HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/13/2017 Work Session City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY,NOVEMBER 13,2017 The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room,225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon.on Monday,November 13.2017 at 5-30 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. A fTENDANCE Present were btay or Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Moore, Woodrow and Pishioneri Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi,City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff Councilors Wylie and Stoehr were absent(excused) I. Community De%elopment Advisory Committee(CDAC) Interviews. Community Development Analyst Erin Fifield presented the staff report on this item. Seven candidates have applied for fix e CDAC vacancies created by attrition (folks moving out of the Springfield urban growth boundary)and two members' terms ending The City received seven applications for five vacancies- • Chelsea Jennings • Tony Rodriguez • Itzel Sandoval • I erri Dillon • Victoria Doyle • Kelly Mason • Bernice Pogue Council inter iewed the first three candidates on October 16 The remaining four are scheduled to be interviewed tonight: however Ms. Dillon was not able to attend tonight's meeting due to an accident. She asked that she be considered for future u acancies. Council is scheduled to make appointments on No%ember 20 Of the five vacancies to be filled: • 3 appointments are for 4 t ear terms ci Two terms would start Jan L 2018 and serve 4 years(thru Dec 2021) o 1 term would start now to till a vacancy. (through Dec 2017), and would then serve a new 4 year term (through December 2021) • 2 appointments are for 2 year terms o 2 terms would start now to sen e the unexpired portion of 2 u acancies(thru Dec 2019) The Community Development Advisory Committee(CDAC) ad%ises Council on matters related to the City's housing and community development actin hies. The actio hies are primarily funded by federal Community Development Block Grant(CDBG I dollars, for the purposes of benefiting low and moderate-income residents and improving blighted areas. The CDAC recommends annual CDBG City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13,2017 Page 2 funding priorities and allocations to Council in line with the adopted Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan The following applicants were uner'iewed • Victoria Doyle • Kelly Mason • Bernice Pogue the May or and Council introduced themselves and asked the following questions of the applicants I. Why are you interested in ser'ing on the Community Development Advisory Committee? (Mayor Lundberg) 2 What most interests you about affordable housing and community development? (Councilor VanGordon) 3 What skills and/or experience do you bring that will contribute to you being an effective community de'eloprnent ad'isory committee member? (Councilor Moore) 4. What do yon see as the most pressing issue facing Springfield in the realm of housing and community development?(Councilor Pishionen) 5 Because resources are so limited some worthwhile projects may not get funded. Flow would you decide which projects receive funding and which do not? (Councilor Woodrow Council discussed the qualifications of the six applicants that were interviewed over the last two meetings and also Ms. Dillon who was not present, but who had interviewed for another position recently. Council agreed to mo'e the follow ing applicants forward for appointment on November 20 Torn Rodriguez, ltzel Sandoval, Victoria Doyle, Kelly Mason, and Bernice Pogue Mayor Lundberg referred to the work plan noted in the Council Briefing Memorandum Ms. Fifield reviewed the work plan and explained how it was developed based on HUD funding. Mayor Lundberg said previously the CDAC set priorities to recommend to Council for approval. Then the Request for Proposals(RIP)would go out and the CDAC would review those applications She understands the committee needs an orientation, but doesn't want them to be overwhelmed. She would like to see the information condensed as much as possible to keep it simple She is not sure about the CDAC reviewing the Request for Information (RPI I. Councilor VanGordon said he had similar concerns. Ile would like to have their scope narrowed as much as possible. The Council often changes their mind on the recommendation so he is concerned with the CDAC putting in man) hours on something the Council may change Ms. Fifield said it is up to the cities of Springfield and Eugene to define how they want the citizen participation outlined in the Consolidated Plan. She described how it is explained in the current plan. Councilor VanGordon said he is fine going forward with this work plan and the work session in January, and then revisit this in February or March during another work session. There w ill need to he a general cleanup of the bylaws to better reflect how things are currently Councilor Woodrow said the information that was sent out was overwhelming. Many people want to get invoh ed, but they may he ON erwhelmed She suggested pros iding the Bylaws and Consolidated Plan in notebooks for the CDAC members to review on their own, and come back with questions. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13,2017 Page 3 There is no need to have a full review of even thing in the meeting as it could be too much She asked if the CDAC met the requirement for public input as opposed to the RFI Mr Grimaldi said the intent of the RFI is to hear from the development community about possible options for a specific property. Councilor Woodrow said aside from that, she would see the CDAC as fulfilling the role of communis\ input. She would like to focus on where the> are going in the future with the incoming members, highlight where we are and where we want to he in the Spring. Councilor Pishionert asked if the CDAC meetings are open to the public. Ms Fifield said)es they are and agendas are posted Councilor Moore said she understands the concern about overt helming information. Her understanding of how this all works was the clearest when she heard about projects that were done in the past w ith CDBG funds Councilor Woodrow agreed that information on past projects would be helpful. Ma}or Lundberg said pictures of some of the projects that received CDBG funding are helpful for a visual of where the funds can be used Unfortunate's, we don't have the same le\el of funding as we had in the past. Ms. Fifield said the intent of the packet was to pros ide the information as reference documents. The purpose of explaining the past was to help guide the task of the CDAC.There were issues regarding affordable housing brought up during the interviews which was great for staff, but it is not currently part of their task so the first meeting could help set the boundaries of what the committee is and what it will do She w ill invite those that will be appointed to this Thursday's meeting to get an overview of the committee. Councilor Woodrow said it might he best to wait to hold the meeting in January when the new members has e been appointed since many of the committee members will be leaving at the end of the year Ms Fifield said perhaps some of the older members would hate a good perspective to share. Ma)or Lundberg asked if the RFI could go out without the CDAC meeting first. Ms. Fifield said it could She would he looking for the CDAC to review the returned RFIs to make a recommendation to the Council. The Januar meeting will he focused on the One-Year Action Plan so doing both at that meeting might be too much. Part of the CDAC role is also reporting on the Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report(CAPER),which is a requirement of HUD. The decision was made to fulfill that requirement by having Eugene hold the public meeting Councilor VanGordon suggested sending the RFI,holding a short meeting on November 16 to discuss the CAPER, and providing an orientation for new members in December or January Councilor Woodrow said perhaps they could hand out the orientation packet with pictures, bylaws and consolidated plan to new members at the November meeting and review the CAPER with old City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13.2017 Page 4 members. 1 he next meeting then could then ask questions and review the RFI's. They could then keep the original schedule. Comprehensive Planning Manager Sandy'Belson asked which applicants the Council wanted to appoint for the two-year term and who for the three-year tern. Council was fine has ing staff identify NN ho would have what term. 2. Historic Commission Interviews Planner Mark McCaffery presented the staff report on this item. There are two vacancies on the seven-member Historic Commission as a result of two resignations. After a one month recruitment period that closed on August 25,2017,the Department received applications from Jenna Fribley and from Leslie Jehnings. The N acancies on the Historic Commission arc a result of the resignation of Commissioners kern Barbera and Terra Wheeler. The term held by Commissioner Barber()has expired in 2016. The term held by Commissioner Wheeler expires on October 19, 2018. Request is to fill one four-year term and the unexpired portion of Commissioner Wheeler's first term Qualifications for membership on the Historic Commission include expertise in the fields of architecture,history, architectural histon, planning, or archeology; residency within the Metro Plan boundaries; or as residents, electors, or property owners NN ithin Springfield. In addition,the Council shall solicit recommendations for appointment from Willamalane and School District#19(Municipal Code Section 2.502) Both the School District and Willamalane declined to recommend appointees to fill these vacancies during this recruitment period State and Federal funding of the City's historic preservation activities stipulate that a majority of the Commissioners have professional qualifications in a field related to historic preservation. Four current members possess these qualifications and also meet or partially meet the qualifications and standards set forth by the National Park Service regarding commissions. Ms. Fribley resides in Springfield and is an architect Ms. .Iehnmgs resides in Springfield and is a reined historic landscape architect Springfield Municipal Code Section 2.506 states that any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term of the member creating the