HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6105 12/06/2004 . . . ''t ORDINANCE NO. 6105 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SPRINGFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR LICENSING OF UTILITIES, IMPOSING A PRIVILEGE TAX UPON UTILITIES DOING BUSINESS IN THE CITY, AMENDING SECTIONS 4.600 THROUGH 4.716, ADDING SECTIONS 4.800 THROUGH 4.807, AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. A. The Springfield City Charter grants to the City all powers that the constitutions, statutes and common law of the United States and of the State of Oregon now or hereafter expressly or impliedly grant or allow. B. Among the powers granted to the City is the power to impose privilege taxes for the purpose of raising revenue. Such privilege taxes may include taxes for the privilege of conducting business within the City. C. The State of Oregon has established limits on the amount of compensation that the City is authorized to receive in consideration of allowing certain uses of the public ways. In particular ORS 221.515 limits the amount of compensation the City may receive from certain defined telecommunications carriers, and Section 221.450 limits the amount of compensation the City may receive from certain other utilities if not franchised. D. The power of the City to levy taxes for the privilege of conducting business within the City limits is a power separate and independent from the limitations on the power of taxation set forth in ORS 221.450 or 221.515. E. The Council has determined that basing compensation from utilities upon physical presence in the public ways no longer reasonably reflects the nature of the business activities of the utility industry. F. The Council has determined that a more appropriate and equitable mechanism for addressing the activities of the utility industry is the basis of doing business - either by providing services to citizens of the City or by using facilities located within the limits of the City to provide services to others. G. The Council determines that it is reasonable and appropriate to impose taxation upon the. utility industry for the benefit of the general funds and operations of the City, in consideration of the affect such utilities have upon the city and its property. Page 1 of 10 November 30, 2004 (8:58AM) . . . Section 2. Sections 4.600 through 4.716 of the Springfield Municipal Code, as amended, are further amended to read as follows: UTILITY LICENSE 4.600 Definitions. Terms used in this Chapter shall have the following meanings: (1) Affiliate: A person that (directly or indirectly) owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with another person. (2)Cable Acts: The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended by the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, as amended by The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and as hereafter amended, (3) Cable operator: An entity providing or offering to provide "cable service" within the City as that term is defined in the Cable Acts. (4) Cable service: Shall have the same meaning as defined in the Cable Acts. (5) FCC or Federal Communications Commission: The Federal administrative agency, or lawful successor, authorized to regulate and oversee telecommunications carriers, services and providers on a national level. (6) Licensee: Any entity required to be licensed hereunder, whether or not granted a license. (7) Person: Any individual or entity engaging in activities regulated by this Chapter. (8) Public street: Any highway, street, alley or other public right-of-way dedicated for motor vehicle travel under the jurisdiction and control of the City. (9) Public Utility easement: Any easement granted to the City, acquired, established, dedicated or devoted for access for public utility facilities for construction, operations, and maintenance purposes. (10) Public way: Includes all public streets owned by the City and public utility easements granted to the City, as those terms are defined herein, but only to the extent of the City's right, title, interest or authority to grant permission to occupy and use such streets and easements. (11) Tax Administrator: the Finance Director of the City or designee. (14) Telecommunications carrier: Includes every person that directly or indirectly owns, controls, operates or manages plant, equipment or property within the City, used or to be used for the purpose of offering telecommunications service. (13) Telecommunications facilities or system: The plant, equipment and property including, but not limited to, cables, wires, conduits, ducts, pedestals, antennae, electronics and other appurtenances used or to be used to transmit, receive, distribute, provide or offer telec- ommunications service, (14) Telecommunications provider: Includes every person who provides telecommunications service over telecommunications facilities. (15) Telecommunications service: The providing or offering for rent, sale or lease, or in exchange for other value received, of the transmittal of voice, data, image, graphic and video programming or any other information between or among points by wire, cable, fiber optics, Page 2 of 10 November 30, 2004 (8:58AM) Ordinance No. 6105 . . . laser, microwave, radio, satellite or similar facilities, with or without benefit of any closed transmission