HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1978-8-9 " .. :J .OCCUPANCY. INSPECTION APPLICATi EXISTING BUILDINGS ~...". --. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING D"PAR'l'}lI;NT Date: ~ c; c7 Job Address: ?? ( ? J?? ~ O"ner: '~4'/~--1/~~ Address: X"SCf.?'::L S Ht.u-t Cf'? Applicant: l~ ~a.ft~ ~ Address: J?.s9.s o:L 'S /'iJy'7,<;77 For Access to proper~; - Te~hone: -7 rt/.$f-/ t> c;::t.S ~ 7C/ G 77 P"7 Remarks: r'L7// ,e ~r<--"~7 7p>" . , I No. of Units: one ~'., - , I I A $20 inspection fee is required at the time of application. ,.. /.111 I S APPLICATION FOR..'1 }lUST BE SIGNED BY TIlE OHNER OF THE PROPERTY TO BE INSPECTED. .~ _ce~y Lw~ SI<p;Rt'Of 'PROV'6Wr'iER .. "I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Dute of Inspection: 5i' -I {)-j, Y Date of CofC: Date of Reporj:: Receipt No.: A, -.4-1 /<1> '3 ~ . ..:">:~'. '.... ", '" ';':" . ,..'," . -----:;:.., .. . .\ ;, '. ". (j~ A ~ ~,-'_ ~ ~--;;::~ ", . '., - ; ~, . ~t ;--' .... 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M ,..~' : ::~~j~~~!,Y:1L;{~H~~~;~~:>.:~.: .:;1~i::~;(iS;},};.:~::::':':; ,.,;~{:~;;/;\i(',:;:~.~~:f5.?P/~~V~?,>;8,{;;;;~>;.~:~:~~~:l;.:i,)t.:,;~~3f;~(7;:~:i{ ";1:':~:>~:~~ '" il..... ~ ".' .~ 'II"~ ' .,'. v I I' .. ...,' ~.t~.. t..~.4.-.';."'!'. ..._~'- --'~'~'--':-'" ,):-" " . ~~~:<.~.:~~.<'''':.....\. :\'. ~ ':.::' .' '-'." " .', !' .' .'. .' ,5~~91:CO\. . 2..', oiR J iL{lo- I <zzs ~ I " ~~ " . c. OCl.n/ 'r, ~~~O~ (jr [ JbIu ~ dr6p, od; .. , 'jy~~ m.~ ;;J ~~roW! ' j ~ .: . ~; Vtl).)- h..e- {UyfLeu.- ~ '; iW ~av (!dt~ ~ .. 1lJ ~ CG J'I1J.M~ J . t.JlytJ~ , / ]f J ~ / . 3. OTHER INSPECTIONS: Other inspections may be required On any particular job in accordance .../ith Section 304 of the Springfield Building Code. These required inspections wi 11 be indicated in the approved plans or by noti fication from the Sui lding Inspector. A. FIRE AND SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed as detai led on plans. B. VENTILATION: (Mechanical) Where required .when no openable windows are provided. C. ClU-LAM BEAMS: Inspection Certificate (by approved agency) to be suppl ied to the Sui Iding Inspector by the fabricator or Contractor before beams are placed. O. MASONARY WAllS: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticals, U.S.C. Section 2415. E. ROOFING: (Fire Retardant) Inspection of material to be made before application.. F, CHIMNEY OR FIREPLACE, 9. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When Special Inspections are specified on any particular job in accordance with Section 305 of the Springfield Bui Iding Code, the special inspector is to be present on the job whenever work requiring the special inspector is in pro9ress. 10. FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after the building is completed in accordance with the Sui Iding Code. application and plans submitted for the bui !ding permit and PRIOR TO THE OCCUPANCY OF THE BUilDING. BUllDllIG SHAll 1I0T BE OCCUPIED UIITll CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAtICY IS ISSUED AND POSTED IN 'BUllDIIIG, )'JllDIIIG OEPARTMEIIT APPROVEO PLANS SHAll REMAIN 011 BUilDING SITE AT All TIME~. Date: Permi t Holder: Phone: One copy supplied to the Permit Holder. One copy to be fi led with the plans in the Sui Iding Division. . Ul.l.U!'j\I'H",1 11'i;-'1'J',I.l"lUN ~!'1.'Lll.J\11UN .-" . ...-'- ,'"' , '. " . EXISTING ;lULLDINGS . IBfl~ ~ ~t1JI_ ~ -'0,7 y' CITY OF SPRINGfIELD BUILDING DI':PAR'l11I';NT Date: 4-~ 7"-;1?, Job Auuress: ??(? ~;7a(.."t Ol<~er: I.~ ~-e-~~~c Address: ,>FSV?'::L S 1-1; Cf'? Applicant: l~ ~:-"r:~~~ / Address: !?.s9.s o:L 'S lh..?'f/! '797 -/ /. . F'or ACC~ss to prop~rty - Te ephone: "'7 rt/.$'-/ Y OiS (7y- Zc/ c', 7 7 r;''7 Remarks: r' .L~~?,// r;o,.e a~.t:.A6.6'~-;"-~~. , ,/ j/ /' / . No. of Units: one A $20 inspection fee is required at'the time of application. f,,nns APPLICATION FORrI }lUST BE SIGNED BY TIlE OHNER OF TilE PROPERTY TO BE, INSPECTED. _C;ZU;;;/ !t~~.b~V S Hp'UURE OF PROV'OWi\ER - - - - - - - - - -'- - - - - - - FOR OFfICE USE ONLY Dute of Inspection: k:-/o-7f Date o( Co(C: Date of Reporj:: Receipt No.: A. -.4-1 (<=6 '3 ,. "~i,:\,:..~ a.lr~: . ,( :.::~~.\:" . , ~ ;'~~4'~;~". ' ':"~r~';. 1'-"': : ~~i.~:';:'" ,. . ~,'" I . ",~_......" '~;'-" .' .... .. ,! ,..... . '.~'''' ~-""" .~ . " ,. ". ....l'... '"I, . ' ..:.,.... "'''' " "',"';,... \: ;:'~'.' .:..... ...,.... ", . :..\.' '......,:.':.. ." '. ,;,,> ;\::-"'}J~;' ...":...., ," ....:....:.:...;':.: "." . :\':~".:,".'.. · <.::~::";..::~;P.;:;F:~:,, . I ."~",':' ", l "'~'" '.......'. . . \: ..' . ..~:..:::::;~.;.;" . . '" '.h'. . :. <'.~ " ...... ." .~.: . ...: ..........1. .,' ~ ".," ",. .' :1. .. . ~ . :' .,' .~, '.+".: ." ~ . .', . '" ',.,.,........ ",.... . 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