HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-12-31 . . INFORllATION liNt 726-3753 Sq, Ftg. I'lain &:<t qJ ~q. ~tg. Access. Sq. Ftg. Other -1lew ..Add Jo1Ilter _..?ep, Fence Oemo Change/Use Other - , QI~ I 00. o I m~m~OIl LIIIE corlBlllm6NO~p~mmM7~ERMIT Q / E!IERGY SOURCES: Job Address O;~/ Mc:u~ ;5fYt7f1'f Heat Y\./~ legal Description 1/~f)~-.:<.5--12 Ilater Heater~rl. t Ranne 'A /I'X /0...)( t...... () 1 zoO VAlu, of \'/orkbO Owner N (1/) I ,<)fY/ltI a.. /R..,;-vpy ~h'N~I'~'..:{!> (P, 006. - Address J J -: -; r Phone ....1/ BulldnQ Permit Info: Describe l~orl<(;..e," p) '=<./ 1'/11'> II/I ..:) Jo-l7r.,. 7"'0- Familv ~esidence l'lith A,ttached Garaael Build Single N N 1-+ I Q3l2. /J rJ /I LlJ fl) ~./Jp /> nH.. t>.t n>fM/!Jmpoo<J_, r';///I;), ,A.,Pj1IfJ.J!,/J d 07J-( /1!r! rJ 4(? I/)/-f ./) jJ 1/JJ..t...t".i. (address) (lics. no. \ (exoires),. (ohane no. 2Q402.. U), 7.M.{(j boo <{O07- '* 0tS$-;CJ"Ib__ €~ .", II , Construction Lender Address DESIGN TEAl' Phone Primary (name) C\\~iYr'~ , u J .T?~(1~Q - Structural ElectriC:! I ~:eChanical cmITR;.r.l~lRS (na~e I . . # . General ('0/'11. l/ij/I:'YI .. (address) (lic.s. no.' (exoires) (ohane nn.) ,.:J,.K<,7 It{dlr};Y!I/JJ.L J./- 2~J(:,- #f-4~l''J/ - -34.::s-Q3J/... , 2..; 3305 1:Yl11Mt '-81 . I -717-79.:J~ PlI11l1~;n0 V\// C\, DOJ-.~ ~)v f 0, I" Vui.- 'AID-... Electrical ~~ec~anic~l ?LUila I j.G ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL S.f. ?esidence (J bdtbJ Duplex (I bath) each CHARGE tJO_ I [Residence of SQ. FT. INew circuits alts. or extensions ISERVICES I FFF rH,ll,Rr,F tlO. f.H rHARr,F \ II" I i FEF I Eaen single fixture . Relocdteo builcinq (new fix. Jdditional) furnace/burner to BTU's .' Floor furnace and vent Recessed wall Snac~ n@atpr and vpnt Storm Sewer Of amps. Appl iance vent Sfloarate Stationary evap. cooler Vent fan with sinole duct Vent system apart from I heatino or A.C. Mechanical exhaust hood i'lnd fillet ~!a ter serv i ce jTempOrary Construction IChange in existing. res i d~.nce_ multifamily. COrTrn. or" Induc;tri?ll Additional bath Sewer COI~'1. IIND. FEEDERS Install/alter/relocate dic;trib. fp~der" Of amps. __ ('C:/~4r~ Sc:rvir:;.t:: l..{t::JClo.J~D . Wood stove/heater %'-- ISSUANCE OF PFRmT TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES ~ s: eX> I TOTAL CHARGES WHERE STATE lo\11 REQUIRES that the Electrical work be done by an Electr;cal Contractor. the electrical portion of this permit shall not be vali~ until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit. and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Ore9on pertaining to the work described herein. and that NO OCCUPArKY will be made of any structure without the permission of the Building Division. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's . Board is in full force and effect as required by ons 701.055. that i~ exempt the basis for exempt.on is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors and emnloyees who are in compliance with ORS 7nl.055 will b ecp.on this pr ~ct. rWIE(please print~c....;/ S-A-.'y(,o,<.J 5 If,;IATV ____~~d.4-&~' FO~ OfFICE USE dillY So. Ftg. Sq. Ft~. Sq. Ftg, OATE/2.--"-31-/<.' Zone C.~ Fire Zone Tyoe/Const. ~-)\I Bedrooms Stori es Units Occy load Occy Group A-,~ " f1ain '0 , Value t::.~. 00 Access x Value Other , Value Flood Plain J , Plan Ck. COlllTllInd 65%/B1do ~pr Fep Plan Ck. Res 30%/Blda Per Fee I Fence I D~Rlo I Sidewalk lAIC Pavi ng I Curb Cut Alf~n:J.l""" I :lf55372- '/Z-/2.-f:,V , "'3 40 'Systems Oevelopment ' -I ,- Charqe (1.5%) TOTAL VALUATION ,6UIlOWG PWIlT Charges and Surcharges '3~.