HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 6/1/2007
PrOject Name Lo't Valley Tax
Nature of <\ppllcahon Change 10 use from a residence to a tax preparation and bookkeepmg service
together wIth an addItIOnal 704 square feet of pavmg area
Case Number DRC2007-00032
Project LocatIOn 5112 MalO Street, Map and Tax Lot 1702333203400
Current Site Conditions ThiS Site 1>; on the Dorthea.;;t comer ofMam and 51st Street and 1<; developed
WIth a ;mgle famIly home, detached garage and detached shop bUlldmg Paved dnveway and parkmg 81 eas
eXIst on 'Hte WIth lawn area between the house and "hop and along Mam Street and 51 SI Streets The parcel
" approxllnalely 9810 square feet
Zonmg Commumty Commercial (CC)
Metro Plan DeSIgnatIOn East MalO Refinement Plan - MIxed Use Area 3
Zomng of Surronndmg Properties North- CC, Soulh- Across MaIO Street - CC, East- CC and We"-
Across 51" Street - CC
ApplicatIOn Submitted Date Apnl 30, 2007
Site VISit Conducted Date May 3, 2007
DeCISIOn Issned Date June 1,2007
Recommendation Approved, With CondItIOns
PrOlect Mana~er Plannm. LIZ MIller 726-230 I
Transnortatlon Plannmp Engmeer TransportatIon Garv McKennev 726-4585
Pubhc Works EIT Samtarv & Storm Sewer Matt Stouder 736-1035
Deoutv FIre Marshal Fire and Life Safety GIlbert Gordon 726-2293
CommuOltv Servlce" Manager BUlldm~ lohn Pear.:;on 726-3669
Steven WhIte & G Todd MaI;h
Snrmgfield, OR 97477
MDS - DRC2007-00032
Date Received.~
Planner: LM
Purpose MInimUm Development Stdndards (MDS) are mtended to support economIc development by
mInlmIzmg CIty revIew for mmor addItIOn>;, expan>;lons or changes In u>;e MDS >;hall ensme comphance
wIth >;pecIfic appearance, transportatIOn >;afety and effiCIency, and <;tomlwater management >;tandards
'peclfied m the Sprmgfield Development Code (SDCl and otherwIse prolect pubhc health, safety and
CrIterIa of Approval In order to grant MDS approval, the DIrector ,hall determme comphance WIth all
apphcable standard, specIfied below
Apphcable SpecIal Use Standards
Standard The East Mam Refmement Plan MIxed Use Area #3, CrItena for MIxed Use
Refmement Plan DesIgnatIons states m sectIon (6), "Wherever commerclaVmdustnal uses
abut resIdentIal uses vegetatIve buffers and landscapmg shall be requIred m accordance WIth
SIte Plan RevIew standards (ArtIcle 31, Spnngfteld Development Code) "
Fmdmg Zonmg to the north IS Commumty CommerCIal, howevel there IS a smgle famIly home
on thIS parcel A paved dnveway eXISts on the lot bemg reviewed WIth a slatted fenced
separatIng the property A small unpaved area at the begmmng of the dnveway contaIllS
landscapmg over SIX feet m heIght
X Comphes as Shown on Plot Plan
D Proposal ComplIes when the followmg CondltIon(s) IS/ are met
1) A ftve-foot WIde landscaped planter stnp, mcludmg street trees, WIth approved IrngatIon or
approved drought resIstant plants as speClfted m SDC SectIons 31130, 31140 and 32 050 shall
be mstalled between the SIdewalk and parkmg areas or bUl1dmgs
o ComplIes as Shown on Plot Plan
X Proposal ComplIes when the followmg CondltlOn(s) Is/are met
ConditIon 1 SubmIt a Fmal Plot Plan showmg one additIonal Street Tree on the 51 "
Street frontage and one addItIonal Street Tree on the MaIO Street frontage Street Trees
are to be placed behmd the SIdewalk at least fIve feet back of the SIdewalk but not more
than 10 feet Street Trees shall be placed approXimately 30 feet apart Enclosed IS a
IIstmg of acceptable street trees and placement standards
ConditIon 2 Clearly show the reqUIred 5' planted setback requIred from property Ime
to ro osed avement area on the Fmal Plot Plan
2) Trash receptacles and outdoor storage areas shall be screened by a structure or enclosure
permanently affIxed to the ground as speCIfIed m SDC SectIon 31160
[;::J ComplIes as Shown on Plot Plan
X PlOposal ComplIes when the followmg CondltIon(s) Is/are met I I, I "...,~
Date Received:~
Planner: LM
MDS - DRC2007-00032
ConditIon 3 The trash enclosure shall be screened by a SIght obscunng fence
3) BIcycle parkIng spaces shall be added to meet the numencal standards for the appropnate
use or upgraded to meet the standards set In SDC SectIons 31 210 and 31 220
o Comphes as Shown on Plot Plan
X Proposal Comphes when the follow1l1g CondltIon(s) IS/ are met
CondItIOn 4 One three space bICycle parkmg rack shall be shown on the Fmal Plot Plan
and mstalled pnor to occupancy
