HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6375 10/02/2017 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. 6375 (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP BY REZONING APPROXIMATELY 407.47 ACRES OF LAND FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) TO PUBLIC LAND AND OPEN SPACE (PLO); CONCURRENTLY AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP BY REZONING APPROXIMATELY 10.7 ACRES OF LAND FROM LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL (LMI)TO PLO; ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: WHEREAS, Section 5.22-110 of the SDC sets forth procedures for property owners to initiate an amendment to the Springfield Zoning Map, and WHEREAS, Section 5.22-110.A 1 sets forth procedures for concurrent amendments to the Metro Plan diagram and the Springfield Zoning Map through the Legislative Zoning Map amendment process, and WHEREAS the applicant/owner of the subject property has initiated a concurrent Metro Plan diagram amendment pursuant to Planning Action TYP417-00001, and WHEREAS the Metro Plan diagram amendment initiated by Planning Action TYP417-00001 requires co- adoption by Lane County, but the Zoning Map amendment does not, and therefore can be enacted by adoption of a separate ordinance, and WHEREAS the applicant/owner of the subject property initiated the following Springfield Zoning Map amendment Rezone approximately 407 47 acres of property identified herein and more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance, from Low Density Residential to Public Land and Open Space, and Rezone approximately 10.7 acres of property identified herein and more particularly described in Exhibit B to this Ordinance, from Light Medium Industrial to Public Land and Open Space; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2017 the Springfield Planning Commission held a joint public hearing with the Lane County Planning Commission on the proposed Metro Plan diagram amendment request and concurrent request for Zoning Map amendment. The Development & Public Works Department staff report, including criteria of approval, findings and recommendations, together with the testimony and submittals of the persons testifying at that hearing, were considered and were made a part of the record of the proceeding The Planning Commission deliberated on both requests and voted 6 in favor and 0 (none) opposed with one absent to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council for both requests, and WHEREAS, on September 18, 2017 the City Council held a joint public hearing with the Lane County Board of Commissioners to receive testimony and hear comments on both proposals The City Council is now ready to take action on these proposals based upon the above recommendations of the Planning Commission and the evidence and testimony already in the record, as well as the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing held in the matter of adopting the Ordinances amending the Metro Plan diagram and Springfield Zoning Map, and WHEREAS, substantial evidence exists within the record and the findings set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, that the proposal meets the relevant approval criteria, Page 1 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BASED ON THE FOREGOING FINDINGS, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS. Section 1 The above findings and conclusions are hereby adopted Section 2. The staff report and recommendations, applicant narrative, and Planning Commission findings and recommendation to this Ordinance set forth in Exhibit C, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby adopted Section 3 The Springfield Zoning Map is hereby amended to rezone the subject property identified as Assessor's Map 17-02-35-00, Tax Lots 3500 & 3604, Assessor's Map 18-02-02-00, Tax Lots 100, 400 &401, Assessor's Map 18-02-03-00, Tax Lots 600 & 602, and Assessor's Map 18-02-10-00, Tax Lot 100 Assessor's Map 17-03-26-24, Tax Lots 4601, 4700, 4800, and 4900, more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, from LDR to Public Land and Open Space (PLO) Section 5 The Springfield Zoning Map is hereby amended to rezone the subject property identified as Assessor's Map 18-02-09-00, Tax Lot 100, more particularly described in Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, from Light Medium Industrial (LMI) to PLO. Section 6 If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and that holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance Section 7. Notwithstanding the effective date of ordinances as provided by Section 2.110 of the Springfield Municipal Code 1997, this ordinance shall become effective 30 days from the date of passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor or upon the date of acknowledgement as provided in ORS 197 625, whichever date is later ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Springfield this 2ndday of October , 2017 by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 2nd day of October , 2017 Mayor �<' REVIEWED & APPROVED ATTEST: "� Ff311(1411 u MJ/(�,� ATE: •a OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY City Recorder Page 2 of 2 ORDINANCE NO. 6375 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY INSIDE SPRINGFIELD UGB REZONED FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) TO PUBLIC LAND AND OPEN SPACE (PLO) ......am X1111 1...110111■I.i%11111�III a./ 1■` "nal- ■.