HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Main Street Safety Project Update AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 11/20/2017 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Molly Markarian/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-4611 Estimated Time: 40 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Maintain and Improve Infrastructure and Facilities ITEM TITLE: MAIN STREET SAFETY PROJECT UPDATE ACTION REQUESTED: Continued Council discussion of the Main Street Safety Project. Prior to endorsing ODOT’s final scope of work and finalizing an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) that stipulates jurisdictional responsibilities and level of City cost recovery for time and materials, staff wishes to reaffirm Council’s expectations for this project. ISSUE STATEMENT: In 2017, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) programmed $3.9 million to construct a raised center safety median on Main Street. As directed by Council, staff has been working with ODOT to initiate the Main Street Safety Project in coordination with the Main-McVay Transit Study. Staff will present a project update, including timelines and tasks, and seek Council feedback on the information presented. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Work Plan Diagram Attachment 2: 11.13.17 Communication Packet Memo DISCUSSION FINANCIAL IMPACT: As described in the November 13th Communication Packet Memo, City staff have been working with ODOT since June to reach agreement on a scope of work for consultant services and an IGA for City and State responsibilities for the Planning Phase of the Main Street Safety Project. ODOT staff anticipate executing their contract with the consultant team and issuing a notice to proceed in early 2018. At the Work Session, staff will review the activities and timelines identified in the ODOT scope of work and seek Council feedback in advance of endorsing ODOT’s final scope of work and finalizing the IGA with ODOT. Once ODOT issues the notice to proceed and the project formally launches, staff will return to Council for input and direction as the project progresses. Qtr 1 Qtr2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Task 1: Project Management Task 2: Develop & Implement Public Involvement Approach Task 3: Plan & Policy Framework, Economic Impact Literature Review, Business Inventory Tasks 4 & 5: Inventory & Analysis of Existing Conditions (Transportation, Environment, Land Use) Task 6: Future Baseline Travel Forecasts & Conditions Analysis Task 7: Develop Problem Statement, Goals & Objectives, Access Management Key Principles & Methodology Task 8: Develop & Evaluate Alternatives Task 9: Policy & Ordinance Amendments, Findings Task 10: Prepare Facility Plan Task 11: Local Plan Adoption Task 12: OTC Plan Adoption Council CBM or WS Year 1 (2018)Year 2 (2019)Year 3 (2020) Main Street Safety Project Schedule Attachment 1 Attachment 2, Page 1 of 2 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 11/13/2017 To: Gino Grimaldi COMMUNICATION From: Anette Spickard, DPW Director Molly Markarian, Senior Planner PACKET Subject: Main Street Safety Project MEMORANDUM INFORMATION SHARE: In 2017, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) programmed $3.9 million to construct a raised center safety median on Main Street. As directed by Council, staff has been working with ODOT to initiate the Main Street Safety Project in coordination with the Main- McVay Transit Study. The purpose of this memo is to update the City Council on these efforts in preparation for a Work Session on this topic on November 20, 2017. Main Street Safety Project Background In 2011, Council directed staff to improve the safety of Main Street, which is the city’s primary east-west transportation corridor. Since Main Street is a state highway (OR-126B), staff initiated discussions with ODOT about how to enhance traffic safety on the corridor. In 2012, ODOT completed a Main Street Safety Study that identified improvements to reduce pedestrian collisions. Since then, the City worked with ODOT to build six crossing improvements at 35th, 41st, 44th, 48th, 51st, and Chapman Lane. The City and ODOT will install the final crossing improvement at 66th in 2018. The City has also been actively involved in traffic safety public education and enforcement activities. In 2016, the ODOT All Roads Transportation Safety (ARTS) program allocated $3.9 million to build a raised center safety median on Main Street from 20th to 72nd. ODOT also offered financial support to the City to engage property owners, businesses, and the Springfield Council in a planning process to answer the questions of “what type of median concept achieves the Council’s safety goal?” and “how can it be done to minimize negative impacts to businesses and property owners?”. ODOT recommends this process based on experiences in communities where difficult and costly lessons were learned about how to successfully bring significant change to an existing urban corridor. State law also requires significant interaction with abutting business and property owners, sometimes referred to as the Senate Bill 408 process. In May 2017, staff presented four options for continued development of Main Street safety and transit projects for Council consideration. At that time, Council directed staff to continue coordination efforts for the transit and safety projects while acknowledging that this would result in a more in-depth planning and implementation process. Main Street Safety Project Status Since June 2017, staff has been working with ODOT to reach agreement on a scope of work for consultant services and an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for City and State project responsibilities. Staff has also met regularly with LTD staff to ensure the Main Street Safety Project is initiated in a coordinated manner with transit planning. At this time, ODOT staff and their consultant team are negotiating the contract price for the draft scope of work. ODOT staff anticipates a notice to proceed on the project by February 2018. MEMORANDUM 11/16/2017 Page 2 Attachment 2, Page 2 of 2 As discussed at the Council Work Session in May 2017, analysis and outreach is needed to determine where a safety median could go and how access and circulation would work for affected property and business owners and the general public. Working with the businesses, property owners, and the community is an important and necessary step in the process to design and construct a safety project solution for 4.9 miles of Main Street. With the support of an experienced consultant team, ODOT, the City, and LTD will spend the next three years analyzing the need, technical viability, economic impact, and public support for alternative solutions to improve safety on Main Street. The alternative solutions will also consider possible high-capacity transit capital improvements along the corridor. A Main Street Facility Plan is the work product that will pull together analysis, public outreach and design concepts developed during the project’s Planning Phase. Council adoption of the Plan as an amendment to the Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP) will then allow the City and ODOT to proceed with detailed design, engineering, and construction of the Council-selected solution, as depicted in the timeline below. During work scope development, LTD staff determined that the Facility Plan will not include a Locally Preferred Solution (LPS) for transit on Main Street. Rather, LTD will work with the City to obtain public feedback on an emerging set of transit alternatives during the Planning Phase. This approach allows both the Safety Project and the Transit Study to evaluate high-level concepts during a Planning Phase, and then allows a deeper look at more detailed alternatives of any selected design elements during the Implementation Phases for both transit and safety improvements. This way, any positive or negative relationships between transit and safety elements can be assessed at the same time so that decision makers can understand the trade-offs between median safety and how future transit improvements could function together in the Main Street corridor. The Facility Planning process is an opportunity to get to a decision about which major features the community and the Council support being included in a design for Main Street: medians, roundabouts, and high-capacity transit capital improvements. At the conclusion of the Facility Planning process, the Council will decide whether or not high-capacity transit capital improvements should move forward for more detailed design and pursuit of funding. At that time, LTD would be prepared to adapt its transit alternatives to the other corridor elements (median and/or roundabouts) documented in the Facility Plan and approved by Council. At the November 20, 2017 Work Session, staff will review the activities identified in the ODOT scope of work for the Planning Phase. 2018 2021 2023 SAFETY PROJECT PLANNING IMPLEMENTATION Facility Plan Project Dev't* Construction *Site Design, NEPA, Engineering