HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 5/9/2007 .. f M E M 0 RAN DUM City of Sprmgfield To Gary McKenney - TransportatIOn, Les Benoy - Engmeenng, Gilbert Gordon- Fire, John Pearson - BUlldmg From' LIz Miller - Plannmg Date Subject May 9, 2007 DRC2007-00032 Attached IS an MDS for a change of use from a resIdence m Commumty CommerCIal ZOnIng to be converted to an accountant's office An additIon of 704 square feet m pavmg IS proposed on the 51" street sIde of the house It looks hke the ADA parkmg will not work m this area although the apphcant wIll stIll pave this area for an ADA access way to the front door and additIOnal maneuvenng area He proposes to stnpe the ADA and access aIsle m front of the garage and add two spaces m the asphalt area m front of the shop bUlldmg The shop IS not bemg used and the apphcant IS the only person workmg m the tax office He wIll have no employees Please provIde comments to me by Fnday, May 25, 2007 Thank you ~- Date ReceIVed.~ Planner LM