HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1981-10-21 ~' ~~~ -' . '/'&<-<-}'-'_/ /,-I..~~'C""~~" ...,.." ~..<ao . . ", ,00 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 I~FO~~TIO': 726-3753 CITY OF SPRI~GFIELD SIG~ CO'STRUCTIO' ~~D ELECTRICAL I~STALLATIO~ CO'lBINATID' APPLICATIO~/PER.'IlT \" IXSPECTIO~ r~QUESTS: 7:6.3~69 '. LOCATIO' OF SIG'(ADDRESS) 6 t: 1"1 /?:"",~...I L.//- =: /7 ~/J ,~.- '~Sj --3:1 ! 4' "':N.,/ '2 ~ ,- - TAX LOT . C)/) lJ/)~' Q~.l , i PHO'E b f't.'~";~4"":~ 'ZIP ~' , Vi, ~ I SIG:-l CHAR..\CTER (CHECK AP?Ur..\BtE ITbtSl: A.. IDENTITY NO~-IDE~TITY PROJECTI'G SECO~DARY PHO'E 9</.:1-<;//"//. LEGAL DESCRIPTIO' 01iSER OF PROPERTY 1..''/.'':''- / 'j. o. -.. ADDRESS OliXER OF SIG~(IF D1liER nu.~ PROPERTY Oh'NER) AODRESS /~'" d"" ,99 III ~A.\tE OF BUSI~ESS. FIR.'I~ ETC. 7.4/'("; I? r LI~ ..~ .. ....,;' '.- }-:" } ......,~.-. N /.:::L J~C7f/')4//{'S TYPE OF BUSI~ESS TYPE OF :,'ORK: L ERECT RELOCATE ALTER onlER TYPE OF SIGN: WALL FREEST~'DI~G ~ ROOF PROJECTI~G ~IARQUEE READER BOARD x: D1liER BILLBOARO ~/,.> /?;'tnn;-~) dn -C){/s77,,:".' i~/~. INCIDENTAL ~ ,DOUBLE FACE SI~GLE FACE MULTI-FACE VE~DORS. CO~iR.'\CTORS: SIC~ ERScrOR 7;" .C~., f~ 4/1 ,/ /1.;;'." ADDRESS /..r~,"'I'.? AJ'LJU qq/l/ ~~_~'..-rr r:::;'~""I"::=""- CITY LICE~SE ~lJ)IBER ? C'(, ",-3 J SIG'I ~1A.'UFAcruRE~ (IF onlER m....~ ERECTORl ADDRESS ELECTRICAL CO:lTIUCTOR ,'~, ADDRESS PHO'E 9'~J.. Y/'l ,< ~ ~ ~ EXP, DATE /- 9-J':L PHO~E PHONE LICENSE NIDIBER ODIE:-;SIO~:S. r~ST,ULnIG:-: :\.~D CO:\SiRUCTION INFOIt\t\TIQ:-l: TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DHIENSION OF SIGN .<,t.' HORI:O~TAL WIDTH OF SIGN <,t:.', DI:IE'SIO~ FRO)l GRADE TO BOTTO" OF SIGN THICK~ESS OR DEPTH OF SIGN /,7 " DOES SIG~ PROJECT BEYO~D PROPERTY LINE YES ~ NO IF YES, DI>IENSIO' BEYOND PROPERTY LINE /OOTE: IF PROJECTIO~ IS ',;ORE TIlA.' 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE SIGN ERECTDR'mST FILE IUTII THE BUILDI~G DIVISIO~ COPIES OF HIS PU6LIC LIABILITY ~'D PROPERTY D~'~GE INSU~'CE POLICIES. WILL SIl;'~ HAVE ELECTRICAL IIIRI'G? IS-YES -.JID IF YES. WHICH APPLY? A-ELECTRICAL SIGN _ILLIDII'ATED (lNOlRECTLY LIGHTED) DESCRIBE TYPE OF ~\TF.~IALS SIG.'! IS CQ!-!S:~IJcrED O~ . ".h1t4.f:;/ # Llrr-.r:u/;;' //',.,,-.y-;r. PROVIDE UL ~'U~IBER IF APPLICABLE ;; h/9C?7Q'7 / VALUE OF SIGN ~ -//? ~ . SITE 1!~FO~'lATlON (LA.,n USE) -~EXISTI'G USE Of BUILDiNG OR LAND (PR LAST ,~SE..IF 'tACA.'IJ): ,-:..--:f~~__,~ ,,?7,.,...;..'''7'.,....;.,{L._/,,A-r'- ___ r -e- ~J if ./ ,. PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: EXISTING SIGNS FI~~. ETC.: CHECK ONE IF APPLICABLE: _INDOOR BUSINESS _OIITDOOR IIERCH~'DISI~G (SIGN CDOE): AIlE TIlERE EXISTING S~? x..YES -.JID IF YES, DESCRIBE ~,E:lIs:r~NG"SI~N~J9R ~US,~~E~S. ({!;'iT'( C _'r---72. ,Me r ALL EXISTING SIGNS ON PREmSE5(S~'lE TAX LOT): ,SIGN DISTRICT-2J[70/ /Jv'fZ) ZO~E DISTRICT ,. ().. - '3 TOTAL SQUARE fOOT~,E OF, SIGN INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: :""SITE/LOCATIO' _FOOTING OR ~lEmOD OF ATTACH.'lENT ~CTRICAL , I HAVE CAREfULLY E~IINEO the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and all other Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify th3t my Sign Contractors License with the City of Springfield is in full force and effect as required by Springfield City Codes 8-2-6(~} and 9.]-20(21. I will request all required sign inspections listed on the 3pproved permit. ./1~ /__A 7 "'. ...:....::.....:: ... _ ~.4,; ,;;. r//J< NAME (PLEASE PRWT)', ,- SIGNATURE~~ DATELILBf-IIL FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ~ Itp, 0/ ~AL " _OTHER TOTAL FEE FOR PERMIT: ,:J r 7.' I f "V~' t' .... """;1 \ / ELECTRICAL PERmT: CllARGES: STATE SURCHARGE: J;J IIi, ,If:{)' r' +lJ- FEES: SIGN PE~'I!T: CHARGES: ..:.:?.:. -7. '#0 . " .... PlE.\SE :"=.'-0 1) Seou:\te Si'!n .~~::II iCJ.tbn: A sep.uJ.te ::1pplicJ.tion Sep3fJ.te sl~n ~s ~~[lnCa in the Sign Code. 2) Electrlc31: ~y per~it issued under this 3pplicati log 1n or on sign stru~ture. the supply wires for c covered on J.n electricJ.l permit. Electric31 con nee only by :1 Stolte licensed ElectricJ.l ContrJ.ctor. IJ intern~llr J.nd cxternJIly) ~ust conform to Section~ 9~1.1S of the ?prin~tielJ Sign Ordinance. 