HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting Miscellaneous 1/7/2003 (2) \fmutL" J.t)(I!OHd b, tht C::pnnghdd p mg (,()mrnb~J()J1 M.AfCh 4 2003 MINUTES {1/!-(11)\'1 ~ tr1 1{'Lc 1lJ[1J?-- ell/{' lQc Springfield Planning CommiSSion Regular Session City Council Chamber 225 Fifth Street- Springfield January 7, 2003 7 pm PRESENT Tim Malloy, Chair, Lee Beyer, James Burford, William Carpenter, Steve Moe, Greg Shaver, members, ASSistant City Attorney Meg Kieran, Mel Oberst, Planning Supervisor ABSENT Marilyn PhillipS, member 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the pledge of allegiance 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Carpenter, seconded by CommissIOner Beyer, moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 3, 2002 With the follOWing correctIOns on page 13, the time the hearing recessed was changed from 10 a m to 10 pm, on page 5, third paragraph, the word at the beginning of line 9 was changed from "commercial" to "Commission" and In the same sentence the word "of" Inserted between the words "Issue" and "access" The motIOn passed, 5 0, one abstention CommiSSioner Carpenter, seconded by Commissioner Beyer, moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 19,2002 The motIOn passed, 5 0, one abstention 3 REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION There was no report of council action at thiS time 4 BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE CommiSSioner Malloy called for other bUSiness from the audience There was no one present Wishing to speak 5 QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING a Contmuatlon From December 3, 2002 - Discretionary Use - Springfield School Dlstrlct- 2002-09-0290 Mel Oberst, Planning Supervisor, drew the audience's attention to the criteria for discretionary use and asked those Wishing to speak to address their comments to the criteria and raise Issues With suffiCient speCifiCity to allow staff or Commissioners to respond to them Commission Malloy asked Commissioners to disclose any conflicts of Interest or ex parte contacts There were none Sarah Summers, Planner, prOVided a summary of the discretionary use application She explained that the proposed Improvements, conSidered as a sports complex/stadium use, would be In three phases consisting of lighting for the eXisting football field and track, Installation of artificial turf on t' '':>otball field and lighting for baseball, ' covered grandst~ _, (i ,t booth/concession stand, and I. added fire lanes and II\, ,ed pedestnan access --er, and sol1ball llelds, and a 'oo~^ for the football field, and Ms Summer found that the application conformed to the cntena for discretionary uses and recommended Its approval with conditions She discussed the conditions of approval attached to her recommendation, Including . Site plan approval at each phase of the project, . the maximum light level be 0 5 maintained foot-candles and the maximum low-level lighting system, or glare, be no more than 2 foot-candles at any property line In a residential dlstnct (standards were based on the illumInatIng EngIneerIng Society of North Amenca LightIng Handbook) . the hours of operation for the lighting system for any game or event would not exceed one hour after the game or event, ~r,r"pJi~i8r4!tiUi~Q12~b~;~~~~ci;~~~;~t~p~h~€v~~iffo~iri~~ith~:t61i5~? ~stanaards :QA.&340~335-035~Table 9,:;;;;Jl ....._---~ -----",.,...-;.- ---~-=----- ~ . overlapping school uses with the potential for generating large traffic volumes at peak times would be avoided, and . sports fields scheduling would be maintained so as to minimiZe Impact on peak traffic hours In response to a question from Commissioner Burford, Ms Summers said that there were no concerns with parking Commissioner Carpenter asked If the lighting conditions applied to all lights within the sports complex or only to field lighting Ms Summers responded that the conditions applied to any lights that Impacted residential areas, but because of location these would be pnmanly the new lights being proposed for the sports fields She explained that the lighting levels required by the conditions would result In less illumination In a residential area than that produced by a street light Commissioner Malloy called for testimony from the applicant Steve Barrett, representmg the Spnngfleld School Dlstnct, asked for approval of the staff recommendation for the staff recommendation He said that the Improvements were on property that was zoned appropnately and were a conforming use Mr Barrett assured the Commission that the eXisting parking lots had sufficient capacity and the Dlstnct would deSign the lighting system to reflect away from adjOining residential properties He also said the Dlstnct was Willing to conduct a nOise analYSIS dunng the second phase of the project Mr Barrett noted that the Improvements would give the school greater flexibility In scheduling events, which must now be concluded by dark He felt thiS would actually lessen the Impact on peak traffic hours Mr Barrett pledged the Dlstnct's commitment to continue working With the Planning Department to resolve neighborhood traffic Issues that eXist south of the Thurston High School campus, north of Main Street Commissioner Shaver asked how long games could last Mr Barrett said that the latest time a game might end would be 11 pm, but typically games were over by 9 30 P m Commissioner Shaver asked If the Dlstnct would be amenable to a condition requlnng lights to be turned off by 11 30 p m Mr Barrett said that would be acceptable Commissioner Malloy called for other testimony on the project S P "Woodle" Woodsum, 225 S 51" Place, Spnngfleld, spoke In support of the applicant's _ ntH" 11 _ () " proposal He said he , _~ children attending Thurston High Sch~ _', has been a member of the Stadium Committee, and was a volunteer assistant track coach Mr Woodsum said the project would benefit the community and youth and there was good community support He thanked the Commission for ItS diligent review of the prolect and expressed the hope that work could commence In 2003 There being no further testimony, Commissioner Malloy closed the public hearing Commissioner Shaver expressed hiS support of the project He asked that the conoltlon relating to hours of operation for the lighting system be modified by Inserting the word "field" to Indicate It was the field lighting that would be subject to the condition He also asked that 11 30 p m be established as the latest the field lights could operate, rather than the current language of one hour after an event Commissioner Moe commented that there could be exceptions