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Permit Electrical 2002-2-5
Oct-lS-Ol Ol:43P .- . P.Ol , The following project as submitted has the following 215 FIFTH STREET zomng, and does not:;e uire specific land use ELECTR.JCAL PERMIT APPLlCATION SPR1NGFfELD. ORE~~~477 ' INSPECTI01' REQUEST: 72G!diilitlJ (! '()../, Cit\' Juh ,Numhcr~) Z -00 /Z 7-0 ( OFFICE: 726.J7~9 D t ' ' a e . J. <"Vl'IYU: n: rcE SCHEDULE BELOW I. LOCATION OF I~JlIllI<i~Oll\\Jre 101 HAl,.) , A. New Rcs!dclltiill-Singlc or Multi.Famil)' per d\\'cllin~ unit. Servi<c Included: LEGAL DESCRIPTION 00/00 __J (.9-_'S3> _!>I.f Z /)/' Items Cust Sum JOB DESCRIPTIO:-l,p" rWqr oe ~rLUI-rs. If/un ~q.ft. or less Euch additional 500 sq. ft or portion Ihereor EfI:h ~-1illlUrd Home or Modulor Dwelling Service or Feeder, $106.lJO Permits :lrc nori-tr;lIIsf~mble !tna expire if work is not started within ISO days of issuance or if work is sU.li.p~nded t(lI 180 doys, $ 19,00 $ 51J.IIU 2, CONl'RACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY. n. Sc.r\'h:c.s Ill' Feeders Installation, Altcrution! or Electrical'Con'ra"'or' Alert I:lectric, Inc. RcloCOlioJl' .,., ')" .~v . \', 'Sr.1,(,~' I \)\\\ ' \ ~. '~v~~<;ih~\\",- . o<\~ " e~\I~~O~ ~t!1Ps~ '0'1 cl"SprinqfieldPhone 747-2213 O<e~o~ '~~O\~lpSS ~\O~' 009\e ~~~,~~'r'i~QII(j>t;1\p5'0 /;. Supervisor License Number 24 3- ?'~"~ ~e'O'lJl ~\0<' &-~P\ttQ.O>"mpslvoll":I>\\o ~~,. ~ <~ ell. _l)~~~\l,\,~;'li)~lt~\c\"''' Expiration Dai< 10-1- 0 4 r>u~~ ~7>~0't.f)J::jf:J\ oY;)\'l>' ~o~ '0"\.\\\'1 ,?/,OtA..... ,;-\o\\\'- Sl-<;\~ (i\7>'t~ri!t"''Sc,?:!celor reellm Constr Contr. Number 1277 2 .^O~ -(0 .",0N.~iat:llllloofAltcruli"" or RelncUllon , /:!IV' ~ ,'> ;'\'<-" '\"~ ~ - . 00.. _~\\~ \0< ~\S . . , 5-.<2-0.> .'''''- ~'Q0<c,e(\\e200aI1lPsorIess.. ~ $50.00 (\~ .,.' 20 I ampSlo 400 amps _ $69.00 _ , ~'Signlllw'C of SIIJlcn'i.\in~ Electrician "" OVer 401.10 600 "mps: " ., :' .. ~OO .:....- , '" , Over 600 cmps or 1000 vol;s see ~'i:;'l'I '~\01 : ' , ," ,.,' .." J , "B" nbm'e ~'i:;~~i~~\;';; ". ,. , ,~ ".'...\{ I. 0 Bl'UnchCi!F'~. "'\..\..~~\S~, ~\)'Y!, .. ' OWllmNlImc .5/u~~~ ~ '7 ~ f:. ~~~~~~~~",~ll-~.., ty;) Addres,2(.,DG.,..ko..1- M sfEz ~~0~~~\)O~ C\). -1-,S4J.~ , ,','. r /'0 h '~~'.:, ((;.~G f(,.~~ ',. Cit,. r-=u. &;,;.,.re-:- Phnne. C0 'j - fr-YOO Eacl\'~lilo~.1 ~ft or with Sc~e , ' , 77cO , ~rFcbieW:'l~ .:t-HOO ~ OWNER INSTALLATION,. " ,. .,~ ",. The installation is being ma:fe on E. J\liscellnneou.s !Scn:icc/fccdcT not inclUded) property l,o~'n'\yhich is not intend~ .E.ach installation. for s<11e, lease or rent. Purilp or irrigation SignJOJtline Lighting Li:nit~d EJ!ergylRes Limitt:.d Energy/eonIDI Addless 1970 N. 28tt Street $ 6J .00 $ 75.00 $125,00 SI63.00 SJ75 00 $ 50,00 E:\pirmjotl D~{c . OWDen Si~nature: $50,00 $~O,OO 525.00 $4~.OO ~(inimulll EIt:c1ric Permit Impccrinn Fec i~ S4:,.On + SUI'chargc.~ 190:~mHS\:J::) : 39N\JH8 OS.OB $ 6:083~ 1W\J 6006 90 [13:J:31\;10 696LOOO-I0:#SN\;I~1 4, SUBTOT.-\L OF ABOVE 7Cl/" Stilh: Surcharge S% Adminbr.'ath'c Fcc lO~ __4'7'U, "60 TOTAL go~