►ter f.i■I— \ °114 ------ fan ■ a11un Ir. .- ■■■ .......... .......111111111 � �' , li. 1.1... . :.__ ■'_ 1 :,.:la i;%I.•I 1111111/�•—_•311 : = II. l� w 011 1� 1:11 I I I 1 1� ! 11111;1.11 11111 iN 1111:11:12 - IrD" 1 :1:..11 I Lot.-.1.e. - m wilr li_iii 1 ... ■1. _ ' ill. -- ��. 11. !. tr .4;11111 I./oI /tta wllu.\7m■ll ii1mll4-.1■=emi ,--2•_.1•1==.Ua 11♦ 11111r■111■ \ :iN ♦♦ ��•1♦ ■ .. • G..•►• /C■ tet,•4■...■ �v.W_.MN tom■ .►a� ..t �� Er7m ael 1-tri ira VA es 41V ♦ rg• i�'�� '�1��:: ;:wii12 u 21.1 ma Ita ‘FAI444-util „.2 EVA, `a- ♦]�r�1 iIN minium .iii„L `�,� I►i • ' ''IW'N11111111/1�1min a����--- 4y ••11St0�PI% , ♦ ��I■ +�■rMu1tfit► • ♦ 1,•• \IW��111C ■ IA numam. �• '+ _.•d l l•• ■ , r . \ ■ mum `�� \ 11111 ' 11� 41111 '1 1I \\\ .4:111 r r . .1111 i lit i�uhhiniiiii I: a Mail' .moi .111111a \1111w4 11111111 Will■�,$ 1118111►i 111111101111 --Oa -- -- -._--. 0 Ma 0 - D I: Z .\\\\\ m tI 0z O ici / rn w ui n EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Property Being Rezoned from LDR to PLO Tax Lots 17-02-35-00-03500, 17-02-35-00-03604, 18-02-02-00-0401, 18-02-03-00-00600, 8. 18-02-03- 00-00602 All those lands described as Parcels 1 and 2 in that Warranty Deed recorded March 19, 2013 as Instrument Number 2013-015082.those lands described as Parcel 2 in that Warranty Deed recorded Ma) 19, 2014 as Instrument Number 2014-018147,and those lands described as Tracts I and 2 in that Statutory Warranty Deed recorded August 22, 2013 as Instrument Number 2013-046265. Tax Lot 18-02-02-00100 Also,that portion of those lands described as Parcel 3 in that Warranty Deed recorded March 19, 2013 as Instrument Number 2013-015082 lying northerly and westerly of the top of the ridge line, said ridge line being more or less described as follows Beginning at a point on the top of a ridge and the east line of said lands, said point being 2005 feet southerly,more or less, from the northeast corner of said lands,thence running southwesterly along said ridge to a point on the south line of said lands, said point being 722 feet westerly,more or less, from the southeast corner of said lands. Tax Lot 18-02-02-00-00400 Also,that portion of those lands described as Parcel 1 in that Warrants Deed recorded May 19,2014 as Instrument Number 2014-018147 lying northerly and westerly of the top of the ridge line,said ridge line being more or less described as follows' Beginning at a point on top of the ridge and the east line of said lands, said point being 200 feet southerly, more or less, from the northeast corner of said lands;thence running southwesterly along said ridge to a point on the south line of said lands. said point being 1084 feet easterly, more or less. from the southwest corner of said lands. Tax Lot 18-02-10-00-00100 Also,that portion of those lands described as Parcel 3 in that Warranty Deed recorded May 19, 2014 as Instrument Number 2014-018147 lying northerly and wester') of the top of the ridge line,said ridge line being more or less described as follows: Beginning at a point on the top of a ridge and the north line of said lands, said point being 1084 feet easterly, more or less, from the northwest corner of said lands;thence running southwesterly along said ridge to the point where the west line of said lands intersects the south line of Section, 3, Township 18 South, Range 3 West,of the Willamette Meridian. ORDINANCE NO. 6375 EXHIBIT B PROPERTY INSIDE SPRINGFIELD UGB REZONED FROM LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL (LMI) TOO}PUBLIC LAND AND OPEN SPACE (PLO) fa II 1 .\Iiiillnilt r :lir lig �.�I/� -111 ��� Ian -•..:IP‘.."/ a=_ •`- � `t`- ■�■I�■■■moi^ 7�pj.i I' ■ , Cp i. *;;,.71;11 III I. i+ : .1r O✓1111111111(111111(1 -i�fuiil fill"U'_ liir�- 1 1 'ala.- .__- _r_____7,________--0 - 1 1111 I. J ken '^ ■; ■?:1 51c lu T7 - • ■u / ipir■■■ ■ .I�mo■. ■1n f ii-_-____-------2 _ I =ow. iillri■• ♦w■��■71I■7w ■! 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Z -- O \ .