HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/11/2007 SPRINGFIELD ~ CIty of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Phone (541) 726-3759 Fax (541) 726-3689 Tree Felling ApplicatIOn Type II Appltcant Name Sprlngfleld Pub11c Schools Phone 541-9 'i4-o 'i 7 'i Address 525 M1ll Street, Spr1ngf1eld, OR 97477 Property Owner Name Spr1ngf1eld Pub11c Schools Address 525 M1ll Street, Spr1ngf1eld, OR 97477 Phone 541-954-6525 Property Address 2109 J Street (Maple Elementarv School) Assessor's Map No 17-03-36-12 Tax Lot No 00100 SpecIfic DescnptIOn of Proposal Removal of seven (7) trees. ::,::,::':::,:..~'h:'M .,,~~:~-';'~ / ((! Dl If the apphcant IS other than the 0,", ner, the 0,", ner hereby grants permissIOn for the applicant to act In his/her behalf Owner SIgnature Date For Office U~e Only Journal No Ot( C 7.1,1)'1- <::f3;:j G ReceIved By Map No \'7- 03 - 3~- I:;L Tax Lot No +~ lob Date Accepted as Complete ,?~j 'Ole."=f - 8:D 6'- 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 'ty of Spnngfleld OffiCIal Receipt uevelopment ServIces Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200700000000000804 Date' 12/12/2007 2 46 55PM Job/Journal Number DRC2007-00075 DRC2007-00075 DRC2007-00075 DRC2007-00076 'DRC2007-00076 , DRC2007-00076 Payments Type of Payment Check LRcLl.mtl DescnptlOn CTY Site Plan RevIew + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $155 CTY 6-10 Base +$50 Per TREE + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type 1I - $155 Amount Due 7,003 00 350 15 15500 1,306 00 6530 15500 $9,03445 Paid By SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC SCHOOLS - DISTRICT 19 Item Total Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount P.ud tJ 00060742 In Person $9,03445 Payment Total $9,03445 , Page I of I 12112/2007 LAFLEUR Karen Subject: ORC Meeting - DRC2007-00075 (Site Tent) & DRC2007-00076 (Tree Fell) Spfld Schools- Maple Elementary - Steve Hopkins _ SP _ ConfRm615 Tue 1/1512008 8 00 AM Tue 1/1512008 9 00 AM Location Start End Recurrence. (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organIZer Required Attendees: LAFLEUR Karen, HOPKINS Steve ORe Meeting - Tuesday, Jan 15,08 @8-9a m In DSD 615 1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2007-00076 2109 "J" Street I $1 S:r: I $:Ji &M-ffiB R $ ~ In II ""')11 N ~fDl Cf) C! ~~b m 3"[, Cf) Cf)z:C\.I ~~~~ ~ <BSlTGS=r _~F I"" CD X I- 00 N t:; ST (3.s=r - SITE Map 17-03-36-12 Tax Lot 100 North + .?~'.'''l; ,-IrRFf..T Xfl .3'....,-= ----- ~ , - ''''1 ( ~.~,~ Ht-.J .;;"-t"t.. t~ 'i~. 't z:'. .. 'J,'\ ! ,0,. \ Ii (, !e .. I', ! j :;l;~\' .It!' p~ ,I;t,li I ii 11 1! I:, .I 'I Ii [1 '. I . I !11:'~I~;,,_,< '!. , . ~ i;;;1_1 I) . ",>~!f _, ~;'~I 'f:,'- ;~~%fl,~ ~I f;;'~!