In the case of publiC safety Commissioner Carpenter expressed concern that stating a speCific time could create liability Issues dUring crowd dispersal If an event went longer than 10 30 p m Commissioner Moe noted that some events, such as the 24 Hour OlympiCS, might require lighting beyond 11 30 p m Mr Barrett explained that current technology With upgraded SWitching allowed the lights to be operated at a variety of levels Performance lighting dUring an event could be lowered dUring the hour follOWing the event to reduce the Impact on residential property, conserve energy, but stili allow suffiCient light for public safety Commissioner Shaver Withdrew hiS request for language Imposing a speCifiC time In the condition relating to hours of operation CommISSioner Beyer, seconded by CommiSSIoner Carpenter, moved to approve the requested discretIOnary use m Journal No 02-09-290, recognizing the flndmgs of fact and analYSIS from the staff and mcorporatmg the seven condItions outlmed m the staff report, WIth the additIOn of the word "field" to define the lightmg system subject to operatIOnal conditIOn The motIon passed unanimously, 6 0 b Continuation from December 17, 2003 - Rezone - Hammer/Shaw - ODOT - ZON2002. 10350 Jim Donovan, Planner, summarized the staff report which recommended approval a Zone Change based upon a PlanlZone conflict He noted that a Plan/Zone conflict arises when the current zoning conflicts With Metro Plan deSignation Mr Donovan commented that there was;a gas station use on the site at the time of the Metro Plan adoption The gas station was demolished and tanks removed In 1992 and the site remained vacant until now He said the applicant has a tentatively approved site plan which cannot be given final approval until the Zone Change occurs Mr Donovan noted that a second applicant, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) was added prior to the Initial heanng because It owns a parcel that the Original applicant IS negotiating to purchase or lease and will Incorporation a portion of In the site deSign as a landscape buffer He said that there were mOnltonng wells on both parcels for the pnor tank removal - CommiSSion Malloy asked CommiSSioners to disclose any conflicts of Interest or ex parte contacts There were none CommiSSioner Burford Indicated that he had diSCUSSions With Mr Donovan regarding SOil contamination concerns He requested that the SOil be re-sampled when the applicant applied for a building permit to assure that the site met the Department of EnVIronmental Quality's (DEQ) standards Mr Donovan replied that he had reViewed the files and discovered a demolition permit Issued by the BUilding Department and a permit from the Fire Marshal for removal of the tanks He said that monitoring of the site had continued since the 1992 tank removal, to the pOint that DEQ was no longer requesting regular Inspections The applicant IS waiting for a letter CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DECISION SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION DATE OF NOTICE January 8, 2003 DATE OF DECISION January 7, 2003 JOURNAL NUMBER 2002-09-0290 APPLlCAN1 NATURE OF APPLICATION Spnngfield School'Dlstnct 19 Discretionary Use The Spnngfield Planmng Commission held a public heanng on December 3, 2002 which was contmued to January 7, 2003 on the discretionary use request to approve upgrades to the athletiC fields of Thurston High School The Development Services Department notes, staff report and recommendation together With testimony and submittal of the persons testlfymg at the heanng were considered and made part of the record of the proceedmg DECISION The Spnngfleld Planning Commission voted 6-0 With one absent to approve the discretionary use With the followmg conditions 1 Site plan approval IS reqUIred for each of the proposed phases 2 The maximum light level shall be 0 5 maintained foot-candles at any property line In a resldenlial dlstnct 3 Maximum low-level lighting system shall be no more than 2 foot-candles at any property line In a residential dlstnct 4 The hours of operation for the field hghtmg system for any game or event shall not exceed one hour after the end of the event 5 The applicant shall buffer nOise from the site for all sporting events to meet the followmg standards OAR 340-35-035 Table 9 6 The Dlstnct will avoid overlappmg school uses that have the potential for generating large traffic volumes at peak times, for mstance activities In the gymnasium and sports fields 7 The Dlstnct Will maintain sports fields scheduling so that they mlmmlze Impact on peak hours of traffic The action taken by the Spnngfield Planning Commission IS a final deCISion QUESTIONS If you have any questions concernmg thiS matter, please contact Sarah Summers at 726-4611 MEMORANDUM CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE January 7, 2003 FROM Springfield Planning Commission Sarah Summers, Planner II :;J PLANNING COMMISSION TRANSMITTAL MEMORANDUM TO SUBJECT Discretionary Use - Springfield School District (Jo No 02-09-290) ISSUE The Planning Commission must deCide whether or not to approve a Discretionary Use application to upgrade eXisting athletic fields and facilities at Thurston High School which IS zoned Public Lands and Open Space (PLO) DISCUSSION The 53 acre property contains Thurston High School and approXimately 37 acres of athletic area It IS located In Thurston at 333 581h Street, one block north of Main Street The site IS zoned PLO and the Metro Plan designation IS Government and Education Access to the site parking areas IS from 581h Street, a collector street The proposed Improvements would be In three phases which would be considered as a sports complex/stadium use Phase 1 consists of lighting for the eXisting football field and track Phase 2 would replace turf on the football field with artificial turf and Install Iighltng for baseball fields, soccer fields, and softball fields Phase 3 would construct a covered grandstand for the football field with up to a 2,500 seating capacity A ticket booth/concession stand would be placed northwest of the football field and a bUilding housing rest rooms and locker rooms IS proposed northeast of the field Phase 3 also Includes added fire lanes and lighted pedestnan access Springfield Development Code (SDC) 23 020(2)(d) reqUires sports complexes/stadiums to be approved through Discretionary Use procedure The request IS consistent with the Criteria of approval pursuant to Article 10 030, Springfield Development Code (SDC) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS of thiS Discretionary Use based on findings contained In the