\rn w ---.1 — EXHIBIT B Legal Description of Property Being Rezoned from LMI to PLO Tax Lot 18-02-09-00-00100 All that portion of those lands described as Parcel 4 in that Warranty Deed recorded May 19,2014 as Instrument Number 2014-018147 lying northerly and westerly of the top of the ridge line, said ridge line being more or less described as follows. Beginning at the most easterly northeast corner of said lands,thence running southwesterly along the ridge to a point on the easterly margin of Weyerhauser Road said point being on the west line of said lands, and Bing 815 feet from the southwest corner of thereof ORDINANCE NO.6375 EXHIBIT C Staff Report and Findings Springfield City Council Zone Change Request(Willamalane Park& Recreation District) Hearing Date: September 18,2017 Case Number: TYP317-00003 Applicant: Cohn McArthur, Cameron McCarthy Landscape Architects and Planners on behalf of Willamalane Park& Recreation District Property Owner: Willamalane Park& Recreation District Site: Ten contiguous properties extending from McKenzie Highway in the northeast to the Weyerhaeuser haul road in the southwest (Assessor's Map 17-02-35-00, Tax Lots 3500, 3602 & 3604; Map 18-02-02-00, Tax Lots 100, 400 & 401; Map 18-02-03-00, Tax Lots 600 & 602; Map 18- 02-09-00, Tax Lot 100; and Map 18-02-10-00, Tax Lot 100) Request • Rezone Assessor's Map 17-02-35-00, Tax Lots 3500, 3602 & 3604; Map 18-02-02-00, Tax Lots 100. 4(n) & 401, Map 18-02-03-00, Tax Lots 600 & 602 and Map 18-02-10-00, Tax Lot 100 from UM Density Residential (LDR) to Public Land and Open Space (PLO). • Rezone Assessor's Map 18-02-09-00. Tax Lot 100 from Light Medium Industrial (LMI) to PLO. Site InformationBackground The application was initiated and accepted as complete on January 27, 2017, and the initial joint Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions public hearing on the matter of the Zone Change request was held on June 6. 2017 The Zone Change request is being processed concurrently with a Metro Plan Diagram amendment submitted under separate cover, Case TYP417-00001. The Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners are reviewing the requested Metro Plan diagram amendment at the joint public hearing meeting on September 18, 2017. I he property that is subject of the lone Change request includes ten contiguous parcels that extend uphill and to the southwest of McKenzie highway to the Weyerhaeuser haul road A three-acre parcel, addressed as 7575 McKenzie Highway, is developed with a single family dwelling (the historic Frederick Gray house) and was annexed to the City limits in April, 2017. The balance of the property (approximately 418 acres) is vacant and is located within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) About 245 acres lie outside the City's l IGB and exclusively in Lane County jurisdiction Of the roughly 418 acres inside the City's UGB, approximately 407 5 acres is zoned and designated I.DR and 10.7 acres is designated LDR but is currently zoned Light Medium Industrial (LDII). The applicant is proposing the zone change from LDR and LMI to Public Land and Open Space (PLO) to facilitate construction of the Thurston Hills Natural Area Park The park development would he limited primarily to a trailhead parking lot off McKenzie Highway and a network of walking, hiking and mountain biking trails extending through the 666+acres of open space between the Highway 126 frontage to the north and the former Weyerhaeuser haul road to the southwest. An amendment to the Metro Plan diagram initiated by Planning Action TYP4I 7-00001 is required before the subject area can be rezoned. ORDINANCE NO 6375 Page 1 of 8 F.\HIBI1 C Notification and Written Comments Notification of the September 18. 2017 joint Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners public hearing was sent to all property owners and residents within 300 feet of the site on August 28, 2017. Notification was also published in the September 1 and 11, 2017 editions of The Register Guam. For the previous joint Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions public hearing in June. 2017, staff responded to two telephone calls and one wntten comment was received from Dave and Kelly Moore, 7291 Holly Street. Springfield. 97478: "Ile lire at "291 Holly Street and our property hacks directly up to the protect site Although lie appreciate how the land is being used we have concerns about the proximity of the trails to our house Do you have any insight on where the trails will he, and if so do you expect our home to be visible from the trails:" Staff Response: Staff referenced the conceptual trail layout plan provided by Willamalane for the project area While not a final design or as-built alignment for the planned trail system, it does provide a general idea of the proximity of trails to existing homes to the west and northwest. The general location of the primary "spine' trail that will pass to the east and south of homes on Holly Street is already known because it is based on an existing timber access road Based on this information and available air photo imager}, staff estimates that the main trail system will be at least 400 feet from the respondents' property. However. as the trail system deselops there may be tributary connections from residential neighborhoods to the west and northwest of the Thurston Hills Natural Area Park. With the densits of existing tree cover and planned trail alignments located internal to the Willamalane property, it is unlikely that the trail system and its users would he conspicuously s isible or overheard from perimeter residential homes Staff also notes that the natural area trail system will be subject to further land use approvals thereby allowing interested residents and property owners an opportunity to review the planned trail network and its proximity to nearby streets and residential areas. Criteria of Approval Section 5.22-100 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC) contains the criteria of approval for the decision maker to utilize during review of Zoning Map amendment requests. The Criteria of Zoning Map amendment approval criteria are ,SDC 5 22-115 CRITERIA C Zoning Map amendment criteria ofapprova 1. 