , crl" D I 'l I I D 1 I " I I I I i (-t-----r-:---r-' IE:; I -@t, J I I I I I !:I ,-'- _"_h ~ 1:- I-uull-~h ,_, , '- _L 'I l l 1- ::J;;;L>;;C :,1 d" 0: I~ :, :, "~!'l " " o :"'!-1~ II L____ ____...J_____ J5'j I"........... = a r- n"Jj l G_l .cD '-- 6 ~ 8 OVERALL FIRST FLOOR PLAN GENERAL NOTES lU'tVJlOEOflOOll.........'O.....\ ",....".."'.....,...".., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t' ,"""..,...-~ ""........ ,....,....... ~ -----1 "....-...... ,......"""".,," "'''''''IOLOPVI,o::,C>IOOt, "''''uST''.... ''''''''''''EeO,,"'''' ""'''''''''''''",K''",otHOO. ~:'::;~:"'O:~n HOTFORCO){$TRUtTION "" "'IlO,,,Cl~"'"'''''w,,, .-- OES'O"OEVHO.~EN'T 'om';o~ JdlA QA ~,,~ M_. ~,.,.. 'O\EAAIl'lOORPlA"S AlI1:RNATE A-102-T SECTION 2 Hazardous Matenals Inventory Statement How to use thIs sectIon I The followmg pages are an mventory hstmg of matellals stored at this site AdditIOnally, at thIs sIte m the Front Office there IS an MSDS book whICh contams the MSDS sheets for each product ThIS book IS filed by Manufacturer name and then by Product Please refer to the Manufacturer MSDS for addItIOnal safety mformatlOn as needed If you need addItIonal help, please contact the RIsk Management office at 726.3471 Date Received. MAR 2 0 2008 Original submittal , , , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LIST ,:rRISn::ISJ.iSJ)F.l')jED~BJ:J ~RODU~~NAME~ MANUFACTURER 3M BONDO EZ FINISH ADHESIVE 806C PART A 3M 3M BONDO EZ FINISH ADHESIVE 806C PART B 3M 3M HI-STRENGTH SPRAY ADHES 90 13M 3M LATEX BOND CONTACT CEMENT 3M 3M SCOTCH WELD ACCELARATOR DP-3501 3M 3M SCOTCH WELD EXPOXY ADH BASE DP-3501 3M 3M SUPER 77 MULTIPURPOSE SPRAY ADHES 3M 6267A BOILER WATER TREATMENT CH20 6438 HYDRO-TREAT BOILER TREATMENT CH20 AURA INTERIOR PAINT 526 IBENJAMIN MOORE AURA INTERIOR PAINT 528 BENJAMIN MOORE BACK TO NATURE SAFER DEGLOSSER BACK TO NATURE PRODUCTS CO BUG BUSTER INSECT KILLER CLAIRE MANUFACTURING I COASTWIDE GUM OFF REMOVER CLC813 COASTWIDE LABORATORIES COMPLETE PRO 22-2-22 PROFESSIONAL TURF CENTER 1 CROSSBOW L HERBICIDE LOVELAND PRODUCTS INC DE CRAWL INSECT KILLER WOODSTREAM CORPORATION I DEFOAM IT COASTWIDE LABORATORIES ~ I DIAMOND FLOOR FINISH COASTWIDE LABORATORIES __I DULUX FORTIS SATIN PAINT 6403 ICI PAINTSi - DULUX PROF EXT ACRYLIC SATIN PAINT 2402 IICI PAINTS _ _I I FAST KILL RESIDUAL ROACH & ANT KILLER ICLAIRE MANUFACTURING I I FERTI-LOME ROOT STIMULATOR jVOLUNTARY PURCHASING GRPS INC I 1 GRIPPER ALL PURPOSE STAIN KILLER 3210 - IICI PAINTS ------ I i HARD'30C'S SE!<1E_'3 ---- _:.=---ICOASTWIDE LABORATORIES I ! ___________ ICE AWAY - GRANULAR ICE MELT -J<::OASTWIDE LABORATORIES_____ " ___ IRONclAD METALNvOOD ENAMEL 363 ____JBENJAMIN MOORE ------------=----=I====l~_____ _~__ JET FORCE Wf\~P/J:i_ORNET KILLER ___ _____ _ ICLAIRE MANUFACTURING _ .1_ ----Date-Receiv.e~:t_____ KLEEN UP PRO I LOVELAND PRODUCTS INC I I KRUD KUTTER--- ---- ISUPREME CHEMICALS OF GEORGIA, INC ~ =--::--l _ _ _________ OKON GRAFFITI BARRIER COAT -- IZINSSER COMPANY INC I -- M~R 2 OJ008 _ ____ ORANGE GEL EXTREME-CITRUS CLEANER- -- ---jCOASTWIDE LABORATORIES ----- -------- --!-- - P~NTltC_c;r-t_6~0_.:'::O_403--__=_:-===_=_=~-_..::=~_:. JA~90 CHEMICAL CORP __~:=--=--"::L or!glnal_~~_bmlttal------== PINK LOTION HAND SOAP ICOASTWIDE LABORATORIES I ' --- HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LIST THIS LIST SORTED BY PRODUCT NAME MANUFACTURER OTY ON SITE LOCATION OF STORAGE POWER LUBE AEROSOL CRC CHEMICALS RUST-OLEUM AMERICAN ACCENTS PRIMER RUST-OLEUM CORPORATION SCOTCH CONTACT CEMENT 3M SIMPLE GREEN SUNSHINE MAKERS INC SPRAY GLOSS FLOOR FINISH BUFF RESTORER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 63 ODOR ELIMINATOR COASTWIDE LABORATORIES I SUSTAINABLE EARTH 64 NEUTRAL PH CLEANER !COASTWIDE LABORATORIES I SUSTAINABLE EARTH 65 HEAVY DTY CLEANER jCOASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 66 DISINFECTANT SANITIZER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 67 PROF CARPET SPOTTER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 70 WASHROOM CLEANER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 71 TOILET & URINAL CLNR COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 80 MULTI-USE FLOOR COAT COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 83 WAX & FINISH REMOVER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 84 DUST MOP TREATMENT COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 99 GRAFFITI REMOVER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES THE GIANT DESTROYER IATLAS CHEMICAL CORP I VIAFRESH LEMON DROP ODOR ELIMINATOR ICOASTWIDE LABORATORIES I VOBAN VOMITUS ABSORBANT IFRANK MILLER & SONS INC ~---~- -- WD-40 IWD-40 COMPANY XL2G -~SETRE CHEMICAL COMPANY I ! - ZINSSER GRAFFITI REMOVER & STRIPPER !ZINSSER COMPANY INC Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 OnglOal Submittal SECTION 3 SeparatIOn, Containment and Momtonng Part A Above Ground Storage Areas Storage Area IdentIficatiOn (as shown on SIte plan and Floor plan) 1 Emergency Generator Enclosure - Fuel Tank (see SIte Plans) 2 CustodIal Room(s) - Housekeeping Products (see Floor Plans) Storage Type X OrIgInal contaIners _ Inside machInery _ 55 gal drum PressurIzed vessel Safety cans Bulk tank OutSide barrels Other 2 Storage LocatiOn X InSIde bUIldIng (Cleamng & JanItorial) _ OutSIde bUIldIng Secured 3 SeparatiOn All materIals ~ Compal1ble _ Separated by 20 ft _ One-Hour separatiOn wall _ Approved cabinets Other 4 Secondary Containment X Approved cabinet _ Tray Vaulted tank Other _' Secondary drum Bermed, coated floor _ Double walled tank (fuel) 5 MOnItorIng X VIsual (Cleamng & JanItorIal) Continuous 6 MOnItorIng Frequency X DaIly (CleanIng & JanItorIal) Other _ Weekly ~ Date Rpceived: Part B' Underground Storage Areas I'''; 2 C ""') ...:.....,.. ,""'... NOT APPLICABLE O # ""'i ~f ~ " -..../ '~""I r'g.~._, __>4.< .1...._1_____ SECTION 4' Waste DIsposal _ DIscharge to Samtary/Sewer Wastes Prctreatmcnt Wastes LIcensed Waste Hauler Wastes Garbage - Sam-Pac _ Recyclc Wastes Sam-Pac Other DescrIbe Method Wastes No Waste Date Received' MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal SECTION 5 Record Keepmg DescrIptIOn of Our InspectIOn Program DaIly use/InspectIOn of cleanIng products and/Ol monthly InspectIOn by contracted maIntenance staff on products brought Into our stored WithIn the bUildIng Weekly InspectIOn by CustodIal staff of the emergency generatOl, enclosure dnd assembly (We wlll use the attached form In our InspectIOn program) Date Received MAR 2 0 20C3 Original Submlttal_ ~__ ___ Emergency Generator Hazardous Materials Inspection Form Instructions 1 Use thiS form to Inspect emergency generator enclosure, tank and at! and coolant matenals wlthm the facIlity 2 Contractor wIll Inspect the tank and enclosure weekly dUring constructIOn, wIth on-Site staff provldmg weekly inspection after constructIOn 3 On-site staff will Inspect the Custodial Roam(s) and stored malenals wlthm the room monthly fof/owmg construction 4 Evaluate the condition of the tank enclosure and Custodial Roam(s), check for leaks, odors, ete for Items below to ensure safe storage conditIOns January February March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec Date Inspected IOO-OO-OOl Area IS free tram leaks/sPills Tank enclosure Custodial Room!s ApprOPriate emeraencv enulPt spill kit) IS In place Tank enclosure Custodial Room!s All chemicals are seareaated Tank enclosure Custodial Room(s All containers are praperlv labeled Tank enclosure Custodial Room!s All containers are closed and sealed Tank enclosure Custodial Room(s . Secondary contamers Inspected Tank enclosure Custodial Room!s . INSPECTION COMPLETED BY Notes Problems Detected ResolutIon MAD' n 1008 "ill "'>l\ unglnal 5ulm ..i-uol SECTION 6 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN 1 In the event of an emergency, the folloWIng shall be notIfied A On-sIte Responders Name Title Phone SharI Furtwangler PrIncIpal 541-744-6411 B Method ofNotllicatlOn to Responders AutomatIc Alarm Telephone Manual Alarm Verbal X Other Intercom Svstem C Agency 1 Dial 911 III the event of an cmcrgcncy or spill 2 To report a splll- call the Oregon Emergency Respon~e System (OERS) - toll free at 1-800-452-0311 3 Contact the RIsk Management Office at SprIngfield Pubhc Schools at 726-3471 4 NotIfy Faclhtles Management Office (MaIntenance Supcrvlsor) at 744-6375 and the DIrector of Fac1l1tIes Office at 747-3331 to Inform them of the spIll 2 DeSIgnated Local Emergency Medical Faclhty McKenzIe- Wlllamette Hospital 1460 G Street SprIngfield, OR 97477 541- 726-4400 3 MltIgatlOn EqUIpment A MomtorIng DeVIces X Gas detectlOn FlUId detectIon Other Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submittal B SpIll ContaInment X Absorbents (fuel tank) Other double walled fuel tank and/or plastic bIns for materIals stored WithIn bUIldIng C SpIll Control and Treatment _ Vapor scrubber Pumps/vacuums Neutrah7er Mechalllcal ventIlatIOn _ Secondary contaInment X Other ManufactUler proVided sp1l1 contaInment kIt 4 EvacuatIOn X ImmedIate arca evacuatIOn routcs posted X EntIre bUIldIng evacuatIOn procedures developed X Assembly areas pre-planned X EvacuatIOn maps posted Other D~t~ Received: MAR 2 e 2008 Onglnal Submittal SECTION 7. Emergency Response Trammg Plan Person responsIble for the on sIte Emergency Response Training Plan Name Title Phone SharI Furtwangler Pnnclpal 541- 744-64] I 2 Training ReqUlrcmcnts A All employees trained in the follOWing a, indIcated Procedures for internal alarm/notIficatIon _ Procedures for notIficatIOn of cxternal emergency-response 01 ga/1lzatlon LocatIOn and content 01 the emergency response plan CustodIal staff WIll attend Maintenance Summer Crew/Staff Training for revIew of Hazardous MaterIals annually , Awareness of the faclhty's proxImIty to senSitIve drInking water protcctlOn area _ DrInking Water ProtectIOn InformatIon Training/PrescntatlOn (contact SUB co-coordinator Amy Chintz - 541-744-3745) B ChemIcal handlers are trained In the follOWing dS indicated Safety mcthods for handling and storage of hazardous materIals Proper use of personal protective eqUIpment _ LocatIOns and proper use offirc and splll-control eqtllpment _ SpeCIfic hazards of each chemIcal to whIch they may be exposed C Emergency-response team members are trained 111 the follOWing _ Procedures for shutdown of operatIOns , _ Procedures for USing, maintaining and replaCing faclhty emergency and mOnItorIng eqUIpment 3 Thc FollOWing Records are Maintained for All DeSIgnated Employees _ VerIficatIOn that training was completed by the employee _ DeSCrIptIon of the type and amount of introductory and continuing traIn111g DocumentatIOn on and deSCrIptIon of emergency-response drIlls conducted at the faclhty NOTE. A hmlted number ofstaffwlll be Involved WIth the storage, operatIOn and maIntenance of the emergency generator These staff members are the only ones that wlll be trained in the operating and inspecting of the generator enclosure and cqulpment They WIll be responSible for the emergency response and weekly inspectIon of the generator as deSCrIbed in tl11S HMMP The remaInder of the staff and/or vendors aSSOCIated WIth servIcIng the facIhty wlll be notilied of the hazardous nature of the generator and ItS aSSOCIated products and chemIcals Date Received' MAR 2 0 2008 Ong,"al SubmIttal HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGR"lMte Received: MAR 2 0 2008 Spnngfleld School Dlstnct #19 Sprmgfleld, Oregon '1 \ 1 I 1 I GENERAL INFORMATION OnglOal submittal In compliance with Oregon Occupational Health and Safety Code, OAR Chapte' 437, D/vlslon 155, Hazard Communication, the fOllowmg Hazard Communlcallon Program has been Implemented for the Spnngfleld School Dlstnct #19 All divIsions, sections and departments of the Dlstnct are Included In the program Copies of this wntten outline are made avaIlable for review by any Interested employee, and may be obtained from the Dlstnct Risk Management Department or the Malntenance/Transportatlon Center PROGRAM 1 CONTAINER LABELING, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS, EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND INFORMATION CONTAINER LABELING Labels on all containers receIved will be verifIed by the Dlstnct warehouse personnel as well as department supeNlsors Labels will be screened for a) content Identification, b) appropnate hazard warning, and c) Identification of the manufacturer's name and address NOTE Containers will not be released for use until the label data IS venfled Secondary contaIners will be labeled It IS the responsibility of each department supeNlsor to ensure that all secondary containers are labeled Different styles of secondary labels may be used When coded (color or numencal) or National Fire Rating labels are used, the supeNIsor will post reference charts In the work area which descnbe the label coding systems 2 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) CopIes of the MSDS for all known hazardous matenals to whIch empfoyees of the spnngfleld School Dlstnct may be exposed WIll be maintained In the school department, MalntenancelTransportatlon Center, Risk Management Department, and In the Dlstnct's warehouse at the Administration Building MSDS' are available to all employees for revIew It MSDS' are not available for new chemIcals scheduled for use, the Dlstnct Will suspend use of saId chemical until the MSDS IS received or a genenc MSDS has been provided by the product manufacturer or vendor MSDS' for chemicals no longer sanctioned for use In the Dlstnct Will be maintained In the RIsk Management Department for reference 3 EMPLOYEE TRAINING AND INFORMATION Pnor to starting work, each new employee of the Dlstnct Will attend a safety class and WIll be required to sign a form venfYlng participation In the training program TraIning Will Include the follOWing a) Review of chemicals present In the employee's work place and an explanation of the phYSical and health hazards associated wrth each chemical b) Methods and techniques used to oetermlne the presence of release of hazardous chemicals In the work area (such as monltonng conducted by the employer, continuous monltonng devices, visual appearance or odor of hazardous chemicals when being released, etc ) THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN NOTE: IF YOU HAVE A HAZARDOUS SPILL'- PLEASE GO TO SECTION 6 AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS AS LISTED IN THE EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN. TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 - Faclhty De~CrIptlOn SECTION 2 - Hazardous MaterIals Inventory Statement Date Received , \ SECTION 3 - SeparatlOn, Contamment and MOnItOrIng MAR 2 0 2008 SECTION 4 - Waste DIsposal OngJnal submittal SECTION 5 - Record Keepmg SECTION 6 - Emergency Response Plan SECTION 7 - Emergency Response Trammg Plan I, THURSTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION l' Faclhty DescriptIOn Part A - Generallnformahon BusIness Name Address Thurston Elementary School 7345 Thurston Road SprIngfield, OR 97478 Date Received: i MAR 2 0 2008 2 ResponsIble School DIstrIct RepresentatIves Onglnal SubmIttal Name Mlcheal Screen Jeff DeFranco John Saraccno TItle Risk Manager DIrector of FaclhtIes MaIntenance SupervIsor Phone 541-726-3471 541-747-3331 541- 744-6375 3 Emergency Contacts Name Tltlc Phone Numbers Mlcheal Screen Risk Manager 541- 726-34 71 541-521-4223 (cell) John Saraccno MaIntenance SupervIsor 541-744-6375 541-335-1278 (cell) Jeff DeFranco DIrector of FaclhtIes 541- 726- 3204 541-520-7393 (cell) SharI Furtwangler School PrIncIpal 541- 744-6411 Site UtlhtIes SprIngfield Utlhty Board - ElectrIcal/Water 541- 726-2395 Qwest - Telephone Service ]-800-954-1211 Northwest Natural Gas - Natural Gas provIder 1-800-882-3377 4 Person ResponsIble for the ApphcatJon /PrInclpal Contact (HMMP) Name Mlcheal Screen TItle Risk Manager Phone Numbers 541-726-3471 541-521-4223 (~ell) 5 Property Owner SprIngfield Pubhc School DistrIct 19 525 MIll Street SprIngfield, OR 97477 Phone - 541-747-3331 6 Pnnclpal Busmess ActIVIty Pubhc Elementary School Date ReceIved' 7 Number of Staff/Students on sIte 500 approx MAR 2 0 2008 8 Hours of OperatIOn 630 a m to 400 P m (Staff on sIte) 7 00 a m to 6 00 p m (Students and staff on sIte) Onglnal Submittal 9 DeclaratIOn I certIfy that the mformatlOn above on the followmg parts IS true and correct to the best of my knowledge Slgnatur~ ~ Date /3 /Uf1nct1 2tRJf Name MIchael Screen TItle RIsk Manager Part B - Gencral Faclhty DcstnptJon/Sitc Plan Plans attached Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submittal I ~ I tJ , , , l . , . !', ., Jl " " t~ <, " ES fH<,.,..,..,.......~~"""~-f. GENE~L'!.2l ';: 1';:'it~"~"J'l'.':f...~-".~.~ '21ST"""" ' %,"'"'~,'OI.,oc,~~...~_ "' .~"_=~ t'ti:,"'-',%,,::: ,."'....~'::..:~";-.~-:~~~~~,w'<:ttY0I" ' :l~~'1."':'.~_,~,.,,_ ..~ "".~< ~~- ..'" '<I.....~~-r~"~,',.l;:.~.~";E' T" '<:c'~""r=:::i;,':.i.'S'~.",,1'1'" ~"--"''1'~'''!1" ='.. ::::'-'\:"_""""'''''io;'i.'1:.r~:!'f,-=..." ....L<"'^'Q<or""'TO"~"TU".."..,"""""""_ ....~Ot""..~"'AU."""'I,;"" TIt ""U","""",,*,,= ___.., "!i~~"""",,:,:~ :::::.'" __, _ '" =-:., "'~_ . =-,""'- -"=.:op>~':'"=~::::?r,.~;:_ MI< ""''''''v.W''~~'''''OA' ~... 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"I w' , ~{-B ~2 ~ z~ LJ}~ ~ , i!!'!~J"l'lii '!I! idi .~ z 5 " f- I o '" o w j ~, - ~p. .: - :i ~ ~ , . '""'_J '- r- I I- I I / ~ , \ " '\ ' "\ ,,' " . ,\ \\,\ , " \ \~\(, -....~ li/\ \. \ \ \ \ \\, \ \ {, l' \\ 'J .I. ! \ '- /1 I / ~ ~ ~ <' , ~/.. j, / , / ,,~ /, / \~~ . ._:.:~ ~ \~., '~ . ~rn I ~_ ,~cc;,-: l t ' " : ~ .<------1 : : , , 1______-- I 4_ ')II:~ I ! "i ' \ , , ,/ , =Jate Received. MAR 2 0 2008 j i , I ! OngInal &uomltlal \ ' .-' fJ rJ " ~~ r L " \ r I' ,. I' J J ( 1 r ~ o~ , , It? "L I }--, ) : " J. c...l- -===::z.___.. ~ - L' , I' , 'I i~! r" f~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ €~~ ..~~ ~~ ~~ :l ~ "i' ,', ,;. "I'll', !Ige 'l~ f~~~ ~~r!b ~ 3 , i ~ ~ ~~~~ e~~p ~< .\: .~~, e~~ ~.~~~ :h'" !~ .. "IIi! ""'!'!', , li!!!,IIU! l':'!ll!l !;!liili!ili:!lill:il! 'I!i~ g i;~I~ r~~l u~~,~ ~R I~ t; " il: C~~ n:~I Be" ~ ,'" . . L- , / \ ~ ~T~'-'- .'-.. " -- -.... ~ "'"-.. I i I " -" ""''''....,..,,~ .....,-"_....~ <:ru.-~\">\~ ~../" -... Part C - Faclhty Plan BUlldmg layout drawmgs attached Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal " . 0 I "i II f l. i , \, H H ~ , I .'l~ , JU si I r ; ! !i it .! , I r 1 ~ ~ ~ H I , , , ~ ii l3 h z ~~ - ~ !i w ~~ Z " w ~ .:.I~i , l- . N o ...... . <( i ;; ! ~ ! .a.c W w Date Received: (:]I 1 ~ - 1 MAR 2 0 2008 + - I --, - -0 , I 1 i ~V hi ' I '---t- - -0 -: I ~ : t ~ ~.. , I ~ II:: -1 I g J I r:. -r - -----0 ~ I oc I S I ~ I ~. I -f:\~; I v I I, In i I y 10 --=__Ln_l 3~ \jllJlll I ( -i-- I m~m : I m:;tIlllJ' /.10\ r:t.-.,.' ~iD mm U w 0/: , 'I "'j~- :1 :1 I :1-.______.1. ---- ---------- [J \ r~ -1__ t 'I ' I I , I I ! '\o1D$: , I I ... ----1-- _ ~ I I , I I , I I I I I I --+-- - --,- I I '-.------=r::- \ jo 10 lB 10 10 !o ,i(] I I I , $ I I ", ~j !' I I I I I j I !~H-- I I I -1+- @ ~-- 0---1-: I .....---------- I I I I I -, I I I I I I , i <;JD , I :--1- - : I I I I I I I I I I 1'1 ~.. r I r r r .-- ------------ I 'I TT 1-- i I I t$ $: -1-'-1-- ; I 1....______.1 1--1--- I--I----! I I I .' <'1 <p ... '" li3 ID l~ . 18 l~ f I' IB 10 , ID !B - [) I I '10 ,~ I, c' I I I I I I I ---------, I I I I I I i-~ I I I I I I \ ( __I- I I I I I I I I '- ' I ---,- - I I I I --j- - _______L - --; J I I I ,----------______1 4 'W' ~-, I I I ~___ ____ '----------- @ w mlttal ;; --0 SECTION 2' Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement How to use thIs secl10n I The followmg pages are an mventory hstmg of materIals stored at tl1lS sIte AdditIOnally, at thIs sIte m the Front Office there IS an MSDS book whIch contams the MSDS sheets for each product ThIS book IS filed by Manufacturer name and thcn by Product Pleasc refcI to the Manufacturcr MSDS for additIOnal safety mformatlOn dS needcd If you need addItIOnal help, please contdct the Risk Management office at 726-3471 Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 Original Suomlttai HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LIST I ;rI'lISlL!ISJiS:Qi;{"EmBy'~ I ~ROD8~~iNAME~ I MANUFACTURER 3M BONDO EZ FINISH ADHESIVE 806C PART A 13M 3M BONDO EZ FINISH ADHESIVE 806C PART B 3M 3M HI-STRENGTH SPRAY ADHES 90 13M 3M LATEX BOND CONTACT CEMENT 3M 3M SCOTCH WELD ACCELARATOR DP-3501 3M 3M SCOTCH WELD EXPOXY ADH BASE DP-3501 3M 3M SUPER 77 MULTIPURPOSE SPRAY ADHES 3M 6267A BOILER WATER TREATMENT CH20 6438 HYDRO-TREAT BOILER TREATMENT CH20 AURA INTERIOR PAINT 526 BENJAMIN MOORE AURA INTERIOR PAINT 528 BENJAMIN MOORE BACK TO NATURE SAFER DEGLOSSER IBACK TO NATURE PRODUCTS CO BUG BUSTER INSECT KILLER CLAIRE MANUFACTURING I COASTWIDE GUM OFF REMOVER CLC813 ICOASTWIDE LABORATORIES _ COMPLETE PRO 22-2-22 PROFESSIONAL TURF CENTER _ I CROSSBOW L HERBICIDE LOVELAND PRODUCTS INC . DE CRAWL INSECT KILLER WOODSTREAM CORPORATION I DEFOAM IT - COASTWIDE LABORATORIES I ~ DIAMOND FLOOR FINISH ICOASTWIDE LABORATORIES J I DULUX FORTIS SATIN PAINT 6403 llC' PAINTS I _ DULUX PROF EXT ACRYLIC SATIN PAINT 2402 ICI PAINTS j I FAST KILL RESIDUAL ROACH & ANT KILLER ICLAIRE MANUFACTURING FERTI-LOME ROOT STIMULATOR JVOLUNTARY PURCHASING GRPS INC I I---~~--- - GRIPPER ALL PURPOSE STAIN KILLER 3210 IICI PAINTS I HARD ROCK SE~LER -JCOASTWIDE LABORAT:ORIES +___~I ___ ICE AWAY - GRANULAR ICE MELT __-=-__-JCOASTWIDE LABORATO~~~____ ____ ______LuQ__________ IRONCLAD METALIWOOD ENAMEL 363 I BENJAMIN MOORE I I (Q JET FORCE WASP/HORNET KILLER- --- ----lCLAIRE MANUFACTURING- I - ~J~=--~=--= O--~ KLEEN UP PRO------ LOVELAND PRODUCTS I_NC - __~I___ __L_Cii___3::_~___ KRUD KUTTER~--- ---- ,SUPREME CHEMICALS OF GEORGIA, INC !