HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication PLANNER 1/29/2008 1 \ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE , llDfl~ N~ of . 1)e. u "ol$(\ 1/2t{ [03 STATE OF OREGON) )ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1 I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning DivIsion of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon 2 I state that in my capacity as, Program TechnicIan, I prepared and ca.used to be. ~...... mailed copies of 'J)Rc..Z=7-CX::076 ~lDRC2=7-00d7G'-/io~ a- J:y,~.L<.t4'>I5 -.4J.:Q...........- ~ 1_ ~~OD,'t.!l, (See attachment "A") on 1/",,- q . 2008 addressed to (see ~ 5:.A.ai>'f Attachment B"), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S mall box with postage fully prepaid thereon ~~i1d~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane 2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen laFleur, nician, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary . OFFICIAL SEAL , SANDRA MARX , , NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO 385725 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV 12,2008 ~~ 'ntMf 1//1'2../ ZOO <{, , I My CommISSion ExpIres NotIce of DeCIsIOn -SIte Plan RevIew & Tree Fellmg PrOject Name Maple Grade School Project Proposal Replace eXlsbng pubhc grade school Case Number: DRC2007-00075 (SIte Plan revIew), DRC2007-00076 (Tree Fellmg) Project Location: 2109 J Street, Property sIze: 9 4 acres Base Zone Pubhc Land and Open Space (PLO) Overlay Dlstnct(s) Drmkmg Water Protecbon Overlay (1-5 yr TOTZ) Metro Plan Designabon' LDR (Low DensIty Resldenbal) Refmement PlanfDeslgnatton n/ a Pre-Submittal MeetIng Date November 30, 2007 ApplIcatton SubmItted Date December 12, 2007 DeCISIOn Issued Date January 29, 2008 Appeal Deadlme Date February 13, 2008 Other ApplIcatton(s) Tree fellmg (DRC2007-00076) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Manager Planrung Steve Hopkms 726-3649 Transportabon Planrung Engmeer Transportabon Gary McKenney 726-4585 Pubhc Works CIvIl Engmeer Ubhbes Jesse Jones Pubhc Works EIT Sarutary & Storm Sewer Jesse Jones Deputy FIre Marshall FIre and We Safety GIlbert Gordon 726-2293 Commuruty ServICes Manager BuIldmg Dave Puent 726-3668 APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Owner Representattve Sprmgfleld Pubhc Schools Dave Guadagru Steve Barrett Robertson/Sherwood Arclutects 525 Mill Street 132 E Broadway SprmgfIeld OR 97477 SUI te 540 Eugene OR 97401 Maple Case Na DRC2007-00075 " 1""'"'\ Site: A Summary of proposal, Demolish eXlShng elementary school and replace on eXlShng SIte The new SIte will contaIn a staff parkmg lot that will be accessed from 23,d street There will be an 8' cham lmk fence along the eastern and southern property hnes The demohtIOn mcludes felImg 7 trees for construcbon of the new school DecisIon, Tentahve Approval WIth condihons, as of the date of tlus letter The standards of the SpnngfIeld Development Code (SDC) apphcable to each mtenon of approval are listed herem and are sabsned by the subnutted plans and notes unless speafrcally noted WIth fmdmgs and cond1bons necessary for comphance The Fmal SIte Plan must conform to the subnutted plans as cond1boned herem nus IS a hnuted land use deasIOn made accordmg to aty code and state statutes Unless appealed, the deCISIOn IS fmal Please read tlus document carefully Other Uses Authonzed by the Decision: None Future development will be m accordance WIth the proVISIOns of the SIX, fIled easements and agreements, and all apphcable local, state and federal regulabons Maple Case No DRClOO7-f)0075 2 Comments ReceIved The apphcant and parbes subrrutbng WrItten comments durmg the nobce perIod have appeal rIghts and are mailed a copy of tlus deCIsIOn for conslderabon Table 1 contams the names of the people who signed a pebbon objecbng to the proposal That pebbon states "We object to the operung of 23,d street for the placement of the new south parkIng lot for Maple School We feel It wIll have a great negabye Impact on the hvablhty of our neIghborhood by allowmg excessIve through traffIc We also feel the parkIng lot should remam on 'T' Street where It has trachbonally been for 60 years" Table 1 Name Address Wtlham Sherlock and Zack MIttge 200 Forum bldg (represenbng Ronald Herbert) 777 HIgh St, Eugene, OR 97401-2782 Mane Cahcott 2325 Dubens Lane Bill Abshere 2335 