HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6370 06/19/2017 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. 6370 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT; AND WITHDRAWING THE SAME TERRITORY FROM THE RAINBOW WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by Springfield Development Code (SDC) Article 5.7- 100 and ORS Chapter 222 to accept, process, and act upon annexations to the City; and WHEREAS, a request to annex certain territory was submitted on April 4, 2017, said territory being a parcel addressed at 2345 Laura Street, identified as Tax Lot 900 on Lane County Assessor's Map 17-03-27-11, generally depicted and more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, in accordance with SDC 5.7-125.A and ORS 222.111, the property owner initiated the annexation action by submittal of the required application forms and petition for annexation attached hereto as Exhibit B to this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the annexation was initiated in accordance with SDC 5.7-125.A and ORS 222 and has been set for public hearing; and WHEREAS, the territory proposed for annexation is within the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (more commonly known as the Metro Plan)and the Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urban Growth Boundary, and is contiguous to the city limits on all four sides [SDC 5.7-140.A]; and WHEREAS, the annexation is consistent with Metro Plan Policy 10 (page II-C-5) requiring annexation to the City of Springfield as the highest priority for receiving urban services; and WHEREAS, the minimum level of key urban facilities and services can be provided in an orderly and efficient manner from service providers within the Urban Growth Boundary as required in Metro Plan Policy$ (page I1-C-4), Policy 15 and Policy 15 (page 11-C-5), and there is a logical area and time within which urban services and facilities can be delivered; and WHEREAS, City staff has determined that all required public streets and utilities are located along the subject property frontage and there is no requirement to extend public utilities to serve the development area or adjacent properties, therefore an Annexation Agreement is not necessary for this annexation request; and, WHEREAS, a Staff Report (Exhibit C) was presented to the City Council with the Director's recommendation to concurrently annex the subject territory to the Wiliamalane Park and Recreation District, as this special district is a service provider for the City [SDC 5.7-140.13], and to withdraw the subject territory from the Rainbow Water District as the City of Springfield, by and through the Springfield Utility Board, would provide wafter and emergency response services directly to the area after it was annexed to the City; and WHEREAS, this action is consistent with the intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and Springfield regarding boundary changes dated May 21, 2005; and Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, on June 5, 2017, the Springfield Common Council conducted a public hearing and is now ready to take action on this application based on the recommendation and findings in support of approving the annexation request as set forth in the aforementioned Staff Report to the Council, incorporated herein by reference, and the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing held in the matter of adopting this Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Springfield does hereby approve annexation of the following described territory to the City of Springfield and Wlllamalane Park and Recreation District, said territory being more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. Section 2. The City Council of the City of Springfield does hereby approve withdrawal of the following described territory from the Rainbow Water District, said territory being more particularly described in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. Section 3. The City Manager or the Development and Public Works Director, or their designee, shall send copies of this Ordinance to affected State and local agencies as required by SDC 5.7- 155, Section 4, Severability Clause. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. Section 5. Effective Date of Ordinance. This Ordinance shall become effective 30 days from the date of its passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor, or upon the date of its filing with the Secretary of State as provided by ORS 222.180, whichever is later. