HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2017-29 12/04/2017 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. 2017-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING THE MASTER SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES, RATES, PERMITS AND LICENSES IN ORDER TO AMEND THE AMOUNT OF THE GARBAGE AND REFUSE RATES WHEREAS, Springfield Municipal Code 4.408(2) provides that the maximum rates for the collection of garbage and refuse for a month shall be set by resolution of the Council; WHEREAS, the present volatility in the world recycling market has resulted in lost material sales revenue and increased processing costs for many US solid waste processors; WHEREAS, Sanipac, Inc., the collector of garbage as defined by Springfield Municipal Code Section 4.400, has advised the City that because of the status of the world market for recyclables Sanipac has adjusted its operational practices and waste stream outlets resulting in an approximately $47,000 per month cost associated with recycling material generated by Springfield residents and businesses; WHEREAS, Sanipac, Inc., the collector of garbage as defined by Springfield Municipal Code Section 4.400, has asked the City for a supplemental rate increase of 5.9%; WHEREAS, the collector of garbage has requested that the collection rate be adjusted to reflect these increases in costs as of January 1, 2018; WHEREAS, City staff have reviewed the request of the collector of garbage, and the additional information and material provided in support of the request; WHEREAS, City staff, following such review have recommended that the adjustment of the maximum rates for the collection of garbage and refuse be approved as requested; WHEREAS, the Council has considered the request of the collector of garbage, the material and information submitted in support of such request, and the analysis and recommendations of the staff, and is fully informed as to the request and the circumstances; WHEREAS, the opportunity for public comment at a public hearing has been provided prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, except for the increase in the Garbage and Refuse rates as specified herein, the fees set forth in the"Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits and Licenses"remain unchanged and shall continue in full force and effect. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1: The Garbage and Refuse rates as set forth in the "Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses" are amended as specified in the Schedule of Garbage Rates attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein. Section 2: Except as specifically amended by this Resolution, the "Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses" shall remain unchanged and in full PAGE 1 of 2 force and effect. Section 3: Future Resolutions of the Common Council may be adopted to amend, add, or delete any rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge as may be necessary to compensate the City for providing the particular services set forth in the Master Schedule. Section 4: In the event any particular rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge set forth in the Master Schedule, Schedule of Garbage Rates, shall be held invalid by operation of law or any court of competent jurisdiction or the enforcement of any fee restrained by such court pending the final determination as to its validity, the remainder of the rates, permit fees, license fees, fees and charges specified in the Master Schedule, Schedule of Garbage Rates, Exhibit A, shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5: This Resolution will take effect on January 1, 2018. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this a day of Derember 2017, by a vote of for and p against. (1 absent -,(Pi shi oneri , 1 recused - Stoehr) 24-144 f / Mayor / rATTEST: ' Ir e,CLas{(C. ASVIEWED &APPROVED � p u AS O FOR City R r *ATE: OFFICE OF CITY aTTO'NEY PAGE 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-29 EXHIBIT A—SCHEDULE OF GARBAGE RATES Other Rates Solid Waste (SMC4.408, Resolution )(1) Charges for the collection of garbage and refuse as established herein shall be payable monthly in advance In the event that any person fails to pay the collector of garbage and refuse for the services rendered by the collector for a period of 45 days,then the collector may prepare a statement to that effect,and to the effect that he is terminating the service to such person and shall deliver a copy thereof to the City manager The City shall thereupon have the burden of seeing to it that such person for whom the service is terminated disposes of his garbage in accordance with the terms of sections 4400 to 4430 The collector shall have no duty to commence serving such person again until the collector shall have been reimbursed for the delinquent payments Please refer to the following 5 pages for Sanipac rates effective January 1, 2018, Page 1 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-29 EXHIBIT A—SCHEDULE OF GARBAGE RATES SPRINGFIELD CAN/CART RATES (01/01/2016) PICKUPS PER WEEK Number of Cans 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Mini-Can(21-Gallon( 10 39 1 Mini-Can EOW(21-Gallonl 840 County User Fee 2 27 County User Fee 1 72 Total 1266 Total 1011 1 Can EOW(35-Gallon) 944 County User Fee 311 Total 12 55 1 Can/Cart(35-Gallon) 1388 2777 4165 5553 6942 8330 County User Fee 412 829 1241 1658 2070 2482 Total 18 00 36 06 54 06 72 12 90 12 108 12 2 Cans 2777 5553 8330 11112 13889 16665 County User Fee 829 1658 2482 3311 4141 4970 Total 36 06 72 12 108 12 144 24 180 29 216 35 3 Cans 4165 8330 12500 16665 20831 24996 County User Fee 1241 2482 3723 4970 6211 7452 Total 5406 10812 16224 21635 27042 32448 4 Cans 5553 11112 16665 22219 27772 33331 County User Fee 1658 3311 4970 6623 8281 9934 Total 72 12 144 24 216 35 288 42 360 54 432 65 5 Cans 69 42 138 89 208 31 277 72 347 19 416 61 County User Fee 2070 4141 6211 8281 10346 12417 Total 90 12 180 29 270 42 360 54 450 66 540 78 6 Cans 8330 16665 24996 33331 41661 49991 County User Fee 2482 4970 7452 9934 12417 14904 Total 10812 21635 32448 43265 54078 64896 65-Gallon Cart 1916 3842 5758 7674 9595 11516 County User Fee 705 1416 2121 2826 3537 4242 Total 26 21 52 58 78 79 105 00 131 32 157 58 95-Gallon Cart 2323 4647 6970 9299 11623 13946 County User Fee 1023 2051 3074 4103 5126 6149 Total 33 46 66 98 100 45 134 02 167 48 200 95 1 Can/Cart-Premium 1668 65-Premium 2838 95-Premium 4464 County User Fee 439 CUF 784 CUF 964 Total 21 07 Total 36 22 Total 54 27 Condo/MHP 35G 1187 65-Condo 1709 95-Condo 2101 County User Fee 412 CUF 705 CUF 1023 Total 15 99 Total 24 15 Total 31 24 Page 2 of 6 RESOLUTION NO.2017-29 EXHIBIT A-SCHEDULE OF GARBAGE RATES SPRINGFIELD CONTAINER RATES (01/01/2018) Pickups Per Week Containerize 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.0 Yard $ 75 96 $ 148 32 $ 220 37 $ 289 92 $ 362 34 $ 431 20 $ 504 15 County User Fee $ 2417 $ 4833 $ 7250 $ 9667 $ 12083 $ 14500 $ 16916 Total $ 100 13 $ 196 66 $ 292 87 $ 386 59 $ 483 17 $ 576 20 $ 673 31 Each Additional $ 9081 $ 17696 $ 26200 $ 32278 $ 40126 S 47952 $ 55878 E O W $ 29 33 $ 21 97 = $ 51 31 i 5 Yard $ 109 70 $ 209 03 $ 308 88 $ 444 91 $ 544 50 $ 643 87 5 808 19 County User Fee $ 36 28 $ 72 56 $ 108 84 $ 108 84 $ 145 13 $ 181 41 $ 145 13 Total 5 145 98 $ 281 59 $ 417 72 $ 553 75 $ 689 62 $ 825 28 $ 953 31 Each Additional $ 132 27 $ 256 38 $ 394 16 $ 502 28 $ 628 89 $ 752 10 $ 920 48 E O W 5 42 25 + $ 32 56 = S 74 82 2.0 Yard 5 141 01 $ 269 41 $ 397 50 $ 574 30 $ 702 54 $ 830 79 $ 1,045 55 County User Fee S 48 40 $ 96 74 $ 145 14 $ 145 14 S 193 48 $ 241 88 $ 193 48 Total S 18940 $ 36615 $ 54263 $ 71943 S 89602 $ 1,07266 $ 1,23903 Each Additional S 17203 S 33369 S 50371 $ 65674 S 81829 $ 97963 $ 1,13943 EOW 5 4781 + S 4310 = $ 9092 3.0 Yard S 19743 S 37760 $ 