1. (•oils istencv with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram, 2, Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans. Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans. and 3 The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities. services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to he provided camcurrendv with the development of the property 4. Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram mnenhnnt shall. a Meet the approval criteria specified in Section 5 14-1110, and h Comply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060, where applicable ORDINANCE NO. 6375 Page 2 of 8 EXHIBIT C Proposed Findings in Support of Zone Change Approval Criterion: Zoning Map amendment criteria of approval: I. Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and the Metro Plan diagram; Applicant'.v Narrative -Consistency with applicable Metro Plan policies and diagram are incorporated hr reference herein (see Section 4 1 Metro Plan Amendment Approval Criteria).- Finding 1: Metro Plan Policy I I.I, Page 111-I 1-4 states: "Develop a system of regional-metropolitan recreational activity areas based on a facilities plan for the metropolitan area that includes acquisition, development, and management programs. The Metro Plan and system should include reservoir and hill parks, the Willamette River Greenw ay. and other river corridors." Finding 2: Metro Plan Policy H.2, Page III-14-4 states: "Local parks and recreation plans and analyses shall be prepared by each jurisdiction and coordinated on a metropolitan leNel. 'Hie park standards adopted by the applicable city and incorporated into the city's development code shall be used in local development processes." Finding 3 Metro Plan Policy H 6, Page III-14-4 states "All metropolitan area parks and recreation programs and districts shall cooperate to the greatest possible extent in the acquisition of public and private funds to support their operations.' Finding 4: Metro Plan Chapter IV. Policy 7.a slates "A property owner may initiate a ]Type I Metro Plan diagram] amendment for property they own at any time Owner initiated amendments are subject to the limitations for such amendments set out in the development code of the home city.' Finding 5: The property owner (a public agency) initiated a concurrent Metro Plan Diagram amendment in accordance with provisions of SDC 5.14-100 (Case TYP417-0110011. Upon adoption of the amending Ordinances. the Metro Phan Diagram would be amended and the requested zone change from LDR and LMI to PLO would he consistent with the provisions of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. Prior or concurrent amendment of the Alenro Plan Diagram will be required for the subject zone change request to be approved. Finding 6: The proposed zone change is consistent with provisions of the Metro Plan whereby zoning can he monitored and adjusted as necessary to meet current urban land use demands The requested change from LDR and LNII to PLO would allow for development of the Thurston Hills Natural Area Park, which is identified as Project 3.9 in the adopted Willamalane Comprehensixe Plan, a plan which was adopted by the Springfield City Council on November 4. 2013 (Ord. No. 6303). Finding 7: The subject property abuts properties that arc zoned and designated for LDR land use along the western and northwestern boundaries. The proposed Zone Change is consistent and compatible with the adjoining zoning and the existing uses in the area A Site Plan was previously approv ed for a trailhead parking lot off the Mckenzie I lighway pursuant to Case TYP216-00037. Further development of the planned trail system and related facilities within the Thurston Hills Natural Area Park will be subject to the Site Plan Review process, which includes the provision for ORDINANCE NO.6375 Page 3 of 8 EXHIBIT C public notification and comment. The proposed natural area park would provide a significantly less- intensive use and a transition area between residential neighborhoods in the southeast Thurston Hills and managed forest land outside the City's UGB to the southeast. Recommended Condition of Approval: Prior to appros al of the Zone Change request, the Metro Plan Diagram shall be amended as initiated by Planning Action TSP417-00091. 