HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6092 07/06/2004 . . . ORDINANCE NO. 6092 (General) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE, ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS, SECTION 2.020; AND ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT SECTIONS 21.010, 21.020, 21.030,21.040,21.050,21.060,21.070,21.090, 21.120, 21.130, 21.140 AND 21.150 AND ADDING SECTION 21.015; ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. TtlE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FINDS THAT: WHEREAS, the Springfield Development Code (SDC) was adopted by the Springfield Common Council on May 5, 1986, and amendments thereto have been subsequently adopted by Ordinance; and WHEREAS, Article 7 of the SDC sets forth procedures for the amendment of this document; and WHEREAS, on March 17, 2003, the Springfield Common Council established the Campus Industrial Advisory Committee (CrAG) to evaluate the siting of new uses and the reuse of existing buildings within the CI District and to eliminate the ambiguities of the current Code language; and WHEREAS, staff met with the CIAC several times from May until early October 2003; and WHEREAS, on October 27,2003, staff returned to the Springfield Common Council with a summary of the CIAC discussions and the Springfield Common Council provided direction to staff to propose amendments to the SDC for consideration by the Springfield Planning Commission and Springfield Common Council and to solicit comment from the public on the proposal; and WHEREAS, on May 4,2004, staff presented the proposed SDC amendments to the Springfield Planning Commission at a work session; and WHEREAS, on May 18, 2004, the Springfield Planning Commission held a public hearing on the SDC amendment (Jo. No. LRP 2004-00'05). The Springfield Planning Commission closed the public hearing and held the record open for 10 days until May 28 at 5:00 p.m.; and WHEREAS, on June 15, 2004, the Springfield Planning Commission considered staff's response to all oral and written testimony, suggested modifications and amendments to the proposal, and as amended, the Springfield Planning Commission voted 5 to 0 with 2 abstentions to recommend approval of these amendments to the Common Council based upon findings in support of these SDC amendments as set forth in the Staff Report and the Recommendation to the Council incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, on June 21, 2004, staff presented the proposed SDC amendments to the Springfield Common Council at a work session and on the same date opened the public hearing and continued the public hearing until July 6, 2004: and WHEREAS, on July 6, 2004 the Springfield Common Council held a public hearing and is now ready to take action on this matter,based upon the above recommendation and the evidence and testimony already in the record as well as the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing held in the matter of adopting this Ordinance amending the SDC. Ordinance 6092 NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: . SECTION 1: ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS, Section 2.020 MEANING OF SPECIFIC WORDS AND TERMS is hereby amended or terms added as follows: "ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE. A building or portion of a building, in which persons are employed in the day-to-day management or direction of a single business or division of that business." "BUSINESS PARK. A tract of land that has been planned, developed and operated as a single or an integrated facility characterized by a variety of light industrial manufacturing uses, office and related commercial uses, with special attention to circulation, parking, utility needs, aesthetics and compatibility (Also see Industrial Park)." "CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS. A building or portion of a building in which persons are employed in the management or direction of a business consisting of one or more divisions or groups of companies. To be considered a corporate headquarters, the business shall meet the applicable employee threshold specified elsewhere in this Code. Businesses that do not meet the applicable employee threshold shall be considered an administrative office." "GROSS ACRE/GROSS ACREAGE. A measurement of land that occurs before public streets or other areas reserved for public use are deducted from that land." . "HAZARDOUS WASTE. Consistent with the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, a waste or a combination of wastes, which because of its quantity, concentration, or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics may cause or significantly contribute to an increase in serious irreversible illness or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, safety, welfare or to the environment when improperly treated, stored, transported, used or disposed of, or otherwise managed, however, not to include solid or dissolved materials in irrigation return flows or industrial discharges which are point sources subject to permits under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1967 as amended, or source, special nuclear, or by product material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954." "LIGHT INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURING. The secondary processing of previously prepared materials into components or the assembly of components into finished products. In the Campus Industrial District this use is divided into categories as follows based upon the number of employees at occupancy: large- scale means 50 or more employees; medium-scale means 20-49 employees; small scale means fewer than 20 employees per business. These thresholds shall be applicable at the time of new development. In the case of redevelopment, the Director may reduce these thresholds if the applicant submits a business plan stating that the threshold can be met by a date certain." "REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS. A building or portion of a building in which persons are employed in the regional management or direction of a business consisting of a number of divisions or a regional subsidiary of a corporate headquarters. The divisions can be either geographical or located within one building. To be considered a regional headquarters, the business shall meet the applicable employee threshold specified elsewhere in this Code. Businesses that do not meet the applicable employee threshold shall be considered an administrative office." , "RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. The study, testing, analysis, and development of products, processes or services, including the manufacturing of products. This use is divided into categories as follows based upon the number of employees at occupancy: large-scale means 50 or more employees; medium-scale means 20-49 employees; small scale means fewer than 20 employees per business. These thresholds shall be applicable at the time of new development. In the case of redevelopment, the Director may reduce the at occupancy thresholds if the applicant submits a business plan stating that the threshold can be met by a date certain." . Ordinance 6092 . . . "USE, SECONDARY. Any approved use of land or a structure which is incidental and subordinate to the primary use and located on the same development area as the primary use. Except where an employee standard may be permitted for warehousing in the CI District, no secondary use shall occupy more than 50 percent of the gross floor or development area occupied by the primary use. Secondary uses shall not occur in the absence of primary uses." "WAREHOUSING. The storage of finished and unfinished products and materials within an entirely enclosed building. This use may include facilities for regional wholesale distribution, if permitted by the applicable zoning district." SECTION 2: ARTICLE 2 DEFINITIONS, Section 2.020 MEANING OF SPECIFIC WORDS AND TERMS is hereby amended by deleting the following term: "REGIONAL DISTRIBUTION HEADQUARTERS. The regional headquarters of a firm, including the storage and distribution of finished products that are manufactured or retailed by the firm." SECTION 3: The ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TITLE PAGE is hereby amended as follows: "ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 21.01 0 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CIINDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 21.015 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 21.020 CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND MASTER PLANS 21 ;030 PROHIBITED USES 21.040 PRIMARY USES 21.050 SECONDARY USES 21.060 DISCRETIONARY USES 21.070 LOT SIZE AND SETBACK STANDARDS 21.080 HEIGHT STANDARDS 21.090 OFF STREET PARKING STANDARDS 21.100 RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE 21.110 FENCE STANDARDS 21.120 ON-SITE DESIGN STANDARDS ) 21.130 BUSINESS PARK DESIGN TEAM 21.140 MONITORING USES IN THE CI DISTRICT 21.150 STATUS OF EXISTING USES IN THE.CI DISTRICT" Ordinance 6092 . SECTION 4: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.010 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT is hereby amended as follows: "21.010 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT (1) The CI District is intended to fully implement the Metro Plan Campus Industrial designation and any applicable refinement plans. The CI District provides opportunities for diversification of the local economy by offering prime sites in a campus environment for large-scale light manufacturing firms and research and development c()mplexes emphasizing modern technology and employing skilled workers in family wage jobs. The term "campus" includes innovative building design, enhanced landscapes, large open spaces and substantial pedestrian amenities. Generally, small- and medium scale light manufacturing may and supporting commercial/office uses shall be located within a business park, provided that combined business parks and/or permitted stand alone office/commercial uses do not exceed 40 percent of the gross acreage of a CI District. Business parks may include several buildings with multiple stories and a mix of uses. Warehousing and distribution are permitted as an accessory to a permitted use. Supporting retail uses such as banks, restaurants and day care facilities shall be permitted if these uses do not primarily serve the public: All uses in the CI District shall meet siting and operational performance standards to minimize impacts within the CI District