HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2017-14 05/15/2017 „ „u //rrrrra, rrrr;,,,,,, „✓zi„ rrrPr ,,,,(rr;rFr.,�%lrr, 1/ /// ///%J///,/.%%/!! r/.-,,,,,,,,,,,, r; CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON RESOLUTION NO. _Z01 7-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMENDING THE MASTER SCHEDULE OF MISCELLANEOUS FEES AND CHARGES, RATES, PERMITS AND LICENSES IN ORDER TO AMEND THE AMOUNT OF THE GARBAGE AND REFUSE RATES WHEREAS, Springfield Municipal Code 4.408(2) provides that the maximum rates for the collection of garbage and refuse for a month shall be set by resolution of the Council; WHEREAS, the present rate for the collection of garbage and refuse consists of two parts: ( rate that accounts for the cost of collection of garbage and refuse by the collector of garbage (the "collection rate', and ( ) the rate that accounts for the fees imposed by LaneCounty for the disposal of garbage and refuse collected by the collector of garbage "disposal rate'; WHEREAS, Sani ac, Inc., the collector of garbage as defined by Springfield Municipal Code Section 4.400, has advised the Cityn County Board of County Commissioners has adopted regulations requiring all commercial haulers to transport waste directly to Short Mountain Landfill resulting in an operational cost increase of 0.81%; WHEREAS, Sanipac, Inc., the collector of garbage as defined by Springfield Municipal Code Section .400, has asked the Cityr an inflationary adjustment of 2.1%; WHEREAS, the collector of garbage has requested that the collection rate be adjusted to reflect these increases in costs as of July 1, ; WHEREAS, City staff havereviewed the request of the collector of garbage, and the additional information and material provided in support of the request; WHEREAS, City staff, following such review have recommended that the adjustment of the maximum rates for the collection of garbage and refuse be approved as requested; WHEREAS, the Council has considered the request of the collector of garbage, the material and information submitted in support of such request, and the analysis and recommendations of the staff, and is fully informed as to the request and the circumstances; WHEREAS, the opportunity for public comment at a public hearing has been provided prior to the adoption of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, except for the increase in the Garbage Refuse rates as specified herein, the fees set forth i "Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees andCharges, Rates, Permits and Licenses” remain unchanged and shall continue in full force effect. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD: Section 1: The Garbage and Refuse rates as set forth int "Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses" are amended as specified in the Schedule of Garbage Rates attached hereto as Exhibit A andincorporated by reference herein. PAGE 1 f i/lull u✓r,/,i iu ..rarari„ ,,,,oi�✓ii/rrrrrl/;rrrrrr Section 2: Except as specifically amended by this Resolution, the "Master Schedule of Miscellaneous Fees and Charges, Rates, Permits, and Licenses" shall remain unchanged and in full force n effect. Section : Future Resolutions of the Common Council may be adopted to amend, add, or delete any rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge as may be necessary to compensate the City for providing the particular services set forth in the Master Schedule. Section 4: In the eventparticular rate, permit fee, license fee, or other fee or charge set forth in the Master Schedule, Schedule of Garbage Rates, shall be heldinvalid by operation of law or any court of competent jurisdiction or the enforcement of any fee restrained by such court pending the final determination as to its validity, the remainder of the rates, permit fees, license fees, fees and charges specified in the