HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2003-6-2 . Status Issued . CITY OF SPRIr~"'1<IELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2003-00441 ISSUED: 06/02/2003 APPLIED: 06/02/2003 EXPIRES: 12/02/2003 VALUE: $ 16,490.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line SITE ADDRESS: 612 MAIN ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO,: 1703353108800 Springfield TYPE OF WORK: ReRoof TYPE OF USE: New Commercial PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Commercial reroof Owner: ANTIQUE PEDDLERS Address: PO BOX 112 SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor License INC WILLAMETTE ROOFING & CONSTR 63512 .n ANTIQUE PEDDJ~EWi\ . ~0"''\~(i''BiiIDD1NG INFORMATION I ,;$' ....0 .., 'I; - 0;; 0'"" ~0 ~ .0":1 # of Buildings: ~ ,'0 0<; Po f/j 9:- OJ ,#'of;Sto~ies: Lot Size: Primary Occupancy Group: "f/j ~0 B~ O"?' ~0 Hci'glit'1,f Structure Sq Ft 1st Floor: ~~.\ ,v ~ ,~ Q'" .r.V .l Secondary Occupancy Group:' o~-, c.,0 .~. <Y 0l'I)'pe of Heat: Sq Ft 2nd Flo,\~~~o( Primary Construction Typ'P';.'O ~~O'V:N:i '>.0'" ~0~ -,-Water Type: Sq Ft Ba~e ~t:~,,~' ,,'~ 0 ., ~" ~ ~. .\' ..\)l' ^ '\' Secondary Constructi~-TYJle:0" .....(;)~ <,0 ~0' ,~"\~Jnge Type: Sq Ft.~ ~"'il'iQ.ort # of Bedrooms: -t-'" r:o f/j 0~ ~(;) ~~ ~O ~~ n;Energy Path: ~~~"J ~~ ",(() ,-2$-0 ~(J >:>" &~ 0,~,...f",:,:>~ ~;Vl~~~fnceArea: ,(" _, . " <:3 .\ _~ .0:-'.) ,",'V , .:\.W......('\ Y~~~~f,)~~ O:j":>~v (:.'V 0 V~~0V. 0,.-DEVELOPMENT INFORMA TION ~ S~'Y-;<t.~ ~~~~y SETBACKb"?' ~O ~'$' &~ r/;-' \'iJ"~' ~~ n {O ~, REQUIRED PARKING <;:> ~ 9;)(;)' ~t::' I-.~ ~ ~~ q,<t.~ <t.~ ~" ~ Front yard Setbaek:~ (;)<::5 v~ '$:)0 (;'0 Overlay Dist: ~ t.> ';:}~'\) r..,<t.<::) q,<t.~ Total: Side I Setback: ~v~ # Street Trees Rqd:'\~ ~'\~ ~<t.~ <::)~ Handicapped: Side 2 Setback: Paved Drive Rqd: ~ "-~ 'O~ Compact: ,," '" '\ Renryard Setback: % of Lot Coverage: ~~ Solar Setbacks: Contractor Type General Owner Expiration Date 01/09/2004 Phone 541-688-5000 I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Sidewalk Type: Downspouts/Drains: Notes: I Valuation DescriDtion I Description Type of Construction $ Per Sq Ft Square Footaee Value Date CaIculnted Paee 1 of 2 . Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541.726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspection Line Bid Amount Use Bid Amount 16,490,00 $1.00 Total Value of Project Fp.p.s Paid I Fee Description + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Building Permit Amount Paid Date Paid $16,20 $11.34 $162,00 6/2/03 6/2/03 6/2/03 Total Amount Paid $189,54 I Plan Reviews I . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2003-00441 ISSUED: 06/02/2003 APPLIED: 06/02/2003 EXPIRES: 1210212003 VALUE: $ 16,490.00 $16,490,00 $16,490.00 06/02/2003 Receipt Number 1200200000000001392 1200200000000001392 1200200000000001392 To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will bc made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m~ will be made the following work day. I Rp'olJirp.d 'nsop.dinnsJ Roofing: Prior to installing any roof covering, By signature, I state and agree, that 1 have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and 1 further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project, I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. ~).