2. Consistency with applicable Refinement Plans, Plan District maps, Conceptual Development Plans and functional plans; Applicant's Narrative. "The site is not within an area subject to an adopted refinement plat. This criterion does not apply." Finding 8: There are no adopted neighborhood Refinement Plans or Conceptual Development Plans for this area of Springfield Therefore, the Metro Plan diagram remains the prevailing land use plan diagram for this site. Finding 9: The City previously adopted the Residential land Use and Housing Element of the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan The subject property was identified as low density residential inventory in the 2030 Plan because of its LDR zoning and designation, and its location within the City's 11GB. Much of the property is identified as being constrained by steep slopes and, in certain areas, by potentially unstable hillsides Finding 10. The Residential Land Use and Housing Element (Table 6-7) identifies approximately 378 acres of surplus LDR designated land within the City's buildable land inventory. About seven acres of LDR was removed from the inventory upon adoption of Ordinance 6364 on March 7, 2017. Pending an appeal to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA), Ordinance 6369 adopted on June 19. 2017 would remove another 3.3 acres of LDR from the inventory. therefore, a surplus of about 367 acres of buildable LDR designated land currently remains. The proposed rezoning would remove about 421 acres of LDR designated land from the City's inventory, of which about 159 acres is considered "buildable". The proposed rezoning will significantly reduce the amount of surplus LDR designated land within the City's inventory, hut it will not be reduced below a critical threshold level requiring mitigation Finding 11: The applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 10.7 acres of land within Assessor's Map 18-02-09-00. Tax Lot 100 from Light Medium Industrial (LNII) to PLO. Staff observes that the subject property is designated TDR on the Metro Plan diagram and therefore a plan-zone conflict exists The plan-zone conflict would be resolved upon rezoning of the subject property to PLO. Because the subject property was tabulated as part of the surplus LDR-designated land. the proposed rezoning docs not affect the City's Commercial and Industrial Buildable Land ins entory. 3. The property is presently provided with adequate public facilities, services and transportation networks to support the use, or these facilities, services and transportation networks are planned to he provided concurrently with the development of the property. Applicant's Narrative. "As demonstrated by the preceding findings under the first criterion of approval, incorporated by reference herein, the proposed site is within Springfield city limits and is ORDINANCE NO.6375 Page 4 of 8 EXHIBIT C thus within an urea that receives public services Services within the vicinity of the subject site include• Nater Sentce Springfield Utility Board (SUB) has a 12-inch DIP water line that runs east-west along the north side of Main Street The residual pressure in the area is 35 3 psi and the rate of,flow is 1.500 gallons per minute The water line has capacity to serve the subject site Wastewater Service The Crossway Estates Development project installed an 8-inch PVC gravity sewer main That runs northerly along the alignment of -5th Street beginning approximately 100 feet north of the Center intersection of "5th Street and Main Street. The southern terminus of the existing sewer line is located approximately 120 feet west and 160 feet north of Tax Lot 03602 and is the nearest connection point. Stornnrater Service There are three different facilities serving parcels in the vicinity of the subject site. • A 24-inch concrete storm water moil which emu westerly along the south side of Main Street beginning approximately 800 feet west of Tax Lot 3602 Stonmwater runoff Tax Lot 3602 is currently conveyed to this system via roadside ditches. • A 12-inch RC('P storm sewer pipe installed during the Crossway Estates Development project that runs northerly along the west side of:5th Street located approximately 15 feet northwest of the above mentioned 8-inch PVC gravity sewer main The southern terminus oft he 12-inch RCC'P storm sewer pipe is approximately 130 feel west and 1-5 feet north of Tax Lot 3602 • The northerly flowing, -5th Street Creek crosses Alum Street via a 32-inch diameter concrete culvert approximately 110 feet cast of Tax Lot 3602. This may serve as a discharge point Ihr runoff treated on-sue Electrical Service The Springfield Utility Board (SUB) provides electric services within the (it' of Springfield's city limits under the authority of the Springfield City Charter SUB has overhead three-phase primary power lines along the north side of Alum Street and a single-phase service to feed the subject.site Transportation Springfield's 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSPI identifies two potentia future roadway projects in the vicinity of the subject site' 2-45 and R-46 R-45 focuses on