HomeMy WebLinkAboutReceipt PLANNER 7/17/2007 2!S Fifth Street Spnngfield~ Oregon 97477 S.tI-726-37S9 Phone &~~.~ WiL., , CIty of Sprmgfield OffiCial Receipt ~"velopment Service, Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT #, 3200700000000000481 Date 07/16/2007 2 55 58PM Paid By SPRlNGFIELD SCHOOL DIST Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn ReceIVed By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 25000 $250 00 Job/Journal Number ZON2007-00041 DescriptIOn CTY Appeal Type 11 DeCISion P dyments Type of Payment Check Amount Paid kal 57244 In Person Payment Total $25000 $250 00 ~ '7-/7-{)7 ~~~~: tit cJ.50. 00 cRecelOtl Page 1 of 1 7/16/2007 CIty of Sprmgfield Development Semces Dep Jent 225 Fl1'th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 SPRINGFI& Appeals Application, Type III L.---- Appeal of lhe DIrector's DeCISIon _ Appeal If an Expedited Land DIVISion Name, Journal Number and Date of the DecIsIOn BemgAppealed Dr:; t .i:{)( I r~ur~I-r/~ If':,/, 'Zxlvl/'";I e"J'+<, I1J1rd,t.<e,f'c.A 0003'':'- Date of FIlIng the Appeal 1- I Go (\ 7 (ThiS date mmt be Within 10 da}s of the date of the decISIon) Please IIsl below, m summary form, the speclfic IssueS bemg ralSed In the appeal These should be the specIfic pOints where you feel the Approval AuthOrity erred In makmg the declslOn, Ie, what approval criterIon or cntena you allege to have been inapproprIately applIed Issue #1 ('r,~,-:;'\TlD" ~ 3 - ('\ I'jf \'-iD -35-0,)5 e . ~ yilll'o-') ! II f ~f1) G5 \5'v00\S Issue #2 Issue #3 Issue #4 (L1St any addltlOnallSsues being appealed on an attached sheet) The underSigned acknowledges that the above appeal form and Its attachments have been read, the requirements for fihng an appeal of a land ~e deCISIOn IS unden.tood dnd stdte~ that the mforma,tlon supphed IS COrTect and accurate /, S I\-lVcDTZ>,J ItU'ttf SCmJOL.-' Appellant'sName~C~N ARA-C(A)o Phone '"\<..('-\- (,,:3,')5 Address \ '(;C; () ..AJ '--\::L t-.--!) "''' Statement of Int est ---- Slgna~~ s.H 100 For Office Use Only Journa 0 ZONc:<007-VDOL/-I Received By Assessor's Map No '7 - 0 z.. ::, Jj - OJ <:. Tax Lot No Date Accepted as Complete LAFLEUR Karen From Sent To Cc Subject PAULY Linda Tuesday, July 17, 2007 319 PM LAFLEUR Karen DONOVAN James, GRILE Bill Appeal Application ZON2007-00041 Withdrawn Karen, I received a letter from John Saraceno, Springfield School District #19 dated July 17,2007 Mr Saraceno has withdrawn the appeal application Please begin processing a refund of the application fee I Will bring a copy of the letter with hiS contact information to you Thank you liNDA PAULY Planner] City of Spnngfield Development ServIC" phone 126 46D8 1 LAFLEUR Karen From Sent To Subject. PAULY Lmda Tuesday, July 17, 2007 1113 AM LAFLEUR Karen, DONOVAN James, GRILE Bill, MARX Sandra, JONES Brenda School dlstnct rescinds appeal I received a call from the consultant The School Dlstnct has reconsidered and WIshes to rescind their appeal liNDA PAULY Planner J City of Spnngfield Development Serv"" phone 126 4608 1 DIST r 19 SPRUNGFI6::LD Public Schools Fauhtles Management 1890 North 42nd Street. SpnngfJeld OR 97478-5602' 541-744-6375' ("IX) 541-744-6374 July 17,2007 CIty ofSpnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 AttentIOn Lmda Pauly Dear Ms Pauly, I WIsh to retract my Appeals ApplIcatIOn, Type III, filed on July 16,2007, regardmg DRC 2007 - 00035, Journal No ZON2007-00041, effective mmledlately Please contact me at the number lIsted If you need any further mfonnatlOn Smcerely, ~ araceno amtenance SupervIsor S pnngfield School Dlstnct # 19 1890 North 42nd Street Spnngfie1d, OR 97477 541-744-6375 541-335-1278 M.:JlIltenance Center 1890 .End StrE~Lt Spllogheld OR 97478 JS/jO REeF} '1ED JUL. 1 ( l007 BY Spnrc8tl~/J. ;xhoo/ OI~tnU 1~ An [oulll (JPUUrlWtlfV bnplovel