('i\1 I, ,J I ~~ "I ii' -fc "-", _.. , I I , I' A ~'t>s ~ I ~ m D ! J ! "l~ 'uilll Iii i Ii '1 Ii ;! I i ~ll~ hi! ! ,.. I I II 1 I' i I!;~ !! ~ t ~i ~ ~ l. ! : i I:! !, I : ~ I , : I I i JI:~ ~ 8 . ~ I ; lJ ih II: I -N; : I , ' I " .11 I , ~ :~ , 'f: \--~, -( 'I.J " i \ \ , e e " " , 'J".. l ;',,1 ,: " l_~" I. 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I I " _-1' I sa Stnn l.lol!l.lIlM1101Jl:;H I l~~-II flllll'l.Jrlf1'NGl.EGlHO !\n-r1 -- ~ .- --..... ::::=- --- _M'." ,-....... -- --., - =.-=-- WAlICEP.-MACY m.r.....__ --- -......,.. -~~ ~ .-...... \;::':/ --~ .-- --- -..~-- -,- --- l.....mT~-==1l.-1 --........- ...-..........- - - =-- - -.. -- ... -~ fill -- ~ -~~ g L-500-M November 20, 2007 CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield Oregon 97477 RE Tree FellIng Penmt - ApplIcatIon Statement Maple Elementary School- 2109 J Street Sprmgfield, OR 97477 (See - SIte Work DemolItIOn Plan, Sheet L-200-M and SIte RevIew Plantmg Plan L-500-M for addItIOnal mformatlOn regardmg thiS tree Fellmg ApplIcatIOn) Wntten ExplanatIOn - Tree Fellmg PermIt (SDC 519-100) A \Vhether the condItIOns of the trees With respect to dIsease, hazardous or unsafe conditIOns, danger of falhng, proXImIty to eXlstmg structures or proposed constructIon, or mterference WIth utIhty servIces or pedestnan or vehIcular traffic safety warrants the proposed fellIng The seven (7) trees proposed/or removal that are 5mches dbh or greater are eIther dIrectly wahIn the path of the proposed constructIOn or are Tn such close prOXImity to the demo/llwn of the eJ.Istmg buddmg that sIgmficant damage wIll be mcurred by the root system of the tree as to make them hazardous trees In additlOn several trees have been Identified by a certified a1 bonst as (In poor health" WIth a recommendatlOnfor removal and replacement There are no "street trees" currently wIthm the ROW surroundmg thIS SIte We are proposmg to plant many new trees both just beyond the ROW edge to act as street trees (exlstIng ROW IS not WIde enough to permIt street trees) as well as on the site See L-500-M Planlmg Plan B Whether the proposed fellIng IS consIstent WIth State standards, Metro Plan polICIes and CIty Ordmances and proVIsIons affecting the environmental qualIty of the area, mcludIng but not lImited to, the protectIon of nearby trees and wmdbreaks, WildlIfe, eroSIOn, SOlI retentIOn and stabIlity, volume of surface runoff and water qualIty of streams, scenIC qualIty, and geological sites The tree removals wlll be performed under the supervIsIOn of an ISA certified arbonst and wlll be conSistent with State standards, Metro Plan pohcles and CIIy ordmances and prOVIsIOns affectmg the enVIronmental quabty of the area Tree pI otectIOn notes, erOSIOn control notes and specificatIOns wlil be prepared as part of the constroctlOn document package for buIldIng permIts and constroctwn pnor to any tree removal SIgnificant replantmg of