attached staff report which demonstrate that approval of thiS Discretionary Use IS consistent With applicable Metro Plan PoliCies and the Springfield Development Code ACTION REQUESTED Planning Commission approval of thiS request by motion and signature of the Planning Commission Chairperson on the attached Final Order ATTACHMENTS -ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 3 STAFF REPORT AND FINDINGS FINAL ORDE R APPLICANTS SUBMITTAL EXHIBIT A , DISCRETIONARY iliSE APPLICATION STAFF REPORTiAND FINDINGS APPLICANT Steve Barrett for Springfield School District 19 (Jo No 02-09-290) I NATURE OF THE APPLICATION AND THE PROPOSED USE . I The applicant IS requesting Dlscret]onary Use approval for three phases of construction to I upgrade eXisting athletic f]elds and facillt]es at Thurston High School on a site zoned Public I Lands and Open Space (PLO) Ex]stlng athletic facll]tles Include a football and track facility I . practice f]elds. soccer fields. tennis courts. baseball fields. and softball fields The I proposed Improvements would be In three phases which would be considered as a sports I complex/stadium use Phase 1 consists of lighting for the ex]stlng football f]eld and track , Phase 2 would replace turf on the football field with art]flclal turf and Install lighting for , baseball fields, soccer fields, and softball fields Phase 3 would construct a covered I grandstand for the football field with up to a 2,500 seating capacity A ticket , booth/concession stand would be placed northwest of the football field and a building housing rest rooms and locker rooms IS propolsed northeast of the field Phase 3 also I Includes added fire lanes and lighted pedestrian access Springfield Development Code I (SDC) 23 020(2)(d) requires sports complexes/stadiums to be approved through Discretionary Use procedure The request IS consistent with the criteria of approval pursuant to Article 10030, SprlngflelJ Development Code (SDC) SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION I The school IS located on 58th Street one block north of McKenZie Highway The total , Thurston High School site IS approximately 53 acres with the athlet]c areas uSing approximately 37 acres Properties north and least are zoned Low DenSity ReSidential (LDR) To the south are properties zoned Medium DenSity ReSidential (MDR). LDR and I General Office (GO) Across 58th Street to the west IS William S Fort Ne]ghborhood Park I Adjacent to the site at the northeast IS Thurston Neighborhood Park Access to the school , IS from 58th Street The site ]S zoned PLO and the Metro Plan deSignation IS Government , and Education The property IS within Springfield City Limits , I APPLICABLE CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL SDC 10010(2) discusses the purpose of the Discretionary Use concept 2 "The purpose of the DIscretionary Use process IS to ensure the appropnateness and I compatibility of certain proposed uses listed In Articles 16-30 of thiS Code as well as those I uses not listed where the Director can not make affirmative f]ndlngs under Section 4 030 of thiS Code " ATTAC~MENT 1-1 I The following statement provides the framework for evaluating the request In terms of the approval process The criteria listed In SDC 10 030 must be satisfied In order to approve thiS request Reference Springfield Development Code Section 10 030 (1) Except for Private/public elementary and middle schools, A DiscretIOnary Use may only be allowed If the Planning Commission or Hearings OffiCial finds that the proposal conforms With the follOWing criteria (al The proposed use shall conform to other permitted uses In terms of scale, lot coverage, design, intensity of use and operatmg characteristics The'exlstlng facilities take up about 37 acres of the 53 acres of school property They consist of softball fields, baseball fields, a football field, practice fields, soccer fields, tennis courts and track faCilities Currently, these facilities are used seasonally (fall and spring) dUring daylight hours Most of the sports activities have little Impact on adjacent reSidential areas due to the location, Orientation and low number of spectators who attend the events The primary changes In use would come With the addition of lights, artificial turf and a grandstand The fields would still be used seasonally, however the intensity of use would Increase It IS anticipated that there Will be approximately 5 football games In the fall, 3-4 track meets In the spring, soccer games, graduation and some community events Thurston High School IS presently uSing Sllke Field at Springfield High School for some of their evening events The proposed Improvements have a lesser scale, lot coverage, intensity of use and operating characteristics than some other permitted uses In the PLO district Colleges, high schools, RV parks, campgrounds, high Impact public facilities, and public office buildings are examples of uses In PLO districts that are of greater continual Impact It IS common practice for football stadiums and athletiC fields to be located on school property Within the community that the school serves Silke Field IS used for both Springfield High School and Thurston High School events and IS zoned PLO Since the athletiC fields abut reSidential areas, mitigation of light and sound Will be required SDC 31 160(3) reqUires all lighting to be designed to reflect away from any less Intensive use and public rights of way SDC 23 100(2) requires stadiums and other major nOise generators to be located a minimum of 30 feet from reSidential property lines and to be screened by a nOise attenuating barrier Each of the three phases of development IS required to go through the site plan approval process At that time, conditions of approval will be applied for mitigation purposes 2 1-2 Fmdmgs I 1 The proposed use IS on a smaller scale than some other permitted uses [ 2 Because the proposed use WI/! have approximately 2 4 acres of ImpervIOus I surface on 37 acres of Site, lot coverage IS less than other permitted uses 3 The design of fields and stadium IS [consistent with other eXlstmg permitted uses I 4 The mtenslty of use and operatmg charactenstlcs are seasonal and of limited I duratIOn These are less of an Impact than other permitted uses I 5 The major Impacts on nearby reSidences wJlI be from light and sound which wJlI , be mitigated wIth site plan approval of each phase I (b) The proposed use shall not generate more traffic on local streets or more demand for public facilities than would permitted uses In the same zomng district Access to the school and athletic fields IS from 58th Street which IS classified as a