~. Owner or Contractors Signature Paee 2 of2 () r; I (!;,). I ()i' Date 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone City of Springfield Development Services Department ~ Public Works Department Official Receipt Receipt #: 1200200000000001392 Date: 06/02/2003 COM2003-0044I COM2003.0044I COM2003.00441 Description Building Permit + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Amount Paid JoblJournal Number Item Total: 162.00 11.34 16.20 $189,54 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard Paid By WILLAMETTE ROOFING Received By djb Check Number Confirm No How Received In Person Payment Total: Amount Paid 000083 002804 189.54 $189,54 . . 6/2/2003 10:30:39AM Page I of I cReccipt.rpt ^ ~ . on " c.::: il ;Z ;;; t;: ;., CIl 0 S!' 0 '" ..=: ~ " 0 0:: ..: ~ '" p:l OJ ::E ~ (:.J ::E 00 '" g(j)iD --0)0') '~Ol Cl~~ CQl_ t;::..cUJ oE~ o Cl '0::: ~ ~ -oel: "'z", '" Ql -t '" o Ql ~ " ~ ~ Cl Ql C. ~ en ~ I . . o ~~ 0: Ul ai :J<(i iJ~ . 1. PRODUCT NAMe; Duro.Last'" Specially Formulated Roofing Membrane 2. MANUFACTURER Duro.Last Roofing, Inc. 525 Morley Drive Saginaw, MI 48601 Phone: (517) 753.6486 (800) 248-0280 Fax: (800) 432-9331 Branch Offices Grants Pass, OR Phone: (800) 356--6646 Fax: (800) 566.2698 Jackson, MS . Phone: (800)434.38i6 Fax: (800) 566-4478 Sigourney, IA Phone: (888) 500-3574 Fax: (888) 501.3574 3, PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Basic Use: The Duro.Last single- ply roofing system is a pre. fabricated waterproofing system used in the following applications: . Re.cover over existing systems . New construction . Both combustible a.nd noncom- bustible decks Llmitatlons: Duro.Last Membrane must not be installed over assemblies with saturated under. lying insulation or directly over existing. roof without proper separation. . Composition and Materials: Duro.Last Membrane is a proprietary thermoplastic formula- tion consisting of resins, plasticizers, stabilizers, fungicides, flame retardants, and U.Y. absorbers which is laminated to a weft inserted polyester fabric, It is available in white, tan and gray. Sizes: For ease of handling and reduced field seams and installation time, Duro.Last. Inc. dielectrically welds material in large sheets, up to 230 square meters (2500 square feet) as specified by architects, ccntractors, or installers. The membrane weighs .27 Ibs. per sq.ft. Accessory Components: Duro. Last, Inc. produces a ccmplete line of standard and custom fabricated accessories. These accessories are made from the exact same sheets and are made in the Duro- Last factory, not on 'the roof. Standard Accessories: Round pipe flashings from 2.5 em .(1") to 38 em (15") in diameter, inside and outside corners, ':-No-way roof vents. roof drain liners, gravellwater stop with factory welded Duro-Last skirts. termination bar, and fascia with cover and joint clips, Custom Made Accessories: Round pipe flashings greater than 38 cm (15"), parapet viall flashings, scuppers and curbs for all types of roof penetrations, i.e.. HVAC units, skylights, chimneys, etc. If there is a need for a custom flashing which has not been,. mentioned. send in a drawing and, if it can be made, Duro-Last will make it. Applicable Standards: . Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.. 'Class A and B (R-l01128); Factory Mutual Research Class 1--60, 1-90, 1-150: Dade County, FL: City of Los Angeles, CA; City of Denver, CO: . HUD Material Release 1223: City of New York, NY 421.90-M and 422- 90-M: ICBO-SBCCI.BOCA (NER'- 227). 4, TECHNICAL DATA Please refer to page 2 for physical properties and test results. 