Dubens Lane Ron and Stacey Anderson 2336 Dubens Lane Unreadable swature 2355 Dubens Lane Kalel\!h Morrow Tma Jalmke 2360 Dubens Lane Norman Petersen 2389 Dubens Lane Kevela Jordan 817 25th St Lareen WISeman 823 25th St Garold Sanders Unreadable sIgnature 860 23,d Nick Devoo\!d 87423,d Karen Ritcher 881 23,d Jenrufer (unreadable last name) 884 23'd Michelle Russell 890 25th Christopher, Sarah & Caula Reddmg 891 23'd St Amy & Leon Morphew 894 N 23,d St Ronald & Jaruce Herbert 895 N 23,d St Yolanda Lmdy Brvan Kreltlow 900 25th St Charlotte Gtlhe PIul Flores 905 25th St Craig Lucart 910 N 25th St Paul Ramrrez 921 N 25th St Jodi Blam 1008 N 25th St After consultabon With the neighbors, their concerns have been addressed through Conchbons of Approval #2 and #3, wluch require an 8' fence and lockmg gates at the 23,d Street entrance Maple Case Na DRCl007-00075 4 SDC 5 17-125 SIte Plan Review Criteria of Approval The DIrector shall approve or approve Wlth condIbons a Type II SIte Plan ReVIew applIcabon upon detemurung that approval crIterIa A through E, below have been satIshed If condIbons cannot be attached to satIsfy the approval CrIterIa, the DIrector shall deny the applIcabon A The zonmg IS consistent WIth the Metro Plan dIagram, and/or the applIcable Refmement Plan dIagram, Plan DIStrIct map, and Conceptual Development Plan FmdIng- The SIte IS zoned PublIc Land and Open Space (PLO) The Metro Plan deSIgnates tlus area as LOR (Low DensIty ResIdenbal) Because publIc elementary schools are allowed m both the PLO and the LOR zones, the Metro Plan desIgnabon and the zorung are consIStent Conclusion The proposal complIes Wlth SDC 517-125(A) B CapaCIty requirements of publIc and private facIlIhes, includIng but not Imuted to, water and electrICIty, samtary sewer and stormwater management facilities, and streets and traffIC safety controls shall not be exceeded and the publIc Improvements shall be aVaIlable to serve the SIte at the time of development, unless othelWlse prOVIded for by tlus Code and other applIcable regulahons The PublIc Works DIrector or a uhlIty provider shall determme capaCIty Issues SANITARY AND STORM WATER FmdIng- The applIcant has proposed to connect to the eXIStIng 8" sarutary sewer !me at the manhole located m 23,d Street, as shown on plan sheet C-113-M Fmdmg To comply WIth Secbons 4 3-110 0 & E, stormwater runoff from the SIte will be dIrected mto a serIes of vegetabve swales and fIltered catch basms prIor to dIscharge mto the publIc system The connecbons to the publIc system will be around the perImeter of the SIte as shown on sheets C-111-M through C-114-M The vegetabve swales and mfIltrabon basInS will serve as the prImary pollutant removal mecharusm for the stormwater runoff Sabsfactory pollutant removal WIll occur only when the vegetabon has been fully establIshed Condition of Approval #1' The vegetabve swales shall be fully vegetated WIth all vegetabon speaes establIshed PrIor to Issuance of the fInal occupancy Altemabvely, IS tlus condIbon cannot be met, the applIcant shall proVIde and mamtam addIbonal mterIm erOSIOn control/water qualIty measures acceptable to the PublIc Works Department that will suff,ce unbl such bme as the swale vegetabon becomes fully establIshed TRAFFIC Fmdmg Two parbally Improved streets, 22"d Street and 23,d Street, tee mto the H Street rIght-of-way at the south boundary of the school property 22"d Street IS a dead-end asphalt mat street servmg 14 reSidences The dead-end of 23'd Street north of Dubens Lane serves four reSidences Fmdmg, Because the proposed school construcbon would replace the eXistIng school buIldmg With no emoIlment mcrease, the overall amount of trafhc generated by use of the site would not be sIgrufIcantIy changed MaPle Case Na DRCl007-00075 5 Findmg: The applIcant subrrutted a TraffIc Impact AnalysIS (TIA) that analyzed antICIpated traffIc rmpacts of the proposed development The CIty'S TraffIC Engrneer has deterrnmed the fmdmgs and conclusIOns of the TIA are accurate and they are adopted by reference FIndmg- The new sIdewalk on 23'd Street, north of Dubens Lane, will be 5' wIde and located entIrely WIthrn the eXIStIng nght of way The curb to curb wIdth of the street will be 28 feet, wluch prohIbIts allows parkIng on only one sIde As proposed, parkmg will not be allowed on the east sIde of 23,d Street, north of Dubens