HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 7/17/2007 ,- SliJ}; ~fP~uffW(rj{f:uD::i.id i/;O l'ublic Schools ~- , Facilities Management 1890 North 42nd Slreet 0 SpnngfIeld, OR 97478-56020541-744-63750 [FAX) 541-744-6374 July 17,2007 CIty of Spnngfield Development ServICes Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 AttentIOn Lmda Pauly Dear Ms Pauly, 1 wish to retract my Appeals ApplicatIOn, Type III, filed on July 16,2007, regardmg DRC 2007 - 00035, Journal No ZON2007-0004l, effective nnmed1ately Please contact me at the number listed If you need any further mformatlOn Smcerely, (M..b, ~ aceno amtenance Supervisor Spnngfield School DistrIct #19 1890 North 42nd Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-744-6375 541-335-1278 JSIJo Spnngfleld School DIstnct IS An Equal OpportUnity Employer \ Jlc3h SPRDNGff-iii.B 'litO l'ublic Schools \ Mamtenance Center 1890 42nd Street Spnngfleld, OR 97478 RECETVED JUL 1 '7 Z007 BY; City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Attention Linda Pauly