and surrounding areas. Permitted uses, including the storage of raw materials and/or finished products, shall occur entirely within enclosed buildings. (2) Applicability. The CI District shall apply to all property within the city limits and its urbanizing area that is designated Campus Industrial on the Metro Plan diagram and on applicable refinement plan diagrams. CI District properties that are outside of the city limits shall be annexed to the City prior to the submittal of a development application." . SECTION 5: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.015 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS is hereby added as follows: "21.015 OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. The following operational performance standards apply to all uses permitted within the CI District. In the case of permitted light industrial manufacturing uses, compliance with these operational performance standards shall be the determining factor. In all other cases, the use lists in Sections 21.040, 21.050 and 21.060 of this Article shall be the determining factor. (1) All manufacturing operations shall be entirely enclosed within a building; Exception: The Director may allow an outdoor utility yard to store tanks containing gases and/or fluids that are essential to the operation of the permitted use that cannot otherwise be contained in an enclosed building for fire and life safety reasons, as determined by the Fire Marshall. The utility yard shall be screened from public view by a masonry or decorative concrete wall at least 8 feet in height that is an extension of the building, complements the facade of the building and meets the setback requirements specified in Section 21.070 of this Article (2) All applicable on-site design standards specified in Section 21.120 of this Article shall be met; (3) The storage of raw materials and/or finished products shall occur entirely within enclosed buildings. The parking of trucks necessary for the operation of the facility shall also occur within enclosed buildings, unless permitted in accordance with Sections 21.090(3) and 21.120(3) of this Article; . (4) Office and commercial uses shall not primarily serve the public; Ordinance 6092 (5) The movement of heavy equipment on or off the site shall not be permitted, except for truck deliveries and shipments; . (6) Proposed uses shall not be a prohibited use listed in Section 21.030 of this Article; and (7) Proposed uses .shall also comply with the additional operational performance standards listed below. The intent is not to specifically deny a use, but ensure compliance with applicable local, state and Federal regulations. Compliance with these operational performance standards shall be a continuing obligation of the approved use. Failure to comply with these operational performance standards shall be a violation of this Code and/or Chapter 5 of the Municipal Code. (a) Air pollution. Air pollution includes, but is not limited to, emission of smoke, dust, fumes, vapors, odors and gases. Air pollution shall not be discernable at the property line by a human observer relying on a person's senses without the aid of a device. The applicant shall obtain and maintain all applicable licenses and permits from the appropriate local, state and Federal agencies. Exception: Water vapor or other benign plumes from processes or pollution control equipment shall not be considered air pollution. (b) Fire and explosive hazards. All activities involving the use, storage and/or disposal of flammable or explosive materials shall comply with the Uniform Fire Code as most recently adopted by the City. (c) Glare. 1. Glare resulting from exterior lighting, except for low-intensity, pedestrian-level lighting shall be controlled by deflecting light away from abutting uses and from public rights-of-way in accordance with in Section 31.160 of this Code. . 2. Glare resulting from an industrial operation such as welding or laser cutting shall not be visible from the outside of the building. (d) Groundwater Protection. Proposed development utilizing hazardous materials that may impact groundwater quality shall demonstrate compliance with the provisions of Article 17 of this Code, Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District. (e) Hazardous waste. Proposed development shall not utilize or produce hazardous waste unless permitted in accordance with Oregon Administrative Rule 340-102-0010 through 340-102-0065 or any applicable Federal regulation. (f) Noise. These standards apply to noise generated by any machinery or equipment on the development site. The maximum permitted noise levels in decibels across lot lines and district boundaries shall be in accordance with OAR 340-035-0035, Noise Control Standards for Industry and Commerce. Exception: Excluded from these noise standards are background traffic on state highways and public streets and occasional sounds generated by temporary construction activities, truck deliveries, warning devices, or other similar temporary situations. (g) Radiation. There are various sources of radiation, including, but not limited to ionizing radiation, electromagnetic radiation and radiation from sonic, ultrasonic or infrasonic waves. Uses that involve radiation shall comply with