Lane Tlus work shall be mcluded m the PIP for the entIre school project PARKING Fmdmg SDC 4 6-100 requrres 44 bIke parkmg spaces Of these, 18 must be covered It IS encouraged, but not requrred, to cover all the bIke parkmg spaces If the applIcant deCIdes to cover more than 18 spaces, a rnmor sIte plan modIfIcatIon will not be reqUlIed FmdIng: The maxrmum number of velucle parkIng spaces IS 127 The SIte plan shows 81 spaces FmdIng As condItIoned, eXIStIng and proposed transportatIon facilitIes would be adequate to accommodate pedestrIan and velucular traffIC generated by the proposed development ConclusIOn As condItIoned, the proposal complIes WIth SDC 5 17-125(B) C The proposed development shall comply with all apphcable pubhc and prIvate deSIgn and construchon standards contained m tlus Code and other apphcable regulations FmdIng The applIcant proposes 70' P U E along the 21st St and the J St frontage of the parcel FmdIng The deSIgn standards contamed m SDC 4 7-195 are applIcable to tlus proposal and the proposal complIes WIth these cntena because . The staff parkIng lot IS at least 19' from the adjacent resIdentIal land, and . Because the SIte IS zoned PLO, tlus applIcatIon IS bemg reVIewed as a Type II apphcatIon, and . The subrrutted cut sheets demonstrate the lIghtIng will be drrected away from the adjacent propertIes, and . The parkmg contams less than the maxrmum number of spaces (127 max, 81 proposed), and . A TraffIc Impact Study has been subrrutted and has been approved by the CIty Engrneer Finding- All work WIthrn the nght of way will requrre a PublIc Improvement Project (PIP) The PIP will mclude, but not be IIrruted to, rmprovements to the street lIghts, SIdewalks, new dnveway at 23,d and connectIon to the publIc wastewater and to storm water facilitIes ConclusIOn The proposal complIes WIth SDC 517-125(C) Maple Case No DRCl007-00075 6 D ParkIng areas and mgress-egress pomts have been designed to' facIlItate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to aVOid congestIon, proVide connectIVIty wlthm the development area and to adjacent reSidentIal areas, transIt stops, neighborhood actIVIty centers, and commercial, mdustnal and publIc areas, mmmllze dnveways on artenal and collector streets as specified m tlus Code or other applIcable regulatIons and comply With the ODOT access management standards for State highways Fmdmg The neighbors have subnutted wntten comments that mcIude concerns related to publIc safety To address these concerns, the applIcant has agreed to prOVIde an 8' fence along the southern and eastern property Imes and to proVide a lockable velucIe gate and a lockable person gate at 23,d Street ConditIon of Approval #2 Pnor to Issuance of fmal occupancy, construct an 8' fence along the southern and eastern property Imes Condition of Approval #3 Pnor to ISsuance of fmal occupancy, proVide a lockable velucIe gate and a lockable person gate at 23'd Street (to the south parkIng area) Fmdmg The contmued use of 22nd Street and 23'd Street north G Street for pedestrian access to the school site and the mcreased use of 23'd Street for access by school staff and service velucIes, create a need to Improve street IIghtmg on those routes ConditIon of A~proval #4 Pnor to Issuance of hnal occupancy, complete the followmg street IIghtmg Improvements . Replace the eXlstmg LPS street lIght fixture at the north end of 22nd Street With a 150 watt HPS fixture, and . Replace the eXlstmg LPS street lIght fIxture at the north end of 23,d Street With a 150 watt HPS fIXture, and · Install a complete 150 watt HPS street lIght at the mtersectIon of 23'd Street and Dubens Lane, and . Replace the eXlstmg LPS street lIght fixture at the northeast comer of 23rd and G Street With a 150 watt HPS fIXture Fmdmg- An on-site bus and auto pICk-up / drop-off lane along the site's J Street frontage IS separated from the street by a raised concrete Sidewalk There are multIple driveway operungs m tlus raISed SIdewalk Improvements or modIficatIons are allowed to the SIdewalk and can be reViewed through the PIP process However, the contmmty of the publIc Sidewalk system along J Street must be mamtamed The Sidewalk can not be removed ConditIon of Approval #5 Retam the publIc Sidewalk along I Street m front of the school ModlllcatIons are allowed but must mamtam the contmUlty of the publIc