HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 6/11/2007 PAULY Linda SubJect Randy Nishimura [rnlshlmura@robertsonsherwood com] Monday, June 11, 2007 5 09 PM PAULY Linda cblllle@mckenzlecommerclal com, 'Todd Glenz', sbarrett@sps lane edu, 'John Saraceno', JAMES Greg (SMTP), 'Jim Robertson' Thurston High School - Case No PRE 2007-00024 From Sent To Cc Attachments Picture (Metafile) Linda Thank you for taking the time to speak with me thiS afternoon regarding the current Thurston High School Site Plan Modification application and more specifically the Issue of nOise buffering as addressed In the 16 May 2007 letter from Steve Barrett of Spnngfield Public Schools District 19 As you and I discussed, the Discretionary Use approval listed as a condition that noise generated from the site be buffered to meet the standards of OAR 340-35-035 Table 9 Accordmgly, we Introduced nOise control panels to be affixed to the south end of the grandstand as part of the deSign ThiS IS what IS descnbed In the submitted Site Plan ReView application However, crowd nOise at sporting events and the sound of marching bands are exemoted by the DEQ standard referenced by OAR 340-35-035 Specifically, Section 1 C 5(f) on page 16 of OAR 340-35-035 lists the follOWing exemption "(f) Sounds not electonlcally amplified which are created by or generated at sportmg, amusement and entertainment events, except those sounds which are regulated under other nOise standards" Mr Barrett's letter Cited thiS exemption In hiS letter of 16 May 2007 and sought City approval to not Install these panels, thereby saving the School Dlstnct a considerable expense (the bid price for the panels was $33,925) Note that the nOise level at the south property line (adjOIning residential properties) expected to be generated by crowd nOise would be 5dBA In excess of the OAR 340-35-035 standard as calculated by Albert G Dubie, P E , the acoustical consultant retained as part of our deSign team Based upon the foregOing, you Indicated to me today that the nOise control panels would illll be reqUired I would very much appreciate It If you could confirm thiS understanding via a response to thiS e-mail message Note that while the Dlstnct Wished to not have to Incur the expenditure for the panels, It nevertheless had to secure bid pricing for them With the bleachers to ensure that work could be accomplished In a timely fashion once all approvals and permits were In place ThiS IS why the panels were shown on the documents as part of the deSign we submitted to the City With the Site Plan ReView application I apologize for any confUSion their inclUSion In the documents may have cause. We also Included the panels In the Initial project deScription In order to aVOid the need for a possible re-submlttal should you have deemed that they were necessary to address the Discretionary Use approval conditions Once again, thanks for speaking With me and I look forward to hearing from you Randy Randy Nishimura, AlA ...... ~ Robertson'Sherwood Architects" 132 East Broadway SUite 540 EUgene, OR 97401 ph (541) 342-8077 fax (541) 345-4302 cell (541) 913-7970 PAULY Lmda To SubJect rnlshlmura@robertsonsherwood com RE Thurston High School - Case No PRE 2007-00024 Randy, Thank you for your memo I have added this information Into the record and will be reviewing this project In detail and writing a deCISion after I finish 4 other staff reports Until I complete my review I am unable to tell you whether the proposal IS consistent with the Springfield Developoment Code and the Discretionary Use permit Thank you for providing the Citation for OAR 340-35-035 Section 