HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-10-15 . e. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 INFO~~TION: 726.3753 CITY ,OF SPRI~GFIELO SIGN CONSTRUCTION ANO ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION CO~IB mATlO~ APPLICATlO~/PER.\IlT I~~PECTIO~ REQUESTS: 7~6-3~69 LOCATlo.~ OF SIGN(ADDRESSJ27d <~/..: ~ ~-, ~LJ LEGAL OESCRIPTION / 7' r:? '2, ,':7:5 ~/ .::> (/ Ol<SER OF PROPERTY~.A.A.<.<f "74(,..C-~.& AODRESS </// ,~....xJ P'~~ OliSER OF SIG.~(IF OTI!ER nv..~ PROPERTY Ol\~&J ~ "'-, f".....oot.. . .l:J Ii' ADDRESS ! "IJ~____'-....._~,:.-_~__:., NA.'IE OF BUSI~ESS, HR.\I, ETC. ~ I TAX LOT' "5"800 ~ PHO~E.6X-<')' - 7/Q'3 'Ie=; ZIP' J ~~ 7"U.- 7&. 0"3. f);:J , tq, ~Ju...:t:_ ~J_:JR'o<I6L.PH~3.s'G<''? _ -o'Y~..~!,.! ~TYl"f OF BUSI~E~S '=1'L . ~~~ TYPE OF SIG;':: I SIG~ CHARACTER (CHECK APPUC.\BLE ITE~lS1: ,. WALL FREESTA.~OmG PROJECTING REAOER BOARO IDENTITY PRDJECTING INCIDES'TAL DOUBLE FACE NON-IDE~TlTY SECO~OARY SINGLE FACE TYPE Of. :"'ORK: 4.. ERECT RELOCATE ALTER OTIIER it ROOF MARQUEE OTHER BILLBOARD ;( flULTI,FACE VE~DORS. CO~TR\CTORS: Ib.l7lpV 1</")(;1;1./..1 ~ hI SIG~ ERECTOR--.L...ADI?V i~~~,.J ~,,-I ADDRESS 4::;77 N, ___ c::::..PI=LO. CITY LICE~SE Ntr.,IBER SIGN ~IA.SUF,\cruRE~ (IF O'OlER TIIA.~ ERECTOR) ~ It: ADDRESS---p-c.. 1\.~\S ELECTRICAL CO:fTIUCTOR ADDRESS ,PHONE 72L. -~t:J~_ EXP. DATE PHONE , PHONE ,LICE~SE NIJ}IBER DL\JEXS [O~:S. I.\ST.-\LU.TrO~; A\;O CO~STRUCTION INFORMATIO~: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GIUDE 1/_' VERTICAL DUIENSION OF SIGN 7"':2;" HORIZO:fTAL WIDTH OF SIGN..? /,/ :~:N::~~ :::E~IU:~Y:~D B~:~~R~ ~:~; _J:~ -X- NO THIC~~E~:S ~RD~~::!~: :~~~ND PRO%:t ;:~E NOTE: IF PROJECTIO~ IS ',:OIU: 11IA.S 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TIlE SIGN ERECTOR ~IUST FILE "1m TIlE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS PUBLIC LIABILITY A.~D PROPERTY DAf~GE INSURANCE POLICIES. WILL SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL I<IRI~G? _YES )LNO IF YES, WHICH APPLY? _ELECTRICAL siGN _ILLU~!NATE~ (I~~:RECTLY LIGlITED) DESC~!BE TYPE eF ~.\TF.~IAL5 SIG~ ISCO~!5T~,UCTF.D OF.---.:..Dn IZA Dlt< -).1./ /~ "";,;, //).:-' A /),I' ",J/ ...: '/ .:::..~ r..../ ':''::~ ./"~.L .I.....~ ./ ..:-_ PROVIDE UL NUMBER IF APPLICABLE SITE INFO~\~TION (LA.'D USE)--EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LA.'D VALUE OF SIGN1/' ~ ~ (OR LAST USE..IF VAc.o~.'TJ: ~AA M ~ IPr"' I ~ L PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND:-"".J'IIM 1M II-lPr>, A L- CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: X-INDOOR BUSINESS _OlITDOOR ~IERCHA.~DISWG ARE THERE EXISTING SIGNS? _YES !.NO IF YES, DESCRIBE ~,EXIS:r!NG..SIGN~..F~R BUSINESS. EXISTING SIGNS (S:G.~ CODE): FIRM, ETC.~ ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREmSES (SA.\IE TAX LOT) :~L.O, Ate::!: /4.DJ:" / ('~jq'o(t4/Y u:., n I ~~ ~r- SIGN DISTRICT ,x _ INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA\IINEO the completed application for permit ~nd do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springf;~ld is in filII force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~1 and 9-1-20(21. I will request ~ll required sign inspections listed on the approved permit... ~. ~~: . ~ ... . ~'''' ~ NAME(PLEASE PRINTJ..!:.A12 rz~ Rc>g lW~~SIGNAT~ ~""::DATE~/6> '/t::i/>j , FOR OFFrCE LEEAlNLY / / ,'. /",. ,ZONE DISTRICT ,,/;'... :: TOTAL SQUARE fOOTAGE OF SIGN <~ /" .