SIdewalk system along I Street Fmdmg A gate proVides pedestrIan access to the north end of 22nd Street dead-end The applIcant proposes to retam tlus access The schoolyard gate to the paved street surface of 22nd Street IS unpaved gravel 'flus IS a dead end road that connects to H Street wluch IS unopened publIc nght of way The dead end road shall mcIude slgnage and/ or other deSign features to mamtam and enhance the safety of pedestrIans and Maple Case No DRCl007-00075 7 velucles These features may mclude restncbng velucle access and Improvrng the pedestnan walkway through the unopened nght of way The specIfIc desIgn will be revIewed and approved dunng the PIP process CondItion of Approval #6 The end of 22nd Street shall mclude sIgnage and/ or other deSIgn features to mamtam and enhance the safety of pedestrIans and velucles The specIfIc deSIgn will be revIewed and approved durmg the PIP process Fmdmg- The applicant proposes to retam eXISbng pedestrIan access at 23'd Street and construct a new dnveway to serve delivery trucks and the new staff parkIng lot Condition of Approval #7 Install school speed-zone SIgnmg, crossmg warrung SIgnS and crosswalk markIng along the G Street-23'd Street school access route ConclUSIOn As conditIOned, the proposal complies WIth SDC 517-125(D) E PhYSIcal features, mcludIng, but not limited to steep slopes with unstable soil or geolOgIC conditIOns, areas WIth susceptibilIty of floodIng, SIgnifIcant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and theIr assocIated npanan areas, wetlands, rock outcroppmgs, open spaces; and areas of hIstonc ancVor archaeolOgIcal SIgnIfIcance, as may be specifIed m Section 33-900 or ORS 97740-760, 358905-955 and 390 235-240, shall be protected as specifIed in this Code or m State or Federal law FmdIng- The SIte IS WItlun the 1-5 year TIme of Travel Zone of the Dnnkmg Water ProtectIon (DWP) Overlay AccordIng to SDC 3 3-225, an applicatIon for development WItlun thIS overlay IS reqUIred FmdIng- SDC 3 3-235 reqUires secondary contamment for all hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater when the total aggregate quantIty on SIte exceeds 20 gallons Areas shown on the SIte plan that are likely to need secondary contamment are the Jarutor area, custodial room, and pOSSIbly the nurse's offIce The DWP applicatIon shall be subrrutted pnor to approval of the fmal SIte plan Any structural contamment Issues can be addressed durmg the bUIldIng perrrut process CondItion of Approval #8 Pnor to approval of the fInal SIte plan, subrrut a DWP applicatIon SDC 519'125(A)-(H) Tree Fellmg Cntena of Approval FmdIng- The seven trees proposed for removal are eIther dIrectly m the path of the proposed constructIon or will suffer sIgruhcant root damage dunng demolitIon of the eXIsbng bUildIng that will make them hazardous trees In additIon, several trees have been Idenb:Ji.ed by a cerb:Ji.ed arbonst as m poor health WIth a recommendatIon for removal and replacement The SIte IS generally level and no eVIdence has been subrrutted that removal of the trees will cause any slope mstability FmdIng- A landscape plan has been subrrutted WIth the SIte plan reVIew It proposes 17 new street trees along J and 21" Streets, as well as 75 new trees WItlun the SIte FmdIng- Velucles will use 21st and J Streets and work will occur between 7 am and 5 pm Maple Case No DRC2007-00075 8 CondItIon of Approval #9 The followm~ ~eneral constructIon practIces apply when tree fellmg IS rmtIated on sIte . NotIfIcatIon shall be provIded to the CIty at least 5 days prior to commencement of the tree fellmlr operatIon Please contact Steve HopkIns at 726-3649 or shopkms@CI sprmgfIeld or us . All fellmg actIvItIes, mcluclmg mgress and egress for the tree fellmg operatIons, shall mclude erOSIOn control measures m conformance WIth the CIty'S Enflmeennfl Deslfln Standards and Practzces Manual . Any soil and debris tracked mto the street by vehIcles and eqUlpment leavmg the sIte shall be cleaned up WIth shovels m a tImely manner and not washed mto the storm dram system Conclusion As condItIoned, the proposed tree fellmg comphes WIth SDC 519-125 DETERMINATION. Based on the eVIdence in the record, the DIrector determines the site plan comphes WIth SDC 517-125(A)-(E) and the proposed tree felhne: comphes WIth SDC 519-125(A)-(Hl. subject to the CondItIons of Approval attached