I collector street Fifty-eighth Street IS accessed from Main Street and Thurston Road I which are both arterials Because of the configuration of streets, no local streets I would be adversely affected by the proposed upgrade of the athletiC faCilities I I Currently, many school events take place dUring school hours or In the early I evening Just after school dUring peak traffiC hours With the addition of lightlrtg, I these activities can take place at non-peak hours The School District has proposed [ two conditions of approval The first IS that the District wtll aVOid overlapPing school uses that have the potential for!generatlng large traffiC volumes at peak times, for Irtstance activities In the gymnasium and on sports fields The second IS I - that the Dlstnct Will malrttalrt sports fields schedullrtg so that they minimiZe Impact on pe?k hours of traffiC Both of theselcondltlons would help alleViate peak hour traffiC I An added benefit IS that the local streets near Stlke Field would be relieved of traffiC I and parking that now occur due to Thurston High School athletiCS belrtg played at Stlke Field The proposed developments wtll eventually require electnc, water and sanitary sewer services These services for the proposed use can be provided by eXlstlrtg faCilities Fmdmg 6 Because of the configuratIOn of streets, no loca/ streets would be [ adversely affected by the proposed upgrade of the athletiC facilities I Fmdmg 7 The Dlstnct can alleViate the potential for generatmg large volumes of traffic at peak hours Fmdmg 8 EX/stmg publiC facilities are adequate for the proposal 3 1-3 I (c) The proposed use conforms to applicable Metro Plan policies and applicable descnptlOns of Land Use Designations shown on the Metro Plan Diagram The Metro Plan designates this area as Education and Government There IS no local refinement plan for this area The zoning for this site IS PLO SDC 23 010 states, "The PLO Dlstnct IS Intended to Implement the Metro Plan Public and Semi-PubliC deslgnalton, which Includes Government, Education and Parks and Open Space designations " The proposed use IS a discretionary use within the PLO Dlstnct Metro Plan Oblectlve, Flnd",qs and PoliCies C Environmental Resources Element Objectives 2 Malntam the livability of the metropolItan area by mtegratmg open spaces mto urban development, by plannmg for a variety of public and private open spaces, and by considering the natural environment when makmg planmng decIsions 5 Manage open space for their diverse and multiple values Finding 9 By continuing the use of the developed area WIth athletiC fields, open space Will remain E EnVironmental DeSign Element Objectives 1 Provide the faCilities and services needed to malntam our quality of life Examples Include educational, housmg, medical, public transportation and recreational faCilities 3 Establish or maintain a sense of Identity and character for local and neighborhood areas PoliCies 1 In order to promote the greatest possible degree of diverSity, a broad variety of commercial, residential and recreational land uses shall be encouraged when consistent With other planning poliCies 2 Public and private faCilities shall be deSigned and located m a manner that preserves and enhances deSirable features of local and neighborhood areas and promotes their sense of Identity Finding 10 The proposal IS consIstent With the EnVironmental DeSign element because It Will prOVide Improved recreational facilities Finding 11 The proposed Improvements will Increase the sense of neIghborhood Identity In Thurston by locating the games played by neighborhood children In the neighborhood 4 1-4 H Parks and Recreation Facilities Element I A Parks and recreatton programs with sufficient diversity to meet the needs of the I citizenry IS an essential Ingredient to enhancing the livability of a community The I Eugene-Spnngfield metropolitan area has a long history of supporting parks and I recreation programs, and this plan furtheq strengthens that commitment" (11I-H-1) I Fmdmg 12 Development of athletic facilities on the proposed site meets the goal of this I element by allowmg Thurston High School recreatIon programs to be played wlthm the Thurston community SDC 23 100 SpeCial Use Standards (2) Stadiums, sWimming pools and other major nOise generators shall be located a I minimum of 30 feet from residentIal property lines and shall be screened by a nOise attenuating barner. The proposed grandstand IS located more than 200 feet from the nearest residential I property line The eXlstmg softball fields on the eastern perimeter of the school property I are the closest athlettc area to residences There IS 30 feet from the outfield fences to I residential property These fields are proposed to be lighted In Phase II The District proposes to have a nOise speCialist provide an analysIs and specific recommendations I for attenuating nOise at the time funding IS completed and plans are prepared for the faCility I Fmdmg 13 The proposed and eXlstmg setbacks meet or exceed the SDC reqUirements I Fmdmg 14 A nOise attenuatmg bamer IS not proposed, however a nOise analYSIS IS proposed I __ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I Staff recommends the follOWing conditions of approval 1 Site plan approval IS reqUired for each ofl the proposed phases 2 The maximum light level shall be 0 5 mamtalned foot-candles at any property Ime In a resldenttal dlstnct 3 MaXimum low-level lighting system shall be no more than 2 foot-candles at any property line In a reSidential dlstnct f \GL-~ 4 The hours of operation for the11lghtmg system for any game or event shall not exceed one hour after the end of the event 5 The applicant shall buffer nOise from the site for all sportmg events to meet the followmg standards OAR 340-35-035 Table g 6 The Dlstnct Will aVOid overlapping school uses that have the potential for generating I large traffiC volumes at peak times, for Instance activities m the gymnasium and sports fields I 7 The Dlstnct will malntam sports fields scheduling so that they minimiZe Impact on peak hours of traffiC 5 1-5 I CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Based on the preceding Information, It IS the concluSion of this staff report that the proposed request IS consistent with the Intent of the criteria of Article 10, Discretionary Use Approval, and Article 23, Public land and Open Space Zoning Standards Staff recommends APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS of thiS Discretionary Use request PREPARED BY, 5;}i:~ - Sarah Summers Planner II 6 1-6 Sprmgfield Schooll .nct 1 August 26, 2002 1 DIscretIOnary Use/SIte Plan ApplicatIOn