HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 25 Police Special Option Levy Resolution AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 6/19/2017 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Rick Lewis Bob Duey Staff Phone No: 541/726/3740 Estimated Time: 15 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: POLICE SPECIAL OPTION LEVY RESOLUTION ACTION REQUESTED: Hold a Public Hearing. Adopt/Not Adopt: A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY A BALLOT MEASURE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A FIVE YEAR LOCAL OPTION TAX LEVY TO OPERATE THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL JAIL AND PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL STAFFING AND MATERIALS FOR POLICE SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $1.40 OF ASSESSED VALUE BEGINNING IN 2018/2019. ISSUE STATEMENT: The current special operating levy for jail and police services expires as of June 30, 2018. At the work session on June 05, Council directed staff to prepare a resolution with accompanying ballot title for a public hearing at the June 19th Council meeting. The resolution would authorize the placing on the November 2017 ballot a request for the continuation of a 5-year special operating levy for jail and police services at a rate of $1.40 per thousand. If successful, the $1.40 rate would allow the City to continue to provide the same level of services that is currently being provided by the special operating levy that was passed in November of 2012. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Council Briefing Memorandum Attachment 2: Resolution Authorizing Special Operating Levy Election Exhibit A: Ballot Title FINANCIAL/DISCUSSIONS: See Council Briefing Memorandum MEMORANDUM June 12, 2017 Attachment 1 - Page 1 of 2 M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield 6/12/2017 To: Gino Grimaldi, City Manager COUNCIL From: Bob Duey, Finance Director Richard Lewis, Police Chief BRIEFING MEMORANDUM RE: Police Special Option Levy Resolution ISSUE: The current special operating levy for jail and police services expires as of June 30, 2018. At the work session on June 05, Council directed staff to prepare a resolution with accompanying ballot title for a public hearing at the June 19th Council meeting. The resolution would authorize the placing on the November 2017 ballot a request for the continuation of a 5-year special operating levy for jail and police services at a rate of $1.40 per thousand. If successful, the $1.40 rate would allow the City to continue to provide the same level of services that is currently being provided by the special operating levy that was passed in November of 2012. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Strengthen Public Safety by Leveraging Partnerships and Resources BACKGROUND: At the May 22nd and June 5th work sessions, Council and staff discussed the renewal options for the Police Services Special Operating Levy that will be expiring on June 30, 2018. In these work sessions Police Chief Richard Lewis described the range of services that are currently provided by the 5-year $1.28 per thousand levy and identified key performance measurements that indicate the success Springfield has experienced in lowering property crimes since the opening of the Municipal Jail in 2010. Finance Director Bob Duey described the process and timing for being able to place a measure on the November 2017 ballot, program expenses that could be expected to occur during the 5-year period of a renewed levy and several options for levy rate that ranged from the existing $1.28 to a high of $1.44. The City had also contracted for the completion of a community survey of registered voters asking about community support for the renewal of the levy at both the current rate of $1.28 and at the maximum rate of $1.44. The results of that survey were presented at the June 5th work session. DISCUSSION: This week Council is being asked to authorize the placement of the city’s police local option levy on the November 2017 ballot. A public hearing is scheduled for comment on the authorizing resolution and MEMORANDUM June 12, 2017 Attachment 1 - Page 2 of 2 ballot title that have been included as Attachment 2 and 2A. At Council’s direction the rate per thousand that is being asked of the voters will be $1.40. For any rate the City opts to place on the ballot staff has been consistent in using a 3% growth factor for assessed valuation change in all years of the levy and consistent projections for all personnel and material costs. Deviations from these assumptions during the 5-year life of the levy or a greater impact than expected from the elements of Measure 5 compression could trigger subsequent service discussions. When provided the survey results indicated that voters were satisfied with the level of service provided by the current levy would continue to support the levy at a higher amount if it was necessary to continue to receive current services. Council’s decision to have prepared the resolution and ballot title for a public hearing at $1.40 is responsive to the survey results that maintaining the current level of service is of upmost importance to the survey respondents. In addition Council indicated that by selecting a rate near the $1.42 maximum rate they were interested in not having a reduction in levy funding that would increase the subsidy being provided by general fund resources for these services. The ballot title has been prepared in compliance with the Oregon Department of Revenue guidelines and Council’s additional direction from the work session. The increase in the rate from the $1.28 to $1.40 requires that this be considered a new or replacement levy and not a renewal levy. Special language is required and has been included as part of the 20 word question that indicated such. The 175 word Summary contains both optional language prepared by the City and certain required language from the State. Several departments have been working together to craft the optional language that follows both State and Council guidance received on June 5th. CONCLUSION Council is asked to conduct a public hearing this evening on the resolution and ballot title that are included as Attachment 2 and Attachment 2, Exhibit A. Upon closing the public hearing, either adopt/not adopt the accompanying resolution for the placement of