HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 1/31/2008 I AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE NO~ o-f 'D.u..X'S \\o-Y\ 1/31/ 08 STATE OF OREGON) )ss County of Lane ) I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows: 1 I state that I am a Program Technician for the Planning Division of the Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that In my capacity as, Program Technician, I prepared and caused to be mailed copies ofL~C2o::Jl-L-OC>77.j DiZC2ii~FU:07g/- (v~,,("D<e'~/Z7nr,5..tL'~,."L'==-1 (See attachment nAn) on I {31- ,-2008 addressed to (see ~~~<<- Attachment Bn), by causing said letters to be placed In a U.S mall box with I postage fully prepaid thereon ~~L~~~~ STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane - , kl VI S I ,2008 Personally appeared the above named Karen LaFleur, Program Technician, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary act Before me' I&~!l~ (l ~ d/21/11 I OFFICIAL SEAL REBEKKAH R KEHM NOTAflY PUBLIC-OREGON , " CO;v1MIS~ION NO 414703 . MY COMlfo'S"'J" lXPIRES FEBRUARY 27 2011 ~:..".:">--""~~---~~-<:~ My Commission Expires: Nohce of DeCISIOn -SIte Plan ReVIew & Tree Felling Project Name Thurston Elementary School Project Proposal Replace eXlSbng pubhc elementary school Case Number DRC2007-00077 (sIte plan), DRC2007-00078 (tree felhng) Project Locahon 7345 Thurston Road, 17-02-35 TL 2100 &2600 Property SIZe: 11 acres Base Zone Pubhc Land and Open Space (PLO) Overlay DIStnct(S) Dnnkmg Water Protechon Overlay Metro Plan Deslgnahon. Low DensIty ResIdenhal Refmement PlanfDesIgnahon n/ a Pre-Subnuttal Meehng Date November 30, 2007 ApplIcahon Submitted Date December 20, 2007 Decision Issued Date: January 31, 2008 Appeal Deadline Date February 15, 2008 Other Application(s) none CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSmON REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Manager Planrung Steve HopkIns 726-3649 Transportahon Planrung Engmeer Transporlahon Gary McKenney 726-4585 Pubhc Works Clvll Engmeer Uhhhes Jesse Jones 736-1036 PublIc Works EIT Samtary & Storm Sewer Jesse Jones Deputy FIre Marshall FIre and We Safety Gilbert Gordon 726-2293 Cornmumty SeI'Vlces Manager Bmldmg Dave Puent 726-3668 APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM Owner Representative Spnngfteld PublIc Schools Dave Guadagm Steve Barrett Robertson/Sherwood Arclutects 525 Mill Street 132 E Broadway Sprmgfteld OR 97477 Smte 540 Eugene OR 97401 Thurston Cos. No DRQ007-000n Site: i~~,,?~ V~...G"""~'::' , : ~ ~'.-.;;::.. ,! ". 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A Summary of proposal: Demohsh eXlSbng elementary school and replace on eXlSbng sIte The demohtron mc1udes felling 9 trees for construchon of the new school DeCISiOn: Tentative Approval with conmhons, as of the date of tlus letter The standards of the Spnngf1eld Development Code (SDC) apphcable to each cntenon of approval are hsted herem and are sahsfted by the subrmtted plans and notes unless speaf:tcally noted With fmdmgs and conmtrons necessary for comphance The Fmal Site Plan must conform to the subrmtted plans as conmtroned herem TIus IS a bnuted land use deCISIOn made accordmg to CIty code and state statutes Unless appealed, the dectSlon IS fmal Please read tlus document carefully Thurston Case No DRCl007-00077 2 Other Uses Authorized by the DecIsIon: None Future development will be m accordance WIth the proVISIOns of the SOC, &led easements and agreements, and all apphcable local, state and federal regulahons ReVIew Process These apphcahons are reVIewed under Type IT procedures hsted m SDC 51- 130, the SIte Plan RevIew Cntena m SDC 517-100 and the Tree Fellmg Cntena m SDC 519-100 Procedural Fmdings . Apphcahons for Lumted Land Use DecISIOns requrre the nobhcahon of property owners/occupants WIthm 300 feet of the subject property allowmg for a 14 day comment penod on the apphcahon (SDC Sechons 51-130 and 52-115) The apphcant and parttes subrruttmg wntten comments dunng the nohce penod have appeal nghts and are ma1led a copy of tlus decISIOn for conslderahon . Nohce was sent to adjacent property owners/ occupants WItlun 300 feet of the subject sIte on December 20, 2007 . On January 15, 2008, the CIty's Development ReVIew Comrruttee reVIewed the proposed plans CIty staff's reVIew comments have been reduced to fmdmgs and condIhons only as necessary for comphance WIth the