1 C 5(f) I will be reviewing the prevIous Discretionary Use permit land use decIsion, Plannmg Commission minutes and the approved Final Site Plan regarding the nOise Issue before I approve the plan If I find additional Information which has a beanng on the deCISion, I will contact you to before Issuing the deCISion The City IS aware of the additional expense the School District would Incur to Install the panels as onglnally proposed liNDA PAULY Planner 3 City 01 Ipnngfield Development lervIC" 221 Fifth Street Ipnngfield OR 97477 phone (\41) 726-4608 fax (541) 126 3689 1 ;; D1STRJCI SPR5flFGFliELU Public Schools Adn.llllstratlon Blllldlng 52S MIll Sti2Pt .. SpllngfJeld, OR 97477 '" S41-""'2G 32(.7" l[M) 541-726 9555 16 May 2007 City of Spnngfield Development Services - Urban Planning DIvIsion 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, OR 97477 Attention Lmda Pauly, Planner Re Thurston High School- Site Plan Modification Conformance to Discretionary Use Conditions Dear Ms Pauly The Thurslon HI9h School Athletics Fields Improvements proposed as part of the current Site Plan Application (Case Number PRE 2007-00024) shall conform as follows to the seven conditions Imposed by the Spnngfleld Planning Commission as part of Its 2003 approval of the proposed discretionary use 1 Site Plan approval IS reqUired for each of the proposed phases The DIStllCt seeks Site Plan approval for the proposed phase of work compllsed of the constructIon of a new 1000 to 1500 seat grandstand, and a new fire lane and fire hydrant to provide emergency service to the grandstand 2 The maximum light level shall be 0 5 maintained foot-candles at any property line In a reSidential dlstnct The maximum light level at the nelghbormg reSidential property Imes Will not be mcreased to beyond 0 5 mamtamed foot-candles With the mtroductlOn of the new bleachers egress Ilghtmg Refer to the accompanymg photometllc data prepared by Systems West Engmeers that mdlcates that the light levels mtroduced by the egress lightmg drop below 0 5 foot- candles wlthm approximately 30 feet of the east and south Sides of the new bleachers (the Sides facmg the adJommg residential properties) The eXlstmg field Ilghtmg, previously submitted and approved by the City of Sprmgfleld, produces levels of IIIummatlon at the property Imes that are higher than the proposed egress lightmg but are also wlthm the 0 5 foot-candles limitation 3 MaXimum low-level lighting system shall be no more than 2 foot-candles at any property line In a reSidential dlstnct There are no plans associated With thiS Site Plan applicatIOn to mtroduce new low-level IIghtmg 10 the VICInity of the reSidential property Imes 4 The hours of operation for the field lighting system for any game or event shall not exceed one hour after the end of the event WebSHe WIVW "ps lane edu Spnllffleld School DI<;{lld l\ An Equal CJpPOItIlTll'Y Fmplowr 16 May 2007 City of Spnngfield Development Services - Urban Planning DIvIsion Page Three 7 The District Will maintain sports fields scheduling so that they minimize Impact on peak hours of traffic School IS released for the day at 3 10 pm and there IS a large volume of traffic until 3 30 pm All the football events are scheduled at 5 00 pm and later, which IS well after school IS released ThiS minimiZeS the Impact on peak hours of traffic The lighted playmg fields permit later schedulmg of games (prevIOusly scheduled before darkness) and thus avoid overlappmg the peak traffic hours with the athletics events Note that lackmg the abl/lty to host football games (m the absence of spectator seatmg), Thurston football has shared Stlke