trees, shrubs, groundcover, and lawn IS proposedfor all of the deSignated landscape areas In the proposed Site ReView Landscape Plan C Whether It IS necessary to remove trees III order to construct proposed Improvements as specified III an approved development plan, gradmg permits and construction drawmgs ThiS Tree Fellmg ApphcatlOl1 IS bemg sublmtted In conjUnctIOn WIth a SIte ReView package reqUlredfor thIS proposed project and at thlS time no development plan has been approved by the Cay, see Item 4 below D In the event that no Development Plan has heen approved by the CIty, fellIng of trees WIll be permItted on a hmlted baSIS conSIstent With the preservatIOn of the SIte's future development potential as prescnbed In the Metro Plan and CIty development regulatIOns, and consIstent WIth the followmg cntena 1 Wooded areas aSSOCIated With natural drainage ways and water areas shall be retamed to preserve npanan habItat and to mmlmlze erOSIOn, NOI applicable 10 111ls srle 2 Wooded areas that will likely provIde attractlVe on-slte VIews to occupants of future developments shall be retamed, Not apphcable to tlus sIte 3 Wooded areas along ndgelmes and hIlltops shall be retamed for their seeme and wtldhfe valne, Not applIcable to thIS srte 4 \V ooded areas along property hnes shall be retamed to serve as buffers from adjacent propertIes, Not apphcable to thIS SIte 5 Trees shall be retained In suffiCiently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure against " Wlndthrow, Not applicable to thIs slIe 6 Large-scale clear-cuts of developable areas shall be aVOIded to retam the wooded character of future bUlldmg sites, and so preserve housing and design optIOns for future CIty resIdents Not apphcable to thIS SIte E Whether the applIcantts proposed replanting of new trees or vegetatIon IS an adequate substItute for the trees to be felled A Planting Plan has been prepared m conjUnctIOn wIth thIS Tree FellIng ApplIcatlOn for SIte Plan RevIew submIsslOn and IS mcluded for reference with thIS applIcatIOn Seventeen (J 7) new street trees are proposedjust outsIde of the ROWan J Street and 2F' street An addItlOnal75 trees are proposed wIthm the sUe and near the new school F Whether slash left on the property poses slgmfieant fire hazard or hablhty to the CIty All wood from the canopy, lImbs and trunks of the trees proposed for feelmg WIll he removed from the SIte at the same tIme the tree fellIng IS performed G Whether the fellIng IS consistent wIth the gUldehnes specIfied In the FIeld GUide to Oregon Forestry PractIces Rules pubhshed by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwe,t Oregon regIOn All tree fellmg as proposed wlthm thIS applicatIOn wlil abIde by the gUldelmes set forth m the FIeld GUIde to Oregon Forest PractICes Rules as applIcable to thIS SIte H Whether