Master Schedule, Schedule of Garbage Rates, Exhibit A, shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force effect. Section 5: This Resolution will take effect on July 1, 2017. ADOPTED E Common Council of the CitySpringfield tfk 15 day AY 2017J, by a vote of 4 ...for andagainst. (2 Absent) Mayor Council President ATTEST: REVIEWED &rk,o F City co er ;ATE- OFFICE , CrrY ATTORNEY' EXHIBIT A, Page 1 of 6 SCHEDULE OF GARBAGE RATES Other Rates Solid Waste (SMC 4.408,Resolution 2017-14)(1) Charges for the collection of garbage and refuse as established herein shall be payable monthly in advance. In the event that any person fails to pay the collector of garbage and refuse for the services rendered by the collector for a period of 45 days,then the collector may prepare a statement to that effect,and to the effect that he is terminating the service to such person and shall deliver a copy thereof to the City manager.The City shall thereupon have the burden of seeing to it that such person for whom the service is terminated disposes of his garbage in accordance with the terms of sections 4.400 to 4.430.The collector shall have no duty to commence serving such person again until the collector shall have been reimbursed for the delinquent payments. Please refer to the following five pages for Sanipac rates effective July 1,2017. Resolution No.2017-14 EXHIBIT A, Page 2 of 6 SPRINGFIELD CAN/CART RATES (07/01/2017) PICKUPS PER WEEK Number of Cans 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Mini-Can (21-Gallon) 9.81 1 Mini-Can EOW(21-Gallon 7.93 County User Fee 2.14 County User Fee 1.62 Total 11.95 Total 9.55 1 Can EOW(35-Gallon) 8.91 County User Fee 2.94 11.85 1 Can/Cart(35-Gallon) 13.11 26.22 39.33 52.44 65.55 78.66 County User Fee 3.89 7.83 11.72 15.66 19.55 23.44 Total 17.00 34.05 51.05 68.10 85.10 102.10 2 Cans 26.22 52.44 78.66 104.93 131.15 157.37 County User Fee 7.83 15.66 23.44 31.27 39.10 46.93 Total 34.05 68.10 102.10 136.20 170.25 204.30 3 Cans 39.33 78.66 118.04 157.37 196.70 236.03 County User Fee 11.72 23.44 35.16 46.93 58.65 70.37 Total 51.05 102.10 153.20 204.30 255.35 306.40 4 Cans 52.44 104.93 157.37 209.81 262.25 314.74 County User Fee 15.66 31.27 46.93 62.54 78.20 93.81 Total 68.10 136.20 204.30 272.35 340.45 408.55 5 Cans 65.55 131.15 196.70 262.25 327.85 393.40 County User Fee 19.55 39.10 58.65 78.20 97.70 117.25 Total 85.10 170.25 255.35 340.45 425.55 510.65 6 Cans 78.66 157.37 236.03 314.74 393.40 472.06 County User Fee 23.44 46.93 70.37 93.81 117.25 140.74 Total 102.10 204.30 306.40 408.55 510.65 612.80 65-Gallon Cart 18.09 36.28 54.37 72.46 90.60 108.74 County User Fee 6.66 13.37 20.03 26.69 33.40 40.06 Total 24.75 49.65 74.40 99.15 124.00 148.80 95-Gallon Cart 21.94 43.88 65.82 87.81 109.75 131.69 County User Fee 9.66 19.37 29.03 38.74 48.40 58.06 Total 31.60 63.25 94.85 126.55 158.15 189.75 1 Can/Cart- Premium 15.75 65-Premium 26.80 95-Premium 42.15 County User Fee 4.15 CUF 7.40 CUF 9.10 Total 19.90 Total 34.20 Total 51.25 Condo/MHP 35G 11.21 65-Condo 16.14 95-Condo 19.84 County User Fee 3.89 CUF 6.66 CUF 9.66 Total 15.10 Total 22.80 Total 29.50 Resolution No. 2017-14 EXHIBIT A, Page 3 of 6 SPRINGFIELD CONTAINER RATES (07/01/2017) Pickups Per Week Container Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.0 Yard $ 71.73 $ 140.06 $ 208.09 $ 273.77 $ 342.15 $ 407.18 $ 476.06 County User Fee $ 22.82 $ 45.64 $ 68.46 $ 91.28 $ 114.10 $ 136.92 $ 159.74 Total $ 94.55 $ 185.70 $ 276.55 $ 365.05 $ 456.25 $ 544.10 $ 635.80 Each Additional $ 85.75 $ 155.00 $ 229.40 $ 304.80 $ 378.90 $ 452.80 $ 527.65 E.O.W. $ 27.70 + $ 20.75 = $ 48.45 1.5 Yard $ 103.59 $ 197.38 $ 291.67 $ 420.12 $ 514.16 $ 608.00 $ 763.16 County User Fee $ 34.26 $ 68.52 $ 102.78 $ 102.78 $ 137.04 $ 171.30 $ 137.04 Total $ 137.85 $ 265.90 $ 394.45 $ 522.90 $ 651.20 $ 779.30 $ 900.20 Each Additional $ 124.90 $ 242.10 $ 