5, .INSTALLATION Duro-Last Roofing. Inc. provides detailed application instructions and training for roofing contractors and consulting services to architects, engineers arid specifiers. The fol. lowing are general instructions for installing the Duro-Last system. Deck Surface Preparation: The substrate on which Duro-Last membrane is to be applied must be clean, smooth, free of sharp edges, loose debris and standing water. Gravel should be leveled. All surface preparations must be done in strict accordance with the Duro- Last application specifications. InsulatlOfl: Insulation must be laid on the deck and cut neatly around all penetrations. It must then be mechanically attached with ap- proved' fasteners according to the Duro-Last specifications. Do not lay more insulation than can be covered in the same day, Stagger the insulation boards 50% from row to row. Placement: Using the roof layout diagram, select the proper marked and rolled pre-manufactured sheet of Duro.Last membrane. Orient the membrane so the fastening. tabs are perpendicular to the ribs or corrugations of steel deck or to the width of pre-stressed concrete T' slabs. Secure the membrane to the roof deck through the fastening tab . with approved faste.ners and plates, in accordance with Duro.Last spe. . SPEC4 C This Spec-OIUl sn"l eonlClrms to )::- eclitanal style j)/'UalI:lOl2 Oy The ConstNe::ion So.dlo;alic:ln. InSUllJlll. -I Th. manuta=ur.r is resoonsll:lle l:Jf "",,,<:>1 "~'Ol. )::- cifications, Unfold the sheet thus covering the fastening tab. Continue unfolding until the next fastening tab appears. Fasten this tab to the deck and repeat the above process until the complete sheet is installed. Penetrations: During the afore- mentioned procedure, make cutouts in the membrane for protrusions. Fasten around cutouts with Duro- Last approved fasteners. The skirt of the factory-fabricated acces- sories when welded to the deck membrane, will cover these cutouts. Breather Vents: One Duro.Last ':-Nocway breather vent must be installed for each 90 square meters. (1000 square feet). Duro-Last vents must be installed according' to the Duro-Last specifications. Parapet Walls: Curo-Last custom fabricated parapet wail flashings are designed for each individual ap- plication. Sec~re through the fastening tab at the bottcm of the wall using approved fasteners and plates. The factory dieiectricaily welded skirt will cover the fasteners when it is heat weided to the deck sheet. 6, AVAILABILITY AND COST The Duro.Last. roofing system is available throughout the United States and Canada' through the Duro.Last Dealer/Contractor ne':-Nork and our area repre- sentatives. For pricing information contact Duro.Last Roofing, Inc. for the nearest Duro-Last Sales Representative. i, WARRANTY Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. wiil fumish to the building owner either a 20- year or 15-year warranty for watertightness. The 20-year warranty covers both' material and labor for repair or replacement for the first 10-years.' The second 1 a.years is prorated and covers material only. The 15-year warranty covers material and. labor for repair or replacement for the full 15 years. 07500 .. , . , '-.-../ 3, Deck: C.15/32 Incline: No Limitations Existing Roof System: A. Class A, B or C mineral or smooth surfaced'asphalt fdt rooting system, covered with: B. Single.ply (modiliod bitumen) roof system, covered with: C. Class A, B or C asphalt organic leIl or glas., libcr mat shingl"", covered wilh: Slip Sheel: A. One layer Lydall "Manniglas 1151" foil side down, mechanically fastened. S. Two layers AU.., Energy Products "FR. I 0", mechanically fasterit.."d. Membrane: "Duro--Last@"(PVC), mechanically lastened. . ,~J1!S~JA, B or C . .-.D!