the regulations in Oregon Administrative Rule 333-100-0001 through 333-100-0080 and any applicable Federal regulation. . Ordinance 6092 (h) Vibration. No use, other than a temporary construction operation, shall be operated in a manner that causes ground vibration that can be measured at the property line. Ground-transmitted vibration shall be measured with a seismograph or a complement of instruments capable of recording vibration displacement, particle velocity, or acceleration and frequency simultaneously in three mutually perpendicular directions." . SECTION 6: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.020 SITING STANDARDS is hereby amended as follows: "21.020 CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND MASTER PLANS. A Conceptual Development Plan shall be required for all new CI Districts over 50 acres in size approved after July 6, 2004, unless a Site Plan or Master Plan is proposed for the entire CI District. A Master Plan shall be required when phased developments exceeding 2 years in duration are proposed. A Master Plan shall comply with any applicable approved Conceptual Development Plan or upon approval of a Master Plan or Site Plan for the entire CI District, the Master Plan or Site Plan may supplant and take precedence over an approved Conceptual Development Plan. Master Plan approval for a CI District site shall be in accordance with Article 37 of this Code." SECTION 7: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.030 CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT is hereby amended as follows: "21.030 PROHIBITED USES. In order to protect the light industrial manufacturing campus environment of the CI District, the following uses shall be prohibited in the CI District: . (1 ) Heavy industrial uses that involve the primary manufacturing of large volumes of raw materials into refined materials including, but not limited to processing from trees to lumber, wood . products or paper; from ores to primary metals; and animal or fish processing in packing plants. (2) Any use that cannot meet the operational performance standards specified in Section 21.015 of this Article. (3) Any retail uses, unless permitted as a secondary use as specified in Section 2{050(1) of this Article. (4) Stand-alone industrial/commercial warehousing, unless permitted as a secondary use as specified in Section 21.050(4) of this Article. (5) Mini-warehouse storage facilities. (6) Drive-through facilities. (7) Medical and dental practitioner offices. (8) Motor freight terminals. (9) Moving and storage facilities. (10) Truck and auto repair and painting facilities. . (11) Truck and car washes Ordinance 6092 . . . (12) Gas stations. (13) Motels." SECTION 8: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.040 PRIMARY USES is hereby amended as follows: "21.040 PRIMARY USES. The following primary uses are permitted subject to Site Plan Review approval in accordance with Section 31.020 of this Code. The development standards of this Article and any additional provisions, restrictions or exceptions set forth in this Code shall also apply. ' (1) Light industrial manufacturing involving the secondary processing of previously prepared materials into components or the assembly of components into finished products. There is no use list for this category of uses. Proposed light industrial manufacturing uses shall comply with the operational performance standards specified in Section 21.015 of this Article in order for to be considered a permitted use. Large- and medium-scale light industrial manufacturing uses may stand alone. Small-scale light industrial manufacturing uses shall be located within a business park. (2) No more than 40 percent of the gross acres of a CI District shall be developed as business parks. Business parks shall be 5 acres or more in size. Except as specified in Section 21.150 of this Article, business parks may contain permitted small- and medium-scale light industrial manufacturing uses as well as any permitted primary or secondary uses. Multiple story buildings are encouraged; office/commercial uses may be located above industrial uses. Development standards for business parks shall be in accordance with Sections 21.120 and 21.130 of this Article. (3)' Other commercial and office uses that do not primarily serve the public. The following commercial and office uses shall be permitted within a business park. Uses similar to those specifically listed may be permitted, if the Director determines the proposed use is similar to a permitted use. If the Director cannot make a determination that the proposed use is similar to a permitted use, the applicant may apply for a Formal Interpretation in accordance with Article 4 of this Code. (a) Advertising, marketing and public relations. (b) Blueprinting and photocopying. (c) Call centers that process predominantly inbound telephone calls. (d) Computer facilities management services. (e) Computer systems design services. (f) Data processing and related services. (9) E (electronic)-commerce including mail order houses. (h) Educational facilities in business or industrial parks including, but not limited to: technical, professional, vocational and business schools; and job training and vocational rehabilitation services. (i) Graphic