55173 S 80997 5 99003 $ 1,16977 $ 1,47934 County User Fee S 72 56 S 145 13 5 217 69 $ 217 69 S 290 25 $ 362 81 5 290 25 Total S 26999 S 52272 $ 76942 $ 1,02765 S 128028 $ 1,53258 $ 1,76959 Each Additional S 24622 $ 47385 5 70307 $ 93557 S 1,17406 5 140577 $ 1,63414 EOW S 7371 + S 6428 = $ 13799 4 0 Yard 5 245 79 $ 471 57 S 696 61 S 1,018 81 5 1 243 85 $ 1,468 99 $ 1,871 68 County User Fee 5 96 74 $ 193 48 S 290 32 S 290 32 S 387 06 $ 483 80 5 387 06 Total $ 34253 S 66505 5 98694 $ 1,30914 $ 1,63091 $ 1,95280 $ 2,25874 Each Addrbonal 5 31378 5 61125 5 90799 S 1 204 77 S 1,51167 $ 1,79855 $ 2,09264 EOW S 8996 + S 8514 = $ 17511 5.0 Yard 5 28771 $ 55307 S 81754 5 1,18024 5 146753 $ 1,73215 $ 2,22080 County User Fee 5 120 91 $ 241 87 $ 362 82 $ 362 82 5 483 78 $ 604 69 $ 483 78 Total $ 40862 $ 79494 $ 1,18036 $ 1,54307 $ 1,95131 $ 2,33684 5 2,70458 Each Additional $ 37203 $ 72568 $ 1 078 86 $ 1 432 51 $ 1,78553 $ 2,13876 $ 2,49156 E O W $ 103 15 + $ 105 69 = $ 208 83 60Yard $ 32421 $ 62380 $ 92276 $ 1,36717 $ 166628 $ 1,96519 $ 2,53546 County User Fee $ 145 14 $ 290 32 $ 435 41 $ 435 41 $ 580 54 $ 725 68 $ 580 54 Total $ 46935 $ 91413 $ 1,35817 $ 1,80258 $ ?24683 $ 2,69087 $ 3,11600 Each Additional $ 45156 $ 84731 $ 1,23368 $ 1,67566 $ 2,08602 $ 2,49892 $ 2,90881 E O W $ 113 79 + $ 126 02 = $ 239 81 Page 3 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-29 EXHIBIT A—SCHEDULE OF GARBAGE RATES SPRINGFIELD COMPACTING CONTAINER RATES (01/01/2018) Pickups Per Week Compactor Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2.0 Yard $ 29399 $ 54666 $ 81993 $ 1,09326 $ 1,36659 $ 1,63991 $ 1,91319 County User Fee $ 121 56 $ 222 18 $ 333 27 $ 444 36 $ 555 39 $ 666 48 $ 777 57 Total $ 41555 $ 76883 $ 1 153 20 $ 1,53762 $ 1,92198 $ 2,30640 $ 2,69076 E OW $ 19708 On-Call $ 9870 30 Yard $ 42832 $ 85670 $ 1,19689 $ 1,59518 $ 1,99481 $ 2,39384 $ 2,79276 County User Fee $ 19532 $ 39059 $ 67563 $ 90157 $ 1,12607 $ 1,35126 $ 1,57651 Total $ 62365 $ 1,24729 $ 1,87252 $ 2,49675 $ 3,12087 $ 3,74510 $ 4,36928 E OW $ 29577 On-Call $ 14813 4.0 Yard $ 57240 $ 1,06652 $ 1 599 78 $ 2,13309 $ 2,66630 $ 1199 56 $ 3 732 82 County User Fee $ 260 40 $ 600 56 $ 900 89 $ 1,201 17 $ 1,501 50 $ 1,801 73 $ 2,102 06 Total $ 832 80 $ 1 667 08 $ 2 500 67 $ 1334 26 $ 4,167 80 $ 5,001 29 $ 5834 88 E OW $ 39739 On-Call $ 19869 Page 4 of 6 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-29 EXHIBIT A—SCHEDULE OF GARBAGE RATES SPRINGFIELD EXTRA CHARGE RATES (01101/2018) Extra or Basic User Overflow On-Call Container Size Charge Fee Charge Charge 1.0 Yard 14.05 10 78 24.83 24 83 1 5 Yard 20 17 15 99 36 16 36 16 2 0 Yard 22 93 21 13 44 05 44 05 3 0 Yard 35 32 31 45 66 77 66.77 4 0 Yard 42 97 41 75 84 72 84 72 5 0 Yard 49 20 51 77 100 97 100.97 60Yard 5421 61 70 11591 11591 Can Charges 1 Can 3 04 1 14 4 18 2 Cans 607 240 847 3 Cans 9 10 3 56 12 66 4 Cans 12 14 4 75 16 89 5 Cans 15 11 5 96 21 07 Major Appliances Stove- Refrigerator- Washer- Dryer- Hot Water Heater Curbside 3172 2542 5713 Backyard 42 57 25 42 67 99 Furniture Sofas - Chairs Curbside 17 10 11 44 28 54 Backyard 28 01 11 44 39 45 Mattress& Box Spring (regardless of size) Each piece 11 38 16 15 27 53 Brush, Boxes, Demolition Will be charged by volume and time Volume equated to 32 gallon cans and time spent in loading Page 5 of 6 RESOLUTION NO.2017-29 EXHIBIT A-SCHEDULE OF GARBAGE RATES SPRINGFIELD DROP BOX CHARGES (01/0112018) Drop Box Size & Description Basic Charge User Fee 20 YD 135 13 83 02 per ton 30 YD 202 75 83 02 per ton 40 YD 270 31 83 02 per ton Stationary Compactor Charge Per Cubic Yard 6 72 83 02 per ton Box Delivery Fee (My Size) 26.48 Spotting Fee & Relocate Box 26 48 Demurrage Charge (Box Rental) Beginning after the seventh day 6 78 per day Excluding Sunday and Holidays SPRINGFIELD BIOMEDICAL CHARGES 10 Gallon Incinerated 22 56 20 Gallon Incinerated 24 73 35 Gallon Incinerated 28 17 1 Gallon Container 9 48 Page 6 of 6 RESOLUTION NO.2017-29