HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2017-20 06/19/2017 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FY 2016-2017 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET No.3 RESOLUTION NO.2017-20 A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: GENERAL,SPECIAL REVENUE,TRANSIENT ROOM TAX,COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,POLICE LOCAL OPTION LEVY, BANCROFT REDEMPTION, REGIONAL WASTEWATER REVENUE BOND CAPITAL PROJECT,DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, REGIONAL WASTEWATER CAPITAL,STREET CAPITAL,SANITARY SEWER OPERATIONS,AMBULANCE,STORM DRAINAGE OPERATIONS, BOOTH-KELLY,REGIONAL FIBER CONSORTIUM, INSURANCE AND VEHICLE&EQUIPMENT FUNDS. WHEREAS,the 2016-2017 fiscal year appropriations for the City of Springfield were made by Resolution No. 2016- 19 dated June 20,2016 and, WHEREAS,at various times during the fiscal year the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the fiscal year budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities,to recognize new revenues,or to make other required adjustments;and, WHEREAS,the Common Council handles such requests for adjustment to the budget through Supplemental Budget Resolutions presented at public hearings at which the public may comment on such requests;and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting;and, WHEREAS,this supplemental Budget#3 as amended by Supplemental Budget#2 Resolutions#2017-05,as amended by Supplemental Budget#1 Resolution#2016-28,for the 2016-2017 fiscal year,amends Resolution#2016- 19, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,by the Common Council of the City of Springfield,a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon,as follows: Section 1.Resolution 2017-05 is hereby adjusted as follows: General-Fund 100 Resources Requirements Miscellaneous Receipts $ 2,150 Operating Expenses: Special Events Services 23,000 City Manager's Office $ 29,030 Team Springfield 12,500 Fire&Life Safety 110,000 Claims Recovery 9,940 Legal/judicial Services 55,000 Library 20,000 Police 47,590 Total Operating Expense $ 261,620 Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (214,030) Total Resources Adjustments $ 47,590 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 47,590 Comments. Increase in operating expense in the City Manager's Office for Howe Public Affairs legislative services$20k and Police Local Option Levy survey$9k with the use of reserves.The contract renewal for Fire dispatch with the City of Eugene was provided after the adoption of the FY17 budget. Request appropriates the anticipated contract increase with the use of reserves.Increase in operating expense for the Library Phase 1 Needs Assessment with the use of reserves.Contract renewal for the City Attorney's Offices was completed after the adoption of the FY17 budget. Requested is to bring budget appropriation up to the final contract amounts.Recognizes revenue from Intergovernmental Agreements and outside agency far Police overtime related to community events and call outs:Springfield Police drug recognition expert,TEAM Springfield bike patrol program,University of Oregon events and Eugene marathon.Request will allow for an increase to Police vehicle maintenance budget due to unanticipated vehicle accident related costs,insurance reimbursement is anticipated. Page 1 of 6 Special Revenue-Fund 204 Resources Requirements Library Grants and Donation $ 58,300 Operating Expenses: Police Grants and Donations 9,999 City Manager's Office $ 60,905 2016 Veterans Memorial Grant 52,405 Library 86,200 Community Relations Donations 8,500 Police 40,999 Total Operating Expense $ 188,104 Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (58,900) Total Resources Adjustments $ 129,204 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 129,204 Comments: The City of Springfield has received donations and a grant from the Oregon Park and Recreation Heritage program to construct and install a Women Veterans Memorial Sculpture. Request increases operating expense in the City Manager's Office and recognizes the revenue for the project. Increase operating expense in the Library with the use of reserves:children's non-fiction book collection$7k,Cybrarian annual subscription$2.4k,classroom computers on wheels$8.5k and Freegal music streaming database subscription$8.9k. These reserve funds have been received from prior year's grants and donations.Authorizes spending of grants and donations received in FY17 for library cards for all Springfield Public School students,youth services,collection updates,Latino programming and outreach services:Child Services Improvement Grant$7k,Cressey Grant$6.5k,Gray Hoffman Grant$2k,Gray Family Foundation$15k and Library Service and Technology Grant$27.7k. Increase in operating expense in the Police Department for freight for armored vehicle$6k,replacement of Taser units$14k,bulletproof vest replacement $2.Sk and other safety related