transportatIon of eqUipment to and eqUIpment and trees from the Site can be accomplIshed wIthout a major disturbance to nearby reSIdents The SIte IS easdy acceSSIble from both I-Street and 21 st street, provIdmg effiCient transportation of eqUIpment onto the SIte wIthout disturbance of nearby reSidents Work Will be performed between daylight hours of7am and 5 pm Smeerely, DaVid Aulwes , Landscape Architect >, " ," I"~ .' " , Ordei No ~ - 0\~~ (','1 !:lOOK ;'-JiJ'..t P!,~l"l::;,i';' Warranty Deed '1'HIS INDENTURE \VI'l'NESSE'rrr Tbat; Chaplo<j ~Il. )1111u1 :tnG fleS0J C _-1. !)vvdl nl1S'urlJlO ,lnd w1.io the Glalltol S ,fOl and 111 conslderatwu of rue ~Ulll of cell ,~no () ther DOLLARS, to.Lt paid, do 8J ltereb)j bargJ.ltt, .;;eH dnd convey unto '. Scl1oo1 J'LS ePIC G ~ l~l tn.li.0 COllll'"G\r, 01~e"rOn the glantee the followmg de_cflbed pi enmes, to WIt rjoIJ1J11'_'nCJDIP on eno (_ eco:; Lon 11(10 'JCCVVl)Oll. S(;0 1 onb '~I'_l -lnCJ ":6 l.ll towns;'1.l~ l? Soublt ~lD e ~) ',,fos, of JJllc.l.Jlr~tlO :'erIG.Lan, 111 lJ=tne \)01,LnL-;T, Ol>OLjon, Ul.r oJ. 1)OJ..nt J2'lU foel) \veclL 01 l,f10 no('the~L11-, corneT' Ol~ t~t(, nOI'cheas"G ql1dcteT' of '3<..lLl.l CH::CGl.~)n (St, U1 sn-'e tOIl.'D<':fU p uE(, ran e, thonce south 562.::.;:) foct; thone(; 3011~~h JJ9~' jQl vest 2~,O iec"'c-, thence nori:::l1 rst./8.')0 foet to S~lUl sGcl-.lon lly'e aDd [(1'"'11(0 6osLe:rly on anc1 3.1Jf', Z.;:llCJ 8GGt;1_Otl JJ.'1C 2(";() ..teet ~o thE) tlc~r] ill:.l r':'fl) 1..r1 L::1.'18 Coun C;V, Ore 11)(1. '1'0 HAVE .AND TO HOLD the saLd plelllLses, Wltl, then appUl telldllce>, UlltO tile 'Md G'.J.lttee Jts 3UCCO'J'-JOTD ~dreIl'S)and a'i')lgns forever Altd the said Gralttoi i3 do hNeby covenant to and wIth the saId Gtautee 1. CC Slll Ce3~3\)_ c, hen s alld ""Signs that L\l'Y J.re the owner8 , III lee SImple of sdld IHelUhe5, and thaJ; they Me flee from aU lllcumbrauee-'i .._... ..1>'-."'.,..... " and thd t "LlHW wIll warl'ant aud defend the "lame flOm all lawtul ('ld.uu..'"\. what:.,o~ve!. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 7i 1\re hJ.ve hereunto &et our hand3 and ')eal s thl') day of I Anoust AD,19 /[ 5 ?'l~ ~ 7; ~.-'t~ i-'(SCA.L)J /1- l} If ~.;;1 ~ <4.. '"' ~,;t:/v<c-t-, jiSE~L)=:f ) - ("EA.L) In the pI esence of IC,LAL) LA~E COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY EuU~ne, Or~UQn " "Under All fh2 Land. The T,tle" Lane County Absfract Company Eugene, Oregon 1l1ember of American TItle ASSOCiatIOn DEPENDABLE TITLE SERVICE SINCE 1888 T~tle lnsmance Abstract, Escrows CQ}[l>I E'l'B TInJE SER\'IOE -'" 'r....- t/_/_<'___ ~.it ~~~_~'~J<' "" - L--:_ C~.?... p ":"A r-":~" /?..., - }~ --CI - _~?Z/ - ~....."'-- f r"" - i f/ /~ (~/ I' Warranty vi Deed if 1 r/ X ~Tv/ ~\Y FROM State of Oregon, County ot' Lane--ss I, W B Dillard, County Clerk and ex OffICIO Recorder of! Conveyance in and for saId County, do hereby certIfy that the wIth m instrument was receIved for' ~cord at / (~~ \~~~L:-~-~ r ~ {"~ 1" -"' ',,~ , /'<1 ,'- 1"-.