the police local option levy on the November 2007 ballot. Attachment 2, Page 1 of 2 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD OREGON RESOLUTION No. ______ A RESOLUTION REFERRING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY A BALLOT MEASURE AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF A FIVE YEAR LOCAL OPTION TAX LEVY TO OPERATE THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL JAIL AND PROVIDE FOR ADDITIONAL STAFFING AND MATERIALS FOR POLICE SERVICES IN THE AMOUNT OF $1.40 OF ASSESSED VALUE BEGINNING IN 2018/2019. As the preamble to the Resolution the Common Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon (the “City”) hereby recites the matters set forth below. To the extent any of the following recitals relates to a finding or a determination which must be made by the Common Council in connection with the subject matter of this Resolution or any aspect thereof, the Common Council declares that by setting forth such recital such finding or determination is thereby made by the Common Council. The recitals, findings and determination set forth herein constitute a part of the Resolution. WHEREAS, the City is a municipality organized and existing and pursuant to the laws of the State of Oregon and the 2001 Springfield Charter of the City (the “Charter”). WHEREAS, the City currently has the authorization from the citizens of Springfield to levy a special options tax at the rate of $1.28 per thousand for jail operations and police services beginning July 1, 2013. This current authorization is for five years and expires with the fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2017. WHEREAS, the City has received information from a 2017 community survey and from planning sessions held by the Springfield Police Advisory Committee by and on behalf of City intended to determine the current needs and desires for the residents as they pertain to issues of police services. This information indicates a continued need to enhance jail operations and police services to the Community. The Common Council of the City determined to proceed with identified services for the replacement of the current authorized special option tax and for police services at a cost of $32,382,970. The estimated tax rate needed to generate the resources required is $1.40 per thousand of assessed valuation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: SECTION 1. APPROVAL OF BALLOT MEASURE FOR GENERAL PURPOSE LOCAL OPTION TAX LEVY. The Common Council of the City hereby directs that at the general election to be held on November 07, 2017, there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City a measure authorizing the City to levy a five year local option tax for jail operations and police services in the amount of $1.40 per $1,000 of assessed value beginning in 2018/19 fiscal year and ending in 2022/23 fiscal year. The ballot title for the local option levy is attached as Exhibit A (the “Ballot Title”). SECTION 2. SUBMISSION TO THE ELECTIONS OFFICER. Not later than the 61st day before November 07, 2017 the City Recorder, as the Chief Elections Officer of the City, shall submit to the County Clerk for Lane County, Oregon a statement of the local option tax measure together with a certified copy of this Resolution and the Ballot Title, all in order that the local option tax measure may appear on the ballot for the general election to be held on November 07, 2017. The City Recorder shall submit to the County Clerk all necessary information, and shall do and perform all other acts and things necessary or appropriate, so that the measure shall appear on the ballot for such general election. SECTION 3. ADDITIONALAUTHORIZATION. The City Manager, the City Recorder and the City Finance Director and each of them acting individually, are hereby authorized, empowered and directed, for and on behalf of the City, to do and perform all acts and things necessary or appropriate to cause the jail operations and police services local option tax levy to appear on the ballot for November 07, 2017 general election and to otherwise carry out the purposes and intent of this Resolution. Attachment 2, Page 2 of 2 SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE OF RESOLUTION. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19th day of June, 2017, by a vote of ______ for and ______ against. ___________________________________ Christine Lundberg, Mayor ATTEST: __________________________________________ Amy Sowa, City Recorder Ballot Title CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BALLOT MEASURE XX-XX Caption: FIVE-YEAR LEVY FOR SPRINGFIELD JAIL OPERATIONS AND POLICE SERVICES Question: Shall Springfield levy $1.40 per $1,000 assessed valuation for five years beginning 2018/19 for Springfield jail operations and police services. This measure may cause property taxes to increase more than three percent. Summary: The funds generated from this levy will maintain current level of public safety services and can only be used for jail, police and municipal court. This levy will replace the current $1.28 levy which will expire on 6/30/18. Passage of this measure will allow Springfield to: Continue to fully fund the Springfield Municipal Jail for a five year period. Jail capacity from the existing levy has substantially improved the ability to incarcerate those accused or convicted of crimes. Since the jail opened, property crimes have been reduced by 31%. Maintain current response times for both emergency and non-emergency calls for service. Positions included in the levy are police officers, detention officers, community service officers, dispatchers, call takers and municipal court operations. The levy is based upon assessed value, not market value. The average home in Springfield is assessed at $144,000. Cost based on current levy rate of $1.28 is $184 per year. At the proposed rate of $1.40, the cost would increase $18 to $202 per year. The proposed rate will raise approximately $6,641,970 in 2018/19, $6,841,229 in 2019/20, $7,046,466 in 2020/21, $7,257,860 in 2021/22, and $7,478,596 in 2022/23, for a total of $35,263,123. The estimated tax cost for this measure is an ESTIMATE ONLY based on the best information available from the county assessor at the time of the estimate and may reflect the impact of early payments discounts, compression and the collection rate. Exhibit A Page 1 of 1