4) ParkIng and cIrculatIon areas shall be paved and strIped and wheel stops Installed as
specIfIed In SDC SectIons 31170 and 31190 ReqUIred pavIng and other
ImpervIOus surfaces on the sIte shall comply WIth on-SIte stormwater management standards
as specIfIed In SDC SectIon 32 110
EXCEPTION In cases where the number of vehIcular parkIng spaces cannot be met due to lot
sIze or phYSIcal constraInt, the DIrector, In consultatIOn WIth the Transportallon Planmng
EngIneer, may reduce the standard WIthout a MInor Vanance If a fIndIng IS made that the
reductIon wIll not have an adverse Impact on publIc safety
EJ Comphes as Shown on Plot Plan
X Proposal Comphes when the followmg CondltIon(s) IS/ are met
CondItIon 5 Smce the mmmlUm amount of Width reqUIred for the handICap space and
aIsle IS 17 feet, the proposed handIcap space and aIsle wdl not be able to be placed
where It IS shown on the tentatIve plan Show on the Fmal Plot Plan the handICap space
and access aIsle m the paved area whICh fronts the garage bUlldmg
CondItIon 6 Show a paved area a nllmmum 36" Wide from the handIcap space and
aIsle to the access ramp at the front of the bUlldmg ThIS area shall be strIped as an
accessIble ADA route
CondItIon 7 Two addItIonal parkmg spaces shall be stnped 111 front of the shop area
and a SIgn shall be posted on the garage dlrectmg customers to addItIonal parkmg m
back of the buddmg The gate shaU remam open and unlocked dunng busmess hours
CondItIOn 8 The new pavmg area to be used for turnaround backup area and the
handIcap access way shall be sloped towards the planter stnp so that It wdl sheet flow
to that area
5) Access onto the publIc nght-of-way shall comply WIth SDC SectIOn 32 080
X Comphes as Shown on Plot Plan
lJ Proposal Comphes when the followmg CondltIon(s) Is/are met
Date ReceIVed.~
Planner: LM
MDS - DRC2007-00032
ConditIOn 9 SDC 31 190 states that except for areas less than 4 spaces on a residentially
zoned lot, backlllg Into the publIc rIght of way, other than alleys IS prohIbited SDC 32-2
requires a mlmmum of 18' of dnveway throat depth measured from the edge of the
curb to the fIrst parkIng space In order to have adequate maneuvenng room for the
handICap turnIng radIUs, space on the sIde of the house wIll be requIred to be paved
and marked "no parkIng"
6) Concrete sIdewalks shall be Installed where the SIte abuts a curb and gutter street as
speCIfied In SDC SectIon 32 040
X ComplIes as Shown on Plot Plan
Q Proposal ComplIes when the follOWIng Condlhon(s) IS/ are met
7) Streetlights shall be Installed as speCIfIed In SDC Secl10n 32060
X ComplIes as Shown on Plot Plan
GJ Proposal Comphes when the follOWIng Condlhon(s) IS/ are met
8) The development shall connect to pubhc utIhtIes as speCIfied In SectIons 32 100 through
32120 of the SDC and comply WIth the Spnngfleld BUIlding Safety Codes, where applicable
Easements may be reqUIred as speCIfIed In SubsectIon 32 120(5) of thIS Code
X Comphes as Shown on Plot Plan
[] Proposal Comphes when the follOWIng CondltIon(s) IS/ are met
Tmlelmes and CondItIOns of Approval The property owner and/or applIcant ha, 30 days from the date
of thIS deCISIOn to submit a Fmal Plot Plan demon'itratmg compliance WIth the followmg Conditions of
CondItIon 1 SubmIt a FInal Plot Plan shOWIng one addItIonal Street Tree on the 51" Street
frontage and one addlhonaJ Street Tree on the MaIn Street frontage Street Trees are to be placed
behllld the SIdewalk at least fIve feet back of the "dewalk but not more than 10 feet Street Trees
shall be placed approxllnately 30 feet apart Enclosed IS a lIstIng of acceptable street trees and
placement standards
Date ReceIVed:~
Planner: LM
MDS - DRC2007-00032
CondItIon 2 Clearly show the required 5' planted setback requITed from property Ime to
proposed pavement area on the Final Plot Plan
CondItIon 3 The trash enclosure shall be screened by a sight obscunng fence
CondItIon 4 One three space bICycle parkmg rack shall be shown on the Fmal Plot Plan and
Installed pTlor to occu pancy
CondItIon 5 Smce the nllmmum amount of Width requITed for the handicap space and aisle IS 17
feet, the proposed handICap space and aIsle WIll not be able to be placed where It IS shown on the
tentatIve plan Show on the Fmal Plot Plan the handICap space and access aisle m the paved area
whIch fronts the garage bUIlding
