HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-10-10 .. RESltNTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 I Job !.oc:::ian: l.Q ~ 0 C> 0'\\t) J. 1\ '~'17t-, \ 'I Dr fJ:J5~ \ Tc.:: ~t # (lq I rt) AS3eSa0l'3 .'.!ap II Subdi:J-::'ston: (?"",er: lc..J.l~ ~ ~t-1' AddreB3: LQ ( 0 h N3i\ ~ J^--. City: ,S(lprf:'/ ~ n n n n ']"".1 ~ Add-=: tiC71 Remo"aL :.!QoiZe. ::~o."rla Date of AppLicaticn Con;'l'ac:;o:rs General Plumbing EZactricaZ ,',Iaohar.ic: L ( =j (\ ..... Pr..cme: Zip: D6scribe flork: Vatue Add.....es3 r~ ~N{ ,,6\1\[\Q COJ'lBtl"'t4cticn (.CMl1l' ............ ,~ ~ ~n)\00 ~ .=:'cce:.,:; ':! If) /Pi,y! 0;- (1f-- ( () - f.j'<., L-:'3C. ,., E~il'CS Phon.e '-fir. !~ to the responsibiZity of' ehs permit holder to see that aU i7Wpections are !:'lade at the proper ~im., tJ-:at ~h =ddrSSB is l'ea.::a~:B fl'Offf the street, and that the permit ca:r>d is 1.ocated at the f1'071t of the property. "8ui!di~.g Oiut:;io.-:. approved Flan sr.c.ZZ rer.7ain on tJu; Su-::Zdin? Sit~ at al! tUnGs. PROCEDURE FOR INSP!C'!'fatl REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state yOUI' City desig7"-::zted job no.u;.ber, Job adi...""css, type of in:1PQc"';ic~1 requested (r,",d when you. :.riZZ: be ready for ir.spcctt.on, Contractors :>1'" Owne:-s ru:::ns c11d phone nu.~C1'. Requ&s:s 1'e;..,eiV/,beJ"cr6 7:00 c:: "'iLL ba mada the sama Cc-d. raquest. made afta- 7:00"", /JiLL b. maCa tha =t '-'Orki"i! day, r Your City, Desigr.ated Job /lwnbu IQ: 'P>.... ~ I {)--. ~t:!m,,''1~:'P'''/ T':l,,~p~ti r.'1!\ O SJ,.7E INSPEC':'ION: To be rrr:.ae 6Xcavati.:m, but p-rior :C DB: forms. o a{:.a up of {JllD~asr.AB P!.C.'-!BItIG. ELEC':'.'~IC,l!. 3 :,fECHA,1ICAl.: To be mads be ~or6 uorK is ~ovc~ed. ~ o roOTI?IC ~ F'Ou.'!D,1TIO.'I: To b6 ::'Cde after :renches ars e:cavat~d a,.~ fcr:ns are ereatad, but pzewr ;0 pounr.g cenera;,;:. U.~'DSRG.WW.'D ?~UM3ING. SE:/!R. ;.r,ITE"~r D.I:!AI.'1AGE: To be r.r:ee prior :0 .-'i~- l.ir.g :rencr.ss. o o UNDE.t?:'WOR PLU.'-!Sr:,'G 1 :'1ECHANIC":'!.: To be madB prier :0 in3t:a~lation of [ZOOl' t.rtSUktion or decking. POST AND 3EAN: To be r:-.aac pl"';or to instalLation of /1001' inskZation or dscki"i! ' o o '~(J'-'GH ,?r,lr.fFJI,'.'G_ gr:~~_T:?.!CA~ 1 .'.fECl- ANICAL: No '.JO'!'k is :;0 be cOt.'e'!'tJa ur.~~l thcs~ inspections ~~v~ E:eer. made and =?p!,,~~,::, FI_~E?r.ACE: Prior eo pLc.=i"'.g fc.eing mc.r;er-.:.als a7'.d bej"!'8 [rating inspec- tior.. FP..4HI.YC: '\/1.1.3: be re'f.l.63:ed af'=a1' approv.:;~ of rough plur.iJir.g, Ol'tec:tri- c:al & mecirani..:;al, Al! :'Oof-:.n.g braC"';ng ~ chimno:ys, 8t.