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19 day of JANE , 2017, by a vote of 6 for and__O_ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 19 day of JUNE , 2017. Mayor ATTEST: '46WA -- REVIEWED & A PRO E'L) ---- AS TO City Recor r DAT OFFICE OF ITY fTOR'`1-Y Page 2 of 2 ORDINANCE N0. 6370.. Exhibit A-Page 1 of 2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point on the West line of the Jacob Halstead Donation Land Claim #47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, South 334.40 feet; thence South 89° 50' 00" East a distance of 30.00 feet to the east line of Laura Street and the True Point of Beginning; thence South 890 50' 00" East a distance of 230.49 (Course 1)feet to the westerly line of the Oregon and California Railroad Right-of-Way; thence North 13° 59' 33" West a distance of 135.23 feet(Course 2); thence South 89" 57' 14" West a distance of 197.84 feet (Course 3) to the east line of Laura Street; thence South 010 25' 00" East a distance of 130,39 feet (Course 4) to the True Point of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. Contains 0.64 acres more or less. ORDINANCE NO.6370 �s� L T T ..� LL tl- [L r J. a [ o z 1 R 3Ni3O 314HlAQVF€S � � x ov ER PARKWhY`NESS a c,��.s,P ,<,, ^. ® �Z U l § vJ LU Nr a. x a eaannl o .. -S,i, .�w� 13di3J.Aa 4'}1f1tl3 S„ Lq�y O 1�z Zz a am s :S� 4ro .0 N z 8� a� r• w� 0 gY ORDINANCE NO,6370 Exhibit B-Page 1 of 9 City of Springfield. Development Services department 3 225 f=ifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Annexation Application Type I ,annexation Application Pre-Submittal: G� --....._...._ Annexation A Ilrcation bmi€ttal: u Pro .-ems Owner: Phone: Seng -7� � J Address. l cry 1nr '2?� Fax_ __._....__, __...�..... E-mail, O wner nature- ature; Agentlare: _ 'r P �re �� Com arr Fax:. Address Agent Signature, - .. Tf the appErcant,is other than the owner,the owner here y;grants perms sion for the.pPlaca nl to aces o t"In hr.:herbet alF,,except inhere s gna ur s of t��e vwr�er c�.f'.rPcard: re rcqul�ed,di*the p :ner rnay's3gn tiie'�setrtfon� _ TA ASSESSOR'S MAP NO- Pro ext re �a Area of Re gest: Acres: itiri fie( w% of ro eet : _ Pro osed Use of Property, B Reviewed y: Case o.: Date- , � Application Fee; postage dee: Total dee < Date Received Revised 4/8/14 B3 PageV3 6 E� �xm: 9 Exhibit B-Page 2 of 9 owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without theOwner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal ittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the pre- Submittal Meeting. if the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that it/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal i I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent With the completeness check I performed on this application at the ire-Submittal Meeting,I affirm the information identified by tike City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as subr'nitt:ed. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of OR5 227.178 pertaining to a Complete application, Owner: Date- Signature Print Date Received .APR 04 2017 Revised 4/8/14 BJ ORDINANCE NO.6370 Exhibit B-Page 3 of 9 2346 LAURA.STREET ANNEXATION NARRATIVE: Date: February 28, 2017 Assessor's Map., 17-03-27-11 Tax Lot 900 Applicants: MBs investments P.O. Box 7602 Springfield, OR 97475 (541)689-3548 Applicant's Representative: The Favreau Group 8750 Norwich Ave. Eugene, OR 97408 541-683-708 Attn: Tony Favreau Annexation Criteria: 1. The annexation area is within the City's urban growth boundary and is contiguous to the city limits or separated from the city only by a public right-of-way or a stream, lake, or other body of water. Response: The subject property is contiguous to the city limits along all sides of boundary line. 2. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area enerai Plan (Metro Plan)and any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts. Response: The subject property is designated as medium density residential zoned land within the Metro Plan. 3. The proposed annexation will result in a boundM in which the minimum level of key urban facilities and services, as defined in the Metro Plan;can be provided in an orderly, efficient, and timely manner. Response: The proposed annexation boundary fills in an island of un-annexe property. All key urban facilities and services are assailable to the property acrd surrounding areas at this time. 4. Where applicable, fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council. [SDG Section 5.7-140, ]eria Crit ] Criteriae: An Annexation Agreement prepared by City staff will be signed b the developer. Dat ORDINANCE NO. 6370 Exhibit B-Page 4 of 9 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point on the West line of the Jacob Halstead Donation Land Claire #47, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, South 334.40 feet ;,thence South 89' 50' 00"`East a distance of 30.00 feet to the east line of Laura Street and the True Paint of Beginning; thence South 89'50' OV East a distance of 230.49 (Course 1)feet to the westerly line of the Oregon and California Railroad Right-of-Way; thence North 13" 59' 33"West a distance of 135.23 feet(Co rse"2); thence South 9° 57' 14"Vest a distance of 197.84 feet (Course 3)to the east lire of Laura Street; thence South 01° 25' 00" East a distance of 130.39 feet(Course 4)to the True.Point of Beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. Contains 0.64 acres more or less. Dew, Received A 6017 goyp y pp� �,<� f�».gYSdwCE.,Y�.R„,3P S tiA k��C�� tk�...m,nMw ORDINANCE NO. 6370 Exhibit B-Page 5 of 9 Ap�ifcatlon C SP 209- ForCity Use only - FORM_I PETITION/PETITION SIGNATURE SHEET Annexation by Individuals [SDC 5.7-125(2)(b)(!)10175 221.170(1)] We,the following property owners of the following territory, consent to the annexation to the City of Springfield and concurrent annexation to Lane County metropolitan Wastewater Service District and Willamalatie Parks and Recreation District, as deemed necessary: Date Residence Address Map end lax Lot Number Land Aires �ncltlJrP. Signed Print Dame (street City;xfp cndej' (example: 17-pe.-03-Q(1 oRioo) 4v-ner (qty) m/dY z. Gln,-f-,9 a 13otC: Wit3i tile at�ove sigflture(s),C am attesting that X have the authority to consent to srsnexaYlon nn my wvn behalf or an behalf of my Firm or agency. (A.itach evirSance ai surir avowrizalivn when appfic°able.) crove, (printed nafne.of circulator), hereby certify that every person who signed this sheet did so in my presence. c '(signature of circulator) CEPTIFICA'TION OF OWNERSHIP The total landowners in the proposed annexation are_L_ (qt),), This petition reflects that (oGf (qty) landowners, (or legal representatives) Ilsted on this petition represent a total of #t�(°7 (010)of the landmNners and.,fif;' (1/1,))of the acres as determined 6y the map and tax lots attached to the petition. A&T is not respvnsllble for subsequent deed activity that may not yet be reflected on the A&T corrrputerixed tax roll. Lane County Depart nt a Piss 4,5" t zmd Taxi' t6on Date Signed and Certified Revised 4!8/14 67 7,2 of 18 RECEIVED FEB2417 Lane County AssCs9=11t& rX2,6311 Date Received I ", 'li ORDINANCE NO.6370 Exhibit B-Page 6 of 9 FOAM OWNERSHIP WORKSHEET (This form is NOT the petition) (Please include the name and address of ALL owners regardless of whether they signed an annexation petition or not. OWNERS Property Designation Assessed imp. Signed Sigrned (Map/lot number) Name of Owner Acres value Y/ N Yes No ------------- TOTALS. TOTA1 NUMBER OF'..OWNERS IN THE PROPOSAL DUMBER OF OWNERS WHO SIGNED � PERCENTAGE OF OWNERS WHO SIGNED µ TOTAL ACREAGE IN PROPOSAL. ACREAGE SIGNED FOR PERCENTAGE OF ACREAGE SIGNED FOR 1 C) TOTAL vALuirIN THE PROPOSAL � . 4. . ._........................._.,.............._....._..._.._.. _._....._... , ..... VALUE CONSENTED FOR. PERCENTAGE OF VALUE CONSENTED FOR Revised 4/8/24 B7APR 0 4 2017 13 rs; IC Oji �• .�.. Exhibit B-Page 7 of 9 FOP,M 3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FORM (complete an the following questions and provide all the requested information. Attach any responses that require additional space, restating the question or request for information on additional sheets.) Contact Person: Rf E-mail: supply the following information regarding the annexation area. * Estimated Population (at present): 0 ® Number of Existing Residential Units', * Other Uses: * Land Area: a total acres * Existing Plan designations): Existing Zoning(s): PE Existing Land Use(s): e Applicable Comprehensive Plan(s): Applicable Refinement Plan(s)' Provide evidence that the annexation is consistent. with the applicable - comprehensive plan(s) anefinement plans.d any associated i Are there development plans associated with this proposed annexation? Yes No IF yes, describe. Is the proposed use or development allowed on the property under the current plan designation and zoning? Yes X No Please describe where the proposed annexation is contiguous to the city limits (non-contiguous annexations cannot be approved under 5.7-140, Criteria). ±_ a -Lot ............ Pail Revised 4/8/14, BJ AM 41017 Exhibit B-Page 8 of 9 Does this application include all contiguous property under the same ownership? Yes �_ No If no, state the reasons why all property is not included: Check. the special districts and others that provide service to the annexation area: a Glenwood Water District ❑ Rainbow Water and Fire District ❑ Eugene School District © Pleasant Hill School District ❑ Springfield School District ❑ McKenzie Fire & Rescue ❑ Pleasant Hill RFFD 0 Wiilakenzie RFPD ❑ EP.UD © SUB ❑ Willamalane Parks and Rec District © Other Names of persons to whore staff notes and notices should be seirt, in addition to applicant(s), such as an agent or legal representative. ( a e) (Name) � (Address) ess) (Address) (City) (Zip) (City) (Zip) (Name) (Name) (Address) (Andress) (City) (Zip) (City) (.Zip) Date ReCelved APR 04 2017 Odginal Submnt Revised 4/6/1.4 B3 Page 15 of 16 ORDINANCE NO. 6370 l Exhibit B-Page 9 of 9 FORM 4 WAIVER OF ONE YEAR TIME LIMIT FOR ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO ORS 222,173 This waiver of the time limit is for the following described property: Map and Tax Lot Number Street Address of Property (if address has been assigned) ONE WAIVER OF TIME LIMIT FOR EACH PARCEL,,PLEASE We, the owner(s) of the property described above understand the annexation process can tape more than one year but desire to annex to have City services. Therefore, we agree to waive the one-year time limitation on this petition to annex established by Oregon Revised Statutes 222,173, and further agree that this contract shall be effective j ] indefinitely or j ] until T-217`_ Date Signatures of Le al Ov+ ers Please rine or t e name Sinature Gate Signed Date Received RCtlG:• L;16C'12LPb 6GUh'(arANGE'"lRAfJ.5:3'rc?NIAFALlE:A7'1f.1T.sU1tNl;S`;PYY1tG17=i,LJS10-?.=ii8[IF<DA"YFdt�;RTF54f'f!!^'-.`�'itn!f1'7'Ai:F+V1f='XAI'7E3.Y A1n'' ¢'.4�'F7C1fY tttY���-Oh.LIUyC Osl Szve,'r APM 9,2VJ4 PR 0 2017 7 Original SUbmIN Revised 4/8(14 BJ P a g e 1 64�c _ ORDINANCE NO. 6370 r Exhibit C-Page 1 of 6 SPRINGFIELD— TYPE PRINGfFIELDTYPE IV—ANNEXATION STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OW ORFGON File Name: Olsson Annexation x Applicant: Erie Olsson on behalf of & ' :CY .-✓gG�Iy�'�� Y'"� +{pxa^'" to .t.'e+ IDBS Investments LLCM r Case Number: ANX 17-00002 NO Proposal Location: 2345 Laura Street „ (Assessor's Map 17-03-27-11,Tax Lot 900) Current Zoning: Medium Density Residential (MDR)with Urbanizable Fringe µ ll K Overlay(UF-1.0) Plan Designation: MDRjs Applicable Comprehensive Plan: ft ; Gateway Refinement Plan y' Application Submittal Date: April 4, 2017 Associated Applications: PRE 17-00007 (Development Issues Meeting);PRE 17-00014 (Pre-Submittal Meeting for Annexation) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE POSITION REVIEW OF NAME PHONE Project Manager Planning Andy Limbird 541-7263784 Transportation Planning Engineer Transportation Michael Liebler 541-736-1034 Public Works Civil Engineer Streets and Utilities Kyle Greene 541-726-5750 Deputy Fire Marshal Fire and Life Safety Gilbert Gordon 541-726-2293 Building Official Building David Bowlsby 541-736-1029 APPLICANT'S DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM POSITION NAME PHONE MAILING ADDRESS Applicant Eric Olsson,IDBS Investments LLC 541-747-8460 P.O.Box 7562 Springfield OR 97475 Applicant's Tony Favreau 541-683-7048 3750 Norwich Avenue Representative Favreau Grou Engineering Eugene OR 97408 ORDINANCE NO. 6370 Exhibit C-Page 2 of 6 Review Process (SDC 5.7-115): The subject annexation request is being reviewed under Type IV procedures, without Planning Commission consideration. Development Issues Meeting (SDC 5.7-120): A Development Issues Meeting (DIM) is required of all public agency and.private landowner-initiated annexation applications. Finding: A Development Issues Meeting for the subject annexation request was held on March 23,2017. Conclusion: The requirement in SDC 5.7-120 is met. Annexation Initiation and Application Submittal (SDC 5.7-125): In accordance with SDC 5.7-125.B.2.b.i and ORS 222.170(1), an annexation application,may be initiated by"more than half the owners of land in the territory, who also own more than half the land in the contiguous territory and of real property therein representing more than half the assessed value of all real property in the contiguous territory consent in writing to the annexation of their land". Finding: The property owner who owns all of the land and real property, and full assessed value of real property in the contiguous territory, has filed an application and petition requesting annexation to the City of Springfield(Attachment 3,Exhibit B). Conclusion: The application requirements in SDC 5.7-125 have been met. Site Information: The territory requested for annexation is comprised of a single parcel located between Laura Street and Pioneer Parkway West, just south of the roundabout at Hayden Bridge Way. The subject site is inside the Springfield.Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and is contiguous to the Springfield city limits along all four sides. The requested annexation territory comprises approximately 0.66 acres and is currently developed with a single family dwelling and a detached shop building. Zoning for the property is Medium Density Residential (MDR) with an Urbanizable Fringe Overlay (UF-10) applied. The intent of the annexation request is to Facilitate future connection to City utilities including sanitary sewer service. Staff advises that all required urban utilities exist along the property frontage on Laura Street or have been already extended to the site (water, telecommunications, electricity). Because the perimeter public streets have been improved to urban standards and all utilities are available to serve the property, an Annexation Agreement is not required for this request. Existing public services are provided to the annexation area as follows: police (Lane County Sheriff, Springfield Police Department), schools (Springfield School District), roads (City of Springfield and Lane County), and Fire (Eugene/Springfield under contract with Rainbow Water District). Springfield Utility Board (SUB) operates the existing water utility infrastructure in the incorporated areas surrounding the subject site, while Rainbow Water District serves other unincorporated properties in the vicinity. SUB also provides electrical service to the proposed annexation area. Upon annexation,the City of Springfield will be responsible for all urban services, including sewer,water,electricity and police/fire response to the subject area. Notice Requirements(SDC 5.7-130): Consistent with SDC 5.7-130,notice was provided as follows: Mailed Notice. Notice of the annexation application was mailed May 16,2017,which is at least 14 days prior to the public hearing date, to the affected property owner(s); owners and occupants of properties located within 300 feet of the perimeter of the proposed annexation territory; affected neighborhood groups or community organizations officially recognized by the city that includes the affected territory; affected special districts and all other public utility providers; and the Lane County Land Management Division,Lane County Elections,and the Lane County Board of Commissioners. Newspaper Notice. Notice of the June 5,2017 public hearing was published in The Register- Guard on May 22 and 29,2017. Posted Notice. Notice of the.Tune 5, 2017 public hearing was posted in four public places in the City: ORDINANCE NO. 6370 Exhibit C-Page 3 of 6 along the property frontage on Laura Street; at Springfield City Hall; on the electronic display in the foyer of the Development and Public Works office; and on the City of Springfield website. Finding: Upon annexation of the subject territory to the City the Low Density Residential zoning will be retained, but the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) will no longer apply. Due to this change, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) was notified in writing of the annexation proceedings prior to the public hearing. Notification to DLCD regarding the proposed annexation was sent on April 12,2017. Conclusion; Notice of the public hearing was provided consistent with SDC 5.7-130. Recommendation to City Council (SDC 5.7-1.35): The Director shall forward a written recommendation on the annexation application to the City Council based on the approval criteria specified in Section 5.7-140, which are provided as follows with the SDC requirements, findings, and conclusions. The Director's recommendation follows SDC 5.7-140,Criteria. Criteria (SDC 5.7-1.40): The application may be approved only if the City Council finds that the proposal conforms to the following criteria: A. The affected territory proposed to be annexed is within the City's urban growth boundary; and is 1. Contiguous to the city limits; or 2. Separated from the City only by a public right of way or a stream, lake or other body of water. Finding: The subject annexation territory is located