-;,., ':~iJ .,\ l~; r.'\ iI..^$i J.r 1 Il.~ 'lL " ' <."... ......_ _J.{ t, '9" r,-" ,~-j. '-\-= ''i; - =-0'~ .: -; !.J.:: /'''' ~ .,.. r-';':"i "~l f,:.P "< ~ '" "\ - I, ... \..--'_ 0 J'II}'\\_ /..' [~ .;, ~T'6'5-., , ~"'~~,,h,," ..... -..... ,~ ..-,- and Reeol ded FIJ~2319j5 Pij In Book 295 on Page l~)O -- ~ Lane County t'.' E D W~ B DILLARD, County ~ByllcuJ.-;,,~JI .bf;f,j 0-T'\. ,. Records Clerk Deputy I I When RecOl ded Return to 7J..i,rrv ~ ~ @(7, I~ .\. )..:.: ,1/, . ).', '( " ~).... Q7_ V . ... ~ ~ :i'._...~.., -.8', .-. ...-tl....~ 0....,. T"" .....:.... "t" j..t;;"-J>"''t M'".... M'" '--'. ~..~ W '1--." ~~'liA""l ::::-'::: 0 1""l1,~~/-:,>::t~ .....~"'.(...<l Qen t - M"'l?~""""~'" ~ :"""CDf:\t?i,~ ....-!::: ~ S ;. .A "~J<i~~ ~ ~l. ~~(Vl.~; -<i 00 ~ Q ;;,y ,,~ - VJ 0 -" '" ...... 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E:: p ;:;.<-; ~~ 0 .... c " " E '-J - ~ ~ ~ ~ '-' " <: 0, e- = :::: ,. , ~ C_kJ C' :;::;: .- ;~ , , . " (-.:: .-~ '~ p ::J 0. CD , Ol o ::J p:> ::J 0. Lj '""" -; f-' '" '<' p) ([) ? ::J C- o >oj " o ::J . ::r ~ Ol C1 3- ,0 ~ ~ -, .~ ,,; r ~, " f--" .;i' CJ1 _ 9ldel No " _, ....'r\" 1 ~) 'J.~ n;r~ ~,~Jj{ ~~ ~"j ~/ A._LO'~t Warranty Deed THIS INDENTUHE WITNESSETH 'l'hat Odin ". I\ndersoll c'llll ';:f(1e ;,Iac ,ndeL's'1l1, 11.uso'1nd and wlfe, the Glantols t fOt and III consideratIOn of the sum of - - ...111en c.'Yl 1 ot..bcr- - - DOLLARS, t.o chem pmd do hereby, balgaln,sell and conve\t unt.o Sehr)ol ~)l.dtrJ..cl~ ~fll)~ Lane Coun ty, <JrelY n the gl an tee the followmg descubed plennses, to.Wlt ~3elrin{l..LrlP -'"1 L, <3 oo~nt Oll Lho -:>eCGlOll 11..'1t=' bO"CWf-)('h ~,ect Lons rrVvelltv filLVn (2h) dJ'l'l rp1Jirbv ,sJX (3b) lYl 'T1\.)JJnsh.L~) C_\evcn-cecn (l?) South of Ranue 'f'hree (3) '"Ie', t of thE' ,'] llon!et L8 ~'81'1dLU1, tAO fee t 892 t 0 [- the nor thwus I; COl'nor 01' t11.9 ::tor tlw;J.li t q \la rV'lI' OJ saLd Section 'Pn1rtv ~lX (SC), thenc\'l couLh 0G'2.(:5 feet, t1l&l1C'C nOloth 300301 east 4.60 feeL thence' Dartt' 50'?65 feet to OJ [01'0- ~!lid sectio~1 linf', '1nd thence lIeS]; ~1011p, s,ucJ soction 11Jlf' to tho al'lce of be(2:inntnp, Lll 11n') County. 0rOnOll. ~lso ::':ecillllJ..nQ. '1" 3. D01'1t on t.'1," ~ec~i-lon li[18 bot~[08n Sect! ons 'rwent;; FIve (~'5) un] 'Phlrty ;"1' (31)) 1n Cf'ow11.sh.ip ~eVGntge'" (17) soutl1. r,U1D,8 throe (,3) we" t or tv,o ,Ill Lllnet to ~jorl(h.Rn 1n LU11e COllnty, Or(),~on, 1100 feet nor-tfj JC)OjOI Od3t from the northwest corner 01- lJ'le Ilortheu'lC 'jlHrLol' of said "C('- tlon r.'2htrty SJX (~)c,) Lhoncc uOlJ[~ll 562.6;) Ceet thF~nco north d(~oJO' '3as"C JOO feet; tllcnc'3 nort}l ;Jb2.