art services. Ordinance 6092 (1 (j) . (k) (I) (m) (n) (0) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (4) Internet and web site and web search portal (includes services and technical support center). Internet publishing and broadcasting. Laboratories, including medical, dental and x-ray. Management, consulting and public relations offices. Media productions including but not limited to TV and radio broadcasting studios as well as cable and other program distribution and motion picture production. Non-profit orQanization office Printing and publishing. Professional membership and union office. Satellite telecommunications. Software development (includes services and technical support center) and publishing. Wired or wireless telecommunications carrier offices. Corporate headquarters, regional headquarters, and administrative officesrnay be permitted as part of a large-scale light-manufacturing use or located within a business park. Corporate and regional headquarters may also stand alone. The acreage comprising stand alone corporate or regional headquarters site shall be applied to the 40 percent gross acre standard for business parks specified in Subsection (2) of this Section. Corporate and regional headquarters shall have at least 20 or more employees at the time of occupancy. . (5) Mail distribution facilities. The acreage comprising a stand alone mail distribution site shall be applied to the 40 percent gross acre standard for business parks specified in Subsection (2) of this Section. (6) Large- and medium-scale research and development complexes may stand alone. Stand alone large- and medium-scale research and development complexes shall be considered an industrial component of the CI District. Small-scale research and development complexes shall be located within a business park. (7) Certain Wireless Telecommunications Systems Facilities as specified in Section 32.130(1)(a) and (b) of this Code. (8) Agricultural cultivation shall be permitted as an interim use on undeveloped land, provided that spraying, dust, odors and other side effects of the use do not interfere with the operation of permitted uses in the CI District." SECTION 9: ARTICLE 21' CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.050 SECONDARY USES is hereby amended as follows: . Ordinance 6092 . . . . "21.050 SECONDARY USES. The following secondary uses shall be permitted in the CI District. In no case shall a secondary use stand alone or be permitted in the absence of a primary use. Uses similar to those specifically listed may be permitted, if the Director determines the proposed use is similar to a permitted use. If the Director cannot make a determination that the proposed use is similar to a permitted use, the applicant may apply for a Formal Interpretation in accordance with Article 4 of this Code. (1) The following retail, wholesale and service uses, either alone or in combination, shall not exceed 20 percent of the gross floor area of a building. These uses shall exclude any drive- through facility and shall not primarily serve the public. Except for A TMs, each use shall be limited to 2,500 square feet of gross floor area. Retail, wholesale and service uses include, but are not limited to: (a) ATMs; banks, savings and loans, and credit unions. (b) Barber, beauty, nail and tanning shops; and (c) Building maintenance services. (d) Day care facilities that meet Children's Services Division (CSD) regulations. . Exception: Day care facilities may exceed the 2,500 square foot standard in order to comply with size requirements specified in ORS 667 A. (e) Eating and drinking establishments including, but not limited to: delicatessens, restaurants and coffee/espresso shops. (f) Industrial and professional equipment and supply stores. (g) Product showrooms, limited to wholesale sales. (2) Other permitted secondary uses. (a) Parking lots and parking structures. (b) Transit stations and stops, exclusive of terminals or transit storage areas. (c) Outdoor recreation uses and pedestrian amenities including, but not limited to facilities that are provided in association with a primary use within the same development area: 1, Swimming pools. 2. Playgrounds. 3. Tennis and other sport courts. 4~ Bike paths and pedestrian trails. 5. Pedestrian plazas and similar public spaces. (d) Low impact public utility facilities. Ordinance 6092 . . . /' (3) The following uses are considered accessory components of a permitted primary use. (a) Employee lounges and dining rooms. (b) Conference rooms for tenant use. (c) Central mail room. (d) Indoor recreation areas including, but not limited to game and craft rooms and exercise and dance studios. (4) Warehousing shall be permitted only in the following circumstances: (a) For the storage and regional wholesale distribution of products manufactured in the cr District; (b) For products used in testing, design, technical training or experimental product research and development in the CI District; and/or (c) .In conjunction with permitted office/commercial uses in the CI District. Exception: The secondary use status of warehousing is typically determined by a square footage standard which is less than 50 percent of the gross floor area of the primary use. In the CI District, the number of