within the acknowledged urban growth boundary (UGB)of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metra Plan). The area requested for annexation abuts four sides, as the property is an unincorporated island within the the Springfield city limits along all incorporated City limits. Therefore, this annexation application meets the statutory definition of contiguity as found in ORS 222.111(1). Conclusion: The proposal meets and complies with criterion A(1), Subsection 5.7-140. B. The proposed annexation is consistent with applicable policies in the Metro Plan and in any applicable refinement plans or Plan Districts; Finding: The Metro Plan was acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission(LCDC) in August, 1982 and has been subsequently amended. The annexation area is located within the acknowledged UGB of the Metro Plan. Territory within the delineated UGB ultimately will be within the City of Springfield. Finding: The territory requested for annexation is entirely within the City's acknowledged UGB. Finding: The territory requested for annexation is zoned and designated Medium Density Residential (MDR)in accordance with the Springfield Zoning Map and the adopted Gateway Refinement Plan diagram. There are no proposed changes to the current zoning or plan designation. Finding: The continued annexation of properties and public street rights-of--way to the City of Springfield is consistent with the Metro Plan, which will result in the elimination of special districts within the urbanizable area. The Metro Plan recognizes that as annexations to the City occur, the special district service areas will diminish incrementally and eventually will be dissolved. Finding: The territory requested for annexation is within the service area of Rainbow Water District. Rainbow Water District has a service arrangement with Eugene/Springfield for provision of fire response to unincorporated areas of north Springfield. After the public hearing and upon Council adoption of the annexation Ordinance, the annexation area will be withdrawn from the Rainbow Water District consistent with ORS 222.510, 222.520, and 222.525 and the combined fire and life safety departments of the Cities of Eugene & ORDINANCE NO.6370 Exhibit C-Page 4 of 6 Springfield will provide fire protection service directly to the annexation area. Finding: After the public hearing and upon Council adoption of the annexation Ordinance, the annexation area will be annexed into the Willamalane Park and Recreation District as authorized by an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Springfield and Lane County. The park district provides park and recreation facilities and services to territory within the City of Springfield. The subject annexation area is currently zoned and designated for multi-family residential development, so it is expected to have a number of dwelling units and residents in the future. Conclusion: The proposal meets and complies with criterion B, Subsection 5.7-140. C. The proposed annexation will result in a boundary in which the minimum level of lcey urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan can be provided in an orderly efficient and timely manner; and Finding: The Metro Plan recognizes annexation as the highest priority for extending the minimum level of key urban facilities and services to urbanizable areas. Finding: The territory requested for annexation is an unincorporated island within an incorporated area of the City limits. The subject site will take advantage of urban service delivery systems that are already in place or can be logically extended to serve this area. In addition to urban utilities, the following facilities and services are either available or can be extended to this annexation.area: Water—The Springfield Utility Board operates the public water utility system adjacent to the property requested for annexation. Upon annexation, the subject property would be served by the City by and through the Springfield Utility Board. There is an existing water meter and service connection along the Laura Street frontage of the property that will continue to provide water service to the property. Should the property be more intensively developed or redeveloped in the future,additional water services may be required to serve the site. Electricity — SUB Electric provides service to developed properties in this area of north Springfield, including the subject site. Existing electrical system infrastructure within the adjacent public rights-of-way