()0 .f30t qnd thone-=; b01JLh tYj0::501 Nes t 10U fee t La tho pl'lee 0 ,0 be(;PHnDr~, 9] L 'In WDJ L lS lmo.vn 8', Delta rPY''l.c:ts, lY-Lng eant o( ::-:Ji)l'lngf'1..eld, Lnne County, 01~e')Un ~ '1'0 HAVE AND 1'0 HOLD the .ald ptellUSCS, wIth theu appUltelMllce" unto tile saId Gtantee J ts SUCr..JE't-1SOl'S ~and a&Slgns torevel And tile saId Gt autOt S do heleby covenant to and Wlt..tl the: -,.<lld Glantee J_ t;p, .:>lJ ceo ,.) <J OT'S yjl~Jrs:: and asslgus tl>at they- aro the ownel S Hl ft'e ~lIuple ot sd.ld pleUlIses and that they at e fl ee flom all mcumbl ances and th,it L he,! Will "an'aut and defend the same ftolll an lawtul clallllS whatsoevel IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE) ha ve hereunto set our hdnd S and seal") th" oOt11. day ot July AD, 19 I[ E' . ~ ~ ~_/t.~A--?~SEAL) ~h1~ ~ (SEAL) (SEAL) In the pte,cnce of (S>;,'L) LANE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY Eunene Oreoon , ~ "Under All the land . The TItle" "" lane County Abstract Company Eugene, Oregon ,,1 ember of AmerIcan TItle ASSOCl.ltlOll DEPENDABLE TITLE SERVICE SINCE 1888 Tlfle Inc;ural1ce EsoOt&s Abstract, ('O~\IPLErLC TIlLE S;EHVICE --' ~ Warranty X D~ed --, ~~ ./- j ( FROM if / TO State of Oregon, County of Lane-ss I \V B Dillard County Clerk and ex OfflClO Recorder of Conveyance In and fOl saId County do hereby certrfy that the With III Instrument v.as received lor record at /I--;~ - 'I ~ ." i '-:.-- R\,,,l'iit,f ~ J [ ~.'" A "2 -\ ~ 0:,. ~ '- 94 f-:~ g.7:;-, - ~ ~~- t: t.J _ - 8%... \~ ~ ;!I'JIJl 1\ '\. ' "'_ ( . .t"\ .. b.,/: '::'/ " '0 '- and Recorded 4UG TO 19{5 IllI In Book 294 22'-;-5 On Page Lane County D ~ "S ~ RecOl d:, W B DILLARD COunty Clel k 1 By ""/ , '1 ~ J..L -<-.:-i 1..'; Deputy When Recorded Return to 'd t , -:;'1_ ,r , , \ , ~ I ~~ ". : 'll'~ - 'fJ o . - ' 0 ll' 0 "L S .~ g, -4 ~... ~,~ o ...." "'tel ~~ CO2 o ~ t:;..... r- g ~r ~ ~ - OJ " ' g:-1 ;;r 1 ~rv ~ .~ ~ \"\ ( ( )a ;' : I eJ., . r....,. :.. i'2 ~-2 ^ ') ~ ~ ~-l c S S- a; tn ~ <1 !'Tp --q ~ ~ <P ;;. (D ..... '0 ~ </1 ~ ro g; ~ ~ t; w fj? 0 '" " S '" ~ E- "-< ;:: p........... "".., '<: ;"OJ >g ~ ri tlQ)h"'; p... cP ~ 0 rn 0 ::::: ~ s::itl ~8g.,S- U1 (t:I rro C"" CD S ctl CD e:.. p...~ ;.~sg- - " ~ " ",,,, ~ " " '" S 5. " " ~ " - ~ ~ S ~E- .~ " " ~ ") ~ < 5- c ~ " ~ :J ~ r ~ " ~ '" (~ g ;j ~ ;;.., "'& r 0 ""'" " en " :3 8 " '" t: CD ;i '" " -'< o 0- ,.. " " ",0 " .., ~ 2.8- " :::: ~ ~ ~ " '" .., :::." '<: ;:; ..., "" o ~ - " '" f!: en -0 ~;:l u ':S (0 --;- '0 f!: g ttI " " E-~ q~ o " ~ ~ g g. c-~ '1,0 o '" .., ~ " "" " S ~ " g " C zs; o ~ " ~ -..;a '<: ---..-- ~ t: f-' (]) [jJ OUl 0>-3 qt> Z>-3 !-3t::J' ><10 0"0 >;10 ~ tel G:l o _2: , . o ,.. < ~ f-' >" :::i r Q " CJ f-' l) OJ " g ;; ... . s ~ 5 '" ..., o .., ~ " is o o S g- ;;.'<: '<: 0 8:~ o <: !' w . q "' :- ~ ~ ':, f ; f-' " " " '" '" ~ OJ "-' '-0 vl ~t"-\.