_____ _ __-' ____ 5--- 3~__ (I) ___ OKON GRAFFITI BARRIE-RCOAT --------- IZINSSER COMPANY INC j I 3 ...., :;u- ORANGE GEL EXTREME- CITRU-SCLEAi'rER - ----- - -- COASTWI DE LABORA TORIES-------- ----I ---- - -----1 --g -- = ~ ~ PAINT ETCH0401-0403 ---------- ------- JASCO CHEMICAL CORP ------I-------I----~ --~:_- PINK LOTION1=D\-NO-SOAP -------~--~-- COASTWIDE LABORATORIES --~--I-------I- --~~~~--~ C. .. QTY ON SITE LOCATION OF STORAGE I -- ~--J. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY LIST I I THIS LIST SORTED BY PRODUCT NAME MANUFACTURER OTY ON SITE I LOCATION OF STORAGE POWER LUBE AEROSOL CRC CHEMtCALS I RUST-OLEUM AMERICAN ACCENTS PRIMER RUST-OLEUM CORPORATION SCOTCH CONTACT CEMENT 3M SIMPLE GREEN SUNSHINE MAKERS INC SPRAY GLOSS FLOOR FINISH BUFF RESTORER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 63 ODOR ELIMINATOR COASTWIDE LABORATORIES I SUSTAtNABLE EARTH 64 NEUTRAL PH CLEANER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 65 HEAVY DTY CLEANER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 66 DISINFECTANT SANITIZER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 67 PROF CARPET SPOTTER [COASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 70 WASHROOM CLEANER ICOASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 71 TOILET & URINAL CLNR ICOASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 80 MULTI-USE FLOOR COAT COASTWIDE LABORATORIES -I SUSTAINABLE EARTH 83 WAX & FINISH REMOVER ICOASTWIDE LABORATORIES t= SUSTAINABLE EARTH 84 DUST MOP TREATMENT ICOASTWIDE LABORATORIES SUSTAINABLE EARTH 99 GRAFFITI REMOVER COASTWIDE LABORATORIES [ THE GIANT DESTROYER ATLAS CHEMICAL CORP VIAFRESH LEMON DROP ODOR ELIMINATOR COASTWIDE LABORATORIES I , VOBAN VOMITUS ABSORBANT - FRANK MILLER & SONS INC + WD-40 WD-40 COMPANY XL2G SETRE CHEMICAL COMPANY ---r- f- IZINSSER COMPANY INC I - ZINSSER GRAFFITI REMOVER & STRIPPER , 0 ::l <0 :5 0 !!t 3: l>> Cf) m- e )> tT :::c ;0 3 ....., (l) ::l: = 0 \ g (l) <: 00 (l) 0- o' - SECTION 3' SeparatIOn, Contamment and Momtormg Part A: Above Ground Storage Area_ Storage Area IdenlIficatlOn (as shown on SIte plan and Floor plan) 1 Emergency Generator Enclosure - Fuel Tank (see SIte Plans) 2 CustodIal Room(s) - HousekeepIng Products (see Floor Plans) Date Received: Storage Type MAR 2 0 2008 X OrIgInal contaIners InsIde machInery _ 55 gal drum PressurIzed vessel _ Safety cans Bulk tank OutsIde barrels Other Onglnal Submittal 2 Storage LocatlOn X InsIde bUildIng (CleanIng & JanItorIal) OutsIde bUIldIng Secured 3 SeparatlOn All materIals X CompatIble _ Separated by 20 ft One-Hour separatlOn wall _ Approved cabIncts Other 4 Secondary ContaInment X Approved cabInet _ Tray Vaulted tank Other _ Secondary drum Bermed, coated floor Double walled tank (fuel) 5 MOnItorIng X VIsual (CleanIng & JanItorIal) ContInUOus 6 MOnItorIng Frequency X Datly (CleanIng & JanItorIal) Other _ Weckly Part B' Underground Storage Areas NOT APPLICABLE f , SECTION 4. Waste DIsposal DIscharge to Samtary/Sewer Wastes Pretreatment Wastes LIcensed Waste Hauler Wastes Garbage - Sam-Pac _ Recycle Wastes Sam-Pac Other DescrIbe Method Wastes No Waste Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 Original Sublmttai SECTION 5 Record Keepmg DescrIption of Our InspectlOn Program DaIly use/mspectlOn of cleanIng products and/or monthly mspectlOn by contracted maintenance staff on products brought mto our stored WIthIn the bUIlding Weekly InspectIOn by CustodIal staff of the emergency generatOl, cnclosure and assembly (We wIll use the attached form In our InspectIOn program) Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal Emergency Generator Hazardous Materials Inspection Form InstructIons 1 Use thiS form to Inspect emergency generator enclosure, tank and 0,1 and coo/ant matenals wlthm the factlity 2 Contractor WIll Inspect the tank and enclosure weekly dUring construction wIth on-Site staff provldmg weekly inspection after constructIOn 3 On-site staffwI/f Inspect the CustodIal Roam(s) and stored materials wlthm the room monthly followmg construction 4 Evaluate the condition of the tank enclosure and Custodlaf Roam(s), check for leaks, odors, ete for Items below to ensure safe storage conditions January February March Apnl May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec Date InSDected IOO-OO-Om Area IS free from leaks/SDllls Tank enclosure Custodial Roomls ADDroona!e emeraencv enUlnt S011l kin IS In place Tank enclosure Custodial Room!s All chemicals are seareaated Tank enclosure Custodial Room!s All containers are DroDerlY labeled Tank enclosure Custodial Room!s All containers are closed and sealed Tank enclosure Custodial Room(s , - SecondarY containers , Insoected Tank enclosure 0 Custodial Room(s) 10 ::l 0 INSPECTION COMPLETED BY !!!. II) Notes (j) 3: nr c '1> Problems Detected <:F = ::u Resolution :! "" - CD ~ ~ 0 !!!. "" Cl> = <: = 00 CD a. SECTION 6 EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN 1 In the event of an emergency, the followmg shall be notIfied 1\ On-sltc Responders Name Title Phone SharI Furtwangler Pnnclpal 541-744-6411 , B Method ofNotlficatlon to Rcsponders AutomatIc Alarm Tclcphone Manual Alarm Verbal Date Received: X Other Intercom Svstem MAR 2 0 2008 C Agency Onglnal Submittal 1 DIal 911 m the event of an emergency or spill 2 To report a splll- call the Oregon Emergency Response System (OERS)- toll free at 1-800-452-031 ] 3 Contact the RIsk Management Office at SprIngfield Pubhc Schools at 726-3471 4 Notlfy Faclhtles Management Office (Mamtenance SupervIsor) at 744-6375 and the DIrector of FacIlItIes Office at 747-3331 to mform them of the spIll 2 DesIgnated Local Emergency MedIcal FacIlity McKenzIe- WIllamette HospItal 1460 G Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-726-4400 3 MItIgatIOn EquIpment A MomtorIng DevIces X Gas detectIOn FlUId detectIOn Other B SpIll Contamment X Absorbents (fuel tank) Other double walled fuel tank and/or plastIc bll1S for materIals stored wlthm bUlldll1g C SpIll Control and Treatment _ Vapor scrubber _ Pumps/vacuums Neutralizer Mechanical ventIlatIon Sccondary contall1ment X Other Manufacturer plOvlded spIll contall1ment kIt 4 EvacuatIOn X ImmedIate area evacuatIOn routes postcd X EntIre bUlldmg evacuatIon procedures developed X Assembly areas pre-planned X EvacuatIOn maps postcd Other Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal SECTION 7 Emergency Response Trammg Plan I Person responsIble for the on sIte Emergency Response TraIning Plan Name TItle Phone SharI Furtwangler PrIn<Apal 541- 744-6411 2 TrainIng ReqUIrements A All employees traIned 111 the following as indicated Procedures for Intemal alarm/notIficatlOn Procedurcs for notIficatlOn of external emergency-response organIzatIon _ LocatIon and content of the emergency response plan CustodIal staff wIll attcnd MaIntenance Summer Crew/Staff Training for review of Hazardous MaterIals annually Awareness of the faclhty's proxImIty to sensItIve drInkll1g water protectIon area _ DrInking Water ProtectlOn InformatIOn TlalnIng/PresentatlOn (contact SUB co-coordInator Amy Chintz - 541-744-3745) B ChemIcal handlers are trained In the folloWIng as IndIcated _ Safety methods for handling and storage of hazardous materIals Proper use of personal protectIve equIpment LocatIons and proper use offire and spIll-control equipment Date Received _ SpecIfic hazards of each chemIcal to whIch they may be exposed C Emergency-response team members are traIned In the folloWIng _ Procedures for shutdown of operatlOns Onglnal Submittal Procedures for USIng, maIntaInIng and replacIng faCIlIty emergency and mOnItorIng equIpment MAR 2 0 2008 3 The FollOWIng Records are MaIntaIned for All DeSignated Employees VerIficatlOn that traInIng was completed by the employee DeSCrIptlOn of the type and amount of Introductory and contInuIng trall1Ing Documentation on and deSCrIptlOn of emergency-response drIlls conducted at thc faclhty NOTE' A hmlted number of staffwdl be Involved WIth the storage, operatlOn and maintenance of the emergency generator Thesc staff members are the only ones that WIll be tramed m the operatIng and mspectmg of the generator enclosure and eqUipment They wIll be responsIble for the emergency response and weekly InSpectlOn of the generator as descrI bed In tlus HMMP The rcmaInder of the staff and/or vendors assOCIated with servIcing the facIlity wIll be notified of the hazmdous nature of the generator and ItS assocIatcd products and chemIcals NOVEMBER 11, 2007 <^ ^~ 11 ^ '-HRLT0I17? ^,. I , POWlS olvi~lo..~ :.^': Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 CATERPILLAR ENGINEERING SUBMITTAL Onglnal submittal MODEL D50-4, 50 KW STANDBY DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR SET PROJECT SUE BUEL ELEMENTARY McMINNVILLE, OREGON CONTRACTOR PORTLAND ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION OREGON CITY, OREGON THE HALTON CO. 4311 NE COLUMBlABLVD PORTLAND, OR 97218 (503) 288-6411 - BUSINESS (503) 280-1552 - FAX 800-452-7676 - TOLL FREE WWW HALTONCO COM SCOTT POSEY POWER GENERATION SYSTEMS (503) 280-1847 - DIRECT (503) 860-5996 - CELL SPOSEy@HALTONCO COM DICK KLEINT POWER PROJECT MANAGER (503) 280-1852 - DIRECT (971) 998-4069 - CELL DICK KLElNT@HALTONCOCOM SUE BUEL ELEMENTARY SUBMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS I SYSTEMS OVERVIEW . BIll ofMatenals . power Systems Brochure . W mng DIagram II GENERATOR SET FEATURES . Outline DraWIngs . DSO-4 EngIne Generator Set . ElectrOnIc Governor . Generator Data . Voltage Regulator . MaIn Breaker . Control Panel . Remote AnnunCIator . EngIne Block Heater . CoolIng System . Starting and ChargIng Systems . Battenes . StatIc Battery Charger . Fuel System . Lube System . Atr Inlet System . VIbratIOn IsolatIOn . Exhaust SIlencer & Flex . Sound Attenuated Enclosure . Sub-Base Fuel Storage Tank Date ReceIVed. MAR 2 0 2008 Ongmal Submittal III UL CERTIFICATION/CATERPILLAR WARRANTY STATEMENT IV AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHS V TESTING AND TRAINING . Generator Startup Checklist \ \ \ . Date ReceIVed " MAR 2 0 2008 Original SubmIttal I SYSTEMS OVERWIEW ,jUE BUEL ELEMENTARY SUBMITTAL BILL OF MATERIALS ENGINE One (1) new CaterpIllar model D50A standby diesel engme generator umt, UL 2200, nameplate rated 50 kw, 277/480 vac, three phase, three WHe, 08 pf, 60 Hz, 1800 rpm, configured for outdoor mountmg DimensIOns' 89" L x 43 5" W x 77" H. Weight. 33001bs. GENERATOR Electromc Isochronous, close-coupled, smgle beaTIng self-eXCIted, overSized AC generator end, 12 lead reconnectable VOLTAGE REGULATOR Electromc automatic volts/hertz type voltage regulator for 100 5% voltage regulatlOn no load to full load ENGINE GOVERNOR ElectrOnIC engme governor for 10 0 25 % frequency regulatIon for constant load from no load to 100% load MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER One (l) 40amp, and One (1) 100amp, ULlCSA lIsted, 3 pole, molded case mam cHcmt breakers CONTROL PANEL NFPA 110, Level I, UnIt-mounted mIcroprocessor based dIgItal control system With AC metenng and engme mstrumentatlOn, safety alarm/shutdown system WIth annunciator lamp and audible horn, emergency stop button, dry contacts for run, and summary fall 3 Ime dIgItal display of all alarm/shutdowns and RSA85 MODBUS connectIOn REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR PANEL One (1) 16 hght panel surface or flush mount, shIpped loose and mstalled by others COOLING SYSTEM Mounted radiator coolmg system for 1220 F ambIent capablhty, With blower type fan, mltlal fill of antifreeze, and mtegral 1000 watt tank-type engme block heater for ImmedIate smokeless starts and load acceptance, for 120 vac smgle phase mput power FUEL SYSTEM Spm-on fuel filters, prImary water separatmg stramer, manual pnmmg pump, and fleXible fuel hose connectors EXHAUST SYSTEM Cntlcal rated steel 2 5-mch end-m/end-out exhaust Silencer, mounted mSlde housmg, With stamless steel flex connector proVIded, vertical dIscharge With ramcap i Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Ongtnal Submittal SUE BUEL ELEMENTARY SUBMITTAL BILL OF MATERIALS , Page 2 STARTING SYSTEM One (1) 12 volt, 135 amp hour lead aCId startmg battery system, with cables and racks, 55 amp DC chargmg alternator, automatIc dual rate five (5) amp statIc charger, mountcd withIn weather enclosure, for 120 vac Input BASE FRAME Structural steel skld base frame wIth Integral seismIC vibratIOn Isolators between genset and base frame Spnng Isolators not necessary, nor provided Anchors to pad by others per seismiC zone 3, calculatIOns mcluded FUEL TANK 24 Hour, 121 gallon UL listed double wall sub-base fuel tank for local manual fillIng, With level gauge, low fuel and leak alarms, desiccant aIr filter vent, emergency vents, and condUIt stub-up area dIrectly beneath maIn breaker SOUND ATTENUATED ENCLOSURE 14 Gauge sheet steel remforced, With louvered mlet and outlet, sound attenuated for 66dBA @ 23', hInged lockable access doors, "powder" pamted Caterpillar yellow, stamless steel hardware Internal hghts and GFCI receptacle provIded TESTING 4 hour factory 100% load test On-sIte 100% load bank testIng performed by a factory tramed technIcian, and on-site faclhty transfer test, Wlth certIfied reports In final O&M's DOCUMENT A TlON Owner traInIng and operatIOn and maIntenance manuals WARRANTY Two-year standard CaterpIllar warranty with Extended ServIce Coverage (ESe) available for up to five (5) years commences upon date of substantIal completlOn AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHS One (I) 100 amp, and One (I) 150 amp, NEMA I, three pole, 277/480 volts Automatic Transfer SWItch, With microprocessor adjustable logiC controls, posltlOn Indicator, and source aVaIlable hghts, aUXIliary posItIOn contacts, test switch exerCIser clock and Date Received. MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submittal , CATERPILLAR' WHERE THE WORLD ~URNS FOR POWER r Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 ( ) Onglnal Submittal ELECTR!C POWER PRODUCTS "..1/!:.... 'r,l.t \!~"'; > <~f~, ,~~'"' .... -;:l.-~~,..t~,},..' >. _ .:l,~,~~\+"f:." : " '~...~'t~.... "','~ (jfr .....,.o.~ -.. <~ ..-' 't ~ _ \ ~.....~~.f-j,..~ '~l,'t~,~~~.""~:i .;!; " ~"~ ">. _<\...... ~ :J,.;;",." ~>{},,_ '{,f"~';;\T", :Ok "t~"-~ \;;1 j ""Jo"'"?" > ' 5.1 n 9 e '5' ':::/:'~"e! 'i/<:;r!;-,",,,", '~;~":; '1l'"::O,,;'-'^e"\;;e{';~' , ~, ,<, <; ,,~ i 'of. , ~, 1> y ( _ 'i :;, ~""'1 ~ ( (~ ~<'" ~ ~ _ i ~,,-.> s"'Pp~rt Wnen you cnoose Caterpillar lor your electnc power needs, you know you nave tne power of totol support - support tnat Includes 0 diverse range of qualrty products backed by technical experhse and full serVice solutions Caterpillar has been bUilding engines and electrrc power systems for more than 75 years Cal'" electnc power systems are conSistent performers In all types of apphcahons, from healtncare, manufactunng ond pnarmaceuhcol to commercial, construclion, mining, resldenhal and telecommunfcahons As an electnc power soluhons leader, Caterpillar offers a broad range of products, including a complete line of .. generator sets lor pnme, stondby ond dlStnbuted generation, contolnenzed power modules, enVIronmentally compahble gas.fueled systems, neat recovery soluhons and rental units to meet temporary or emergency needs Advanced Caterpillar. technology including digital microprocessor-based control panels, 24/7 remote communfcahon copabllrhes and power monltorrng allow a fully Integrated deSign pockoge that performs better ond lasts longer, even under the most adverse condlhons Cot electnc power products are compahble wltn competlhve equipment and systems - and all supported by tne worldWide Cat dealer ~ Received I MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal SUM11!'" , rc:,~J~:l~~lu1:ions Date ReceIved MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal SubrTllttal "">t.. ~1~,";1r' ~ i""~~~ ~ " v J-~* to. ;'>~,:," J'~1'A"':!t"~;:-!~"t~}:~v~ ,~l,,".'/~"'~\;"'(H- ~ "....,0'-'-[" ___, ? ~ "'1';t,~,""'\:;'J~>~~:r;;:,,'" ;"'<-4 .....;;~_.....~r ;'-"1 ~~, i;< ~ ~ .......... "';11 .o\-;<~ ~y~' N'-'.j" , ~ , , , ~ ...... _, (.}."'~r"',;'_ '''''''''J.{;~ It!;;: <." ,....>-; cL ,. - ~ ,~ ~"'''1'1<~',,">~ 't ~~t,r~, \ :~~ )- ~~ ~~~~<~;;: ~;f ,: ,~~ ~-,' ~ > 1 1 <h ~ ,~, ,,' ( ~ ~~, " h;.. /~~ . .tal perf~tl""."C., ouldancllng support CaterpIllar and the worldWIde network of Cot dealers are commItted to supplYing everything you need to operate your power system at peak elf,clency It's not lust the name and producfs that sets CaterpIllar apart _ It's what CaterpIllar makes possible As a Cat customer, you are part of the most powerFul support system In the world, serViced by a network of more than 1,500 dealer localions iE~mCVRUC4L mJlE@4$ . Unlnt.rruptlble Power Suppllo. . Automatic tranater .wltch.. . Switchgear You con depend on your Cat dealer's experlise every step of the way, From turnkey design, prolect management and englneenng services all the way through Installalion and on-site commiSSiOning Cot dealers set the standard For parts and serVIce support, from extensive parts Inventones to preventIve maintenance, dlognoslics and emergency service - all backed by FIeld techniCians who know your needs and are prepared to meet them Your dealer can also } de Investment analysis, customized FinanCial assistance and a vanely of service plans to further maXlml7e your Investment ~OMP$lllIUll1l$ . Controls . Inclosures . Aftertreatment solutions . Accessories !r.f!q)l\3nu j!@W:~~ . Power modules . Cat Rental power q;~1 J!Pijj~!1.~ 6>\i)jl'ftUniiilii.!1'j . Slngle.service support . Design engineering / planning . Financial solutions . 24/7 monitoring and operations 3 ftI'l"'!"'''' "-" i:j Q) ~ Q) u Q) rr <1l ...., m r;:, 00 c::::> ~ = ~" (ij - - E a :J rn tIl S lJ) c o Ct:: <[ ~ i , ' ~'"':-~<~.,.. ,1l ,~.",,'t 'v.... y_'<CIiII';~ Caterpillar generator sets have a powerful reputatIon In 0 variety of electriC power markets - and they hove It for a reason TIme and lime again, Cat diesel. and gas-powered generator sets dehver consIstent performance, durabilIty, rehablhty and economy, day after day, In some of the world's most grueling cond,lions Caterpillar engineered to the core Cat dIesel engines are deSigned for thousands of hours of hfe before overhaul Features hke hlgh- strength blocks, large bearing areas, steel-backed aluminum alloy bearings and hardened crankshafts are lust a few examples of how Cot engines ore deSigned from the inSIde out to dehver long hfe cycles, low owning and operating costs, outstanding servlceablhty and total rehoblllty \ ImpD'Oving on a proven design Cot gas generator sets Incorporate many of the some proven components os the" diesel counterparts including the block, crankshaft, main beanngs, camshaft and connecting rods However, Cot gas generator sets ore os effiCIent on fuel as they are on emiSSIons, thanks to open and prechamber deSigns, fast-burn pistons, low-overlap cams, a patented ElectrOniC Ignition System and detonolion-sensllive timing I) Big power, small package In addition to lorge generator sets, Caterpillar also offers 0 Wide seleclion of small and mid size generator sets, deSigned espeCially for standby or \ pnme power apphcolions These complete electnc power systems, ronglng from 7 to 200 kW, feature r"- " ,-r'-' , I~;:;-" ec..~~ I __...,l". ~~~-!'( ~ 1 G"* !3~t~ f~ ~( 'j -;;\:..y:*~, '~~ ,,'..~:; , _ .......~>< '" \~ ~'('~1 _ ~r' "':,<"{ ,~, ,~\};.....v,./f>-f ~ ~ ~ -',.,J~-" ~t',.L~";,y -:P'~~l;"", ",h.r.> , ~ ~,I ,'" J-'~2'"}<-"'~~~'~ ,~~"f- ~ .r '--. "..,\~ -" 3 , l state--of.the-art controls and components, and ifke their larger counterparts, ore factory engrneered, assembled and tested to assure supenor performance Flexible, integrated power solution " . ~' ~,.. -',",,f> l4.'-">-, . DeI"'."-1IfI toi40~ malar onf1lllll. >, , , ,,--" ,(~- 'i-, ""R'S,,,r--1 . Single lOurc. for complete power sOju~., ' , . turnkey support from Cat dealer network Cat generator sets con be customized With a wide range of attachments, components and performance options - from Simple electromechanical to advanced digital mlcroprocessor-bosed controls, remote communication capabliftles, sound-attenuoted and weather-protective enclosures, fuel tank bases, sdencers, bottenes, alternators, governors, aIr cleaners, starting aids, cooifng options and more _ to create a complete power solution that precISely fits your application The result IS proven f1exlbdlty In a fully Integroted electriC power solution Date Received GAS . Ratings from 9 to 6,000 kW . Low speed, high horsepower, low emissions . Simple, robust design for long life . Incorporates heavy.duty diesel components . Cat robust digital Ignition on most moclels . High and low compression ratios available for greater fuel flexibility . State.of-the.art Electronic Ignition System and Engine Supervisory System . Delivers up to 45,000 hours between malor overhauls ~\ MAR 7 r 7108 Onglnal Su'- , 5 \, 't">>"', ~~";:<'."\ki"<"- ~':'$.kt <:;:' ~~ d'(~ ,t.Yr/t"H~:;'~J;N "-<i'<I,'-;,jo.. ~"" > tl" ""'l'r rj'-J"''''-j,: ,', '" ,^,"'-,A<~"...", ;.,. ,,~~, ;; >"-? ~~'~>t J 3 /-"', ~~t~ ~ ......,~ ::... _ j" ""9< - ",,,- '" ~/;;'t tj~~ "'{.:f > '-~,~~ ~ \ ~"_,'{ ~f:-'\~[~p~ ,~....\ ~~~:t{''''i%~ 'Ill'i-!; ~-",_,~~(,',..-;\: ~~~,,-~ ~-1'.l,~l; !1-:' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ""~ - ':~~~~""!;"'i.r~;~ ,:;.~~'\\~ , > ,,' ,,", ' ",- < "'..- ,', " ,.