fIeld wIth Sprmgfleld HIgh School The creatIOn of a new stadIUm for Thurston Will relieve the long-standmg Issue of cars Impactmg the neighborhood around Sllke Field every weekend m the Fall Please do not hesitate to contact our representative, Randy Nishimura, AlA of Robertson/Sherwoodl Architects pc with any questions or concerns you may have regarding any of the foregoing Sincerely, ~~(^^. ~~ Steve Barrett Deputy Superintendent SPRINGFIELD SOHOOL DISTRICT I CUSTODIAL SERVICES MANUAL I THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM I I I otNOTE: StadIUm field lighting mus:t be turned off one hour after the I end of events. I I I I 1 Assemble Custod13l crew to StadIUm iat end of event Collect all trash from fIeld, I bleachers and trashcans Transport wIth Gator to dumpsters near Baseball fIeld I for dIsposal I I 2 Lock all Restrooms i \ I 3 *TURN OFF ALL STADIUM LIGHTING I , 4 Clean Restrooms along wIth any neeqed other cleamng on the followmg mornmg I I THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE 2007-2008 DAY DATE OPPONENT SITE TIME LEVEL Thursday 8/30/2007 VarSIty Jamboree Thurston 8 OOam V Thursday 9/6/2007 South Eugene Th urston 530/530/645pm FR/JV IV Tuesday 9/11/2007 Sheldon Sheldon 545/545/700pm FR/JV IV Thursday 9113/2007 South Eugene South Eugene 530/530/700pm FRIJV /V Saturday 9/15/2007 Spnngheld Tournament SprIngfIeld 9 OOam FR Saturday 9/15/2007 Wlllamette Tournament WIlJamette 9 OOam JV Saturday 9/15/2007 South Eu?;ene S Eugene 9 OOam V Tuesday 9/18/2007 Sheldon Thurston 530/530/645pm FR/JV /V Saturday 9/22/2007 Rogue Valley InVItatIOnal Medford 9 OOam V Tuesday 9/25/2007 Marshfleld Marshfleld 530/530/645pm FR IJV IV Thursday 9/27/2007 Wlllamette Thurston 530/530/645pm FR/JV IV Saturday 9/29/2007 S Albany lnvltahonal S Albany 9 OOam V Tuesday 10/2/2007 North Eugene North Eugene 530/530/645pm FR/JV /V Thursday 10/4/2007 Churclull Thurston 530/530/645pm FR/jV IV Monday 10/8/2007 SprmgfIeld Sprmgheld 530/530/645pm FRIJV IV Wednesday 10/10/2007 Marshfleld Thurston 530/530/645pm FR/JV IV Saturday 10/13/2007 Clearwater InVItatiOnal Bend 8 OOam V Tuesday 10/16/2007 Wlllamette Wlllamette 530/530/645pm FR/JV IV Thursday 10/18/2007 North Eugene Thurston 530/530/645pm FR/jV /V Tuesday 10/23/2007 Churchill Churchill 530/530/645pm FR/JV /V Thursday 10/25/2007 SprmgfIeld Thurston 530/530/645pm FR/JV /V Sahlrday 10/27/2007 Cut-Off Date Head Coach Didier Hemelsoet AthletiC Director Scott Johnson Sports Line (541) 988-5365 Principal Ed Mendelssohn School Phone (541) 744-5000 School Fax (541) 744-5029 5/16/2007 (~l .. -- ~4Ir ~ , , I I I THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL I CROSSCOUNvRYSCHEDULE , 2007f2008 I DAY DATE OPPONENT 'SITE TIME I- I Thursday 9/6/2007 THS Invltahonal 'LCC 4 OOpm I Tuesday 9/11/2007 WIllamette WIllamet!e 4 OOpm Saturday 9/15/2007 South Salem Inv Bush Park TBA Sahuday 9/22/2007 Northwest ClassIc iLCC TBA Saturday 9/29/2007 "ake Woahmk Invltal:Iona Florence 9 OOam Tuesday 10/2/2007 JV Invltahonal Churclull 4 OOpm , Saturday 10/13/2007 Adldas ClaSSIC Fernlull Park 1200pm I Tuesday 10/16/2007 North Eugene North Eugene 4 OOpm Wednesday 10/24/2007 DIstrIct ChamplOnslups iLCC 2 OOpm Saturday 11/3/2007 State ChamplOnslups :LCC TBA Tuesday 11/6/2007 Banquet ,TBA TBA i. Head Coach DeWayne Cantrall Asst John Gillespie Athletic Director Scott Johnson Sports line (541) 988-5365 Pnnclpal Ed Mendelssohn , School phone (541) 744-5000 , School fax (541) 744-5029 5/16/2007 THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SOCCER 2007-2008 DAY DATE OPPONENT SITE TIME LEVEL Tuesday 9/412007 Glencoe Glencoe 4 OOpm JVN Thursday 