will be maintained by the affected utility providers. Police Services— Springfield Police Department currently provides service to areas of north Springfield that are already inside the City limits. The annexation territory is currently within the jurisdiction of the Lane County Sheriff's Department. Upon annexation, this area will receive Springfield Police services on an equal basis with other properties inside the City. Fire and. Einer enc Services — Fire protection is currently provided to the annexation area by Eugene/ Springfield Fire Department under contract with Rainbow Water District. Upon annexation, the Eugene/Springfield Fire Department will continue to provide fire and emergency services to the subject territory. Emergency medical transport (ambulance) services are provided on a regional basis by the Eugene/Springfield Fire Department, and Dane Rural Fire/Rescue to central Lane County. The annexation area will continue to receive this service consistent with the adopted ambulance service area (ASA) plan. Mutual aid agreements have been adopted by the three regional ASA providers to provide backup coverage for each other's jurisdictions. Parks and Recreation—Park and recreation services are provided to the City of Springfield by the Willamalane Park and Recreation District. The park district operates several indoor recreation facilities, such as the Willamalane Park Swim Center, Lively Park Swim Center, Memorial Building Community Center, and Willamalane Adult Activity Center. The park district offers various after-school and other programs for children at schools and parks throughout the community. Also available are pathways and several categories of parks, including community parks,sports parks, special use parks,and natural area parks. ORDINANCE NO. 6370 Exhibit C-Page 5 of 6 Concurrent with annexation to the City of Springfield,the subject area will be annexed to the Willamalane Park and Recreation District consistent with City policy and the adopted Willamalane Comprehensive Plan. ILbrary Services—Upon annexation to the City of Springfield, the subject area will be within the service area of the Springfield Public Library. Schools — The Springfield School District serves the northern areas of Springfield. Based on the current zoning and comprehensive plan designation for the property, and the existing dwelling on the site, it is expected that the annexation territory would generate permanent residents and/or school-age population in the future. Sanitary Sewer — The annexation territory is not currently served by sanitary sewer, but there are existing public sewer lines along the property frontage on Laura Street. Sanitary sewer service will be required for the existing dwelling and any sanitary drains serving the shop building(such as sink drains,toilets,or floor drains). Annexation of the property will be required before sanitary sewer service can be provided to the site. Stormwater — The subject annexation territory is already served by piped stormwater management systems in Laura Street and the Pioneer Parkway corridor. A constructed on-site stormwater management system will be required at the time of future site development or redevelopment to meet the requirements of the City's Development Code and Engineering Design Standards. Connection to the public stormwater system can be made along the property frontage on Laura Street. Streets—The subject annexation area has frontage on the eastern boundary of Laura Street, which is currently developed to urban standards. The subject annexation area also has frontage on the western boundary of Pioneer Parkway West, which is developed to urban standards. The full width of required street rights-of-way exist along the eastern and western property boundaries and therefore no additional dedication of right-of-way is required. At such time as development or redevelopment plans are forwarded for the subject property in the future, any required street frontage improvements along the Laura Street and Pioneer Parkway West frontages of the site will be reviewed and approved through the Site Plan Review process. Solid Waste Mana ement— The City and Sanipac have an exclusive franchise arrangement for garbage service inside the City limits. Upon annexation,solid waste disposal service can be provided by Sanipac. Communication Facilities — Various providers offer both wired and wireless communication services in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area. Existing providers and those entering the market