HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan, Tentative APPLICANT 11/22/2017F9 NOTE WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREAS MAP FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP SITE ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN LEGEND THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION INFORMATION SHOWN ARE FROM THE MCKENZIE RIVER FLOODPLAIN ASSESSMENT ZONE X ZONE X x PREPARED BY DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, NOVEMBER 3, 2003. THE DATUM HAS BEEN VERTICALLY ADJUSTED FROM 1. Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM • Plan prepared by licensed Landscape Architect. NAVO 29 TO NAVO 88. EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMAIN 0 Survey prepared by licensed professional land surveyor. ZONE X 2. Vicinity Map r. * See sheet 0.0 for vicinity map. FI SPORT9 WAY ga EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE TO REMOVE A 3. The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees, and TE )JE I FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP impervious surface areas, dearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing Z structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between DANE COUNTY) buildings. OREGON AND • See plan this sheet. INCORPORATED AREAS Dr�.If 4. The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian AL 1--l", ZONE X �V W,%og PANEL 1134 OF 2975 setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on fife in the Developments Services EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE TO REMAIN magA Department. ........ o 3 S (SLL MAP NDEX r-011 PANELS 140T PRINTELI wuwy • Per the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map the site contains no watercourses. uT9D AMs + 5. The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood N-- , N, " - Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision, $ A ORAL WAY Tf. Project Site is located in Zone AE base flood elevation determined & in Zone X: Areas determined to be ......... 1 outside 500 -year floodplain. — ( EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREE TO REMOVE SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS INUNDATED 6. The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3 -200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map BY 100 -YEAR FLOOD on file in the Development Services Department. T ZONE AE Sae tlDod e6abons determined. i i e Project site is located in the 10 to 20 year Time of Travel Zone. Contaminant Source Inventory rExa Pal 0 , 7. Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 112 feet above 4 superrtmd sit" OTHER AREAS the ground (stands of more than five (5) trees may be shown as a cluster with mix of trees species noted), ZONE X Areas detemined to be outside SOD-wa riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings. Envmwww C"wp Sites Time of Travel Zones fl�wplain. MAP NUMBER •See plan for location of all trees 5" or larger. Site contains no riparian areas, wetlands or rock 07 Disdwip Facilities 1-yearTOT ZONED Are� in which UA h=r& an, 41039C1134 F outcroppings. A Pe0018(" ROWWS FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY LINE A 'Toxic RvWm 2 years EFFECTIVE DATE: a Spft 5 yeamJUNE 2,1999 4 Hazwdow Meted* Incklerft loyem * Urdwpvxxi SwrW Taft PROPERTY LINE e LeakvVUndwwoundSto.�'r-ks 20 years EXISTING SOILS ON SITE o UndwWourW Siorage Tank Clewwo Zone of CwmnWm (99 -yr TOT) a RegWered Hamilotm Mere Cenerat= 6-99 Winbined ZOC Federal Emergency Management Agency SOILS ON SITE ARE: a Ham"Jow Kilawlals Hwxfts 10-99combinWZOC TAXLOT 100 & 200: MAL SILTY CLAY LOAM, 100%. a Solid waste Fadlbw —437 BASE FLOOD ELEVATION LINE 20.99 combined ZOO Generalized Zoning Residential.{ UGB Commercial /J�l industrial City Limits Iah -4 Quarry/Mining i Springfield 7i 2013, - F��3 PuNWopen Space i Eugene Moning Low Density Residential Campus Industrial Medium Density Residential 1 Light -Medium Industrial High Density Residential Heavy Industrial W///, Mixed Use Residential Special Heavy Industrial DEADMOND FERRY ROAD Res. Mixed Use (Glenwood) W,4 Employment M.U. (Glenwood) Neighborhood Commercial Booth-Kelty Mixed Use Community Commercial General Office s8 TomMajor Retail Commercial Office mixed Use (Glenwood) Mixed Use Commercial Medical Services \7 Commercial M.U. (Glenwood) Quarry & Mine Operations V Mixed Use LMI & CC % Public Land &Open Space R4HT-NT 0E-o A GiAtiTED TR CO�WTP� STATES POEM Y BDpc 313. PACE 657' DEEDS ARD ACCCRDS .7 couNty DEEDS .0 Kcoms L_ 9) 1 T' ST. JOSEPH PLACE N89'5539"E 450.18' ae .MTF 15' "011A1" FM 119L`c � Esrr., WED � My 7. 1%6 KEL 2n, KCEPnV4 NO, 3L' JOSEPH PLACE ­1*1 - I SURFACE 10 ITI N8955'39"E 543.96' 12, 2V NOE ROADY CASWEKT ff YMWE 93, -ST S91 P� Date Received NOV 2 2 2017 \\ Original SubrIfIttal LAND USE REVIEW SET THIS DRAWING IS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10-27-2017 + LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS + n] - SUIRMER AtR E O iL 0 tri ZFVpWy ^ C7) (0 0 CC 4) X :3 LiJ C0 LL a 0 U) CO W .CE 24— E Zw, R 0.Z L 0 r) r_ C to V) 84 GON Z 0 0 UJ W 0 09% wrill W Z U. 0 UJ (3 larra- V) Z Iranian 5 0 CL Z 0 U) W 0 DJ LI) 0 0- Z.J LU CL cow WoCV) 0 X W W Y 20' 4V SIX Revisions # Date Description E Z ~m0 co C A1111111L L20U