HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence PLANNER 4/3/2007 (2) " Page 1 of3 .. L1MBIRD Andrew From: L1MBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 1209 PM To: SOWA Amy, KNAPEL Carole, GRILE Bill Cc: GRIMALDI GinO, LEAHY Joe (HL), MOTT Gregory, POLSTON Jim, HARMAN Michael, SMITH Jerry Subject: RE B-STREET VACATION -INITIATION It IS my understanding that the street vacation Initiation resolution will come from the Justice Center project team, and probably can be Included as Business from the City Manager If scheduled as a standalone Item on the agenda, I would think It needs only 10 or 15 minutes. Andy From: SOWA Amy Sent: TuesdaYI April 031 2007 11:21 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew; KNAPEL Carole; GRILE Bill Cc: GRIMALDI GinO; LEAHY Joe (HL); MOTT Gregory; POLSTON Jim; HARMAN Michael; SMITH Jerry Subject: RE: B-STREET VACATION - INmATION I have made the changes to the Agenda Calenda~ A couple of things . Street Vacation Initiation Resolution (May 7) - how much time IS needed for this Item and IS Andy the staff contact? . If we need to put the 2nd reading on September 10, It Will be under a Special Regular Meeting since that IS Just a work session night (shouldn't be a problem, Just and FYI) I Will poll the Councilors In early May to determine whether or not we Will hold a meeting on July 2 Thanks' Amy From: LIMBIRD Andrew Sent: TuesdaYI April 03, 2007 11:03 AM To: KNAPEL Carole; GRILE Bill Cc: GRIMALDI Gino; LEAHY Joe (HL); MOTT Gregory; POLSTON Jim; SOWA Amy; HARMAN Michael; SMITH Jerry Subject: RE: B-STREET VACATION - INmATION All This IS the adjusted B Street vacation timetable based on available Council and Planning Commission meeting dates Council Resolution to enact street vacation. May 7 Public Hearing newspaper notification for Planning Commission meeting May 18 & 25 Planning Commission meeting for Public Hearing June 5 Planning Commission meeting for conclUSion of Public Hearing (If necessary) and adoption of recommendation June 19 Public Hearing newspaper notification for City Council Public Hearing: June 15 & 22 (for July 2 meeting, alternatively June 29 & July 6 for July 16 meeting) Public Hearing at City Council and first reading of vacation ordinance * July 2 (*tentatlve meeting date Date Received: if/l/.M7 I I Planner: Al 4/3/2007 ... Page 2 0[3 due to July 4 holiday), alternatively July 16 City Council meeting for conclusion of Public Hearing and 2nd reading/adoption of vacation ordinance July 16, alternatively Sept 10 due to Council recess As before, the dates of the newspaper ads can be adjusted If necessary The Friday paper was used In thiS example, but the ads could be placed any day of the week Please let me know If there are any changes required to thiS tlmeline Thanks From: KNAPEL Carole Sent: TuesdaYI April 031 2007 10:17 AM To: GRILE Bill Cc: GRIMALDI GinO; LEAHY Joe (HL); MOTT Gregory; LIMBIRD Andrew; POLSTON Jim; SOWA Amy; HARMAN Michael; SMITH Jerry Subject: RE: B-STREET VACATION - INmATION Bill, I discussed thiS With Joe after talking to Greg My understanding from Joe IS that the code change does not go Into effect for 30 days We could have asked the Council to enact It as an emergency action, but Joe said thiS would raise Issues With the Council (and might need to be a unanimous vote) Joe adVised that we send the Council the request for Initiation of the vacation of right-of-way after the new codes section IS In effect The date to do that IS then May 7 ThiS moves the rest of the activities - can Andy update the task list based on thiS date for initiation? Carole From: GRILE Bill Sent: MondaYI April 021 20077:38 PM To: KNAPEL Carole Cc: GRIMALDI Gmo; LEAHY Joe (HL); MOTT Gregory; LlMBIRD Andrew; POLSTON JIm; SOWA Amy; HARMAN Michael; SMITH Jerry Subject: B-STREET VACATION - INmATION Importance: High Carole We had understoond the Council was going to enact a resolution tonight initiating the B St vacation. DSD didn't understand that we were the ones to be putting thiS together Old we misunderstand? The resolution was not on the agenda Where do we go from here? Let's regroup qUickly Thanks . Bill From: LlMBIRD Andrew Sent: MondaYI March 19/20075:02 PM To: GRILE Bill; MOTT Gregory Cc: KNAPEL Carole Date Received: Planner: Al q/J / Jotr1 I , 4/3/2007 ,. Page 3 of3 Subject: Street Vacation Schedule From our meeting today, this IS my understanding of the notification and Public Hearing schedule for the B Street vacation Council Resolution to enact street vacation: April 2 Public Heanng newspaper notification for Planning Commission meeting Apnl 13 & 20 Planning Commission meeting for Public Heanng May 1 Planning Commission meeting for conclUSion of Public Heanng (If necessary) and adoption of recommendation May 15 Public Heanng newspaper notification for City Council Public Heanng May 4 & 11 Public Heanng at City Council and first reading of vacation ordinance May 21 City Council meeting for conclUSion of Public Heanng and 2nd reading/adoption of vacation ordinance June 4 I understand from Carole that slight adjustments to thiS schedule Will not Impact the construction schedule The dates of the newspaper ads can be adjusted If necessary The Fnday paper was used In thiS example, but the ads could be placed any day of the week Please let me know If there are any changes required to thiS tlmeline Thanks Andy Date Received: 'In /:kJtJ7 , I Planner: AL 4/3/2007