~" "~,,, , '" ,'" '. + ' d" ~n",,_ i..te.ra.....; ; I' , 1'0-- " f "0 ~ gg 'q; ~ 0 (!) = ~ 0::: <"-' E 2 Cl::: .0 ~ => lU (J) 0 fij c:. i5J ;:: 0 Caterpillar electrrcal systems _ Generator sets, Unrnterruptlble Power Supphes (UPS), Automatic Transfer SWitches (ATS) and SWitchgear - are 011 engrneered to work together to offer you the convenience of a single-source provider Unlnterruptible Power Supply (UPS' Power disturbances can SignifICantly cost your busrness rn lost dato, lost labor, wasted materral and lost productivity Now you can protect your crrtlcol and sensItive electrrc loads with a highly effiCient Unrnlerruptlble Power Supply (UPS) from Caterpillar The Cat UPS system uses stored energy flywheel technology, which IS more rehoble and less cosily to operote than a conventional bartery UPS system The Cot UPS not only provides tolol power condltlonrng, but also supports cntlcalloods durrng a tranSition perrod from utlhty power to standby power generalion systems AVOIlable from 100 kVA to 3 6 MVA, trust the Caterpillar UPS system to protect your sensllive and cnlicolloods Date Rel",etvEJd l(~) MAR 2 0 2008 Orlgmal suomlttal - -- CiT """, ~" I , , l't -;,;~ ' r,l1), ~~,.. }rl'74 .1 ;;'~ ~ f J~"..P" ,;0"1:-,.)'''';*;;;<'<'' ,,~ " ~t~t 'l"'~ ,,~" ..-~< ~- ~ ~~ ~ .l,~,,, , ;. '; I ,,,,-' 0 ,I n t AV!~"'~~ ......' Switch (ATS) Coterpillor offers 0 brood range of tronsfer sWitch products, With dlgltol microprocessor controls, to SUit ony opplrcohon from the simple smgle-ATS mstollohon to the highly complex mulh ATS/generotor sWitchgear system Products mclude open and closed transItion designs With ophanal bypass/lsalahan and delayed features In Sizes from 40 to 4,000 amps Each ATS product IS Ul, IEC and CSA listed, mcorporates 0 mechanically held contactar and IS aVOllable m 2-, 3 and 4-pole versions swlkhgear I I Cot sWitchgear provides 0 seamless mtegrahon With Cot generator sets and are available In standard Ul 891 [aphonal Ul 1568) With approved designs to meet any appllcahan From smgle standby to multlple/utllrty parallelrng canhgurahons from 600 volt closs through 15 kV, Cot sWitchgear provides 0 harmonized system soluhon by Integrotmg 011 elements relahng to generator set praduchon, control and mOnltonng funchan In 0 smgle-saurce package Utilizing digital, microprocessor based controls, advanced Cot sWitchgear With Powerlynx technology con brlnq 0 neW level of control to or}' application .~ ! :- J " -- -< - I r-~~~~~AAs Key benefits of Powerlynll tecIInology Includel . Total systom control at your flll!Itrtlps via a touch-screen oporator Interfact that's easy to use and Industry advanced. . Information you need, how you want to see It. traditional switchgear graphics allow you to monltor'.croce.., com par., display and transmit ata with precisian and control. . Advanced computerized technology with remote monitoring and control capabilities. Control Is at your fingertips, any time and anywhere. . Unrivaled reliability. Three levels of built-In fault tolerance assure efficiency. . Single-service support by your Cat dealer. Everything you neeel - product. technical support and exceptional service - from your Cot dealer. 7 Every day CaterpIllar IS Inveshng ,n expenenced people and new technology to dehver an even broader range of power soluhons - soluhons that extend beyond an electnc power syslem's malor components The aVOllablhty of these Cal systems and components provIdes f1exlblhty to create a power soluhon that precisely fits your apphcatlon Customized generator sets Cot generalor sets can be customized with your choIce of state-of the-art ophonol components, mcludlng advanced controls and sound attenuoted/weather-protechve enclosures Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal SUblllltt", R Controls - From Simple electromechanfcalto advanced m.croprocessor-based electronic controls, Cat control panels oller all the control you need to manage your apphcahon Precise metenng and sensors, complete diagnostics and protechve features, clear, descnphve graphIcs and easy-ta-read LED displays _ these features, and more, are all aVOflable on proven Cat electronic modular control panels Enclosures - Standord or custom-deslgned Cat sound-ottenuoted and weather-protective enclosures meet lust about any sIte-speCIfic need Enclosures ore compatible With stationary and sklddable bases and are oVOllable m drop-over or walk m deSigns Single- and dual-wall fuel tank models With optlop- ' , UL hstlng are also aVOllable C' t-~' r'-'-~" r:- ,/' ,- -I ~ - """'" [1'"-" 4'"' ac--"'< \\,~,.....,# ";,.,.,';~ 1= If'" It f\=.~J~, (i~J >, [, 1\ re l~ \! j~ ~::r' Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submlttal__ , , irDl ,\ Jon ., hl ::,:;"... ,;~ _ ~ ;;;~~~ _v;~':~' ,,~';'~f ,~~~~~ fi", ~ ~ 1.', ,~,,~ ~~r l'r~-,,\ 7' ~ PI~.,i'''" .. .., Caterpillar doesn't lust keep up With the electnc power generation market CaterpIllar stays a step aheod New technology Cat options Include fuel cell power generation products as well as Selective Catalytic Reduction emISSion control systems Watch for these as well as other emissions-beneficial Cat technology In the future , " PoIntluanl, ,.... Cat. r tooll and reportl to put '01,111 Cd r, your equipment II next door or halfway ill'OUnd the world. AI port of a Cat Preventive Maintenance plan, PoIntGuard'" IlIOnllorl the statUI 01 your power generation allet 24/7. PoIntGuard can start I.hlp yovr generator IlIt(sl, Hnd alarm notlflcallonl, follow up per your procedure., dlspohh fuel tmb and quickly communicate power system status to your dealer to assure mulmum IYltem perlormance uptime. Through your Cat dealer, PolntGuard takel care 01 your entire electric power system ler you wIth a wide range 01 wire and wIreless communication technologies to fit your situation. All Cat power solutions and components are deSigned, manufactured and tested at ISO 9001 compliant faed,tles Some of the most advanced manufacturing concepts are employed at these worldWide locations to produce engines and components whose rellablhty, economy and performance are second to none CI compreSSIon and 011 the ancillary accessones and support to bock It up onglnal SubmittaL --- Date Received. MAR 1 0 2008 ..n ~l""'" ~ ~ \;" .- "cI %:~ ~',' ,,~ .f < ~ ,~ :'1:-. '-',- ..\'t r 1 ~ ~ \ 1':<.l I;,,~ ,.. rl1;l ~ ,'!:~ " ~~' ~'~1; '''., CAt ~M?J" ~.,,'" '> ~ ,... ,-'" ~'l h"'~1W "iff'l ,,[*'1- v ~,,!,} \~'fi:!t~- ,..~~ ,-~<.(.(,,:;'c-f;,".~"'r~~~ ,..:/-- #" C'"le..;;',,(s. ~~i.J { 1-" v"''; :f;'~':~Jf\~~"'i<'l} iiJ1~,-~,,'- ''''f"1'''<;~<''' ~<, ::~ "': ,f',;f~~,-':-,,,J;:""::'''' ,~;.:~':r; :", \~ ",;:':'~:<;',';,-:.:; " ~..... t~-< ~ ) "f. ," ~ ~ ,l i';'.'~"J:"'" 'I"t'>., , , , ~~';:}J/" - ~r .~... ~\:; "' ' j ... - or .. ~' ~ ~ -\1 } "- ~ 1 When your bUSiness can't walt, turn to Cat Rental Power Your local Cat dealer IS your hnk to a VIrtually unhmlted rental fleet, including mobile power generahon, temperature control equIpment, OIr Cat Rental Power offers soluhons for mony fleXible apphcahons - prime power, continuous power, peak shaVing and standby emergency power, os well os an arroy of temperature control and olr compreSSion soluhons Whether you need mobIle modules for temporary use, or for a more permanent Instollahon, your Cot dealer wtll ensure that you receive rehoble, quohty power when you need It power for every application Cat Rental Power offers all the equipment you need Cat mobile power soluhons range from 8-kW units to 2-MW power modules With uhllty grade sWitchgear, all the way up 10 5 2-MW turbines All Units ore sell contained power soluhons, housed In prolechve enclosures Incorporating ~- C-I'~ ( j I "./., - - k r r- r:~""'~ [- --J:j1bWer l Date Received ,,- , MAR 2 0 2008 r~r:-1'-"" __ , \_ f ,n'" - - - _ _ _ .Qr!9lnal SUbll1lttal ----- hl ,...\ I ' j , 11- ---- "D,ehtall ' hh .....:...:........................ ~, . ,ower ! co . ' 1 I I I t 1 7 I ! I i 'I -y.......--r -- 1 , ! i '" ' w-.c"...... ~_~ Ii sound ottenuotlon and fuel contomment The units come complete and can be mounted on traIlers for easy delIvery and qUick connection Cat temperature control rental services ore bUilt around 0 core fleet of OIr- and hquld-cooled chillers and packaged DX alr-condlhonlng umts When coupled With onCJIlary equipment, Cat temperature control equipment can resolve all your temporory coolmg needs Cat air compressIon rental services uhhze flexIble, mobde, packaged air compressors to solve your speCIfiC supplemental air needs Delivering the quality you expect The Cat Rental Power fleet IS the most modern m the Industry, 'porotmg new equIpment mode excluSively for rental markets And .~ar mobde power IS rugged - powering through harsh elements heat, cold, mOISture, salt OIr, chemicals and dust , . , ....-~"\- ~ ~<< J (.Jr. < 't:q:::':~ (:: ,,>' \ 4: ~~ 1 '~~~~~lttJ~~~~'<.~"'..; ,,~ ~', t~:;jl,~1 ~f1i,;( V''<~~i" ~t~: ,-' ,"'-- ~(% ~ .,. ~( : . ~'1~';;? :#."I..""(1\0i:r:.'1>t,,~1.~: t-.'''' ,,, ~ ; ~ ..J~, ;~} j.t'~1-:J;' JTtff,';.\-l,'I ~;:r .. ~ -'~'\ ~ -0, '- / !6; ':t"";~..:'-'\,f'::i.:, V" .'";-!..~...;:~'-' ~,~~ '--'/{ ,,- 1 ~ ,~?-{..-ur ;:,JS;..:;>.f::. Jfi::)O(' ~ ~h,.1Ij~; d i ,~~'" > ~~~/~ {~\00~h~~~'- v ~1;...,), ., 'W~';rI.r'1.~-:;..~\;; . . :I'1i'kl'l ,...- ,~~U " , ~.... ~ ~ ~>cj, ,2, '1"": . ;:.Jil,-~-;1},,$ Pf~' (... your " ~ -' 1/-' --\" 'I!; -,\""..;. ;>> ;.5,'t>l-~.,. -'1' "lfw" >. ~ f' '-, T' "i,<t,l,';::Ii7v:;'_'l.1>:N'-'-0-!(l'*"':t'\,-+>" . ..OW...\.....>..,.,..~ '",cl'},iip:",: . Easy caalled all.>.b:cll~.f;,~:-,;:r;~~;:- ,; . Full ranso of chUler., aIr han......' alr - ^ condItioners an. hoators . OIl-flooded an. all-fr.. air camprollarsln a wldo ranso of prellures and capabllhles . WIlIo range of aceollorlos . Sound a"onuatlon . Rolaeatable . Standard and custom .eslsns . Single source for complete power solutions . Turnkey support from Cat dealer network 11 ~l[J[ - - h_ ~ f " "'"~....~~~.., h"''''_"''''r :<'~..;rJ';"'~ "1:A...,::-~;:'l'.$i."''''~r-~~ ~ "-'! ~ J~~~ ~~~~ I i:: ~:~':3':t~ ;~/ ' ><">-r} -:;<::):/__1 '-< -' {""t." Caterpillar and !he Co'\td~o $T;1i~ ,~ ~ ,;~t,' ~;t\}=-" l' ...~.... if and support all the resources necessory fodbt , of a rehable, cost-effective electric power solution - - . .. .. - - One supplier with all the piece. Your Cat dealer works wIth you from specIfIcation of your system all the woy through prolect execution and turnover They oversee the englneenng, procurement ond construchon ospects of every prolect, moklng sure 011 operation ond mOlntenonce needs ore met They con even train your employees to operate and maintain yaur system once the sIte IS commissioned When you enlist the help of 0 Caterpillor deoler, you know you can count on world- closs support to be there for the hfe of your Investment UPS I ~ i I ii' I 1_ ~"l L - ,- 't:' ----, /0 " ./ " ..------- Beyond your electnc power prolect, Caterpillar also offers more servIces and support tools than ony other power generotlon supplier In the world - rental soluhons, finanCing, operahonal servIces and alternative power sources incorporating fuel cell Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 ] q I'" "I<, J ='"""'-\-' 111'-1 I J, ~~: ~J ,t;-,~:-- r? I I I~ Onglnal SubmlttaL___ ' - - - r=< - I ~ ~:=~:-_" J~=- ~ '~~--- ~L -- -\ \cc, ,-=-C 0 technology, to name lust 0 few Caterpillar puts It all together like no one else 12 :r~dfitttf~t~er Date Received I I MAR 2 0 2008 MOB I LE Ongmal submittal 11-- ~ -~~ Rental power ":-1, _ -~---=- - (~- .-- ... :CU-.h~. . , - ...~, D~-~ >-m'a ,In "~-~ ~ f ,~ ~ - =ro---- -- · : - ~ ~ --1=--' ---- -T- ----- ----- ,I , "'__ __ .J "b (==-' /~ --.::I:l~-- - I ~- --- r---l :-- ---- II ----- ~__c: - - --- I \ i I! \-=~~~_::- ~ =--=~ T~))1 ,~:~ Enclosure \ \ \! Ii J I\-=-~~' ~ /~ I II 1,___ J]--- . ~~~~~"~ 1J COM~O~~:~._q.~~/ )) LJ- - "- LJ-/ r-:c::.:-- ,J: :J:( ,_, ' 4>--__ 'j I .,) ~ -~ - - I -~-=0:~f:l \ "_~ _' :~~~( I t= : ---- -___--r- T J/ -- ~:=Ir:~:-~I\I~lfoR SETS I I' "8"" , < ~ /'~ < ~ ~ -~ -~"~\\ '-j ~-~" ~~ > ;,6.) ~;g ,,,,{~::l1j)t, .,,'!:::' ~ ~,~ 101':1'> ~~'r"""~'\ _ .rr:.~' t""'"' >.< -' , ,i~::ifi~I'ar and Cat'dealers The tearn ad\f~ntage -- to Electnc power Total Solutions ATS ,i Control 13 An electnc power solution IS only as gaod as the people who back It up As part of the worldwide nelwork of Cal dealers, your local dealer can provide all the necessary equipment, technical support and services you need for a totally Integrated and complete electnc power solullon Single-service support Whatever you need, wherever and whenever you need It, your Cat dealer can provide It From scheduled maintenance programs to parts ond serVice support, dlagnosllcs and emergency response _ 0 nelwork of more than 1,500 Cat dealer locatlans worldwIde stand ready with the experllse, technology and parts to keep you up and running 01 peak effiCiency Ui , . .....I'f......nlty.lIl111ly.ls and sIt. review ~ J;. t<l"~'.\ '" ~~if _ A~~, 1 ,. ~ '. !!J;,1'!d ,eJ".,...",t H1ectlon 1,\ ,<<, - '-< "" ,t!"JU", c',cl. cost evaluation '1< -" ~,~~. ~:jJ~ltclI' "" 'i;~~ '!:r.J.-f"; ,'. j ~-r ~, .. -'~-" - _ _,. _ .,Ior- 'co' ~~,;;;;~ ^,U-."l~"",, I~-:'''l~''' ~ 'R 8W j ~~<~ fi'J "';. , - "!C' '/1;' ~~ .,. , o 'llffiirY ...ti.. 10, atjU(O ~n ' sJlllCIII.atlon perlormallte . Installation coordination with contractors and Inspectors . Construction reviews and audits . On-site Installation acceptance tests o On-site staH operation! maintenance training . Customized preventive maintenance plans . Extended Service Coverage programs . Guaranteed operation and maintenance contracts . Remote moni,orln~*~ved< . 24-hour partt..nd service supl!ort . And more. . . MAR 2 u 2008 OnatNji &ublTimC;i, , ~ ~ / , , / D e Received. AR 2 0 2008 Onglnal submittal / /' II GENERATOR SET FEATURES Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~ -I I , , , . , , , METRIC 282 6580 , , PRICING ARRANGEMENT MODEL NUMBER GENSET WEIGHT (Kg) CENTRE OF GRAVrTY ENG/Al..T COMBlNA110N (WITH OIL) (WITH OIL & WATER) 01" X DIM Y 01" 2 OK-laBS CHG DO OK-Zag, CHG 00 OK-2896 CHG DO OK-2901 CHG 00 025-4 1104C-44GjLL10140 "'45 14.55 772 B96 562 OK-2906 CHG DO OK-2911 CHG 00 OK-2886 CHG 00 OK-Zagl CHG DO , OK-2696 CHG 00 OK-2901 CHG DO , OK 2906 CHO 00 OK-29tl CHG DO 025-4AUl 1104C-44G/LL1014S 1455 1465 77B B97 562 OK-JOOJ CHG 00 OK 28B7 CHG 00 DK-Z892 CHG 00 OK-zag7 CHG DO OK-2902 CHG 00 0.30-6 11004-C-44G/L..Ll014S 1455 1465 77B B97 562 OK-2907 CHG DO QK-2912 CHG 00 OK 28B7 CHG 00 OK 2692 CHG 00 DK-Zag7 CHG 00 DK-2.902 CHG 00 DJO-6AUl 1510 1520 798 B97 552 OK-2907 CHG 00 DK-2912 CHG 00 1104C-44GjLL2014B , DK-3005 CHG 00 0 OK-2aas CHG 00 OK-Zag.; CHG DO OK-289B eHG 00 DK-2903 CHG DO 040-4 1104C-44-G/lL20148 1510 1520 79B B97 552 0 - ~ OK-290B CHG 00 DK-291.3 CHG 00 ... OK-2aBS CHG 00 OK 2893 CHG 00 .a :; 0 OK-2898 CHG 00 OK-2903 CHG 00 D40-4AU1 1530 1540 807 89B 551 !!!. 1104C-44G/Ll20140 III OK-2908 CHG 00 OK-2913 CHG 00 C/J 3: CD OK-3oo7 CHG 00 C )> 0' = :::0 , , OK 2889 CHG 00 OK 2894 CHG 00 3 ..... OK-2899 CHG 00 OK-29D-4 CHG 00 050-4 1104C-44TG1/Ll20140 1545 1555 BDJ 895 528 [f t1l c::> 0 OK 2909 CH~ OK-2914 CHG 00 ~ ~ t1l OK-2889 CHG OK-2894 CHG 00 <: OK-2699 CHG 00 827 B95 52' c::> OK-29M CHG 00 D50-4AU1 1104C-44TG1/Ll2014H 1595 1605 CD t1l OK-2909 CHG 00 OK-2914 CHG 00 a. OK 3009 CHG 00 1 OK-2890 CHG 00 OK-2895 am DO OK 2900 CHG 00 OK-2905 CHG 00 060--4 1 1 04C-44TG1 /ll2014H 1595 1605 B27 B95 526 . . DK-2910 CHG 00 OK-2915 CHG 00 OK-2690 CHG 00 OK-2895 CHG 00 . OK-29oo CHG 00 OK-2905 CHG 00 1104C-44TG1/L12014J 1635 1645 845 B96 52' 060-4AU 1 OK-2910 CHG 00 OK-2915 CHG 00 OK-3011 CHG 00 OK 2916 CHG 00 OK-2920 CHG 00 025-45 1104C-44G/LL10140 1445 1455 772 B9' 5.2 OK-2924 CHG 00 1m OK-2917 CHG 00 OK-2971 CHG 00 030-45 1104C-+4G/lLB'014S "55 1465 77B B97 562 . OK-2925 CHG 00 . . OK-2918 CHG 00 OK-2922 CHG 00 040-45 1104C-44G/lLB20148 1525 1535 798 '97 552 OK 2926 CHe 00 OK 2919 CHG 00 OK 292.1 CHG DO OK-2927 CHO 00 050-45 1104C-44TG1/LlB2014C 1545 1555 795 89. 529 282 6580 - .." [ , , L ~ I CONTROL PANEL (IF fITTED) FUEL TANK BREATHER 1-1/4~ asp SOCKET FUEL LEVEL GAGE 1 -1/2" SSP HALF SOCKET FUEL LEVEL SWITCH 1 ~ BSP HALF SOCKET FUEL FIll 2" asp SOCKET FUEL TANK VENT 3- asp SOCKET y FUEL SUPPLY J/8" asp saCKEr FUEL RETURN 3/8" asp SOCKET CUSTOMER MOUNTlNG HOLES 135 [053] x 240 [094] (S-OFF) ceRDS J SLOTS EACH SIDE L 18920 (7449) a::!~ iI e 111 'f'" ClClCl"'. . H60 [575] 6000 [31 50] x II .. BOO 0 [31 50] 3310 [1303] 3480 (1370] 7420 [2921] 7670 [3020] 8920 (3512J 10420 [4102.] 10670 [4201] 11920 [4693] \ 322 0 [52 05] 1460 (575] x CAT C4" PACKAGE GENERATOR SET owe, 282-6580 CHG 01 METRIC (INCH] LEFT SIDE VIEW OK-2P - ....HG 00 SHOWN 3580 [1409] CANOPY GROUP 1948 2. [7670] 6000 (2362] ~ DETECTION PROSE 1" SSP HAlF SOCKET FUEL TANK DRAIN 2" asp SOCKET REMOTE FuEL SUPPLY ,. asp HAl.F SOCKET REMOTE FUEL RETURN 1-1/2" asp HAlf SOCKET CUSTOMER MOUNTING HOLES _-I METRIC 282-6580 0 ::! lC :5 0 !!!. III (j) 3: .... <:: ~ (I) 0" ;0 3 "" ::; (I) = 0 !!!. g (I) y <: 00 (I) 0.. -.J I o .... cC :5 !!!.. CJ) c: 0" 3 g r \ \ y 3: ~ ...., = ~ ~ c ~ (l) ~ g <.' (l) a. 1948 2 (7670] LEAK DETECTlON PROBE 1 ~ asp HAlF SOCKET FUEL LEVEL SWITCH ,. asp SOCKET FUEL TANK BREATHER 1-1/4" asp SOCKET L N 3470 [1366] 20 [08] 1 17996 [7085] 250 0 [9 84] 3000 [1181] 3600 [14 17] 740 0 {2913] 800 0 [31 50] 850 0 [JJ 48] 1300 [512] 840 0 [3307] 11000 [4331] N 1433 0 [56 42] CLEARANCE 80TH SIDES 203 0 [7 99] ! y::=::=::=::=::= /' , , , , , 1300 (512] CAT C4'" PACKAGE GENERATOR SET OWGI 282-6580 OHG 01 METRIC [INCH] REAR VIEW OK-28B6 CHe 00 SHOWN 6000 (23 62] FUEL LEVEL G"GE 1-1/2- SSP HALF SOCKET FUEl F1LL 2" SSP SOCKET FUEL TANK DRAIN 2" asp SOCKET REMOTE FUEL SUPPLY ,. asp HALF SOCKET FUEL SUPPLY 3/8. asp SOCKET CUSTOMER MOUNTING HOLES 135 [053] X 240 [094] .3 SLOTS EACH SIDE ~ I I MET~rc! 282-65801 y ~ II ME Ie 282-6580 z 0 ~ <0 :; 0 ~ Cf) 3: m - c: )> CD 0- ::0 3 ~ :::0 ;::0 CD - = ~- 0 ~ CD = <: x = co CD C- oo ~~ .J 850 0 [33 4-6) 7400 [291:!t) FUEL LEVEL GAGE 1-1/2- SSP HAlF SOCKET REMOTE FUEL SUPPLY 1 ~ asp HAlf SOCKET FUEL lEVEL SWITCH ," asp HAlf SOCKET FUEl TANK BREATHER 1-1/<4-" asp SOCKET FUEL ALL 2- asp SOCKET 10420 [4102] 7420 (2921) 348 0 [1370] FUEL SUPPLY 3/8- asp SOCKET FUEL TANK VENT 3- SSP SOCKET FUEL RETURN 3/8- asp SOCKET REM01E FUEL RETURN 1-1/2- SSP I-W.F SOCKET 11040 [43'\-6] 8000 [31 50] z 1600 [630] STUB-UP AREA 2220 [874] X 3048 [1200] 3310 [1303] 767 0 (30 20] 892 0 [3512] 10670[4201] 11920 [4693] 1322 0 [52. 05] 16200 [6378] CAT C4 -4 PACKAGE GENERATOR SET OWG# 282-6580 CHG 01 METRIC [INCH] TOP VIEW OK-zaa6 CHG 00 SHOWN /- L LEAK DETECTlON PROBE 1- asp 1w..F SOCKET I ENGINE RADIATOR GROUP FAN GROUP 3: )> ::0 .... <=> .... = <=> CO RADIATOR TRANSmON FlANGE 5200 [2047] X 5200 (2047) 18000 [7087] y LEAl< DETECTION PROBE 1 SSP HALF SOCKET o :::! FUEL TANK @..IN 2 SSP SOCJSET ~ (jl CO 0- ::> = .- .. III ," L --,K I , AIR fiLTER ASSEMBLY 5200 [2047] REMOTE FUEL SUPPLY ,.. SSP HALF SOCKET REMOTE FUEL RETURN 1-1/2" asp HAlf SOCKET 3400 (1339) 600 0 (2362] FUEL RETURN 3/8" SSP SOCKET FUEL SUPPLY 3/8" asp SOCKET FUEL FIll 2" SSP SOCKET FUEL TANK VENT 3" asp sacKEr fUEL LEVEL SWITCH ,. 5SP HALF SOCKET c I\) CD :;0 (1) o (1) <: (1) a. 940 5 [37 03] 18920 (7449) 5055 [1990]- FUEL LE.VEL GAGE 1-1/2" asp HALF SOCKET x CAT C4 -4 PACKAGE GENERATOR SET owe, 282-6580 CHG 01 METRIC (INCH] VlEWJ-J DK-2886 CHG 00 SHOWN FUEL TANK BREATHER 1-1/4" asp SOCKET ~ \ I METRIC 282-6580 y -1 I r;:.-----.- II 'I \! r 1\ ~ \, Ii h II II I, h II [, U II 1\ ~I \'i 1\ I' ~ '! I, II \'i ~ II I., II II \L- , i 1799 6 (70 85] IT; N 1 700 (276] 2500 (984) 3000 [1181] 360 0 [14 17] 740 0 [20 13] 6000 [31 50J 8500 [33 4.] 1300 [512] N . /< I // . ~ I \1 o ~ IC :5 !!!. (J) c: tT 3 a i I 580 0 [72 83] clEARANCE BOTl-l SIDES , I I 600 0 (23 62] ! 3: ~ .... = ~ ~ \ \~:\~~~fUEL LEVEL GAGE \ \ \>~ 1-1/2" asp HALf SOCKET '\ ~ fUEL ~LL '~'~F:~B:::O:: 2" asp SOCKET \_ REMOTE FUEL SUPPLY ,. SSP HAtF SOCKET \ FUEL SUPPLY 1300 [512] 3/8" SSP SOCKET \ '- CUSTOMER MOUNTING HOLES 135 (05..3] X 240 [094] .3 SLOTS EACH SIDE 840 0 [33 07] "000 [4331) CAT C4" PACKAGE GENERATOR SET OWGf 282-6580 CHG 01 I.4ETRIC (INCH) SECT1DN K-K OK-28af ' 00 SHOWN , , ' \ METRICI 282 6-~ 1 'I I' II I, "1 I I' II II I' II "1 'I I' I' I' U II ,I , o ~ ::;0 CD (') CD <: CD 0. II II Ii \"\ I' I' II W II II i~\ II I' I' :\ " ~/;; LEAK OETECTION PROBE -// % ,. ssP HAlF SOCKET / / FUEL LEVEL SWITCH"'// 1'" asp SOCKET FUEL TANK BREATHER ---' / 1-1/4'" asp SOCKEr / I REMOTE FUEL RETURN --../ / 1-1/2'" asp HALf SOCKET / FUEL TANK VENT J- asp HALf SOCKET / FUEL RETURN ~/ 3/B- BSP SOCKET CUSTOMER MOUNTlNG HOLES..J JJ I I I' ~-~ -::1'i _----1 I , _11 :t:: =11 '\ i I .\ CAHRPnH.RIIIC \ _~-I' ."\[- ~I '26 0 - "",. [, ! , ---'= .L_....____~ _J DIESEL GENERATOR SET CATERPILLAR" FEATURES GENERATOR SET . Complete system deSIgned and bUilt at ISO 9001 certified facIlities . Factory tested to design specIfications at full load condItIons ENGINE . Governor, mechamcal . Electncal system, 12 VDC . Cartndge type filters . Battery rack and cables . Coolant and lube drains piped to edge of base GENERATOR . Insulation system, class H . Dnp proof generator aIr Intake (NEMA 2, IP23) . Electncal desIgn In accordance With B55000 Part 99, IEC60034-1, E~61000-6, NEMA MG-1 33 CONTROL SYSTEM . EMCP 3 1 digital control panel . VIbration Isolated NEMA 1 enclosure WIth IDckable hinged dDor . DC and AC wlnng harnesses MOUNTING ARRANGEMENT . Heavy-duty fabricated steel base WIth lifting pDlnts . AntI-vIbration pads tD ensure vibratIOn ISDlatlon . CDmplete OSHA guarding . Stub-up pIpe reaoy for connection to sJlencer plpework . Flexible fuel lines terminated at skid base With NPT connections LEHE512301 STANDBY PRIME 60 Hz 40-60 kW 36-54.6 kW Standby Pnme kW IkVAI kW (kVAJ ..