HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6084 04/19/2004 . . . '. ORDINANCE NO. 6084 - . AN ORDINANCE VACATION APPROXIMATELY 2Q3 LINEAR FEET AT 30 FEET WIDE OF A DEDICATED PUBLIC ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY KNOWN AS LAURA STREET, FROM ITS TERMINUS AT THE INTERSECTION OF HARLOW ROADIHAYDEN BRIDGE LANE TO THE SOUTH APPROXIMATELY 210 FEET ON LAURA STREET. WHEREAS, the application for right-of-way vacation was submitted in confonnance with the provisions.ofORS 271.080 et. Seq., and with the provisions of Article 9 VACATIONS of the Springfield Development Code; and WHEREAS, the Springfield Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on this pr~posed vacation March 16, 2004, and the testimony, findings and conclusions of that meeting have been considered by the Common Council of the City of Springfield; and WHEREAS, the findings and testimony submitted by the applicant and those in support of these rights-of-way vacation satisfy the criteria of approval for Vacations found in Section 9.030 ofthe Springfield Development Code; and WHEREAS, such vacation is in the best interest of the City in carrying out its plans and programs for the general development of the City; and WHEREAS, lawful notice of the vacation was published and posted; and WHEREAS, the Common Council met in Council Chambers, at 225 Fifth Street, on Monday, the 5th day of April, 2004 for the First Reading, and Monday, the 19th day of April, 2004 for the Second Reading at the hour of7:00 p.m. to hear any objections to the proposed vacation and 0 persol).S appeared to object; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council finds that the legal notice of the hearing was lawfully published and posted; that 0 objections were made at the Vacation hearing held; that the public interest will not be impaired by the vacation of this public right-of-way; and, that vacation of said right-of-way will be in the best interest of the public and increase the benefit of the property involved. Section 2: The public right-of-way in the City of Springfield, as described in Exhibit A and B of this Ordinance, is declared to be vacated. Section 3: The findings adopted by the Common Council in support of this right- of-way vacation, are hereby made part of this ordinance by reference. A~TER RECORDING RETURN TO: ~~~ zZ6-FM .J.t. '$(UU1~ i DR.. ~7tfT7 . . . , . 2 Section 4: The City Recorder is directed to file certified copies of this ordinance with the Lane County Clerk, Lane County Assessor, and Lane County Surveyor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 19th day of April , 2004. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 2004. 19th day of April ~- ATTEST: ~J~ City Reco er State of Oregon ) ) ss. ) County of Lane _~vp May 20.P.!f City of Springfield OFFICIAL SEAL AMY LSOWA NOTARY PUBLIC OREGON COMMISSION NO, 352109 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV. 22, 2005 This instrument was acknowledged before me on ---.1Jp r d 1'1", d-(Hi4 By S, uLn ~ w, Le I te.t.'\ ~ fLU or. (Name),J as (title) , ~J of the City of Springfield =M>lJL- NOTARYPU ICFOROREGON My commission expires: II 'd-d- ;;ZOO~ ::;"YI~'fIIED& APPROVED l~'nr-aRM \\ ~ O"? ~~ \~ ~ '-- f=1""' ,~ ~. :,.;;. -t-f\ ,=-..~C\-\ \ I 2 (j:)'-\ .~'. .......~ O;::'FICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . EXHIBIT "A" . LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR STREET VACATION A portion of Laura Street South of Harlow Road PARCEL "1" Being a portion of that land described in Bargain and Sale Deed from Skan Investment Co., a co-partnership comprised of John Skillern and James S. Anderson, to the City of Springfield, recorded May 16, 1969 in Reel 436R, at Reception No. 64412, Official Records of Lane County Oregon, more particularly described as follows; PARCEL "2" Being a portion of that land described in Bargain and Sale Deed from Charles Wiper Jr. & June C. Wiper to the City of Springfield, recorded May 16, 1969 in Reel 436R, at Reception No. 64411, Official Records of Lane County Oregon, more particularly described as follows; BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of said land, said point being on the center line of Laura Street (County Road No.3), 228 feet South of the center line of Harlow Road (County Road No. 439); thence along said center line and the East boundary of said land South, 15 feet; thence leaving said center line and said East boundary West, 40 feet to the West boundary of said land; thence along the West and North boundary of said land the following courses: North, 15 feet; thence East, 40 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING therefrom the East 10 feet by perpendicular measurement. BASIS OF BEARINGS for this description is the center line of Laura Street (County Road No.3) as recorded in said deeds, I.e. South . Total area of Parcel "1" and Parcel "2" together equals 6224 square feet more or less. 5 III o Z EXHIBIT "B" LAURA STREET VACATION ^v R/W (COUNTY ROAD NO. 439) " o v ^v ~- -. EAST ~ -~----'\r-- HARLOW ROAD / HAYDEN BRIDGE WAY ^v R/W o v LEGEND ~ 17-03-22-44 PORTI ON OF 6224.1 SQ. FT. TL 7600 LAURA STREET 0.14 ACRES co N TO BE VACATED N I ~ I- :::> 0 ~ Vl ~ -^v- r- w ~{. w "Y~ c::r 17-03-22-44 17-03-22-44 r- . TL 7400 TL 7S00 (f) 17-03-22-44 <( TL 7700 c::r ::) <( --.J ,,\~ PROPOSED ~~ 17-03-27-10 RIGHT OF WAY ~~ TL 1100 ~PROPOSED 40' 2S' ;~ . ~ENTERLlNE --- -:t.~ --'\r- "g - I") 0 (0 ,,~ 17-03-27-10 0 ~ PROPOSED ........ <~ RIGHT OF WAY TL SOOO Z 0::: ~~ 0 ~ <( 0 17-03-27-10 ~ c::r TL 4903 ........ 0::: >- r- z ::) 17-03-27-10 0 TL 1200 U '-" 2S' __---~-- ___ __ _ __ __ ._ ~__ __ _n __ _.. __ __. ----. .--- -~ ---~.-.- ."1 . , .. , .' Division of Chief Deputy Clerk 'nnA.n'ne1~ Lane County Deeds and Records 'UU' U'~U w : 111111I111111I11I1111111111111111111111I111111111 $36 ,00 . l 0051013120040029615005005904/23/2004 11:04:19 AM I RPR-ORDN Cnt=1 Stn=5 CASHIER 08 ~__~~~: OO~~~. ~O - - -- - -- - ~. - -- --- - -- - -- . . .