HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1992-10-29 SPR'.II!LD ~ ;=;':J;i~ 6U " ) ~ "1 ;,J ; Ill'! tj ; I ~ ~ ,)it,,); I ~ r:i " ) ..' };j ~"~Lt. /u - ;...... --- __.r_~ -:~':i<::fi ~~~~~g~~~~~ SERVICES ~ !l<'" t.:, sPPI~g~,~:r:;"o~T~;;~: METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT (503) 7""',:T53 . October 29, 1992 DorIS powe II P.U. Box I' ~prIngfleld, OK 97~77 SUbject: Uccupancy Inspection at i4l ~lain Street Springfield, oregon........~ /-'I'oposed Use: Insurance Agency and Classrooms '~ Uear ~ls. Powell: At your request, the Springfield Building Satety Division 'conducted an InspectIon of the buildingiS) at the above address. The purpose of the inspectIon was to determine the suitability ot the building(s) for the Pl'oposed use as indicated. uased on the proposed occupancy, the existing conditions which are mentIoned below do not meet the minimum Building Safety Code requirements. Corrective measures must be taken prior to occupancy to install, repair, replace or modlty the following items in order for the building to conform to applicable safety codes: Structural I. Une S lb. ABC fIre extinguiSher shall be provided. /-'Iumblng ~.roilets 1n publ1C restrooms shall be provided with open front toilet seats. j. P lumtllng pennils and lnspec tlon appro\'als 'w111 b-? requi I'e,j for installation 01 the K1tchen sink. Ille above 1tems are requirements for the existing structure only. Other items such as parking, paving, site improvements. sidewalks, etc., have Il',d~ r'E-en <I\luressed as part 01 lIns Inspection. and may lIe !'squired through tile SIte reVIew process. /-'lease contact the /-'lanning Division of this Dlllce I'e>;;ardlng any necessary impl'o\'ements to tile site. I .:.. __,_...:._.....:..;....~h".. . Doris Powell Uctober ~9. 1992 I',age 2 . . It we can be 01 aSsIstance In clar11Ylng the requirements, or the options avaIlable to brIng the property into complIance, please call us at n6-3759. :)ulCerely, d (/Y'l ;7G;c Tom Narx UUl1dlng Inspector ee: Oc1t: ~ Ralph Shaw Plumb./Mech. Inspector Dave Puent, Building Official