3) P13ns Reouired: This application is to be submitt. sets or pl3n! drJ,~n to sC31e. showing dImensions a' vertising ~eSSJ~e on sign; 10c3tion of sign on pro to prorerty linc~. structu31 details of support ir (00t1n&5; n3tcr131s of construction for sign and s tricJ.I equi~~ent :1nJ lighting; si:~ and location 0 pro?er:y for the s~~e business, all as required to with the Sprir.~ri~lJ Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of Code). Also. sno~ the following information on t~ .5~owinl property lines and location oi signs}: .i) Show the loc,uion of .111 existing sign(s} as \ b) Show th~ lengt~ of the street frontage taken ~y building. c) Show the loc.1tion of entrances open to the pu 4) lihen required. bec.Juse of design. size, etc.. eng c.Jlcul.1tions ~ust be prc?ared by a licensed engin to desl.n standards on file .1t the Buildin~ Divis '- I I '~f SPRINGFIELD I,~ City Hall ~ . ( - Springfield. Oregan Department of Public Work. ( OFFICIAL RECEIPT " f- No. B Date IO-,z I 19 g I Rec'd From fE; AJ - ~ SISAJ a-, f,<;;-A-;, f.LuHd 99AJ, ~:t ,( 57490( I c Address Jii. 7 "" ',. Received For: ~' . , ' A'lv-;C- 9'h u :. ,~ AI V.,":IT '4% tA/3. ~ j~ _1/1; ", {...-. (11. c ( S) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be l pli~.1nt wit~ no per~it being issued. 'r ,Amount Received ---'( ~OTE: ~o sign C.1y be erected which is less than orverticJ.lly froo overhe:1d electrical conductor " volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction irom ~r. lines which :lre energi:ed at less than 750 voltst- . 8) If ~ si;n is not inst~lled within 60 days after the date of issue of this pe~it. the pe~it shall.be void. 6) Signs ~uSt ~cct corner vision clearance require~' Fig. 9 of the Springfield C~cprehensive Zoning C. f' '., , 7) 9) Insocct ions: ~ ~ kL , AUTHOltlZItD SIGNATUltl[ '''IlLTO'''TU''H.'ULL ~'"''U''' . IUQl..l, O. '7.0' .",,-, fJ 2.:3, i/-b --- ori:o ( , , i , I I ( ,J ... _r 3) Site rn~~eetion - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually. the Foo::nr I~~~ection (if applicable) may be ~ade at the same ti~e as tn~ SL~e Inspection. The Footing Inspection is to be m~Jc after hol~(sl is excavated. but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Final r~sDection - to be made upon completion of all work. / CLERK DATE c) Electrical - All electrical signs must be inspected for electri- c31 hoo~ u? after the sign is erected and beiore the sign is turned on. CALL FOR THE REQUIRED I~SPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUll INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769., " ,SPECIAL CONDITlO~S TO /'. ,'-- :.,""";. . .,' . ..,/ -.-" " ," _ . (,..i ~..;, BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: ___' ,/'':;( d--;. (~/)t'V /,-,r;'i~.-:./-f ~" .' /c:.'.; ee',':;;;, t~..., ADilITlO~AL I~FOR.'IATlO~ Ni:EDED Di:FOi<E PW'IT ~IAY BE lS~lJi:U: {' , PL\NS REVIEliED BY: .' ; " .--- j " '\ " '. , -. ~' / .,',\ - ..1 DATE , -, , .~ o..~ INSPECTION LINE 726-3769 -... "I... . - R E QUI RED ~. INS P E C T ION S - INSPECTro~ PROCEDURE FOR THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN STREET INFORMATION LINE 726-3753 Y[lJR CIlY DESIGllAIDl JOB NUilER IS: R 1011P The following indicated inspections are required for your construction at '. ~ t~...." !Yr~:) ~r: It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that all inspections are made at the proper time. that each address 1S readable from the street. and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. ~ SITE INSPECTION: To be made atter excavatlon. but prior to set- up of fonns r-"l UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHANiCAL: To be made betore any work 1S covered ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: ' ,To be ' maae atter trenChes-are excavated and forms are erected. but prior to pouring concrete r-~ UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be maoe prlor to lnstallatlon of floor ins~lation or decking ~ 'POST & BEAM: To be made, prior to installatlon of floor insulation or decking ~E9U~H PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- A~ILAL: NO work 1S to be covered untll these inspections have been made and approved ~ uEEP~CE: Prior to p1acing fac-' 10; ;,latl:rials and before framiilg