employees at the time of occupancy may also be used to determine secondary use status. In this case, the primary use shall have 20 or more employees and the warehousing use shall have fewer employees than the primary use. If the employee standard is met, the warehousing use may have more square footage than the primary use." SECTION 10: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.060 OTHER USES is hereby amended as follows: "21.060 DISCRETIONARY USES. The following uses shall be permitted subject to Discretionary Use approval, Site Plan Review approval, and other applicable the provisions of this Code (1) High ir;npact public facilities. Exception: If approved in a Conceptual Development Plan, or a Master Plan for the subject CI site. or included in an adopted Public Facilities Plan, high impact public facilities shall be subject only to Site Plan Review approval. (2) Certain Wireless Telecommunications Systems Facilities as specified in Section 32.130(1)(c) of this Code." SECTION 11: Article 21 CI Campus Industrial District, Section 21.070(5) is hereby added as follows: "(5) Building Setback Exceptions. Building setbacks and separations shall be in accordance with Subsections (2), (3) and (4) of this Section. However, the Director may reduce building setbacks without a variance when: (a) The building design incorporates landscaped stormwater quality facilities within the setback area that also enhances pedestrian amenities and the campus environment; Ordinance fiOQ? . . . (b) Necessary to protect natural assets identified in the Gateway Refinement Plan or elsewhere in this Code; (c) Necessary to preserve existing healthy mature trees; (d) Necessary to accommodate handicapped access requirements; or (e) Legally created lots do not meet the minimum lot size." SECTION 12: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.090 OFF STREET PARKING STANDARDS is hereby amended as follows: "21.090 OFF STREET PARKING STANDARDS. (1) To the greatest extent practicable, parking shall be located behind buildings, internal to development or to the side of a building. The following specific off-street parking standards shall apply: USE CATEGORY NUMBER OF SPACES Manufacturing/assembly 1 space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area Warehousing 1 for each 1000 square feet of gross floor area Office 1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area Exceptions: (a) The number of required parking spaces for uses not shown in the table above shall be determined based upon standards for similar uses in other districts. (b) Parking spaces may be reduced on a one for one basis when the number of spaces required is more than the shift with the largest number of employees, provided that a landscaped area equal to the total number of spaces reduced shall be held in reserve for future use. (2) An additional 5% of impermeable surface may be allowed in cases where all parking on a lot is screened by earthen berms with an average height of 3 feet (measured from the finished grade of the edge of the parking lot), sunken below grade an average depth of 3 feet (measured from the finished grade of the edge of the parking lot to the finished grade of the adjacent berm or landscaped area), or both. (3) Truck parking for vehicles necessary for the operation of the facility in areas, may be may be located either: . (a) Within an enclosed building; or (b) Outside of a building if the following standards are met. Truck parking shall: 1. Be prohibited in all front and street-side yards; Ordinance 6092 . . . 2. Meet the building setback set back standards specified in Section 21.070 of this Article; and Be screened in accordance with Section 21.120(3) of this Article." 3. SECTION 13: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.120 ON-SITE DESIGN STANDARDS is hereby amended as follows: "21.120 ON-SITE DESIGN STANDARDS. In the CI District, new buildings; expansions of, or additions to existing buildings; or improvements to existing facades that require a building permit shall provide architectural designs that encourage flexibility and innovation in site planning by complying with the following on-site design standards: (1) Building Exteriors. In order to break up vast expanses of single element building elevations applicable to both length and height, building design shall include a combination of architectural elements and features, including but not limited to offsets, windows, entrances and roof treatments. a) Offsets. Offsets shall occur at a minimum of every 100 feet of lineal building wall by providing recesses or extensions with a minimum depth of 4 feet. Exception: Variations in building wall materials, including but not limited to wood siding, brick, stucco, textured concrete block, tile, glass, stone, or other suitable materials may be used instead of offsets. The Director, in consultation with the Building Official, may approve other suitable materials without the need for a variance. Smooth-faced concrete panels or pre- fabricated steel panels may also be used as accents, but shall not dominate the building exterior. Exterior colors for buildings and fences shall be subdued or earth tones." (b) Windows. Ground floor windows shall be required for all office and commercial uses, including those office and commercial uses that are contained within light industrial manufacturing uses. Ground floor windows for the remainder of a light industrial building are optional. . All elevations of office and commercial buildings abutting any street shall provide at least 50 percent of their length (e.g. a 100-ft.