~-t!40~4 ~~: T -" "; :- I 40J5~r :;~ 'l ,iS6'4?1 ~-"7 r 040-45 40 (40) 36 (36) - _ 50 l62.51 _ ' ;1Ji:t56JL-"'"~; 50 (50) 45 (45) _ . " 60.175) _ _ = - 0_" _'55'~ (6S 2)- <.: Model _~ 050.4 c --"", --... 050-45 '.,'l: " 9604 All models are lier 11 EPA Approved, EmiSSIons certified Date Received: ~ MAR 2 0 2008 Oncunal submittal COOLING SYSTEM . Radiator and cooling fan complete WIth protectIve guards . Standard ambient temperatures up to 500 C (1220 F) CIRCUIT BREAKER . UL}CSA listed . 3-pDle With solid neutral . NEMA 1 steel enclosure, VIbratIOn ISDlated . Electncal stub-up area dIrectly below CIrcuit breaker AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR . Voltage wIthin" 0 5% 3-phase and" 1 0% Single phase at steady state from no load to full load . Provides fast recDvery from transIent load changes EQUIPMENT FINISH . All electroplated hardware . AntlcorrDSlve paint prDtectlDn . High glDss pDlyurethane paint fDr durability and scuff resistance QUALITY STANDARDS . BS4999, BS5000, BS5514, IEC60034, EN61000-6, NEMA MG-1 33, NFPA 110 (with optional equIpment) DOCUMENTATION . Operation and maintenance manuals prDvlded . Wllfng diagrams Included WARRANTY . All equipment carries full manufacturer's warranty STANDBY PRI ME 60 Hz 40-60 kW 36- .6 kW ~.TERPILLAR. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT* ENCLOSURE . B Senes weather protective enclosure (lnclud~ Internal silencer system) llF' _ Panel viewing window ~ _ External emergency stop push button . Sound attenuated enclosure (Includes Internal silencer system) . Super sound attenuated enclosure (Includes Internal silencer system) SILENCER SYSTEM - OPEN UNIT . Level 1 silencer ~. Level 2 silencer -~ Level 3 silencer . Mounting kit . Through-wall installatIon kits ~ ENGINE --"~. ElectronfC governor . Battery heater . Lube 011 drain pump . Lube 011 sump heater CIRCUIT BREAKER ~ . AUXiliary voltfree contacts -~. Shunt tnp (100 + amp breakers) MOUNTING ACCESSORIES , ~ SeIsmIc (zone 4) VibratIOn Isolators GENERATOR . AntI-condensatIOn heater ~"'- . AREP excitation system (040-4, 050-4, 060-4) --~ Generator upgrade 1 size (040-4, 050-4, 060-4) . Permanent magnet generator CONTROL SYSTEM . No control system ~~. EMCP 3 2 dIgital control panel lEHES12301 FUEL SYSTEM . Single-walled steel fuel tank . UL lIsted closed top-dIked skid-mounted fuel tank base (24-hour capacity) wIth fuel alarm (low level/leak detected) . Cntlcal high fuel alarm . Low fuel level alarm and shutdown REMOTE ANNUNCIATORS . Remote annunciator panel (supplied loose) COOLING SYSTEM . Coolant heater . Low coolant temperature alarm . Low coolant level shutdown . RadIator transitIOn flange MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES . ToolkIt . AdditIOnal operator's manual pack . SpeCial enclosure color . UL listing . CSA cerlfflcatlon . French or Spanfsh language labels EXTENDED SERVICE CONTRACTS . Extended service coverage avaIlable TESTING . Factory witness test (restricted to 6 hours - full load, 1 0 pf) * Some optIons may not be available on all models Not all options are listed Date Received. MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal 2 STANDBY PR I M E 60 Hz 4 60 36-!:J4.6 kW kW _J.TERPILLARO SPECIFICATIONS .. GENERATOR Voltage regulation Frequency Waveform distortion Radio mterference Telephone mterference Overspeed limit Insulation Temperature rlse Available voltages Deration Ratings ;!: 0 5% 3PH and ::l: 1% smgle PH at steady state from no load to full load ::l: 0 8% for constant load, no load to full load THO < 4%, at no load Compliance with EN61000 6 TIF < 50. THF < 2% 2250 rpm Class H Wlthm Class H limits 1-phase - 120/240. 115/230, 110/220 3-phase - 277/4BO, 120/240, 127/220, 120/208 Consult factory for available outputs At 300 C (B60 F), 152 4 m (500 Itl. 60% humidity 1 0 pi (1-phase), 0 B pi (3-phasel _ ENGINE Manufacturer Type AspiratIOn Stroke - mm (m) Piston speed - m/sec (ft!sec) Engme speed - rpm Air cleaner type Caterpillar 4--cycle Natural/turbo 127150) 762 (250) 1BOO Dry, replaceable paper element type with restriction mdlcator 040-4. 040-45 - C4 4 CylInder confIguratIOn Displacement - L (cu 10) Bore - mm (10) CompressIOn ratio Governor Type Class Max power at rated rpm - kW (hp) Standby Prime BMEP - kPa (pSI) Standby Prime Regenerative power - kW (hp) In.llne 4 4 4 12691 105 (4131 1931 Mechanical and electrical G2 and G3 54 2 (72 6) 4B 5 (64 B) B19 (11B BI 746110B2) 107 (143) RATING DEFINITIONS AND CONDITIONS Standby _ Applicable for supplymg continUOUS electrical power (at vanable loadl 10 the event of a utIlity power failure No overload IS permitted on these ratings The generator IS peak rated (as defined In \508528-3) lEHE512301 ,~'" ...a~~~ 050 4, 050 45, 060-4 - C4 4 CylInder COnfiguration Olsplacement - L (cu In) Bore - mm (ml Compression ratio Governor Type Class Max power at rated rpm - kW (hp) Standby Pnme BMEP - kpa (pSI) Standby pnme Regenerative power - kW (hpl In hne 4 4 4 1269) 105 (413) 1B 21 Mechanical and electrical G2 and G3 70 5 19451 635(B511 10701155) 960 (139 2) 1371183) EIiI CONTROL PANEL . Heavy duty sheet steel enclosure With lockable hinged door . Vibration Isolated from generating set LCD dISplay . AC metermg . OC metering . Fall to start shutdown . Low 011 pressure shutdown . HIgh engme temperature . Low/hIgh battery voltage . Underspeed/overspeed Loss of engme speed detection .2 spare fault channels .20 event fault log .2 LEO status mdlcators . lockdown emergency stop push button Prime _ Apphcable for supplymg continUOUS electrlcal power (at vanable load) In lieu of commercIally purchased power There IS no I1mltatlOn to the annual hours of operation and the generator set can supply 10 percent overload power for , hour 10 12 hours Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal 4 STANDBY PRI M E 60 Hz 40-60 3, 54 6 kW kW Date Received CJ..TERPILLARo 050-4 [3-Phase) Generator Set Techmcal Data - 1800 rpm/60 Hz POVfer Rating Lubricating System Type full pressure 01\ {lIter spm.on. full flow all cooler watercooled 011 type required API CF 4 Total all capacity 011 pan FOel SV$tem _ -- ~ "G~n~r~!,I?r set fuel consumption I "I ~10,,90/tl~oad - ",iJ'!i%'-'Jpad ~ _ ~ ~50%{q:ad ~ Engine Electrical System Voltage/ground 12/negatlve Battery chargIng generator ampere ratmg "CpDhn'g ~y5tem ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~~i~r Q!,![Tlp{ypp..-"centtlfugal- - --- - - ~ - ',' RaOletc!'r.yst.m eapjlelty 1110\, aniiln. _"f>\~"imum e~pl.nt sWlle fiead , _ ~ , Coolant;flow,rata -- - - :Mlnlmuni remperature to enillne -- - if~mp~~~U(-e rl~e across enqine - ~ : <'ffeatzre,ect.d,to,cOOIl'Qt at rated-power' - '--- + --TPtal;~eat.Dfi'~~afed!C> rOQrh at rated'power~ -- -:; RilqlatOJ f~llload ~-- - - r ~ - Air ReqUIrements Combustion air flow MaXImum air cleaner restrictIon Radiator coolmg aIr (zero restriction) Generator coolmg air Allowable air flow restriction (after radiator) Cooling airflow (@ rated speed) Rate With restriction exhaust System- - -- Ma~\mum allowabla backpressu,e - EXhausfflow at rated -kW Exhaust tamp"erat'ure at ratad kW- T: Dry-exhaust _ Generator Set NOise Ratlng* (without attenuation) at 1 m (3 ft) MAR 2 0 2008 '''1t.'bIjto. Standby Matenals and specifIcatIons are subject to change Without notIce Pnme ~ .". kW - kVA 50 625 45 563 L US gal 70 185 70 185 L US gal 55 145 55 145 - . . . . - - . - - - ~ . . . . L/fir -c- gall)i'r: ~ . - 3,7 - , 160, 42- - , 141 - _, Ljhr- "llal/hr. , 117 ~ 1; 108 - 29 - LJhl gal/hr , - .90 , 24 90' .24 . - " . amps 45 . ~ - , . - - - . , - - . - c . - .. . - < L mH,O '~- Uhl _ -;""C <-_-- oCJ _kW - kW -, kW mJ/mlO kPa mJ/mm m)/mm kPa mJ/mm kpa m)/mlrl 45 - ~ "f.~_ . . _ -_ 8-22-,-' -_ J - 33:5 ~;-- .,'3m5~~ -158"- , 1018" - :-2,406 -- <944.- 0-75 ,- - -- U.S-, gal - -- ffll,Q " - 'u S,gallhr ~ OF .: - '-op-=:;.~ -_ BWmm - BtujJ'nln ~ ::'-:: hp'~ ~ -13 1 $,22. . 10.2 ~ --035- _ 1! jl40 _"3j075.- 70 ...-- ... 158.;:'" ~J - . 6 . _- 10,8 ,'" - 477- -, '2,7:13 '-, ,719 8 028 28' _ 375' 131 1{)2 11640 - -70 6' t.~ ~ '423'" - 166 - 28 cfm 529 m HzO 80 cfm 143 clm 192 mHzO 012 cfm 134 - -- - - mHg ~16 - - "fm 1~8 - "e - of 594 ' d81AI 187 526 186 321 80 321 5,042 143 5,Q42 678 192 678 05 012 05 4,724 134 4,724 - - , , 4,43 15 440' 4871 131 - 4624 - - -1,108 644 1,015 918 917 ~ " Generator Technical Data 2771480V 1271220V 1201240V 3471600V 120/20BV Motl>fSlalllng Capability' IkVAI - - - - - - 130Y, voltag. dlPI S.lf e"tIled 115 - 99- 90 0- 115 - ARE:f e)(clt~d; 150 1~0 , 118 159 PMG 150 . 1~0 118 150 Full Load Efficiencies Standby 889 885 879 889 Pnme 893 888 884 893 Reactances (per Unlt) X. 286 341 3.81 286 - - ReaCtances X', 012 014 016 012 X'f<j 0061 0073 0081 0061 sl10wn are X, 172 204 2,29 172 - applicable to the X'\. 0076 0.090 Q 101 0076 standby ratmg. X, 0068 0081 0091 0068 - X. 0005 0006 0007 0005 Time Constants t'. t"d t'd" t. 50 ms 5 ms 1171 ms 8ms . dB(A) levels are for gUIdance only LEHE512301 7 Technical Data BasIc technical data Number of cylmders Cyhnder arrangement Cycle Induction system CompressIon ratio Bore Stroke Cubic capacity Direction of rotation Fmng order Eshmated total weight (dry) EstImated total weight (wet) Overall dimensions height .\ength -width (mcludes mountIng brackets) Moments of mertla (mk1) -engme (Includes fan pulleys, fan & flywheel -wIth 1,14 kgm2 flywheel TBA kgm2 (TBA Ibft2) -with 1 13 kgm2 flywheel TBA kgmZ (TBA Ibft2) -flywheel 114 kgmZ (27 0 IbfP') & 1,13 kgm2 (26 81bftZ) options Centre of gravity .folWard from rear of block above centre line of block offset to RHS of centre hne 4 Vertlcalln-hne Four stroke Turbocharged 182 1 105mm 127 mm (Sin) 44 bues (269 cu 10) Clockwise when viewed from front 1,34 2 TBA kg [TBA Ib) TBA kg [TBA Ib) 951,2mm 1240 Bmm 6500mm CJ..TERPI LLAR. C4.4 70.5 kW @ 1800 rev/min Performance Note All data based on operation to IsorrR14396, IS03046/1 standard reference conditions Speed I/anatlon at constant load Test conditions air temperature .barometnc pressure .relatlve humidIty Sound level AI/erage sound pressure level for bare engme without Inlet and exhaust at 1 metre ElectroniC governor @ 1500 rel//m!n 99 1 dBa Electronic governor @ 1800 rev/mln 100 0 dBa Mechamcal governor @1600 rev/mln 109 9 dBa .all ratmgs certified to within :t: 5% If the engine IS to operate In ambient condllJons other than those of the test condll1ons sUitable adjustments must be made for these changes t05% 25 .C (77 'F) 100 kPa (29 5,n hg) 30% TBA TBA TBA 90% of the pnme power rating can be apphed 10 seconds after the starter motor IS energ!sed The remaining 10% can be applied 15 seconds after start If the ambient temperature IS not less than 15 ~C (59 ~F) If It IS less than15 ~c (59 .F) an ImmersIon heater IS recommended Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal Type of operation and application DesIgnation Units Pnme Stand-by 50Hz 50Hz Gross engme power kW (bhp) S62 (75 3) 62 5 (83 8) Brake mean effective pressure kPa (lbf/ln2) 1002 (145 3) 1130 (163,9) Mean piston speed mls(ftls) 6,35 (20 83) 635 (20 83) ElectropaK net engme power kW (bhp) 48 (64 3) 528(708) Engme coolant flow 35 kPa system restnctlon l/mm (UK galfmln) 142 (311) 142 (31 1) Combustion air flow m~/mm (ft~/mm) 4,32 (152 5) 443 (156 4) Exhaust gas flow (max) m~Jmln (ft'Jmln) 109 (384 8) 11,8 (4165) Exhaust gas temperature (max) 'C('F) 535 (996) 583 (1088) Cooling fan aIr flow (2DD k.pa External Rastnctlon) m~fmm (ft~/mm) 97 8 (3454) 97,8 (3454) Energy balance Energy In fuel (Fuel heat of combustion) kW (BtuJmm) 1 S2 (8652) 171(9733) Gross heat to power kW (BtuJmm) 58,2 (3199) 625(3557) Energy to coolant and lubncatlng OJI kW (BtuJmln) 38 (2163) 42 (2391) Energy to exhaust kW (BtuJmm) 48 (2732) 54 (3074) Heat to radiation kW (Btu/mm) 10 (569) 12 (683) General installation (50Hz) Caution The airflows shown In this table will proVide acceptable coolmg for an open power umt operatIng to ambient temperatures of up to 53 OC(127 OF) or46 oC (1148 OF) If a canopy IS fitted ffthepowerumt IS to be enclosed totany, a coo/lng test should be done to check that the engme coolmg /s acceptable Type of operation and application Designation Umts Prime Stand-by 60Hz 60Hz Gross engme power kW (bhp) 63,5 (85 1) 705(94 5) Brake mean effecbve pressure kPa (lbfhn7) 960 (139 2) 1070 (155 2) Mean piston speed mls(ftls) 762 (25 0) 762(250) ElectropaK net engme power kW (bhp) 54 6 (73 2) 600(804) EngIne coolant flow 35 k.Pa system restnclton IJmm (UK ga\/mlO) 170 (37 4) 170 (37 4) Combustion aIr flow m~Jmm (fP/mm) 526 (185 7) 529 (186 7) Exhaust gas flow (max) m3JrnlO(ftS/mm) 131 (4624) 138 (4671) Exhaust gas temperature (max) .C("F) S44 (1015) 594 (110B) Cooling fan aIr flow (200 k.Pa External Restnchon) m~Jmln (fWmln) 1278(4513) 1278(4513) Energy balance Energy In fuel (Fuel heat of combustion) kW (Btulmm) 176 (10018) 196 (11156) Gross heat to power kW (BIUlmln) 63,5 (3614) 70,5 (4013) Energy to coolant and lubncatmg 011 kW (BtuJmm) 43 (2448) 48 (2732) Energy to exhaust kW (Sw/mln} 56 (3301) 65 (3700) Heat to radIatIon kW (Btu/mln) 11 (626) 13 (740) General Installation (60 Hz) CautIon The airflows shown m this table wi/I proVide acceptable coo/lOg for an opon power umt operatmg m amblsnt temperatures of up to 53 oc (127 OF) or46 oC (114 8 OF) If a canopy IS fitted If the powerumt IS tobe encJosedtotally a coo/lOg test should be done to check that the angme coo/lOg IS acceptable Date ReceIved MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submittal C4 4 Senes Cooling system Radiator face area -rows and matenals -matnx density and material width of matriX -heIght of matnx pressure cap settlng Fan -dIameter -drive ratio -number of blades -matenal -type Coolant Total system capacIty with radiator -without radiator Maximum top tank temperature Thermostat operation range Recommended coolant 50% ethylene glycol wIth a corrosion mhlbltor (BS 658 MOD AL39) and 50% clean fresh water 026 m2 (2 97 ft~) 54 Alumlnlum 12 7 AluminIUm fmsflnch 526 mm (20 7 In) 524 mm (26 3 10) 107kPa 457 mm (18 In) 125 1 7 Composite pusher 131 (236 pi) 7ol(123pl) 110.C 82 - 93 OC (180 199 OF) 1992 or Electrical System _type -alternator -starter motor Cold start recommendations MInimum crankmg speed Staner specIflcatlon NegatIVe ground 12V/24Voptlons 12V124Voptlons 100rpm MInimum Starter motor startIng MInimum battery type for SAE type tempera lubricating 01] VISCOSIty ture 'C OF 15W 10W 5W OW 5 23 1XB 12 volt -15 5 1XB 30kW -20 -4 1 XB -25 -13 1 X8 Commercial Battery minImum performance ref number Code BS 3911 SAEJ537 DIN 43539 2 643 A 440 660 400 647 B 510 770 465 069 D 340 540 300 655 E S70 810 490 Battery specifications Exhaust system Maximum back pressure Exhaust outlet sIze Fue] system Type of lnject10n Fuel InJ8chon pump Fuel atomlser Nozz]e opening pressure 15 kpa 64 mm (25m) Dlrecl Rolary Mulll hole 290 MPa (290 bar) D3t3subJe~tlochang~wllhoutnollce 705 kvv @ 1800 rev/mln Fuel lift pump now/hour 120 1501Ih(211-264pVm) -pressure 30 - 75 kPa (4 4 109 pSI) Maximum suction head (With clean filter) ~17 kPa at 17m usmg 8mm dla bore pipe Maximum stabc pressure head 30 kPa at 20m uSing 8mrn dl8 bore pipe Governor type ElectrOnic governor L Series Electro01C Governor ElectrOniC governor speed control to ISO 8528 G3 Mechamcal governor speed control to ISO 8528 G2 Fuel specification Fuel specification USA Fed Off HIghway EPA2D 89 330-96 Density (kg/l@ 15 'C) o 835 f 0855 VISCOSity (mmll/s @40 OC) 20f 45 Sulphur Content 02% Max Cetane Number 45mln Fuel consumption HtresJhour (UK gals/hr) Power rating Speed 110% 100% 75% 50% 1500 172(378) 15,3 (3 37) 102(224) 62 (136) 1 BOD 19,7 (4 33) 17,7 (3 89) 121 (266) 9 5 (2 09) Induction system Maximum air Intake restriction -clean filter dirty filter aIr filter type 5 kPa 8 kPa 2 stage cyclomcfpaper element Lubrication system LubrIcating 011 capacity Total system MInimum Maximum engme operatmg angles ~front up, front down nght Side or left SIde Lubricating 011 pressure at rated speed mInimum 250 kpa (36 pSt) Normal 011 temperature 110 C (230 "F) Max continUOUS 011 temperature 125 .C (257 0 F) 011 consumption at full load as a % of fuel consumption 0 15% Recommended SAE Viscosity A smgle or multIgrade 011 must be used whIch conforms 10 APt-CG4/CH4 or ACEA-E3fE4 see IllustratIon below 701 (123 pi) 551 (97 pi) 30' 30 " " . " 0 1.4 32 50 66 Ambient temperarture W"S5 Mountmgs Maximum static bending moment at rBar face of block. 791Nm (5831b ft) Date Received. MAR 2 0 2008 Original SubmittaL Package Data DIsplay Page 1 of5 Feature Code Engme Sales Model EKW W/F NACOt4 C44 500 Ratmg Type Engme Arrangement Number NOIse ReductIOn JUNE 27, 2006 Can't find what you're loolang for? Cllck here STANDBY Sales model Package D50-4 266454\ HertZ' 60 o dBA Back Pressure 0 0 mH20 PACKAGE DA TA Engine Package Information Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Package Cooling InformatIOn % Load AIrflow Rate scfm onganal SubmIttal Open CoolIng Data AmbIent CapabIlity Ambient Capablbty Ambient Capablbty Ambient Capablbt' Sea Level (Deg F) 300 m (Deg F) 600 m (Deg F) 900 m (Deg F) o 1/2 3/4 0 1/2 3/4 0 1/2 3/4 0 1/2 3/4 0 1/2 3/4 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH20 mH 1000 5050 4732 4520 \45 143 141 t41 140 138 138 136 134 t34 \32 1 750 5050 4732 4520 154 154 152 150 150 149 147 147 t45 143 143 ) 500 5050 4732 4520 163 163 163 t59 159 159 156 156 156 152 152 J ~ SA Canopy CoolIng Data % AIrflow Ambient Capablbty Ambient AmbICnt AmbIent Capability 300 m Capability 600 m Capability 900 m Load Rate scfm Sea Level (Deg F) (Deg F) (Deg F) (Deg F) 1000 3955 134 13t t27 123 750 3955 149 145 141 138 500 3955 159 156 152 149 XQ Canopy CoolIng Data % AIrflow Ambient Capability Ambient Ambient AmbICnt Capablbty 300 m Capability 600 m Capablbty 900 m Load Rate sefm Sea Level (Deg F) (Deg F) (Deg F) (Deg F) 1000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SSA Canopy Coolmg Data % AIrflow Ambient Capability AmbICnt AmbICnt AmbIent Capability 300 m Capability 600 m Capability 900 m Load Rate sefm Sea Level (Deg F) (DegF) (DegF) (DegF) 1000 3213 134 131 127 123 750 32t3 t49 145 141 138 500 3213 161 158 154 150 WP Canopy Cooling Data % Airflow AmblCnt Capability AmbICnt AmbIent Ambient Load Rate sefm Sea Levet (Deg F) CapabIlity 300 m CapabIlity 600 m CapabIlity 900 m (DegF) (DegF) (Deg F) httn Iltmlweb cat com/tlm/servlet/cat ed,s tlTIlweb gUl TMIDlrector? ActlOn~bU11dtab&ref 06127/2006 Page 1. or J l:'ackage Data DIsplay 1000 3955 75 0 3955 500 3955 136 147 158 132 143 154 129 140 t50 125 136 147 ,___---~- __ __------- __----- ____ ....~+'" Oocelved;- ---~ -~------- - -~ ----- ~ -- ~~ . Package Sound Information MAR 2 0 2008 Open Sound Data DIStance. 3 3 Feet Ongmal submittal EKW ~ OVERALL OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF o SOUND 63HZ 125HZ 250HZ 500HZ 1000HZ 2000HZ 4000HZ 8000HZ WIF LOAD DB(A) DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB 500 1000 908 942 899 91 6 858 870 819 77 9 800 37 5 750 91 6 930 886 906 86 1 873 844 800 76 8 25 0 500 91 9 92 0 87 5 89 6 86 1 87 5 85 5 809 747 12 5 250 9t 7 91 2 867 88 6 85 7 87 6 853 80 5 73 6 DIstance' 23 0 Feet o OVERALL OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF ~: [OAD SOUND 63HZ 125HZ 250HZ 500HZ 1000HZ 2000HZ 4000HZ 8000HZ DB(A) DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB 500 1000 808 842 799 81 6 758 77 0 719 679 700 37 5 75 0 81 6 83 0 786 806 76 1 773 744 700 66 8 250 500 81 9 829 775 796 761 77 5 755 709 647 125 250 81 7 812 767 786 757 77 6 753 705 636 DIstance. 49 2 Feet OVERALL OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF EKW % SOUND 63HZ 125HZ 250HZ 500HZ 1000HZ 2000HZ 4000HZ 8000HZ WIF LOAD DB(A) DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB 500 1000 748 782 739 756 698 71 0 659 619 640 375 750 756 770 726 746 701 713 684 640 608 250 500 759 760 715 736 701 715 695 649 587 125 250 757 752 707 726 697 716 693 645 576 ~SA Canopy Sound Data Distance 3 3 Feet OVERALL OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF EKW % SOUND 63HZ 125HZ 250HZ 500HZ 1000HZ 2000HZ 4000HZ 8000HZ WIF LOAD DB(A) DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB 500 1000 794 920 859 796 741 743 714 672 624 375 750 790 903 854 789 735 741 71 3 668 6t 9 250 500 789 893 853 786 730 742 7t 4 667 61 5 125 250 790 890 853 786 726 746 71 7 668 612 httn IItm1weh cat com/tlm/servlet/cat edls tm1\",eb gU1 TMIDlrector?AcllOn=bulldtab&ref 06/27/2006 Package Datu DIsplay Page 3 of 5 , DIstance 23 0 Feet ~ EKW % OVERALL OBCF W/F LOAD SOUND 63HZ DB(A) DB 100 0 70 0 82 5 250 125 750 500 250 696 694 694 806 795 792 OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF 125HZ 250HZ 500HZ 1000HZ 2000HZ 4000HZ 8000HZ DB DB DB DB DB DB DB 77 7 687 65 5 65 2 61 2 56 8 522 77 4 68 5 65 3 64 4 61 5 57 0 52 I 770 685 650 640 61 8 57 0 51 8 76 4 68 7 64 6 64 I 62 2 57 0 51 4 ~500 375 DIstance 49 2 Feet OVERALL OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF EKW % SOUND 63HZ 125HZ 250HZ 500HZ 1000HZ 2000HZ 4000HZ 8000HZ WIF LOAD DB(A) DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB 500 1000 640 765 71 7 627 595 592 552 508 462 375 750 636 746 714 625 593 584 555 510 461 250 500 634 735 710 625 590 580 558 510 458 125 250 634 732 704 627 586 58 I 562 510 454 XQ Canopy Sound Data E OVERALL OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF o. W % SOUND 63HZ 125HZ 250HZ 500HZ 1000HZ 2000HZ 4000HZ 8000HZ "0 WF LOAD DB(A) (J) 00 DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB > <=> .