policing equipment$8.5k(stop sticks,road safety flares and bean bag rounds)with the use of Federal Forfeiture reserves.Authorizes spending of grants and donations received in FY17 for the Police department:Pedestrian Safety Grant$4.9k and CHET? donations$5k. Transient Room Tax-Fund 208 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: City Manager's Office $ 37,500 Non-Departmental Expenses: Interfund Transfers $ 3,283 Reserves (40,783) Total Non-Departmental Expenses $ (37,500) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Increase in operating expense in the City Manager's Office for promotional in the Alaska/Horizon inflight magazine$10k,SportsTown Awards$2.5k,TLC managed convention center feasibility report$5k and completion of the Springfield Women Veterans memorial$20k with the use of reserves. Creates a budget appropriation for a transfer to Development Projects Fund 420 for the completion of the Gateway Flame project. The actual costs exceeded the original project cost of$361k by$3k with the use of reserves. Community Development-Fund 210 Resources Requirements $ - Capital Projects $ - Total Resources Adjustments $ _ Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request authorizes the reallocation of Community Development Block Grant funds between two capital improvement projects. The initiai budget was based on estimates and this action reconciles to actual know costs,increases CDRG Street Lights$15k and decreases CDBG Sidewalks($15k). Police Local Option Levy-Fund 236 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Legal/Judicial5ervices $ 125,000 Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (125,000) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Contract with McKenzie Consortium for indigent representation allows for additional charges if number of cases actually assigned exceeds by more than 101 of the original estimate. For FY17 the estimated number of cases over contract is 856. Request is for additional funds in the Police Local Option Levy reserves to fund the estimated cost of additional cases assigned. Page 2 of 6 RESOLUTIONAID. 2017-20 Bancroft Redemption-Fund 305 Resources Re uia rements $ - Non-Departmental Expenses: Interfund Transfers $ 17,380 Reserves (17,380) Total Non-Departmental Expenses $ - Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments. Authorizes transfer to the Development Projects Fund for the completion of the Mobile Home Park Toolkit$17.4K with the use of reserves. Regional Wastewater Revenue Bond Capital Project-Fund 412 Resources Requirements $ Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (53,000) Capital Projects $ 53,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments. Increase budget for electrical distribution system at the water pollution control facility is in need of replacement parts and/or upgrade. Request reallocates portion of unspent funds from the Facilities Plan Engineering Services budget$72k and appropriates$53k from capital reserves. (MWMC Commission Resolution 16-13) Development Projects-Fund 420 Resources Requirements Transfer from F305 $ 17,380 Non-Departmental Expenses: Transfer from F707 93,000 Reserves $ 17,380 Transfer from F208 3,283 Capital Projects $ 96,283 Total Resources Adjustments $ 113,663 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 113,663 Comments., Recognizes transfer from the Transient Room Tax Fund for the completion of the Gateway Flame project$3.3k and from the Bancroft Redemption Fund for the creation of a Mobile Home Park Toolkit$17AL Recognizes transfer from the Insurance Fund for the completion of the Wellness Clinic remodel$93k. Regional Wastewater Capital-Fund 433 Resources Requirements $ - Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (3,900,000) Capital Projects $ 3,900,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: increase budget on the operations and Maintenance Building Improvement Project based on the bid results. MWMC Commission direction was to proceed with the work minus the deductive alternate#2 as discussed at the April 2017 Commission meeting,$3.9m with the use of reserves. (MWMC Commission Resolution 17-06) Street Capital-Fund 434 Resources Requirements ODOT $ 256,492 Operating Expenses: Development&Public Works $ (55,595) Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (612,708) Capital Projects $ 924,795 Total Resources Adjustments $ 256,492 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 256,492 RESOLUTION NO. 2017-20 Page 3 of 6 Comments: Request adjust the allocation of the internal changes for SDC funds received which were lower than anticipated;funds placed back into reserves.Recognizes revenue received from ODOT of$256k to execute the Main Street pedestrian crossing project. For FY17$67k is being expended while the remainder of the funds will be held in reserves for future projects.Request capital reserve funds for the Franklin Boulevard Recon Phase 1 project$357K and to cover costs