HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1991-7-9 I \ ~ " I ". rS 0 WI oW-r. ~t- , . Hay 31. 1990 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CONTRACT TRANSMlTTAL FORH TO: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE JULIE WILSON '.-...--" ) FROM: ~ ~~\ DEPT.: PUe:Llc:.. \."'OUS CONTRACT VENDOR NAME(S) (MAXIMUM 58 CHARACTERS): ~u:=t-J ~ (~c.s;:. '12e:M1f\..lb~/-J DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT (MAXIMUH 58 CHARACTERS): U ~ OF- RJ&.j <... R.\ (d...I1 -,0 F -u..Jt:>.:Y eo y CONTRACT MANAGER: ~ l342OW)-..) EFFECTIVE DATE: '-'9--<71 \ t;;..Jt.-E:S€:l S PL..l::::d::. TERMINATION DATE:' INSURANCE OR BONDS REQUIRED? (ill) NO If insurance or bonds are required, please send 'the following to PENNY OLSEN: (1) Photocopy of the contract (2) Photocopy of contract transmittal form (3) ORIGINAL insurance and/Dr bond certificates If insurance or bonds. are required, please send the following to JULIE WILSON: (I) Original contract (2) Original contract transmittal form (3) PHOTOCOPY of insurance and/Dr bond certificates NOTES: DATE RECEIVED: DATE FILED: .~ . " ~ ......tQI .l' . . . ATTACHMENT 2 PAGE 1 OF 3 USE F:ERotIT AND AGRmIENl' 'IHIS F:ERotIT AND AGRmIENl', made an:l entered iIlto this c::>-r14 day of JUL'Y , 1991, by an:l between the CI'lY OF SrlUl....FmD, ul<B"..d, a municipal ~.t^-'.o.tion, hereinafter refc..L.."j, to as CI'lY, an:l Glen an:l Terese RemiIgton. WITNESSETH FOR AND IN CXlNSIDERATiON of the granti.n;J of a pennit to use an:l c.o~....o.ch upon a portion of public right-of-way abutti.n;J t-.~"":lleased by t-J:.1<MJ.n= known as 650 Main street an:l shown as Tax lDt 9000 on Lane O:>unty ~""="or's Map 17-03-35-31, t-J:.1<MJ.'n= does hereby agree to the followi.n;J terms: 1. '!he use an:l c.o.~.~o."':~.~."" pennitted shall =nsist solely of restaurant tables an:l chairs to provide outdoor seati.n;J for patrons of PERl'lJ:n:= I S leased building, as shown in "Exhibit A" attached hereto. 2. '!he area covered by this o..".=.~..... shall include a portion of the Main street right-of-way exterxling fran the west margin of Tax lDt 9000 to the east margin of Tax lDt 9000, incl~ only that portion of sidewalk area neco""""Y for the pla",,",~,"" of restaurant tables an:l chairs. Clean passage, a mi.niJnurn width of 7 feet, must be maintained for pedestrians usi.n;J this sidewalk. 3. "'J:.1<MJ.TH.<. shall be .=t^-'..sible for keepi.n;J the c.o.~....o."':~.~."" area free of litter an:l debris. In the event of a failure on the part of the PERhl.n= to t-.'-'t=-ly mainfuin the same, the CI'lY mayt=-.;:v.... such maintenance as it may deem J1O"'O""~ry an:l "':""'''<; the costs thereof to the t-~'IJ:n= an:l the "'~"IJ:lT= hereby a.".== to pay the same iInmediately upon bei.n;J billed therefor. 4 . "'~'llTJ:= agrees to store restaurant tables an:l chairs iIxioors duri.n;J non '-'t=-o.ti.n;J hours. " 5. !-'~n= shall deferxi, iIxiemnify, hold hannless CI'lY fran an:l against arrj an:l all liability to all persons an:l against arrj an:l all liability claims arisi.n;J fran personal injuries or t-.~"":l damage which might be occasioned by PERhl.n'= I S use of the public right-of-way as described herein. 6. ...~'llT.1= shall maintain in effect a \..u!L~J.,,".ensive GCUc..Lo.l Liability Policy with limits of $ 500.000 per occu...c.o.-..c. Said Policy shall include a 30 day Notice of Cancellation clause to CI'lY. CI'lY shall be narred as an additional insured. A certificate of insurance evidenci.n;J all insurance required by this pennit shall be provided to CI'lY prior to. use of the sidewalk. 7. It is urrlerstood an:l a.".~ that in the event the public right-of-way subject to this use an:l c.o~....o.-..:i...~..... is needed by CI'lY for arrj p.n:pose, such need to be detennined through the sole an:l tu....=',..ricted discretion of CI'lY, r~'lln= shall rem:we arrj an:l all c.o.~~Cocl~.~.;..s i.nunediately or as specified by CI'lY. r '. " ". . STATE OF OREGON ) ) s s. COUNTY OF LANE ) ::r~ . On this ~ day of JUL.'.! signed the above document. ~ Q.. ~' IWTARY PUBLIC STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LANE ) On the ,"1\-1 day of ..)UL'J signed the above document, DEP'- Q.. ~ IIOTARY PUBLIC REVIEWED bY CITY Or SPRINGFIELD / RISK MANAGEMENT .f...... ..x' \. .:. /-"-; \ . '.' WJ,IE' D',O l:;~:~/:::\'\'~~D ~; /..;:~.:.