HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/16/2007 (2) \ I CII)' of Spnngfield Development Services Departmenl 225 FIfth Streel Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 ~ , SPRINGFIELD Appeals Application, Type \11 v Appeal of the Director's DeCISion _ Appeallfan Expedited Land DIVISion Name, Journal Number and Dale of the DeCISIon Being Appealed C)I~ ( Z{)(~ I rJ...ur7:>h-/~ 11'::/' ~hnnl <::::>(~t' Il/u-<J,f-:<e"j'c.r- COO y-~- Date of FJilng the Appeal 1- 1(., (17 (ThiS date must be \\-Ithm 10 days of the delle of the decIsIOn) Please list below, ill summary form, Ihe specIfic Issues being raIsed In Ihe appeal These should be IlIe specific pOints where you feel the Approval Authonl)' erred In makmg the deCISIOn, Ie, what approval cnlenon or cntena you allege 10 have been Inappropnately applied Issue #1 ('n~)iI\\\D'-J ~3- r, '1f l'iD -35 - C:>~5 0r~\1 '7')'LA , ~Du:5 pvC-0\S Issue #2 Issue #3 Issue #4 (LIst any additIOnal Issues being appealed on an attached sheel) The underSigned acknowledges thai the above appeal form and Us attachments have been read, the reqUirements for filing an appedl of a land '}Ie deCISion IS understood ,md states th.d the mfurma.tlon supphed l.!l correct and accurate /, C' II-t L<L5n> tJ i"h0t+ SCltVoL-' Appellanl's Name ~ C)~,v ,') A R A- C.::' AJ D Phone f( '-i L\ - Co:3, '( 5 Address \ 1:'1 0 )0 '-\:L t--J)> 'S~ Slalemenl of Int resl --- Slgna~ , \ For Offiee Use Only Journa 0 ZON ,;zDO 7- OOOLf! Received By Assessor's Map No '1- 0 z. ::,Lj - ~ l.. Tax Lot No Date Accepted as Complete cJtl 100 225 f, Ifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone "'~ Cltv "f Sprmgfield Official Receipt Dl upment Services Department Public Works Depdrtment RECEIPT # 3200700000000000481 Datc 07/16/2007 2 55 58PM PaId B) SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DlST Item Total Check Number Authorization ReceIved Bv Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 25000 $25000 Job/Journal Number ZON2007-00041 DescriptIOn CTY Appeal Type II DecIsion Payments Type of Payment Check Amount Paid kal 57244 In Person Pavment Total $25000 $250 00 CRt:Ct:lnll Page I of I 7/16/2007 VUUGHcH LJI~ I HIt:JU IIUN CITY OF SPRI:'>lG r ILLD 7/16/07 57244 . Account No DescriptIon Amount Account No Descrlpllon Amount 40641'0640668910 PLRMII 25000 Audited By Date Total 2'000 Approved By Date invoice PO Amount Invoice InvoIce PO Amount Invoice Number Number Date Number Number Date llIS 1'0292 250 00 7/16,07 57244 Date Voucher No CITY OF SPRI:'>lGFIELD PERMIT DH'T 225 'illI ST SPRJ;';GOELD OR 97477 7/16,07 '7244 Vendor No Amount 20294 '2'i0 00 REMITTANCE ADVICE Spnngfield Public Schools Dlstnct 19 525 Mill Street Spnngfleld OR 974TI ()41' TJfi 12<;:7 ; DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET NEW LAND USE APPLICATIONS July 16, 2007 through July 20, 2007 1 APPEAL #ZON2007 -00041 SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT $250 Assessor's Map 17-02-34-32 TL 100 Address 333 58th Street EXlstmg Use Thurston High School Appeal of Case #ORC2007-00035 (Site Plan Modification - Major), applicant IS appealing a condition which requires the applicant to demonstrate consistency wrth the Planmng Commission's 2002 Discretionary Use approval which reqUired nOise buffenng Planner Lmda Pauly