have the capability to provide service to this area. Land Use Controls — The annexation area is within Springfield's urban growth boundary. Through an intergovernmental agreement between Lane County and the City of Springfield, the City already has planning and building jurisdiction for unincorporated areas of Springfield. The City will continue to administer land use controls after annexation. Finding: The minimum level of key urban facilities and services, as outlined in the adopted Metro Plan, are either immediately available or can be provided within a reasonable future time frame as needed. Conclusion: The proposal meets and complies with criterion C, Subsection 5.7-140. D. Where applicable,fiscal impacts to the City have been mitigated through an Annexation Agreement or other mechanism approved by the City Council. Finding: The subject property is developed with a single family dwelling and detached shop building. As previously stated herein, a full range of urban utilities already exist along the property frontage on Laura Street, or have been extended to serve the subject property already. Additionally, Laura Street and Pioneer Parkway West are improved to urban standards along the subject property frontage. For these reasons,the responsibilities and expectations of the applicant and/or future developer do not rise to the level of requiring an Annexation ORDINANCE NO. 6370 Exhibit C-Page 6 of 6 Agreement. Conclusion: The proposal meets and complies with criterion D, Subsection 5.7-140. DIRECTOR'S RECOMMENDATION: The proposal complies with the annexation criteria of approval listed in SDC 5.7-140, and Council is within its authority to approve annexation of the subject territory to the City of Springfield and Willamalane Park and Recreation District; and withdrawal of the subject territory from the Willakenzie Rural Fire Protection District. City Council Decision (SDC 5.7-145): City Council approval of the annexation application shall be by Ordinance. Finding: On .lune 5, 2017, the City Council will hold a Public Hearing for the subject annexation request and give first reading to the Annexation Ordinance. Based on the staff analysis andrecommendations, and on testimony provided at the Public Hearing, the City Council may take action to approve, modify, or deny the Annexation Ordinance. Zoning(SDC 5.7-150): The area requested for annexation is zoned and designated Medium Density Residential in accordance with the Springfield Zoning Map and the adopted Gateway Refinement Plan diagram. Properties that are outside the City limits have the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) applied to the zoning. Upon the effective date of the annexation, the OF-10 overlay will be automatically removed and the site will retain the Medium Density Residential (f,DR)zoning. Effective Date and Notice of Approved Annexation (SDC 5.7-155): If the annexation is granted first reading by the City Council on June 5, 2017 and adopted after a second reading on June 19, 2017, the Ordinance will become effective 30 days after adoption by the City Council and execution by the Mayor (anticipated on or around July 19,2017),or upon acknowledgement of filing with the Secretary of State—whichever date is later. Withdrawal from Special Service Districts (SDC 5.7-160): Withdrawal from special districts may occur concurrently with the approved annexation Ordinance or after the effective date of the annexation of territory to the City. The Director shall recommend to the City Council for consideration of the withdrawal of the annexed territory from special districts as specified in ORS 222. In determining whether to withdraw the territory, the City Council shall determine whether the withdrawal is in the best interest of the City. Notice of the withdrawal shall be provided in the same manner as the annexation notice in Section 5.7-150. Finding: The annexation area is within the delineated service territory of SUB (electric)and the Rainbow Water District (water service and fire response). The Cities of Eugene/Springfield will provide fire and emergency services after annexation, and the City of Springfield by and through the Springfield Utility Board will continue to provide water and electric service after annexation. Consistent with SDC 5.7-160, notice was provided, a public hearing was held, and the City Council determined that withdrawal from the Rainbow Water District was in the best interest of the City. The withdrawal decision was codified in Ordinance No. ORDINANCE NO. 6370