improvements within the Jasper-,tl%atron area. and involves constructing multiple roadways between Bob Straub Parkway. Jasper Road, coal Alt Vernon Road R-46 addresses Bob Straub Parkway to Mountaingate Drive and involves a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities The Springfield Conceptual Local Street Map shows several future local streets in the vicinity of the subject site. These figure streets include an extension of private road off of Iicperhauser Road, a connection between Monntaingate Drive and 66th Street and extensions and connections of Jessica Street and 69th Street Planned connections are also anticipated between Daisy Street. Glacier Street, and 79th Street Language included in Recital 16 of the M0(1 between II'illanudane and City regarding the Thurston Hills Natural Area addresses future roadway and street projects This language is included for reference' ORDINANCE NO 6375 Page 5 of 8 EXHIBIT C 16 Portions of the area included by W llanmlane in the Thurston Hills Natural Area Park are identified for possible future roadway extensions in the City's adopted Conceptual Street Map. City acknowledges that all ertensions depicted on the Conceptual Street Map may not be needed given that the Il illamalare-owned property will not he developed for residential uses. but that an access for the connectivity and or public safety purposes may he required as a condition of approval through the Metro Plan amendment and rune change process The annexation agreement between If'illanalane and the City resulting from a separate request for Annexation application approval of Map 17-02-35-00 Lot 03602 will address future street extensions Based on the preceding findings, the subject site is provided with adequate public facilites, services. and nronsportatimv netiorks.' Finding 12: The property requested for Lone Change has frontage on McKenzie Highway along the northern boundary and the former Weyerhaeuser road along the southwestern boundary. With the exception of the planned trailhead parking lot on 7575 McKenzie Highway (Tax Lot 3602) that is accessed from McKenzie highway, no buildings or facilities requiring urban services are planned for the natural arca park. The applicant has executed an Annexation Agreement with the City which provides for the future extension of urban utilities to serve the trailhead parking lot and adjacent properties. Future deselopment of the natural area park Public Land and Open Space uses will be subject to the Site Plan Review process as outlined in Section 5.17-100 of the City's Development Code. 4. Legislative Zoning Map amendments that involve a Metro Plan Diagram amendment shall: a. Meet the approval criteria specified in Section 5.14-100; and Applicant's Narrative. "Consistency with applicable Statewide Planning Goals are incorporated by reference herein (see Section 41 Metro Plan Amendment Approval Criteria) [Staff report for Cave T)P-11'-00001] Consistency with applicable Metro Plein policies and diagram are incorporated by reference herein (see Section 41 Metro Plan Approval Criteria) The application does not alter the basic assumptions of the Metro Plan or make it internally inconsistent. The Springfield Comprehensive Plan is represented through the Metro Plan All criteria for the Metro flan have been met Finding 13: The applicant has submitted a concurrent Metro Plan Diagram amendment application (Case 1 YP417-00001 ) under separate cover. 'Hie applicants submittal materials, narrative, and stall findings and recommendations demonstrate compliance with the Metro Plan amendment provisions of Chapter IV of the Metro Plan and SDC 5.14-135. h. Comply with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 660-012-0060,where applicable. Applicant's Narrative' "Based on the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) analysis conducted by Branch Engineering, included as Exhibit D and incorporated by reference herein. OAR 660-012-0060(1) is satisfied, as the proposed Amendments will result In a de- intensification of use The PAI peak bout and average daily trip (ADT) generation associated with the proposed use is a reduction in the potential that would he generated by the site if it were developed under land use permissions associated with the existing zoning and Metro Plan designations. For the residential portion of the site. existing development ORDINANCE NO 6375 Pace 6 of 8 EXHIBIT C potential is calculated with a build-mit of single-family detached dwelling units us allowed hl' SDC 3 2-200 The site is determined to he capable of supporting approximately 1,591 detached dwelling units assuming the existing Low Density Residential Metro Plan designation is applicable to the entire estimated huildable area of 159 0.9 acres If ith this number of units, under the existing LDR zoning designation the PAI peak hour trips would he 1,594 trips, including trips generated by the LAII zone Under the existing Metro Plan designation, the PM peak hour trips would he 1,591 trips Conversely, under