=. r.:'..lst :,e oomo tatcd. ;':0 wr'c -::0 :0 06 cen- . aec'lsd until :hia ins'Cec~cn r.as . bee:n ma.d~ and a?pl'Oved. o o c.ny D INSVLATIO.YIVAPCR BA.'l:fRIER DISP=:CTION: To be r.rz:ie after all. insul..::ti:m w.d '. requ~red vapor ea!"!"iers a:r8 in p Zace c-..t:t eejore a:r.y lath, gyp8Ul'lJ board or t.XIU covering :.S c:ppl.i.ed, and befor6 any irwulat;icn ~s ~oncealed. OEgODITION OR .~:OV;; 3f.JILDI:iGS =:J San:i.~;J se:.;eze ~c.:p?ed =: rn:.OPl:1't;i li'!';Q ~ Septi~ ~k F~~~d ~4 f-::l.Zed Lr;:h ~~Q~ I Pinal - :lhen <:xve i:e:::s are c:::m.?Zatcd ---1 cr~ ~hen demcZ~:ior. is C~L~:B or s~~~~- ture movfJd cnC prc:ri.aes ~ leaned up. I Nobile l{c.-r:es ~ 3locking and Sat-~? ~ Plumbing ~onne~~icns sewer and wa:~l' ---, Electrical Connection - Blocki,.~, set-u? ---1 and pbmhing connections r:r..:st CB c:ppr~uc before reque8~ing 8Zec:rical in8pec:io~ .=J Accessol'"',;l' Suit..:iing ~ Fina4 - Aft~r.;~:cr.e8, ski1'tir~, ~ etc. are c~~8~.d. dec.v.s, D D.9."::..IALL I!1S?::CTTOU: 're be .~e after aU cz..;1'!.1aU is in place, but prior to any :apir~. MASONRY: Stesl. location, bo1u: beam3, aroutina 01' ve~~icaL8 in aacordt::itce !Ji~h U.B.C. Sectum 2415. WOODSTOn: After installation is acmplat.::d. ,'" o F'INA~ PLU.\'8!::G All. project cor.di:"':'.?ns, JUc.Z: as che ~:ns:al.Zation of S:l'eec :r8es, :$.":,:?Zilzi,)rj ol :he l"equired 7.andscapir.g, etc., must ~e satisliad o01for9 :r.s 3UILDIt,'C FI.'lAL ~an "6 l'squsstsd. o D ,--:] l---=.r ,~ FI:IA! NE~HA"IICAG o ?INAG BUILDING: The final Eui7.dinq Inspection .':':Ust bs requeated -.;t:ar -:1:03 Pinal ?~ur.:bing eLectrical, and Nechar.ic::.l. Ir.spection3 luwa been made and approlJ2d. FINAL ELSC':'RIC/"r., , o D o CURB & APPROAO! .4P.1?CN: After' forms are <J1'ected out prior ;0 pour"';ng .::oncrete. SIDEWALK & JRI'.'F:'tlI.7: For alL ccn- c:rete paving :.r;thin street right- of-wc:y, :0 be made a;~tar aU axca- vating aompl.eta & ;C~ work & zub- base :~terial in p~e. '+A':L NA:IP.CLFS AND CLEANOUTS "!UST BE ACCSSS:Sf.S, A.DJU5::::!.'JT ':0 BE :.~1CE .'~T ::0 ~~:ST T? CI'!."J I :;I......, of 2 o D ?FNCE: wr.er. compZ.;te -- ?r<nJiC..e gates or movabZe seations through P,u,;;, D I I JOB NO, IZ~a: Lot Sq. F:.;. :: :Jf !.:;e C.:!J61"t:.q: .~ of 5;"l""';83 I " . . , , .. I.o..a' ..J"'..gr... Topo~ity I I':'E.~f I"'l::~n I 5~..C:G l~cC'il , , I ;::=l'~Cl'~ I I :lc=cssol"" I I I '. :'OT,g "lAg'E 1",D.c. I :,'C':';,a~) 1.5 = guildir.g Permit seats SW'aiuzrge TotaL cr.a..woge3 ID'E.\f I :i.:-:ures I ResiaZ11tiaL !l bath) I Sani-tar,! SerJe'l" ;rete!" PLOImbing Perd. t Stata Surc;.~e '!':;ta! croC'!'oes I ::E:,' f .J?cs. Sa. f~a. I :iO'1 1 1 I I I I .v~/E--tend Circ'J.i ts Tempcl'r.rry Service E!e::tr-ical Pe~t St.:t6 Suraharce Total cr.a:rC€s l.rI'!.