medium. (16) Utility: any public utility as defined in ORS 757.005(1), any telecommunications utility as defined in ORS 759.005(1), any telecommunications carrier, telecommunications provider or other entity providing telecommunications services, (17) Utility facilities: The plant, equipment and property including, but not limited to, the poles, pipes, mains, conduits, ducts, cables, wires, plant and equipment located under, on or above the surface of the ground within the public ways of the City and used or to be used for the purpose of providing utility services. The term shall include all such things owned by the utility and all such things as the utility shall have a property interest in, including things held by the utility or on its behalf under a lease, rental agreement or indefeasible right of use for a term of years. (18) Utility services: All services provided by a utility to customers located within the city limits of the City of Springfield or provided to customers wherever located using facilities physically located within the city limits of the City of Springfield. 4.602 Utility License Required. A utility license shall be required of any utility who desires to provide service to persons in the City or to persons or areas outside the City using facilities located in the City. No utility shall provide services within the City nor shall such utility provide services outside the City using facilities located within the City unless licensed as provided herein. Any violation of the provisions of this Chapter shall be a misdemeanor punishable in accordance with Chapter V of this Code. Carriers who utilize facilities of another licensed carrier for the distribution of their services shall be required to have a separate license. The purpose of licensing is to: (1) provide the City with accurate and current information concerning the utilities who offer utility services within the City, or that own or operate utility facilities within the City; (2) assist the City in enforcement of this Chapter; (3) assist the City in the collection and enforcement of any municipal taxes, franchise fees, license, permit or other fees or charges that may be due the City; (4) assist the City in monitoring compliance with local, and, to the extent authorized by law, with State and Federal laws. 4.604 License Application. Any utility that is required to have a utility license shall file an application, using the form provided for such purpose, with the Public Works Department which shall include the following information: (1) The identity of the license applicant, including all affiliates of the applicant. (2) A description of the utility services that are or will be offered or provided by licensee. ,/' (3) Information to establish that the applicant has obtained or has applied for all other governmental approvals and permits to construct and operate the facilities and to offer or provide the services. Such approvals include, without limitation, any land use decisions. In the event any other required government approval is not obtained any license granted hereunder shall be subject to modification to reflect the absence of such approval. Page 3 of 10 November 30, 2004 (8:58AM) Ordinance No. 6105 . (4) All fees, deposits or charges required pursuant to this Chapter. 4.606 Determination by the City. Within 120 days after receiving a complete application under Section 4.604 hereof, the Public Works Director shall, if the application conforms with the requirements oflaw, issue the license. If the application is denied, the denial shall be in writing and state the reasons for denial. . 4.608 Utility License. (1 )The license granted hereunder shall authorize and permit the licensee, subject to the provisions of the Springfield Municipal Code, and other applicable provisions of state or federal law, to operate the utility and provide the utility services covered by the license. The license shall authorize the licensee to place facilities in, and occupy, the public ways of the City for so long as the licensee shall comply with the provisions of this code, and continue to hold any and all licences and permits required by state or fedei'allaw fl?r the provision of such services as covered by this license; provided, however that all work, construction, placement or operation of such facilities shall be in compliance with this code. Nothing in such license shall authorize the licensee to use the facilities or property of the. City other than public ways, or the facilities or property of another, including agencies such as the Springfield Utility Board, which use, if any shall be subject to agreement with the owner of such facility or property and any . . applicable provisions of law. Nothing in such license shall operate or be construed as an approval' of such business or a regulation of the practices of such business. (2) The City reserves the right, in every event, without limitation, to: (a) construct, install, maintain and operate any public improvement, work or facility in, on, over or under the public ways; (b) perform or authorize or direct the performance of any work that the City may find desirable or convenient in, on, over or under any public way; or (c) vacate, alter, or close any public way; provided, however, that no vacation shall obligate a utility to remove or abandon any