HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Meeting Miscellaneous 1/7/2003 lutes approved by the Sprmgfleld rlannmg CommISsIOn March 4, 2003 MINUTES Springfield Planning Commission Regular Session City Council Chamber 225 Fifth Street- Springfield January 7, 2003 7pm PRESENT Tim Malloy, Chair, Lee Beyer, James Burford, William Carpenter, Steve Moe, Greg Shaver, members, Assistant City Attorney Meg Kieran, Mel Oberst, Planning Supervisor ABSENT Marilyn PhillipS, member 1 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Those present recited the pledge of allegiance 2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Carpenter, seconded by CommiSSioner Beyer, moved to approve the mmutes of the regular meetmg of December 3, 2002 with the following correctIons on page 13, the tIme the hearmg recessed was changed from 10 a m to 10 pm, on page 5, thIrd paragraph, the word at the begmmng of Ime 9 was changed from "commercial" to "Commission" and m the same sentence the word "of" mserted between the words "Issue" and "access" The motIOn passed, 5'0, one abstentIon CommIssIoner Carpenter, seconded by CommIssioner Beyer, moved to approve the minutes of the regular meetmg held on November 19, 2002 The motIon passed, 5 0, one abstentIOn 3 REPORT OF COUNCIL ACTION There was no report of council action at this time 4 BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE Commissioner Malloy called for other bUSiness from the audIence There was no one present Wishing to speak 5 QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING a Contmuatlon From December 3, 2002 - Discretionary Use - Sprmgfleld School Dlstrlct- 2002-09-0290 Me! Oberst, Planning Supervisor, drew the audience's attention to the criteria for discretionary use and asked those Wishing to speak to address their comments to the criteria and raise Issues With suffiCient specificity to allow staff or Commissioners to respond to them Commission Malloy asked Commissioners to disclose any conflicts of Interest or ex parte contacts There were none Sarah Summers, Planner, provided a summary of the discretionary use applicalton She MINT TTr, <;nnTlJTl1.f'ld PbllllllllT f'nmml....lnl1 T .HIII 1I"V 7 900'i P'llTll explained that the ' ~osed Improvements, considered as a xts complex/stadium use, would be m three phases e~nslstmg of lightmg for the eXlstmg footbdll field and track, mstallatlon of artifiCial turf on the football field and lighting for baseball, soccer, and softball fields, and a covered grandstand, ticket booth/concession stand, and rest rooms for the football field, and added fire lanes and lighted pedestnan access Ms Summer found that the application conformed to the cntena for dlscreltonary uses and recommended ItS approval With conditions She discussed the conditions of approval attached to her recommendation, Including o Site plan approval at each phase of the proJect, o the maXimum light level be 0 5 maintained foot-candles and the maximum low-level lighting system, or glare, be no more than 2 foot-candles at any property line In a residential dlstnct (standards were based on the lIIummatmg Engmeenng Society of North Amenca LIghtmg Handbook), o the hours of operation for the lighting system for any game or event would not exceed one hour after the game or event, o nOise from the site would be buffered for all sporting events to meet the follOWing standards OAR 340-335-035 Table 9, o overlapping school uses With the potential for generaling large traffic volumes at peak times would be avoided, and o sports fields scheduling would be mamtamed so as to minimize Impact on peak traffiC hours In response to a question from Commissioner Burford, Ms Summers said that there were no concerns With parking Commissioner Carpenter asked If the lighting conditions applied to all lights Within the sports complex or only to field lighting Ms Summers responded that the conditions applied to any lights that Impacted residential areas, but because of location these would be pnmanly the new lights bemg proposed for the sports fields She explamed that the lightmg levels reqUired by the conditions would result In less Illumination In a residential area than that produced by a street light Commissioner Malloy called for testimony from the applicant Steve Barrett, representing the Springfield School DIStrtct, asked for approval of the staff recommendation for the staff recommendalion He said that the Improvements were on property that was zoned appropnately and were a conforming use Mr Barrett assured the Commission that the eXisting parking lots had suffiCient capacity and the Dlstnct would deSign the lighting system to reflect away from adJolmng residential properties He also said the Dlstnct was Willing to conduct a nOise analYSIS dunng the