\;.;.:j\i~:_'~~" I-TO ,-,-..-,' f .:)9_:: ~;:'.;~_..l-~A ~I L!/,i-E:...j.~"",~ \ \, \ '\ '\ \ C,:i=:C::: CF CITY ATTORI'{EY r "-.-, c:~. ~:~: ;~.:>~G::l::LD . ATTACHfJ,ENT 2 PAGE 2 OF 3 By: X~e..':::..L r:K~\""" \e. _ Glen cnd Terese 'R~ingtonU ~~~~ , 19~1, there personally appeared before me and My Commission Expires: ~OJ Go ,1c;,'34- . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD A Municipal Corporation By: 10 e0vt 'Y,lbl ic ~ . 0f /l..-v'hL-1.0 Horks Di rector , 19~ 1 , there personally appeared before me and '"y Commission Expires: Not Ca 119'74- OFFiCIAL SEAL oor< R. nOGERS I<OT ARY PUBLIC - OREGON COMMISSION NO. 002788 MY IlJMMISSiON EXPIRES NtH. 6. 1994 J - . .'. .. . '. . EXHIBIT A en +oJ 0 --.J C> C co :g~Z J: .?:- >- ~ ca C3 ~ a.. @ 8 . ATTACHl"ENT 2 rAGE 3 OF 3 Uquidation Outlet 1\\r~liitt Mercury Theater Antique Peddlers Cafe 131 Sixth Street @ 8 Museum - - Cl Q. Q) w Q) ~ - ~ .ct) -. co ct) co c: J: <l::. J: >- @ '03 .?:-. :; .?:- CD ~ C3 ~ C3 ~ 0 z c:. Craft O'! World u. Fifth Street Antique' Peddlers :~ -.---------~jlit~;;.~:,~....-.,.-' ,-~- ~~;:.1.~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~;}~fSll~~.~'fJ~;~~~~~~fE~~~;;-~-.:.~i~ ............. I'itf.'CRII~Ir.f. E,OI?INSURAN~~~~~',~::,,,",,.":;-,,;~,(~;O;,,.. : ~.IP.. . .... ..... \J'~ " I:: V. '. ;. r;;~ , " " '. \i1;;;~;.Foq",;~~,~;,:"~,,,'';'''.'':'''~~~~.:';''~:_'''~/'O::''''''~_~: ?~'~'~-:-,_-.-.-~=--~,::~.tb""'.;:::.:;;-"~"1~E~!~~~~~:~~~~~~[.f~_?~~::'~-;=~~~'''''''''''''-'~''"~'~''';''''-' ~~~~....t;"I;,:.~~~~.!;V~.t"'""'-'4~" 7 -2 -91 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE , POLICIES BELOW. FITCH-HUGGINS-POWELL INS P.O. BOX 166 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 747-3381 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE 36 26398 COMPANY A LETTER A"!.1;1?I: C~/L ~T.l!:r..r;~. :r,lf~.r}B!<J~t::' 1;. .___ __._..__..__.. INSURED ! TERESE REMINGTON i TERESE'S PLACE I 650 MAIN STREET i SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 I I I :Cc:l.Y"'M(l,~;;,:~~';~;;::::.', .' '.C". . .c. .. , '-.. .. .... ........ ,.. .." ,'. .<'::-.;0...'.... i THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN IssueD TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY SE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUSJECT TO All THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED SY PAID CLAIMS, _. _.__ COMPANY B LETIER COMPANY C LETTER COMPANY D LETTER COMPANY E LETIER CO lTR , TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE! POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DDfYY) DATE (MMfDD/YYI LIMITS , I tA GENERAL LIABILITY .X..~~~~ERCIAL GENER.~~L~ABILlTY . ..._....._._._ CLAIMS MADE ._.x_ OCCUR. OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROT.' 01 CC 758046 2 05-08-91 05-08-92 ~:.NE~~_~~.~':~.?~:~._.._._....!_. $ 00. I. OOQ 0_... _.._. .~~.~~y_c:~~.~.~.~.:~~~ :~.~~:_.~! .50.0. 1,0.0.0..0____ ~~_~?~~.~..~~~~:~~~~.':~._.~.! 50.0. 1 DQO._~... ....C.H():.C.':''.'.~.:N.''..E..___....~. 500,000. ....... ~I~~E._~~~~.~~.~.~~~.~~~.~~_~!... ..~.. '. SO I 000. ... _~_ MED. EXPENSE (Anyone pen;on) S ,. flnn AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT . BODILY INJURY (Per person) . BODILY INJURY (Per eccident) . PROPERTY DAMAGE S EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE . . WORKER'S COMPENSATION STATUTORY LIMITS EACH ACCIDENT . AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT S DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE S OTHER i DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/SPECIAL ITEMS I ! Restaurant operations .CERTlFICATE HOLDER & ADDITIONAL INSURED CANCELLATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 SHOULD ANY OF THE ASOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCEllED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAil 1Q.... DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR L1ASILlTY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Nei ta A, Dilley 747-3381 ~ 4~ CACORD CORPORATI~90 ACORD 2S-S (7/90)