= ------------ I. If'! %:,,- PlU'iBING PERMIT Charges and Surcharges ELECTRICAL PERr~IT Cha rges and Surcharges tlECHAN I CAl PERMIT Charges and Surcharges _ u_ _~.r:...:-:u J. 'fO Total Comb. rermit It!? -:> TOTAL '" Yo &Yi . COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) '" ~. " I. Appl icant to furnish A. Job Address B. Legal Description 1. examole~ Tax lot 100. lane County Map ~r 17 03 4'3 2. examole- lot 1. BlOCK 3. 2nd Addition' Sprlngtield Estates 'C: Name. etc. of owner and construction lend! ( . O. Energy Sources 1. examDle~ heat/electrical ceilinQ/or f{ 2. examoJe- w'aterheater/electncaf/or SOl E. Square footage or valuation, etc. - ( 1. examole- 1250 sq. foot house. 500 sq. 2. examole- if ~ew project. check-new - i chee K add. ete. r. Bllildiny permit information: . ,r' 1. exar.mle -. constr,lct s"ingle far.Jily hous .~. Jtt~cned gardge 2. ex~~~le - remodel e~istirig garage into 3. exa~Dje - convert single family reside (1. reStdllrant {change (If use) . G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a Structural Specialty Code H. DTES I GN TdEAdi'; AIiD CONTRACTOPS . . B <- o aVOl eSlgn or constructlon delays. u Division Staff must be able to contact appl persons rega rd i ng des i gn i nfOrTIlati on or j 01 corrections. etc. <- II. ,c"bbreviated Ph.::r.bing. riechanical, & Electrical . . A. ~xceDt where blank spaces occur in the des( :~rtion of :he Mechanical and Electrical $c the applicant need fill~in only the No. 80> 18t. ~~ tne appropriate item(s) to be installed \ B. Full Plumbing, ~lechan;cal. and Electrical S are aVdilable at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit fonn tli ~." have been abbreviated \ 2, If the item(s) to be installed are not the abbreviated schedules you should co full schedules I' C, BUILOlliG OIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL F \~: CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES O. As noted on the CAP, the label must be deli electrical contractor for signature by his supervisor. The general contractor is not. to sign the electrical label. - Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial appl ication will (nu, a worr.sheet only. Where possible, Building Div. ~ will prepare a type written copy and return it 1 applicant at the time the actual permit is iSSUE signa ture. " IV, Fees and Charges C Plan check fees are due and payable at the time application. and no plans will be processed unti~ 1.:1lt:~e. fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is. issued. , " ~ I I l. V, FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I.' ..,. et.. Ii PERMIT VALIDATION . w CITY SPRINGFIELD OF City Hall Springfield, Oregan Department of Public Work. OFFICIAL RECEIPT (' , No. B 5 5 5 0 6 ( . ,) ...,' <10 Dale I"{ - .;::; I 19 t) , Rec'd From (11 oJ, ""CYJ.A.()'\) '" Address 1. ~ '3 J /0 '1 OO_anloito ,.---~( Received For: BP 3{n eX) 40}{J I' .44.> CC-.~ 55.00 cp'}/) 1, q(') ('!..(~ (} J! l'Q.v i () .60 Sf)C q(:),O(j .:1.: '''0' Amount Received 0 '2, _ g 't c.l? ~ ~.' I "UT"O"':r:~D !IIGNATUIltE S"lLTO".TUOl"'U~~ ~"'''U''. . IP;UGI..t:. 0" 017.01 f, ,.."., '. Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFI!:D BEFORE OCCUPANCY: . .""" ,0.,.;.1,. 'lid" "'" ~ .''''''.1. .. ..".,.... ',...... ; 1- V€hY':'''''''.+R rl?-'" 7#c ~~.R~S 0r.,... mOY/~/C>H:S //1~S7' 7;r""'Fr"/C Mv/::5/=....... .-4/PP'Ro V&'P ~~ Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's:Board because: . ~ Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name L.&-Ji?;;,e n e<::; ~ signa ture date /'Z-;:J/-go .'. . . .- ~. . . ~~ ( , ~ ~. l-~. , ~~ ( " ~ Jt " .t \! ( ( f I, , ,- r ( : ~ '. C C ( ( , ,I ~~ j