facility located within such public way; or (d) require, in the public interest, the removal or relocation, temporarily or permanently, of facilities maintained by the utility in the public ways of the City, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3 of this Code. (3) Whenever the City shall perform or cause or permit to be performed, any work in the public way or the vicinity of the public way where such work may disturb or interfere with a utility's facilities, the City shall, or shall require its permittee, to notify, in writing, the utility sufficiently in advance of such contemplated work to enable utility to take such measures, including removal or relocation of such facilities, as may be deemed necessary to protect such facilities, at its own expense. c. 4.610 Nonexclusive Grant. No license granted hereunder shall confer any exclusive right, privilege, license or franchise to occupy or use the public ways of the City for delivery of utility services or any other purposes. . Page 4 of 10 November 30, 2004 (8:58AM) Ordinance No. 6105 . . . 4.612 Rights Granted. No license granted hereunder shall convey any right, title or interest in the public ways; but shall be deemed a license only to provide utility services and use and occupy the public ways for the limited purposes and term stated in the grant. Further, no license shall be construed as any warranty of title, 4.614 Term of Grant. A license granted hereunder shall be in effect for a term of five (5) years. 4.616 Coordination of Activities. All holders of a License shall be obliged to coordinate their activities affecting the public ways and shall be obliged to participate in coordination meetings to be held by the City not less than annually for the purpose of facilitating such cooperation and coordination. 4.618 Amendment of Grant. A new license application and grant shall be required of any utility that desires to extend additional or different services in the City which are not included in a license previously granted under this Chapter. 4.620 Renewal Applications, A licensee that desires to renew its license shall, not more than 180 days nor less than 90 days before expiration of the current license, file an application with the City for renewal of its license which shall include the information required pursuant to Section 4.604. 4.622 Renewal Determinations. Within 90 days after receiving a complete application under Section 4.620 hereof, the Public Works Director shall issue a written determination applying the following standards, as applicable, and, if the application conforms with the requirements of law, grant the application: (1) Compliance with requirements of applicable State and federal laws and regulations. (2) The applicant's compliance with the requirements of this Chapter and any Public Way Use Agreement. If the renewal application is denied, the written determination shall include the reasons for non-renewal. 4.624 Obligation to Cure As a Condition of Renewal. No license shall be renewed until any existing violations or defaults in the licensee's performance of the requirements of this Chapter, have been cured, or a plan detailing the corrective action to be taken by the licensee has been approved by the City. UTILITY LICENSE - FEES AND COMPENSA nON 4.700 Purpose. It is the purpose of Sections 4.700 through 4.714 to provide for the payment and recovery of all direct and indirect costs and expenses of the City related to the enforcement and administration of this Chapter. 4.702 Application and Review Fee. Page 5 of 10 November 30, 2004 (8:58AM) Ordinance No. 6105 . . . (1) Any applicant for a license, including a renewal or amendment of an existing license, shall pay a fee fixed by resolution of the Council. (2) The application and review fee shall be deposited with the City as part of the application filed. (3) An applicant whose license or franchise application has been withdrawn, abandoned or denied within sixty (60) days of its application and review fee written request, shall be refunded the balance of its deposit under this section, less: (i) the non-refundable portion of the application and review fee, as fixed by resolution of the Council, or (ii) All ascertainable costs and expenses incurred by the City in connection with the application, whichever is greater. 4.704 Other City Costs. In addition to the application and review fee, all license or franchise grantees shall, withiri thirty (30) days after written demand therefor, reimburse the City, to the extent permitted by law, for all direct and indirect costs and expenses incurred by the City in connection with any issuance, modification, amendment, renewal or transfer of the license or franchise or any license or franchise agreement. 4.708 Compensation for City Property. If the right is granted, by lease, license, franchise or other manner, to use and occupy City property other than the public ways for the installation of facilities, the compensation to be paid shall be fixed by the City and shall be separate and distinct from any fees and taxes imposed herein. 4.710 Annual Fees. Each license grantee shall pay an annual license fee to the City in an amount fixed by Council resolution as reimbursement for the City's costs in administering this chapter and in connection with reviewing, inspecting and supervising the use and occupancy of the public ways in behalf of the public and existing or future users. 