HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 5/14/2007
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CASE NUMBER: LRP2007-00019
APPLICANT: CIty of Spnngfield
NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: Type IV VacatIOn. Proposal to vacate a one-block segment ofB
Street nght-of-way between 4th Street and PIOneer Parkway East to facIlItate constructIOn of a secure
parkmg lot for police vehIcles, and an ancIllary bUIlding servmg the JustIce Center.
AUTHORIZED USES: Uses m the Public Land and Open Space (PLO) district are regulated by
Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) SectIOn 23, aVaIlable m City Hall or onlme at
APPLICABLE CRITERIA: (a) The VacatIon was mItIated by the CIty Council pursuant to ORS
271 130(1); (b) Notice has been given pursuant to ORS 271.130(1); (c) Approval of the vacatIon would
be consistent WIth proVIsIOn of safe, convenient and reasonably dIrect routes for cyclIsts, pedestnans and
vehIcles as proVIded m OAR 660-012-0045(3); (d) Whether a greater pubhc benefit would be obtamed
from the vacatIOn than from retammg the nght-of-way mIts present status; and (e) Whether proVISIons
have been made to ensure that the vacated property will remam m publIc ownership.
SUBJECT PROPERTY LOCATION: One-block segment ofB Street west of 4th Street and east of
Pioneer Parkway East, Maps 17-03-35-24 & 17-03-35-31, Tax Lot(s) N/A.
DATE, TIME, AND LOCATION OF THE HEARING: Plannmg CommIssIOn. June 5, 2007 at the
hour of 7 :00 p.m at 225 FIfth Street m Spnngfield CIty Hall CouncIl Chambers.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The application, all documents and eVIdence submItted by or on
behalf of the apphcant and the applIcatIon critena are aVaIlable for mspection at City Hall at no cost and
WIll be proVIded at a reasonable cost Seven days pnor to the heanng a copy of the staff report WIll be
CONTACT PERSON: Andy LImbIrd at (541) 726-3784 or email: ahmbIrd@c1.springfield.or.us. Send
written testImony c/o DSD, 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, Oregon 97477, or attend the meetmg and state
your VIews The hearmg WIll be conducted m accordance WIth SDC ArtIcle 14.
FAILURE TO RAISE ISSUE: Failure of an issue to be raIsed at the hearing, in person or by letter, or
failure to proVIde statements or evidence suffiCIent to afford the deCISIOn maker an opportumty to
respond to the Issue precludes appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals on that Issue.
PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING: The Planning CommIssIon IS conductmg a Pubhc
Heanng on thIS applIcation and will be issumg a recommendation to the CIty Council. A Pubhc Heanng
before the CIty Council WIll be advertIsed in accordance WIth ORS 271.130(1) and held at a later date
In makmg a declSlon on thIS matter, the CIty Council WIll consider all testImony entered into the record,
mcluding testImony provided at both PublIc Heanngs,
Date RecEtlved: ))1//;007
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