-wide building facade shall have a total of at least 50 linear ft. of windows) and at least 25 percent of the ground floor wall area as windows and/or doors that allow views into lobbies, merchandise displays, or working areas. On corner lots this provision shall apply to both elevations. Where upper story windows are proposed, either awnings, canopies, or other similar treatments shall be required for ground floor windows or variations in window materials, trim, paint or ornamentation may be used. Exceptions: 1. A mural, that does not include any advertising, may be used to meet 50 percent of the ground floor window standard specified in Subsection (a), above. Murals are regulated under Chapter 8.234 of the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997. Ordinance 6092 . . . , . 2. Building elevations adjacent to alleys or vehicle accessways used primarily for servicing and deliveries shall be exempt from this standard. (c) Entrances. To the greatest extent practicable, all new buildings in the CI District shall be oriented toward both exterior and internal streets. 1. The primary entrance to all buildings in the CI District shall be visible from the street; and 2. A weather-protected area, including but not limited to awnings or canopies, at least 6 feet wide, shall be provided at all public entrances. (d) , Roof Treatments. The following roof treatments shall be required. 1. Sloped roofs and multiple roof elements shall be the primary methods for roof treatment. Variations within one architectural style; visible roof lines and roofs that project over the exterior wall of a building enough to cast a shadow on the ground and architectural methods used to conceal flat roof tops may also be used. Mansard style roofs shall not be permitted. If building wall offsets are used, offsets or breaks in roof elevation with a minimum of 3 feet or more in height may be used for every 100 feet of lineal building wall. 2. The architectural design of the building roof shall also incorporate features which screen all heating, ventilation and air conditioning units from adjacent LDR and MDR properties and the street. Mechanical equipment shall also be buffered so that noise emissions do not exceed the standards specified in Section 21.015(7)(e) of this Article. The City may require a noise study certified by a licensed acoustical engineer for compliance verification. (2) Landscaping. Landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 31.140 of this Code. The following landscaping standards shall be in addition to standards specified in Section 31.140 of this Code: (a) A minimum of 35 percent of each development area shall be landscaped open space. (b) Plants shall be sized to attain 90% coverage of required landscaped areas (excluding tree canopies), within 3 years of installation. Plantings of native species and plant communities shall achieve 90% coverage within 5 years of installation. (c) At least 10 percent of the interior of a parking lot having 20 or more parking spaces shall be landscaped. This standard is in addition to any landscaped setbacks required in Section 21.070 of this Article. (d) Natural assets identified in the Gateway Refinement Plan, any other applicable refinement plan or elsewhere in this Code shall be included in the site design and protected. Where protection of these natural assets prevents the development of the site consistent with this Code, the functional equivalent of the natural assets may be 'substituted as may be allowed by the City. Ordinance 6092 . . . (3) Screening. Screening shall be in accordance with Section 31.160 of this Code. In addition, truck parking for vehicles necessary for the operation of the facility shall be screened by a masonry or concrete wall that is an extension of the building and complements the facade of the building. The wall shall have a minimum height of 8 feet. The wall shall totally conceal trucks from public view. The wall shall meet the setback requirements specified in Section 21.070 of this Article. Exception: The Director may consider proposed truck parking that is enclosed by buildings and complies with Section 21.090(3) of this Article. (4) Pedestrian Walkways and River Access. (a) Walkways from a sidewalk to building entrances. A continuous pedestrian walkway shall be provided from the primary frontage sidewalk for pedestrians to access building entrances. (b) Walkways from parking lots to building entrances. Internal pedestrian walkways shall be developed for persons who need access to the buildings from the parking lots. The walkways shall be located within the lots and shall be designed to provide access from the lots to the entrances of the buildings. The walkways shall be distinguished from the parking and driving areas by use of any of the following materials: special pavers, bricks, raised elevation, scored concrete or other materials as approved by the Director. (c) In the Gateway CI District, access to the