~ i , , I , BegInnIng at a pOInt on ohe 0eCclon line ~etwoe I , s@ctlons 2;) anel 3b III To !lslnp 17 south Hange 3 v,eE't ,',M.ln Lalle County" I, I Oregon 6/10 feet eelS t of the illor th west corner of the fJorth east qlFlr Ld 0, D t I Salel secLlon 36, theaco south 568.b5 fdet,tuence North 89-30 cast 460 foe, I : ' thence Nortll 562.65 feet to afores,ud sectIon lIne "nd thence west on ,I and 31 ong saId sectIon lIne to the beglnnlJg,sJl In whut IS known as trre It DJ!:LT"~ TH}cCTS lYlng eQI:>L of SpIlngfleld,OrE'!'Ion., Also Be5ulInnf~ at J POlli: \, on tHe cet' Ion lIne 11,eLwcen sectIons 25 and 26 In T'ownsh.Lp 17 south Rgngel 3.W.\V.l"1'ln Lane County,Oregon 1100 feet North 8g':.30'Bast fron the north' W~&t carDin of the North east quarLor of' Send .sectl 11 ,;,:; tho2:lt'e south ' 562.65 feet, thGlwe North 89~30/-eas L 100 feet- thence NO!L'th 562- 65 l' ,t . hd' ~~:n~~L~~uJ~A~t~~ldwest loo\fce~ to the begl~nlng 3il In Wh3t'~s K~~wn83s: ' '-' yrug edst of' 0pr llle;fleld, Oregon. , I, ./ / ~ , , , i , , : I , Od~n !\, Ander 50n TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the >a"d pi en"ses, w1th the'" appurtenamce" unto the saul _ , "lnd Ert'le Mde l\ndersun hu_sb",nd _?ndVl~fe tne.Lr he"rs andass"gns forever A nd the 6atd GIC'ntors ,10 he? eby covenant to and w1th the sa"d GL~ntee the.Lr he" sand asstgns that t_ he y the owne? tn jee stmple of satd p' e,,,,ses, that they are free from all "ncumbrances and that _t hif wtll wa1rant and defend the same jlom all lawful clatms whatsoeve1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1"e have hlYleunto set oLlr_ wal _s thts _ 2 IlC\ ,---- , I , , I Done 'l.?1 the P1 esenc,c of da'loj S_ep tember ~~ j~ '------.... #-;1'~ ~l' --i97'~(SEAL~ '- " /) "J /}S / _ '",/, -;/l2d<<- il-L__< ~" ;:;-7./ 7_d't/j(,~~~9 hands and ,.<1 D ,19 43 , i (SEAL) , : (SEAL) - ------------ ---~- ---~--------~--~-------- o , _.....t.. _ _ ! 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'[(~ c-I......; ! II:: j r P. ~ ~ .I :-1 1/ II . I -I '" -- :;".) " --.1>L'lfE.'VS' ~A,"-{I:: o llOIa.JIIOlrlPlANLECEND c=J !~<~<5<5<~~ ~ !ilII!JilIi] -'V'V'v iJ::,.rn " ~ .lWIlQXI\lAT[ lAIlTS or IlOIOUT(lN ~""''''' Q.EARANDCRIIll~ST!lIPTOPSOIl6" REWCM:SOflPl.o\T,tJl(AWoT[RW..Tll ...... REIMM EXIST'fIG I6PHAl.T, fL.ISf ROCK. """"" f![l,I(MDIST'fIGCOI<<:RETEANIl~ OOC. REIMM DIST'fIG mcr 4Nll FooTN;S EXlSTtlCTRE{IOREIlII.IN/PROTECT,W!TH I[)(NllfV,OONNUI,IBffl.S[[ seE""''''''' OlSTtlCTJl[[AN(lSIUWP TO BE ~"""" OlSIWC lQlT POl[ I: FooTINC TO B[ .."""" II()T(: R[IMM IH,ROUNll nrCTIlC\L III'IRllIGflSlNllICATEOONUTVTY OClolOUTMlNP\.AN ---- IR[[PllOJ(CllONflNC(;I'1ACE~TOR BEYOI()ORlPU~OfTRIT. IOR[WAiN iN PlJ,C[THll(lV(;H;)UICONSTRUCTIOH S[[SPECiCATXlI4 DO.IOJTION PI.J,N C€NER.