Thurston HIgh School AthletIc FacilitIes Upgrade Descriphon of the Proposal Spnngfield School Dlstnct proposes to upgrade the eXlstmg athlel1c facIlItIes at Thurston HIgh School so that they funcl10n more efficiently and prOVide Jugher qualIty serYlce to the school and the commumty Current facIhtles mclude a football and track faclhty, practice fields, soccer fields, tenrns courts, baseball fields, and softball fields CommUllity organizatIOns that presently use these faclhtles mclude K1dsports, A YSO, Spnngfield Rotary, Wlllamalane Parks and RecreatIOn Dlstnct, and others The total school site IS approximately 53 acres, and the athletIc faCIlIties take up about 37 acres No eXlstmg athlel1c facIlIl1es are lIghted, and Thurston HIgh School IS the only Midwestern League school that does not have a grandstandlhome field for ItS football games Home games for THS are now played at Sllke Field near the Spnngfield High School campus Proposed unprovements to upgrade the athlel1c complex mclude three phases (see Attacrunent 1- Site Plan) Phase 1 Faclhty Llghtmg - Football Field and Track Phase 2 Field Turf Replacement - ArtifiCIal Turf, Phase II Llghtmg - Baseball FIelds, Soccer FIelds, Softball Fields Phase 3 Covered Grandstand - Up to 2,500 Seatmg Capacity Tills apphcal10n requests dlscrel10nary use approval for all three phases, and sIte plan approval for the Iml1allIghtmg phase smce bId documents have been prepared and fundralsmg efforts are proceedmg Funds Will come from pnvate donatIOns, through efforts of a cll1zen committee The 1TI1l1al hghtmg phase mcludes eqUlpment mstalled at the eXlstmg football field only Although volunteers have discussed proVldmg hghtmg of the baseball fields, there IS no current organized effort to seek fundmg for the baseball or softball fields ClassIficatIOn of the Intended Use The property IS zoned PLO Pubhc Land and Open Space Revlewmg the apphcable Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) SectIOn 23020, It IS detennmed that present use of the athlel1c facllIl1es v"ould be conSidered an anCillary use of the high school With proposed hghtmg of eXlstmg sport fields and a new covered grandstand, It IS concluded that the athletiC faclhtles Will then meet the defimtlOn of sports complexes/stadIUms lIsted as a DiscretIOnary Use m a PLO zone, and Phase I hghtmg Will reqUIre sIte plan review ATTACHMENT 3-1 Sprmgfield School ,tnc -' August 26, 2002 2 SDC SectIOns 10030 and 23 100 descnbe apphcable DiscretIOnary Use cntena for the proposed use, and SDC Secl10n 3 050, ArtIcle 31 and 32 dJscnbe apphcable Site plan cntena for the proposed hghtlng proJect Descnphon of the SIte Thurston HIgh School IS located on 58th Street o~e block north of the McKenzie Highway (see Attacrunent 2-Vlclmty Map) The school site IS surrounded mostly by smgle-farrnly resldentJal I use to the north and east of the Site, multl-farrnly resldenl1al use to the south, WIlham S Fort NeIghborhood Park to the west across 58th Street! and Thurston NeIghborhood Park adjacent to the sIte to the northeast A shoppmg center eXists: southwest of the school, along 58th Street and at the mtersecl10n WIth the McKenzie Highway The eAlstillg football field IS located ill the south I central part of the Site, and the baseball and softb,all fields are located on the eastern part of the property Three eXlstmg parkmg lots prOVide parkmg for 554 ve!ucles The school IS located on a maJor bus route ApplIcable Cntena for Discretionary Use Approval I Fmdmgs have been prepared that respond to DIscretIOnary Use cntena ofSDC Secl10n 10 030 and Secl10n 23 100 I I SDC SECTION 10030 DISCRETIONARY USE CRITERIA I (1) A Discretionary Use may only be allowed If the Planning CommISSion finds that I the proposal conforms WIth the follOWing cntena I (a) The proposed use shall conform WIth other permItted uses In terms of scale, lot I coverage, deSIgn, intensIty of use, and operating charactenstlcs , For most of the rnne months when school IS ill seSSIOn, eXlstmg sports actiVItIes [t the school I site are accommodated m ways that have httl,e Impact on adJacent reSidential use, due to the seasonal nature, locatIOn, and onentatlOn of the faclhl1es The most mtenSlve eXlsl1ng sports I use IS confilled to the mtenor pomon of the Site, and therefore conflicts With adJacent reSldenl1al use are mlmmal . The proposed covered grandstand IS the PI1I1]ary change m eXlstmg use of the Site, because of the number of spectators that WIll attend approximately five football games as well as track, I soccer, graduatIOn, and other commuruty events [See SDC SectIOn 23 100(2) below for diSCUSSIOn of proposed nutlgatlOn] Althoug~ the grandstand sIze and/or descnpl10n IS yet to be finahzed, It IS also not unrealistic to expect that the field could Iml1ally be served by I portable and/or statIOnary bleachers Bleachers are already employed at vanous places on the THS Site The women s softball fields located m the w~stern edge of the Site pose some potential for nonconfonruty WIth resldenl1al use, espeCially With proposed hghtmg of these fields It IS I emphaSized that softball IS a very seasonal activity and the latest technology would be I employed to m1TI1ffiIZe spill/glare from the proposed hghtmg system If a hghtmg proJect were developed there [See also SDC Section 23 1100(2) below for diSCUSSion of proposed nul1gatlOn 3-2 I Spnngfield SChOOl SLdC' 9 August 26, 2002 3 The School Dlstnct therefore concludes that t!us cntenon would be sal1sfied With the proposed nul1gal1on measures outlmed below (b) The proposed use shall not generate more traffic on local streets or more demand for public facilities than would permitted uses In the same zoning d/stnct The PLO zornng dlstnct allows !ugh schools as a Special Use, and sports complexes/staillums as a Dlscrel10nary Use The Issue therefore IS not one of more traffic, but the tlITllng of traffic With respect to peak hours and whether there WIll be potentlally Slgrnficant traffic Impacts due to the upgradmg of eXlstmg faclhl1es, and If so, what mltJ.gatmg efforts WIll reduce these lffipacts The School Dlstnct IS committed to operal1onal pracl1ces to mmlnuze significant traffic 1lTIpacts from the proposed Improvements FlfSt, the Dlstnct Will aVOId overlappmg school uses that have the potential for generatillg large traffic volumes at peak l1mes, such as actlVll1es occumng m both the gymnasIUms and the outdoor sports fields Secondly, the Dlstnct WIll contmue to mamtam sports fields schedulmg so that they ffiIDlmlze lffipact on peak hours of traffic Currently, many school events take place dunng school hours, or m the early evenmg hours Just after school (a