~ <=> 00 1000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A '" <=> iii (J) :::: 0::: '" E (J) c:: .a <( :::I - ::E (/) SSA Canopy Sound Data ca 0 D!!tance' 3 3 Feet Ol OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF ~W % OVERALL OBCF OBCF . SOUND 63HZ 125HZ 250HZ 500HZ 1000HZ 2000HZ 4000HZ 8000HZ WIF LOAD DB(A) DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB 500 tOOO 747 918 853 769 688 655 633 599 584 375 750 740 904 845 763 684 649 628 595 563 250 500 734 894 837 757 677 646 627 59 I 549 125 250 729 888 829 750 667 648 629 587 544 DIS ance 3 3 Feet DIStance 23 0 Feet EKW % OVERALL OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF OBCF W/F LOAD SOUND 63HZ 125HZ 250HZ 500HZ 1000HZ 2000HZ 4000HZ 8000HZ DB(A) DB DB DB DB DB DB DB DB 500 1000 668 838 79 t 662 625 566 533 496 476 375 750 663 826 784 664 620 560 53 1 496 463 250 500 656 8t 6 774 662 612 55 8 53 I 494 452 hft~ Iltrmwph C"t com/tml/serv let/car edls tmlweb gm TMIDlrector0 Actlon~bUlldtab&1 ef 06/27/200f, CONTROLS C.i.TERPILLARO GOVE5/GOVE6 Fu..l.....,.,.. '- M g....t.ePldMJp GOVE5/GOVE6 - ISOCHRONOUS ELECTRONIC GOVERNOR WhIle the standard mechanical governor regulates the steady state generator set speed WIthin '" 0 8% WIth a speed droop from no load to full load of 4%, fItting an electronically governed actuator Improves the steady state speed to Within '" 0 25% ThiS provIdes Isochronous frequency regulatIon typIcally requI red when supplYing electrOniC or other non-hnear loads The GOVE5/6 are combmed actuators and control modules The GOVE5 optIon IS avaIlable on models D25-4 to D60-4, D25-4S to D50-4S, and XQ30-4 to XQ60-4 GOVE5 IS standard on D80-4 to D10Q-4, D60-4S to D100-4S and XQ80-2 to XQ100-4 The GOVE6 optIOn IS available on models D13-2 to D20-4, D13-2S to D20-4S and XQ20-2 KEY FEATURES' . Compact deSIgn . Raise/lower speed capablhty . External bIas (synchronizing) "" ..." Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal SubmIttal Information contained 10 thIS publlc<1tlOn may be considered confidential wwwcat EleclncPower com Market N Amenca Discretion IS recommended when dlstnbutmg Materials and specificatIOns are subject to change Without notice @2005Caterpillar LEHE400B 00 (06 05) CAT CATERPILLAR thelf respective logos and Caterpillar Yellow as well as coroorate and product All Rights Reserved IdentIty used herem are trademarks of CaterpIllar and may not be used Without permiSSion Prmted In USA CaterpIllar Generator Data Date Received. GENERA TOR DA TA MAR 2 0 2008 JUNE 27, 2006 Can't find what you're looking for? ClIck here Original Submtttal Page 1 of9 Selected Model Engme C44 Generator Frame LC2014H Genset Ratmg (kW) 500 Lme Voltage. 480 Fuel' DIesel Generator Arrangement 2652661 Genset Ratmg (kV A) 62 5 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency 60 ExcItatIOn Type Self ExcIted Pwr Factor 08 Rated Current, 75 2 Duty STANDBY ConnectIOn' SERIES STAR ApplIcatIOn EPG Status Current ----- Spec Information Generator SpeCIfication Frame LC2014H Type LC No ofBearmgs I Wmdmg Type RANDOM WOUND Flywheel: II 5 ConnectIOn. SERIES STAR Housmg 3 Phases 3 No of Leads. 12 Poles 4 Wlfes per Lead. J Sync Speed: 1800 Generator PItch. 0 6667 Vernon 38800 /38386/38762/3836 Generator EffIciency Per Unit Load kW EfficIency % 025 12 5 87 0 05 250 905 075 375 91 4 10 500 912 Reactances SUBTRANStENT - DIRECT AXtS X"d SUBTRANStENT - QUADRATURE AXIS X"q TRANSIENT. SATURATED X'd SYNCHRONOUS. DIRECT AXIS Xd SYNCHRONOUS - QUADRATURE AXIS Xq NEGA TtVE SEQUENCE X2 ZERO SEQUENCE Xo Per Unit 00426 o 0524 00850 22995 t 3796 00479 00039 Time Constants OPEN CIRCUIT TRANSIENT - DIRECT AXIS 1" aD SHORT CIRCUIT TRANSIENT - DIRECT AXIS 1" a OPEN CIRCUIT SUBSTRANSIENT - DIRECT AXIS T"dO SHORT CIRCUIT SUBSTRANSIENT - DIRECT AXIS T"d OPEN CIRCUIT SUBSTRANSIENT - QUADRATURE AXIS T"qO SHORT CIRCUIT SUBSTRANSIENT - QUADRATURE AXIS T"q EXCITER TIMECONSTANTT, ARMATURE SHORT CIRCUIT T a I Short Crrcmt RatIO 0 5 II Stator ReSIstance = 0 167 Oluns Voltage Regulation Ohms 01572 01932 03132 8 4768 5 0856 01764 o Ot43 Seconds t 3540 o 0500 00100 o 0050 01316 o 0050 o 0420 o 0080 F,eld ReSIStance = I 76 Oluns Voltage level adustment +/- 50% Voltage regulatIon, steady state +/- 05% Voltage regulatIOn WIth 3% speed change +/- 05% EXCItatIOn voltage Waveform deViation hne - hne, no load less than 2 0% EXCItatIOn current Telephone mfluence factor less than 50 No Load Generator Exclta tlon 773 Volts 042 Amps Full Load, (rated) pf Senes Parallel 23 42 Volts Volts I 27 Amps Amps hllp //tJmweb cat cqm/tllil/servlet/cat edlS tml\veb {(Ul TMlDlrector? AclJOn=bUlldtab&ref Ofl/77 000(, Page '2. ot y Larerp1l1ar venerator uata -- ~---~~-------- Selected Model Engme C44 Generator Frame LC2014H Genset Ratmg (kW) 500 Lme Voltage 480 Fuel' DIesel Generator Arrangement 2652661 Genset Ratmg (kV A) 625 Phase Voltage 277 Frequency 60 ExcItatIOn Type Self Excited Pwr Factor 08 Rated Current 752 Duty STANDBY ConnectIOn SERIES STAR ApplIcatIOn' EPG Status Current ! \ "'---........-~---.- __- VenlOn 38800/38386/38762/3836 Generator Mechamcallnformatlon Center of Gravity IDunenslOn xll-315 0101011-12 4 IN I IDunenslOn yIIO 0 mm 110 0 IN I IDunenslOn Z 110 0 mm 1100 IN I . "X" IS measured from dnven end of generator and parallel to rotor Towards engme fan lS pos!l1ve See General Infonnauon for details . llyn IS measured vertIcally from rotor center hne Up 15 pOSltlve . "Z" IS measured to left and nght of rotor center Ime To the nght IS poslllve Generator WT = 280 kg · Rotor WT = 101 kg · Stator WT = 179 kg 617 LB 223 LB 395 LB Rotor Balance = 0 0508 mm detleclion PTP Overspeed Capacity = 125% of synchronous speed Generator TorSional Data Jl = CouplIng J2 = Rotor J3 = EXCiter and Fan TOTAL J =Jl +J2 +J3 End Kl = Shaft Suffness between K2 = Shaft Sl1ffness between Jl + J2 (D.ameter 1) J2 + J3 (DIameter 2) JI KI Mm Shaft D.. I J2 K2 Mm Shaft Dla 2 J3 03LB1N s246MLBIN/rad 28IN 35LBIN s2 62MLBINlrad 28IN 04LBIN s2 0034 N m ,2 0523 MN mlrad 700 rom 0393 N m s2 0704 MN mlr.d 700 rom 005 N m ,2 TotalJ 4 2 LB IN s2 0477Nm,2 I Date Received , MAR 2 0 2008 Ongmal SubmIttal httD Illmlweb cat comltml/servlet/cat ed!s tmlweb gUl TMJDlfector?ActlOn=bUlldtab&ref 06/27 /2006 CaterpIllar Generator Data ------------ Page 3 of9 Selected Model Engme C44 Generator Frame LC2014H Genset Ratmg (kW) 500 Lme Voltage 480 Fuet'Dlesel Generator Arrangement 2652661 Genset Raling (kV A) 625 Phase Voltage' 277 Frequency 60 Excltalion Type Self ExcIted Pwr Factor 08 Rated Current 15 2 Duty' STANDBY Connectlon SERIES STAR ApplicatIOn EPG Status Current ---~......--.-... _-.-M_ ___.__ VersIon 38800/38386/38762/3836 Generator Cooling Requirements. Temperature - Insulation Data Coolmg ReqUIrements Temperature Data. (Ambient 40 DC) Heat DIssipated 48 kW Stator RIse 1050 DC AIr Flow 192 m3/mm Rotor RIse 1050 DC InsulatIOn Class. H InsulatIOn Reg. as sblpped. 100 0 MO rmmmum at 40 DC Thermal Limits of Generator Frequency. Lme to Lme Voltage B BR 80140 F DR -105/40 H DR . 125/40 F PR - 130/40 H PR - 150/40 H PR27 -163/27 l r c 60Hz 480 Volts 664kVA 755 kVA 83 0 kV A 830kVA 88 0 kV A 91 0 kV A Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submittal httn //Imlweb cat com/tml/servlet/cat edls tmlweb gUl TMID'rector?ActlOn=bluJdtab&ref , 06/27/2006 \....dLt:i11-l1Uc11 \Jt:illC;ldlUl Udtd Page 4 or 'J Selected Model Engme C44 Generator Frame LC2014H Genset Ratmg (kW) 500 Lme Voltage. 480 Fuel DIese] Generator Arrangement 2652661 Genset Ratmg (kV A) 625 Phase Voltage. 277 Frequency 60 ExcItatIOn Ty~e' SetfExclted Pwr Factor 08 Rated Current. 75 2 Duty STANDBY ConnectIOn SERIES STAR Apphcahon EPG Status Current _-...--..................---..~ -- VersIon 38800/38386138762/3836 Startmg CapabIlity & Current Decrement Motor Startmg Capability (0 6 pf) I SKVA II Percent Volt Dip I 10 II 25 I 20 II 50 31 II 7S 42 II 100 54 II 125 67 II IS 0 I 80 II 175 I I 9S II 200 I I 110 II 22S I I 126 II 250 I I 144 II 275 I 163 II 300 I 183 II 325 I 204 II 350 I 228 II 375 I 253 II 400 I ETlmelG Cycle 00 II 1731 I 10 II 670 I 20 II 456 II 30 II 320 I 40 II 222 I so II 152 I 75 II 58 I 100 II 29 I 125 II 19 I I 150 II 15 I I 200 lJ I I 250 lJ I 300 lJ I 350 lJ I 400 I lJ I 450 II 13 Pl!xo,l'll \bit Thp Motor StartJng :D 'lO ___ -L- --- I I I I I --- ---1 i , ~ :JJ ro 10. a 0.0. 1000. 200.0. mo. 4000. =0 SKVA Current Decrement Data J>MP Current Decre:rrent = ------:\ II lBXl I I I I I 1m -~+ B:D I , I 400 -J---! ~ I I I , , a 0.0 100 ;no :no <lIlo. :no. EThna eye.. Instantaneous 3 Phase Fault Curren 1731 Amps Instantaneous Lme - Lme Fault Current 1413 Amps Instantaneous Lme - Neutral Farlt C'Ul!ffe2~e~ed l ,- ;. MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal http //tmlweb cat com/tml/servlet/cat edls tmtweb gut TMIDII ector? Actlon=bUlldtab&ref 06/27/2006 CaterpIllar Generator Data Page 5 of9 Selected Model Engme C44 Generator Frame LC2014H Genset Ratmg (kW) 500 Lme Voltage 480 Fuel Diesel Generator Arrangement 2652661 Genset Ratmg (kV A) 625 Phase Voltage' 277 Frequency 60 EXCitatIon Type' Self Excited Pwr Factor 08 Rated Current 75 2 Duty STANDBY ConnectIOn SERlES STAR ApplIcatIon EPG Status Current -,.------- - --~-~-~--~- ..--.---------- ___ Vemon 38800138386/38762/3836 Generator Output Charactenstlc Curves Open Circuit Curve LuE -1ID> \bit Open Cncuit ICXXl _ _____,--- I I Field . III L1ne- Current Line Volt I 00 II 0 I 37 \I 288 I 44 \I 336 I 51 \I 384 I 60 \I 432 I 71 \I 480 I 90 II 528 I 127 II 576 I 202 II 624 I 371 II 672 I II Field I\Armature Current Current I 00 \I 0 I 85 II 45 I 100 \I 53 I 114 \I 60 I 128 II 68 I 142 II 75 I I 157 \I 83 I I 171 II 90 I I 185 II 98 I I 199 II 105 I 1m ----l . (00 I I I 400 I \ 2CO I - I- I I I 0 I ao Ian mo ;no 'lll0 :nO Ileld Gurn!'" Short Circuit Curve AnD&'UN Gurn!'" ShOTt Cncmt l:ll 120 ro ____I_ I 'I I Lt'? I~ I --/-- - \-: I I I II I I , I , ' m 3:l laO 2110 ;no Field CUrrent 'lll0 o :nO 00 Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal httn Iltm,wph cat comitml/servlet/cat ed,s tmlweb gUl TI\11Dtl ector? ActlOn=buIldtab&ref 06/27/2006 \..-a.lel pl11a.l \JCllCldLUl LJdld Page 0 01 ') --~-~------~~~-~--------~-~ Selected Model Engme C44 Generator Frame LC2014H Genset Ratmg (kW) 500 Lme Voltage 480 Fuel DIesel Generator Arrangement 2652661 Genset Ratmg (kV A) 625 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency 60 EXCItatIOn Type Self EXCIted Pwr. Factor 08 Rated Current 752 Duty STANDBY Connecbon SERIES STAR Apphcabon EPG Status Current -----..........................---....-- VenlOn 38800/38386/38762/3836 Generator Output Characteristic Curves Zero Power Factor Curve Field " LIne- Current Line Volt I 142 II 0 I I 178 II 240 I I 185 II 288 I I 192 II 336 I I 200 II 384 I I 211 II 432 I I 228 II 480 I I 259 II 528 I I 324 II 576 I I 466 II 624 I Field II, Line- Current Line Volt I 00 II 0 I I 37 II 288 I 43 II 336 49 II 384 " II 432 62 II 480 68 II 528 74 II 576 80 II 624 I 86 II 672 I.1n! - I.1n:! \blt lOCO Zero power ---T--------r ! I ---1 ! 1m ClXl 400 -1 -+--1 , I a mo. :no. 10.0 alO :no <ID.O l10Jd CUrre'" Air Gap Curve l.m! - l.m! '>bit lOCO ArrGap I I 1m flXl 400 ;00 o lOa 0.0 20. 40. co. sO Held CUrrerll f L Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submltt".! http //tmlweb cat com/trrn/servlet/cat edls tmlweb gUl TMJDllector7 ActlOn=bUlldtab&lef 06/27/2006 Caterp1l1ar Generator Data Page 7 of9 ____.___ __~___ ______.... N______ ~---------------..-...-- --------- ( Selected Model Engme C44 Generator Frame LC2014H Genset Ratmg (kW) 500 Lme Voltage 480 Fuel DIesel Generator Arrangement 2652661 Genset Ratmg (kV A) 625 Phase Voltage: 277 Frequency 60 ExcItatIOn Type SelfExclted Pwr. Factor 08 Rated Current 752 Duty STANDBY ConnectIOn SERlES STAR ApplIcatIOn EPG Status Current ...........--.---- ...--....................-- Version 38800/38386/38762/3836 Reactive Capability Curve I " Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submlltal____ 1..,,_ 1I'~,,,,ph ro! r"m/tml/,ervlet/cat edlS tmlweb gUl TMIDlrect01?Acl1on=bUJldtat>&ref OIl!?7!?Onll CaterpIllar Generator Data Page 8 of9 ----------~.,.-- - -- ~---------..---~-------------------- Selected Model Engine C44 Generator Frame LC2014H Genset Rating (kW) 500 Line Voltage 480 Fuel DIesel Generator Arrangement 2652661 Gensel Rating (kV A) 625 Phase Voltage. 277 Frequency 60 Excltallon Type Self ExcIted Pwr Factor 08 Ratcd Current 75 2 Duly STANDBY Connecllon SERIES STAR Appileahon EPG Slalus Current ---_..-..--------------- VersIOn 38800/38386 f38762 13836 General Information GENERATOR INFORMATION (DM7900) ------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Motor Start~ng Motor start~ng curves are obtalned ~n accordance wIth IEC60034, and are dIsplayed at 0 6 power factor 2 Voltage D,p PredIctIon of the generator synchronous voltage dIp can be made by consultIng the plot for the voltage dIp value that corresponds to the desIred motor startIng kVA value 3 DefInItIons AlGenerator Keys Frame abbrevIat10n of generator frame SIze Freq frequency 1n hertz PP/SB prlme/standby duty respectlvely Volts l~ne - 110e termloal voltage kW rat1ng 1n electrlcal kl10 watts Model eng1ne sales model Date Received f MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submlttsl B) Generator Temperature R1se The ~nd~cated temperature rlses are the IEC/NEMA Ilmlts for standby or prlme power appl1catlon8 The quoted rlse flgures are maXlffium llmlts only and are not necessar11y 1ndlcatlve of the actual temperature r1se of a glven machlne wlndlng C)Centre of Gravlty The spec1fled centre of gravlty 18 for the generator only For slngle bear1ng, and two bearlng close coupled generators, the center of gra vlty 1S measured from the generator/englne flywheel-houslng lnterface and from the centrellne of the rotor Shaft For two bear~ng, standalone generators, the center of gravlty ~s measured from the end of the rotor shaft and from the centerllne of t he rotor shaft D) Generator Current Decrement Curves The generator current decrement curve lndlcates the generator armature current arls~ng from a symmetrlcal three-phase fault at the generator termlnals Generators equlpped wlth AREP or PMG excltatlon systems wlll sustaln 300% of rated armature current for 10 seconds E)Generator Efflc1ency Curves The efflclency curve lS d1splayed for the generator only under the 91ven condltlons of rat lng, voltage, frequency and power factor Th1S lS not the overall generatlDg set efflclency curve hltn //tmlweb cat com/tmIlservletlcat edlS tml'veb gUI TMIDlrectol ~ Actlon=blllldtab&ref 06/27 /2006 GENERAT~RS C~TERPILLAR. . Voltage sensing ~.@) ~-.~ I PI:-I"! I . ,. ~c.. H I . ;' , ':R 230 . @fOITI@ :.. 5+ r (plll I v.. . r-:-t I ~P2) Lga~~ (-;;-l : (p3) LJill~~d 6. Exciter field ~\ r-ST4 ~ ~f5T3 r,,,,,",",,,1 p(llontlO'llelor fQt mmol$ , ' ! l~~~.JU'In1~,,-._J 19 [] ~ I 50~~ 60~J AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR - R230 The R230A AutomatIc Voltage Regulator (AVR) IS an advanced electronfc component that provIdes closed loop control of the generator output voltage Used when the generator IS configured In the standard "Shunt" excItatIon, the R230A AVR IS fitted on the following generators - 1000 Senes Generators _ 2000 Series Generators _ 3000 Senes Generators SPECIFICATION . Voltage regulatIon", 0 5% . Voltage supply and sensing 85 to 139 volts (50/60 Hz) . Rapid response tIme <500 ms for a transient voltage variatIOn ampiftude of '" 20% . Capable of remote voltage adjustment '" 5% ADJUSTMENT CAPABIUTY . Potentiometer P1 - Voltage Adjustment . Potentiometer P2 - StabIlity Adjustment . PotentIOmeter P3 - Underspeed Threshold (Sealed - factory set at 48 Hz for 50 Hz and 575Hz for 60 Hz . Strap ST3 - Strap IN for 50 Hz or OUT for 60 Hz . Strap ST4 - Strap IN for no remote voltage adjustment or OUT and potentiometer (1000n, o 5W mln , adjustment range ,,5%) connected to the terminals for remote voltage adjustment ~ !Date Received MAR 2 Q 2:~3 Onginal Suomi,,::':... _ wwwcat ElectncPower com lEHE5044 101 05) Information contaIned In thIs publicatIOn may be conSIdered confIdential Discretion IS recommended when dlstnbutlng Materials <lnd speCIfications are subject to change without notIce (02005 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved Printed In USA Market N AmerIca Jl 1.11 ,.,.... Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 OnglOal submittal IS o MAX MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS Introduction . . AnE I~omax l..ln...U1t breaker.. offer hIgh pClformanc.e, wmpac.t SiZe, versatlhry, ease of use, n.mcttonal mo 'iJmpk. dL.<;lgn .loci to xcdkm reh.ublht)' Ths ne"..... hne of molded case ClfCUlt breakerc:; are fined wIth an mnOV'clUve [d-ult breJkmg system desu~ned and patented by ABB ~peclal attenoon was gIven to the tomplete1y reqdable maten.lls u<;cd to con..,truL[ the ABB Ic;onlvc UKUlt bleaker "'ene~ and to the senes specw.l desIgn m::,plred by modem ergonomlC,) and the need fOJ u::.er ::'o:lfety The out'Standmg dC'ilgn of the new Clruut breaker :,enes W1.S rcc..ognt7cd when It receIved the highly pre<;t!gLOU'i pnze fOl Bec;t IF Industrw.1 De:'lgn~ b} the mternatIonal JlllV of Fomm DCblgn Inctusme::. Jt [he 1994 Hanover Fair -- ---- , , ~ Ordenng Informatron .. Ordering information S1 1 DOA Circuit breakers ~~ __ _ __ ____ _ _ _, Standard S1 package Includes \ complete Circuit breaker and mounting hardware Cable lugs are rncluded with the 51 breaker HxWxD 475" x 3 07 x 2 75 CSAlUL Interruptrng Ratings (kA RMS) UL4B9 I CSA C22 2 Voltage N .... 240VAC 50 7"" 4BOVAC 20 250VDC OJ 25 ( General The 51 breaker family ranges from 15 through 100A amperes The 81 tnp mechanIsm IS non-Interchangeable and use sensitIve electromag- netIc relays for overcurrent trip protection Heat sensitIve bImetal are used for thermal overcurrent protectIon Short CircuIt current protection begins at 10 times the thermal rating of the breaker and uses a magnetic cOli pnnclple Version The 81 IS avaIlable In thermal-magnetic version only Performance level 51 IS available with a N fault Interrupty level Number of poles In CSNUL form, the 51 IS aVail- able In three pole version A four pole versIon IS also avaIlable In lEG form For pnce estImate, add 35% to list price of selected version three pole breaker, contact ABS Control for details Accessory mounting Internal accessones are GSAlUL approved for factory InstallatIon Shunt tripS or undervoltage releases mount In the left cav- Ity AuxIliary or bell alarm SWItches mount In the nght cavity Reverse feeding All versions of the S1 family are SUItable for reverse feed applications Terminals Cu only Wire range #14-3 AWG (j,) Contact ASS Control for DC rahng Note S1N015TlIs rated 14kA at 277/480VAC IEC-947 Interrupling Ralings (kA RMS) Voltage N 230VAC 40 380/40Q/1I15VAC- ,- ..~ -25' - - . 440VAC 16 500VAC 12 250VDC 25 , Date ReCE'I'IE'd MAR 2 r 2DG3 Original S...bfT", _ ~ ~ -~ ----- Page 22 Elecfm;(I1 SpeCifICations 11 'S Technical SpeCifications 1720 0'1:; , f II fl.- I 1Jt' < ~, Accessones 5369 ProtecJwe Releases 71.sS DimenSIOns 89 106 Prod~ct OUlck Finder 106 4813 Control , , ( i.IQI Ordering information 51 100A CIrcUIt breakers STANDARD THERMAL-MAGNETIC Rating Mag Trrp 3 pole 480VAC List Price 15A 500A 51 N015TL 20A SODA 51 N020TL 2SA 500A 51 N025TL ~ 30A SODA 51 N030TL $ 395 .~40A SODA 51 N040TL 50A SODA 51 N050TL BOA BOOA 51 N060TL 70A -----''io5i;:-- ------51N070TL 80A 80CA 51 N080TL $ 465 ~ 90A 900A 51 N090TL ~OOA ___ _---.-!.Q.OOA ____51N100"I:1,---------- Note S1N015TL IS rated 14kA at 277/480 VAC 51N 20kA 480VAC ~.t' ~I~ ' "'~.. ~J<' 1\ '\.~/lti\.. j>SJ~~; ~"'"'''~:;' ..-" Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal [E'ectrlr:a/;'p"clfICJlJOns 1115 TechnrcalSpeclflcatlQr1s 1720 (tV .uRB (\1 ,trol , v, ~l Accessories 53_ 69 Protective R!/eases 71 all O'fTlenslons 89 106 Prod"ct Ow::kFmder toll Page 23 CONTROL.., C~TERPILLAR. ( i:.',' .c .;: .;:"'.. '''':'-:~~~:'";';~'~~~~W~?1~~~~~1~t~irr~~!~t8!~:~~~ ,.,~. .CJUftPIUAft. '~-""'~~-q.~)i!-"h',: .. T~'r'~::~::;=) :i:'~S':-\":;'.::' lI;' I - ---~~._----;, f:~--;:-:te"J' · -,~--~ - I L!l. [5j> fI:;I, \! ,-"'---'-'--;:-;;,-:-;;1 I~;_~=:~:':'~I I '." ""'. ."".~;.',:., ':,.l l fT-:.';"~~ ~, 1{1~':1'1..'1 ! i - :' C:,_",-_,:_~",_"J ; I'tl1,;~ ~~ ":'1 'I' t:. . -. ..-,-. ] 1'" A~O 57. a"..). _~ - .., I l%\)N - '---.--:- ..1 I. IIIl .ii:I;-:e!J I -"-=";:':'=:~1 ___. _ 'I ' !h::=:.~ ";':":-';:'7~.::' ""_ ~~ ,._ i'_'""." ~ EMCP 3 2 FEATURES . Fully featured power metenng, protectIve relaymg and expanded AC metenng . Real-tIme clock allows for tIme stampmg of diagnostics & events In the control's logs . Programmable protective relaymg, available as alarm and shutdown, protects agamst undeNoltage, overvoltage, underspeed, overspeed, underfrequency, overfrequency . Expanded remote customer commUnications are supported by MODBUS protocol usmg RS-485, whIch easily mterfaces with eXlstln9 plant systems and equIpment . DIgItal, 32-blt mIcroprocessor-based system ellmmates the need for multIple sWitches, meters, transducers, relays, and sendmg Units, which translates to less wlnng and fewer opportunIties for mechanical faIlures . Simultaneous vIewing of all AC L-L voltages, all AC L-N voltages, or all AC Ime cu rrents saves time LEHE4014 EMCP 3.2 GENSET CONTROLLER FOR DIESEL GENSETS < 200 ekW The EMCP 3 2 control panel IS a feature packed solution to control, mOnitor and communicate with your generator set It mcludes both manual and automatic start/stop and an engine cool down tImer The 32-blt microprocessor-based system ellmmates mdlvldual meters, gauges and sWitches, reduces wiring and results In a highly durable and robust system The EMCP 3 2 panel combines generator set control and mOnltonng m one module for easy access to controls, metenng, protection deVice settmgs and diagnostIc mformatlon The EMCP 3 2 panel has an accessory data Imk allowmg the connection of annunciator modules and a Modbus data hnk allowmg remote customer mOnltonng . User-fnendly, convenIent, customer programmablhty directs the customer to logIcal parameter groups (Ex AC metenng, protective relaymg, engine mOnltonng) for qUick keypad access . Set points & software are stored In nonvolatile memory, preventmg loss dunng a power outage . True RMS sensmg ensures AC metenng accuracy of 1% for AC voltage, current, and power parameters . FIve levels of secunty allow operators to have dIfferent access pnvlleges . DIsplay avaIlable m English, French or Spanish, sWItch able to Technician English for ServIce 1 I , Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submittal CONTROL. eCATERPILLAR" STANDARD FEATURES c , h C-omponepts LD.stalled In a h!!avy duty she~t ~~\ee! enclosu~e ". ,- ~ ":.