9/612007 Crater Crater 4 30pm JVN Saturday 918/2007 Canby Jamboree Canby 9 OOam JVN Monday 9/10/2007 Grants Pass Thurston 4 30pm JVN Wednesday 9/12/2007 Roseburg Roseburg 4 OOpm JVN Monday 9/17/2007 North Eugene North Eugene 4 30/7 OOpm JVN Wednesday 9/1912007 Wlllamette Thurston 4 30pm JVN Tuesday 9/25/2007 Churchill Churchill 4 00/6 OOpm JVN Thursday 9/27/2007 Marshfleld Thurston 4 30pm JVN Tuesday 1 0/2/2007 Springfield Springfield 4 30pm JVN Thursday 1014/2007 North Eugene Thurston 4 30pm JVN Tuesday 1 0/9/2007 Wlllamette Wlllamette 4 30pm JVN Monday 10/1512007 Churchill Thurston 4 OOpm JVN Wednesday 10/1712007 Marshfleld Marshfleld 4 30/7 OOpm JVN Wednesday 10124/2007 Springfield Thurston 4 OOpm JVN Saturday 1 0127/2007 Cut Off Date Head Coach Ryan Christner AthletiC Director Scott Johnson Sports Line (541) 988-5365 Principal Ed Mendelssohn School Phone (541) 744-5000 School Fax (541) 744-5029 5/16/2007 l I I I I I THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL , GIRLS SOCCER I 2007~2008 I DAY DATE OPPONENT SITE' TIME LEVEL I Tuesday 9/4/2007 Ashland Ashland ~ OOpm JVN Thursday 9/6/2007 Crater Thurston 4 30pm JVN Saturday 9/8/2007 Canby Jamboree Canby' 9 OOam JVN Monday 9/10/2007 Grants Pass Grants Pass 4 30pm JVN Wednesday 9/12/2007 Roseburg Thurstoh 4 30pm JVN I Tuesday 9/18/2007 North Eugene North Eugene 4 30/7 OOpm JVN Thursday 9/20/2007 Wlllamette , I Thurstop 4 30pm JVN Wednesday 9126/2007 Churchill Churchill 4 00/6 OOpm JVN , Monday 10/1/2007 Marshfleld Thurston 4 30pm JVN Wednesday 10/3/2007 Spnngfleld Spnngfle'ld 4 30pm JVN Monday 10/8/2007 North Eugene Thu rstoh 4 30pm JVN Wednesday 10/1012007 Wlllamette Wlllamette 4 30pm JVN Tuesday 10/16/2007 Churchill Thurston 4 OOpm JVN Thursday 10/18/2007 Marshtleld Marshfleld 3 30/7 OOpm JVN Tuesday 10/23/2007 Spnngfleld Thurston 4 OOpm JVN Saturday 10/27/2007 Cut Off Date Head Coach Cliff Schutte Athletic Director Scott Johnson Sports Line (541) 988-5365 Pnnclpal Ed Mendelssohn School Phone (541) 744-5000 School Fax (541) 744-5029 I I I 5/16/2007 THURSTON HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL SCHEDULE 2007-2008 DAY DATE OPPONENT SITE TIME LEVEL Thursday 8130/2007 Bend Sllke 3 3017pm JVN Thursday 916/2007 Grants Pass Grants Pass 5 OOpm FR Thursday 91612007 Grants Pass Thurston 5 OOpm JV Fnday 9/7/2007 Grants Pass Grants Pass 7 OOpm V Thursday 9/13/2007 Sllverton S,lverton 5 OOpm FR Thursday 9/13/2007 Sllverton Thurston 5 OOpm JV Fnday 9/14/2007 Sllverton Sllverton 7 OOpm V Thursday 9/20/2007 Sheldon Thurston 5 OOpm FR Thursday 9120/2007 Sheldon Sheldon 4 OOpm JV Fnday 9/21/2007 Sheldon Thurston 7 OOpm V Thursday 1014/2007 North Eugene Thurston 5 OOpm FR Thursday 1014/2007 North Eugene North Eugene 4 OOpm JV Fnday 1 015/2007 North Eugene Thurston 7 OOpm V Monday 1 0/8/2007 North Bend Thurston 5 OOpm FRISoph Wednesday 1 011 012007 Churchill Thurston 5 OOpm JV Thursday 1 0/11/2007 Churchill Churchill 4 OOpm FR Thursday 10/11/2007 Churchill Churchill 7 OOpm V Thursday 1 0/18/2007 Wlllamette Thurston 5 OOpm FR Thursday 1 0/18/2007 Wlllamette W,lIamette 5 OOpm JV Fnday 1 0/19/2007 Wlllamette Thurston 7 OOpm V Thursday 10/25/2007 Marshfleld Thurston 5 OOpm FR Thursday 10/25/2007 Marshfleld Marshfleld 5 OOpm JV Fnday 10/26/2007 Marshfleld Thurston 7 OOpm V Thursday 11/1/2007 Spnngfleld Spnngfleld 3 OOpm FR Thursday 11/1/2007 Spnngfleld Thurston 5 OOpm JV Fnday 11/2/2007 Spnngfleld S,lke 7 OOpm V Fnday 1119/2007 First Round State Playoffs Head Coach Justm Starck Athlet,c Director Scott Johnson Sports line (541) 988-5365 Pnnclpal Ed Mendelssohn School Phone (541) 744-5000 School Fax (541) 744-5029 5/16/2007