~J!!!!!IcaUYJE~tefied~ td~\De'[K;:G!j:s732~'I6Cffife~2-'~~ ~!i~tijjjf~Rijof.SVst~jf.Q!l!Jls..2, B or C, elassiti"'lIi:.qn;t~ ~!fi!~M~@~ea.!-.'Yi\ll: '. . ,J.\;I"'i.m,lJr..J!!.':,:~1t~I)a~~;..(!'~C);,m~~c.ijIlYlf@~. ~WiigtiQiif1cljj..."t1Clitim;rreiiiiiiDSTtJ.i;..S!iii!"'t 2. Deck: C.15/32 Incline: 2 Existing Roof System: Class A, B or C BUR, smooth surface,. cap' sheet or gravel surfaced; gravel must be maintained' at 400 Ibs. per sq. and existing Classitication will remain Insulation: PI)mouth Foam ProducL' "Ultra-Fold TPM" or Ultra-Guard TPM", mechanically fastened. Memhranc: "Durl>-LosI<!>" (PVC), mechanically fastened. UL Wind Uplift Resistance I. Uplift Resi;tance: 150 psf Deck: Steel, min 22 gauge . Insulation: UL Classilied polyisocyanurate, any thickness. Membrane: "Duro.Last@" (PVC), mechimicaJly fastened with Duro--Last(!j) No. 14 steel screws and 2.inch Poly. Plales. Fasteners positioned 12.inches O.C. along fastening tabs in rows spaced 27.inches O.C. 2, Uplift Resistance: 90 psf Deck: Steel, min 22 gauge Insulation: UL Classitied polyisocyanurate, any thickness. Membrane: "Durl>-Last@" (PVC), mechanically fastened with Durl>-Last@ No. 14 sleel screws and 2.inch Poly. Plates. Fasteners positinned 12.inches O,C.'nlong fastening labs in TOWS spaced 57-inches O.C. 3. Uplift Resistance: 60 psf Deck: Steel, min 22 gauge Insulation: UL Classilied polyisocyanurate, any thickness. Membrane: "Durl>-Last@" (PVC), mechanically fastened with Duro--Last@ No. 14 steel screws and 2.inch Poly. Plates. Fasteners positioned 18.inches O.C. along fastening tabs in rows spaced 57-in~hes O.C. REV./II01199 UL-7 . Canadian Listing ULI@ of Northbrook, IT.. has signed agreemenL' with the appropriate Canadian code organizations allowing our current UL@ listings to be used in Canada lUlder the CUL@ and ULC program. . Single Ply Membrane Systems Class A - Ballasted " I. Deck: NC Maximum Incline: 1:6 Insulation: Any ULC Listed isocyanurate (tapered or lUliform thickness), 'any thickness ULC Listed EPS insulation (tapered or uniform thickness), any thickness covered wilh Owens.Coriting "Roof Deck Board". Membrane: "Duro-Last@"(PVC). Surfacing: River bottom stone (I9 to 38 mm dinm), 490 kgll 0 m' Single Ply Membrane Systems Class A - Mechanically Fastened I. Deck: C. I3 mm Plywood Maximum Incline: 1:4 Barrier Board: Gypsum, 13 mm min, joint offset 150 nun from joints. Insulation (Optional): A. Celotex "Star AP" or "Hy.Tec", any thickness B. AUas Energy Products "AC Foam 11", any thickness C. Owens-Corning "Roof Deck Boards". Membrane: "Durl>-Last@" (PVC). 2. Deck: NC Maximum Incline: 1:4 Insulation (Optional): A. Celotex "Star AP" any thickness. B. Atlas Energy Products "AC Foam II", any thickness C, Owens--Coriting "Roof Deck Boards". Membrane: "Durl>-Last@"(PVC). . 3. Deck: NC Unlimited Incline Membrane: "Durl>-Last@"(PVC) 4. Deck: NC Maximum Incline: 1:4 Insulation: Celotex "Star AP", any thickness mechanically fastened or adhered. Membrane: "Duro-Last@" (PVC). S. Deck: C.13 mm Plywood Unlimited Incline Insulation: Any ULC Classified EPS insulalion (tapered or inform thickness) or polyisocyanurate, any thickness, mechanically fastened. Barrier Board: Gypsum, 13 mm, mechanically laslened. Membrane: "Duro-La.<t~" (PVC), mechanically faslened. 6.' Deck: NC Maximum Incline: 1:12 Insulation: Atlas Energy Products "AC Foam II", 25 mm min. Membrane: "Duro--Last@"(PVC). 1. Deck: NC Maximum Incline: 1:6 Insulation: NRG Barriers "E'NRG'V 25 nun, uny thickness, mechanically fastened. Membrane: "Duro-Los~@" (PVC) UL & ULC NOli 99.doc