4.712 Regulatory Fees and Compensation Not a Tax. The regulatory fees and costs provided for in Sections 4.700 through 4.714, and any compensation charged and paid for City property provided for in Section 4.708, are separate from; and additional to, any and all federal, state, local and City taxes as may be levied, imposed or due from a utility, its customers or subscribers, or on account of the lease, sale, delivery or transmission of utility services. 4.714 Penalties and Interest for Late Payment. If any fee provided for herein shall not be timely paid, a penalty in the amount of 10 percent of such fee shall be assessed and due as of the date the underlying fee was due. Interest on fees and penalties shall accrue at the rate of 1.5 percent per month, commencing with the fifteenth day after the fee or penalty shall be due. 4.716 Repealed. Page 6 of 10 November 30, 2004 (8:58AM) Ordinance No. 6105 . . . Section 3. Following Section 4.714 ofthe Springfield Municipal Code, as amended by Section 2 of this ordinance, there are added the following sections, to be sections 4.801 through 4.807: UTILITY TAX 4.801 Utility Tax Imposed. There is hereby imposed, for the purpose of raising revenue for the operations of the City, a tax in the amount of five percent of gross revenue upon the privilege of conducting a utility business and providing utility services required to be licensed under Section 4.602, upon any utility required to be licensed, as defined herein, in consideration of the authority of such utility to conduct such business. 4.802 Minimum Tax. In no event shall the tax due for any calendar year be less than: (1 )In the case of a utility providing services within the City of Springfield, $100. (2)In the case of a utility not providing services within the City of Springfield, the greater of the product of the number of linear feet of public ways occupied by the facilities of the taxpayer and $3.00, or $100, 4.803 Returns. (1) For purposes of calculating taxes dues under this section, every utility subject to tax shall pay such tax on the basis of a calendar year, and shall file, quarterly, before the 4Slh day following the end of a calendar quarter, a return certified by an officer of the utility showing the amount of tax due and accompanied by the amount due. (2) Such return shall show the amount of gross revenue of the utility within the City for the period covered by the payment computed on the basis set out in this section, and shall show any offsets, deductions or credits against the revenue or the amount of tax due. The compensation for the period covered by the statement shall be computed on the basis of the gross revenue so reported. If the utility fails to pay the entire amount of compensation due the City through error or otherwise, the difference due the City shall be paid by the utility within fifteen (15) days from discovery of the error or determination of the correct amount, with interest at the rate of9 percent per annum, compounded monthly. Any overpayment to the City through error or otherwise shall be offset against the next payment due from the utility. (3) In the event a taxpayer files a return claiming the minimum tax provided by Section 4.802 shall be due, the taxpayer shall nonetheless file a return as provided in subdivision (2) hereof and shall, if claiming under Section 4.802(2), file a report duly certified by an engineer, licensed to practice within the State of Oregon, setting forth the calculation of the number oflinear feet of public way occupied by the taxpayer. (4) The City may audit any return filed by the utility, and require the utility to submit such information as shall reasonably be required to establish the accuracy of any payment of tax or return documenting the amount of tax due. In the event such audit shall disclose a Page 7 of 10 November 30, 2004 (8:58AM) Ordinance No. 6105 . discrepancy in favor of the City in excess of five percent of the amount paid, there is hereby imposed a penalty in the amount of 10 percent of the difference between the amount paid and the amount found, upon audit, to be due. (5) Acceptance by the City of any payment due under this section shall not be deemed to be a waiver by the City of any rights to conduct such audit, nor shall the acceptance by the City of any such payments preclude the City from later establishing that a larger amount was actually due, or from collecting any balance due to the City. . 4.804 Gross Revenue. (1) For purposes of this Chapter, gross revenue shall mean all inflows or enhancements of assets or settlements of its liabilities (or a combination of both) of whatsoever kind and nature derived by the utility and, any affiliates, subsidiaries or parent of the utility on account of goods or services fromthe utility's ongoing operations within the City of Springfield. (2) Gross revenue shall include any and all subsidies, discounts, rebates or other considerations or forbearances by the utility associated with the delivery of such goods and services within the City of Springfield. In determining gross revenues for the calculation of taxes, the city shall consider mobile telecommunications services to occur within the city if they are used by a customer whose place of primary use is within the city. (3) As used in this section, "place of primary use" means the residential street address or the primary business street address of the customer. The city shall apply this provision consistently with the Mobile Telecommunications Sourcing Act, 4 USC 116 to 126. (4) For purposes of this section, gross revenues do not include proceeds from the sale of bonds, mortgages, or other evidence of indebtedness, securities, or stocks, or sales at wholesale by one utility to another of electrical energy or natural gas when the utility purchasing such electrical energy or natural gas is not the ultimate consumer. 