\I.IfOTB CIX'R()lNA,l[TII,IINCOf REIIOIi"l OF' I'LAT EOIJIP\I[N'I WITHI'HI.SiNCI'tAN 2 IIUI,tBER/1.AilElPV.T[OUftlOfl10 BE R[lJS(O roR REASS[I,IBLT J. STOCKPIlEREIoICMOToPSOrtFORLAT[f!USE 4. SEEIJIlJIYOE\oIOUTIONI'LANFOR!lEI,t(llJI'ONOf SIT[lJlU11[S S. REIoICM FOOTING FOR AU PlAT STIll..CTl/R(S (i) oo.oJOONPl.J,NK(Y1(J1[S o o (i) PRESERVE EXlSTWGCURB ONJSTIlEEl. DC[PTfIS NOTED. SAW C\JT ~T !W:K OF CURB IF IlECESSAll'l' TOREWCNESIIlEWAUt RElIOVE C\JRll ~T Df!N[W~T CL'lll CUTS AND lIS N[CESSAllY FOR HEW COI<fSTRUCTIOH. f![I,ICNEEXlSTtM;;('"I.T[ (lWJl[RTODlSASS[r.t~PlATEDl.IP\lEIIT.l.NO STORE FOR LATER lIS(, EXC[PTo\SJ<<lT[O OTHEflWlS( ~ ,II";~ o '~lO "'.. SCALE; '"-SO' IIILIEJOnIl ... A " I U M ~ C1r-l_ Illl".....-. _.." _I'" _.SA"'''' ""''-I.''''"'''''' "''''''''''''' ''''''ll''''''l 11....'..'....-. ..."l!....'./ _~.sn(om -... ........... ........- WALKER.'MACY IUS,",o.l:.SodIr1Oll ParlI.ttI. at.- ,11&1 P'-wSDJ-12-..rJ22 '..SOJ-21J--U1, ~ ..xo.B.'II',n.e. \ OREGON J! "4"" ."".f:- -"""''''''''-' m""""", SPRlNGFEIA OR 11741'1 aw>UELBIENTARTIlCHlOL 21Ol1JSTREET sPRHGFIaD,ORf141'1 , ISlTCP\NHE'IEWSlBITTN..-1 ""R>lCONSTlll.CllON 8PR12t1W78lTEPI.NI~ .sPRl.Il.lOIJI'~I'UrHREIJlEW - ~. - - lITE PUN REYEW 2fI07215.D11 KIl -"="~ JlInECf..' -....... OED:ED..., . SITE DEMOUTION PlAN L-200-M G1_ L i=--:LJ 0 L1- I r: ,---,J J D , 'U'I~j U CJ ll~ =j;:~- ~", j i'J [Ji" -~~~'j( C_] a I r. I HI fit ---.r- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ----, - - - ~1I1/11/1~-_~-~-~--~-------.-,-,-.-----,--;c-,....--,-----_______"--T'-, -=--'-,-. " L n 'J srhn - -- - -~ - - - ---- ,- I LLJ D , - - - - --- -- 1--= ---[ lrllJ,lI~-,- , 1 i/~ I 4 . .U, . .' .D -. ~_- -" '111 . ~_---:,;,J=:"_-:-~-~;;L l-1 ] /I,!',I, I ./1, L r---c :,/1 rr i __'~ Ii AI I !o LJ :; ~ II 01] I ~~~ I.IL. _ ~<2~ __ ~ _ I -~;L-~1PJnll,,'~~~,~,:_'l_."_ ' __~: _~_ _0 d j ~, -DCll, i'"O ,..t~J "',', ','."':'t - l['J I;! [I U :r/ i.";' ""',-- [J(l- i ! ~ir-J\ III i II ,',," . _ ,_,,,_' , -_1:~::'1-_:? - --L~J /,- I I-----J ,I, Ii. ,- " _ , I -"I ________ "",' !I -- ->>:, 11) - -4".,~, I'~"' co-IC ,r" j' - j -[;~ I i I : I I ~ It 1--.-_ --~--- --- -- ~" '\1 r.; - ---_~J , - ~llt~) ------....------ """- " '.- . -------..- ,...., J/ " ' '. ..~\Fl~~ '- , I I , SEE SHEETS l-501-~ THROUGH l-S04-~ rOR PLANTING LECEND IU1....!"I ~ 'o!O O(l !IO SCALE: 1".40' ~~ -- '" A H l U M t" "~'l"N"""" __ .....,~l E .._..4...'.... ..................._ I~..'..,.." ,1OJ>U""1l ('I..'..'...... ,..."u...."I ...........~om '"'- """'''"'.. """,,-- WALKlR.-MACY JlU.".CW;~200 l'rwfUsJ.o..,.,.PntU P""-J0J-J211-J1JJ FlU ~Jr3-Mr, , #'~ . IlIQlAB.w.zus- \OREGON ! ""'I'!: ,....'" -""-"""""-' .."''''''' SPRNlfIE1..D.ORII1471 YAPLEElBIENT.o.RTSOlOOl 210iJSTREET SPIlNJFIEl.AORlI7m , ISITE~~~~-I SPRI~mlllTEP\NlREVIEW SPRI1/2QV1srreP\NlRFollEW ~;"'TE -.-rat SITE Pl.AH REVlEW 2l10721S.oa AM ---~ ---- - l'IIQ.ECI"o<<I..: -- 0-.... . OVERAU. PWiT1HG PlAN L-500-M