- " ~ Phospnate chemIcal pre coating of;steel,prOVIlJes,,<;:orroslon r.eslstantsurface- ~ J polyester-col1)poslte powder topcoat torms hlgn gloss andexfremelydurable flnlsn Mounted to generating set baseframe on robust steel stand VIbration Isolated from generating set LCD dlspla/wll~ adJuslable coplra'l Jlnd bac~hg~1 willi aUlo po)"er off - - -, - " AC,metenng~ Volts 3~pha$_e (L~L &t~N)l Amps-Jp.E;T phase & avJtr~ge},frequencv; kWJtotal &. p~r phase),'" : _ _ L kVA Ilolal & per_ pbasel; kVlW 110\al'&'petPbasel:-po'w~r raclOr loverall & per phasel,- ~ - - _ . _ _ kW hours' kVAr-hoUfs~""- ""w ~ ~ L.r.:- 7-;~" ~:!:-: ".....~4 _ a ~ ~..."::~, l " _'" _ 1 ' ~ ~.. ':Xi" _ "-r"'",, ~.;: _w ~ _ ~ ~ '" --' "'" L~~= __ PC,meterJ!ig, BitteryVOIIS,~ngin.r~o1\rs,t~n;e:ngln&~eCkaIW~t.nemper'\luril~~'~or,OF)/ o~. ?; _ ~ '._ . p Lube 011 press_",".I," p""ke~,OI bar),.EngIM speeq (rpm), Crank al\emp\ counler; . - '" ; '_~ ~~Startcounter-:r ~~_~" -,..,~,'t\ ~:-;;,.""'_ ~ ,r ~ :",~ -~=-""'- ~ ,"'..- Fail to start shutdown Low 011 pressure shutdown HIgh engme temperature Approaching hIgh coolant temperature alarm Approaching low 011 pressure alarm Not In auto mode alarm Underspeed/Overspeed loss of engme speed detection Low/High battery voltage Battery charger failure (If fitted) Under volts, over volts Under frequency, over frequency Overcurrent 4 spare fault channels 20 event fault log (name of event. engme hours at first occurrence of event, time stamp at fIrst occurrence, engme hours at latest occurrence of event, tIme stamp at latest occurrence, number of occurrences of event) 2 U;Dslatus iOdlcelors {1 red shuldown,J amber warning) C - flun kay .nel LED indicator - , AulO key and LED IndICator - - - SlOp key and LEO Indicator lamp lesl key Alarniackn.owJedge key Menu navigatIon keys "EngJn!t ~and AC metermg shortcut keys An control module keys have tactile feedback Lock down emergency stop push button English, French or Spanish Real time -clock Service mterval counter CAN 2 accessory data link _ fOT addltlo!,!al modul~s, remote annunciator, dIscrete Input/Output module ModbCls commUOlcatlons on 2 wife half duplex RS485 connection for remote customer monitoring ~ EMCP32 STANDARD F~ATUR~S Panel Construction and FlIlish '- ~ Mounting tnstru~m~ntatl()n , <. '-- ''- Protection Cbntrols ~ , " . ~ ' - , , - . - . - - - - - - - " - - - - Languages Other Fe8ture~ ,< - - c Date ReceIVed MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal ______ 2 LEHE4014 CONTROLS CJ.TERPILLAR. OPTIONAL FEATURES EMCP 3 2 OPTIONAL FEATURES MCM5 Remote annuncIator MCM2 Close remote mOnitoring and control MCM3 Distance remote momtorlng and control vIa telephone hne ~tter{chargers 'PBC3UL UL 3A 120V AC, PBC10UL UL lOA 120V AC, PBCS, PSB3 Boost, PMBCl)LS Ul'SA l20V AC WHL Engme coolant heater controls PAC1,Volt free contacts for common alarm PGR 1 Volt free contact for ganset running 'PM1Audlbtealarm', " ,~, PSB5 Lockdown emergency stop button wIth secunty key PSV1.Volts adJ~st potentiometer __ PSS 1 Speed adlust potentIometer Spare shutdown/alatm cha,n-nel can Include FSS2 Low fuel tevetfilarm, PFS2'panel clfl::Ult,JorJow fuel level alarm: "_ - _ _ v ~'" \" - - _ F-SSfl.ow~fuel'!eJeJ Shlrt.~owd. ~FS-1 Pa!l-el CircuItry J9rlow_fuell~vel shutd:o.Lwn.';::'_ , ' FSSS ,High f!J.iI level, PF5,S P~~et OlrCUltry for high Ivetlavel .I.rm! "~_' ,;'; ~ LGA 1lo:w gas pre.ssufe,~alarrn~ lUBS1 High lube 011 tern-perature shutdown, "- ~. ~WCAHow coolant te",par.lure al.rm, WSSl Low o,iolant level shutdown'" ~ ~c, ~ " ~" Note All options are not avaIlable on all genset models \i NFPA '10 requirements Include PFS2/FSS2 Low fu.r level alarm , > , >, , , c , , ~ , , , , WSS1low coolant level shutdown WCA 1 Cow coolant t~mpefature alarm > , , , PSV1 Volts adjust potentiometer pAAl Panel mounted avdlble alarm , , , A battery charger and battery charger ammeter, an engine heater or battery heater may be reqUIred depending on the applicatIon Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal SubmlttaL___ LEHE4014 3 CONTRO~ C.l.TERPILLAR" Annunciator The EMCP Annunciator IS a 16-channel dIsplay Unft for remotely indicating the status of a generating set fitted wIth the EMCP3 2 panel The annuncIator commUnfcates with the EMCP3 2 panel via the accessory J1939 data link and can be mounted up to 787 feet away from the generating set Each channel on the annuncIator has two LED's and can be indIvIdually configured to read status and alarm sIgnals from the EMCP3 2 panel uSing the ElectronfC ServIce Tool An addItIonal pair of LED's dIsplays status indicatIOn of the J1939 data link _A_ 0 0 0 0 c L . 0 I_a The annunciator Includes an audlbte alarm, an alarm acknowledge pushbutton and a lamp test pushbutton Conflgurable to NFPA 99/110 requrrements for local and remote annunciatIon on Emergency Standby Generator Systems ProvIdes a sImple means to change the labels for the annunciatIon LED's for sIte specifIc requIrements Annunciator Dimensions c - ~ A~ ~ . B , - , " , C , - ~ - ::mm Il~! - ,iiil'h'l!nl~ , ",,!m'jlnl_ -- - - 158 (622) 130 !5121 288 (11 341 I I , , Date Received MAR 2 0 20C8 Onglnal Submlttzl___.__ Information contained In this publicatIon may be consIdered confidential wwwcat Elect"cPower com DiscretIon IS recommended when dlstnbutlflg Matenals and specifications are SUbJBct to change without notice <<:l 2005 Caterpillar LEHE5326 00 (09 OS) CAT CATERPILLAR, thelf respective logos and HCaterplllar Yellow as well as corporate and product All Rights Reserved Identity used herem are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permissIon Printed In USA . o . . , , . , cU ~ ~ li ( I I f Date Received \I . V I MAR 2 0 2008 s s % ~ \ ~:~H: II Origmal Submittal 'i I If . , II Ii< I I I I -, I I - -I I I I I L_____L____-l q - i I I !!!III'~IL5H!~ ~ ~.......t:~"'~..IlQI!~e 1: 0000000000000000 0 0000000000000000 0 4 0 ~ ciS 0 5 0 !!!.. ::i: a (/) c ~ (\) 0- :;0 3 ..... (\) a = 0 !!!.. ~ (\) <=> < co (\) a. C NOM (/;9 B CABLE CONDUCTOR WIRE INSULATION JACKET DRAIN SHIELD MINIMUM BEND RADIUS OPERATING TEMP RANGE IMPEDANCE A 4 3 SHIELD rem MEASURE UNIT J~--------- INSULATION ONDUCTOR DRAIN BK (JACKET) 2 CONDUCTOR W/DRAIN AND SHIELD o 75-0 85mm2 (COPPER 16 OR 19 STRAND) POLYALKENE OR CELLULAR XLPE MODIFIED POLYOLEFIN OR THERMOPLASTIC RUBBER COPPER 16 OR 19 STRAND 0 75-0 85mm2 (TINNED COPPER UNDER SHIELD) ALUMINUM POLYESTER FOIL 35 -40oC TO +1250C NOTE A NORTHWIRE INC 120:1:12 OHMS @ I MHZ FJ1939182-001 RAYCHEM CORP 201900301-0 MATL REF COPPER 3 2 METRIC 153-2707 GN C o PICTORIAL VIEW YL APPD PART , A . T l "' " IE2722F IEOOl3Y ~ I EOO II 1 Cete Dr B CIlERPllUR A Tift: 'ffr_f'O. t((IltQII II ".[ nQl'tln 01 CU("'llU ,.c uOlOll IU ~vel'lPl...ru .".OUT "!Tn. 'U.'UIOOO UI CQrlllOG lU.,....HU~ TO OTHERS no..' u.tE ucVT "'AT fOIl ""e... 11 U ~outD IS '_IIITUl 2 CABLE-ELECTRICAL <BULK) 153-2707 - \ . . ATTACHrltENTS C~TERPILLAR. /CONTROl.PAHEL. - """" COIfTA(:TOR '" I I I I L AC AUXIUMY SUP~Y POWER RElAY . TO COOLANT HEA.n:R CONTROL SY5TEIl SHl1T8 DOWNCOOl.>>lTH~TER WHEN GENEAATOR SE'T &TARTS FEATURES . Molded from polyphenylene SulfIde . Rust free, corrosion resIstant with exceptional tensile strength . VIbratIon and shock tested to extreme limits to ensure durability . Compatible with all coolant additives . Incoloy element for longer service life lEHE403501 COOLANT HEATER WHH Appropriate when the generator set IS to be Sited m a low ambIent envIronment, the heater mamtams the engme coolant at a temperature [typIcally 380 C (1000 F)] which facilItates rapId startmg and load acceptance The heater assembly uses UL compliant components (to UL 1030) and has CSA certIfication which IS to both CSA & UL standards The heater Itself IS powered by a 110/120 volt (VAC 120) or 208/240 volt (VAC 240) AC aUXIliary supply protected by a safeguard breaker mSlde the mam control panel A thermostatic controller IS Included to regulate the output temperature to Within safe limIts When the generator set IS not running, the heater IS automatIcally connected to the AC supply through a power relay mounted m the control panel Upon recelvmg a start SIgnal, the AC supply IS automatIcally dIsconnected by the power relay and automatIcally reconnected when the start sIgnal IS removed and the engme has stopped Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal ATTACH I\f. - NTS C..lTERPI LLARo ( VAC120 Nominal Coolant Heater Power Consumption {Watts} ",,"'i~r\!10 ~~;;;'t-~' 1000 VAC 240 3 Phase Generator Set Models Diesel '->p""j~ ~~p~ Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Original SubmIttal Information contained rn this publication may be considered confidential wwwrat FlflctrlcPower com Market N America Discretion IS recommended when dlstnbutmg Materials and specificatIOns are subject to change without notice @ 2006 Caterpillar LEHE4035 01 (01 06) CAr CATERPILLAR their respective logos and nCaterpdlar Yellow ~ as well as corporale and product All Rights Reserved Identity lIsed heff-In are II ademarks of Catel pillar and may not be used without permls<;lon Pnnted 111 USA . . COOLING Features . Designed for operatIOn up to 500 C (1220 F) for open umts and up to 430 C (1100 F) for enclosed umts . Engme mounted . Coolant loss sensor . Outlet, fan and belt guards . Coolant dram Ime wIth valve - piped to edge of base frame Date ReceIved MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submlttal____ ( STARTING AND CHARGING SYSTEM Features . EnergIze to run fuel shutoff solenOId . 12 or 24 volt heavy-duty starting motor . Battery/rack/cables for starting down to 200 C ambIent - rack deSIgned to hold oversIze batterIes . 55 Amp chargmg alternator OptIOns . Remove standard battery - rack and cables provIded . OversIze battery - uses same rack and cables . Battery charger (3 amp and 10 amp) Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submittal Electric Power DIvISIon September ]005 Battery for New Cat@ 13 to 100 ekW Generator Set Packages ~ Electnc Power- EPNA RegIon Only StatIonary and rental dIesel generator sets 13 to 100 ekW Confirmrng prevIous communfcatlon on this subject, models 013-2 to 0100-4, 013- 2S to 0100-4S and X02()..2 to X0100-4 are desIgned with battery racks, cables and mountrng hardware to accept CaterpIllar" battenes, but they do not Include factory rnstalled battenes A dealer supplied Cat battery part number 230-6368 IS recommended for all of the above models Premium HIgh Output (PHO) marntenance free battenes are designed to meet stnngent CaterpIllar design specificatIons, delivering Industry leadrng cold cranking amp (CCA) capability and maximum resistance to VIbration Battery model 230-6368 IS available now from your parts department Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 LEXE5407-00 (09 05) Onglnal Submtltal 10f2 "-' PRODUCT NEWS Batter) .or New Cat Generator Set Packages 13-100 kW (' RECOMMENDED BATTERY DETAILS Part Number 230-6368 BCI Cold Cranking Reserve CapacIty Minutes" Volts Amp Hr CapacIty @ 20 Group AmDs' Hrs 65 880 140 12 80 . For 30 seconds at O'F (-18'C) .. MInimum of 25 amp output at 80'F (27'C) Length 11 91n (303 4mm) Width 7 5tn (190 8mm) Height 7 5tn (191 4mm) Weight 45 51b (21kg) Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submlttal__ Information contamed In tnls publlcahon may be consIdered confidentIal DiscretIOn IS recommended when dlstnbutlng Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice CAT CATERPILLAR the IT respective logos and Caterpillar Yellow" as well as corporale and product Identity used herem are trademarks of Caterpillar and may nol be used without permission www CAT ElectncPower com @2005 Caterpillar All rights reserved 2 of 2 U S sourced LEXES407 00 (09-05) ATTACHr-ENTS C~TERPILLAR. =-._- ~ -~ -- .. t,,' t{ -.~~~~ l'" '\q 5A/12V, 5A/24V, 10A/12V 10A/24V Battery Charger Battery Charger FEATURES . Automatic 2-rate float! equalize charging without manual SWitching QUickly restores charge after power failures and prevents overcharging . Temperature compensated to eliminate a major cause of premature battery failure . Current limited to protect from charger overload . Rugged stainless steel enclosure gives modern appearance and corroSion protection SPECIFICATION . 120 volt, 60 Hz Input . 12 or 24 volt DC output Float voltage adjustable from 100% to 120% Boost voltage IS fixed at approximately 5% above float voltage for 5 amp chargers and adjusts to 15% above float voltage for 10 amp chargers . Output voltage regulation", 1 % from no load to full load LEHE5275 00 (06 05) UL & CSA LISTED BATTERY CHARGERS PBC3UL (5 amps) ~ PBC10UL (10 amps) UL & CSA battery chargers (5 amp) and (10 amp) are factory mounted and offer accurate, fast automatic charging of batteries The output voltage automatically adjusts to changing Input, load and ambIent cond.tlons ThiS prevents battery over-charging and consequent loss of battery electrolyte . After battery discharge or AC failure, the charger operates In the high-rate constant current mode until the battery voltage rises to the pre-set Boost level Once th IS level.s reached, the charger operates In constant voltage boost mode until the battery's current acceptance falls to less than 80% (for 5 amp chargers) or 70% (for 10 amp chargers) of the charger's rated output At thiS pOint, the charger reverts to the lower float voltage, where It remains until another battery discharge or AC failure . Current limiting and overload protectlOn- ElectrOnically current limited at 110% of rated output AC and DC fuses . Adjustment - Internal adjustment for float voltage Internal adjustment for boost voltage on 10 amp chargers (5 amp chargers have a boost voltage fixed at 5% above float voltage) . Indicators - DC ammeter DC voltmeter (10 amp, 24V chargers only) . Amblent- Operating temperature -10' C (140 F) to 550 C (1220 F) Humidity 5% to 95% non-condenSing . Approvals - UL listed, CSA listed Date Received' MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal ATTACHM_NTS C~TERPILLAR. UL & CSA LISTED BATTERY CHARGERS 5 AMPS & 10 AMPS DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS Option Output Input DimenSions Code Amps Volts Hz Volts Weight WIdth Depth Height "- 5 6 kg -115mm 140mm 281 mm PBC3UL 5 ~ 12 60 120 , , . (119Ib) 145") - 155")- 1111") , PBC3UL 5 24 60 120 56 kg 115mm 140 mm 281 rom (119Ib) (45"1 (55") 1111"1 PBC10UL 10 12 60 - 120 95 kg 116mm 140mm 281 rnrn 120.91bJ 145") (5,5") (111") - , PBC10Ul 10 24 80 120 84 kg 280 mm 120 mm 278 mm (186Ib) (110"J 147") (109") Date Rec.e:\I<.'t] MAR 2 0 20CS Onglnal Submlth';L __ __ - Informallon contamed In this publication may be consIdered CQ"Ifldentlal wwwcat ElectrlcPower com Market N Amenca DiscretIOn 1$ recommended when distributing Materrals and speCIficatIOns are subject to change WIthout notice It) 2005 Caterpillar LEHE5275 00 106 05) CAT CATERPILLAR their respective logos and Caterpillar Yellow" as well as corporate and product All RIghts Reserved Identity used herem are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used wlthout permiSSion Printed In USA FUEL SYSTEM Features . Pnmary fuel filter I water separator . Secondary fuel filter . Fuel pnmmg pump . FlexIble fuel hnes termmated on base OptIOns . Low fuel level alannlshutdown . Fuel transfer systems o Manual pump o Manual pump plus AC transfer pump o Automatlc gravIty feed system wIth level sWItch and DC motonzed valve o AutomatIc pumped system wIth level sWItch and AC transfer pump o Automatic pumped system WIth level sWItch, AC transfer pump, and DC motonzed valve Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal LUBE SYSTEM Features . Lubncatmg 011 . 011 dram with valve (pIped to edge of base frame) . Fumes dIsposal (pIped to front of radIator) Options . Manual sump pump (base mounted) Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal AIR INLET SYSTEM Features . AIr cleaner o Smgle Element (SE) - callister type, mcludes dust evacuator and ram cap . Completely mstalled . Modular desIgn . ServIce mdlcator OptIOns . Dual Element (DE) aIr cleaner, modular attachment to SE Date ReceIved: MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal submlttal_-- A T T A C H IE N T S C~TERPILLAR. Sample Isolator VIB4 Seismic Vibration Isolators (Zone 4) For regions where seismiC tremors are expertenced, this option can be used In place of the standard anti-vibration mounting arrangement These seismic zone 4 vibratIOn Isolators are deSigned to withstand the high shear forces that can artse under such seIsmiC activity as per the 1994 Umform BUilding Code Isolators are positIOned between the engine/generator mounts and the generator set base frame The vIbratIOn Isolators are matched to ensure minimal OSCillation levels during generator set operation LEHE4004 01 SEISMIC VIBRATION MOUNTS r I Date ReceIved MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal A T T A C H IV. f N T S C~TERPILLAR. ENGINE EXHAUST SYSTEMS , Generator set products are available with either levell, 2 or 3 exhaust silencer options The stlencers are matched to engme model and rated performance of the set EXHAUST SILENCER OPTIONS El(~l Sllenc&t speclfici\),on offering a,modetate mUffhng or enam. exh'ausrnolse sUItable tot an appllcatlon'- where exhao~t ri~JlS}t'"X:O}1j'q>~Oitt~~8' rnalof,eoncerfl A typical anenuatlon level-of 10 dBA is prodlJ(fad,-~ ]11IS"OptIOtlll1cIU~deSrSlle/lceralJd~o ex~aust clamp!... -:. - '- - ~ ~ ~_~- __ __ _ -i' _ ~ ~ - -, -LEVELl >_- silENCER SYSTEM EXS2 LEVEL 2 SILENCER SYSTEM :~~3 ' '~_~ LE\le!-3 . Si~ENCER SYSifEM This option prOVIdes a higher level of engme exhaust nOise reduction A typical attenuation level of 25 dBA IS produced which IS equivalent to a dBA level of 72 at a dIstance of 23 feet In a free field environment ThiS option Includes Silencer. stamless steel bellows exhaust elbow, straight exhaust connector, mountmg brackets and reqUIred exhaust clamps This .option prOVides We fllQhedfayal' -of angllle exh~u$t nO'S6 rBauctlOn~ A tYpical an~nuatlon lev~,f of 05 dBA 1$ prod"ce~,\yijich is:~qol~.l~nt 10. d~A!ev.1 0(65 atq ~Istance of 23 feet In" tr.e'fl~T{ ~ environment ThlS optlon'lncludes. sllencersl stainless steer bellows! exhaust elbowl straight exnaust ~ cohnectorrmountlng brackets and reqlllred exffaust elamps. - "- -': ~- MOUNTING AND INSTALLATION KITS Installation kIts are also available to facIlitate the mountmg of each exhaust system In the generator plant room, as outlined below MOUNTING AND INSTALLATION KIT OPTIONS ~XMl ThiS option IS for use wltb the standard Silencer to allow mdlrett mountmg of the sUencer mea generator set plant roorn ThIS option includes' stamlesg steel bellows exhaust elbow, str'31!:;ht exhaust connector, LEVEL 1 mountlOg brackets an~ re.9~hred e~haust cJamp~ . - MOUNTING KIT - - - - - - ~ EXK1, 2 and 3 ThiS optIOn prOVides a through wall installation kIt for each exhaust option ThiS Includes the wall sJeeve kit an exhaust elbow, straight exhaust connector ram cap and reqUIred exhaust clamps THROUGH WALL INSTALLATION KITS NOTE It IS recommended that Option EXM11s chosen when Option EXSl IS ordered DatB Received: M' , . , '~1!8 "',I" \~ ?,,~J OnSlnal5uollilttal lEHE4003 00 'ENClOS~ES C~TERPILLAR. FEATURES HIGHLY CORROSION RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION . Stainless steel flush fitting latches and hinges tested and proven to wIthstand extreme conditions of corrosIOn . ZinC plated or stainless steel fasteners . Body made from steel components treated with polyester powder coating EXCELLENT ACCESS FOR MAINTENANCE . Full length extra wide doors on each Side . Doors top hung and supported by gas struts . Radiator fill access . Lube oil and cooling water drains piped to exterior of the enclosure skid base LEHE4033 02 CAE-SOUND ATTENUATED WEATHERPROOF ENCLOSURES 025-6 to 0100-6 025-65 to 0100-65 These fully weatherproof, sound attenuated, factory Installed, enclosures Incorporate Internally mounted exhaust Silencers that reduce engine nOise by -25 dBA and fabricated steel skldbase Optional UL listed tanks are available These enclosures are of extremely rugged constructron to Withstand outdoor exposure and rough handling common on many construction sites They are designed on modular prinCiples With many Interchangeable components permitting on-site repair SECURITY AND SAFETY . Lockable access doors . Stub-up cover sheets for "rOdent proofing" . Cooling fan and battery charging alternator fully guarded . Fuel fill and battery can only be reached via lockable access doors (only prOVided when optIOnal fuel tank IS ordered) . Exhaust SilenCing system totally enclosed for operator safety TRANSPORTABILITY . Lifting pOints on baseframe . Tested and certified Single pOint lifting faCility OPTIONS . Control panel viewing Window . Emergency stop push button (red) mounted flush on exterior enclosure wall Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal SubmIttal FUEL SY.;>>TEMS C.i.TERPILLAR" r D2~;: ~acelved: r..,~~ 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal FEATURES CONSTRUCTION . Manufactured entirely from 8 gauge (4 mm) steel . Continuously welded seams . Formed steel channel type sIde beams . UnitIZed load bearing structure . Integral lifting pOints . Corrosion resistant precoat . Listed to UL 142 . Closed top diked base tank AESTHETICS . ContinUOUs high gloss finish . Polyester powder composite . Extremely durable and corrosion resistant LEHE537100 FCUL 1, FCUL2 - UL LISTED FUEL TANKS CLOSED TOP DIKED SKID BASE FUEL TANK The generator set skid base contains an Integral, UL listed, double walled, steel fuel storage tank With diked rupture basin for the containment of fuel resulting from a tank leak or rupture The rupture basin IS Integrally vented and has a closed top to prevent the Ingress of precIpItation, debris or other elements The tank IS leak tested to 3 pSI and pressure tested to 15 pSI The base tank IS UL 142 listed for Steel Above Ground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible LIqUids under the "SpeCial Purpose Tanks" category They are Intended for installation In accordance With the Flammable and Combustible LIqUIds Code, NFPA 30 of the National Fire Protection Association FCUL 1 - Fuel capacity to proVide typically 12 hour standby operation See tables for actual fuel tank capacity and running hours FCUL2 - Fuel capacity to proVide tYPically 24 hour standby operation See tables for actual fuel tank capacity and running hours DESIGN FEATURES . Unique Integral base and tank design . Developed speCifically for open or enclosed generator sets . Internal baffles arranged to prevent reCirculation of heated return fuel . Brass composite 2" filler cap . Mechanical fuel gauge . Primary vent With breather . Vent located acceSSible for adapting to remote venting . Venting areas to UL 142 speCifications . Leak detection SWitch . Emergency vent for main tank . Weatherproof dIked containment basin . Removable base-end cover plate encloses stub-up area when used With enclosures 'F U E L SVS ~-EMS C~TERPILLAR. , rrr ~ 1111 I c I , , , , , ... , €I> , 0'--. FE! = w - 'A~ SOUND ATTENUATED ENCLOSED GENERATOR SETS WITH CAE ENCLOSURE DIM~N ONS AND WEIGHTS WITH....UL LISTED FUEL TANK ~ WOlklhg Tank Capacl unnlhgnmll15%load RunnlngTime 1DlI%lo~ GllnerBtorDlrnenslons mm(lnl .4'1>>- Wtlllht ~; Generator hters fUS gallons lstandbyrallng) istllndbyrBllngl~e1lg1h Wntth HllghlFCUL1 HDlghtFCUL2 kgllbl Set Model ~ FtUL2 ~ FCUL2 FCUl1 FCUll ABC C FCm1 FCUL2 ~lIi!l!