to thIS report What Needs To Be Done? SDC 517-135 states "WIthin 90 days of an affIrmatIve deCISIOn by the Approval AuthOrity, a complete Final SIte Plan shall be submItted to the Development ServIces Department The Fillal SIte Plan submIttal shall incorporate all approval condItIons hsted m the staff report The Fmal SIte Plan shall become null and VOId If constructIon has not begun wIthm two years of the SIgning of the Development Agreement reqwred in Section 517-140" A Fmal SIte Plan apphcatIon IS charged upon subrmttal of the complete apphcatIon and all reqUlred documents and after all condItIons of approval are met, mcludmg the constructIon of pubhc and private rmprovements and extensIon of ut:rlrtIes reqwred through tlus deCiSIon The Fmal SIte Plan shall comply WIth the reqUlrements of the SDC and the condItIons rmposed by the DIrector m thIS decISIon The Fmal SIte Plan otherwIse shall be m substantIal conforrruty WIth the tentatIve plan revIewed PortIons of the proposal approved as subrrutted durmg tentatIve reVIew cannot be substantIvely changed durmg fmal SIte plan approval Approved Fmal SIte Plans (mcludmg Landscape Plans) shall not be substantIvely changed durmg BUIldmg Perrrut ReVIew WIthout an approved SIte Plan DeCISIOn ModIfIcatIon DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT In accordance WIth SDC 1517-140, a Development Agreement IS reqUIred to ensure that the terms and condItIons of SIte plan reVIew are bmclmg upon both the apphcant and the CIty ThIS agreement will be prepared by Staff upon approval of the Fmal SIte Plan and must be SIgned by the property owner prior to the ISsuance of a bUlldmg perrrut SECURITY AND ASSURANCES All reqUlred rmprovements shall be mstalled prior to the ISsuance of a certrfrcate of occupancy or fmal buildmg mspectIon Refer to SDC 517-150 for details regardmg bondmg for reqUIred rmprovements Maple Case No DRC2007-00075 9 Summary of CondItions of Approval 1 The vegetabve swales shall be fully vegetated WIth all vegetabon speCIes establtshed pnor to Issuance of the tentabve occupancy bUlldmg perrmt Alternabvely, IS tlus condlbon cannot be met, the applIcant shall provIde and mamtam addlbonal mtenm eroSIOn control/water qualIty measures acceptable to the PublIc Works Department that wIll suffIce unbl such bme as the swale vegetabon becomes fully establIshed 2 Pnor to Issuance of fInal occupancy, construct an 8' fence along the southern and eastern property hnes 3 Pnor to Issuance of fInal occupancy, provIde a lockable velucle gate and a lockable person gate at 23,d Street (to the south parkmg area) 4 Pnor to Issuance of fmal occupancy, complete the followmg street IIghbng rmprovements . Replace the eXlsbng LPS street hght fIxture at the north end of 22"d Street WIth a 150 watt HPS fIxture, and . Replace the eXlSbng LPS street lIght hxture at the north end of 23,d Street WIth a 150 watt HPS hxture, and . Install a complete 150 watt HPS street hght at the mtersecbon of 23'd Street and Dubens Lane, and . Replace the eXlsbng LPS street hght hxture at the northeast comer of 23rd and G Street WIth a 150 watt HPS fIXture 5 Retam the pubhc SIdewalk along J Street m front of the school ModIflCabons are allowed but must mamtam the conbnUlty of the pubhc SIdewalk system along J Street 6 The end of 22"d Street shall mclude slgnage and/ or other deSIgn features to mamtam and enhance the safety of pedestnans and vehIcles The specllc deSIgn WIll be revIewed, and approved durmg the PIP process 7 Install school speed-zone Slgrung, crossmg warnmg SIgnS and crosswalk markmg along the G Street-23,d Street school access route 8 Pnor to approval of the fmal sIte plan, subnut a DWP applIcabon 9 The followmg general construcbon prachces apply when tree felhng IS rmbated on sIte . N ohfication shall be provided to the CIty at least 5 days pnor to commencement of the tree fellIng operahon Please contact Steve HopkIns at 726-3649 or shopkIns@cl sprmgfIeld or us . All felImg acbvlbes, mcludmg mgress and egress for the tree felImg opera bans, shall mclude eroSIOn control measures m conformance WIth the CIty'S Engmeenng DeSign Standards and Prachces Manual . Any soll and debrIS tracked mto the street by velucles and eqUIpment leavrng the site shall be cleaned up WIth shovels m a bmely manner and not washed mto the storm dram system MaPle Case No DRC2007-00075 