associated with completing the final right of way purchases that are in mediation$500k. Some funds will be budgeted from current SDC reserves and may be refunded through SDC payments owed the City from SEDA. Local Wastewater Operations-Fund 611 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Development&Public Works $ 45,607 Finance 2,765 Total Operating Expense $ 48,372 Non-Departmental Expenses: Debt Service $ 1,625,000 Misc.fiscal Transactions $ 175,000 Reserves (1,848,372) Total Non-Departmental Expenses $ (48,372) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request adjust the allocation of the internal changes for SDC funds received which were high than anticipated with the use of reserves.Increase operating expense in the Finance department for the reclassification of employee during the year with the use of reserves. Increase budget for bond cost and bond principal to reflect the cash contributed to the refunding of the 2009 Sewer bonds. The City is not required to have a bond reserve on the 2017 bonds so the 2009 Sewer bond reserves are being contributed to the closing cost to reduce the overall expense of the 2017 bonds. Ambulance-Fund 615 Resources Requiremen#s EMSO $ 56,000 Operating Expenses: Fire&Life Safety $ 150,160 Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (94,160) Total Resources Adjustments $ 56,000 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 56,000 Comments: Increase operating expense in the Fire&Life Safety department for the Laserfisch conversion project$16k,recognize the full cost of employee paid partially by City of Eugene$46k,unanticipated higher cost for medic ride pay$15k,and pay-out for employee retirement$16.5k with the use of reserves. Recognizes revenue from the City of Eugene for the purchase of Toughbook for the Emergency Medical Services program. Storm Drainage Operations-Fund 617 Resources Re u1g_lrements $ - Operating Expenses: Development&Public Works $ 9,988 Finance 2,765 Total Operating Expense $ 12,753 Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (12,753) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments. Request adjust the allocation of the internal changes for SDC funds received which were high than anticipated with the use of reserves.Increase operating expense in the Finance department for the reclassification of employee during the year with the use of reserves. RESOLUTION NO .2017-20 Page 4 of 6 Booth-Kelly-Fund 618 Resources Requirements BLM $ 25 Non-Departmental Expenses: Debt Service $ 25 Total Resources Adjustments $ 25 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 25 Comments: Recognizes increase in the BLM lease revenue and appropriates for debt service to assure FY17 legal compliance. Regional Fiber Consortium-Fund 629 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Development&Public Works $ 60,000 Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (60,000) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Increase operating expense in the Development&Public Works department for the Reginald Fiber Consortium grants awarded to Westfir and Merrill for installation of fiber facilities in their communities with the use of reserves. Insurance-Fund 707 Resources Reauirements $ - Non-Departmental Expenses: Transfers $ 93,000 Reserves (93,000) Total Non-Departmental Expenses $ - Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Authorizes transfer to the Development Projects Fund for the completion of the wellness Clinic remodel$93k and Mobile Home Park Toolkit$17.4K with the use of reserves. Vehicle&Equipment-Fund 713 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: City Manager's Office $ 4,000 Fire&Life Safety (94,629) Police 96,100 Total Operating Expense $ 5,471 Non-Departmental Expenses: Debt Service $ 127,629 Reserves (133,100) Total Non-Departmental Expenses $ (5,471) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Increase operating expense in the City Manager's office for the replacement of computer equipment with the use of equipment reserves. Increase operating expense in the Fire&Life Safety department for equipment maintenance$33k and safety clothing and equipment $18k with the use of reserves. Reallocates funds from FLS operating expense to debt service for velocity pumper lease payments. Increase operating expense in the Police department to cover the full purchase price of five new patrol vehicles$21.5,up fit cost of seven vehicles new vehicles$63.3,vehicle graphics$2.31<and the purchase of three Toughbook tablets$9k with the use of reserves. Page 5 of 6 RESOLUTION NO .2097--20 Total Resources Adjustments $ 602,974 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 602,974 Section 2. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19th day of.lune,2017, by a vote of 6 for and __Q_against. Attest: Ci fy Recorder Amy Sowa Mayor Christine L Lundber REVIEWED &APPROVED As TO DATE:: � OFFICE OF Ci Y AttORNEY RESOLUTION NO.2017-20 page 6 of 6