~_~l)ljt~./;t11.~I:!~~~~:J!'i~ *.lI.ll~aPI~ W~Q1J[4'81' '~OOK95:Jllg.IA'I/i1l '. ~OO,WM;;' ;9!OL D13 2S N/A 1731461 N/A 493 N/A 367 1900174 81 ~I N~ 1750168 9} N/A 940120721 lr-l!lL~ ~~ :. ~;t~J~lA;tIJi.~tiillfi'f:I;iJ~OOJ(t4J!l.~),,-~_ iJl!J01l61:9t.'~/~li~;j~W('l<071 D102 N/A 1731461 N/A 367 N/A 266&90017481 9001356) N/A 17501689) N/A 1001122071 ~ ~f~lil'~'/Oi!.i\U;i!I0Jj ~:!!:51ll\,~~11.\~ lIlt~~- ~911 4, ~;!i;llWA:rjl' II o.i~11 :l\~WA'fi': ~I!Hlg~6) D2lI.. =-/A 1731461 N/A 345 NIA 247 190017481 900 (356} N/A 175016991 N/A 1014(22361 ~Dg,jl';;~r'k'l4 6:11 'il'lf: _~~J$[NLA'i&rii~~~18ftI9ll ~'~r:ait1~8'(]6J1f;;;I..~N/~;i;:1;t\?ilit~~~51 ~. ., """" ., '" '" ':t:I:!' ".,." "^ 'm",,, ., ,~".. 1JI;!,/,q.,~" ~ 1:2 . ,!LIl~ ~,i.lN/~t4il ~l~ ,!1<.5_ 8!$h ~:!!l4J1;ljlj' !!ll1ID$ 1~15;rl~7} ":'::~L~::::; 11,,%j,,~1!1J D30 4. N/A 47611261 N/A 680 N/A 541 2158 (88 91 1104 (43 51 N/A 1945 (76 71 N/A 1394 (3067} liiiil1!~!tii ~~lltW,LI16}- 21ii!_ ~"'~5J'S;,:-" ,NIA~ ~JJU"" - ' I 85'~1j ~ntiJl~J!i) m,lNtA":"1' ~~1~'175:7)' _, N!!-I." IA49,i.,1!!!1 D404S N/A 47611261 N/A 512 N/A 397 225818891110414351 N/A 1948(7671 N/A 1481(32651 0'TJl~~" ~476:(jt5rt ~If!llL'\ j1'1lQfl~ ",'~l$~ '~:2g:9d>t~Sflij88'91~ iJil,n!,I4;jJoI !!1:gNII\~ h.9~'17,~'lJI i;:B/",,;~ t454-jq2J~1 D59-4. N/A 47611261 N/A 387 N/A ~991 1104(4351 N/A 194917671 N/A 1464132111 if':iDJY,'S> oc,,/> 1A16-!~I'ji 'l'l'~IA~ ~\3~"'~ :E:~rl!,,J.i,! ~~~Jt)' &l,mll-l~])' ~NI~ D~4B,!1.21: f~lj/,,\;J'f tI,1~:I,,3BJl Dfi1I4. 2691711 855(2261 182 578 141 448 28051110411100143311732168112172(855117021375111603157391 'i112~ ~(i1;t\lf g85,Qigslil.SIjjt ~ ~iB@:o!':; , -71l17Aj', :~'-"'~:\ ~i1ji\ll,lt) d'10Plml!1:m:t81ll~ i'$;:1~J85,Jil, '1~1~)13840) "~m!!m 0'0-4 269 (711 85512261 145 462 11 3 359 2805/110 41 110014331 173216821 217219551 1772139061 1693159371 b;~~~gqi\~fJ'" ,Bl9:~" i'J',l,~~-~ :~,M',9~" ;:~~!:;", :{'~ ~USm!l~ 't" '(n32J~ ,qj7Z,I8_~'511 a.,,(3~_OID 26~Jl9 0100-4 1691711 955(2261 120 380 90 297 1805(110411100(43311173216921217218551 1771139061 169315937} ~1'll15g wj1tm _;1i~!fj~81~ !i:!:\llJ_O; ~ _ 38V';' ;' ,9J'.c<' k~28'91r", ~O~'111 0 ~ 1JVili(~_I,all'1732'(68 2) nm;f8S 6m~6&(!(1~S) ),6~ 16Qgl) Weight With lube otl and coolant Date Received' MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal LEHE537100 4 III UL CERTIFICATION I WARRANTY Date Recel':8d MAR 2 0 2~C8 Onglnal Submittal ATTACHr-ENTS C~TERPILLAR. LEHE401201 ULCERT UL2200 LISTING Includes the following ALTERNATOR An alternator with UL Recognized Insulation system (UL 1446) PMG and AREP Alternators are available The automatIc voltage regulators are UL Recognized ELECTRONICS The AC and DC wIring harnesses are made with UL listed cable The power wiring harnesses are made with UL listed cable and UL Recognized lugs, and CirCUit breakers are UL listed CONTROL PANEL The control panel wiring IS made with UL listed cable Control Panel components are UL listed and used In line with UL listed or Recognized approval (UL508A) NOTE UL listing IS applicable to the EMCP 3 1 and EMCP 3 2 control panels TESTING All UL listed sets are rigorously tested In line With UL certificatIOn reqUirements LABELING Labeling meets UL reqUirements Date Received: MAR 2 C Z:~8 Onginal Submittal 0 -. <Q ::J 0 !!!. Q) (Jj 3: Cii c >- cr :;0 ;.0 :3 "" "'- CD ~ = n ~ "" CD = <: = 00 CD a. EjJectne wlth$aJe.s to thefirsr user on or after March J 2001 CATERPILLAR LIMITED WARRANTY Caterpillar Ine or any of Its 5ubSldlanes ( Caterpillar ) warrants new and Remanufactured englOes and electric power generation products sold by It (mcludlng any products of other manufacturers packaged and sold by CaterpLilar) and operatmg outside the Commonwealth of Independent States (formerly USSR) to be free from defects In matenal and workmanship A dlfterent warranty statement apphes to product operating In the Commonwealth of Independent States Copies of thIS "'arrant}' may be obtamed by wTltmg Caterpillar Tnc. 100 N E Adams 5t Peona, IL USA 61629 ThiS warranty does not apply to eM product, engmes sold for use In on.hlghway vehicle or marine apphcatlOns engmes In machmes manufactured by or for Caterplilar, 3500 and 3600 Family engmes used In locomotive appltcatlOns 3000 Family engmes or Caterpillar brand battenes These products are covered by other Caterpillar warranties ThiS warranty IS subject to the follOWing Win anty PeTlod . For Unmtcrruptlble Power Systems (UPS) the wal ranly period IS 12 months after date of delIvery to the first usel For new mdustnal engines and electnc power generation products (excludmg UPS) the warranty period ]S 12 months (24 months for mobile agncultural and standby electriC power generatIOn applicatIOns) after date of delJvery to the first user For all Remanufactured engmes the warranty penod IS 6 months (12 months for mobile agncultural and standby electriC power generatIOn applicatIOns) aller date of delivery to the first user . . SELF5326 Industrial Engine Products and ElectriC Power Generation Products WorldWide' (.excludmg the Commonwealth of Independent States) Caterpillar Respon.nblhhes If a defect In material or workmanship IS found durmg the warranty penod Caterpillar Will, dunng normal workmg hours and through a place of business of a Caterpillar dealer or other source approved by Caterpillar . PrOVide (at Caterpillar's chOIce) new, Remanufactured or Caterplllar~approved repaIred parts or assembled components needed to correct the defect Note Items replaced under thiS warranty become the property of CaterpIllar . Replace lubncatmg 01] filters coolant and other service Items made unusable by the defect . PrOVide reasonable or customary lahor needed to corred the defect, mcludlng labor to disconnect the product from and reconnect the product to Its attached equipment mountmg and support systems If required For new 3114, 3116 and 3126 engmes and electnc power generatmn products (mcludmg any new products of the other manufacturers pad,aged and sold by Caterpillar) . PrOVide travel labor, up to four hours round trip If, 10 the opmlOn of Caterpillar the product cannot reasonably be lransported to a place of bus10ess of a Caterpillar dealer or other source approved by CaterplUar (travel labor 1fI excess of fOUI hours round trip, and any meals mileage, lodgrng etc [S the user's responslblhty) For all other products . PrOVide reasonable travel expenses for authOrized mechanICS mcludmg meals mileage, and lodgmg when Caterpillar chooses to make the repair on-site User Responslb,btu~s The user IS responSible for . PrOViding proof of the delivery date to the first user . Labor costs except as stated under Caterplllar ResponSIbilities mcludlng costs beyond those reqUIred to disconnect the product from and reconnect the product to Its attached eqUIpment, mountmg and support systems . Travel expenses not covered under Caterpillar ResponslbJlltles' . All costs associated With transporting the product to and from the place of bus mess of a Caterpillar dealer or other source approved by Caterpillar . PremIUm or overtIme labor costs . Parts shlppmg charges 10 excess of those whIch are usual and customary . Local taxes If applicable . Costs to mvestlgate complaints, unless the problem IS caused by a defect 10 Caterpillar matenal or worJ..manshlp . GIVing tImely notice of a warrantable failure and promptly makmg the product avmlable for repmr . Performance of the reqUired maintenance (including use of proper fuel, 011, lubncants and coolant) and Items replaced due to normal wear and tear . AllOWing Caterpillar access to all electrOnically storeddala. Iconlznued on reverse Side ) . Failures resulting from user s delay In making the product avaIlable after bemg notified of a potential product problem . Failures resulting from unauthonzed repair or adjustments, and unauthorized fuel setting changes . Damage to parts, tJxtures housmgs attachments and accessory Items that are not part of the engme or electnc power generatIOn product (lncludmg any products of other manufacturers packaged and sold by Caterpillar) Llnlltdhons Caterpillar IS not responsible for . Fallures resulting trom any use or lIlstaHatlOn which Caterpillar Judges Improper . Failures resulting FlOm attachments accessory Items and parts not sold or approved by Caterpillar . Failures resultmg trom abuse neglect and/or ImplOper repair Fa! plodllctS operating ou(sIde of Ausnalw FgI Nallnl New Caledoma New Zealand Papua New GUinea (he Solomon Islands and Tahiti (he following IS applicable NEITHER THE FOREGOING EXPRESS WARRANTY NOR ANY OTHER WARRANTY BY CATERPILLAR, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS APPLICABLE TO ANY ITEM CATERPILLAR SELLS WHICH IS WARRANTED DIRECTLY TO THE USER BY ITS MANUFACTURER THIS WARRANTY IS EXPRESSLY IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE, EXCEPT CATERPILLAR EMISSION-RELATED COMPONENTS W ARRANTlES FOR NEW ENGINES. WlThRE APPLICABLE REMEDIES UNDER THIS WARRANTY ARE LIMITED TO TIlE PROVISION OF MATERIAL AND SERVICES, AS SPECIFIED HEREIN CATERPILLAR IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INCIDE~TAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CA TERPlLLAR EXCLUDES ALL LIABILITY FOR OR ARISING FROM ANY NEGLIGENCE ON ITS PART OR ON THE PART OF ANY OF ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES IN RESPECT OF THE MANUFACTURE OR SUPPLY OF GOODS OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES RELATING TO THE GOODS IF OTHERWISE APPLICABLE, TIjE VIENNA CONVENTION (CONTRACTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS) [S EXCLUDED IN ITS ENTIRETY For electnc powel generation products sold for personal or famdy use, operating In the USA, liS tenttones and possessIOns Some states do not allow limitatIOns on how long an Implied warranty may last nor allow the e>..clUslOn or limitatIOn at mCldental or consequential damages Therefore the preVIOusly expressed exclUSion may not apply to you ThIS warranty gIves you specific legal rights and you may also have other ngh!s, which vary by JUTlSdlctlOn To find the locatIOn ofthe nearest Caterpillar dealer or other authoflzed repair faCility call (800) 4474986 If you have questIOns concerning thiS warranty or Its applicatIOns call orWflte . Repair of components sold by Caterpillar that IS warranted directly to the user by their respective manufacturer Dependmg on type of appltcatlOn certam exclUSIOns may apply Consult your Caterpillar dealer for more informatIOn For produC1S operating In Australta Fiji Naunt, New Caledoma New Zealand Papua New Gmnea (he Solomon Islands and Tahlfl the/allowmg lS applicable THIS WARRANTY IS IN ADDITION TO WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS IMPLIED BY STATUTE AND OTHER STATUrORY RIGlrrS AND OBLIGATIONS THAT BY ANY APPLICABLE LAW CANNOT BE EXllLUDED, RESTRICTED OR MODIFIED ("MANDATORY RIGHTS") ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (BY STATUrE OR OTHERWISE), ARE EXCLUDED NEITHER THIS WARRANTY NOR ANY OTIIER CONDITION OR WARRANTY BY CA TERPILLAR, EXPRES~ OR IMPLIED (SuBJECT ONLY TO THE MANDATORY RIGHTS), IS APPLICABLE TO ANY ITEM CATERPILLAR SELLS WHICH IS WARRANTED DIRECTLY TO THE USER BY ITS MANUFACTURER TO TIlE EXTENT PERMfITED UNDER THE MANDATORY RIGHTS. IF CATERPILLAR 1& THE SUPPLIER TO THE USER, CATERPILLAR'S LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED AT ITS OPTION TO (a) IN THE CASE OF SERVICES, THE SUPPLY OF THE SERVICES AGAIN OR THE PAY,MENT OF THE COST OF HAVING THE SERVICES SUPPLIED AGAIN, AND (b) IN THE CASE OF GOODS, THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE GOODS, THE SUPPLY OF EQUIVALENT GOODS, THE PAYMENT OF THE COST OF SUCH REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OR THE ACQUISITION OF EQUIVALENT GOODS CATERPILLAR EXCLUDES ALL LIABILITY FOR OR ARISING FROM ANY NEGLIGENCE ON ITS PART OR ONTIIE PART OF ANY OF ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES IN RESPECT OF THE MANUFACTURE OR SUPPLY OF GOODS OR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES RELATING TO THE GOODS CATERPILLAR IS NOT LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES UNLESS IMPOSED UNDER MANDATORY RIGHTS IF OTHERWISE APPLICABLE, THE VIENNA CONVENTION (CONTRACfS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS) IS EXCLUDED IN ITS ENtIRETY TIns warranty covers every major component of the products Claims under thiS warranty should be submltted to a place of bus mess ofa Caterpillar dealer or other source approved by Caterpillar For further informatIOn concerning either the locatIOn to submit clatms or CaterpIllar as the Issuer of thiS warranty write Caterpillar Ine, 100 N E Adams St, Peoria, lL USA. 61629-9260, or rts subSidiary, Caterpillar of Austraha Ltd , I Caterpillar Drive Pnvate Mal] Bag 4, TuJlamanne, Vlclona 3043, Australia Date Received: f In USA and Canada Caterpillar Ine, Engme DIVISIOn POBox 610, Mossvllle, IL61552- 0610 Attention Customer Servtce Manager Telephone (800) 447-4986 Outside the USA and Canada Contact your Caterpillar dealer SELF5326 MAR 2 0 2008 Ongmal SubmIttal IV AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCHES Date Received: MAR 2 0 2008 Origul&: 3,Ubll,lttal Company Contact Phone/Fax Halton Engine Systems Scott Posey 5032801847/5032801552 11/11/07 Sue Suel Elementary Portland Electrical Construction Date Job Contractor We are pleased to provide the following Open Transition Automatic Transfer SWitch CTG-SERIES AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH Ootlon Package to Include A3 Auxiliary contact - closed In emergency, 2-Sets, Form C A4 Auxiliary contact - closed In normal, 2-Sets, Form C C/D Plant exerciser - load / no load solid state, 7 day E Engine N 0 start contact L 1 Indicator light - emergency position L2 Indicator light - normal position L3 Indicator light - normal available L4 Indicator light - emergency available P1 Adjustable 5-10 second solid-state lime delay engine start Q2 Remote test, peak shave contact R50 In-phase monrtor T Adjustable time delay on retransfer to normal U Adjustable time delay on cooldown W Adjustable time delay on retransfer to emergency YEN Push-button to normal and emergency MEX 0-365 Day exerciser clock 6NP Test sWitch maintained/programmed T31W3 Elevator Preslgnal Contacts A 1 Auxiliary contact - closed In normal failure A 1 E Auxiliary contact - closed In emergency failure Quantity Model Encl Type Amps Poles Phase Wire Voltage Frequency 1 CTG Nema 1 100A 3 3 4 277/480v 60Hz 1 CTG Nema 1 150A 3 3 4 277/480v 60Hz Date Recelv,jd MAR 2 0 2008 Ongmal Submlttal___ REVI B I S 79 I 1 2 CTGA SERIES WITH MX 150 MICROPROCESSOR-BASED AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH (ATS) 40- 4000 A EMERGENCY OR STANDBY SYSTEMS RATED FOR TOTAL FOR USE ON A LEGfNO Reley/Tronsforrner BOl< ceE ConlrolReloy CloseSource;: ceN Control Relay Clo." Source I XEl XEZ ContrOl Tronsformer Source:< XNl XN2 Control Tronsformer Sou!ee I Power Ponel NI:< J(N) E12J(N) TI2J(N) 8R " CE Source I L,ne Source2Llnc- loodConnccl,ons Bnd".. Recti/Ie. (400 Amp) CN/CE COpocltor (200-260 Amp) Source;: T'onsler OperOlor (600-4000 Amp) Sou'ec 2 T,or>,let Oi>erolor (4000 "mp) Source I Tronsler Operotc>, (600-4000 ""p) Source 1 Tronsfer Operator (4000 Amp) M<III' Tronsfer Opl!rolor (400 Amp) Mo.n Tnmslcr Operator (40-260 ,",,1 Groll''':! Neutral 80' (of rcquorcd) and'}" Recl,f,er rE (1600-4000 ,",pi ~~r Reclfer eN {1600-4000 CNE llm.\ SWllchU (400 Amp) SOLlrc~ 2 Pos,l<o" Lom.l SWllch SOLlre~ I PoslllOI'I L'mlt Sw,leh CE2 C' C", ""' CN/CE "0 NB RE "" SCESCN SO '" Interconnecl Plugs JI J2 J4 J5 J6 Jg .md JlO J7ol'ldJ8 For Po"el LloLlnted Ophcll'lol Accessoflu A OPERATION When Source 1 hne drops below the preset dropout pornt the Source I voltage sensrng CIrCUit Inltlotes the engIne start circuit When Source 2 Ime voltage and frequency reach the preset pIckup pain I the MX control panel energizes the CCE control relay to operate the mOrn transfer operator The load IS now Iransferred to the Source 2 I.ne The transfer SWitch IS mechanIcally locked T SN J,m.t SWllch awaIts the next opera loon 10 Source 1 U When Source lime yoltage reaches the W preset pickup paint the MX conlrol panel energIzes the CCN control relay 10 operate the mOln transfer operator The load IS now re-tronsferred bock 10 the Source 1 hne The transfer swrtch IS mechanIcally locked SE limit SWitch OWOItS the next operatIOn to Source 2 Test SWIlch The Test SWItch slmulales source 1 lone failure when activated To lest actlyate the Test SWItch thus allowrng the transfer sw,tch to transfer to the Source 2 posItion Deactivate the Test SWitch The transfer SWItch will reset to the Source 1 pOSitIOn Testing at least once a month IS recommended Far hospItal emergency systems tesl once 0 week C MSTDG OPTION PACKAGE Test SWItch Momentory Aux1hary tontoct Closed when Ihe SWitch rs m Source 2 poslloon A4 Auxlllory Conloct Closed wher'l Ihe SWItch 1S 11'1 Source I pos,t'on 6 AJ CALIBRATE Source 1 & Source 2 Col.brale capoblhlies lorvolloge a frequerlCY Tl1lsaOCU"[t<TA"OTHEOETAlLSE"BOOliO n1[1>[It< CCf<SnrUTE CONnD[~n.o.l ANll PROPfll[TAAY INFORI,lATlO~ WHIQ-i IS TNt PRoPEflTYorCATERPll..l.AAINC ANDIS NOIIOBEIJS[OORflEPROOUCEOBYANY PAflrtxCEPTANllTDINEEXf'ENrIHTH( 1.lAi'INE"ALlTIiORI2EOBYCATEfll'll.lAAINC ",.,oJ)(JI"""......rall{f'[RT" -" -" -0. THIRO ....NCLE PROJECTION ll'L D(OUAlS t 020 J PI. o(Co,jAlS t 005 ANGi(St I FRACTIONS t 1/64 @Et FINISH AuloCod Generoled COT Lood One event exerCIser WIth adjustable Engme exercise tomer ExerCIse durat,on con be sel between 5 and 60 mm 6A In 1 mon Incremenls Con be confll~ured t 6AP nm every I 7 14 or 28 days Factory OefoLlllls 20 m'n When exerclser.s Impendln9 A52 (.EO) appears ''1 lhe upper right ho"d corner 01 LCD screen Conllgured VIa rFG Set vIa SET menu OS DIsconnect SWItch InhIbits transfer to e,ther dlrecloon when In Inhibit (600-4000 Amp UnIts) E Engme Start Contacts El/P Eve'll Log SequentIally Numbered Log 01 AlE 16 events Ihot track dote lome reOSO"ond ocllontoken System Dolo TotQl Life Transfers (N2P) Days Powered Up TOlolTronslers 1052 TololSl Fa,lures TotQI 51 ovollable on Hrs Total 52 ovolloble on Hrs (NIP) KP Frequency Ind,cohon 51 ole S2 l Ind.cot'''g lED h9h1s L1 IndIcates SWItch on Source 2 pOSlt,on L2 lnd,coles SWllch m Source 1 pOSlloon r L3 Indicates Sourc,", 1 ova,loble l4 Indicates Source 2 ovolloble IN center-oft pos.t,on LCO-rndlcotor MSO Olgltol Power Meter ...,th Display Amps N1 RunnIng Time md,cotor Bolts and Frequency N2 Operation Counter IndIcator 1.182 Dlgltol Meter w/O,sploy of Amps Walls P Time Delay Source 2 Start Adjusloble 0-10 Valls Frequency KVA KVAR PF etc seconds Standard sellln9 III 3 seconds U&3A OlgllQI Meter .../O,sploy 01 Amps Walls AdJwst VIa SET menu Volts FrequeflCY KVA KVAR PF etc Plus 02 Peak Shove I Remote lood Test Input for THO copob,lIty w/ "-lodbus RS4-S5 porI Peak Shove or Remote Load Test InCludes 8~B 011;0,101 Meter w/D,sploy of Amps Watts oulomat,c returo 10 Source 1 .1 Source 2 Volts Frequency KVA KVAR Pf etc falls and Source 1 present EnergIze 02 10 Plus THO copoblllty 1'1/ Etheroel Peak shove/Load test OJ Inhlb.t Tronsfer to Source 2 IrlpLlt Clfcut 10 R50 In-Phose Mon.lor Prevents lronsfer until onhlbll transfer to SOLlrce 2 two sources ore on-phose 513 Transfer Commll Of no Commot to transfer upon EngIne start T,me Delay (51) source 1 Stable T,mer To delay tronsler to Source I Source 2 Slop Deloy TImer T.me Delay (52) Source 2 Stable T,mer To delay tronsfer lo Source 2 YEN Bypass Trmers Key ullhz,ng keypad When oppllcoble the syslem prompts Ihe user 10 press 0 button to byposs (T) or (W) T.mers should Ihe user so deSIres o MEXFG OPTION PACKAGF In addlbon to the Features listed under the MSTOG package thiS pockage Includes the foltawmg Features A3 Au)ollOry Contact closed when SWItch 1$ .n Source 2 posIting A4 Auxiliary Conloc! closed when sw,tch 2 IS In Source 1 posltmg 'II Voltage Imbalance (Three Phose) User Configured On or Off Range 5~ to 207 of Nomonol volloge 10 J to 30 seconds user adjustable ResolutIon 1% Increments Monlmum D,fferenhol 2% m'nlmum between FOII~ ond Resto'e selling5 Factory defaull 5~ ra,1 37 Reslore 30 seconds COP Clock ExerCIser LOad/No Load allows the Generator to stort and nm unloaded Qr to 5 slmulole 0 power failure slort Generotor and run under lood Con be confl9lJred by end us"r for 1 7 1428356doycycle SIGNATURES ~ CO ~~ DATE 2 I~ 03 M_ (I,L<- v - " ., _'0 ow. ""''''IHC '1,( 70a-0900-~-1 dwg \l<<J(L I .........' ru. (ICu ~OO (lO ,00::1 A) I <fO lee.. T"';~A;~C~':;;'~~'o~ "'''S''''AO!':!'O'' SEt I CA(;( COD( I OWC NO SCALE I 70A-0900 J SHEET 1 OF 1 DESCRIPTION REvl;:,IONS I OATE I APPROVED REVISED OWG~ 3/4/03 I GG FS CONTROL PANEL SYSTEM & MOTOR LOAD E OPTIONAl ACCFSSORIFS Test SWitch MOlntomed/MomentQry Test SWitch MOlr1tamed/Momenlory Utol.zmg Keypad SequentIal Un,versol Molar load D'sconnect C"CUlt Normally closed AuxtllQry contacts for motor drsconnect loads Open 0-60 0.