second phase of the project Mr Barrett noted that the Improvements would give the school greater flexibility In scheduling events, which must now be concluded by dark He felt thiS would actually lessen the Impact on peak traffic hours Mr Barrett pledged the Dlstnct's commitment to continue working With the Planmng Department to resolve neighborhood traffic Issues that eXist south of the Thurston High School campus, north of Mam Street Commissioner Shaver asked how long games could last Mr Barrett said that the latest time a game might end would be 11 pm, but tYPically games were over by 9 30 P m Commissioner Shaver asked If the Dlstnct would be amenable to a condition requlnng lights to be turned off by 11 30 p m Mr Barrett said that would be acceptable MINUTes SjJnll~lidd l'ldlllllll~ COmnu;SIOIl J dlm,uy 7, 2003 l'a~c 2 Commissioner Malloy called for other teslimony on the project S P "Woodle" Woodsum, 225 S 51st Place, Springfield, spoke In support of the applicant's proposal He said he has children attending Thurston High School, has been a member of the Stadium Committee, and was a volunteer assistant track coach Mr Woodsum said the project would benefit the community and youth and there was good community support He thanked the Commission for ItS diligent review of the project and expressed the hope that work could commence In 2003 There being no further testimony, Commissioner Malloy closed the public hearing Commissioner Shaver expressed his support of the project He asked that the condition relating to hours of operation for the lighting system be modified by Inserting the word "field" to Indicate It was the field lighting that would be subject to the condition He also asked that 11 30 P m be established as the latest the field lights could operate, rather than the current language of one hour after an event Commissioner Moe commented that there could be exceptions In the case of public safety Commissioner Carpenter expressed concern that staling a speCific time could create liability Issues dunng crowd dispersal If an event went longer than 10 30 P m CommiSSioner Moe noted that some events, such as the 24 Hour OlympiCS, might reqUire lighting beyond 11 30 P m Mr Barrett explained that current technology With upgraded SWitching allowed the lights to be operated at a vanety of levels Performance lighting dunng an event could be lowered dunng the hour follOWing the event to reduce the Impact on reSidential property, conserve energy, but stili allow suffiCient light for public safety CommiSSioner Shaver Withdrew his request for language Imposing a speCifiC time In the condition relating to hours of operation , CommIssIoner Beyer, seconded by CommIssIoner Carpenter, moved to approve the requested discretionary use in Journal No 02-09-290, recogmzing the fmdings of fact and analYSIS from the staff and mcorporatmg the seven condItIons outlmed m the staff report, WIth the additIon of the word "fIeld" to defme the IIghtmg system subject to operatIonal condItion The motion passed unammously, 6.0 b. Continuation from December 17, 2003 - Rezone - HammerlShaw - ODOT - ZON2002- 10350 Jim Donovan, Planner, summanzed the staff report which recommended approval a Zone Change based upon a Plan/Zone conflict He noted that a Plan/Zone conflict anses when the current zoning conflicts With Metro Plan deSignation Mr Donovan commented that there was a gas stalion use on the site at the time of the Metro Plan adoption The gas station was demolished and tanks removed In 1992 and the site remained vacant until now He said the applicant has a tentatively approved site plan which cannot be given final approval until the Zone Change occurs Mr Donovan noted that a second applicant, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) was added pnor to the Initial heanng because It owns a parcel that the onglnal applicant IS negotiating to purchase or lease and will Incorporation a portion of In the site deSign as a landscape buffer He said that there were mOnltonng wells on both parcels for the pnor tank removal CommiSSion Malloy asked CommiSSioners to disclose any conflicts of Interest or ex parte contacts There were none CommiSSioner Burford Indicated that he had diSCUSSions With Mr Donovan regarding SOil MINUTES Spnnl(lidd PI,UlIlInl( Comnm'lolI Talllld'1' 7,2003 Pal(e 3 contamlnalton concerns He requested that the sOil be re-sampled when the applicant applied for a bUilding permit to assure that the site met the Department of EnVIronmental Quality's (DEQ) standards Mr Donovan replied that he had reviewed the files and discovered a demolilton permit Issued by the BUilding Department and a permit from the Fire Marshal for removal of the tanks He said that mOnltonng of the site had continued since the 1992 tank removal, to