vacancy, and Section 2.504 states that appointed members shall hold office for four years with the terms staggered to pros ide overlapping and continuity At the discretion of Council.appointments to fill one four year term vacancy and one retroactive vacancy on the Historic Commission can be scheduled for the NON ember 20,2017 Regular Meeting The following applicants were interviewed • Jenna Fribley • Leslie Jehnings The May or and Council introduced themsely es to the applicants and asked the following questions 1 Why are you interested in serving on the Historic Commission? (h1avor Lundberg) 2. What initiatives are you interested in working on if y on are appointed as a Commissioner? (Councilor VanGordon) 3. What is it about Springfield's histon that interests you most? (Councilor Pishioneri) 4. Describe your familiarity with the City's historic resources (Councilor Woodrow) City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13,2017 Page 5 5 Describe your professional and personal experience as it relates to your desire to become a Historic Commissioner (Councilor Moore) Council discussed the qualifications of the applicants and chose to appoint Jenna Fribley(for the full 4-year term)and Leslie Jehnings(for the remainder of the vacating term)to the Historic Commission 3. Priority Based Budgeting Outcomes Result Maps. Finance Director Bob Duey and Budget Officer Paula Davis presented the staff report on this item The City is beginning its fourth budget year using the priorit) based budgeting(PPB)methodology which assists in the allocation of resources to services and programs in advancing community and Council goals. The methodology was expanded to include the strategic plan, long-term fiscal health and performance measures.At the September 25th work session Council participated in developing the short and medium range outcomes for each of the Council long term goals. During the September 25°'all-day woi k session,Council was asked to identify specific outcomes for each Council goal where the outcome was described as progress towards the achievement of the goal. Each of these outcomes could have a performance measurement developed around them, be used by staff to update the PBB results map and ultimately be included in the allocation of resources during the budget conversations City staff would then dm elop performance measures for each outcome that would identify progress towards Council goals. The outline of the results from the September 25th Council meeting was attached for the Council to review 7 he items listed in green were comments from the staff, but can be used by the Council if they choose. He explained further how the comments were consolidated and reformatted, and the outcomes for each goal. Council discussed the information presented Councilor Woodrow said many of the staff comments were important, but were more supportiy e and did not have a specific action. Councilor VanGordon said there are a couple of green comments he would want to include in the Council comments, such as"Provide career, library youth services and opportunities that improv e graduation rates"and"Incentive strategies that encourage dive!sity and ay ailability of housing"which are under the first goal. He felt"Increase interactions w ith community; using social media and technology"could fit with"Encourage continued social networking interactions" He would like to know more about"Implement inclusive sone} methods to reach a larger number of residents'and w hat staff was referring to with that comment Mr. Grimaldi said surveying is a challenge because people don't all have land lines Reaching out to the entire population and getting representatn e samples is getting more difficult. Councilor VanGordon said he is supporta e of staff exploring alternative surveying options. The last one he thought could move up into the Council section was`Protect sensitive environmental areas from illegal or oyer use-. Councilor Moore confirmed that the goals, lead to action, which lead to something measurable Some of the green items aren't measurable. Several are related to the building and safer) and she wondered if there was concern among staff about safety of the building City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13,2017 Page 6 Mr Grimaldi said they are addressing some of those issues Councilor Moore asked how they could attach measurables to these. Mr. Duey said that is the next step. Whatever they end up with tonight, staff will take and develop a results map Every program should he measurable and has a goals. There may he some practical work that Is not listed,but is a core sen ice and will be done Ideally, they will try to figure out where to put resources to make the economy grow. Sometimes we get caught up in what we can't afford to do. Councilor Pishioneri referred to'Continue participation in partnership with McKenzie Watershed Council", Ile said our involvement with Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMCI is far more important than the McKenzie Watershed Council in terms of impacting our environment He would prefer to shift this to MWMC partnership. He likes the item "Protect sensitise environmental areas from illegal or over use" Mr. Duey said some of this is os eruse and inappropriate use of property near the rn er Mayor Lundberg said she hears about illegal camping along the river. It is most critical to keep our riverfronts clean and that would he a priority for that measure. Regarding surveys, the City,as a member of Lane Council of Governments(LCOGI. can get one free survey per year. They could do some targeted sun es s, for instance for Main Street safety or EmX. It allows people to give their input. Mr. Duey reviewed the changes to the first goal made by the Council. Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality Promotes access to a variety of cultural, artistic and educational events Promote Springfield ✓ Promote public art ✓ Support and participate in family act'shies r Work with TEAM Springfield to support education, recreation and services r Encouraging Council inohement in the community; r Provide career, library youth sers ices and opportunnies that improve graduation rates —move up to Council ection Encourage diversity and availability for new and affordable housing while fostering a sense of neighborhood r Partnerships to promote and encourage a sense of neighborhood I. Complete land banking project for affordable housing • Explore and identify neighborhoods, determine what is already in place and what we can add to ✓ Incentive strategies that encourage di'ersits and availability of housing—prove up to Council section Fosters an involved, engaged and well-informed community City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13,2017 Page 7 i Activate new website i Encourage continued social networking interactions Support Springfield staff participation in community projects i Implement inclusive sun ey methods to reach a larger number of residents— Councilor VanGordon wants to know more about what staff was thinking about for this item. (see notes above). r Increase interactions with community: using social media and technology—cou/dit with "Encourage continued social networking interactions"above Ensures public facilities and infrastructure are welcoming and accessible to a diverse community i Complete bike system i Develop and improve City I fall and Plaza area for public gathering space Manages and mitigates factors that impact the environmental quality of its air, water, land and other natural resources i Continue participation in partnership with McKenzie Watershed Council (see Councilor Pishioneri's comments above about switching this to MWMC). Wetland reclamation projects r Protect sensitive en)ironmental areas from illegal or ower use—move up to Council section, Mr. Duey asked Council to review the second goal Councilor VanGordon asked about the staff comment of"Update stormwater and sewer master plans' and "Update fire, safety systems, and storm water and sewer master plans". He suggested that they both he put together under the same measure Mr. Duey said they could combine them Councilor VanGordon asked why fire and safety systems was included if this was for infrastructure. Mr Duey said they were likely referring to fire codes, sprinklers and anything to do with fire safety in the community Councilor VanGordon suggested putting that under a general building code section. or at least clarify what it referenced. He would like to keep the update to stormwater and sewer master plans as well as "Establish benchmarks for replacement funding of the city's major infrastructure', Councilor Pishioneri said updating those master plans would fit well under"Plan for community sustainability and responsible growth". Council agreed with the changes proposed Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities Plan for community sustainahi lity and responsible growth Implement and track sustainable 5-year Community Improvement Plan(CIP) City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13,2017 Page 8 i Improve site readiness(make shoe el-read)) i Minimize natural disaster risk Support publically owned fiber Infrastructure . High valued and by able neighborhoods Repairs,enhances and continuously invest in well-maintained public infrastructure system i Reduce deferred maintenance • Reduce backlog of street maintenance and repairs rI Ipdate storm water and sewer master plans—move up to Council section under "Plan for community sustainability and responsible growth. Ensures public facilities are well-maintained and meet the needs of the communth ✓ Investing in replacement or Improvement of key buildings or structures i Minimize future impact and costs Designs, operates and manages a well-maintained technology infrastructure Maintain and improve IT infrastructure and security • I Ipdate fire. safety systems: and storm nater and sewer master plans—more up to Council section with the other item regarding stormwater and sewer master plans. Secures resources and advances community interest for priority projects ✓ Partner with development community to determine funding for infrastructure i Identify priority projects while identifying funding sources i Good stewardship z- Establish benchmarks for replacement funding of the city's major infrastructure— move up to Council section Mr. Due) asked Council to review the third goal. Mayor Lundberg asked if they could use another word rather than diversity throughout this section