HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 12/11/2007 SPRINGFIELD CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spungfield, OR 97477 Phone (54!) 726-3759 Fa>. (54!) 726-3689 Tree Felling Application Type II Apphcant Name Sprlngfleld Publlc Schools Phone 541-954-652'; Address 525 Mlll Street, Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Property Ownel Name Sprlngfleld Publlc Schools Address 525 Mlll Street Sprlngfleld, OR 97477 Phone 541-954-6525 Property Address 7345 Thurston Road (Thurston Elementary School) Assessor's Map No 17-02-35-00 Tax Lot No 02600, 02100 SpecIfic Descnptlon of Proposal Removal of nlne (9) trees. The undersIgned achno"ledgcs that the mformatlOn 10 this applicatIOn In correct and accurate ApphcantSlgnature ~l.-VVL'B~te Id-/Il (V7 lfthe applicant IS othu than the owner, the o"ner hereby grants permIssIOn for the applicant to act m his/her behalf Owner SIgnature Date For Office Ule Only Jonmal No 1)RC 1&)1 -<'S5l> 1 C6 ReceIved By Map No \1-0d-~~-DO Tax Lot No +oJ.!- /lGOO) ci\ 00 Date Accepted as Complete 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone .~Q;;~ *6 ,., ty of Sprmgfield OfficIal ReceIpt ~cvelopment Services Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT #. 3200700000000000805 Date. 12/12/2007 3 06 32PM Job/Journal Number DescriptIOn DRC2007-00077 CTY Site Plan Review DRC2007-00077 + 5% Technology Fee DRC2007-00077 Postage Fee Type II - $155 [DRC2007:00678 ---CfY--6~16Bilse+$50 PerTREE-- - -- ______n --- DRC2007-00078~ --- +-S%-Tecnno!ogy Fee - - -- ---~- ---~--- - ------ DRC2007-00078 Postage Fee Type II- $155 Item Total Amount Due 7,267 00 363 35 15500 - --- - - _. 1,4~600 7 - ---- -- - - 7030 15500 $9,41665 Payments Type of Payment Check PaId By SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRlCT- DISTRICT 19 Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How ReceIved tJ 60743 In Person Amount PaId $9,41665 Payment Total $9,41665 cRecclOtl Page 1 of I 12/12/2007 LAFLEUR Karen Subject' Location: Start. End, Recurrence' Meetmg Status, Required Attendees. ORC Meellng - ORC2007-00077 (Site Tent) & ORC2007-00078 (Tree Fell) Spfld Schools- Thurston Elementary - Steve Hopkms _SP _ ConfRm615 Tue 1/15/2008900 AM Tue 1/15/200810 00 AM (none) Meeting orgaOlzer LAFLEUR Karen, HOPKINS Steve ORC Meellng - Tuesday, Jan 15, 08 @ 9 - 10 a m In OSO 615 1 Older No , ,('~*"* ~ " "' ,,\~)~~t "1<1)" _-- " ~ ~ (-1 t 4:3 Wal1"l1"anty Deed THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH That husbdnd and wlfe, KARL R. STONE and GENEVIEVE R. STONE, the Grantm s ,fm and m comldelahon of the sum of Ten and Other------------------------ DOLLARS to them paid, do hereby, bargam, selJ and convey unto School District No. J 9, Lane County, Oregon, the glantee the followIng descnbed plen11se~J to-WIt PARCEL 1 Beginnlng at a point on the Southerly rlght of way 11ne of the Old McKenzLe Highway 663.1,. feet South 00 12' East and North 89048' East 536.6 feet from the ~orthwest corner of the James C. Loon~y Donatlon Land Claim No. 54, Notlficat1on No. 7310, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Wl11amette Meridian, running thence South 00 12' EaSe 719.0 feet, thence South 890 48' West 50 feet, thence North 0" 12' VTest 715 feet more or less to the South rlght of way line of the Old McKen.ne Ihghway, thence along sald right of way .