the POint that DEQ was no longer requesting regular Inspections The applicant IS waiting for a lelter of release from DEQ and all areas are In compliance with DEQ standards Mr Donovan noted that the BUilding DIvIsion would request the final Inspection and sign off lelter dunng the permlltlng process Commissioner Moe asked If contamination had been found when the tanks were removed Mr Donovan replied that there was contamination and the site was left open for aeration Commissioner Moe also asked If the landscaping currently on the ODOT parcel would be preserved Mr Donovan said that the development plan for the proposed sandwich and coffee shop reqUired a five foot buffer to accommodate traffic circulation and that area would be reserved as a landscape buffer Robert Shaw, architect, 656 Charnelton, Eugene, representmg the Hammer brothers, said that he had received verbal confirmation that EPA had signed off on use of mOnltonng wells In September, 2000 He said that a perforated PVC gnd was developed for use beneath the bUilding to trap any volatiles that might percolate up through the gravel and vent them through the roof Mr Shaw expected that once the gnd was Installed and the bUilding constructed, EPA would sign the site off as clean Mr Shaw also stated that the landscaped area contained a number of mature trees that would be the basIs for a landscape design that would Include a palto Commissioner Carpenter c1anfled that references to EPA should be references to the Oregon DEQ Ms Kieran said that a lelter from DEQ would be suffiCient for a bUilding permit Mr Donovan reiterated that the 5011 contamination Issue would be looked at dunng the bUilding permit review process, which would Include a Fire Marshal review, pursuant to an orderly and effiCient extension of urban facilities There being no further testimony, Commissioner Malloy closed the public heanng CommissIoner Shaver, seconded by CommIssIoner Burford, moved to grant the Zone Change Request in FIle No. ZON2002-10350, incorporating the findings of fact from the staff report and instructing the Chalf to sIgn the Final Order The motIon passed unammously, 6 0 c Zone Change - Mitch Ward - 2002-10-0216 CommiSSion Malloy opened the heanng and asked CommiSSioners to disclose any conflicts of Interest or ex parte contacts There were none Klltl Gale, Planner, reViewed the Zone Change Request and stated that It met the cntena for approval She said that staff recommended approval of the request CommiSSioner Shaver asked If there were any outstanding Issues regarding wetlands mitigation related to the site Ms Gale said that those Issues were not related to the zone change, but would be addressed when the applicant proposed development on the site Commissioner Malloy closed the heanng There was no further diSCUSSion CommiSSIoner Burford, seconded by CommIssIoner Moe, moved to accept Journal MINUTES Spnngfield Plannlllg COlllnmslOn J anu,lI)' 7, 200:~ 1',lgC 4 No 2001-1 216 for approval. The motion pass, manimously, 6'0 6 BUSINESS FROM THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR Mr Oberst reminded commiSSioners that It was time for the annual election of officers Commissioner Malloy said that elecltons would be postponed until Commissioner Phillips was present 7 BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION The Commission briefly discussed the PeaceHealth facility Commissioner Beyer asked If the heads of City departments had commented on any perceived Impact of the proposed site on the City's operating costs and Infrastructure Ms Kieran said that Input would be obtained dUring the master plan review Mr Oberst added that these Issues have been discussed Internally and some analYSIS had been done He said that appropriate staff could be available for the Commission's discussion of the PeaceHealth development and prepared to address Issues of potenltal fiscal Impact Commissioner Carpenter questioned whether the hospital, as a nonprofit entity, would be subject to property taxes Ms Kieran said that she would follow up on the question She also asked that commissioners submit these types of questions to staff In writing or via e-mail In order to establish a record and allow staff to notify the applicant of InqUiries Mr Oberst agreed to provide the e-mail addresses of key staff to commiSSioners CommIssioner Shaver, seconded by CommIssIoner Beyer, moved to recommend to the CIty CounCIl acceptance of the 2003-2008 CIP with the addItIonal encouragement to Include projects to convert protected only left turn signals to protectec/lpermitted signals The motIon passed unammously, 6 0 8 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8 p m (Recorded by Lynn Taylor) cspc030107 doc MINUTES ~pnllgfidd Plalllllllg Conull""OlI J,mu.lT}' 7, 200:1 Page .5