HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1992-8-26 . . r-r"'I\' "..."""'n tlt"'Y"' .. r'Oor-oo . _ ... _. _... "II.:IIV t"1:11 IVIII AI't'LIl';A IIUN ' ~ JOB NU~"'!B:f! 0\ -zJ ~1'6 1aJ002 08/24/92 10:52 ~503 726 3689 SPFD DEI'. SER, 225 Filth Streel Sp,i'''lfield. OR 97477 Inspection Line: , 726.3769 Oltlce: 728-3759 LOCA TION OF PROPOSED WORK: 7 I (1 /VI A I,AJ ASSES~ORSMAf':--D () :2 3..r::' Y..-?--= "T IJI \f L<1 It. _TAXLOT: -- Os-a 00 OWNEA: (l N ~c~..., (CI") 4 , PHONE: ADDRESS: ( ./. 1. L( -f'-- - CITY: f c._ '1- "_ r BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC,: "\ A If. L.. (J r<.. IhA Y ZIP: C; 7 c( oS-- M /.; ;t)/e.. , (,,) STATE: Wall FfeeStanding _ Projecting KRooi" Morq tJ89 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSEO SIGN/51: (ple.se check and complete all appropriate Iniormationl ,$- Single Face Double Fece Squ"'e Fool'go: __$ '6 /J./.. / I VCJrlit:~ll Dimension of siOrl or em.:Josurc: Billboard Olhe< 5 / Total Heighr ebove Grode: ::20/ j"b / foto(j~ontal Width of sign 0.' enclosure: Dimtstlsion from Grode I'~ I to bottom 01 Sign: .~ Electrical Installation: Yes Xr No ~' . ur ye. addilion.l peiiiiiiTs requiradl VAL.UE: j) 1..-;/ :'), r\ ~_n ~o \~I'1\Tn(')~ ,-An!ij/iy \.~ffi; f1P~) MtlteriiJl Sign is conSlIuctcd 01: /.-()I\~ - ~ Utit ALL tuii:i:oting signage anti QUach a photograph of 8ach s:iOJ'l: 10) Type ). ~ Sq. Fry" (l;B Sq. F'g. Ibl Type Id) Type Sq. FIg. leI Type Sq, Ftg, CONTRACTOR/INSTALLER: 5 · GN S. L<.....t./L. 1;1.11 ,-r <E f\ .I. A) T e-r~ ! (J I't PHONE: '3 Y 'I. '7 ~I C/ d. ADDRESS: I ;, (,,~ . /:" (;'lA G Er,A..-e- STATE: 0'-11.f4s ZIP: 9,/ y C) 2-93 G': 5fS CITY: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORSREGISTRA TION NUMBER: EXPIRES: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: "1.:2-6393 EXPIRES: Sign DISlrier:fuJlrr-\-r1llJil..- Zoninr/ ~ ) 4(jCO OFFICE USE Land Usa: <~-)~ X ) Ouad Area: ,q (1,\\') \J... ) Code Saction: 0 C\ - tl- \~ n " Appro.ad By: \ t f'(\ ) ~~j1 ~UOAre: &2.~ .qv Sign Permit t:ce: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: L Allachm""l arter fasteners are installed/prior to COver , - Electrical prior [Q enetgi~ing V Final ~~~llon 01 sign installation l)~~flF - She ___. Fooling 10 be lTIiltle prior pfior to ~Iacernent to sign plZlcement of concrete Adl.litiQr~1 Comments iJncJ/or Conditions: 'f\'f\ '--' 9v sign.'1ture. I sU~te .mu agree, thi't I htH/G carefullv examined the completed application and do hereby acrtify tho! ell In1(1rmetlon hetein i!l true Lind correct, Olnd I turther certi'V !.hDt ~ny and ~f1 wOfk pefrormed shall be dlJnB in accordance with the Ordinances 01 the CItY 01 Springfield, unci the Laws of the Stilte 0' Orogon pertaining to the work described herein. I further cettify that only contrectOrJ om. cml'llo'/eClt WhO me in r.omplicmGg with ORS 701,055 will be used an this project. I further ;grcc to on sure thi'll all f9quifod inspections are requested at the proper timu. that project oddtess Is readable from the street. r"ot ~~el~:r~~~~:fV\~ is loealed nllhc Irol'll OII~PrOPJ{IY' alld 1M approvad .et 01 olans will ramain on rhe sile at all times durlng thelnotalletlon Slul'lotu,. I ( ,/" 1 I 0 y(7 .lL-- Dale 5\ - j _U - C;--. /_ Q_ "_ , 0 ~ Validation, Amount Received: -4f) CD Date Paid: t;J;1--ho, y~-......- Receipt Number: ~_Recelved By: _ "~_) 6\ , ,.