~ln~ In Northeasterly dlrectlon 52 fe~t more or less to,the place,of beglnnlng, 'ln Lane County, Oregon. PAHCEL 2. Beglnnlng at a pOlnt on the West 11ne of the Jwnes C. Looney Donatlon Land CIa lID No. 54, Sectlon '5, Township 17 South Range 2 West of the Wl11am~tte Meridian, South 000 12' East 1382.40 feet from the NOlthwest corner of sald claim; thence North 890 48' East 486.60 feet to the true pOlnt of beglnning, thence South 000 12' East 720.00 feet to the center of a ditch; thence along the center line of ditch North 670 46' East 29.53 feet, thence along center line of dltch North 610 39' East 239.00 feet, thence along the centel 11nc of ditch North 520 30' East 156.26 feet, thence along an old hne fence North 000 It' West 501.50 feet; thence South 890 48' ,,'est 363.90 feet to the true point of beginmng, ln Lane County, Oregon. (5.15 acres more or less) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said plemlses, with thel,' appmtenances, unto the saId Grantee , I 1. ts heIrs and assIgns forever And the ~ald Grantors do heleby covenant to and wIth the saId Grantee , 1. ts heIrs and assIgns that the y a.re the ownel S In fee SImple of saId plenllseSj and that they are free from all encumbrances and that they win wahanl and defend the same from all other lawful clalills whatsoever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, They ha ve hereunto set thelr hands and sealS thiS /,,'L d.,o< "'W~:, /Z;J&:f~ ,"H' (SEAL) ~0L.-<- ~ ->'--U Cf.-<:t C-x..<.-/' (SEAL) STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF LANE - ss Be It lemembered that on thIS /'i" ~.1 day of me, a NotalY Pubhc 111 and for smd COU'lty, the wlthl11 ndmed November , 19 53 pel sonally came before ,KARIJ'%",STONE and GENEVIEVE R. STONE, husband and wife, ,- " " 'f, ,,\' f\ ~"J >'> '1\" "'i"~ ',1 to,in""p~r8.,..a.IIJl' 1ifr9wn to be the Identical persons described m and who executed the wlthl11 l11stI ument, and ,.. ..1~~t.t" (7 '" I acl>mowle'1!.ged'to ~ tbat they e'{ecuted the same freely and volLntarlly for the uses and purposes thcrem n~e~~l\?t.::.r\ . rs;,lll J' ,~tv,ItjU:s~:,,-&anaa,;~>eal thIS day and year last above wrltten~ ~ ~ t .!1,rJ'l,{{~,t/~'l.'l;,\ &.2J::'?f ~ ~ 'M1"j~. ! C)1~~4?j,,;'" ,,~~;. NOTA.RY PUBLIC rUR OH,' ~ ' '1" A /~ /. ~....rpW'in~SlOn EXPl-nbS" 11. (' .t:. J.'.J " h // C. // J ) y-:: ~"":>l Io<:;l.'"" JL' t ;~... \i~V (,mrmsSlUn .cXPII:"" Iu) 1/ )0<;;4 - - - - '". - ~ 1. _')''1''i;:~t~(' UC?~ l"1t":.--._...~ot"'" ......._, ~ ~ CJ y... ~ 7.Jl NotalyPubhcfolOn.gon !I'~~ J'.,.. ".11' Iit\)'; _'~..." ,'" f~?t";l':I,~(.~"'''':'~' '" :\/t;...,,,,,,,- , ..-(\.'\~\>~ ltr-:f"hHI>1L.'f4:'~N;~.;'" I , ,,.... I,~ I j...l- ,. ~ - _ {~ "'~"'r~~,""~,. ~:c~ LANE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY EUGENE OREGON I<'~ ~ " " ,- ~ ,..... L"" 'Jr, .. Order No , 1'; i J '.zlIl~fI """!1!f l""-'"#r;h'W' "'!Ji. \7.l'l~,j1~/.>""'"I'-m'lf.i~"" """ y;;: "",t:~ , I, - ~N -. J< ~ J' f " ~, ''''S, ~~I ~ tv\)~ ".l""....~~"f~;,y!!l'~'!jI~wy)fffr":i;,;~/ttr"'lI;W1;\wrrff(~~,~~I~!?k'At~~f'JJ,."irr,.'1l~t1.,tl~~\^'! ),1 I~' ,- 68852 L I\..-<~ uj) 0 rCV"~J' /'{{ . /;"'if h't-- 'C~'\;J \ t . Walt'lt'anty Deed Br;>f( 9t:::10, O')u t,lC:_ ~}!1J to, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH That Karl R. Stone and Genevleve R. Stone, husband and wife th(' Glanto.1B , for and In con<;ldercltlOn of the surn of ten to thel'l paId, do hereby, bargaIn, ,ell and convey unto DOLLARS School Dlstrlct No. 106, LRne County, Oregon the followIng deSCrIbed pI emIses, to-WIt the grantee , " , " BePlnflln{! nt [1 pOlnt 11.06 chalns eRst and 899.J6 feet south of the' no:rt/hre'ot corner of the James C. Looney Donat.Lon Land 01alPl No. 5'~ Not1flcRtlon No. '7JI0 1-n tOl\Jl1Ship 17 South Range 2 Vlel1t of the ,vlllaffi('ttp H('r1dwn, runn1n7 thence south 211.6 feet, thence west J08.8 fe('t, thence north 211.0 feet, and thence eilst J08.8 feet to the plRce of beBlnn1ng, In L8ne Oounty, Oregon. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the "aId premISes, WIth theIr appUl tenances, unto the saId Grantec , l t s succescors XiIDf; and aSSIgns fOlever successors And the saId Glantors do heleby covenant to and WIth the saId Grantee , 1 t s/ JliJfKKand aSSIgns that the Yare the owner S In fee SImple of sard premIses, and that they are free flom all Incumbrances and that we Y WIll WarIdnt and defend the same from all IN WITNESS WHEREOF, they ha ve hereunto &et their Jrd day of July AD, 19 47 /~ ;;J4~~~ (SEAL) /~~~-8 lawful claIms whatsoever hands and seal S tIllS _(SEAL) STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF LANE ss Be It remembeled that on th,s Jrd day of July , 1947 personally came before me, a Notdry Pubhc ill and for saId county, the wlthm named Karl R. Stone and Genevleve R. Stone, husband 8nd Wlre to me personally known to he the IdentIcal personS deSCrIbed ill and who executed the wlthm mstru~elJ.t, '~d' , H .\'; .,.,~",Ir\ ti '" <1 acknowledged to me that they executed the saIne freely and voluntarIly for the uses and P'i-rt'1,'l" ~ 'j, i, \ named iJ >"'~; "';-' I 1'''' N~~ _" ". WItness my hand and seal trus day and year last above WrItten I ' '~'''_ ' ~!~'? ~ ,"'/' " My Comml",lOn ExpIres 'eJ(1TAltY l!t71\IlC 1-0" OlU!(.,Ol" __ _ __ ____ _ __ ___ __ T _'- _ 1 _ " 1,\": ~ Ii':> '\ I"" '/ ;;:: '~I~,? G r..JJ'<i1t-4l.1X,* 41l-'l.r~.,~ lHl~ 1, A.!;f'~Q Notary Pu Ie for, Ore b"W~~~ ~ ~ F.', . :'f~4j>~j~~ t~ I _~ Jt:'" 'l~~'~fl( Jl LANE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY EUGENE OREGON '~'lr\t,~';J4~" Hi' -i , r , ~ ", t, < w~ tt~ ~l 1:\1('1 fil<<k" f' ;:~ l' (. l!,~ .~ ~ ~~ ~P;j{~ ~~~ \~J ~~l ~.~ ~lik~l t:~~ (~flfi ~~~ ~$~ ';~I ~~ , ,1.1 >"""1 I ~II ,: ~l ~ ~~ ~\ WARRM:TY DR:!!;]) 'l'HIS INDENTffHE WITNESSETH: That School District No. 19, Lane County, Oree;on, a municipa] corporati.on, Lho r-rantor, :for and i.n consideratIon of the sum of 'ren - - U>lO.OO) - _ _ DOLLAr", to it paid does hereb barGain, solI and convey unto Karl R. Stone and GHno- "leve R. Stone, husband and wire, the p;rantees, the follO\~Jng described premJ.ses, LowJ..t: BeginninG at a pOJnt In the South lIne or the McKenzio Htgh- way 1,3,013 clJaJ.ns cast and 8.gl3 ehat ns Sonth of tf1e Northwest cornor o:f t'he .Tames C. Looney Donation Land Clai.m No. 5_4, NOtIf. No, 7310 in 'rownshjp 17 South, ~ange 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, ~lnning thence South 308 feet; thence Wost 308.3 feet; thence North 258 feet to the South 1 ine of the McKenzie Hi ghwa y; thenco N ol'th ROO 47' Eas t alonp; the South line of tho ~lcKenzIe Highway 312.3 feet to the place of beginninG, cont8J ning 2.00 acres, In Lnne County, OrE'gon. Beginning at a poi.nt 13.06 chaIns Rast and 8g9.36 feet South of the Nort hwes t corner 0 l' th e .Tame s C. Looney Donat ion Land CIa im No. 54, Notif. No. 7310 in 'l'ovmship 17 South, Range 2 West of the VJillamette MerIdian, runnlnli thencfJ South 211,6 feet; thence West 308,8 feet; thence North 2] 1.6 fO(-1t and thence E~st 308.8 feat to tho placo of beginning, in LaneCounty, Ore~on. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sa.ld premisos, w:iththeir appurtenan('es unto the said Grantees, the]r heirs and assigns forever. And the Grantor does hereby covenant to and wJth tho said Grantees, thaiI' hO.Ll"3 and assi.gn1J t.hat it Is the owner in fee sJnlple of , < : said premises and that thHY are free from all i.ncumbI'ances and that tt will warrant and dei'end the same from all lawful ('laims whatsoever. IN WITNESS WHErillOF, School District Jlo. 19, a munIcipal corporatlOn, has c8used those presents to )1e duly signed by its I' ~ r~ ," ~: Board of Directors this 22nd day of September, 1949. f:L ~ () 8~LJL DIrector ByJd)~- ~ Director (Seal) By - -, 11./ /...---1 ') A ":;/7 7'-- ,II,{/( ,1/f.{ CCt'7/{a.;?(seal) 'I ,) ", ) Dire ctor ,/, --" Ir>..,y'" / (/,~ /'lh,r-I'~U./'./L-/' (Seal) 'DIrector , I ~ i~ ~I ~ m ~ tSfJal) By , I , I (Seal) 13y\~' (Soal) Director BY~~ Director , " I ! ! u I ~ " t I' r , , I < ! , , , t, ~ , I ., ~ ~ , I f~ I Urder.No -; j G J7/ I(flrti! 40;~~ f'I\Gr 28~. THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH Warrant:y Deed That Karl R. Stono and Genevieve R. Stone, husband and wife, the Grantor to them , for and In conslderal1on ofthe sum of Ten - - - unO. 00) paId, do hereby, bargain, sell and convey unto DOLLARS School District No. H~, Lrn 0 County, Oregon, the following descnbed premIses, to-WIt the grantee Boginning at a point en the Southerly right of way IJ1\e of the Old l\lcKenZle Highway 663.4 feot South 00 12' East and North 890 4[3' Eaot .536.6 foot from the Northwest corner of the Jamos C. Looney Donation Land ClaIm No. 54, Noti.ficatlon No, 7310, Township 17 South, Ran,",o ~) West of the Wlllamette MeridIan, runninf,; thence South 00 12' East 719,0 f<:lt1t; thence North 890 48' Eflst 313.9 feat; thence North 00 Ol-~' lies\; 769.0 feet to the Southerly riGht of way Ilne of the Old McKenzie !-lir;hway; thence alon!,: said riGht of way line In a Southwe9terly clJroction 316.2 fe,'t, more or less, to Lhe place of beginning, in LanoCOlmty, Oregon. , ' \k - I ~'1 , TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said prell1lses, wIth theIr alm,urtenances, unto the SaId Grantee , 1- t s hem;Mi81.~s~/n~ 'i8rever S U c c e;3 30 S And the SaId Grantors do hereby covenant to and wIth the saId Grantee, its hem/and aSSlgns that the yare the ownerS m fee Simple of saId premIses, and that they are free from all mcumbrances and that theY WIll warrant and defend the same from all lawful claIms whatsoever IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Vie ha ve hereunto set our hands and sealS thIS 22nd day of September AD;Y'49" /7 / ,f' _______(sEAL) /-~ /~(SEAL) - - - --- - -- - u _ ___ _ (SEAL) ~~~~dd~_(SEAL) STATE OF OREGON, COUNTY OF [.(n:o VI ss Be It Iemembered that on thIS 22nd day of September ,1949 personally came before me, a Notary Pubhc m and for saId county,'J the wlthm named Karl R. S cone and GenAVl.eVe R. st h' , l' \l,'flH~ 51'J, one, lS Wl e, ",,-\"~ \'\. ':AXltt~~ ,,~ 't" ...' '1\'~.(t'.... .~ :.1fJ2,"};J.~ "'" '\ "V'.~-:-ltf;/(:'~. 'J;/~ -; to me personally known to be the~!l'1{a'lm~ort:s ..descnbed m and who executed the wIthm mstrument, and j)~' ~ ...!Jj'~ ~.~ ~1~.'f,,1J.'- acknowledged to me that th~,y,( ,J.x!!<luted'ttreIMl1\~freely and voluntarIly for the uses and purposes therem .. ,,';It 'f~C'::,,:l.~ },~ i"""~ ,~ named ilh~i'flJ~'I'r'r-~/~ b..! r,{~:/~~; WItness my hand and seal tE',~ 'd~:,'and ~ea~:j~stii<bove wntten ~ ~ ': ~If~~!....g;!?.