HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-2-21 (2) I I I IrISPECTION LIIIE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 726-376g C0I1BIHATION APPLICATION/PERMIT ...4 ,.I' ,,/ EilERGY SOURCES: Job Address 8(/$ /,/#/j .Sf- _~/./".Jt.l-'/I/17 Heat Fhr_ Legal .Qe5cription/?_~3_~~2. "7d~ C7/~ I~ater Heater /,j~r_ . ., e INFORllATION LIN. l 726-3753 Sq. Ftq. 1,Iain ~q. Ftg. Access. Sq. Ftq.~ ,~cz,.,g --11ewJ(Add__Alter-O~ep. Fence Demo Change/Use , --Other -- -- Owner d;/.~.-J.~.h#'Qf~'t/ /.f~k<1 , , I Address t!?a.J' /JiJ/,,) ~'h~ /a,.,,/ Phonc'~q: ~ J'wOH?%;.eYb4";ill y- $~P?i .:> /"7" Construction Lender Nt?#i> Ranqe ValuE of 1,lork: /~5" I)" t!J Bui lGin~ Pennit Info: Describe Work. ( i ..e.. Family ~esidence With Attached Garaoel Build Single ~ '" vt IN I Primary (namel b...';' &A'$( I Phone (address l 65'/ N,t'.!/. -/Aot'S/'A/ -4,:/<<.~;;tI"~" .,f ,f/ .?/d1/'t#/ ,ti&/;~...i:; h~/~~ / <,-'~ Address Ul:.~ tliN II:.AI~ flies. &/?,/~/;;;, no. 1 {exoiresl Cohone no. Structural 7SV- ?zca Electrital Mechanical CONTRACTORS (name 1 (address 1 (1 i r~. nn. 1 General /t"";h,nnl AI. <?dIll' ;;~Nj ,.?~_? ~,./j _,7- +#/"';"/--1// ~M'~.Mp $:".I'R~'NAU&Q I , -- (pxoil"pc:l (ohnnp nn_ \ ~.#'7-?5?,I./ , Electrical "echanic'al tf" ....W^'PA T J::'L61N' ~n-< ' PLUi1BING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 110, Each single fixture FE, I rHARr" ;)'- 1tP,- Nn <F, rHM.IiE. NO, FFF rfJARliE. :2 Residence of SQ. FT. furnace/burner to BTU's Relocated building (new fix. additional) ~ New circuits alts. ~ex~~E' SERVICES ISQC Floor furnace and vent , S.F. Residence 11 bath 1 Duplex (1 bath) each Additional bath V ~Iater service iI" Temporary Construction Change in existing rec;..i rly.oce multifamily, comm. or Tnrlll"triill Of amps.1 COr~I./INO. FEEDERS I Install/alter/relocate I rli"trih. fppder" I Of amps.l 'Zs;-a Recessed wall SOilrp hp~tpr ~nrl ve~ 'I I/Y~<' Vh/7S G,.oP 7,{-- - Appl iance vent I s@oaratp Stationary evap. " cooler Vent fan with I sinale duct Vent system apart from I hea t i no or A. C. I Mechanical exhaust hood ilnd durt I Hood stove/heater I~ r~hG I I I I i I I I I I I~.- I I A;?- Sewer v' Storm Sewer 6- -:: :: -::,:::: TOTAL CHARGES ?:S."'" TOTAL CHARGES ~.:o.. TOTAL CHARGES -:::?~, - WHEnE STATE L\I/ REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an 'Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be vali1 until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAREFUllY EXJ\flINED the completed aprlication for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Ore~lOn pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPAI~CY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemption is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with OP.S 701.055 will be used on this project. SIr,il^T~4/~....,u></ ,;'/./? Fon OFFl CE USE ()ilLY Zone t:;t'::, Tyoe/Const. 3-N Units Sq, Ftg. l1ain .4'0/> 7~~S '1' value~85''1'- =~ - Fire Zone Bedrooms Occy Load Sq. Ftg. Access PA1"P:>N Value I t?~ _ Flood Plain Stories Z, Occy Group8~/.i/II.'ISq. Jt'l,:, Othe ~('.. '1//7//1 Value 8()t;,,!! N"",,: F""N~Ap<AN-./"E/JJS#.Ir /,f$CJCD ?-':n'-6'f p"r ~.R<:' TOTAL VALUATION/. '/ ~ .., 1$ /N<u...>,7/~.o /N 77/'/,$ .""7:::;-:~./T: oJI=/n?Wn?, (YUOI BUILDING PERfIIT ~/8 etQ I Plan Ck. COIllll/lnd ~LAO ~ r:..ll_rsystems oevilopment I /002 9,,- Chargesan~ ___;;;!!P~ ....:.._. 6Sf:/BldoPJ?rFpp r,-,... (; Charqe(1.5,.) IttIlP€. lis rCM.r~es&9.1i;'P, ~ / IJ '72 Plan Ck. Res B.+.~EP CIV' V.(i.Ul5' C~'" _.I~_,-;rdii>.- ". _ 30%/Bldo Per Fee A ""~2&.. ./9Y. -, , PLU!lBING PERMIT ......... ~4:a Fence Charges and - - - _.i'~ III Surcha rges / . 'i c:> Demo ELECTRICAL PERi~1T ____ U~".. "0 I Sjdewalk"?'A'~>r' Charges and ~ Surcharges I . 6<:> A/C Paving I rlECHANICAL PERMIT 2' 00 I Charges and ______!JP-l,____ Curb Cut Surcharges /. (:) Sf I IlAl,IE(please prin~hd-' ~--;;'f'F4'/'..,I /.t/.J:.~<' DATE ,;,0/ /.!I-'/ ~ ....e. .lTotal Comb. Permit I I TOTAL f9-s1.7G 2'387.67 I PROJECT CONOITIONS TO BE SATISFIEO BEFORE OCCUPANCY: Permit appl icant exempt from registration with the Builder's Board because: Additional Project Information: " PLANS REVIEWEO BY: name _L c2.N,r: n ~<;. ~ Signatur~~ ,. ~-j--", { ----- -' ,IV .--. date , S;".,2-,8y @ . BILL HUTCHQS VICE.PRESIOENT (5031 747-3374 "(Whate<7e< Ut CTake," 9TH 8< MAIN STREET SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 --~~ = , , ,