~--; I _SITE/LOCATlON _FOOTING OR flETHOD OF ATTACHl-IENT _ELECTRICAL , "FINAL ,,- '. _OTHER FEES: SIGN PERI-liT: Q1ARGES : ELECTRICAL PE~\IIT: CHARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: " TOTAL FEE FOR PER'IlT: . . ',' , " '., i, -. (,",.' ~. ~~:_f v " 1) SeC.1r:lte 5i'!" AO':l1 iotion: A separate :J.ppliC3ti,' separate slgn JS ~~tlncd in the Sign Code. r. I rER~,!lT ':,\L1D,\T!O~ " CITY OF SPRIN(;FI~LD " C\.Iy Hall; . Springfield, Oregan , ' Department of Public Works I,; OFFICIAL RECEIPT C D~. (~t AD ,8~O' B 51482, Rec'd Fro~ ~ 1 ~ (Opt (\0\ ~txJj?}lS ( (: d OV1f) ,!\Aft.. fA 0-r~ Ad ress C)~' 'J_ '" PLEASE hiAU ", 2) Electrical: Any per~it issued under this applic: ing 10 or on sign Structure. the supply wires for covered on an electrical permit. Electrical conn only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. internally and externally) must conform to Sectio 9-7.13 of the Springfield Sign Ordinance. ( 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submit1 sets ot plans dr3~n to scale, showing dimensions, vertising ~ess3ge on Sign; location of sign on pre to property lines, struetual details of support fr fcotings:. r.:I.:J.tr:"ri.J.ls ~f. constructioI! for sign and s tric~l equip~ent and lighting; size and location 0 property for the s~~e business, all as required to with the SpringfielJ Si&" Ordinance (Article. 7 of 1 Code). Also. show the following information on tht showing property lines and location of signs): /". '.I)r, -. Recei~ed For: ( a) Show the location of all existing sign(s) as we b) Show the length of the street frontage taken up building. c) Show the location of entrances open to the publ; c c L '- I i rJ{\f\ '-_J.(\. ' ~ '\ ( 00 ( 4) When required. bec3use of design, si:e. etc., engine c31culations ~uSt be prepared by a licensed engineer to design st3ndards O~ file at the Building Division r \, 5) P13ns of insufficient clarity or detail will be retu plic3nt with no permit being issued. <: 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements (~e Fig. 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. ( . 7) SOTE: So sign ~y be erected which is less than 12 f ~ertic.J.lly fro~ overhead electrical conductors in ,~! volts. or less than 5 feet in any direction from overi lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a si;o is not inst.J.lled ,{rt~fn iii,J:i} ~it;7"'ihe da.; ~t A~~unt this pe~it, the pe~it shall be void. ( J *-.... :;:.. ' v--.. U u ('It Received '- l. ',-_- 'm1U&_) "'UT"'OIIll%~O S1G""'TUfll~ ."1". .M~~'O"""'''".U''~ ...""'~,,. . ~UG~"~' 0" .'''01 \, B) ., ( 9) Insoections: 0) Si[~ rnso~etion - to be mad~ before the sign is pl. the Footln~ [nsoection (if applicable) may be made ti~e as tne Site Inspection. The Footing Inspectic made after hole(s) is excavated, but prior to the ~ concrete. ( .'1' .. ~IY, ( I- ( b) Fin31 [~sDection - to be made upon completion of ~m \-, all work. ..,.' , DATE cJ Electric31 - All electrical signs ellst be inspected for electri- cal hOOK up :liter the sign is erected and beiore the sign is turned on. CALL FOR THE REQUIRED ISSPECTIOSS ON THE 24 HOU!j, INSPECTIOS LISE AT 726,3769. .' " SPECIAL COSDITIOSS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTI~~ OF SIGS: ADDITIOSAL INFOR-'-IATIOS NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: P~~S REVIEWED BY: ~7. ~. (..U------- tI " -------...' DATE /d -1'9~g/ 1,'