HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 14 Contract Amendment - Stormwater Facilities Master Plan Contract Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: March 19,2007 Regular Public Works ~~ _~ Ken V ogeneyfb Walker G?- . 736-1026, 726-3674 Consent Calendar AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY J SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL ITEM TITLE: AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT AMENDMENT TO THE STORMW ATER FACILITIES MASTER PLAN CONTRACT P50281 ACTION REQUESTED: Approve or disapprove the following motion: Authorize the City Manager to execute a third amendment to the contract with URS Corporation for the Stonnwater Facility Master Plan. ISSUE STATEMENT: Staff requests the City Council to authorize a two part amendment to the contract with URS Corporation which will establish 2007 wage rates and reallocate specified tasks identified in the contracted scope of work. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Third Amendment to City of Springfield Independent Contractor Agreement between the City of Springfield and URS Corporation DISCUSSIONl FINANCIAL IMP ACT: In an effort to complete the SWFMP staff and consultant have expended additional time and resources described below. The proposed contract amendment includes a consultant wage table for 2007 with a cost of approximately $13,540. The amendment also describes a change in tasks with no financial impact to the project. The City initially contracted with consultant URS Corp. in July 2003 to prepare a new Stonnwater Facility Master Plan (Project 50281). The City authorized subsequent contract amendments in April 2006 and in Jul: 2006 to address cost increases and additional work tasks needed to proceed with the contracted SWFMP. It was determined during the development of the hydraulic computer model element ofthePlan that additional data refinement was necessary to develop a functional model ofthe City's stormwater system. Staff and the consultant collaboratively resolved problems with the data such that it now accurately represents the City's system. However, subsequent attempts to run the hydraulic model revealed that the complexity of the City's storm drainage system and a minor software bug caused computational errors in the model runs. The additional efforts necessary to isolate and troubleshoot problem areas in the system model resulted in higher projected consultant costs and schedule delays. Staff and consultant again collaborated in an effort to contain the projected costs related to this additional work. The first of two solutions was a reallocation of tasks and scope of work outlined in Attachment 2 of the 3rd amendment to the contract. Project deIiverables will remain as described in the 2nd amendment to the original contract. The second element to resolving the cost issues was addressed by the consultant and their sub-contractor assuming all responsibility for the remaining labor costs associated with developing the hydraulic model. To accommodate the City's urgent need for the Stormwater Plan they also assigned additional full time staff resources to complete that task. We view this as a very professional and respectable action on the part of our consultant, URS Corp, and their subconsultant, DHI, Inc. Because of these efforts, the schedule for completion of the project has been delayed until later into 2007, with a final schedule under negotiation at this time. Attachment 1 represents the consultant's 2007 wage rate table that will be used for the tasks remaining to complete the Stormwater Facility Master Plan. The attached Third Amendment to the City of Springfield Independent Contractor Agreement between the City of Springfield and URS Corporation incorporates the changes as described above. The anticipated additional cost to the City of Springfield is appromimately $13,540. The funds are available in the 2006/2007 Capital budget. THIRD AMENDMENT TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND URS CORPORATION Dated: March 8, 2007 Parties: The City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 "City" and URS Corporation 111 SW Columbia Suite 1500 Portland, QR 97201-5814 J "Independent Contractor" The Parties hereby agree that the Independent Contractor Agreement dated July 14, 2003 between the City of Springfield (City) and URS Corporation (Independent Contractor) is amended for the third time.as follows: Rates: Independent Contractor shall perform all remaining tasks described herein and according to the schedule refelTed to as Attachment 1. Scope of \V ork: Scope of work and task budget allocations as listed in Attachment 2, Table 1 are hereby reallocated based on Attachment 2, Table 2 entitled Proposed Tasks and Task Budgets. Except as amended in this amendment all other terms and conditions of the Independent Contractor Agreement between Parties dated July 14,2003 will remain in full force and affect. CITY QF SPRINGFIELD ENTCONTRACTQR Name: Name: Title: Title: \)l'-L-~St~~ :, \ ct )OT Date: Date: ATTACHMENT 1 2007 Billing Rates Employee Rate Krista Reininga $147 Ela Whelan $134 Angela Brown $84 Rod Lundberg $94 Heman Rodriguez $77 Dautis Pearson $151 Jeremy Sikes $81 Shannon Spolek $77 Ann Weinstein $139 Rose Wallie $91 Mikkel Andersen $133 Ian Besaw $91 Eric Fontenot $144 GeoDataScape $95 ATTACHMENT 2 Summary of Proposed Changes to the Scope of Work and Task Budget Allocations for the URS Project to Assist