~'\~~..i li'~ i-..~ ~ ~~ ~ .....>~{'..ei'~t.:.~i&.~1"~r"'r!:';!J,....J ,,'" M C E Vji,,,,~!l...' J:,Yi'2ff.. ~" , lIe y ommlSSlOn; xpIres '. " i~lr" '1''\ . ,,' ------- - - - --- - - -'-- -- -- /' - - - _____ ______ ___ __ ?. ~ ;er.s 3"" -:' S}, ,\1\"" Notary Pubhc for regon / I '(l'~;H!tn~ \\!OU\.RY PUBLiC 1-0R ORI=CO ~~ ~~~,..., r: , LANE COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPAN:t: EUGENE 'OREGON ' ~-- t ~ 4 I ..... I"'~ . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2007-00078 7345 Thurston Road (l) f+ Gi!J IS ~ ~ ~ ~ <, .... ~ g:;r: :::~?> ~~:t.~ i ~ ::"-~t ;.::. ::?:=_=::-f~")~:Y ~~ ~ ~ -: ==" -;:- 3- ~;; SITE Map 17-02-35-00 Tax Lot 2100, 2600 North ... 1 ~ "~~J~?, I ~ ~ "" "'" "" "" " f ~( ( ~~ ~ j; I /1 ~ I F \ ,I \ '-')j '1 ) 1,\,'11 II ,/ -1 fi I -J" I I' :y-0 1/ ~~I ? , 1 ,/ ~~~_"~ 0'!t/ /1' I{ t..[ ...L_ ---------__-'/ "-i.'J~ """TECTED r I I L r I I \ \ \ \ \ \ I ~;/:""""::::,~::;' I, I I / )!': / , II \< '''''--::x' <>'. ~ I, \ ~V /////,/ {> I ',-- L:, / / ~ {) I ~ /'" ] ~,/; <' ,\ \ / /~""""'",(DJ I , , , , j ~ , ~ , { ___T ~-- --- I .. .., '. ~P:.=. ....a..,v J _~f'r ~ ... V -~ ~~-, ~j~!, oo:to~...n"'O"'.,' _ \~ I \_''"'-'~- ~J~' _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W m ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I /,' ~~:..'h~""1 !:<ISJ><<:"""HO:;'\IIFlO" 1__ ~:~._.. ~~ACY ~~~~~.... ='e'= ~~ I:'-~>Z TIIfi"."'"....rooctPu<:T"... .........lJl-PI.Of:OITlO:LTO....... ..FVQ"""""""'<OIG"""",,"- ~SI't(;n;>,..,.... 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Pl..ANTlNG PU.N L-500- T November 20, 2007 CIty of SprIngfield Development Services Department 225 Flftb Street SprIngfield Oregon 97477 RE Tree Fellmg PerImt - ApplIcatIOn Statement Thurston Elementary School- 7345 Thurston Road SprIngfield, OR 97477 (See - SIte Work DemolItIOn Plan, Sheet L-200- T and SIte RevIew Plantmg Plan L-500- T for addItIOnal mformatlOn regardmg thIs tree FellIng ApplIcatIOn) Wntten ExolanatlOn - Tree FellIng PermIt (SDC 5 19-100) A Whether the conditIons ofthe trees With respect to dIsease, hazardous or unsafe conditIOns, danger of falhng, proximity to eXlstmg structures or proposed constructIOn, or mterference WIth utIlIty servIces or pedestrIan or vehIcular traffic safety warrants the proposed felhng The nme (9) trees proposed for removal that are 5mches dbh or greater are ellher directly wahm the path of the proposed constructlOn or are In such close proXImIty to the demolItIOn of the exIstmg buIldmg that sIgmficant damage WIll be Incurred by the root system of the tree as to make them hazardous trees There are no "street trees' currently wllhm the ROW/rontmg this SIte We areploposmg to plant many new trees both just beyond the ROW edge to act as street trees (existIng ROW IS not WIde enough to permIt street trees) as well as on the slfe See L-500-T PlantIng Plan B Whether Ihe proposed fellIng IS consIstent wIth State standards, Metro Plan polICIes and CIty Ordmances and provISIons affectmg the envIronmental qualIty of the area, mcludmg but not hmIted to, the protectIon of nearby trees and wmdbreaks, WIldlife, eroSIOn, SOli retentIOn and stabIlIty, volume of surface runoff and water quahty ofstrearns, scemc quality, and geological sItes The tree removals WIll be performed under the supervlSlon of an ISA certified arborlst and will be consistent wlfh State standards, Metro Plan poilcles and CIty ordinances