McKenzie River, both for pedestrians and bicycles, shall be addressed in the site design, where specified in the applicable refinement plan or TransPlan. (5) Transit Stations and Stops. When required, transit stations and stops shall conform to the standards of the Lane Transit District." SECTION 14: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.130 INDUSTRIAL PARK DESIGN STANDARDS is hereby amended as follows: "21.130 BUSINESS PARK DESIGN TEAM. Development plans submitted as part of a business park Site Plan Review application shall be prepared by a design team comprised of a project architect, engineer, and landscape architect, one of whom shall serve as the project coordinator. The design team shall certify that building, elevation, site, and landscape plans submitted in connection with the Site Plan Review application comply with the on-site design standards specified in Section 21.120 of this Article and any other applicable CI District provisions." SECTION 15: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.140 USE CONVERSIONS is hereby amended as follows: "21.140 MONITORING USES IN THE CI DISTRICT. CI District uses shall be monitored by implementing a Precertification process. The purpose of Precertification is to determine that a proposed use is, in fact, a permitted use within the CI District. Precertification shall apply to all new uses and any change of use in the CI District. Ordinance 6092 . . . The Director shall review the proposed use prior to the submittal of a development application or in some cases, a building permit. The Director shall consider both the permitted uses specified in Sections 21.040, 21.050 and 21.060 and the operational performance standards specified in Section 21.015 of this Article., If the Director does not approve the precertification, the applicant may submit a request in writing to the Director to make a determination that the proposed use is similar to a permitted use. If the Director cannot make a. determination that the proposed use is similar to a permitted use, the applicant may apply for a Formal Interpretation in accordance with Article 4 of this Code. After Precertification by the Director, the form will be kept on file in the Development Services Department to be used for continued compliance with the Sections cited above." SECTION 16: ARTICLE 21 CI CAMPUS INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, Section 21.150 WASTE STORAGE AND DISPOSAL is hereby amended as follows: "21.150 STATUS OF EXISTING USES IN THE CI DISTRICT. Unless existing uses are on the prohibited use list specified in Section 21.030 of this Article after July 6, 2004, existing uses have status as specified below. The intent is that the existing uses do not become non-conforming uses. (1) Corporate headquarters that are located outside of a business park including, Pacific Source, Symantec, and Holt International are permitted primary uses. If these uses own or have options on adjacent property for future expansion, they may expand without the need to be located within a business park. (2) Large-scale light industrial manufacturing buildings may be reused for permitted office/commercial uses as long as these uses do not exceed 50 percent of the gross floor area of the building. In addition, warehousing may occur in accordance with Section 21.050(4) of this Article. Exception: In the case of SONY, reuse may include any permitted use in the CI District. If no large- or medium-scale light industrial manufacturing use is proposed, conversion to a business park shall be permitted. However, the acreage comprising a conversion to a business park shall be applied to the 40 percent gross acre standard for business parks specified in Section (2) of this Section. The SONY site may also use the excess facility capacity as a private utility to serve other properties in the vicinity. (3) Stand-alone day care centers that primarily serve CI District businesses are a permitted secondary use. (4) Permitted stand alone office/commercial uses outside of business parks are a permitted primary use. (5) Significant Goal 5 historic resources, including the Brabham farm, the Koppe farm and the Rice farm, may continue as a residential use or as any permitted commercial use. Any external modifications to these structures shall comply with the applicable standards specified in Article 30, H Historic Overlay District." Section 17: Severability Clause. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and individual provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof. . Ordinance 6092 . . . . . SECTION 18: Declaration of Emergency. It is hereby found and declared that matters pertaining to this amendment of the Springfield Development Code regarding the CI Campus Industrial District affect the public health, safety and welfare of the City of Springfield and that this Ordinance shall, therefore, take effect immediately upon its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield by a vote of ~ for and ~ against, this 6th day of July ,2004. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield, this 6th day of July ATTEST: CitYReCO~ R:::V/EWFO It APPROVi=D .~.~ r:~RM . ~ . ~~\.-" ':)~~ \~ D/\TE:~-b~-2-'&J 0"\ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY Ordinance 6092