peak penod) With the additIOn ofhghtlng, mcreases m use can be dlstnbuted more evenly The School Dlstnct offers these operal1onal pracl1ces as conditions for approval, which the Dlstnct concludes would satisfy the cntenon above (b) The proposed use conforms WIth applicable Metro Plan poliCies and applicable descnptlOns of Land Use DeSignations shown on the Metro Plan Diagram ExpanSion of an eXIsting Discretionary Use shall be exempt from conformance WIth Metro Plan land use deSignations The Metro Plan Diagram deSignates Thurston High Schoc,j as EducatIOn Although Metro Plan pohcles are not dIrectly stated as part of the cntena for dlscrel10nary reView, the obJecl1ves, fmdmgs, and pohcles are addressed because they are relevant to thiS deCISIOn The Metro Plan mcludes a general diSCUSSIOn m the Resldenl1al element of other uses that are pernutted and necessary to urban development The Metro Plan states that up to 30% of resldenl1allands may be used for non-resldenl1al purposes such as schools, churches, and pubhc faelbtles Pohcles m the ResldenlJal portion of the plan mclude Policy 12 Promote compatlbl/Jty between reSidentIally zoned land and adjacent areas Proposed Improvements to the athlel1c facll1lJes WIll mclude employmg the latest technology m reducmg spill/glare from all hghtmg mstallatlOns, and the School Dlstnct IS amenable to obtammg an analYSIS and recommendatIOns from a nOlse-attenuatmg speclahst for the future covered grandstand faclhty, which would salJsfy tlus polIcy Pohcles m the Transportal1on element of Metro Plan are geared toward reducmg transportalJon energy demands, Improvmg opportumtles for usmg alternative modes such as urban pubhc tranSit, bicycle, pedestnan, and para transIt PoliCY 2 f Development and redevelopment shall be encouraged In deSIgnated areas, which are relatIVely well served by the eXIsting or planned urban public transIt system 3-3 Spnngfield School ,tnct ) August 26, 2002 4 The school sIte IS well served by the pubhc trpnslt system, located on L TD bus route #11 with three stops either m front of or near the school Route #11 also has stops on the I McKenzie Highway two blocks south of the school The School Dlstnct concludes that the proposal satisfies thiS pohcy Policy 2g An actIVe program to develop pedestnan pathways, e g Sidewalks shall be encouraged, especially In conjunction with other modes of travel I On-street bIcycle lanes and sidewalks connect Thurston High School well With the I surroundmg commumty, and It can be expected that mcreased sports events and spectator use , wIll mvolve large numbers of pedestnans and blcychsts The School Dlstnct concludes that tlus proposal comphes With thiS pohcy I SDC SECTION 23 100 DISCRETIONARY USE (SPECL<\L USE) CRITERIA I (1) StadIums, sWimming pools, and other major nOise generators shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from reSidential property lines and shall be screened by a nOIse attenuating barrier I The proposed covered grandstand IS SIted so that the closest resldenl1al dwellIngs to the south are I more than 200 feet m dIstance The grandstand IS 550-600 feet from eXlstmg homes m the I remamder of the surroundmg neHwborhood The School Dlstnct IS amendable to conditional - I approval of dlscrel10nary use for the covered grandstand, With the stipulatIOn that a nOIse I specialIst Will prOVide an analysIs and speCific recommendations for attenuating nOise at the l1me I fundmg IS completed and plans are prepared for the faclhty The School Dlstnct finds that the proposed condItIon would sal1sfy the cntenon The eXlstmg softball fields proposed for hghtmg on the eastern penmeter of the school sIte have a distance of30 feet from the outfield fence to the resldenl1al property lmes, w!uch meets the I setback reqUIrement The School Dlstnct concluoes that the hghtmg WIll be an Issue, and IS I prepared to take nul1gatmg measures as descnbed above, to sallsfy tlus cntenon I Applicable Site Plan Cntena for Phase 1: ILIghhng The mlllal phase for upgradmg the athlel1c fields mcludes a SIX-pole configuratIOn to hght the I football field and track (see Attaclunent 3-Sports Fields Llghtmg Plan) BId specIficatIOns call I for m1TI1mlzmg hght spIll/glare usmg the most rdvanced fixtures and hghtmg ImpervIOus surface assocIated WIth hght mstallal10n m Phasi I Will be mmlmal (less than 5,000 square feet) Fmdmgs have been prepared that respond to Site Plan Review cntena for the Phase I Llghtmg, m accordance With SDC Secl10n 3 050 and Arlltles 31 and 32 Llghhng Plan Descnphon Attachment 3-Sports Fields L1ghtmg Plan shov"s the 10cal1ons of proposed hghtmg poles, power source locatIOn, eXlstmg underground pnmary f~eder route per SUB reqUIrements, pnmary service yard plan and transfonner, and electnca\ TISer dIagram The height of four poles to hght the football field and track WIll be 70 feet, and two poles v"lll be 80 ft located on the west Side of 3-4 I Spnngfield Schoo 1; oct ""'9 August 26,2002 5 the football field and on the east sIde near the varsity baseball field Poles for the rema.Jmng baseball, soccer, and softball fields will be added m the future The new pedestnan walkway and Walk ofFarne will be hghted With pole mounted lIghts approxlffiately 60 ft 0 c and power will come from an eXlstmg electncal panel m the school These hghted walkways will provide connectIOns With the parkmg lots and ne'W grandstand, and will be added at a future date SDC ARTICLES 31 and 32 Illummahon Iml1al hghtmg mstallatlOn Will provide 30 and 50 foot-candles per square foot With 58 total lummanes To m1TI1mlZe lIght trespass, honzontal foot-candles and maXImum spill hght levels shall not exceed specific cntena usmg computer analYSIS Attachments 4 and 5 Illustrate foot- candle readmgs that reflect glare and measurable hght levels along the edge of the school property Measurable hght readmgs are proJected to be less than one foot-candle, WIth the Jughest readmg at 0 75 where the football field and track are nearest the property lme Spill/glare Will be controlled by mternal faceted louvers, and spill hght measurements WIll be taken at test pomts along school property hnes This IllununatlOn plan represents the latest technology m dlrectmg hght fixtures downward on sports fields, and the School Dlstnct finds that there Will be mmlffial spill/glare created by tJus hghtmg system to ma.Jnta.Jn compal1blhty With adjacent reSidential use Parkmg and Pedestrian Plan Capacity of three eXlsl1ng parkmg lots IS 554 spaces that wJlI be avaIlable for sports, athlel1c and other events, mcludmg eight disabled parkmg spaces An additional 1 00 spaces can be accommodated by future pavmg of an