\1 I'" I :>1;"::" I FUrr"::CR ETV'S "0'1 I E=ha:lst !food i I V.mt ,::11 I I;/oo,;stcoo I 1 I Permit I:Jsu.::::nca !-te::r.ani.c:; L Fem t Sta~e Surdu:::!"'3l: '!'o~nl r:1Yrr'YI!!J E:iCR~ACH.\'E.~rT ! Scc-mt"J IStol'~B DZ'::03it '\!ainten:::r~12 Pcrm.t To~al crL:l'OCS I CurbC"J.:: ! Sid_Z;' I :e~e 1_ '" I ~4ec:MC::," i:..:hflL f 'Z ! .\fob1. a Ht)r.IS I TOTAL :'NGU:IT DUE:.ot ,','0. SOLAR .l:ESS CCC"J.:;ar.c-J G:,';'U::;: r.c'" ..-v:::- !r.:eric1" Corne:" P::r.r.c:r.cle Cut-de-sac x ~"crLue FEE C,~J...;;;GE c.::~_=.cz C!!;'.P.':E I I I I I I I IU,OO I _,4fJ I IlU4u I -~'\ :::----- I I- I I I I I I I I i 1 ! (0,40 I P::.ga 2 , L-COG~ I 11 I I I I I I R EQ,- T.:i':Je/Cor.sr:: 3eQooor.;s: I l.ot; Faces - I I 2,[, 11Io:"th IEaso is''''th [West ~ner~'..J SU.J.r':es . .~'ear: Tu-:.e Si!tcacKS House ' I CCI'c.~e I [ Access. :late'" :.:","".o:i<!" Ranqe .~ireoiGce :looa:;;;ot.'e Fees Building Value & Permit 'This pe~t ia granted on the express condition that the said.construc=ion shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance =dopeed oy the C~ty of ,Spl"';ngfieZd, -:.nc!uding :he Zoning Crdinar:ce, rtJgulc=il~g the ccr.stl"'.lC't-:.cn and use of ~uiZdings, and m~y be au:;;pended or reuoked at cr.y time upor. uic- lation of any pr:Juisior.s of said Ordi.....ances. 12lan ChecJ< Fee: 'Cate Paid: IR~Cf:iPt #: S'-'r-ed: I I I I I Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, ins=alZ, aZter or change any r4W or e=istir.g plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a ualid plumber's license, except tr~t a p8:"son may do plumbing work to proper~~ which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. / I- I 1 I I I I I I- Electrical Perm it Where State LoJ.J t'equires tr.at the electricaL work be dene by an Sle:::t'M.cal Contmctot', the electrical pot'tion of this pe!'!':tit shaH r.ot be valid until the Zabel has bl:en signed by the Electrical ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit ~ Pl.an E=am;..ner va<:<l I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.I1INED t.tw compZeted appl:.catiol1 for permi=.. and de hereoy certify that alL i~fo~.ation hereon is true and cort'~ct, and I f.uother certilY that any ar.d aZl T.;ork psrjo"ffl1ed shall be eone in ac=or- dance :..rith tha Ordin::nces of the City at Springficl.d, and :h.; Lc:.;s oj' t;:a Sta.te of Greg:;n p$r-:.=in:.ng to the war,", aesC'!"';bcd herein, c:nd =.hat: .vo OCC!J- Pt.!ICl :.rill be made of any 3truct'ue mtnc...,: permission :;1 the 3uiZdil1lJ D";. vision. I further oerti-I'd tr.a.t cr.:iy ::ontraau.rs ar.d ~l..:;yees r.:r.o G1'e in compliance with ORS ?Ol.05~ will be used on this projsct '- /~~ t --::i' ' / ~gn.ta .4""- ~ ......-:. . e.--~' 1:6..