Tentahve SIte Plan Cntena of Approval contaIned m SDC 517-125 TIns deCISIOn was ISsued on the 49th day of the 120 days mandated by the state . In accordance WIth SDC 517-135, the Fmal SIte Plan shall comply WIth the requrrements of the SDC and the condIhons rmposed by the Drrector m tl:us deCISIon The Fmal Plat othe1"W1Se shall be m substanhal conforrruty WIth the tentahve plan reVIewed Portions of the proposal approved as subrrutted dunng tentahve reVIew cannot be substanhvely changed dunng Fmal Plat approval Comments Received. No wrItten comments were receIved SDC 5.17-125 Site Plan ReVIew Cntena of Approval The DIrector shall approve or approve WIth condIhons a Type IT SIte Plan ReVIew apphcahon upon deterrrunmg that approval mtena A through E, below have been satIsfted If condIhons cannot be attached to satIsfy the approval mtena, the DIrector shall deny the apphcahon. A The zomng is consIstent with the Metro Plan dIagram, and/or the apphcable Refmement Plan diagram, Plan Distnct map, and Conceptual Development Plan Finding: The sIte IS zoned Pubhc Land and Open Space (PLO) The Metro Plan deSIgnates tl:us area as LDR (Low DensIty Resldenhal) Because pubhc elementary schools are allowed m both the PLO and the LDR zones, the Metro Plan deslgnahon and the zorung are consIStent. ConclUSIOn The proposal comphes WIth SOC 517-125(A) B. CapacIty requirements of public and private facihhes, mcludmg but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities, and streets Thurston Case No DRQ007.{)0077 3 Thurston and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the pubhc improvements shall be avaIlable to serve the sIte at the time of development, unless otherw:tse provided for by tlus Code and other applicable regu1~tions The Pubhc Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacIty issu~s. TRAFFIC Finding- Thurston Road abuts the school sIte on the north and proVIdes the 'pnmary I route of vehtcular and pedestnan access It 15 a 36-foot-WIde, two-lane, artenal street I WIth on-street bIcycle lanes and a poste~ speed of 40 MPH The roadway 15 rmproved WIth pavmg, CUIb/ gutter, and a SIdewalk on the south SIde of the street that proVIdes I pedestnan access to/from developed neIghborhoods to the west TraffIc volume on I Thurston Road 15 approxunately 1,800 vehtcles per day Finding: Accordmg to the TraffIc Impa~ Study, the maJonty of students are dropped I off/pIcked up by their parents ApprOlfImately 14% of the students walk to school There 15 an eXlSbng pedestnan connecb.on at the southwest comer of the SIte TIus connectIon shall be retaIned I CondItion of Approval #1: RetaIn the eXISbng pedestrIan connectton at the southwest comer of the SIte I Fmding- The apphcant has proposed to mamtaIn the current connectIon to the eXISbng 15" samtary sewer hne located m Thur~ton Road, as shown on plan sheetC-llI-T STORNnNATER I Fmding To comply WIth Secttons 4 3-1~0 D & E, stormwater runoff from the SIte will be drrected mto a senes of vegetatIve swales and fJltered catch basms pnor to chscharge I mto the pubhc system and then mto Ce,dar Creek The connectIon to the pubhc system will be at the northwest comer of the SIte as shown on sheet C-llI-T The vegetatIve I swales and mf1ltratIon basms will serv~ as the pnmary pollutant removal mechamsm for the stormwater runoff SatIsfactory pollutant removal will OCCUI only when the vegetatIon has been fully estabhshed I Fmdmg- The apphcant proposes to connect a pnvate 24" stormwater hne mto the eXISbng pubhc 8" stormwater hne located m Thurston Road as depIcted on Sheet C-lll- T TIus confIguratIon will hkely surcidrge the eXISbng 8" stormwater hne m Thurston I Road and may cause the SIte stormwater system not to funcb.on as deSIgned The deSIgn I may need to be redeSIgned WIth new connectton pomts to the CIty system or upslZe the I eXISbng 8" stormwater pIpe For further mformatIon, contact Jesse Jones@ 736-1036 I Finding: The stormwater will be colleC\'ed, fJltered, and chscharged mto Cedar Creek, whtch 15 a on the hst of Water Quahty Lmuted Watercourses The regulatIons of SDC I 4 3-115 are apphcable, whtch estabhshes a 50' npanan setback from the top of bank In I accordance WIth SDC 4 3-ll5(B), stormwater management systems and outfalls are allowed m the npanan setback area I Condition of Approval #2: Pnor to approval of the fmal SIte plan, venfv that the 8" stormwater hne located m Thurston Road (as dePIcted on Sheet C-llI-T) will not surcharge dunng normal operatIon AlternatIvely, redeSIgn the stormwater system WIth new connectton pomts to the CIty system or upslZe the eXISbng 8" stormwater pIpe Case No DRar7-00077 4 Condition of Approval #3: Pnor to ISsuance of fmal occupancy, the vegetabve swales shall be fully vegetated and all vegetabon spectes shall be estabhshed. Alternabvely, tf tlus condIbon cannot be met, the apphcant shall proVide and mamtam addIbonal mtenm erosIOn control/water quahty measures acceptable to the Pubhc Works Department that will sufftce unl1l such bIDe as the swale vegetabon becomes fully estabhshed PARKING Fmdmg- AB proposed, there will be a total of 64 bIcycle parkmg spaces SDC 4 6-100 reqUIres 63 bIke parkmg spaces Of these, 16 must be covered It IS encouraged, but not reqUIred, to cover all the bIke parkmg spaces If the apphcant deCIdes to cover more than 16 spaces, a nunor sIte plan mochf1cabon will not be reqUIred Fmding- The maxunum number of velucle parkmg spaces IS 127 The sIte plan shows 100 spaces Fmding- AB condIboned, eXlSbng and proposed transportabon facrhbes would be adequate to accommodate pedestnan and velucular traffic generated by the proposed development ConclusIon: AB condIboned, the proposal comphes With SDC 517-125(B) C. The proposed development shall comply with all apphcable pubhc and private design and construction standards contained m tlus Code and other applicable regulahons. Fmdmg- The apphcant proposes to re-ahgn the sIdewalk on the south sIde of Thurston Road to a locabon Just mslde the property boundary, thus creabng space for a landscape stnp between the sIdewalk and curb To mamtam pubhc access to tlus sIdewalk It will be necessary to proVide a Pubhc SIdewalk Easement over that pornon of the reahgned sIdewalk lymg Wlthm the school property Condition of Approval #4 PrOVide a Pubhc SIdewalk Easement over that pornon of the reahgned Thurston Road sIdewalk lvml': WIthm the school property Fmdmg- A proposed 7 0' P U E along the Thurston Road frontage of the parcel IS depIcted on Sheet C-111-T Fmdmg The deSIgn standards contamed m SDC 4 7-195 are apphcable to t1us proposal and the proposal comphes With these cntena because . The staff parkmg lot IS at least 19' from the adjacent resldenbal land, and . Because the sIte IS zoned PLO, t1us apphcabon IS bemg reViewed as a Type II apphcabon, and . The subnutted cut sheets demonstrate the hghbng will be drrected away from the adjacent properbes, and . The parkmg contams less than the maxnnum number of spaces (127 max, 100 proposed), and · A Traffic Impact Study has been subnutted and has been approved by the CIty Engmeer Thurston Case No DRQ007-00077 5 , I I I Fmding: All work WIthm the nght of ~ay will reqwre a PublIc Improvement Project (PIP) The PIP will mclude, but not be Ipmted to, rmprovements to the street lIghts, SIdewalks, and connechon to the publIc wastewater and to storm water faahtIes I Conclusion: As conchtIoned, the proposal complIes WIth SDC 517-125(q I I D Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been deSIgned to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bIcycle and pedestrian safety to aVOId congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacertt reSIdential areas, transIt stops, neighborhood actIVIty centers, and commercial, indUstrial and public areas; mininuze driveways on artenal and collector streets as specifIed in flus Code or other applIcable regulations and comply with the ODOT access managelnent standards for State highways FindIng: The TIA exammed school-zo~e Slgnmg, transIt faahtIes, non-motonzed I faahtIes, velucle crash lustory on Thurston Road and large velucle CIrculatIon The TIA I concludes that the proposed school redevelopment will not cause slgruf1cant adverse I rmpact to operatIon of the eXlShng transportatIon faahtIes servmg the SIte The CIty'S I TraffIc Engmeer has deternuned the fmillngs and concluslOns of the TIA are accurate and they are adopted by reference I Finding- The new school butldmg will be setback approxnnately 400 feet from Thurston I Road to allow for separatIon of school bus and Staff/VISItor access and arculatIon There 18 an entrance for parents and ~tors WIth a parkmg lot extendmg along the western edge of the sIte that mcorporates a parent pIck-up / drop-off area Bus access 18 I proposed VIa a 24-foot WIde drIveway centered on the SIte