10 AddihonaI Information The applIcatIon, all documents, and eVIdence relIed upon by the applIcant, and the applIcable CrIterIa of approval are avarlable for free InSpectIon and copIes are avarlable for a fee at the Development ServICes Department, 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfreld, Oregon Appeal 'flus Type II Tentahve SIte Plan RevIew and Tree Fellmg decIsIOn may be appealed to the Planrung ComnussIOn The appeal may be fried WIth the Development ServICes Department by an affected party The appeal must be m accordance WIth SDC, Sechon 53-100, Appeals An Appeals applIcatIon must be subrmtted to the CIty WIth a fee of $25000 The fee will be returned to the appellant If the Planrung ComnussIOn approves the appeal applIcatIon In accordance WIth SDC 53-115(B) whIch proVIdes for a 15-day appeal perIod and Oregon Rules of CIVrl Procedures, Rule 10(c) for serVICe of notIce by marl, the appeal perIod for tlus deCISIon expIres at 5 00 P m on February 13, 2008 Queshons Please call Steve HopkInS m the Planrung DIVISIOn of the Development ServICes Department at (541) 726-3649 If you have any questIons regardmg tlus process Prepared by Steve HopkInS, AlCP Planner II Development SerVIces - Urban Plaruung DIVISIOn Maple Case No DRCl007-00075 II CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST .... SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477' Man.e Cal~cott 2325 Dubens Lane Spr~ngf~eld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 W~ll~am Sherlock and Zack M~ttge (representing Ronald Herbert) 777 H~gh Street, 200 forum Bldg Eugene, OR 97401-2782 Wr~ "'6'/ I . I B~ll Abshere 2335 Dubens Lane Spr~ngf~eld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 Ron and Stacey Anderson 2336 Dubens Lane Spr~ngf~eld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 1 , Kale~gh Morrow 2355 Dubens Lane Spr~ngf~eld, OR 97477 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPAH I MeN I 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Michelle Ruosell 890 25th Street Springf~eld, OR 97477 I ~rnll~UrlCLU. vn ~/'+IIJ {'+~ , ~ - -I ChrIstopher, Sarah & Caula ReddIng 891 23rd Street SpringfIeld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 , Amy & Leon Morphew 891, 23rd Street SprIngfIeld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES D,EPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Ronald and JanIce Herbert 895 23rd Street SprIngfield, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Q, Yolanda LIndy Bryon Kreltlow Charlotte GIllIe 900 25th Street SprIngfIeld, OR 97477 -. ...... ."'1I'-o1' IL.L.LI DEVELOPMENT SERVICFS DEPARTMENT , 225511' ' SPRINGFIELD, 6\ 97477 Phll Flores 905 25th Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 51h ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Cralg Lucart 910 25th Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 51h ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Paul RalD.l.rez 921 25th Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 51h ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 JOdl Blaln 1008 25th Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 "'" . VI" ""'nIN\:I/"It:LD DEVELOPMEt:,I; SERVICES DEPARTMENT 'f ' 25 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 ReSIdent 860 23rd Street SprIngfield, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Nick Devoogd 874 23rd Stnet SpringfIeld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Karen RItcher 881 23rd Street SprIngfIeld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 JennIfer 8E4 23rG' Street SprIngfIeld, OR 97477 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEP~RTMENT 225 5' 'T T " SPRINGFIEL~ JR 97477 T~na Jahnke 2360 Dube~s Lane Spr~ngf~eld, OR 97477 ! CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Norman Petersen 2389 Dubens Lane Spr~ngfJe:r, OR ~7477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Kevela Jordan 817 25tl> Street Spr~ngfield, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST '7' I SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Lareen WiselLan Garold Sanders 823 25th Street Spr~ngfield, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Sprlngfleld PubllC Schools Steve Barrett 525 Mlll Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Dave Guadagnl Robertson/Sherwood Architects 132 E Broadway, Ste 54C Eugene, OR 97401