HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2000-7-3 L424 DATE:JUN 30 2000 , Mlo\\Ow\n9 AMT, RECD: 1 $ 100.00 tlm\\ted n~s I and use CHANGE: $ 61.50 ZZ5 FIFTH STREBT wln9 ~,oiectas:u u\!e s~ec\fic \ ELECTlUCAL PillUIIT APPLICAnON CASHIER: 059 Sl'lUNGFIBLD, OREGON *?'If d doeS not! "'- INSPECTION REQUEST. ltn~iff69 City Jot.. NWllbor 00-0IfllY.3>/~Ot OPrICB: 72.6~3759 a~~!Ov, In9 * Ion FEE SCHEDULE IlELOll 1. LOCATION ~~ INSTALLATIO +<, ~ rr1(l~:~ ~ .I SIll"AIUre Nov lI.esidential-Single or 'r p.utno"'. Hulti-Family por dvollinc unl t. LEGAL DESClUP:J'ION -I- Set'vice Included: ?>OB ~D""CIU'J'...L<.1PT';rg"N IUv\, Items Cost ~ .... 1000 sq. ft. or loss S 85.00 l-::rO">::' '-i ') 0 -=1-r,()O Each addi tional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Kanuf'd Home,or Hodular, 'Dvelling Service or Peeder , C. Temporary Services or Feeders Constr Contr. MUllbar 2055C NOTICE: Installation, Altoration or Relocation bp ratiOn Date S-22-0l THISPERMITSH~OO alllps"or lells $ ~O.OO t\l~f Su 'Ot"Vlsina: Electrs~~HORIZEbU",~~~~rf~~~gg~=, ~ i~:gg , n '-'uIV/MEN .. O'-~ '600fi - .'t00ti voltS seo "B" ebove J'p ~ A~IV1":, CEDORISA~AN",!,\~!,nol~NO'i' t /i ' .-JAYl)'ER,~Jndi CircuH~R etS ,Name L:J~? (,,-'" ",1/.1l, ' , I Nev, Alteration or Extension Per </-'7Sz,. /{/Y ST E. Klscellaneous (Service/feeder not include~) -Each installation Pump or irrigation ' $ ~O.OO _____ Sign/Outline Lighting $ 40.00 _____ Owners SignalUrQ: Limited Energy/Res S 20.00 ----- , ....' l~il'\..I"',/7"/.'" c.. ..,Limited Energy/Colllll1 _ $ 36.~ - -::2-,.--------- r::> } 77-;, /.L-fr/? />~- t'" \ne Orqoor ;J'lI.. f\..'- ----;.t----------------- .'~;;'."'-'.:.'''-~::::.."'----- 5. SUDTOI'AL 01' ABOVE 'oJ"'> .. IJAtt': 7-Z..;tJ(} \Inl!':~"tlo~~,-;pn"'" -~.-, ','~Ti),Stll\~,Surchal'lle -- RECRrl'T ,: ,..(')"....~',,::'-iJU :-\0" ,'- Jl: Adb:lnislrativr. Fcc =-- ' TOTAL In:' RECEIVED Ii 1:._ _R _........... "",., "'1a\J nhte.1f\ copt{=tf !.. . - ........... -. ~ I . ' II' 'hr. .......,.?..,,. t"'C" '1\;' ,'" .......~ ca ''''t) v'.....I!.... ,-... .,' number lor tho 0,200'11 Jti:it ,1"O:lflcal" rr:...:..17:- . d'...." .~.. ,- Jul-l4-99 09:l9A Permits are non-transferable and expiro if work i8 not started vithin 180,days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 100 daYll. 2. ....,..-.ACTOR IJISTALU.TION ONLY ,B. Services or Peecers Installation, Alterations Inc .01' lI.eloc:ationl 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps ~01 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/VOlls Reconnoct Only Electrical COntractorAlert Electric, Address 1970 28th St CitySorinafield Phone 747-"ll Supervisor Liconse Number 243S Bapiration Date 10-01-01 One Circui t Kach Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit City Phone 79"1-Za./6 -<p,c:p OllNER INSTALLATION The installation Is being made on propert)' I ovn vhleh 15 not intended for sale. lease or rent. .,.\, -" -,~, . P.Ol Sum S 15.00 ,$ 40.00 $ 50.00 S 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 S ~o.oo " \ Panel 'l., c:, ,<J) S 35.00 ...L.L $ 2.00 =-;J.......~' .r.;.~-_~ .~. ::"" C") . , ' ~.."," .W~ ~. --,-,13'k.