so it is not the same word repeated throughout Council discussed several topics in green and noted that all those in green would be removed unless specifically requested to move up by the Council There were no changes to this section Foster an Environment that Values Diversib and Inclusion (look for other words for diversity throughout—Mayor) Supports the arts:promotes participation in community events and diversity groups . Foster arts reflective of the diverse community Expand outreach to dives se community through community events ✓ Participation and representation in diversity groups and activities ✓ Participation of staft7clected officials in communrtv boards and organizations that support diversity ON of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13.2017 Page 9 Promote outreach for small businesses, minority and women-owned businesses i Increase small business outreach; minority and women-owned S., Participate in reverse vendor fairs Fosters an inclusive environment that maintains awareness of accessibility needs for disabled individuals i Implement ADA transition plan i Increase accessibility for disabled individuals i Maintaining awareness of accessibility needs Create a welcoming commun its that promotes healthy families with avenues for upward mobility and prosperity Support groups who assist new arra als to community ✓ Diverse econonn that offers opportunities for all citizens ✓ I air and equitable delis cry of services to all citizens ✓ Increase access to transportation, technolog\, and housing ✓ Proactive response to incidents relating to hate and bias behavioi of crimes Attracts and promotes a diverse workforce that is reflective of the community r Outreach to diversified commun its for employment opportunities • Promote vocational-oriented programs • Increase workforce in our community Mr. Duey asked Council to review the fourth goal. Councilor Pishioneri asked for two of the green items to be moved up to the Council section. Mayor Lundberg asked about the 3`d bullet under"Engage greater number of citizens . The number was increased several years ago and is now a set number. Council agreed the) did not need to increase that number It will be removed. Strengthen Public Safety by Leveraging Partnerships and Resources Provide a continuum of public safety/social ser'ices responses that pros ides access to mental health sen ices i Leverage partnerships with service providers to identify entry points for those in need i Develop alternative sentencing programs in municipal court for a diverse population Pros ide training for staff for early recognition and a'ailable alternate'e responses for those in need—"love up to Council section ✓ Increase access to services addressing substance abuse Engage greater number of citizens in support for safer communiri i Increase public safety outreach programs to promote safer neighborhoods i Increase number of commun its members attending Citizen Police Academy City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13,2017 Page 10 i Increase number of people participating on Springfield Police Advisory Committee— remove . Increase public safety programs in schools Promote household emergency management preparedness—move up to Council section Improve non-vehicular traffic safety through infrastructure improsements i Evaluation and assessment of sidewalks, bicycle paths. lighting, and graffiti abatement • Continued partnership «ith ODOT to reduce pedestrian risks through infrastructure . Provide grant funding to assist property owners for sidewalk maintenance Reduce pedestrian/y chicle risk through improvements to infrastructure Stabilize public safety financing by considering alternative service models Rex iew response times w ithin Cit code for appropriateness Stabilize funding for the services by investigating alternative models for sen ice response . Provide sen ices focused on neighborhood level: Sergeants assigned to certain neighbors or communities . Reduce property crimes resulting in safer neighborhoods • Increase staff training for emergency management and public safety response • Increase data collection and sliming among agencies Mr Duev asked Council to rex iew the fifth goal. The Mayor suggested remos ing specific names under business incubations. Councilor Pishionen asked that they also remos c the name of partnering agencies so it is left open to include any organization that would increase economic opportunities Mr. Dues said lie wants to make sure this syncs up with the Springfield Look program and w ill go back to compare the two. Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships Enables and encourages opportunities for local business to be successful • Expand available business sites i Support business incubations (NEDCO, Booth Kelly Makers Group) —remove names of specific programs i Partner w ith TEAM Springtield and Chamber to increase opportunities—Change to "Partnerships that will increase opportunities." Pursue and execute intergos ernnental agreements with other agencies Stimulates economic growth by encouraging investments . Achieve economic growth w ins/successes; allocate funds to programs for economic des elopment City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes No\ember 13,2017 Page II i Invest in programs for economic development: i Build partnerships that encourage a regional approach to economic development i Continued redevelopment of a vibrant doss"tow n Advance opportunities and incentives that encourage private ins estment, bringing about new jobs and capital investment for businesses i Fast and consistent speed to market i Update development code for clarity • Public access to high speed Internet i Partner w dh ODOT to finalize transportation plan i Identify fable sites and invest public resources to bring about new johs and capital ins estment Implement infrastructure improvements to increase accessibility Identifi Cit) with nevi technologies while promoting community growth • Increase and dentin City with new technologies: (Tech, natural resources, CLT wood products, healthcare) r Promote and foster community growth while ensuring continued accessibilit\ to Cit\ sen ices Partner with communits to market and promote Springfield • Community engagement with the big picture and goal r Advertise/promote public safer) i Implement Springfield Look ine —"tore up to Council section Enables and encourages opportunities for citizens to he successful i Support, pursue and increase partnerships that increase training opportunities i Support partnerships that increase training opportunities for high school students • Improse the quality of life for Springfield citizens, decreasing the po\ertv les els Mr Due) asked Council to res few the sixth goal. Councilor Pishioneri said he wants to make sure partnering with other agencies in the Wellness Clinic benefits the City Discussion was held regarding the importance of having regular check-ins to make sure this still benefits the City. Other changes were suggested and are noted below. Provide Financially Responsible and Innovation Government Services Supports decision-making with timely and accurate reports and analysis i Track budgets,actual expenditures and monitor loans i Balance current revenue with expenditures i Des elop responsible budget that the identifies the communities highest priorities City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13,'017 Page 12 Uses of measures to track progress i Maintaining transparent. pi ofessional and responsive communication cath citizens • Strategic plan that allows for citizen input with financial investments that is tied to community needs Attracts, de'elops and motivates a high-qual it),diverse, engaged and productive workforce Improve productive} in workforce i Partner with other agencies to expand wellness clinic—do regular check-ins to make sure the City is still benefiting. Provide customer service training—add the word "continuous"between Provide and customer • Establish strong recruitment and succession planning • First issue resolution—add language to clarify(train and empower employees to provide resolution of issues) • Attracts and develops a de erre workforce Protects, manages and optimized financial resources i Efficient!) manage costs • Lobby for PERS and public contracting reform Y Work with State and Federal governments to explore funding options i Pursue options/alternatives that will reduce reliance on fire and police levies • Continue conversations with state and federal representatives 1. Pros ide legislative support to staff, officials and regional partners—move up to Council section 1. Set clew expectations and track and evaluate intergovernmental agreements, grants, and partnerships in a mutually beneficial manner—sore up to Council section Respond to the needs of the commun its that are best accomplished collectively Delivers response e and innovate services to customers while sustaining financial health i Sustain a credit rating within a health range for our demographics i Brainstorming sessions; welcoming suggestions and ideas • Le'erage new technologies to improve producti'ity in the workforce • Observe financial policies and funding reserves appropriately • Assess, evaluate, and adopt new technology, processes. and measures of ser'ice—— move up to Council section,combining it with the next two items("be adaptive"and "maintain a consistent"). Determine low to measure the level of service. Be adaptive and proactive, using henchmai king to identifi best practices Maintain a consistent le'el of service scar after year • Forward-looking, opportunities to share and explore untovance ideas Provides assurance of iegulatorc and policy compliance to minimize and mitigate risk .- Mitigate risk to the communitj while taking appropriate and calculated risks— Wordsmith to something measurable and then move up to Council section City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes November 13,2017 Page 13 Mr. Duey said staff will capture the outcomes as noted in this document.They,will meet with departments of er the next few months to e'aluate programs and score them based on these outcomes and results.The new budget system has quarterly reporting on performance measurements. They are working with staff to determine how to report those back to Council. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 737 p.m Minutes Recorder-Amy Sow a d% Ei -C&ktine-IT{,tmdbecg Sean VanGardon -A4avx- Council President Attest. ii/natAGt1 Amy Sow€ City Recorder