HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-6-11 Status Iss u ed 225 F,fth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769Inspecllon LIDe CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00585 ISSUED, 0611112008 APPLIED, 0412512008 EXPIRES: 1211112008 VALUE $ 25,000.00 SITE ADDRESS 2350 YOLANDA AVE ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703244103002 SprIDglield TYPE OF WORK School PROJECT DESCRIPTION AccesSlblhty upgrades TYPE OF USE Alterallon Pubhc Owner SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT 19 Address 525 MILL ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor LIcense GLAS ARCHITECTURAL GROUP MCKENZIE COMMERCIAL CONTRACTOR 45539 WEILAND ELECTRIC DIVISION, LLC 175373 MAINES CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION INC 7713 EMK MECHANICAL 136463 BUILDING INFORMATION I Contractor Type Arcbltect General Electncal MecbaOlcal PlumblDg # of UOItS Pnmary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group Pnmary ConstructIOn Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedrooms Frontyard Setback Side I Setback Side 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks Street Improvements Storm Sewer Available SpeCial InstructIOn Notes Phone Number 541-744-6375 Exptratlon Date Phone 541-686-2014 541-343-7143 541-747-7701 541-753-4328 541-683-3715 07/2112009 04/06/2009 09/23/2008 08/23/2009 # of Stones E Height of Structure Type of Heat VRrrENTIONilte~ T ~w requIres you to follow rules 0 }blhe Oregon Ublrty Notlflcatron C'W e ~~I~~ are set f01'11\ In OAR 952-oCl11?6 rou'1:ifi'~AR 952-00'1. uU;~JQItYn:'QP.MUi~~ number for the Oregon Utility Notlficallon CentE(l)~rl~2'2S44). # Street Trees Rqd Paved Dnve Rqd % of Lot Cover .ge Lot SlLe Sq Ft I st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Otber Occupant Load REQUIRED PARKING Total Handicapped Compact J PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Sidewalk Type NOTICE: DownspoutslDralDs THIS PERMIT SHAll EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Pa2e 1 of 3 -il;;;O tlii ~. Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00585 ISSUED 06/1112008 APPLIED, 04/25/2008 EXPIRES: 1211112008 VALUE: $ 25,00000 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme I ValuatIOn DescrmtJon I DescnptlOn Estimate Tvpe of ConstructIOn Estimate $ Per Sq Ft or multlpher $100 Squdre Footage or B,d Amount 25,000 00 Value Date Calculated Total Value of ProJect $25,000 00 $25,000 00 04/25/2008 ~ J/pp< P~ltIJ Fee DescriptIOn Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Number Plan RevIew CommlIndlPubhc $16077 4/25/08 1200800000000000400 -Mechamcal Issuance Fee- $20 00 6/11/08 1200800000000000635 + 10% Admlmstratlve Fee $36 I3 6/11108 1200800000000000635 + 12% State Surcharge $43 36 6/11108 1200800000000000635 + 5% Technology Fee $1807 6/11108 1200800000000000635 BUlldmg PermIt $24734 6/11108 1200800000000000635 FIXture $64 00 611 1/08 1200800000000000635 Mlmmum/AdJustment Mechamcal $36 00 6/11/08 1200800000000000635 Plan ReVIew FIre & LIfe Safety $98 94 6/11/08 1200800000000000635 Vent Fan $1400 6/11108 1200800000000000635 Total Amount PaId $73861 I Plan ReViews I Imtlal ReVIew 04/28/2008 04/29/2008 APP LLH Planum!! ReView 04/29/2008 05/01/2008 APP EMM Pubhc Works ReVIew 04/29/2008 05/01/2008 APP JHJ Structural ReVIew 04/29/2008 05/06/2008 APP LLH SDC Worksheet No New SDC's (JHJ) Plans revIewed by Mlck Nolte "Ith the Butldmg Department under contract wltb the CIty of Spnngfield SUB ReVIew 04/29/2008 05/09/2008 APP JF See attached documents for energy plan revIew approval Paee 2 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit Status Iss u ed PERMIT NO: COM2008-00585 ISSUED' 0611112008 APPLIED: 0412512008 EXPIRES' 12111f2008 VALUE' $ 25,000,00 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspechon Lme FIre Department RevIew 04/2912008 06/05/2008 APP GRG Plans RevIew ADA bathroom upgrades Job #COM2008-00585 Occupancy ClassIficatIOn E Construchon Type V-B Spnnklered ArchItect James LewIs, gLAs ArchItects, LLC, 1415 Pearl Street, Eugene, OR 97401, Phone 686-2014 Contact Sprmgfield FIre Marshals Office for acceptance testmg of the additIOnal fire alarm horn/strobes To Request an InSpectIOn call the 24 hour recordIng at 726-3769 All Inspections requested before 7:00 a m wIll be made the same working day, Inspections requested after 7'00 a m. wIll be made the folloWIng work day. I Rie(JlI I-ed J,"'I'CrOl1s. 111'1111111 Ifll'llllll'" Frammg InspectIOn Pnor to cover and after all rough 10 mspectlOns have been approved FIrewall Located and constructed accordmg to plans Fmal BUlldmg After all reqUIred mspectlOns have been requested and approved and the bUIld 109 IS complete Underslab Plumbmg Pnor to filhng the trench and mcludmg reqUIred testmg Rough Plumbmg Pnor to cover and mcludmg reqUIred testmg Fmal Plumbmg Wben all plumbmg work IS complete Rough Mechamcal Pnor to Cover Fmal Mechamcal When all mechamcal work IS complete By sIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed apphcahon and do hereby certJfy that all mformdhon hereon IS true and correct, and I further certify thdt any and all work performed shall be done m accordance with the Ordmances of the CIty of Spnngfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descnbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY w,lI be made of any structure wIthout permISsIOn of the Commumty Serv,ces DIVISIOn, BUIld 109 Safety I furtber certIfy that only contractors and employees who are 10 comphance with ORS 701 005 WIll be used on thIS project I further agree to ensure that all reqUIred mspectlOns are requested at the proper tIme, that each address IS readahle from the street, that the permit card IS located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remam on the SIte at all times dunng construct ~'\I\A_. lJ..J1M.JiM) Owner o~ co@ctors SIgnature h / {( / O<b l l Date Page 3 013 225 FIfth Street SprmgfieldyOregon 97477 541-726'-3759 Phone _~a~:~ .tif _- CIty of Sprmgfield OfficIal ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-00585 COM2008-00585 COM2008-00585 COM2008-00585 COM2008-00585 COM2008-00585 COM2008-00585 COM2008-00585 COM2008-00585 Payments Type of Payment Check cRtcuotl RECEIPT #: 1200800000000000635 Date: 0611112008 Description Plan RevIew Fire & L,fe Safety Bmldmg Penmt F,xture Vent Fan M,mmum/AdJustment Mechamcal -Mechamcallssuance Fee- + 5% Technology Fee + ] 2% State Surcharge + 10% AdministratIve Fee Paid By SPFD SCHOOL D1ST 19 Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received dJb 65398 In Person Payment Total Page I of I 1027 06AM Amount Due 9894 247 34 64 00 1400 3600 2000 1807 4336 36 13 $577 84 Amount Paid $577 84 $577 84 6/1112008