frontage A looped on-SIte roadway would proVIde one-way arcufatIon through the pIck-up / drop-off area nus deSIgn separates staff/ VISItor traffic WIth school bus traffIc and prOVIdes greatly I mcreased on-SIte stackmg for parental pIckups , Conclusion: As conchtIoned, the propo~ complIes WIth SDC 517-125(0) I E PhYSICal features, includIng, but not: limited to. steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; sigrufIcant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on thf;! WQLW Map and their associated npanan areas; wetlands, rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological SIgnifIcance, as may be specified in S~ction 33-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specifIed m this Code or m State or Federal law. I Finding- Accordmg to the local wetlan~ mventory, there are wetlands to the southern and eastern porhons of the SIte There are no rmprovements m these areas so the wetlands will , not be dIsturbed The Deparhnent of State Lands has been nottfted Finding: Accordmg to the adopted ~g Water Protechon map, the sIte 18 WIthm the I combmed 20 year Trme of Travel/Zone of ConcentratIon. Although the Zone of I ConcentratIon 18 not regulated, the property 18 at least partly WIthrn the 10-20 year Trme of Travel Zone (TOTZ) In accordance rth SDC 3 3-220(Q wluch states "Tax lots havmg parts lymg WIthm more than one TOTZ are governed by the standards of the I more restnct:Ive TOTZ", the regulatIo~ of the 10-20 year TOTZ will be applIed to tlus project Contact Amy Oumtz (744-3745) for further ass18tance WIth the DWP applIcatIon. Thumon Case No. DROr7.o0077 6 Condttion of Approval #5 Pnor to approval of the fmal sIte plan, subnut a DWP apphcahon Conclusion. As condthoned, the proposal comphes With SDC 517-125(E) SDC 519-125(A)-(H) Tree Felling Cntena of Approval Fmding: The rune trees proposed for removal are eIther drrectly m the path of the proposed construchon or will suffer sIgmhcant root damage dunng demohhon of the eXlShng bUIldmg that will make them hazardous trees The SIte IS generally level and no eVIdence has been subnutted that removal of the trees will cause any slope mstabllity Fmdmg- A landscape plan has been subnutted With the SIte plan reVIew It proposes 85 new trees WIthm the sIte Fmdmg- Velucles will use Thurston Road and work will occur between 7 am and 5 pm. Condihon of Approval #6 The follOWIng general construchon prachces apply when tree fellmg IS nuhated on SIte 1 Nohfication shall be proVIded to the City at least 5 days prior to commencement of the tree fellmg operahon. Please contact Steve Hopkms at 726-3649 or shopkms@C1 sPrIngfield or us 2 All fellmg achVIhes, mcludmg mgress and egress for the tree fellmg operahons, shall mclude eroSIOn control measures m conformance With the CIty'S Engmeenng DeSIgn Standards and Prachces Mtznual 3 Any sou and debrIS tracked mto the street by velucles and eqUlpment leavmg the SIte shall be cleaned up With shovels m a hmely manner and not washed mto the storm dram system. ConclUSIOn As condthoned, the proposed tree fellmg comphes With SDC 519-125 DETERMINATION' Based on the eVIdence in the record, the Director detennmes the proposal complies with SDC 517-125(AI-(E) and SDC 519-125(A)-(H), subject to the Condthons of Approval attached to tlus report What Needs To Be Done? SDC 517-135 states "WithIn 90 days of an affrrmative deciSIOn by the Approval Authonty, a complete Fmal SIte Plan shall be submitted to the Development ServIces Department The Final SIte Plan subnuttal shall incorporate all approval condthons hsted m the staff report. The Final SIte Plan shall become null and void If construchon has not begun Within two years of the signing of the Development Agreement reqUITed in Section 517-140 " A Fmal SIte Plan apphcahon IS charged upon subnuttal of the complete apphcahon and all reqUIred documents and after all condthons of approval are met, mc1udmg the construchon of pubhc and pnvate rmprovements and extensIOn of uhhhes reqUIred through thIS deCISIon The Fmal SIte Plan shall comply With the reqUIrements of the SDC and the condthons rmposed by Thurston Case No DR0007-000n 7 I the DIrector m flus deaslOn. The Fmal SIte Plan otherwISe shall be m substanhal confOrmIty I With the tental:tve plan reVIewed Porttons lof the proposal approved as subrrutted dunng tental:tve reVIew cannot be substanl:tvely chariged dunng fmal SIte plan approval Approved