4.805 Exemptions and Credits. If any licensed utility is a party to a franchise, public way use agreement, or other contract with the City which requires the payment of a fee for the use of the public ways ofthe City, any payments made under such agreement during the filing year shall be credited against any tax due hereunder to the extent the revenue upon which such payments are based is subject to taxation hereunder. (1) If a taxpayer asserts that any other provisions of local, state or federal law imposes a limit upon the revenue subject to taxation that can be imposed in connection with the use of public ways, such taxpayer shall file a return which: (a) itemizes the gross revenue subject to taxation; (b) itemizes the portion of such revenue that is subject to the limitation claimed to exist under other provisions of local, state or federal law. (2) The tax liability of a taxpayer claiming a limitation on revenue subject to taxation shall be the sum of: . (a) the tax due hereunder on that portion of the taxpayers revenue not subject to the limitation; and . Page 8 of 10 November 30, 2004 (8:58AM) Ordinance No. 6105 (3) (b) on the portion of revenue subject to a limitation, the lesser of; (i) The tax due under Section 4.801; or (ii) The tax due under the other provision of local, state or federal law. Any licensed utility shall be allowed, as a credit against taxes due hereunder, the reasonable value of any and all services rendered to or goods provided to the City without fee, if any, during the preceding calendar year. . 4.806 Penalties and Interest. (1) If any tax payment due hereunder shall not be timely made, there is imposed a penalty in the amount of 10 percent of the amount due. (2) Interest on any payment not timely made, and upon all penalties imposed, shall accrue at the annual rate of nine (9) percent, compounded daily, for each day beyond the due date, until the date paid. . 4.807 Lien. (1) The tax imposed by section 4.801, together with the interest and penalties provided by section 4.806 and the filing fees paid to the Department of Records of Lane County, Oregon, and advertising costs which may be incurred when the tax becomes delinquent under section 4.803 shall be, and until paid remain, a lien from the date of its recording with the Department of Records of Lane County, Oregon, and superior to all subsequent recorded liens on all real property and tangible personal property of the utility located within the City of Springfield and may be foreclosed on and sold as necessary to discharge the lien, if the lien has been so recorded. Notice oflien may be issued by the tax administrator whenever the operator is in default in the payment of the tax, interest and penalty, and shall be recorded with the Department of Records and a copy sent to the delinquent utility. The property subject to the lien and seized by the Tax Administrator may be sold by the Tax Administrator at public auction after 10 days notice thereof published in a newspaper in the city. (2) Any such lien as shown on the records of the Department of Records shall, upon the payment of the taxes, penalty and interest for which the lien has been imposed, be released by the tax administrator when their full amount has been paid to the city. The person making the payment shall receive a receipt therefore stating that the full amount of the taxes, penalties, and interest have been paid and that the lien is thereby released and the record of lien satisfied. Section 4. Severability, Should any court of competent jurisdiction determine that a section or part of a section of this ordinance is invalid, such invalidity shall not impair the effect or validity of the remaining sections or parts of sections. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on April 1, 2005. By such date, any utility required to be licensed pursuant to Section 4.602 shall have applied for, and received, its license. The tax imposed by Section 4.801 shall be due on all revenue earned on or after April 1,2005, . Page 9 of 10 November 30, 2004 (8:58AM) Ordinance No. 6105 . . . ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this ~ day of Decem,ber 2004, by a vote of -L for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this~day of D~c., 2004. . " ATTEST: Amy Sowa, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that Sidney W. Leiken, to me personally known and known by me to be the person described in the foregoing instrument did sign this ordinance with his hand in my presence this 6.thday of December, 2004, . ~~ CITY CORDER ::l '~\/l ~'II'FO 11 ~PPROVE[)) "\" .~ F-n..nl\fu ~~.,...,~" ~ ~ Q,.~ '""'" \ , \ \ "3b L~_~l . .' :- :: '~n-v:<XTORNEv Page 10 of 10' November 30, 2004 (8:58AM) Ordinance No. 6105