HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PWE 5/24/2007 Memorandum City of Springfield Date To From Subject May 24, 2007 LIz MIller, Planrung Jesse Jones, CIvIl EngIneer DRC2007-00032, Lost Valley Tax I have revIewed the matenals provided wlth the subJect app!JcatlOn The app!Jcant proposes to pave an addlbonal 704 square feet on the 51st Street sIde of the house The runoff from the new pavIng wlll sheet flow Into the proposed planter stnp or to the eXIstIng gutter system In 5151 St The system has adequate capacIty for the proposed Increase m storrnwater runoff ThIS development IS acceptable as proposed The Pubhc Works EngIneeTIng sectlOn has no other Issues WIth t1us development If Transportabon or FIre has any Issues that Impact PW Engmeenng, please contact me Please let me know If! can be of further assIstance Date ReceIved. 5/1--~ /0 r Planner. LM