inspection ~ FRAMING INSPECTION: Must, be re~ , quested after approval of rough plumbing. electrical & mechanical. All roofing. bracing & chimneys. etc. must be completed. No work is to be 0 concealed until this inspection has been "made and aoorove.d. ~." . D FINAL PLUMBING 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL BUILDWG INSPECTH1'IS: ~ ~ INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPEC- flON: To be made atter all insula- tion and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath. gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and before any insulation is con- cealed WOODSTOVES: After installation is completed SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: When re- qUlred by BUllding Code. special inspector to be present when "work is in progress. A copy of the special testing report to be furnished to the Building Division D DRYWALL INSPECTION: after all drywall is' prior to any taping To be made in place, but ~ ~ D Glu-lam Beams: Inspection certificate (by approved agency) supplied to Build- ing Division before"bearns.are placed Structural" Concrete: 3000 P,S,l., In excess of ~ MASONRY: Steel location; bond beams. grouting or verticals in ac- cordance with U,B,C, Section 2415 Structural Welds: the Job Performed on ~ ~ D ~ FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: 'Located & constructed according to plans ATTIC DRAFT STOPS: D Before Instal- Prior Fire Retardant Roofing: lation ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: to installing any roofing 'OTHER INSPECTIONS: May be :in accordance with Building be indicated in plans or by from Building Inspector / requi red Code. to notice SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required for al I concrete paving within street right-of-way, to be ~ade efter all excavating complete & fonn work & . sub-base material in place D CURB AND APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but prior to pour- i n9 concrete SEWER. WATER & DRAINAGE LINES: ~rlor ro tllllna 1n trencnes D D FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ,FIRE DEPARTMENT All project conditions. such as the installation of street trees. completion of the required landscaping. etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested, D Construction projects that required approval by the City's Site Plan Review Board shall be inspected by the Review Board before requesting a final building inspection. Requests "for inspection by the Site Plan Review Board must be made 2 days in advance of the date you wish inspection. ~ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested 'after the Final Plumbing, Electrical ~ and Mechanical Inspections have been made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building Inspection has been made and approved, and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN ISSUED BY THE BUILDING, nIVISION AND POSTED ON THE PREMISES, "~1gnatur~: .~hone: ;" Date; r10BlLE HCl1ES-Your Job' is: OTHER-Your Job' is: D B10cking/Setu~ D Plumbing Connections . Sewer and Water D Electrical Connection From Service to Mobile Home D Electrical ~~~vice Pedistal D Accessory Buildi~g - May require Inspection as Buildings - See Build- ina. Insoections Above . ~ Final - After Porches. Skirting. Decks. etc. are completed Signature Date SIG/lS-Your Job' is: f?11J 73..f D ~ D D D D Site/Location Footing or Method of Attachment E1 ectri ca 1 ORoU9h OFinal Final - After Installation is com- pleted Fence - When Completed Demolition - When Completed }\/!I. 4~'AW!; (~-t r~1 Date ~lgnature Date BUILOWG DIVISIOII APPROVED PLANS SHALL REMAIN ON THE BUILDING SITE AT ALL TIMES. AND ALL WORK MUST BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THOSE APPROVED PLANS, NOTE: All manholes and cleanouts are to be adjusted at no cost to the City. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REOUEST - Call 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job number. job address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspection. Contractors or Owners name and phone numbers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same day. requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the next working day. . o