HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-30 liISI'ECf IOU L1il( . LIlY UF SI'RItIGf IElU tHOR/1AT: .:1 LI..:, 726-)109 _ COIIBI1IM~P~ATION/PERMIT 726-J753 Job Mdress lOt)~ \\'\C\U\ \.rx\~ Q r, ' ~~~~r,Y SOURCES: ;~: ~~~: ~~~~ss. I.e~al Oe<<rlpt Ion V \ ()~ ~c::::: ~ \ Q'f!:/iu) lIater lIeater So. Ftq. Other lIel., . Add f1.1 ter ~eo. --rente Oemo Change/Use owne:V~~' ~\( v~. WI -\')-:Y)' \ .!1 0 . . . DIm cO-Other- - ,\ddrCSS'~, . C::., -~f"\, - "(\1'1 , Phone Uui It, no Permi l Info+-, Uescnhe I-lorkl i.e.. Bui Id Single <).... \. l \ , \\}.).. ~ Jr r.lr.\i v nesidcnce Ui th Jlttached r.arane) con~r~~~ t_~\Q~ ~ry\( \Ii ~. ,\JJress fI II nallle Primary Structural Electrical Ranrte I I ' OJ' 6 I~! I I Phone address nO.J_l cxnlres !1echanical ::::::~T~\rlc;~n~_m (\C). d)lr~re~~[)f{JM VVi~'qni\~\~'nlrp<l Plumblno ~ ~ \ . Electrical n~Ch~niCrll PlUIIBlllG j;O. -ITL CIIARGE Each single fixture I ReloccHed bui Iding (new fix. additional) IS.F. P.esidence r I hdth I -----Iouple' (1 bath) each jAdditional bath I ~!ater service I Sewer _____IStorm Sewer I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I- I I 'T I I 1- ~\~hJf~ ELECTRICAL I 1_ --EEL .ClIAl!!.( .JIlL... I..llLI.ClIARliL' I I I I 1-' I I I I I MCCl/ANICAl JIlL! !ReSidence of furnace/burner to ! Dill', SQ. FT. New circuits aIls. or extensions I Floor furnace and vent I I Recessed wa 11 ,_ l\nu'p llitpr ~nri I I I I I / I I I vpnt /SERVICES -----I I Temporary Construct ion IChanrye in existing rp<;;dpn('p ImultifamilY, conF.l. or 1 nrlllc;,tri.lI I Apol iance .vent ".f"O.31",HP I Stationary cvap. cooler I Vent fan ,.,i th sinole duct I Vent system apart from I heatin~ or A.C. I Ncchanical exhaust hood ."Ind due r jlJOOd stove/heater 'Of ICor~I.IINO. FCEDERS II ns ta II /a I tel"!re lacHe n;c;,trih fppdprc;, IOf amp~1 I I I I I I amps.1 I SSIIANCf OF PFmll T TOTAL CHARGfS TOTAL CIIARGES HIIEP.E STATE l,ill REQUIIIES that the Electrical "ark be done by an shall not be vali'J until the label has been si!Jned by an Electr.ic.l1 TOTAL CIIARGES Electricill Con-tractor. the electrical nartion of this pemit Surerv1sor and returned to the Building Division I HAVE CAflUULLY EXNlltl(1) l~le completed apnlication for r)crmlt, MHI do her"clov certify that all information hereon is true and correct. and I further certify that any and all ,...ork nerfonned shall be done' in accordance with the Ordinances of the Cfty of Soringfield and the laws of the State of Oreoon nert.linin9 to the work described her"ein, and th<1t IlC OCCl!rAIlCY \...i II be made of any structun~ without the nermission of lh~ lI11ilclin~ Division. f further certify that fl'I,Y rp.!]istration \-sith the Builder's Ooud is in full force and cffect as required by or:s 701.055, that if exelll()t the h.1Sis for exemntion is noted hereon. and that only subcontractors and er:lpfoyees .\...ho are in comnliance with Or.S 701.055 ,',.ill be used on this nroject. IIA:1E(please print) i.AI / /;,. r.-' /J/I P..rt-r.'j/ OATE .5 -;? Il - It SIr.rIATI!RF. W~~ 1Jl-!1J~- FO~ OrFIC[ USF. OIILY , Zone Fire 70ne Flood Plain Tyoe/Cons t. Bedrooms Stories DUllOIrIG PER/lIT Char']es an~ Surcharges \ ^ I --\J3'~- Units Occy load Occy Group s~" H~. Ita in SQ. Ftg. Access SQ. rtg. Other x V.llue x Value x Value TOTAL VALUATIOII Plan Ck. 65!/Gldo Plan Ck. JOX/Bldn .. I Fence ------------, Dr.mo --------___J Sidewalk I Ale Pavinq I Curb Cut I PlU'iDIIIG PERMIT C~arges and Surchar'ges . ClECTRIC/;l PERI~IT CharQes and Sut'charl)es I1ECllAlIlCAl PERlllT Charges and SurcharlJes COlllTl/lnd Per f:"pl'> fles P€'r Fep Systcr.Js Development Char'Qe (1.5".) I I I I I I I (d5 G3 ITotal (amb. rermit : iOTAl . COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnish .A. Job Address B. Legal Description 1. e~mple~ Td~l 100, lane County Map Reference ----U uj 4J ~ 2. ..amnle- Lnt 1. Block 3. 2nd Additinn to ~pnllgfield (slales .C. Name. etc. of owner and construction lender D. Energy Sources 1. examr]le- heat/electrical ccilin~/or forced air qas 2. examole- waterheater/electrical/or solar L Square footage or valuation, etc. - 1. examole- 1250 sq. foot house. 500 sq. foot garage 2. exampJe- if new project, checknew _ if addition, check add. etc. F. Building permit information: 1. example - construct sin!Jle family house with an a ttachcd gilrage 2. examoJe - r~nodel existing garage into family room J. examole - convert single family residence into restaurant (change of use) G. Value of \'Iark as dcfincIJ in Section 303 (a) of the Structura f Spec iil lty Code J , I II. DESIGN TEN I AND COrlTRACTOrlS To avoid design or const"uclion .delays, Buildiflg ~ivision Staff must be able to contact ilppropriute persons regarding cJesign infonnation or job site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, ~lechanlcal. & Electrical Schedules A~ Except "/here blank spaces Occur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fiJl-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate itern(s} to be installed B. Full Plumbing, ~lechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. If the item(s} to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES ANO CHARGES 011 TIlE SCHEDULES D. As noted on the CAP, the label must be deliverelJ to the electrical contractor' for signature by Ids electrical supervisor. The general contractor is not authorized to sign the electrical label. III, Applicant to sign and date Whenever Possible. the initial application will be used as a worksheet only. ~here possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature, IV. Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and,payable at the time of the application, and no plans \",ill be prOCeSSed until these fees are paid. All other fees anLl charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE OrlLY e . . PERMIT VALIDATION /3CjQ-:s !~ 30) \~~ I ~ i I " Permi t Cler~(OO ) ~ I PROJECT CONOITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAtICY: J I ~ Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's Iloard because: Additional Project Infonnation: PLANS REVIEWED IlY: name signature , . da te