and proVISIOns affecting the envIronmental quality of the area Tree protection notes, erosIOn control notes and speCljicatlons wdl be prepared as part of the constructIOn document package for budding permits and constructlon prior to any tree removal Significant replantmg of trees shrubs, groundcover, and lcrwn IS proposed for all of the desIgnated landscape areas 111 the proposed Site RevIew Landscape Plan C "Whether It IS necessary to remove trees In order to construct proposed lmprovements as speCIfied In an approved development plan, gradIng permIts and constructIOn drawmgs T/l1S Tree Fellmg ApphcatIOn IS being subnutted m conjUnctIon wIth a Slle ReVIew package requIred for thiS proposed project and at thIS tIme no development plan has been approved by the City see Item 4 be/ow D In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the CIty, fellIng of trees wIll be permItted on a lImited basIs conSIstent WIth the preservatlOn of the SIte's future development potential as prescnbed III the Metro Plan and City development regulatIons, and conSIstent WIth the follOWIng cntena 1 Wooded areas assocIated With natural dramage ways and water areas shall be retaIned to preserve npanan habItat and to mmlmlze eroslOo, Not applzcable to thIS Site 2 Wooded areas that will lIkely proVide attractive on-site views to occupants of future developments shall be retamed, ~ Not appltcable to this site 3 Wooded areas along ndgelmes and hIlltops shall be retamed for theIr scemc and wildlIfe value, Not applIcable to this s!le 4 Wooded areas along property Imes shall be retamed to serve as buffers from adjacent properties, Not applrcable to thls sIte 5 Trees shall be retamed In sufficIently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure agaInst wmdthrow, Not applrcable to thIs sl1e 6 Large-scale clear-cuts of developable areas shall be aVOIded to retam the wooded character of future bUlldmg sItes, and so preserve hOUSIng and desIgn opttons for future City reSidents Not appltcable to thIs srte E Whether the apphcant's proposed replantmg of new trees or vegetatIOn IS an adequate substttute for the trees 10 be felled A PlantIng Plan has been prepared In conjUnctlOn wrth this Tree Fellmg App/rcatlOnfor Site Plan Revzew submlSSiOn and IS Included for reference wzth thzs applIcatlOl1 Elght (8) new street trees are proposed Just outszde of the ROWan Thurston Road An addrtzonal85 trees areproposedwrthl11 the site and near the new school F Whether slash left on the property poses, S1gmficant fire hazard or habllIty 10 the CIty All woodfrom the canopy, lImbs and trunks of the trees plOposedfor feelmg wIll be removedfrom the site at the same time the tree fellmg IS performed G Whether the fellIng IS conSIstent With the gUIdelInes speCified m the FIeld GUIde to Oregon Forestry PractIces Rules publIshed by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon regIOn All treefellmg as proposedW!lhm thiS applIcatIOn wIll abide by the gUldelmes set forth m the Field GUIde to Oregon Forest Practlces Rules as applIcable to thiS slte H Whether transportatIOn of eqUIpment to and eqUIpment and trees from the SIte can be accomplIshed wlthout a major disturbance to nearby reSIdents The site IS eaSIly accessIble from Thurston Road, prOVidIng effiCIent transportatIOn of eqUIpment onto the SIte Without dISturbance of nearby reSIdents Work Will be perfonned between daylIght hours of7am and 5 pm Smcerely, DaVid Aulwes Landscape ArchItect "