I Fmal SIte Plans (mcludmg Landscape Plans) slj.all not be substanl:tvely changed dunng Butldmg PermIt ReVIew Without an approved SIte Plan Deaslon ModIDcal:ton. I DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: In acc9rdance With SDC 1517-140, a Development Agreement IS reqUITed to ensure that the terrrLs and condIl:tons of SIte plan reVIew are bmdmg I upon both the apphcant and the Crty ThIS agreement will be prepared by Staff upon approval of the Fmal SIte Plan and must be SIgned by the property owner pnor to the ISsuance of a butldmg permIt I SECURfIY AND ASSURANCES All reqUlfed rmprovements shall be IIlStalled pnor to the ISsuance of a cerI:tfJ.cate of occupancy or fmal butldmg IIlSpecl:ton Refer to SDC 517-150 for I detaIls regardmg bondmg for reqUITed rmprov,ements Summary of CondItions of Approval I To the extent necessary to sal:tsfy the approral cntena of Secl:ton 512-125, comply With all apphcable proVISIOns of flus Code and to rrul:tgate Identtfted negal:tve rmpacts to surroundmg I properttes, the DIrector shall rmpose approval condIl:tons I 1 Retam the exIStmg pedestnan connecl:ton at the southwest comer of the SIte 2 Pnor to approval of the fmal SIte plim, venfy that the 8" stormwater hne located m I , Thurston Road (as depIcted on Sheet C-lll- T) will not surcharge dunng normal , operal:ton Alternal:tvely, redeSIgn the stormwater system With new connecl:ton pomts to the CIty system or upslZe the eXlStmg 8" stormwater pIpe I 3 Pnor to ISsuance of fmal occupancy, the vegetal:tve swales shall be fully vegetated and all vegetal:ton speCIes shall be estabhshed Alternal:tvely, If flus condIl:ton cannot I be met, the apphcant shall proVIde and mamtam addIl:tonal mtenm erOSIon , controlf water quahty measures acceptable to the Pubhc Works Department that will I sufnce unl:tl such tIme as the swale regetal:ton becomes fully estabhshed 4 Pnor to approval of the fmal SIte Pl!m, proVIde a Pubhc SIdewalk Easement over that pOrtton of the reahgned Thurston Road SIdewalk lymg WIthm the school property I 5 Pnor to approval of the fmal SIte plim, subrrut a DWP apphcal:ton 6 The followmg general construcl:ton!pracl:tces apply when tree felling IS rml:tated on SIte ! . Notification shall be prOVIded to the City at least 5 days prior to commencement of the tree 'fellmg operation Please contact Steve HopkIns , at 726-3649 or shopkIns@a. spnngfreld or us , . All felling acl:tVIl:tes, mcludmg mgress and egress for the tree felling I operal:tons, shall mclude erOSIOn control measures m conformance With the City's Engmeenng DeSIgn Sfundards and Prachces Manual Thurston I Case No DRar7-00077 8 . Any soli and debns tracked mto the street by velucles and eqUIpment leaVIng the SIte shall be cleaned up WIth shovels m a bmely manner and not washed mto the storm dram system. Addihonal Information: The apphcatlOn, all documents, and eVIdence rehed upon by the apphcant, and the apphcable cntena of approval are available for free mspechon and copIes are available for a fee at the Development SerVIces Deparhnent, 225 FIfth Street, SpnngfIeld, Oregon Appeal ThIs Type II Tentahve SIte Plan ReVIew and Tree Felhng deaslOn may be appealed to the Plamung ComnusslOn The appeal may be ftled WIth the Development SerVIces Deparhnent by an affected party The appeal must be m accordance WIth SDC, Sechon 5.3-100, Appeals An Appeals apphcahon must be subnutted to the CIty WIth a fee of $250 00 The fee will be returned to the appellant 1f the Planrung ComnusslOn approves the appeal apphcahon In accordance WIth SDC 53-1l5(B) wluch proVIdes for a 15-day appeal penod and Oregon Rules of CIVIl Procedures, Rule 10(c) for serVIce of nohce by mall, the appeal penod for tlus deCISIOn expIres at 5 00 p.m, on February 15, 2008. Queshons Please call Steve HopkIns m the Planrung DIVISIOn of the Development SerVIces Deparhnent at (541) 726-36491f you have any queshons regardmg tlus process Prepared by: 7-c JwL Steve HopkIns, AlCP Plarmer II Development SerVIces - Urban Planrung DIVISIOn Thurston Case No DRQ007-00077 9 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Spr~ngf~eld Publ~c Schools Steve Barrett 525 M~l1 Street Spr~ngf~eld, OR 97477 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 5th ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Dave Guadagn~ Robertson/Sherwood Architects 132 E Broadway, Ste 540 Eugene, OR 97401 ClJ:tR-cJVV\lLL/VL--t ' \ 6 '1