Ullimproved parkmg area adJacent to the tenrns courts The eXlstmg paved parkmg lots have crrcular traffic patterns, drrectlOnal SIgnS, and stnpmg, easily accessed from 58th Street The mam parkmg area nearest the football field IS deSigned to support bus and car traffic With a loadmg/unloadmg zone, as does the 58th Street parkmg lot EXlstmg bicycle racks accommodating Jugh school use Will sal1sfy the reqUIrements for the proposed grandstand (no bicycle standards are prOVided m the SDC for spectator faclhl1es) All parkmg lots are currently lIghted The School Dlstnct finds the eXlstmg parkmg faclhl1es are deSigned to standards that sal1sfy the SDC cntena for parkmg, loadmglloadmg zones, buses, bicycles, persons WIth dlsablhl1es, and pedestnan access A 20 ft Wide hghted and paved pedestnanway Will extend along the back Side of the school bUlldmg, connectmg the parkmg lots With the Walk ofFarne, located along the north Side of the football field that Will prOVide access to the grandstand and ballfields Pedestnans WIll also be able to move through the breezeway that extends from 58th Street through the school complex, connectmg With the Walk ofFarne The walkways Will be deSIgned and constructed to accommodate emergency veJuc1es ADA parkmg Will be connected 'WIth the proposed pedestnan pathway system The School Dlstnct fmds thiS plan Will satisfy cntena for pedestnan clfculatlOn and access to the proposed grandstand 3-5 Sprmgfield School August 26, 2002 tnct 6 The eXlstmg school gymnasiums have a seatmg cfpaclty of 1509, mcludmg seatmg for persons WIth dlsabll1l1es, and the eXlstmg off-street parkmg facllIl1es are found to be adequate for all current school events Willie the School Dlstnct a'nl1Clpates mcreased use of eXlstmg facllItles I due to the proposed athletic field lffiprovements and new grandstand, the Dlstnct IS comrmtted to aVOId overlappmg mdoor and outdoor events and !aCl1Vll1eS, and WIll plan schedules to dlstnbute use evenly throughout the day and evernng hours The School Dlstnct offers these operal1onal I pohcles as conditions to asSiSt m satlsfymg parbig reqUIrements for approval of tlus applIcal10n The School Dlstnct observes that due to the centr,allocatlOn of Thurston High School along a maJor transit route and the aVaIlablhty of Sidewalks and bicycle lanes a significant number of sports and events users \\111 walk, nde the bus, arid bicycle to the school Site AdditIOnally, long , range plans call for a new high school at an eXlsl1ng sIte on Thurston Road east of Thurston I Elementary School, which should prevent enrollment from mcreasmg substantially at Thurston I HIgh School and placmg additIOnal use pressures, on the school s outdoor faclhl1es and parkmg avallablhty Therefore, the School Dlstnct finds that eXlstmg parkmg faCIlIties satIsfy the SDC parkmg requITements for future use Traffic Impact AnalysIs Exammmg eXlstmg use and use patterns of the eXlstmg athlel1c complex, school dlstnct offiCials I concluded that current events assOCIated WIth the baseball, football, soccer, and softball fields, With some exceptIOns, are currently scheduled tolbegm at or near peak travel limes A number of commumty sports events occur on weekends, especially youth soccer With the addition of a hghted field, the Dlstnct would be able to schedule and dlstnbute eXlstmg and future uses mto , evernng hours (e g JUllior varsIty and freshman football games) and away from peak penods I The School Dlstnct concludes that the typical future use of the athlel1c fields WIll not have an Impact ofmcreasmg peak travel penods In fact,llt IS qUIte pOSSIble that there could be a reductIOn m peak hour traffic Tills IS also remforced by the dlstnct s mtent to aVOId overlappmg I maJor events, mcludmg those held m the mdoor gymnasIums I Because the proposed grandstand wIll accommopate large events such as home football games, It IS belIeved that tlus use WIll generate the most SignIficant mcrease m traffic associated WIth upgradmg the Thurston High School athlel1c complex after It IS bUIlt Balzluser and Hubbard I Engmeers recently exammed potentIal off-Site traffic lffipacts associated Wlth home football , games m Spnngfield and Eugene, to help proVIde traffic analYSIS for major Improvements to athletiC faclhl1es at several Eugene !ugh schools I Tills Eugene analysIS IS relevant to the Thurston I High School proJect, because of the slffillanty m provldmg spectator faCIlIties and artifiCIal turf to accommodate home football events School Enrollment School populal1ons are approxrrnately equal at the SIX area !ugh , schools, mcludmg Thurston Therefore It IS concluded that tnp generatIOn for each of the I schools football games IS approXlmately equal I Szlke Fzeld Trzp Data Current seatmg ctpaclty of Sllke Field IS 2, 184 Tnp generatIon data was collected dunng the PM peak liour for two home SpnngfieldlThurston HIgh I football games al Sllke The data shows ;90 tnps were generated on October 22, 1999 and 88 tnps were generated on October 29, 1999 Further assumptIOns and analYSIS of the 3-6 I Spnngfield School ,t._~t' '1 August 26, 2002 7 data resulted m a proJected tnp general10n rate of 71 for each the Eugene school Improvement proJects The Spnngfield School Dlstnct concludes that the most lffiportant findmg IS the fact that Thurston High School football patrons currently travel to Sllke Field for thelI home football events and other sports events If these patrons travel closer to home for Thurston events, there vhll be a substanl1al reductIOn m total ve!ucle ffilles City-Wide and tnps generated dunng peak travel tJme should be reduced m number Furthennore, as detennmed m the Balzluser and Hubbard study and confinned by Spnngfield School Dlstnct officials, the parkmg area adJacent to SIlke Field accommodates approXlffiately 110 ve!ucles Substanl1al overflow parkmg takes place on-street and m unauthODZed parkmg lots dunng Thurston and Spnngfield High School football games, w!uch slgruficantly IIDpacts the r,elghborhood The School Dlstnct therefore finds that movmg home football games to Thurston High School Will substantially reduce the overflow parkmg Impact to the resldenl1al neIghborhood surroundmg Sllke Field Fmally, non-automobile access to Thurston High School IS prOVided by an extensive pedestnanlblcycle system that directly connects the campus m all directIOns Tlus mcludes access from and through Thurston Park to the northeast, a publIc nght-of-way on the north at the _ d mtersectJon of E and 60th Street, near the mtersectlOn of 63' and A Streets to the southeast, and along the south Side of campus servmg the A Street area The school IS located on a maJor bus