- secondsproortolro"sfer oller trOl'lsferor both m e<ther dIrect,on then reclose ," timed sequence after tronsler Al Auxlllory Conlod Operates on Source 1 ..; . Ime la.lure -l~ Au~,loary Contact Operates on Source 2 P lIne failure ~ AJ Auxlllory Contacts Closed when the transf! ~) SWItch IS In Source 2 POSItion A4 Auxlllory Contacts Closed when the tronsf SWItch IS Ir1 Source I pOSItion 89 Sottery charger CTAPAtorm Panel on transfer to Source S,lence bullon OS D'sconnecl SWItch Permots trons!er m AUTO pOSitIon ond lr1hlblls l tronsler ," Ii'fHIBIT pos,t,on Fan C<lntoe! operates when generotor 's runnon9 HT Heater ond Thermostat Q 2 WIth 3/WJElevotor Pre-SIgnal Auxlllory Contocts Open 0-60 s p"or to transfer to ellher d,rect,on re-closes ofter tronsler UMD U",versol Molor Load 01sconnect C'rcUlt Auxllool')I Conlocl operIS 0-60 s (adjustable I second ""crements) proor to transfer In eltherd,rechon re-clesesofterlronsfer Can b~ conl,gured by end user lor Pre-transfer Pesl-Ironsf"r or both Faclery d"foult 5 s T,mers ore not bypassed when tronslerrll'lg 'rom deed source lNO Network Commun.cotlon Interrace Cord = I it CAUnON I" L>s,n" 0 J phose I; w,,~ dello or ope" d~lla power supply (L>SLlolJy 120/240 V sometImes ~st~d os 120/208 V) wllh one le9 hovm9" grounded cenler Itlp ol'le Ime WIll be 160 10 208 V to gro<1r1d When SLlch g sysl~m <5 us~d It os n~c~ssory to COI'I"cct the hl9h leg 10 N2 DO NOT CONNECT 120 V LOAO CIRCUIT TO THE HICH LEC GROUNDINC TER~INI\l ... 9'oundlng termlnOI (GNO) I.p,ovldeo WJ1e""lSlgllngopenlypesw'lche5 cO"l'Ied th,s le,mnol to Ihe melol enclosure or onequlVole"tearlh9rOLl"d lt WARNING - TO ENSURE AGAINST SHOCK OR ACCIDENT HAZARD DISCONNECT ....Ll SOURCES or SUPPLY BEroRE SERVICING 4 ON SINGLE: PH.ASE UNITS WHERE THE EMERGENCY SOURCE IS A UTILITY LINE CONNECT EI.lERGENCY UNE SO THAI I.lINIMU~ VOLTAGE IS MEASURED FflOM NI TO El ON SINGLE PHASE (2 POLE) UNITS CENTER POLE IS NOT SUPPLIED RIGHT-HAND POLf. 1$ NOT SUPPLIED ON 400 AMP UNITS C.lTERPILLAR<O LEGEND, OPERATION, AND ACCESSORIES -- ...,., J CO <=> <=> ..... = ~ ..... E Cl<: .Q ~ :;, C/) Iii c: 6J '" 0 Date Received" Onglnal Submittal REVISIONS REVI DESCRIPTION I DATE I APPROVED Jf16(5} THK srEEL unrll/C """7 J I 5-7964 REVISED DWG I 0327/03 I GG SM "'" i-t==: ANGLES FOR CABINETS F-119BM'P "PA" F-1199MP ~ODEL "~PEI!AG[ " ~~~.c~ '"' WlRl:BENOINGSPA,C( IYII?[GUTrF:1'IS ,,= RANGE ."~ R{BOTTO"') SUO,) 1["'(;H1) - .. eTch ~ " F-lJB7M>'N {40-15OAJ 31/2 5rl%~ (2,35) 0 18-3/0 (89) .(1\~1 tl S.....-Cl-lES . r-1J87M?N (8-65"'.....2) , , (200.0.) (178) (203) 12~ " r-HSB~p eIG3 "'" 16-250 Meld J(Ji} '" -- SWlTCHES . F-H58l.1P (0-127",m2) 1(':/11 "' .' J ~'" ."",NG SP.o.cE(TOP) " F-1201UPN 87/8 eIG3 IfJ-250IolCt.l lJ :S/8 " 6 \/2 ~ r --l l I -- SWITCHES '" (13-127",.,,2) (346) (J81) (165) 7 l/~~J . F_1201UPN (19. , LEn WIRE S _\I~~ 75,,1'" CUTTER , I 1 '--"-- I Lh .., ~ '" , F-1196t.lPN 18-250 MC"l lhHj 145/8 .(1%~ SWl6 I I I CTG2 r--- (8-127,.,,,,2) (J71) 'os RIGHT.....IRE 'OS SWITCHES . 2r?6l4 5rW16 = 1 POWER 1 GUTlER I 1 POWER 1'1~~ LATe P.o,NEl PANEL , 4(1~~~ I 1 -I I 0 . CTG.3 r-;- r-1l96l,lPN 14-600 l,lC~ 'h?(; 14 SIB 4(1%~ S(W)6 CONfROl- SWITCHES 260-400 .J f--- (21_J04mm2) (J71) 1 1 PANEL 1 I . 2 ?6\4 SrW{' (INSIDE DOOR) L J L CTG4 " (OT'!' 2) 1~4~'? " d5~ 63/4 --- J -- SMTl;:t<ES '50 ---;- r-1l981AP &~:~m~~ (457) " (171) ~1~'f- {254 . WIRE BENDING J " r-1199l,lP (OT'!' 4) 912'/,~ 1 (~~~ 500 &1:~~~) 18 (~~t}'5 '~4~{? SPACE{BonOI.A) . r~12lDIPfJ\lP !(g2~~~1 ISJ/5~ ~ ~ cfcf'D2 -'- 4(1~~ 1(1~~ fb52:4(lg~~jl~H 2(51)TYP Lop I . 100-400 , r-1l9&l,lPN IS-250!'!Cl,l 14 3/4 145/B (15/6 5tUl\6 9 REMOVABLE EEL CHANNELS 'OR (l02) SWITCHES ~ {8-127mm2} (315) (In) '" CABINETS r-1198lJ1P I 2 ?614 5rW6 f"-1199MP CTGD3 FRONT VIEw RIGHT SIDE VIEW SWITCHES " (OTY2) d5s) 157/8 " 6J/4 6" 7 r-1l98UP &1:~~~) (429) (457) ~~~l (171) 4)("7/16(11) MOU"lTI/IlG HOLES " 92'/,1 ' '/B f-1199l,lP (OT'!'4) 18(lg)'6 1~4%r (29) 50' &1:~m~~) Ir~2%;' 11~55/5~' . H100l/l'trW "t, ~ .. CABINET DIMENSIONS NOTES (Le CABINET , , e 0 , , , "'TERIAL r-1196t.lPN (1j~e d~o 11J1/8 : (1~~7 (~3e -- . 13GA SlEEl OB9(24)REr (r-1199I,lP) , FINISH '" CATERPTlLAR 62 BAKED GRE;Y ENA"'EL .. {1~~5 d~o 115M: I (l~~J rg3e d;9) . 14GA.STEEl 074(2)REr J .o,Ll DIIAENSIONS ARE rOR RErERENCE ONLY 'cJt,'J] [1-"'" '" F-11981.\P (F-1'96I,lPN r-1201t.4PN r-1198l,lP) "NO SHOWN IN INCHES(l.lllLlMffiRS) I r?l78 dg2 11~3/4 I {1~676 d' (~~1 e 16GA STEEL 0598(15)REr r-11991.AP '" '50 (r-1J87~PN r-1458I.4P) (177~B r (16~s d38 66 L {~f04 (~~5 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 1(25) r F 1200MP/rlolp 1676 01l. OCOll.,..... '''''0 0Itr0I to SIGNATURES DATE mERPILLAR~ TYP 80TTOM VIEW I r~~4 d~o 1~_11/8 I (~~J l (~g8 - EC 110100 ~ F 1201MPN '" -- '" < ~.- ~~ " " 1hJ~f ~~ - nl~ TRANSFER SWITCHES p F-1J87I.4PN (610) (457 -- -- -- 2 PI... DECN.OlS:t 020 - " 11/0100 r-14581AP - d~Ol dlJ) lh~~f -- -- -- JPLllECIIlALS:t 005 ~ NEMA 1 ENCLOSURE ANGLES;!: , -~ THIRD ANCL<: PRO.JECTlON r~M:noNs ~ 1/604 ~ ~"'ST .....01;; '0' - THIS DOCUMENT AND THE DETAilS EMBODIED THEREIN CONSTITUTE CONFIDENTIAL @ B- AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION WHICH IS THE PRoPERTY Of CATERPilLAR INe fiNiS'" -,~ 52t-IQJ5-J-ld...g SSE ICJ(;[COO[ IOWG>.Kl AND IS NOT TO BE USED OR REPRODUCED BY ANY PART ()(CEPT AND TO THE V 1ClOIl./'-:"'Trw.c~XWIJHI(411 ~ 52C-1035 EXTENT IN lHE MANNER AUTHORIZED BY CATERPILLAR INC 'rn::0o18 C;..T""...... TO Ou.o.uTY SCAlE I I SHEET 1 OF 4 AvtoCod Generated c:..........CTl:<f'ST<C AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH C~TERPILLAR. FEATURES . Ratings 40 to 3000 amps (2, 3 or 4 poles) . UL 1008 listed at 480VAC . CSA certified at 600 VAC (200-225 amp - 480 VI . IEC listed at 480 V . Double throw, mechanically Interlocked contactor mechanism . Electrically operated, mechanically held . DeSigned for emergency and standby applications . Available In standard open tranSition (CTG) or delayed tranSitIon (CTGD) models . Ringing wave Immunity per IEEE 472 (ANSI C37 90A) . Conducted and Radiated EmiSSions per EN55022 Class B (CISPR 11) (Exceeds EN55011 & MILSTD 461 Class 3) . ESD Immunity test per EN61000-4-2 (Level 4) . RadIated RF, electromagnetic field Immunity test per EN61000-4-3 (ENV50140) 10v/m . Electrical fast transient/burst Immunity test per EN61000-4-4 . Surge Immunity test per EN61000-4-5 IEEE C62 41 (1 2 X 50 ms, 5 &8 kV) . Conducted Immunity test per EN61000-4-6 (ENV50141) . Voltage dips and interruption Immunity EN61000-4-11 . Seismic Compliance to IEEE-693-2005 and IBC-2003 LEXX0523 06 CTG SERIES AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH The Caterp.lla,.e CTG Series transfer SWItch IS pre-configured for applIcations requiring the dependability and ease of operatIOn found In a full feature power contactor type transfer SWitch CTG SWitches are equipped with the next generation MX150 microprocessor panel, which controls the operation and displays the status of the transfer switch's position, tImers and available sources As an embedded dIgital controller, the MX150 offers hIgh reliabIlity and ease of unattended operation across a range of applications DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FEATURES . Close differentIal 3 phase under-voltage sensing of the normal source - factory standard setting 90% pickup, 80% dropout (adjustable), under- frequency sensing of the normal source factory setting 95% pickup (adjustable) . Voltage and frequency sensing of the emergency source - factory standard setting 90% pickup voltage, 95% pickup frequency (adjustable) . Test SWitch (fast test/load/no load) to Simulate normal source failure - automatically bypassed should the emergency source fail . Type 1 enclosure IS standard - also available In open style or Types 3R, 4, 4X, or 12 Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submittal "CTG SERIES AUTOMATIC TkANSFER SWITCH C~TERPILLAR. STANDARD FEATURES AND OPTIONS STANDARD FEATURES . Auxiliary Contact Closed when the sWitch IS In the emergency positIOn (Additional contacts optIOnal) . Auxiliary Contact Closed when the sWitch IS In the normal position (Additional contacts optional) . 7, 14, 28 day mterval timed exerCiser, pushbutton/timer operation . Engme Start Contact . IndIcating LED Pilot Lights SWitch In emergency position SWitch In normal position Normal source available Emergency source available . lime Delay to Engine Start Standard settmg 3 seconds, adjustable 0-10 seconds . In-Phase Monitor, self-adJustmg (Not avaIlable on CTGD models) . lime Delay on Retransfer to Normal To delay retransfer to normal source (Immediate retransfer on generator set faIlure), standard settmg 30 minutes, adjustable 0-60 minutes . Pushbutton Bypass of time delay and normal emergency . Test SWitch - Momentary . Event Log OD 16 Event that track date, time, reason and action taken . Voltage and Frequency IndicatIOn for S1 and S2 . Peak Shave/Remote Load Test Input for peak shave or remote load test, mcludes automatic return to normal If emergency source falls and normal IS present, 120 VAC When specified for use with a CTGD Senes delayed transitIon sWitch, the control panel also mcludes the followmg . lime Delay from Neutral SWitch Position to Normal on Retransfer Standard setting 5 seconds, adjustable 1-10 mmutes . lime Delay from Neutral SWitch PositIon to Emergency Standard setting 5 seconds, adjustable 1-10 minutes . Center-Off position/Off Delay limmg IndIcators MX150 CONTROL PANEL . lime Delay for Engme Cool Down Allows engme to run unloaded after sWItch retransfer to normal, standard settmg 5 minutes, adjustable 0-60 mmutes . lime Delay on Transfer to Emergency To delay transfer to emergency after venfymg emergency source available, standard setting 1 second, adjustable 0-5 mmutes LEXX052306 . Timer and voltage(frequency settings adjustable without disconnection from power sources . Bullt-m diagnostiCS with LCD display for ImmedIate troubleshootmg . LED/LCD indicators for ease of viewing and long life . Nonvolatile memory (exerciser battery backup not required for standard operation) . Processor and digital CIrCUItry Isolated from Ime voltage . Inputs optolsolated for high electncallmmunlty to transients and nOise . Communications header for network Interface OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS . Plant Exerciser, clock type (load/no load) Allows the generator to start and run unloaded or to Simulate a power failure, start generator and run under load (7-14-28-365 days, user selectable) . Space heater and thermostat . Inhibit Transfer to Emergency Input Circuit to mhlblt transfer to emergency, 24 VDC or 120 VAC . Network communicatIOns Interface card (LonWorks/ModBus) . Mamtamed Test SWItch . Maintained Test SWItch w/Keypad . Service entrance configuration . Auxllrary Contact, operates on Source 1 line failure . Auxiliary Contact, operates on Source 2 availability . AUXIliary Contacts Closed when the transfer SWitch IS m Source 2 position . Auxllrary Contacts Closed when the transfer SWitch IS m Source 1 position . Disconnect SWItch Permits transfer m "AUTO" position and mhlblts transfer In "INHIBIT" position (Standard 800A and above) . Elevator Pre-Signal AUXiliary Contacts Open 0-60 seconds pnor to transfer to either direction, re-closes after transfer . Universal Motor Load Disconnect CirCUit Auxiliary Contact opens 0-60 seconds pnor to transfer In either direction, re-c1oses after transfer Can be confIgured by end user for Pre-transfer, Post-transfer, or both . Voltage Imbalance Monitor (Three Phase) . Lockable, see-through cover for ATS controller Date Received, l"" ... r "Me) r ,I 'I .. ".. J 2 r :j)~'':''L1:m~\i CTG SERIES AUTOMATIC TtiANSFER SWITCH C.4.TERPILLAR" OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS (continued) POWER MEASUREMENT METERS . M90 - EPM 2000 Digital Power Meter with Display Amps, Volts and Frequency . M91 - EPM 6000 Digital Meter with Display of Amps, Watts, Volts, Frequency, plus THO capability with Ethernet NOTE For applications reqUlnng additional options or other configurations, see the CTS Senes fully conflgurable transfer SWitch DIMENSIONAL SPECIFICATIONS Ampere Height Date ReceIved MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal Weight 600 181 (4001 1 - 5, 7 204 (450) CTG/D 800,1000,1200 2,3 215 (475) 1 -5,7 4 254 (5601 1600 2000 3 458 (1010) 1-5,7,8 2600,3000 4 526 (1160) APPLICATION NOTES , EnglIsh dimensions (mches) and weIghts (pounds) shown In parenthesIs adjacent to Metrtc measurements In em and kg 2 Includes 1 25" door projectIon beyond base depth Allow a minImum of 3" additIOnal depth for prOjectIOn of handle, lights, SWitches, pushbuttons, ete 3 All dImensIOns and weIghts are approxImate and subject to change Without notice 4 Packing matenals must be added to weights shown Allow 15% addItIonal weIght for cartons, Skids, crates, ete 5 Spec!al enclosure (NEMA 3R. 4, 4X, 12, etc) dimensions and layouts may dIffer Consult Caterpillar for detads 6 CTG 40 200 reqUIre larger 36- H X 24" W X 14" 0 enclosure depending on optIons speCifIed Consult Caterpillar for detaIls 7 Add 3" In height for lifting eyes 8 VentilatIon louvers on SIde/rear of 2600 and 3000A umts reqUlre one Side or rear of enclosure to be clear In order to afford proper airflow rcl r-S->j iC1 18, 1 0 1 . 0 A = A = - J J Figure A FIgure 8 erG Senes Transfer SWItch eTG Senes Transfer SWItch 140 400 amp) (6001200 amp) LEXX0523 06 3 . = Figure C eTG Senes Transfer SWItch (1600 3000 amp) , CTG SERIES AUTOMATIC ThANSFER SWITCH C~TERPILLAR. ~ tiz~*i,f&~~4'",~t1ii.~ ;I~~~ ~ Al/CU UL listed Solderless Screw~Type Terminals for External Power Connections Normal, Emergency and Load Terminals SWitch Size (Amps) Cables per Pole Range of Wire Sizes 40 #6 to 310 AWG 1 80 100 1 #6 AWG to 250 MCM" , 160, 225 1 #6 AWG to 250 MCM' 226,260 1 #4 AWG to 600 MCM" 400 , #4 AWG to 600 MCM 500 2 #2 AWG to 600 MCM 800,1000 1200 4 1600,2000,2600,3000 8 #2 AWG to 600 MCM '260A to 350 MCM MX150 Control Setting Ranges Control Function lime Delay - Engine Start tifeib.!iY:1S8:Pill'-:~~r;:ORyYif lime Delay - Transfer to Emergency ~jD~..Q~l~IBQlJanslll~l Time Delay - Motor DIsconnect or Transfer Preslgnal (When applicable) 060 seconds- " - elfl's Af!1tl@JtJolrS ,hi ~ij[av-~fi~WbpgJI ffi9LehZ.ft~~~h:f~ ;;pt?~~~t~ ~ :iiA.~:1{t~rnrn Date Rese:'/ed' - MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submittal LEXX0523 06 4 CTG SERIES AUTOMATIC TI1ANSFER SWITCH C~TERPILLAR. WITHSTAND CURRENT DATA , Withstand Current Ratrngs per Ull00B .~ Maximum C.rcurt Amps Maximum CircUIt Amps When Used Wrth When Used With CTG Current Specific CTGD SpecIfic SWitch limiting Coordmated SwItch Coordinated Ratings Fuse Breaker Ratings. Breaker lAmps) CTG/CTGD Rating IAmpsl Rating "- 40,80, 30,000 40,80, 100 50,000 ~ 100 150,200,225 150,225, 260 50,000 260 50,000 400, 600 50,000 400,600 50,000 800 200,000 65,000 800 65,000 1000, 1200 85,000 1000, 1200 85,000 1600, 2000 100,000 1600,2000 100,000 2600, 3000 2600, 3000 *CTGD WCR rated 200,cODA on all sizes n~,,_ '"' . d t..: \ \ ~ or' "~""'~I\~e . "~Jo C "(,....... ,~ J . -, &A/) ., q ~"'4""J "'h.l ~ lit. .(."""'" Onglnal SUbmittal lEXX0523 05 5 . ~ # I v TESTING AND TRAINING Date Received MAR 2 0 2008 Original Submittal . , ~ TESTING I. TESTING THE GENERA TOR SET WILL INCLUDE > Check all flUId levels > Check antIfreeze protectIOn level > Check for proper mstallatlOn > Check battery cables > Check hoses and belts > Check load cable connectIOns > Check for proper operatIOn of coolant and OIl heaters > Check for proper operatIOn of battery charger > Check for adjustment of vIbratIOn Isolators (lfapplIcable) > Check for loose bolts and clamps > Check cable connectIOns on addItIonal eqUIpment (If applIcable) > Check settIngs on addItIonal eqUIpment (Ifapphcable) II. START AND RUN GENERATOR. PERFORM THE FOLLOWING: > Check OIl pressure and water temperature > Check for leaks > Set AC voltage and frequency > Check for loose Items and unusual nOIse > Check safety shutdown CIrCUIts > Close CIrCUIt breaker to transfer SWItch If apphcable > Check phase rotatIOn and voltage at transfer SWItch If applIcable III. LOAD TEST, AFTER GENERATOR SET CONTROLS ARE PLACED IN THE "Au ro" POSITION. > DIsconnect normal power source > Check for proper start up and transfer of standby power system > Load test per spec reqUIrements > SImulate power faIlure mcludmg operatIOn of transfer SWItch (If applIcable), automatIc startmg cycle and automatIc shutdown and return to normal > Record all gauge and meter readmgs on generator set per spec reqUIrements > Reconnect normal power and check proper operatIOn of transfer SWItch retransfer (If applIcable) and cool down sequence > Make necessary adjustments to transfer SWItch tImers If needed Date Received: -- MAR 2 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal .. c , . ' TRAINING T rammg mcludes demonstratIOn of proper operatJon and mamtenance ofthe CaterpIllar generator set as outhned below I PRODUCT OVERVIEW )> DescnptJon of the CaterpIllar standby generator set )> DescnptlOn of any addItIonal eqUIpment apphcable to the project )> DescnptlOn of proper mamtenance procedures II. WALK AROUND INSPECTION )> IdentIfY generator components )> IdentIfY mamtenance pomts )> IdentJfY addItIOnal eqUIpment components III. START UP TEST )> DISCUSS proper operatIOn of genset (umt off) )> Start and run generator )> Observe readmgs on all gauges and meters IV TRANSFER TEST (IF ALLOWED) )> Place generator control panel m "auto" )> Close genset mam breaker )> DIsconnect nonnal power to transfer sWItch (If apphcable) )> Observe automatIc operatIOn of generator start and transfer )> Reconnect normal power and observe retransfer of power to the normal source V QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS n-,<- ~~ceived: ~.. ~ _...~ J ~ ,.. '" f' ....3 ~ j, f~ I \.. t. 'w .......... Onglnal Submittal , " ' , . c' ~ . ( Generator Startup ChecklIst ThIS form must be completed by Contractors and returned to the Generator ServIce Department at The Halton Company pnor to start up The date and tIme of startup IS not guaranteed untIl you receIve a confirmatIon call from The Halton Company AddItIOnal charges may be assessed for return Inps resultmg from checklIst Items not bemg fullv completed To Return to The Halton Company 4421 NE ColumbIa Blvd Portland, OR 97218 Fax # (503) 280-1552 Date Received Attn Fax # Project Name Contractor Project Mgr Phone *Requested Date of Startup SIte Contact Site Phone Site Address MAR 2 0 2Q08 Onglnal Submittal YES NO N/A (not apphcable) ( ) ( ) ( ) Conductors Installed and connected between generator CirCUit breaker and transfer SWitch (A TS) 2 ( ) ( ) ( ) Normal power available at hne Side of ATS 3 ( ) ( ) ( ) **Remote start wmng mstalled m separate condUit and termmated at generator and ATS 4 ( ) ( ) ( ) BUlldmg load connected to load Side of ATS 5 ( ) ( ) ( ) **Remote annunciator mterconnectlOns termmated at generator and annunCiator panel 6 ( ) ( ) ( ) Fuel supply connected to generator engme 7 ( ) ( ) ( ) Fuel tank filled 8 ( ) ( ) ( ) Exhaust system mstalled complete and exhaust msulatlOn mstalled (If reqUired) 9 ( ) ( ) ( ) Fuel day tank pump CIrCUIt mstalled and connected 10 ( ) ( ) ( ) Engme block heater battery charger CIrCUIt mstalled (NOTE Do not energIze clrcultll) II ( ) ( ) ( ) Generator set mounted to pad 12 ( ) ( ) ( ) Radiator aIr ductwork mstalled and operatIOnal 13 ( ) ( ) ( ) Gen-set free of all constructIOn debns and eqUipment **INTERCONNECT WIRING Interconnect wIrIng for remote start and remote annuncIator must be stranded type wIre FUEL PLUMBING Fuel hnes must be black pipe Galvamzed or copper plpmg not approved