the City of Springfield in the Development of a Stormwater Facilities Master Plan 11/20/06 It is often difficult to accurately estimate budgets for hydrologic/hydraulic modeling projects due to the need to make assumptions about the layout and condition of the storm drainage system in advance and due to the need to estimate the quality of data in terms of e.ase in inputting it into the model. For this project, data complications and the level of detail in the data were beyond what was originally anticipated resulting in the need for additional staff hours beyond v{hat was estimated. We understand that additional budget is not available to accommodate this unanticipated need. However, having a sound model is the basis for the entire facilities master plan. Therefore, we took a look at the scope and budget of the other tasks in the contract to see whether additional budget could be gleaned and some scope eliminated in order to transfer budget to the hydraulic modeling-related tasks. We discussed our proposed changes with George in a meeting on the 28th of September. As a result of that meeting, this summary provides a write-up of our proposed revisions to the scope and task budget allocations for final approval by the City. The existing list of tasks and their associated budgets is provided below in Table 1. Proposed revisions to those tasks and budgets are provided on the following page in Table 2. xIstIng as an as u 1gets Task # Task Title Task Budget 00000 Rescoping $7,215 11000 Information Review $27,672 12000 Develop Hvdrolo!!:ic Model $26,781 .13 000 Develop Hydraulic Model $23,159 13100 Develop Water Quality Model $11,343 14000 TAC and Stakeholder Outreach $17,163 21000 Calibrate Hydrologic/Hydraulic Models $20,276 22000 Develop Hydrologic Model for Future Conditions $12,094 23000 Develop Policies and Procedures for Water Quality $24,624 24000 Identify Problems and Opportunities $20,801 25000 Prepare Conceptual Plan (to address problems and opportunities) $37,107 26000 Develop Recommended Plan $28,046 27000 Develop Monitoring Plan $17,679 31000 Prepare Stormwater Facilities Master Plan $19,861 32000 Prepare Policies and Procedures Manual $10,137 33000 Project Management $53,217 Proiect Total: $357,175 Table 1 E .. T ks d T kB d I:\Purchasing\Work in Progress\Stonnwater Facilities Plan\ATIACHMENT 2 030607 Summary of REquested Scope Changes.doc ATTACHMENT 2 ropose as {s an as u ,gets Task # Task Title Proposed Change to Scope Proposed Change to Task Budget Budget 00000 Rescoping None None $7,215 11000 Information Review None None $27,672 12000 Develop Hydrologic Model The new budget allows for the greater number of staff hours needed Add $2,100 to this task $28,881 to work with the higher level of detail in the data. budget of$26,781 for a total task budget of $28,88l. 13000 Develop Hydraulic Model The new budget allows for the greater number of staff hours needed Add $13,000 to this task $36,159 to work with the higher level of detail in the data and to refnie the budget of$23, 159 for a data where it was not formatted in a way to facilitate model input. total task budget of Although not specified in the scope, we anticipated the development $36,159 ofa surface model. Now we expect that the surface model will only be developed for a couple ofareas ofSpecified concern. 13100 Develop Water Quality Model Change the scope of work so that the water quality model will not be Reduce this task budget $7,406 a MIKE URBAN model but will now be in the format of a pollutant of$II,343 by $3,937 for loads spreadsheet model in exceL Training will now be focused on a task budget of $7,406. use of the spreadsheet modeL 14000 T AC and Stakeholder Outreach Change the scope of work so that instead of proposing to provide Reduce this task budget $6,000 support for six TAC meetitlgs, we will provide suppOli for two of$17,163 by$ll,163 meetings; a planning commission meeting and a City Council for a task budget of meeting. $6,000 21000 Calibrate Hydrologic/Hydraulic Models Change the scope of work so that the calibration would consist of We aren't proposing $20,276 running a known recent storm event through the model and changes to the budget conducting a gut check with the City as to the accuracy ofthe model. here but work to develop In addition, we are assuming that the training as specified under this the hydJaulic model task has already been conducted in the form of working with staff to would be charged to this refine the model input data. No additional training would be task to accommodate the conducted. additional hours needed for hydraulic modeling. 22000 Develop Hydrologic Model for Future None None $12,094 Conditions 23000 Develop Policies and Procedures for None None $24,624 Water Quality Table 2 PdT I d T kB d 1:\Purchasing\Work in Progress\Stormwater Facilities Plan\A TT ACHMENT 2 030607 Summary of REquested Scope Changes.doc ATTACHMENT 2 24000 ldentify Problems and OppOltunities None None $20,801 25000 Prepare Conceptual Plan (to address None None $37,107 problems and opportunities) 26000 Develop Reconunended Plan None None $28,046 27000 Develop Monitoring Plan None None $17,679 31000 Prepare Stonnwater Facilities Master None None $19,861 Plan 32000 Prepare Policies and Procedures None None $10,137 Manual 33000 Proiect Management None None $53,217 Total: $357,175 J :\Purchasing\ Work in Progress\Stonnwater Facilities Plan\A TT ACHMENT 2 030607 Summary of REquested Scope Changes. doc