32.20 $ 474.30 $ 593.85 $ 710.20 $ 869.20 E.O.W. $ 39.90 + $ 30.75 = $ 70.65 2.0 Yard $ 133.15 $ 254.40 $ 375.35 $ 542.30 $ 663.40 $ 784.50 $ 987.30 County User Fee $ 45.70 $ 91.35 $ 137.05 $ 137.05 $ 182.70 $ 228.40 $ 182.70 Total $ 178.85 $ 345.75 $ 512.40 $ 679.35 $ 846.10 $1,012.90 $ 1,170.00 Each Additional $ 162.45 $ 315.10 $ 475.65 $ 620.15 $ 772.70 $ 925.05 $ 1,075.95 E.O.W. $ 45.15 + $ 40.70 = $ 85.85 3.0 Yard $ 186.43 $ 356.56 $ 520.99 $ 764.84 $ 934.87 $1,104.60 $ 1,396.92 County User Fee $ 68.52 $ 137.04 $ 205.56 $ 205.56 $ 274.08 $ 342.60 $ 274.08 Total $ 254.95 $ 493.60 $ 726.55 $ 970.40 $1,208.95 $1,447.20 $ 1,671.00 Each Additional $ 232.50 $ 447.45 $ 663.90 $ 883.45 $1,108.65 $1,327.45 $ 1,543.10 E.O.W. $ 69.60 + $ 60.70 = $ 130.30 4.0 Yard $ 232.10 $ 445.30 $ 657.80 $ 962.05 $1,174.55 $1,387.15 $ 1,767.40 County User Fee $ 91.35 $ 182.70 $ 274.15 $ 274.15 $ 365.50 $ 456.85 $ 365.50 Total $ 323.45 $ 628.00 $ 931.95 $1,236.20 $1,540.05 $1,844.00 $2,132.90 Each Additional $ 296.30 $ 577.20 $ 857.40 $1,137.65 $1,427.45 $1,698.35 $ 1,976.05 E.O.W. $ 84.95 + $ 80.40 = $ 165.35 5.0 Yard $ 271.68 $ 522.26 $ 771.99 $1,114.49 $1,385.77 $1,635.65 $ 2,097.07 County User Fee $ 114.17 $ 228.39 $ 342.61 $ 342.61 $ 456.83 $ 571.00 $ 456.83 Total $ 385.85 $ 750.65 $ 1,114.60 $1,457.10 $1,842.60 $2,206.65 $2,553.90 Each Additional $ 248.20 $ 685.25 $ 1,018.75 $1,352.70 $1,686.05 $2,019.60 $ 2,352.75 E.O.W. $ 97.40 + $ 99.80 = $ 197.20 6.0 Yard $ 306.15 $ 589.05 $ 871.35 $1,291.00 $1,573.45 $1,855.70 $2,394.20 County User Fee $ 137.05 $ 274.15 $ 411.15 $ 411.15 $ 548.20 $ 685.25 $ 548.20 Total $ 443.20 $ 863.20 $ 1,282.50 $1,702.15 $2,121.65 $2,540.95 $2,942.40 Each Additional $ 426.40 $ 800.10 $ 1,164.95 $1,582.30 $1,969.80 $2,359.70 $2,746.75 E.O.W. $ 107.45 + $ 119.00 = $ 226.45 Resolution No. 2017-14 (0 V o N- 4 o N N O a a a z Q O L LLC) I,- 0o LO LE) L() 0 C I- CO N CO 1- CO CO CO O) 00 O CO O M M a0 N ei N 0�0 0 5 = I-- co N- LO (0 V c- Lo O) LU N IX � N N CO- 1 Ln W EA ER ER 40 EA EA in L O N- 00 LO CD LE) LO LO M 0 ct 0 <1' M CO CO CO O) I- O Lj) CO c- N CD i C(o - CO N LO 0 OI N W (. 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N- V (Ni 4 V 4 O co (O O Ln (O O) O) , N.. - 0 0 4 O co CO N CO 'V '4Y 00 (0 CO (N1 N- CO — LO — L() CN N-EA EA ER ER EA ER ER EA EA ER ER ER ER ER ER N d) EU a) ti N LL LL LL L L L a) G N N N NV -a Cl, -� _ a TEo L 2... • = L • L o, Eaa �. a ca a c E >- 3 U >- S U >- 3 m O U O N O H OW O M O H OW O ci O H W O 1 EXHIBIT A, Page 5 of 6 SPRINGFIELD EXTRA CHARGE RATES (07/01/2017) Extra or Basic User Overflow On-Call Container Size Charge Fee Charge Charge 1.0 Yard 13.27 10.18 23.45 23.45 1.5 Yard 19.05 15.10 34.15 34.15 2.0 Yard 21.65 19.95 41.60 41.60 3.0 Yard 33.35 29.70 63.05 63.05 4.0 Yard 40.58 39.42 80.00 80.00 5.0 Yard 46.46 48.89 95.35 95.35 6.0 Yard 51.19 58.26 109.45 109.45 Can Charges 1 Can 2.87 1.08 3.95 2 Cans 5.73 2.27 8.00 3 Cans 8.59 3.36 11.95 4 Cans 11.46 4.49 15.95 5 Cans 14.27 5.63 19.90 Major Appliances Stove - Refrigerator- Washer- Dryer- Hot Water Heater Curbside 29.95 24.00 53.95 Backyard 40.20 24.00 64.20 Furniture Sofas - Chairs Curbside 16.15 10.80 26.95 Backyard 26.45 10.80 37.25 Mattress & Box Spring (regardless of size) Each piece 10.75 15.25 26.00 Brush, Boxes, Demolition Will be charged by volume and time. Volume equated to 32 gallon cans and time spent in loading. Resolution No. 2017-14 EXHIBIT A, Page 6 of 6 SPRINGFIELD DROP BOX CHARGES (07/01/2017) Drop Box Size & Description Basic Charge User Fee 20 YD 127.60 78.39 per ton 30 YD 191.45 78.39 per ton 40 YD 255.25 78.39 per ton Stationary Compactor Charge Per Cubic Yard 6.35 78.39 per ton Box Delivery Fee (Any Size) 25.00 Spotting Fee & Relocate Box 25.00 Demurrage Charge (Box Rental) Beginning after the seventh day 6.40 per day Excluding Sunday and Holidays Resolution No. 2017-14