HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6089 06/21/2004 ORDINANCE NO. 6089 . AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO SIGN STANDARDS, AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY REVISING, ADDING, AND DELETING PORTIONS OF SECTION 8.254, ADDING SECTION 8.267, REVISING MAP NO.2 AND ADDING MAP NO.4. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8.254 IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: 8.254 1-5 Mall District. The 1-5 Mall District is designated on Map No.2. The following combination of signs shall be permitted for this approved development area because of its unique size and the lack of street frontage for businesses and complexes located within the area: . (1) Wall Signs. In addition to the free standing signs, the approved development area may have wall signs at each primary entrance. The total allowable area for all such signs shall be 1,000 square feet. No single sign shall exceed 400 square feet. (2) Free Standing Signs. (a) Two (2) free standing signs shall be permitted for each approved development area greater than 20 acres. The sign closest to 1-5 shall be limited to 700 square feet for one face and 1,400 square feet for two or more faces with a maximum height of 50 feet above grade. The other free standing sign shall be limited to 400 square feet per face, or 800 square feet for two or more faces, with a maximum height of 30 feet. (b) One (1) additional free standing sign will be permitted at each vehicular entrance. Each sign will be limited to 25 square feet for all faces with a maximum height of 20 feet. (3) Anchor Tenants. Anchor tenants with 50,000 or more square feet of gross area shall be permitted a wall sign for each principal face of the building. The maximum allowable sign area per wall shall not exceed 200 square feet per building face. (4) Second Story Businesses. Each structure with a second story business shall be permitted one (l) wall sign that is a maximum of 50 square feet. (5) Logos. Logos at each primary entrance are exempt from permit requirements provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall sign(s) and logo(s) do not exceed a combined area of 1,000 square feet. Anchor tenants with 50,000 or more square feet of gross area may also include logos in their total allowable wall signage but shall not exceed a maximum of 200 square feet per building face. Tenants between 20,000 and 49,999 square feet of gross area may also include logos in their allowable wall signage but shall not exceed a maximum of 100 square feet per building face. Businesses located on the second story may include logos into their allowable square footage for a combined total of 50 square feet. (6) Tenants. Tenants between 20,000 and 49,999 square feet of gross area shall be permitted a wall sign for each principal face of building. The maximum allowable sign area per wall shall not exceed 100 square feet per building face. (7) Additional Wall Signage. In addition to the wall signage identified above, 12 additional wall signs shaIl be allowed on the exterior wall of the mall structure. . Ordinance No. 6089 . These additional signs shall not exceed a combined square footage of 1,200 square feet, with no one sign exceeding 100 square feet. These signs will be located in a predetermined 4 foot sign band on the structure which begins 17'6" from grade. SECTION 2. CHAPTER 8 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING SECTION 8.267 AS FOLLOWS: 8.267 Sports Facility Sign District. The Sports Facility Sign District is designated on Map No.4. The following combination of signs shall be permitted for this approved development area because of its unique size and uses within the area: . (1) Wall Signs. In addition to the free standing signs, the approved development area may have wall signs at each building public entrance. The total allowable area for all such signs shall be 400 square feet. No single sign shall exceed 100 square feet. (2) Free Standing Signs. (a) Two (2) free standing signs shall be permitted for each approved development area. The free standing signs shall be limited to 50 square feet per face, or 100 square feet for two or more faces, with a maximum height of 10 feet. (b) One (1) additional free standing sign will be permitted at each vehicular entrance. Each sign will be limited to 25 square feet for all faces with a maximum height of2.5 feet. (3) Logos. Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the total square footage of the permitted wall sign(s) and logo(s) do not exceed a combined area of 400 square feet. (4) Murals. Murals are allowed as an artistic painting applied to and made integral with a wall surface. To be exempt from permits, murals shall not include logos or lettering. SECTION 3. Map No.2, Designating Sign District 1-5 Mall, 1-5 Commercial; attached hereto is hereby adopted and incorporated in Chapter 8 of the Springfield Municipal Code. SECTION 4. Map No.3, Designating Sign District Sports Facility; attached hereto is hereby adopted and incorporated in Chapter 8 of the Springfield Municipal Code. SECTION 5. In the event any section, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance should be declared for any reason to be invalid, such declaration of invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other section, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance which can be given effect without such invalid part or parts. This Ordinance adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 21 s t Day of June, 2004, by a vote of ~ for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 21stday of June, 2004. . - ::-.., . Attest: Am~r REVIEWED & APPROVED A~ TO FORM l ....) a .>~\.~ j ~..A\-\'-\ DATE: S 1.2 S- ley: OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . . .ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO SIGN STANDARDS, AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF . TIffi SPRINGFIELD ?v.fUNICIPAL CODE BY REVISING, ADDING, AND pELETING ' PORTIQNS OF SECTION 8.254, ADDING SECTION 8.267" REVISING MAP NO.2 AND ADDING MAP NO.4. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: . ' SECTION 1. CHAPTER 8, SECTION 8.254 IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: .8.254 1;;5 Mall District. Th~ 1-5 Mall District is designated on Map No.2. The following combination of signs shall be permitted for this approved development area because of itS unique size and the lack of street frontage for businesses and complexes located within the area: J (1) Wall SilZIlS. In addition to the free standh1g signs, the approved develoPII?-ent' area. may have wall signs at each primary entrance.. The total allowable. area for all such signs' shall be 1,000 square feet No single sign shall exceed 400 square feet' , (2) , Free Standing: Bhms: . ' . (a) Two (2) free standing signs shall be pennittedfor each approved development area greater than 20 acres. ,The sign closest to 1-5 shall be limited to 700 square feet for one face and 1,400 square feet for two or D?-ore faces ~th a,' maximum height of 50 feet above grade. ,The other free standing sign shall be . limited to 400 square feet per face,. or 800 square feet for two or more faces,' , with a maxim~ height of30 feet.' . , (b) One (l)additional,free standing sign will be permitted at each vehicular . entrance. Each sign will be limited to 25 square feet for all faces with a maximum height of20 feet , .' (3) Anchor Tenants; Anchortenants with 50,000 or more square feet of gross area shall be permitted a wall sign for each principal face of the building. The maximum' allowable sign area per wall shall not exceed 200 square feet per building face. (4) Second StorY Businesses. Each structure 'Yith a second story business shall be permitted one (1) wall sign that is a maximum of 50 square feet. . (5) LolZos. Logo.s at each priinary entrance are exempt from permit requirements , , .' provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall sign(s) and logo(s) do not exceed a combined area of 1,000 square feet. Anchor tenants :wi;th 50,000 or more square feet of gross area may also include logos in their total allowable wall signage but shall not exceed a maximum of200 square feet per building face.. Tenants between 20,000 and 49,999 square feet of gross area may also include logos in their allowable wall signage but shall not exceed a maximum of 100 square feet per building face. Businesses located on the second story may include logos into their allowable square footage for a combined total of 50 square feet. . (6) Tenants. Tenants between 20,QOO and 49,999 s.quarefeet of gros~ area shall be , permitted a wall sign for each principal face of building. The maximum allowable . sign area per wall shall not exceed 100 square' feet per building face. . . (7) Additional Wall ShmalZe. ~ addition to the wall signage identified above, 12 additional wall signs shall be allowed on the exterior wall of the mall structure. Attachment 1 . These additional signs shall not exceed a combined square footage of I )00 square feet, with no one sign exceeding 1 00 square feet These signs will be located in a predetermined 4 fo~t sign b~d on the structure which begins 17t 6t7 ~m ~e.. , SECTION 2. CHAPTER 8 OF THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE IS HEREBY AMENDED BY ADDING SECTION 8.267 AS FOLLOWS: . 8.267 Sports Facility Sign District Th~ Sports Facility Sign District is designated on Map No.4. The following combination of signs shall be permitted for this approved developm~nt area because of its unique size and uses within the area: . . .. (1 ) Wall Si2nS. In addition to the free standing signS, the approved development area . may have wall signs at each bUilding public entrance. The total allowable area for all . such signs shall be 400 square feet No single sign shall exceed 100 square feet (2) Free Standing Signs. , (a), Two (2) free standing signs shall be permitted for each,approved developPlent area. The fre~ standing signs shall be limited to 50 square feet per facet or 100 square feet for two or more faces, with a maximum height of 10 feet (b) One (1) additio~ freestanding sign will be permitted at each vehicular entrance. Each sign will be limited to 25 square feet for all faces \Vith a maximum height 'of2.5 feet , ' (3) Logos. Logos are exempt from permit requirements provided the total.square footage , of the permitted wall sign(s) and logo(s) do not exceed a combined area of 400 square feet. .'. (4) Murals. Murals are allowed as an artistic painmig applied to and made integral with a waIl surface: To be exempt from permits, murals shall not include logos or . lettering. SEcTION 3. Map No.2, Desigriating Sign District 1-5 Mall, 1-5 Commercial; attached hereto is , hereby adopted and incorporated in Chapter 8 of the' Springfield Municipal. Code. ." SECTION 4. Map No. 3t Designating Sign District Sports Facility; attached hereto is hereby. " adop~ed and incorporated in Chapter 8 of the ,Springfield Municipal Code. SECTION 5. hi the event any section, clause, sentence or provision of this Ordinance should be ' declared for any reason to be invalid, such declaration of invalidity shall not affect the validity of any other section, clause, sentence ,or provision oftbis Ordinance which can be given effect without such invalid part' or parts. ' This Ordinance adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this _ Day of June, 2004, by a vote of ___ for and _ against. . APPROVED by the May~r of the City of Sp~g:field this _ day of Junet 2004. . , Sidney W. Leiken, MaYE?r Attest: Amy Sowa, City Recorder REVIEWED & APPROVED A~TO FORMj L ~t:l >~~\.1.,. ,~\",'i. DATE: S' 1.2 S- (bY ~ _ __._~ ...,. "''1'''\/ AT'TrlCl\Il:Y , -=1 '-- " ~O,\\\ ......... / . S<'- ~ " ~, , ~ [W ~~\ " -I I ~,.(.'.:\ r T -" ' , . ,.: :' ,.,.;,,~~,.:\ \ - W >':;~)_: I '1,' l --j , ' " , "" '''iF ' l U)~,ri~;tl Ij<;~ *~ r- ,-' 'Tl,----)--,' : ~,i:;'~,1/\"'1 'j}'fI:. ,U' I' " I! , '"',''' .' "ft- ' .,', ,. 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