route Based on the above fmdmgs offact and the aVa.Jlablhty of an e:\lstmg fonnal traffic study conducted at Sllke Field, the School Dlstnct concludes that there IS no need to prepare a separate traffic Impact study for thiS proposed proJect at Thurston High School Arhficlal Turf Gradmg; Dramage, Surfacing, and Subgradmg Other than the grandstand, maJor Site work will take place at the eXlstmg football field, where an approximate 110 X 65 yard rectangle wIll be excavated by a 6-mch stnppmg process A 12-mch excavatIOn will remove 4,730 square yards of sOIl, followed by mstallatlOn of approximately 9,000 square yards of geotextlle fabnc, 6,600 lmear feet of under dram plpmg, and backfilled WIth 2,600 cubic yards of 1/2-mch mmus crushed rock and 650 square yards of 3/4-mch mmus crushed rock SynthelJc turf With a tufted lmmg WIll then be mstalled Dramage management for the ImpervIOUS surface Will be accommodated by a new stonn dram surroundmg the football field, collectmg and transportmg nmoffto the eXlstmg stonn dram located on the southern boundary of the school Site The School Dlstnct finds that It would support a condition to prOVIde a detailed dramage plan at the tJme of site plan revIew for the artifiCial turf proJect, and the conceptual plans for these Improvements Will satisfy the dramage requlIements of SDC Secl10n 32 110 Fire Safety and Other Uhhhes A new flIe lane and turnaround Will be accommodated servmg dual use as the Walk of Fame located at the northern edge ofthe football field, and connectmg With the eXlstmg fire lane 3-7 Sprmgfield Schooll nc1 August 26, 2002 8 extendmg north-south behmd the eXlstmg school FUlldmg An additIOnal fire lane and turnaround IS also pI armed as part of the proposed covered grandstand I A new water lme IS planned for the grandstand area, located north-south behmd the proposed grandstand The School Dlstnct concludes that these lIDprovements Will sal1sfy the reqUlr=ents of SDC SectIOn 32 120 Relahonshlp to Area Streets I The City of Spnngfield Street Master Plan calls for extendmg A Street westward to connect ili ' WIth 58 Street, which IS shown on the site plan ITlus proJect would not affect tlus proposed extensIOn, and ill fact would be enhanced by emergency access smce A Street IS the closest I external publIc access to the football field/track and proposed grandstand In tJus regard, the Site I plan shows a pOSSible mternal paved connectIOn to A Street, located east of and parallel to the I football field The School Dlstnct concludes that the proposed plan does not Impact the City s I plans for street extensIOn m the rrnmedlate VIC1TI1ty Landscapmg, Street Trees, Irngation The School Dlstnct finds because of the eXlstmg par.kmg mfrastructure and landscapmg, proposed nunlffial site disturbance associated WIth the three proposed phases for lffiprovements, I and conversIOn ofthe football field to artifiCIal turf, that a landscape plan IS not requued The , School Dlstnct finds that It would support a conditIOn for m1TI1ffial drought-tolerant and native landscapmg to enhance the proposed grandstandl faclhty, pedestnanways, and for sound I attenual10n at the l1me of site plan review for these faclhl1es EXlstmg ungal10n systems would remam m place The School Dlstnct fmds that It would support a condition to prOVide additIOnal screeillng and I buffenng between the two softball fields and the eastern property hnes, If future hghtmg IS mstalled at these fields Covered Grandstand Iml1ally, the stadIum comrrnttee envIsioned a bleacher-type grandstand slrrnlar to the Tlgard- Tualatm School Dlstnct (See Attaclunent 6) FI~al deSign WIll depend on fundraismg and I donal1ons Planned for a seatmg capacity of 2,000-2,500, the faclhty would be acceSSIble to I persons WIth dlsablhl1es In-.kmd contnbutlOns could result m consideratIOn of wood trusses, I- I beams or sumlar components as alternal1ves The footpnnt of the grandstand would be from goal I lme to goallme, lffiffiedlately west of the eXlstmg track faclhty, With a footpnnt of approXlIDately I 300 x 40 feet The height would be approXlmat~ly 40 to 45 feet, and consideratIOn IS bemg gIVen to a press box area at a mezzarnne level to prOVide for ADA accesslblhty Fmal deSign elements WIll be dependent on the amount of money that ican be raIsed for tlus phase of the development Inventoried NaIDral and HIstone FeaIDres I The School Dlstnct fmds there are no known mventoned natural and hlstonc features on the Thurston High School Site 3-8 I Spnngfield School August 26, 2002 t..~t 1 ConclUSIOn The Spnngfield School Dlstnct subnuts that the findmgs of fact m tlus applIcatIOn sal1sfy the reqUIrements of DiscretIOnary Use and Site Plan ReVIew cntena, mc1udmg the proposed condlt1ons outlmed m thiS report Prepared by David Reed & Associates, Inc 3-9 9 .... :I~/ Wj '~-.--+----" "'\1"'1' '.", ':l'! ;' , n ,~ , I I . PIlI .. ~ r I F ,111111~'\ ,,!-' ~ ~'jIJ ~~~.-d,/l- "_ 11_ ).\-G~^H' 1 ....;.:;;;.;;"r - I:: -.\ ' 1'- " I ',' . ~..-.- - -r.'f.:.-. ~ /....--~,... I I ..1\1' r 1 .cQE. -~ ' , -'IT - ~f~..---J / ............... : 76 -- i' h-..).;I 10<'-..... _ v ," ' , ; \ \J ( J "l_-"__"'iL I .........' r-:-i"/ ~", ~,', II t \~ "I '01 j II G"~; "','!i I \;a:~?~' 0 '1 . \; > -', \'T,:':' :. \ ,r :\ ' "':c ~ I 28 ':- (l' ." .!,...~."'" ) ....... " " .... . . i.. f :' , " .. , I " 0, I . '. ,;..=-;J~l :'~ :: --- ~~l -:- ;, , , . , ~~;A :...- 'I lot lUllIllU - , I 151 v . . . I I ',29 1 . '- j 'J . -, 0' ~- 2000' 4000' 6000' -4 Base Map: SprlnKfleld, Oree. U S G S Q1,JD.dro111l14 SCALE 1" = 2000' e' "DAVID J NEWTON ASSOCIATES, mc CIVIL &: GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES 1201 s.w ,..T'r4 AVENUe. SUItt ~ (3OJ) 2,18-7718 POR~O OAECON ~no~ r"x (~.J) 2:8-77&1 DATE F1LE NAI.lE INITIALS PROJECT NO \larch 1996 VlCINITY 619-121 RE 3-10 o I - \ " '\ ' " I~ _ iA A '1:1"t1 ./ '~-,\.~ ~f\:"'~~~ .r~; J..: '_) " ~~ < .~ :11'--4-!'J tr~y:/~_~ 1 ~ 1"~. 11_' P""'7~e~'~n8.t~ 1 ~",.. V ~ ~ : 'f-'V~ U\..J";",,--- 1 --f.' ,{~ ~"''''-~ I-,~ ~-, M I ' O/__~;- /~---:;l '.,~ I .~ 1 "~I I. -", I '..1 r~ r ' :- , ,-, l, , ~ .1 . \ ! ,',~. I.. "'J"~~; I '~~U~~:R;. 5.-2.... ~ --=~:r". -\ .. 'z:52~' ~ Cl .... . . I . ~ I.... J ..,1 ~J I '. a ~...: ,7~ ,; . .. J;- I"" 4 ~ 21. .::l '\.~....~ .l? ..J. JCl I . -~ ~ , I 11' J I: ~ .. "~',,&-.. , . 1. I' !I''''ll......- ____ ~cCil<t-7- ~ r" :/' -,: rHV' . - "~ I . ~. . U! ~:~U-' ;':Jt~on ~~~r:f~ c_~ :~;~!~~J F~-i~!"b I i-I J .' i:, '" _, U I ~:!t~:, . . I : . " , , . 1 : ~..~: , . . . , . , . , . "'MAIN I~:.~.. ...., I/C.lIJJUJiOU =lON VICINITY MAP Thumon Hiih School AddiUollJl/ Sprlnifleld. 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