the proposed zoning and Metro Plan designation (Public Land and Open Space), PM peak hour trips would equate to only 88 trips In terms oIADT. wider the existing LDR and LA/I zones. ADT would he 14,9-4 trips. Under the existing Metro Plan designation. the ADT would be 15,146 trips Conversely, under the proposed zoning and Metro Plan designation. the ADT would equate to only 2,022 trips Roth the PAI peak hour and ADT trip generation scenarios with the Amendments are based on the site's gross area within the (JGB. A melt of the land will remain as open space and will continue to he relatively inaccessible pending the land use applications' approval The proposal to change the zoning and Aletro Plan permitted use designations on the site would significantly reduce the site's trip generation potential of the land, and the trip generation levels associated with the reasonable worst case development scenario of the proposed conditions were not found to have an identifiable "significant affect" defined by OAR 660-012-0060III. The City may waive the requirement for traffic impact and parking studies for the potential park use on the site required hi 51)6 4 "'-200B 4 and SIX' 4 6-125F based on the potential trip generation of less than 100 PM peak hour trips, which is the lower threshold lar the number of peak hour trips generated by a site to determine if a traffic impact analysis is required ed In summary, the TPR is satisfied under Goal 12 criteria with the proposed zone change from LDR and LMI districts to the POS district and proposed Metro Plan designation change from Lou' Dens ui•Residential to Parks and Open Space designation, as it was shown that the change in use would not have a significant affect to a transportation facility as identified in OAR 660-012-006011) - Finding 60-01_2-0060(1) "Finding 14: the requested Zone Change is being undertaken as a site-specific change in compliance with provisions of the adopted Metro Plan and the City's Development Code. 1 h applicant has initiated an amendment to the Metro Plan Diagram to change the designation from LDR to Parks and Open Space. Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 660- 012-0060 requires that. if an amendment to a functional plan, an acknowledged comprehensive plan, or a land use regulation (including a zoning map), would significantly affect an existing or planned transportation facility, then the local go)ernment must put in place measures" to mitigate the impact, as defined in OAR 660-012-0060(2). The applicant has submitted a supporting Transportation Planning Rule ('IPRI anal}sis for the proposed Metro Plan Diagram amendment and Zone Change (Attachment 5. Exhibit D) that has been resiewed by staff. Based on the findings of the applicant's TPR analysis there will be a de- intensification of use on the properly and a significant reduction in associated vehicle trips. The applicant's 'IPR analysis has determined that the proposed Metro Plan Diagram amendment and Zone Change will not have a significant effect on existing or planned transportation facilities. and staff concurs with these findings. Conclusion: Based on the above-listed criteria, staff recommends support for the request subject to the conditions below: Conditions of Approval ORDINANCE NO. 6375 Page 7 of R EXHIBI C C SDC Section 5.22-120 allows for the Approval Authority to attach conditions of approval to a Zone Change request to ensure the application fully meets the criteria of approN al. The specific language from the code section is cited below: 5.22-120 CONDITIONS The Approval Authority may attach conditions as may be reasonably necessary in order to allow the Zoning Map amendment to be granted. Staff advises that the Zone Change request was initiated in accordance with provisions of the City's Development Code. The proposal was found to he generally consistent with the criteria of approval: however, because the applicant has initiated a concurrent Metro Plan Diagram amendment (Case T1P417-00001), the comprehensive plan amendment will need to be completed prior to approval of the Zone Change. 'I he City Council will he reviewing both land use applications at the joint public hearing meeting on September 18, 2017. Staff recommends the following condition of approval: Recommended Condition of Appror al: Prior to approval of the Zone Change request, the Metro Plow Diagram shall be amended as initiated b} Planning Action T\P417-(1111101. The City Council may choose to apply other conditions of approval as necessary to comply with the Zone Change criteria or as further demonstrated by testimony and evidence entered into the record of the hearing. Additional Approvals The subject application will facilitate review of future land use applications for the affected parcel. Any future site development, including but not limited to grading, pay ing, or new construction on the property, will be subject to the provisions of the SDC for the applicable zoning district. ORDINANCE NO. 6375 Page 8 of 8