CondItIon 6 Show a paved area a mlmmum 36" WIde from the handIcap space and aisle to the
access ramp at the front of the bUIldmg ThiS area shall be strIped as an accessible ADA route
CondItIon 7 Two additIOnal parkmg spaces shall be stTlped m front of the shop area and a SIgn
shaU be posted on the garage dITectmg customers to addItIOnal parkmg m back of the bUilding
The gate shall remam open and unlocked dunng busmess hours
CondItIOn 8 The new pavmg area to be used for turnaround backup area and the handICap
access way shall be sloped towards the planter StrIp so that It WIll sheet flow to that area
CondItIon 9 SDC 31190 states that except for areas less than 4 spaces on a resIdentIally zoned
lot, backmg mto the public TIght of way, other than alleys IS prolllbIted SDC 32-2 reqUIres a
nllmmum of 18' of dnveway throat depth measured from the edge of the curb to the fIrst parkmg
space In order to have adequate maneuvermg room for the handicap turnmg radIUS, space on
the SIde of the house Will be reqUITed to be paved and marked "no parkmg"
In order to complete the review proce~s, a Development Agreement 1<'; reqUIred Wlthm 45 days from the
date of tIll'; deClSlOn to ensure the terms and condItIOns of thiS applicatIon are bmdmg upon both the
apphcanl and the City ThI< agreement Will be prepared by Staff and upon approval of Ihe Fmal Plol Plan,
mu';l be "'Igned by the plOperty owner pnor to Issuance of a bUlldmg penUlt
The con..,trucllon of the reqUIred Improvement'! ",hall begm wIthm 90 days of the date of thiS deCI'ilOn If the
e'itabhshed time hne cannot be met, the apphcant may submit a wntten reque<.;t for a tune Ime extenc;lOn 3'i
,pecIfied m SDC SectIon 3\ 010(5)(b)
The Dlrector may allow a one-time exten~lOn of the 90-day ~tart of con...truction time lme due to ~ltuatIOn~
mcludmg but not limited to, reqUIred permits from the City or other agencies weather conditIOne; and the
unavailability of asphalt or the unavaIlablhty of street Iree< If the tIme exlen,lOn IS allowed, secunty shall
be proVided as speCified m SDC SectIOn 31 110 of this ArtIcle The time lme extensIOn ,hall not
exceed 90 days
If the e,tablIshed tIme lme" not met and the applicant has not requested an exten>1on, the DlTector shall
declare the applIcallOn null and VOId If the property IS occupied and the p~Jrty rOn~ll be conSidered
Date Received: I
MDS - DRC2007-00032 Planner. LM 5
m vlOlatlOll of this Code If the e~tabli..hed time lme I~ not met and the applicant ha.. reque...ted an
exten"lOn and that time line has not been met, the Director may requIre the Improvement... be m...talled as
specified m SDC SecllOn 31 110(4)
All new sewer tap' will requIre permit' from the PublIc Works Department prIor 10 connecllOn
Sidewalk, and drIveway curb cuts and closure, reqUire permits from the PublIc Work,
BUlldmg permits Will be reqUired for the constructIOn of the bUlldmg and the pavmg ofthe parkmg
An LDAP permit Will be reqUired for all gradmg fillIng and excavatIng bemg done
Sign Permit-NOTE Signs are regulaled by the SprIngfield MUniCipal Code Anlcle 9, Chapter?
The number and placement of signs mu~t be coordmated with the Commumty Service.. DIVIsIon
The location of signs on a Site Plan does not con~tltute approval from the Commumty Services
PLEASE NOTE The bUlldmg d'VI"on has submllled a comment statmg that the converSIOn from a home
to commercial office u..e WIll reqUIre a report from a hcen..ed archItect or engmeer wIth a buIldmg code
check to IdentIfy the defiCient Items and proVide permit documents with a bUlldmg permit application to
bnng the converSlOn ll1to compliance wIth the current code
AddItIOnal InformatIon The applIcallOn all documents, and eVidence relIed upon by the applIcant and
the applIcable CrIterIa of approval are available for free '"'pectlOn and cop Ie' are available for a fee at the
Development Service, Depanmenl, 225 Fifth Street, SprIngfield, Oregon
Appeals Thl' Type I dec",on I' exempt from the provI"ons ofORS 197195,197763 and 227 173 and
therefore cannot be subject to the appeal proVl'lon' ofSDC Anlcle 15, Appeals
QuestIons Plea,e call L,z Miller m the Plannmg DIVISIOn of Ihe Development Services Depanment al
(541 )726-230 I If you have any questIOn, regardmg thIS process
Date ReceIVed:~
Planner: LM
MDS - DRC2007-00032
Steven Wh~te & G Todd Ma~sh
1255 21st Street
Spr~ngf~eld, Oregon 97477
Date ReceIVed.~
Planner LM